Kat also wondered the answer to Lady C's question. But at the moment she was deep in her thoughts.As the Castles Weapons Afficinado she wanted to have a armament that suited her. She had used a bow before but didnt know if she wanted to be limited to only long range combat. she thought most swords were clumsy and awkward and she didnt know if she had the cordination for whip or a ball&chain. She deliberated further. This could take quite a while she thought as she walked over to a stack of spears and surveyed there tips, and then walked on to a shelf of short swords.
Im not inactive just very very busy
-Katana, Member of the Midnight Society, Weapons afficionado of the castle of Ivory&Gold, esteemed owner of a flying pickle
The Armory, truly, was a wonderful place. Lady A had made sure it was stocked with every weapon you could ever imagine. She smiled at everyone.
"To answer your questions, yes, you will eventually have permissions to enter this room. As you advance in your training and accomplish different missions, you will earn extra permissions. The person with the most permissions, excluding myself, right now, is Sweeet.
"To answer your second question, you are expected to carry a weapon with you at all times. I do. It helps you get used to it's weight, and how it moves. Unfortunately, I'm not sure what sort of battles we will be having.
"And, lastly, you will be able to have and learn to operate as many weapons as you want. I would suggest, however, that you just start with one, and add more once you've mastered the first."
Avatar thanks to AITB
@Pattertwig's Pal LOL! *bows gratefully* Thank you! I'm tempted to ask what you liked about it (my writing style, Lady C's oddity, Pippin the Brat, Lana the Gentle, or Booky/Darth Vader), but I won't press you 'cause I may not wanna hear the answer.
The style and the characters.
Since I'm a couple pages behind I thought I'd post a little reminder about what I'm responding to)
"I seem to remember you saying that before, Wallpaper Pal..." Lady C said thoughtfully in reply to Twiggy's confession. "If you want caffeine, have you tried some sort of tea? Black tea, green tea and white tea all have caffeine in them. I like white tea best, but you have to brew it just right, otherwise it gets bitter." She winked, "I'm a bit of a tea lover. Coffee's amazing too, but I usually drink tea at home.
"Oh, dear. Am I repeating myself again. I have such a hard time remembering what I've said and to whom I've said it. Actually, I can't have caffeine. I've found out that if I drink it I don't sleep at night and if I don't sleep at night my imagination runs wild. I might wake people up screaming that there are mutant dogs outside my window and that might happen so often that when there actually are mutant dogs outside my window no one will believe me and that could have disastrous results. Tea does sound lovely though as long as it is decaffeinated. I like peppermint tea. *eyes the steaming mug warily* But what does it taste like?
Pattertwig's Pal follows the rest of the group to the armory. "I know what I want," she says. "I have always wanted to learn how to fence so I'll take a sword, please."
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
After much consideration of all the individual positives and negatives of each weapon, Lady G finally came to a decision. "I'm going to go with a bow for now," she said.
@Pattertwig's Pal LOL! *bows gratefully* Thank you! I'm tempted to ask what you liked about it (my writing style, Lady C's oddity, Pippin the Brat, Lana the Gentle, or Booky/Darth Vader), but I won't press you 'cause I may not wanna hear the answer.
The style and the characters.
Aww, thank you! ))
"Oh, dear. Am I repeating myself again. I have such a hard time remembering what I've said and to whom I've said it. Actually, I can't have caffeine. I've found out that if I drink it I don't sleep at night and if I don't sleep at night my imagination runs wild. I might wake people up screaming that there are mutant dogs outside my window and that might happen so often that when there actually are mutant dogs outside my window no one will believe me and that could have disastrous results. Tea does sound lovely though as long as it is decaffeinated. I like peppermint tea."
Lady Courage laughed heartily at this confession. "Oh dear! Yes, I suppose we must make sure you never do get caffeine! And I like peppermint tea very well too, especially with honey in it!"
Lady C nodded with a grin, "OK! Sounds great! More permissions as we level up, huh? Just like a Role Playing Game." She laughed.
When Twiggy spoke of her desire to learn to fence and therefore quick and easy decision, she turned to her and playfully quirked an eyebrow, "Oh, so you have decided to stay after all then?"
Lady C turned slightly and gazed at the walls covered in weapons. She smiled as her eye fell upon a long bow and lovingly looked it up and down from where she stood. Pippin put his paws up on her thigh and stretched- the stretching part usually seemed to be a sign of wanting attention, but don't ask me why.
"What about me?!" he demanded again, "Don't I get a weapon?" When Lady C turned towards him with a stern look in her eye, he added hastily, "You didn't answer the first time."
Lady C stifled a chuckle and managed to continue looking firm, though a little less stern than before. "Why do you want one?"
"Want!?" squeaked Pippin indignantly, "It's not a matter of want! It's a matter of need! If we're doing battle and stuff, I've gotta have a weapon!"
"What makes you think you're going to be in the battle?"
Pippin looked completely insulted and his tone reflected this sentiment, "Because EVERYONE's gonna be in the battle!"
