Tell her, "This wasn't really your gift, it was an appetizer for something to come!" and try to find her something else slightly better looking than the vase.
You find out your best friend is a secret agent from a mysterious land, and accidently reveal his secret to everyone at school. WWYDD?
I'd join him/her because I've always wanted to be a secret agent. (Even if now neither of us would be very secret and my friend might be killed by his/her employers for "letting the cat out of the bag.")
You wake up and find yourself in a capsule on the moon. WWYDD?
NW twin to Aravis_Tarkheena011.
Brother to Weirdo.
A fanatic Sparrow.
Enjoy the view. I hear that the Andes look particularly good from there.
The capsule has very dirty windows and you can't see out. What would you do, dearie?
Avi by Jillhope.
Find a radio and see if I can get help.
Little green men break into your capsule and point guns at you. WWYDD?
Seeking comic book artist, PM for details.
Put my hands up and surrender!
The little green men take you to their leader on their planet, wwydd?
Love God, love people
Say "hello" and try to make an alliance on behalf of the Federation. (Star Trek reference.
You want to go to the Superbowl but you can't afford tickets. WWYDD?
av by dot
Pay for half a ticket and only sit on half the chair...
You blow up your house doing a crazy awesome experiment. WWYDD?
NW twin to Aravis_Tarkheena011.
Brother to Weirdo.
A fanatic Sparrow.
Capture a vid of it, post the vid on Youtube and solicit donations for a new house.
You find out that the entire world is about to flood with ice cream....WWYDD?
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
Tell the world to get ready for an Ice Cream Avalanche by raiding stores for fudge, bananas, and cherries to compliment the stuff. Then I'd start a world-wide blog and tell everyone to eat it as it comes... I guess?
You find out that tomorrow is your last day on earth. WWYDD?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
Start planning my life on the moon.
You accidently destroy NarniaWeb forever. WWYDD?
Mark my words, someday I will think of something brilliant to put in my sig.
Weep. If I had the capacity to destroy it, hopefully I would be able to bring it back again...? =)
You burnt your brother's chocolate cake, and there's no time to make a new one. WWYDD?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Stick a candle in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and start singing "Happy Birthday" to him!
You are watching a friend's dog and when you bathe the dog, you accidentally dye the white dog purple and your friend is returning tomorrow, wwydd?
Love God, love people
pace around in he kitchen making up excuses
you are meant to be at your brother's birthday party but instead go to a movie with friends and as you are sneaking back inside your house, you get caught by your mother. wwydd?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Apologize for how heretical I am. (I'm usually the person who's trying to make everyone be home for B-days).
You're out of dental floss and you're snowed in so you can't get to town (which is 11 miles away) to get some. WWYDD?
Avi by Jillhope.
Steal someone else's.
It is below freezing outside, but you want to go wading. WWYDD?