Mortereve all!
Ugh I hate spoilers
. You should watch season 2- it's really good besides that it's alot sadder and there is a tad bit more innapropiate stuff. Season 3 I'm probably not watching. I still have two more episodes to watch in season 2 though so if there are more spoilers, I shall let you know
haha yeah, poggy's sig is awesome
. I don't know, my hopes are pretty low. Especially after the horrendous trailers
Haha, I like knowing how things will end up. Like in season 1, I was so happy that I knew ahead of time that
Aw, you thought the trailers were horrendous? I know they weren't great, especially from a purists view, but how can you help but be really excited when you see them?
I'm sorry for any conversations that got dropped!
Like our football conversation. Anyway, I suppose we should start fresh. Have you been watching the pre-season games?
*misses Aunty Jo's famous maroon color* You do have to format every quote, just make the whole thing maroon, like I do with my blue.
Been missing you here, NN/Aiden. So good to see you again. May you thrive in school this year!
Thanks! So far so good. And, like I said, I should be in here pretty regularly now.
Nick: I think most public schools don't start until after Labor Day--so yes, it's a bit early.
At the moment I almost wished I was still homeschooled. I'll probably have to quit orchestra (and maybe violin lessons as well) because of the schedule. Boo.
Yeah, that sounds right. But, they also get out really late, too. That's what I love about starting early. It's all easy at the beginning, so I don't mind starting school when everybody else is still out. However, at the end of the year, when you're dying for school to finish, it's nice to be out early!
Oh, that's right, you're not homeschooled anymore. I'd forgotten. Yeah, with the flexibility of homeschool, you can do all sorts of stuff you wouldn't be able to otherwise.
*waves back to Dani* Good to see ya!
@ NN. Glad to see your blue posts again!!
I didn't realize you had been gone for a week.... Anyway, glad your back and hope school is going well!
Thanks! I didn't realize I was gone for a week either, until I finally got a chance to sit at my computer, and I realized I'd completely forgotten to keep up with the Square. Anyway, it's good to be back, and so far, school is going splendidly!
Aiden, I'm in my third year of college. I'm gonna wind up taking an extra full year though, because of how the nursing clinicals are set up at my college and when I declared and so on.
How's high school going for you?
Gotcha. Hope all goes well!
High school's going very well. Surprisingly, it's actually pretty fun!
Well, I'm off. Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*comes in listening to Tenth Avenue North's "On and On"*
It seems that after the rain the weather has gotten a whole lot more beautiful here. Yesterday it was about 70 degrees!
I don't know about any of you, but I am ready for fall to be here, ready to go for walks with the damp smell of decaying leaves in the cold wind.
Guess what! Guess what! My sister just sent me a link for a free and legal download of Jars of Clay's new song! For all those interested.
Well, I don't have much time, seeing that I need to be getting to piano practice. Just a bit of catch up...
Tenth Avenue North and Jars of Clay sound like a terrific team-up.
They are! That is, if you love Jars of Clay and Tenth Avenue North.
Apologies, Lady Liln!! I really need to figure out how to take my playlist off of automatic play.
I understand that some people don't like Tenth Avenue North as much. Even I know that musically they're not that spectacular of a band. I've always appreciated them for their lyrics and their general ministry work, which is what most people like them for.
Congrats on getting to help teach dance lessons! :ymhug
Thanks! It really is a blessing, because I would have to quit otherwise because tuition is so expensive.
It was an awful experience. And I had the misfortune to run into one of the kids the other day when I was working at the water-park. He made an obscene gesture towards me and my manager sat him out of the pool. Grrrr. I've been doing pretty well recently, but I'm ready for school to start. Not because I'm ready for school per se, but because I'll work less. These last two weeks we all work about 40 hrs apiece or more, because staff dwindles as people go off to college. When I get home I'm exhausted and that's why I haven't been around much.
The only thing worse than a bad week is a bad week that won't stop coming back, you know what I mean? I've had weeks like that, where I just want to forget everything that happened. I really hope that things start settling down for you. Will you be working the entire school year?