Lady C bit her tongue ferociously to keep from laughing aloud and it took every bit of self control she had to keep her face from twitching. Her eyes, however, danced merrily with the suppressed laughter, "Pippin: If you were in a battle and were hit with any kind of weapon, the results would be one of the following;
"A: You would be fried,
"B: You would be blasted to smithereens,
"C: You would be diced into little pieces,
"or D: A Combination of two or more of the above.
"In order for you to go into battle, you would need a force field generator in a pack on your back; one that would protect you from everything from blaster bolts to cannon balls. You would also need a weapon you could operate with your teeth, probably a set of machine guns on your backpack. Also, in order to be able to enhance your range of fire, you would need a jet pack as well, so you could fly around."
This explanation, whatever the intended effect, had a rather comical one on the little dog. He jumped off Lady C's thigh and began to dance around, hopping and pawing the air with excitement, his tail held waggingly over his back in a bright and cheery curve, "Alright!" he cried delightedly, "Let's go get one!"
"Uh, wait a minute Pip!" hastily interjected Lady C, "This is a castle, not a sci-fi storybook! I very much doubt they have something like that here."
Pippin's face fell for a moment (and believe me, he really does have such an expressive face his emotions come through on it), then brightened. "Well, can't they make one?"
Lady C glanced towards Lady A, "Um, I don't think so Pip."
Pippin's skinny tail drooped all the way down and his ears went back dejectedly. Lady C suddenly felt terrible and she wished she had bitten back her sense of sarcasm. "But don't worry Pippin, I'm sure we can find you something helpful to do."
The tail went up a little and so did the ears, "In battle?"
"Well, maybe..." she glanced towards Lady A. "We'll have to ask about force fields though."
Immediately Pippin turned and trotted towards Lady A.
"No no! Wait!"
He turned and looked questioningly back at her.
"Just, just wait a minute and let me go with you."
Pippin sighed and sat down beside her. "Ok..." Then his tail wagged and he gazed up at Lady C, his buggy eyes warm with happiness, "So, I am getting a weapon?"
Lady C's heart melted, "You're getting a tool, Pip. Not all tools are for inflicting injury. The tool you get, whatever it is, will be something that fits you perfectly."
Pippin sighed blissfully and leaned against Lady C's leg. Lady C wondered desperately what "tool" she was going to be able to find for her foolish, but very cute (in her opinion) little pal.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
With a small laugh, Pattertwig's Pal replies "Yes, I suppose I have," to Lady C's question. She watches and listens in amusement to the conversation between Lady C and Pippin. "It seems to me that I remember something from some books about characters wanting to fight and being told they couldn't." She says to herself. She also wonders why a dog would need a weapon since they have teeth.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Kat sat in the corner of the armory with her back up against a rack of javelins. She reviewed all her options which she had viewed in the armory, from broadsword to throwing knives to ball&chain. Still, she had no idea which to choose, she had contemplated the pro's and con's of each individual armament and still, she was undecided. All of the sudden Kat had a brilliant idea! She jumped up and dashed around the armory collecting a engraved spear made of a curious metal and two double edged long knives. Then with a skip in her step she trotted over to a workbench in the corner of the vast room and lay down the weaponry she had collected. Grabbing a few tools from the hooks above the bench she eagerly began to work.
Several hours later Kat victouriously held up her new weapon! It was a weapon she had invented and it was quite clever as Kat was good with her hands. She had constructed and engraved metal staff that could be folded into a quarter staff, in the middle of the staff was a small dip in the metal, in this dip was a button and upon pressing the button two double edged blades popped out of the ends of the staff. The blade-staff had various forms of usage: you could use it just as a staff, you could use it as a staff with a blade on each end, you could pull the staff apart in the middle and use it as two short swords. Kat had to admit, she was excited for this new weapon of hers. She decided to name it. After a few minutes of deliberation she decided upon Po'mnuria, which was a word of the ancient language of her people. "Blade-staff I name thee Po'mnuria!" Kat shouted as she held up her blade-staff with joy.
(OCC: Sorry if you a bit confused about what exactly my weapon is, detailed explanation and all You can imagine it as a mix between these two wepons:
&imgrefurl= http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/146653561/&usg=__cmzd7A_vu-aqDiO_eCTVQ4bGc3w=&h=1960&w=2580&sz=4108&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=T7jzOiJJu-kkIM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=197&ei=4VZTTaSuLsG88gaO17XiCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dimages%2Bof%2Ba%2Bsword%2Bstaff%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2ADRA_enUS347%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D608%26tbs%3Disch0&biw=1003&bih=60 8"> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 03&bih=608. and
&imgrefurl= http://hangar.inquestx.net/clubs/RG/catalog.php%3Fcategorie%3D26&usg=__Vh574U0ooik7dWzosw94PXAEgrw=&h=170&w=227&sz=4&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=8WkYJ0gZK3yLKM:&tbnh=135&tbnw=181&ei=yEtUTb7wFMH78AbAuvnsCA&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dimages%2Bof%2Ba%2Bdouble%2Bbladed%2Bstaff%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1R2ADRA_enUS347%26biw%3D1003%26bih%3D608%26tbs%3Disch0&tx=146&ty=10 1"> http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 146&ty=101
And my the official type of my weapon is "Blade-staff")
Im not inactive just very very busy
-Katana, Member of the Midnight Society, Weapons afficionado of the castle of Ivory&Gold, esteemed owner of a flying pickle
After entrusting the Silver-Tongued Speaker's sick crow to the kind-faced doctor in the infirmary, Rose followed the others to a room that was a true warmonger's delight. Every kind of weapon to be had was found in this room.
