Wouln't it matter even more if the power technicians were forced to do repairs in pouring rain that was usual for that time of year?
What is the weather like today?
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
Have you looked at yesterday's weather report on television, today's regular newspaper weather column, plus listened to today's radio news?
Isn't that a lot to do in one day?
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
When the whole country is locked down, how many other things would there be to do to find out what is going on?
Have you considered making a list of all the things you wanted to do but never had time for previously?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Would that noble enterprise include doing the sorts of tidying up/cleaning jobs that have been put off for too long due to absolute distaste & boredom with such matters?
Wouldn't now be the best time to get the tidying up and cleaning done because you would have more time to try out new hobbies or pick up old ones?
"The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles but to irrigate deserts." ~ C. S. Lewis, The Abolition of Man
Forum 1.0: 1303 posts
WC: 54
Does anyone get an urge to finish old crossword puzzles, wordsearch puzzles, & codecrackers?
Is anyone else in quarantine, and needs to have puzzles to actually DO?
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Does anyone else here do cross stitch?
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
I wonder what I did with that lovely small yellow and white cross-stitched tablecloth I was given for a wedding present nearly fifty years ago?
Was it handmade by a friend or family member?
(True story, by the way: I once stitched a wedding sampler for a cousin of mine when she married a lovely guy... 6 months later, they got divorced. I felt like asking for the sampler back so I could unpick their names and use it for someone else, but of course I couldn't be that rude. But I've sworn never to make a wedding sampler for anyone ever again. )
"Now you are a lioness," said Aslan. "And now all Narnia will be renewed."
(Prince Caspian)
After forty nine years of married life, wouldn't so many of our friends & relatives then have passed away?