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[Closed] Rules of the Romp: Forum and Section Rules

Member Admin

Hello and welcome! :-H You may notice that NarniaWeb is much stricter than many other message boards. Our members tell us they like the unique culture that our rules help us maintain. Everyone has a right to his or her opinion, but not every comment and behavior belongs on NarniaWeb. To help you and everyone else enjoy the forum, please read and follow these rules:

Forum Etiquette

1.) Speak respectfully of other NarniaWebbers, public figures, and corporations. You should be fair in your statements about people and companies. Always assume that the person you are discussing can read every word you type — because, of course, he or she can and many people involved with the Narnia productions do. Do not flame other members, and do avoid hateful and inflammatory language. Extreme statements like these are not welcome here:

• Netflix/Disney/Fox/Walden is greedy, evil, and/or always makes lousy movies.
• The cast is ugly.
• The sky is falling because someone in the movie production said something I don't like.
• The sky is falling because anyone is daring to make a movie at all.
• Your ideas are stupid/immature.
• My ideas are better than yours.

2.) Do not post statements or images that express romantic attraction toward any character or cast member. That type of "extreme fandom" is disrespectful to the person being discussed, and spoils the forum for many members. Actors are real people with real feelings, and NarniaWeb strives to maintain a culture that treats them as people, not just as objects of romantic interest. Examples of inappropriate statements include:

• Kiss me, Susan.
• I want to marry Will.
• Ben is so hot.

3.) Do not double-post. If you would like to add something to the post you just made, click on the “Edit” button in the lower right corner of your post. Exceptions may be made if over 24 hours have passed since your previous post.

4.) Do not swear or curse. If you swear, your post will be edited or deleted, and you will receive a warning from the moderators. This includes abbreviations or symbol representations.

5.) Post with substance. This means that your posts should contain your own ideas and challenge other people to think. Please do not post messages that just say "I agree" or "You said exactly what I would say." These clutter up a thread and can make other people in the discussion feel outnumbered and intimidated.

6.) Use good spelling and grammar. Please type your posts in full sentences and avoid netspeak or chat-style writing (such as “l3375l°34l<” or “Hi how r u? I r gr8”). Do not use excessive ALL CAPS in your post.

7.) When quoting other members, only quote the relevant sentence or two of their post. Do not include the whole post over again as this makes for long page loads.

8.) Do not start topics or post messages solely to advertise other websites. (If you like, you may place a link to your site in your signature.) It is permissible to start a new topic about a bona fide Narnia-related news story and link to the source of the story in your opening post. Keep in mind that all links are subject to review and possible removal if they are deemed inappropriate under NarniaWeb's family-friendly rules.

9.) Do not post pirated/illegal materials here. Because of our responsibility as a well-known Narnia movie news site, NarniaWeb does not support pirated materials of any kind. If you post illegally obtained information on the forum, it will be removed. Please PM a moderator before posting if you are unsure whether or not something is legal, and let an administrator here know if you do find something illegal online.

10.) Do not send spam messages through the Private Messaging system. Users found doing this will be given one warning; repeat offenders will be banned from NarniaWeb. Contrary to popular belief, the forum rules also apply to the Private Messaging system. If you receive a PM that violates forum rules, contact a moderator or administrator, and be prepared to forward the offending message.

11.) Having a duplicate account on NarniaWeb is strongly discouraged. While some exceptions are made occasionally, if you are found to be using a duplicate account to break the forum rules, that account will be immediately deactivated. If you are having trouble accessing your account, please use the Contact Us button.

Discussion Topics

12.) When starting a new topic, be sure to check that it is not already an existing discussion and that it is in the correct forum. If the moderators find duplicate topics, they will usually close one or combine the two.

13.) Stay on topic. Moderators will close threads that rabbit-trail off to other subjects.

14.) Please confine extended theological discussions to The Man Behind the Wardrobe section (or the appropriate thread in the Spare Oom) so that these topics can be avoided by those who are not interested or who would take offense.

15.) Do not use already-published characters in the RPGs (role-playing games), as we do not have permission to use those characters in such a manner. Role-play with original characters is allowed in Ditto Town.

16.) Certain extremely controversial topics are unconditionally banned from NarniaWeb, as they have caused some nasty arguments in the past. If a moderator tells you that a topic you have brought up is banned for this reason, please do not argue. Such decisions are never made lightly and are not open to debate. Topics that are currently off-limits are:

• Politics
• Sexual content of any kind

You can help the moderators. If you see an inappropriate post, click on the "Report !" icon in the upper right-hand corner of the post, fill out the necessary information, and click "Submit." This will alert the moderators and they will take whatever action is necessary.

Image Guidelines

17.) Do not post photographs of people (or yourself) in revealing clothing, including bathing suits. Images or words that are lewd, sexual, or inappropriate may be removed or edited by the moderators. In extreme cases, users who post such things may be blocked from the forum altogether.

18.) Avatar image uploads must be smaller than 1MB in size. Avatars may not be animated.

19.) The maximum size of a signature image is 300 pixels wide by 100 pixels tall. If the image is larger than this, it will be automatically re-sized. A signature may not contain more than one image. Unlike avatars, animated signature images are allowed, but please be mindful of other forum users (e.g. nothing extremely flashy).

New Members

Due to a small minority of members who are more interested in being a nuisance than in participating in real discussions, messages from new members require moderator approval. We apologize for the inconvenience. Don't feel bad if a message is rejected; most of the time this really isn't a big deal, and you'll receive an explanation.


The moderators have the right to do what they think is best for the forum. Their job is to keep the spirit of the rules, not just the letter. Even if you think you’ve found a loophole, be aware that the moderators still have the right to stop you if you’re causing a problem. You may think they’re being "unfair," but they’re just doing their job.

If you have any problems or concerns, please feel free to contact anyone on our helpful and friendly team and we will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible. To see who is moderating what area, go to the Board Index and look at the blue names listed under each section.

Thank you for taking the time to read through our rules, and enjoy the forum! :)

— The NarniaWeb Moderator Team

Topic starter Posted : June 3, 2020 7:03 pm
BC Head and G&B Mod Moderator

First of all, welcome to the Games and Blogs section of NarniaWeb! We are - most likely - the zaniest and most hilarious spot on all the forum, and we are very happy that you have decided to participate in our festivities. To help you and everyone else enjoy this section, please read and follow the forum rules as well as these guidelines:

1.) To keep things organized, members cannot open threads in this section. If you have an idea for a game, please PM the Games and Blogs moderator (ValiantArcher). She will add your suggestion to her list if she think it will work for Games and Blogs.

2.) Please make sure to read the opening post of each game before you play. Often there are specific rules for each game, and they are always in the first post. Specific game rules may be amended as needed.

3.) Threads will be opened and closed at the moderators' discretion.

4.) If more than 24 hours have passed without anyone being able to answer the previous post, do not restart the game with a new prompt.  If no one was able to answer a post and more than 24 hours have passed, please PM the Games and Blogs moderator (ValiantArcher) and she will look into restarting it.

Please feel free to contact the Games and Blogs moderator if you have a question about the section. (Don't post things like "I don't get it" in threads, because it adds nothing to the game, and clutters the thread.) I am always open to constructive criticism and suggestions.

Thanks, and happy posting! ? 

Games & Blogs Moderator

Some days you battle yourself and other monsters. Some days you just make soup.

Posted : June 3, 2020 5:45 pm