Run through! I like snow! If I find out that it's Narnia, be even more excited.
You are starting to go outside, when you hear a loud "Boom!" and see a large and brief flash. When the flash is gone, you find that the lamppost near your house has set on fire. It was probably shocked by lightning. Then, it starts raining, which puts out the fire. WWYDD?
I'm the brother of Dinode and UltimateSchweetWarrior.
I've met fantasia_kitty, starkat, and daughter of the King, all of whom are a mod or admin. the member chat broken, or is that just me...?
Jump! from the noise, and then be grateful for the rain. Double check there is no fire left!
You are walking home in the woods, and find a bear has been following you for the last few minutes! WWYDD?
The Value of myth is that it takes all the things you know and restores to them the rich significance which has been hidden by the veil of familiarity. C.S. Lewis
Keep walking, coolly and causally, and grip my gun a little bit tighter.
You're climbing Mt. Fuji when suddenly the mountain rumbles and smoke belches from a crack in the earth. To your astonishment, a slender long red Eastern dragon flashes out from the apparent cave and begins to fly in circles around you.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
Ask him to pose for a picture.
Your worst enemy tells you "I am your father". WWYDD?
Seeking comic book artist, PM for details.
Laugh at him because I already have a father, thank you very much.
Your friend's science experiment goes wrong and blows up all over you. To the horror of you and your friend, you realise you've now turned into a rat! WWYDD?
Proud ballet dancer!
4/23/12 - First triple pirouette en pointe!
scurry away and try to get myself back to normal
you are being chased by a lion. wwydd?
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Run as fast as I can and try to find a shelter which would keep me safe!
In the house you just moved into, there are weird noises at night and you're sure it's haunted. WWYDD?
Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! (only logical thing.
You wake up and find that you don't have any recollection of who you are, where you are, or what you are doing. WWYDD?
Sig by the Wonderful wolfloversk
I suppose I have no idea what I'd do because anything I'd reason to do now, I'd forget by the time I'm in that position. I'm guessing in such a situation I'd go and see if there's anyone outside to help me.
You are eating guacamole until suddenly the avocado molecules reunite and attempt to combat against you. Every time you try to swat it down, it grows mutantly larger and larger. WWYDD?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
I don't "swat" it, rather, I tackle it and wash it down the drain. Get back and get a bowl of salsa instead.
You're doing your laundry, as usual. But when it's time to put the clothes in the dryer, it turns out that everything--your PJs, your nice Sunday clothes, your nice comfy sweater--was all bleached. WWYDD?
Icon by me. Sister: Aslanisthebest
Every time I think of a quote or witty comment to put here, the quote is not so spectacular and the comment is not so witty.
Get out clothing dye, and tie-dye everything bleached.
You are lost in a forest in the night as a pack of wolves starts to chase you. WWYDD?
Put on a musical for the wolves so that they're too entertained to eat me.
You are competing in a race, when suddenly a turtle passes you. WWYDD?
Hop on his shell and take a ride, heehee.
You're driving down a mountain when you jerk the wheel and accidentally send yourself off the road and into thin air! O_O WWYDD?
I would drive on the thin air. It's less bumpy anyway.
You are riding your bike, when suddenly a mutant squid reaches an arm out of a nearby drain, and grabs hold of the pedals. WWYDD?
Simultaneously shriek in surprise, kick at the tentacle and start racing off at the speed of light, or pretty close thereto.
You're taking a math test and somehow come to realize that your neighbor is using your answers by reading your mind.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson