Reepi that was a great trailer and it did highlight a lot of the great camera work.
I love this kind of topic too Littlej. I am highly interested in video production. So this is also my kind of topic!
The Hobbit in theaters: 14 December 2012
Where are the shaky cameras in VDT? I guess I'm thinking of the "shaky" effects that were used in Hunger Games, and I can't remember that in VDT.
I'd have to agree with everyone that PC has the best cameras (like the opening scene and through Glenstorm's legs, and the zoom from Tarva and Alambil towards the screaming queen, etc, etc). HOWEVER, in defense of VDT's cameras , I loved the shot when the water covers up Caspian and Aslan (okay, obviously animated, but super cool), and the shots of the camera when Eustace is a dragon (and you are looking over his wings), and the shots of Edmund when Eustace flies off with him, and the camera when Reep is singing and it flies across the Dawn Treader and the through the sail to where he's singing (one of my favorite shots), and the shot after the battle when Edmund is on the rigging and it zooms quickly backwards (another favorite!), and the shot at the beginning of the movie after Caspian introduces Edmund and Lucy and we get the sweeping shot of the ship, and all the camera work in the scene when they get pulled into Narnia, and the very first shot (I'm moving backwards through the movie, can you tell?
), where it turns and comes down into Cambridge, and the shot of Eustace's room (which brilliantly captures the first line of VDT "once there was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb...").