four days! yay! I can't wait! I want to see both TS3 and the VotDT trailer! yay! yay!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
^ Wow, thanks for that update. I totally forgot it was coming so soon!
av by dot
^^ ditto I can't believe it's this week! wow! finally we will be able to see some real shots of VotDT!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I'm sooo excited, probably even more than I was for the PC trailer!
What's one thing you all really would like to see in the trailer?
For me, it's the Dawn Treader and Eustace (ok, ok that's more than one thing. ). I can't wait to see more than just a glimpse or a photo of them both!
av by dot
Three More Days! We are getting so much closer
Yes from what we've heard, we'll probably see a lot of Eustace in the trailer.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Heh, maybe they didn't want a longer trailer, because they don't want the audience see too much. (Do they have something to hide or what )
The impression I get from some comments is that this might be the World's first invisible trailer. Just show the Fox/Walden logos, the movie's title, a blank screen in between with some stock music, and end with the release date and a message: Now that we've shown you so little of VDT (nothing actually, we fooled you into thinking you saw something) , bet you can't wait to see the premiere of the first one quarter of VDT on Dec. 10th, 2010.
This will be the first time a movie has been released in quarters/fourths. We don't believe in showing too much before the movie is released so we want to be consistent and not overwhelm you with the actual full-length release as is traditional. One fourth at a time in the theaters/cinema and for the DVD we will at last put it all together for your viewing pleasure.
No, I am not serious. Yes, this was meant to be light and fun and an intentional exaggeration. I also believe we will see something from VDT this Thursday.
There is definitely no "a" in definite.
The Mind earns by doing; the Heart earns by trying.
I'm pretty sure the reason behind the lack of video footage has nothing to do with the quality of the video, but with Fox's marketing strategy. So far their marketing has been similar to Avatars in several ways. Avatar put out their first trailer last approx. 6 months before the release, and then about a month before it was released they put out a very long theatrical trailer. I'm thinking they will do something similar for VDT.
Check out "The Magician's Nephew" and "The Last Battle" trailers I created!
GlimGlum you are scaring me more then f_k's new topic: Trailer "Not here yet", but I found out it was just a new locked discussion to talk about the trailer once it is released.
Now I'm scared that the trailer might just be this ten second thing like Last Airbender's first trailer where they show hardly anything except four seconds of footage of the Dawn Treader and then the title and that's all. I will rip out strands of my hair if this happens to happen. We've all been anxious and anticipated this trailer to come out for so long. the least they can do is show us a 1 minute and 20 second trailer.
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Now I'm scared that the trailer might just be this ten second thing like Last Airbender's first trailer where they show hardly anything except four seconds of footage of the Dawn Treader and then the title and that's all.
Well I can calm those fears right now. icarus found a website in Canada that gives trailer ratings and time lengths. The trailer rating is G ( ) and will be 2:01 in length. (That was on the previous page in case you missed it)
Thank you for verifying that for me fantasia_kitty. I had no idea. I always miss that sort of legit news.
Can't wait just 3 more days for the trailer! I'm now hopping up and down
Long Live King Caspian & Queen Liliandil Forever!
Jill+Tirian! Let there be Jilrian!
Now it's two more days! Oh wow The teaser is two minutes long! That is a very great time for a teaser. I was thinking that we were going to have a 1:20 trailer. This makes me the more excited now. I hope we see a lot that will answer a few things for the movie in the trailer. I can't wait.
Co-Founder of Jilrian Club, Jill/Tirian. PM DamselJillPole or me to join.
A proud Supporter of the Caspian/Lilliandil Romance!
I support Laura Brent!
OK, since there are less than two days to go, I should write down my predictions for the trailer.
Here we go:
0: Company Logos (Given)
1: Trailer will probably begin with a crane shot of Cambridge.
2: A voice clip from Lucy &/or Eustace seems likely.
3: A shot of the painting, followed by a shot of water flooding out of the painting.
4: A shot of the children floundering in the water and then one of them being pulled onto the ship.
5: A short dialogue with Caspian & Reepicheep establishing the reason for the voyage overlaying a series of shots from other parts of the movie.
6: Some sort of inspiring comment from Lucy.
7: A series of disjointed shots overviewing the entire film.
8: A few shots of Lucy with the magician's book with quotable lines about the voyage.
9: A few end-of-the-world clips with a glimpse of Ramandu's daughter.
10: Montage of clips showing the most exciting parts of the movie, including a dragon attack & the sea serpent.
11: The end title with the music: "dun, da, da, dun, dun, dun; dun, da, da, dun, dun, dun; DUN, DA, DA, DUN, DUN, DUN, DUN!!!"
How's that for a guess?
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
Movie Aristotle, you missed one important part!
10-1/2: Aslan roars.