Speaking of working, that's something I've been considering as of late. I really want to go to college, but if I ever want to make it through college loan-free I'll have to get a job and soon. But what job? As a musician, there's not much work that I would be good at or that appeals to me.
I think to myself, "I can't have been gone too long, right? They heard from me semi-recently... right?" And then I come in here to find a brand new Square?
It's good to see you on here!!! Haha! This sounds just like me. I always think that it hasn't been that long since I was on the Square and then I come back to find that I have pages and pages of catch up to do.
I've been doing pretty well. I started school this week. And I've been getting lots of letters from friends who have moved away or moved on since the summer, so I'm pretty happy. How about you?
*notices that Prince Cor has never seen Doctor Who*
Hmm...I would definitely say that you are deeply deprived! I know that I love the ninth and tenth Doctors of Doctor Who, but I can't really say anything for the eleventh since all I've seen of him is like five minutes. Yep, Doctor Who is fun, but I actually prefer BBC Merlin over it.
I guess it's all a matter of opinion.
Well, that's all the time I have for now! I really need to get going, get practicing, and then I do believe I have some more chemistry home work to do.
EDIT: *BIG WAVE TO AIDEN* It feels like it's been forever since I talked to you!! How has your summer gone?
God bless, everyone! Have a wonderful day!
*leaves listening to Tenth Avenue North's "House of Mirrors"*
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*rejoices that PA is, indeed, living* And yay for working more on your book! I haven't been writing as much recently as I'd like....
Hey, Aiden! *waves*
Ruby: I'll be working the entire school year, yes, but only for a few hours each week. My work load is going to go waaay down after this week, and will go down some more after Labor Day. Yay! As for your own job search, bear in mind that whatever you do right now will most likely be temporary. I'm not going to be a lifeguard for the rest of my life. (At least I hope not! Although I will still guard the Ditto Pool whenever I'm needed, of course. ) And the job you have when you're college-aged will probably not make use of your foremost skill, either, but it should draw on some of your other strengths. For instance, I'm good at talking to people, enforcing rules, and cleaning, which are all part of my job. But of course I don't do any writing as part of my work.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
I love the opportunity I now have to say "Hello Bella-not-from-Twilight!"
That is now my favorite greeting on this forum. Along with, Good Mortereve.
Like Anna, I also am not dead, which, I suppose, is a good explanation for how we are both posting - although it would be nice if God allowed email in heaven. It would clear a lot of things up, wouldn't it? Hah. More likely, the world would blow up in ten days or something.
Is anyone else going to see the new Nanny McPhee this weekend? I just saw an article that Emma Thompson stopped by the Free Library in Philadelphia to sign books in honor of the film opening. Boy, I like that library anyway (I got the chance to see a very special stuffed Raven while I was there) but imagine the joy of plotting down in an aisle to flip through a book on the benefits of magnesium to frogs only to discover that Emma Thompson would be stopping by in half an hour? That would be almost a good as finding a first edition of C.S. Lewis at a garage sale - but not quite.
I think I'll take my daughter during my husband's very loud band practice. What a nice excuse! Loud music? I guess we'll go to the movies. And who can complain?
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
Ruby: yes, it was awesome! they were all very nice!
I am doing well! you?
daughter of the king: well,I have been listening to lots of audiobooks while knitting a lot and reading! what have you been up to?
Lady_Liln: yeah. but he's alright now!
EVERYONE! there are now new clips from VotDT!
... 2F&h=6f25c
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I might change my mind if I saw him live though.
There is nothing like seeing Les Miserables in a live performance.
I don't particularly care who puts it on, in my experience, it's always amazing. *has seen the musical and a stage version* I still think my friend and I should have stopped the time we saw a high school on our way home was putting on a performance that night. Surely our parents would have understood.
(At least, I think you met up in RL. . .)
We think we did too. I can show y'all pictures of places we went that we didn't take.
lys, no worries. I'm sure you actually sent the PM when you promised, but due to a time tunnel or something it will arrive sometime in the future. Perhaps it was kidnapped by time-travelling swans and is fighting its way free...
