You go into Narnia Withdrawal after leaving the theatre where you just watched PC for the first time!
You know you're a Narnia Fan when...
"In the end, there is something to which we say: 'This I must do.'"
- Gordon T. Smith
avi by Flambeau
you sign up for at least 2 narnia fan sites
you know you're a narnia fan when...
Team Edward and Team Jacob are overrated. I'm Team Avatar!
Find me on Tumblr!
Avvie by Rising_Star
You have a total freakout when your friends says, "I met a really nice guy called Caspian Jephurn today"
(No kidding, this actually happened!)
You know you're a Narnia fan when...
Proud that VDT is Australian
siggy by lover of narnia, avie by jillhope
You got a Spanish copy of PC for your birthday, even though you can't read a word of it! (I'm so guilty.)
You know you're a Narnia fan when...
Founder of the Dragon Fan Club - PM me to join!
Team Hoodie!
I've met Michael English!
Avie and sig by theprincessspy.
You and your friends keep looking for a way to get into Narnia.
You know yo're a Narnia fan when...
May the force be with you!
I LOVE Pixar & Disneyland!!!!
Your friend hides your DVD of LWW, to see how you react, and you completely freak out!
You know you're a Narnia fan when...
Avatar and Signature by lover of narnia Thank you!
You convince your parents to watch Prince Caspian in French saying it's education just so you can watch it again.(I did this and it worked, I got to watch it again although it was in French.)
You know you're a Narnia Fan when...
You want to go to England on your senior trip just because theres a chance you might see Skandar and Georgie and all them ... Lol we talked about this today. bahah
You know you're a Narnia fan when...
" We have nothing if not belief"
You're watching Narnia again,again, and agian for so many times, you lost count! Watching it right now as we!
You know you're a Narnian fan when.....
"We have nothing if not belief"
You wear your Narnian jewelry so much that it becomes a permanent staple of your wardrobe.
You know you're a Narnian fan when...
...when you write a post on N-web before bed, and then dream that it was to replied to by a certain member in your sleep. Had that happen last night... (Though would that be, you know that you're a Narnia-web fan?)
You know you're a Narnia fan when...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
whenever you see a lion and scream "Look it's ASLAN!!!"
you know you're a narnia fan when....
Team Edward and Team Jacob are overrated. I'm Team Avatar!
Find me on Tumblr!
Avvie by Rising_Star
...when you anyone write a word that starts with "nar," you fight the urge to change it to say "Narnia."
you dance to the Narnia soundtracks in your backyard (I have done this!)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know your a Narnia Fan when.....
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are name your grandpa's calves (the baby cows) "Narnia," "Caspian," "Rillian," and "Macready."
You know you're a Narnia fan when...
Hoot Owl of NarniaWeb!
Relient K club member
avie and siggie by me
NWtwin:Sleepwalking NWsibs:8