But as tempting as it was to try out a shiny new thing that went boom, she felt most comfortable with her old bow and thorn-tipped arrows, which had served her so well during her days at the Monastery.
"Good Queen," the dryad said, "I hope I do not seem rude, but forsooth, I wouldst rather use mine old bow and arrow in defending thy domain; I hath used them so long, I feel as if they are a part of me. And verily, the wood of the bow came from one of my tree's own boughs, and 'tis strung with a rose vine, and mine arrows art tipped with mine own thorns—I snip them off quite regularly, hath thou ever tried to do thy hair when there art thorns growing through it?—so I suppose my feelings about it art not far from the truth anyway. Wilt that be all right?"
A raven flew over head of ze courtyard, ze wolf was wary, but she could tell zat ze creature was wild as herself and not one of ze minions of Bookwyrm.
"How be thou brother?" She asked it as it landed in a nearby tree.
"I'm well," he replied, "although these events are strange..."
"What do you mean?"
"Well for one, you have taken on your enemy's crow..."
"In kindess, it was the right thing to do I'm sure of that..."
"Secondly it seems like there's a mutiny at the tower..."
Ze she-wolf's ears perked up at zis.
"...and there's yourself. I've never seen a wolf reside in a human dwelling before, at least not by it's own choice."
"Some choice..." she replied. "It was either join a side or get caught up in ze end, and likely die. You're lucky, brother... you can fly away from here..."
"But you did have a choice, and you made it. Something special is going on I can feel it, and your destiny is intertwined with it. Know it, Wolf." With that he flew off...
"Wait!!" She screamed after him, but he would not reappear... Prophecies? Destiny? What on earth was going on. Now would be a good time to seek out that hermit, she decided... So she returned inside ze castle...
(OOC: if this needs an edit PM me and let me know)
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
A raven flew over with a message from The Silver-Tongued Speaker. It read --
A Mercenary is in the process of escaping with his life, over to your castle. We hope you enjoy him. Consider him as a gift from us. He likes to hold guns to the heads of people he has sworn his allegiance to. Beware. He could turn on you as well if he thinks the tables have turned. But then, what else can you expect from mercenaries?
"Ok, what's all this about a mutiny?!" ze wolf asked as she came in. Someone pointed her in the direction of Ithilwen's raven, and she read the letter... "Mercenary, huh? It can only be Joe... I never could figure out what side he was on... By ze way anyone know what side he is on? What are we to do if he comes here?" So ze wild raven was right about a mutiny....
"Does anyone know where the hermit is? I'd like to speak with her."
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
As Lady Galadriel stepped forward to peruse the message from the Silver-Tongued Speaker as well, she heard the wolf ask in regards to the mercenary in question, "By ze way, does anyone know what side he is on? What if he comes here?"
"I have no idea...but it sounds from the message as if he is coming here," Lady G said. "At least, that is what Izzy says."
She turned around to ask Lady A if she had any plans, but the Overlady had disappeared. Frowning, thinking for sure she had seen Lady A there a moment ago, Lady G wondered where she could have disappeared to so quickly. She kept quiet, thinking Lady A may soon reappear as quickly as she had disappeared.
Kat strolled into the courtyard in time to see the raven land. She stood in the small huddle of castlle occupents and took the letter from lady G after she had finsished. the Kat quickely scanned the message. "Bah! those lousy cowards of the tower" she griped. Turning to Lady G she asked: "how do you know its Joe? does he have a past reputation as a mercenary?"
Im not inactive just very very busy
-Katana, Member of the Midnight Society, Weapons afficionado of the castle of Ivory&Gold, esteemed owner of a flying pickle
"Yes, he was a mercenary back in the Spoiler War," said Lady G. "He switched loyalties a couple of times between the Dark Lord and the Monastery. I don't quite understand it, but I've never been a mercenary to understand that sort of thing. It must be something they like to do."
Took entered the armoury with the rest. She perused the long isles of shiny weaponry, but couldn't find any that really shouted out "Captain Peregrin Took". In fact, she'd never even handled (let alone used) any sort of weapon before (aside from some fake swords and certain large kitchen knives). Perhaps it would be easier if I knew my official title, she thought.
She wound her way toward the Queen, and asked "What might my title be? I was thinking 'Captain of the Castle Guard', or perhaps 'Master of Refreshments and Baristas'. Actually, come to think of it, I haven't sampled your coffee bar yet. I shall be sure to do so once our buisiness is finished here."
sig by me
But I am a cat, and no cat anywhere ever gave anyone a straight answer