*is mind boggled by the idea of Howard Shore Silmarillion oratorio* I wasn't too impressed by what's-his-names Lay of Lethian opera, though...
Hullo, PA! I meant to tell you that I like your A-team quote signatures. Very funny!
*takes a pizza break*
*thinks that Cymru's location is great fun* Do your stacks have the sliding shelves?
*debates watching the new clips* On one hand, I think I"m already more spoiled for VotDT than I was for LWW or PC, and one more won't hurt, but... I really like being a member of the Spoiler Free Monastary.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Mel, thanks muchly for mentioning the clips. (Oh, now I see it was Liberty who did the initial mention. Thanks, Liberty! ) Somehow I always miss these things. I can't advise you on whether or not to watch it, but I'm certainly glad I did! My attitude towards the film is a little more positive now, though I also have new things to be concerned over (
Will the Spoiler-Free Monastery be kicking off soon, pray tell? I should like to gad about with all the monks and nuns, mostly for the fun of it, for I do not really deserve to be there. I am not in the least spoiler-fee.
We must really get up a petition for Mr. Shore to go through with this oratorio! I know Jo would sign, if no one else.
What is this about a Lay of Lethian opera? And why swans, may I ask? (I'm guessing it's a "Six Swans" reference, but you never know....)
imagine the joy of plotting down in an aisle to flip through a book on the benefits of magnesium to frogs only to discover that Emma Thompson would be stopping by in half an hour?
Plodding, surely. Although knowing you, you could probably plot an aisle too. The whole thing, with twists and characters galore.
I haven't even seen the first Nanny McPhee movie. I take it I should?
EDIT: Meant to add that I simply adore your signature. There were many parts of that book that made me cackle, but that was certainly one of them. It was also one of the many that I read aloud to my roommate, who probably had other things he wanted to do. Ah well, his life shall be better for having heard a little Gibbons.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
"Won't wait so long next time"? I should say I didn't! Back in the same day!
I think to myself, "I can't have been gone too long, right? They heard from me semi-recently... right?" And then I come in here to find a brand new Square?
It's good to see you on here!!!
Haha! This sounds just like me. I always think that it hasn't been that long since I was on the Square and then I come back to find that I have pages and pages of catch up to do.
I've been doing pretty well. I started school this week. And I've been getting lots of letters from friends who have moved away or moved on since the summer, so I'm pretty happy. How about you?
Yeah, it really shouldn't amaze me, how fast it goes. I mean, I've been coming in here for years. But it's still a little odd, and at times, daunting... ya know?
I'm glad you're doing well! I think I said how I've been, but I'll try and elaborate a little more, if I must.
*rejoices that PA is, indeed, living* And yay for working more on your book!
I haven't been writing as much recently as I'd like....
Haha, good to know I'm missed around here!
Yeah, I'm glad that I keep getting more dialogue. And I'm happy the second book is starting to get somewhere. But this whole "been working on the first one for almost a year now, and yet have only two chapters and a beginning of the third... in addition to TONS of character development" thing is kind of discouraging. I thought that I'd be further along by now. Granted, I have the whole book planned in my head. It's just trying to find a way to share what I see and hear, in a way that can make sense to others, that is slowing me down. And to find ways to have it all fit together smoothly. Prayers would be appreciated. And I hope you can get to writing something soon!
Cymru, I don't know if I'll see it in theaters, but I am curious about the new Nanny McPhee movie. I hope the two of you enjoy it! Be sure to let us know what you think of it! (and wow, that would have been an interesting library trip!) Oh, and while I'm talking to you... I thought that bit about email in heaven and the world blowing up was funny.
Hullo, PA!
I meant to tell you that I like your A-team quote signatures. Very funny!
Thanks! I'm glad you liked them. If you ever think of a graphics idea you'd like done, let me know and I'll try it! Enjoy the pizza break!
And yes, yes... Les Mis performances are always awesome! *must pm you at some point-don't let me forget*
*waves to Liberty and anyone else I've missed!*
I'll try and stop by later, but we'll see. Have a wonderful night, everyone!
*pops in to make a quick post*
lysander, I bet it'll be nice having things slow down. Do you work at an indoor pool in the fall? Because, I didn't think outdoor pools were open during the school year. I'll probably work as a pharmacist. That's what my sister is doing. She's taking a course on pharmacy tech, not like it has anything to do with what she actually wants to pursue. But pharmacists get paid decently and there's a lack of them, apparently.
That's probably the simplest solution for me. It does sound a bit dull though. When I start college, I'll probably try to get a job as a music teacher's assistant. Who knows, though? In two years, I might decide I want to do something entirely different.
Liberty, I'm glad to hear you're doing well! By the way, I think your avatar is adorable. Did I tell you that already? I can't remember.
I've been doing so-so. My school year is looking like it's going to be a good one, if not a bit boring. Things haven't really completely picked up though. Dance class starts this week and then in a few more weeks, I should be in a high school ensemble. We'll see how that all works out.
Have you started school yet? A lot of schools wait until after labor day. I'm home schooled, but we still try and stick with the standard school year around here.
Yes, I know exactly what you mean Princess Anna!! Sometimes I find myself avoiding writing a catch-up post just because I have so much catch up to do! Putting it off never helps though, because then you just have more.
I believe you told us all how you were doing. If not, I think we could assess that you're doing relatively well. I mean, you're not dying or anything, are you?
Well, that's all for now! I'll be off! I have chemistry home work to finish up before the weekend! I'm driving up with my sister to drop her off at college with my mother. Should be exciting, but I have to stay ahead of home work...
God bless, everyone!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Mortereve, all!
*decides on Deas Vail's All the Houses Look the Same as the catchup album of the night*
*waves to Ben*
That's the problem with getting to know people, they stop cowering in your presence.
I don't remember ever cowering in your presence. *pities the Head of DPMC's apparent lack of cowering fans*
Tut tut! The Epic One wishes a lady to cry? How rude!
I've been doing well. Classes start on Monday, so I'm mainly just spending these last couple of days doing as little as possible, because once the twenty-third comes, I'll be busy til December.
How about yourself? When do you start classes?
*cheers that Anna is still alive and well*
Aiden, high school is fun? How shocking! Are you taking any especially fun classes this year?
Apologies, Lady Liln!! I really need to figure out how to take my playlist off of automatic play.
It's no problem. I had a good laugh at myself.
Ditto what Ly said about a high school/college job not having to sync up with what you want to do when you graduate college. I've worked as a lifeguard, swim lesson instructor, and swim team coach. None of which are things I'd expect to still do when I'm 50, but they are things that teach you basic job skills. Don't underestimate that a job won't help you, just because it's not what you want to do in ten years. (Though getting a music related job would be great, but try to be open to other things). Also, a lot of colleges do offer scholarships which can help with tuition and such. Best of luck with the job hunting.
Like Anna, I also am not dead, which, I suppose, is a good explanation for how we are both posting - although it would be nice if God allowed email in heaven. It would clear a lot of things up, wouldn't it? Hah. More likely, the world would blow up in ten days or something.
There's a second Nanny McPhee? The first one was okay. *awaits Cymru's verdict on the film*
Libby, the new clips of VDT are pretty encouraging, from what all there is to see.
We think we did too.
I can show y'all pictures of places we went that we didn't take.
I'd like to see pictures of places you went to but didn't take. (I'm very glad you didn't take the places, because then if I ever wanted to see them myself, I'd have to track you down to let me borrow them for a viewing).
*debates watching the new clips* On one hand, I think I"m already more spoiled for VotDT than I was for LWW or PC, and one more won't hurt, but... I really like being a member of the Spoiler Free Monastary.
Skip the first three seconds of each clip and you can be She Who is Spoiler Free of the Title Clips.
Ly, the things you mentioned at your spoiler about the new clips are a bit concerning, but there's been rumors of both of them long enough that I'm putting them on the Make-a-Decision-When-We-Get-Some-Info-That-Makes-More-Sense. Honestly, I'm more concerned by the fact the screenwriters seem just crazy enough to
Now, I'll leave you all with this as I disappear for the night, just cause it's so lovely and calming:
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
*enters into the square every once and a while looking over at the Patriots vs Falcons game*
Hello all and Good Mortereve! How are things with you all today?
So who is like crazy over the NFL?
What I think about it is it's fun to watch with friends but as far as being a fan I'm not
So I bought Tenth Avenue North's "Over and Underneath" just last night! I'm liking it! They are a great band!
Now we are done with the Game now we are going to watch "The Lucy Show"!
I think I will watch August Rush sometime soon, I saw it a long time ago and remembering liking it soooo....
Yeah I'm just rambling on about everything because I have nothing better to do
*waves back to Lady Lin*
Alright I'm going to head off now! See you all later!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I am hyper tonight- Libby came over and another one of my friends came over and we all squealed over the new clips . They make me excited but I still don't like them. I wish they were closer to the book. Oh well.
I'm rather sad too b/c Yuka left last night . We were all bawling, even her, which made it worse. I loved having her as my little sister...
anyway, time for (alot of!) catchup .
Catching up: (only from this Square, unfortunately. I tried to go back through twenty-some pages in the old Square, but it was Too Much.
I'm sorry for any conversations that got dropped!)
aww . Would it help if I gave a link to my last post? We were having a nice had just asked me what bands I liked besides TRS
Joshua Bell does the violin for Mi Mancherai?! I can't believe I didn't know this! And as if that song wasn't gorgeous enough already...
I don't think I knew you were a Josh Groban fan, either! What are some of your favorites of his?
yes! I know!
LOVE Josh Groban *melts* ! I
like love
You Raise Me Up
You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)
So She Dances
February Song
Now or Never
My Confession
Si Volvieras a Mi
When You Say You Love Me
Remember When It Rained
Alla Luce del Sole
Gira con Me
You're Still You
Canto Alla Vita
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
The Prayer (with Charlotte Church- BEST version of this song )
*is nearly knocked over by the Onslaught of Tongues in Ali's post*
Oi. Has it really come to this?
I don't actually mind Bieber that much. It's just that he's everywhere. The other day, I walked into Sports Authority and there was a Justin Bieber poster up on the wall--right in between Tom Brady and Albert Pujols. I mean, wha...?
How exciting that you went to NYC!
What did you see/do?
yes . It's almost unfortunate. I like him against my will and better judgement
that's why I hated him at first. I hate overly popular things. Anything. But I've been following him since before he was famous and got a record deal. So I always kinda liked him. I just admit to it now .
Mainly just Central Park and the zoo there and Town Square. And we looked at the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty from a distance. We mainly walked around and talked .
Hmm the topics of conversation seem to be about Justin Bieber, and NYC, Robin Hood, Doc Who and Jeremy Camp. Among other less famous things. I'm not sure there's such a big Bieber craze where I live, but I do like one of the kid's songs, 'One less lonely girl' or something like that. NYC sounds lovely, Glenstorm I'm rather jealous!
yeah that's one of his good songs. I'm really addicted to Never Say Never right now, which he does with Jaden Smith. Lol, yeah NYC was fun .
;)) That's too funny! I don't suppose she sports dreadlocks and bare feet?
nope. I don't have dreads, but bare feet about 99.99999% of the time, yes!
Ali, I've seen pictures of the Egypt exhibit! (Well, the outside.
) I hope you do get to go, it sounds really awesome.
Our local art museum had a sort of similar exhibit several years ago and we went to that. Very cool.
. I will be devestated if I can't go, so I really hope I can too! *must look up pictures* Ooh lucky!
*randomly throws out her Beiber story* So my dad and I walked into Target, and there was a concert or something on the TVs and my dad's like, "Hey, that's Justin Beiber." I say, "Who is he, and why do you know of him?" "He's famous." "Huh. I've never heard of him on NarniaWeb, so he can't be that famous." And then a couple days later Booky starts complaining about him, and after that he's been everywhere so I guess he is famous now.
I've been following him since his youtube only days so I've kinda always known about him
Yes, I do seem to recall that.
yes it's only pretty for Christmas and then it's horribly annoying
Mmm, I love going barefoot! And what fun about the frogs. We did something similar when we went to wisewoman's after the Moot: waded for ages in a stream, and picked up (or tried to) salamanders, frogs, and crayfish along the way. Fun!
that's sounds so fun! Especially the Moot part .
Ditto. DITTO! I mean, who can resist a scene like this? *contented sigh* (Well, I guess GtG might.
it's pretty but I wouldn't want to go all
GtG, sound like you had a fabulous time in NYC!
yes I did . Have you ever been there?
[n]Ali: haha, I will join you in burning "Finding Nemo"! my dad keeps saying, "Let's watch Finding Nemo" so we watch it but he falls asleep, thus missing most of it and then he claims that he didn't see it and we have to watch it all over again! ugh! ah, headaches are NO fun!
I love that movie, but it has taught my sister a bad habit
I also watched Pirates of the Caribbean last night for the first time! Hilarious movie.
The ending was amazing, and the soundtrack was fantastic! (I already had it from my sister, but music is always so much better with the movie.)
we watched it that same night! For the second time though- it's awesome
. Yes the music is lovely, but the third movie soundtrack is better.
Yes, I believe we were.
I remember posting my two bits about it, but I never got back to hear your input on the subject. In brief, I said that the whole deal with relationships isn't so much the terminology you use, such as dating or courting, but where your focus is. As a Christian, the focus of any relationship, friendship, marriage, courtship (I like to use this word
), should be Jesus Christ.
I did write some but you got busy and weren't able to reply. It was pretty much what you said though- I completely agree. What do you think people should do when they're seeking to start a relationship though?
Hey, a good book you could check out on the subject is Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris or his other book I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Both have a lot of good insight for Christians.
oh yes I have those both. They're very good. I also like When God Writes Your Love Story and When Dreams Come True by Eric and Leslie Ludy .
I always love the acoustic versions of songs, especially Relient K's.
as do I . Except for the acoustic version of "Which to Bury; Us or the Hatcher?"
@ Ali. In order to keep up with what I'm responding to, I'll just quote what you said to me.
Ah yes, I always forget there is a moderate dislike of Pitt among some girls.
Sorry about that....
Cheesiness in small quantities can be good.
I would just stick with Merlin. You're not missing a lot with not reading/seeing Harry Potter. If you're curious about the stories, just go to Wikipedia and read the overviews of them. Save a lot of time instead of reading the books.
There are several Youtube videos for Stargate and Legends of the Fall, but only one good video for Last Aribender. If you want, I can PM you the links.
*reads over Ali list* Ooh! Nice selection!
*can't resist..... has to rate the scores...*
Braveheart = 3 1/2 out of 5
The Dark Knight = 5 out of 5
Spiderwick Chronicles = 4 out of 5
Pearl Harbor = Never heard it
Black Hawk Down= Also never heard this one
Sherlock Holmes = 3 1/2 out of 5
Batman Begins 3 out of 5
Pitrates 1 = 2 out of 5
Pirates 2 = 3 1/2 out of 5
Pirates 3 4 out of 5
-------------------------Yep, only 500 more to go.
Yay! I have been quoted by Cor, he-who-hardly-ever-quotes!
lol it's ok...I don't know why I don't like him really...never even seen any movies he's in .
I'll probably do that . I'm starting to be convinced myself that HP isn't that great. I think Merlin's still ok though...
Yes please! I would like a PM with the links .
I knew you would rate them ! I haven't heard them all yet, but I agree with most of your ratings, except I think Pirates 1 deserves a 3. Pearl Harbor I like alot, but I'm not a very experienced soundtrack-listener so it could be horrible, I don't know
. Still haven't listened to Black Hawk Down either...
Oh noes! We're being invaded by Justin Bieber fangurls!
I really don't like his music, but it's the fact that he's everywhere that irritates me. Half the school supplies I'm selling at work have his face plastered on them somewhere. It's like the Hannah Montana craze, only worse.
. It's weird b/c I generally don't like pop, but I really like Bieber's voice and I've been following him since the beginning so I made an except
. I really hate how popular he is though. Fads always annoy me
*is envious of GtG's library and their wonderful soundtrack selection* At least I already own most of those. I definitely want to get the Braveheart score. Mostly for the bagpipes music.
I had to get those all out on inter-library loan actually, but I'm glad I can get to them somehow. I need to buy more soundtracks- all I have is Narnia
. Ooh bagpipes are lovely! My friend plays them- I would like to learn if I was a guy, since I"m 3/8 Scottish
Doctor Who is about an incredibly old alien who time-travels in a machine called a TARDIS that is stuck looking like a police box on the outside. He's almost always accompanied on his adventures by a human or two.
sounds weird . Do you think I'd like it?
The NYC trip sounds really cool, GtG. My mom lived there a few years, but on the outskirts on a military base. One day I'm hoping to make a trip up there and hit all the museums.
yeah I'd really like to visit the museums. I'm really the only one in my family who loves history and art and stuff so we've never been to the museums b/c I'm the only one that likes them .
So last night was a lot of fun! We went swimming and had supper then I stayed at my brothers and me and my best friend hung out for a long time a played a ton of pool are were so hyper! And we stayed up to 2 am! Then I got up at 6:40 to go to work
But I'm still awake!
wow sounds like fun! And you were hyper?
*decides not to say anything when Ali says b/c and not because*
good idea .
*notices a b/c in there also*
that's saying something.
People chasing you?
Yeah the lights would be cool to see.
Me too!
yeah there was, um, well, have you heard of the Naked Cowboy? He stands in Times Square in his underwear and cowboy boot and hat and plays a guitar. And the city pays him to do this . So he kept on following me when we were in Times Square and my dad told the police if he kept on doing it he was going to punch and they said it was ok
. And then there was this guy who kept on trying to sell Malena and I tickets to a late night comedy show b/c he though we were older than we were. We told him we were under 21 but he didn't believe us and kept on telling us how awesome it was and following us but our parents stopped him
yes the lights are cool. You ever been there?
Oh she likes it a lot too then
yes! Unfortunately
I probably will if I get the chance...
good. 'Tis delicious .
you say that when you can think of nothing witty enough to compare to my last awesome words .
Dye your hair red!? Wow!
yes I love red hair! It's so awesome! Especially natural but unfortunately mine isn't, so I must dye it if I want it so. Still trying to convince my dad to let me though...You don't like red hair?
I am too! Can you just strat using proper English?
Alright if that's the way it's going to be it will be like that!
I use it when I am speaking, just not always in writing!
well what reason do I have to trust you?
did it again!
Oh I'm sure your smart
good. B/c I am. Immensely smart.
I know. I'm hilarious .
what you don't believe me?! We do! Saw one in our neighbor's yard a few months ago, and we've had bear scat in our woods several times. And scratches on the trees.
I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over the Epic One's disapproval of the music.
That's too bad. You should.
*sniffs* I did. I hate it when people don't like Adam Young's music. It's perfect
Haha, I like knowing how things will end up. Like in season 1, I was so happy that I knew ahead of time that
, otherwise it would have been really sad. Anyway, like I said, I'm still deciding about season 2. What do you mean there's a tad bit of inappropriate stuff?SpoilerMarion doesn't dieAw, you thought the trailers were horrendous? I know they weren't great, especially from a purists view, but how can you help but be really excited when you see them?
you remind me of my grandmother. She refuses to watch a movie unless she is told how the whole thing goes . I hate knowing ahead of time, but suprisingly I can never keep away from Narnia spoilers
. Probably b/c they never really spoil too much.
I cried even though I knew

I was extremely excited! I actually hurt my knee b/c I jumped so much- limped for a few days . But they were still bad. The new clips too. They make me screech with expectation and delight and then cry b/c of the horrible adaption. I really hope the movie is good.
*waves to dotK*
*decides on Deas Vail's All the Houses Look the Same as the catchup album of the night*
good choice . Looooove that CD.
Tut tut! The Epic One wishes a lady to cry? How rude!
he called me impertinent! I think that's worse
LOVE that video you posted! I still cry every time I heard that song- it's so beautiful!
*enters into the square every once and a while looking over at the Patriots vs Falcons game*
Hello all and Good Mortereve! How are things with you all today?
So who is like crazy over the NFL?
What I think about it is it's fun to watch with friends but as far as being a fan I'm not![]()
*wishes she could be watching the game*
I used to LOVE sports. Still like them alot, but I never can watch them, since no one else in my family does
PA, are you working on two books? Why in the world would you do that to yourself??? That said, I can definitely understand what you mean by having everything in your head and somehow not being able to get it out on paper; I've had that problem many times, and am currently having it with one of my short stories. Unfortunately, with my novel (only a prologue and half a chapter long! - you're beating me
) I'm not even at that stage. I know how things go for the first few chapters, and I have a few scenes in mind for later on, but in general it's all very sketchy. And I'm not going to be getting to it for a while - I have a short story to write for Jo's journal by October, and one or two others to finish as well. I should start consulting some of the reference books I've bought to help with my novel, too....
Do you work at an indoor pool in the fall?
Yeah. We have several different pools at two different facilities, but after Labor Day the outdoor pools close completely. Less hours, less heat ... a much-needed change at this point, as far as I'm concerned.
Tut tut! The Epic One wishes a lady to cry? How rude!
The Epic One did not wish you to cry, dear Lady; he merely wished to point out that the natural reaction to his dislike of a certain song would indeed be tears, for his opinion is so precious and valuable a thing that the loss of it must needs cause deep anguish. The Epic One is never intentionally rude, either, although his Epicness sometimes precludes him from having to follow social conventions. His is a high and lonely destiny.... ( )
I start classes Monday too! But fool that I am, I am trying to accomplish things before then.
Regarding your spoiler: I'm trying to shut that part of it out of my mind. My hope is that there is some other explanation for it.
I am hyper tonight
And this is unusual how?
Why would you go to the Town Square in New York? There's a much lovelier one in Ditto Town!
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*waves to everyone, but especially those who said something to me*
PA, are you working on two books? Why in the world would you do that to yourself???
Somehow, I don't quite think it's up to me. You see, these characters have it in their heads that I'm to do nothing less, than cover their whole lives (from a certain point onwards, anyway). Or at least, cover different times in the history of their families. It's quite an adventure, having these young'uns thinking they are in charge.
I know it sounds crazy, but I don't mind all that much. First of all, it gives me something to work on when I'm stuck on the first one. And second, most of the stuff they tend to tell me happens in the second or third book anyway. (no idea why) It's almost like this series is going to be one long story. And yet it isn't. I don't know how to explain it. Digs had the same concern about it as you, but I told him it doesn't really throw me off too much... seeing as the second book takes place only a few months after the first one. (the first book is written in august, but takes place in june. and the second took place that october, but is written a few weeks later in early november. if that makes sense)
Besides, it's not like I have anything better to do. My whole life consists of: church (and activities with people from there... but that's just once a week. or every few weeks), chores, the internet, the occasional babysitting job, and now Oliver! rehearsals twice a week. So, I have tons of writing time.
That said, I can definitely understand what you mean by having everything in your head and somehow not being able to get it out on paper; I've had that problem many times, and am currently having it with one of my short stories. Unfortunately, with my novel (only a prologue and half a chapter long! - you're beating me
) I'm not even at that stage. I know how things go for the first few chapters, and I have a few scenes in mind for later on, but in general it's all very sketchy. And I'm not going to be getting to it for a while - I have a short story to write for Jo's journal by October, and one or two others to finish as well. I should start consulting some of the reference books I've bought to help with my novel, too....
How long have you been working on your novel? Anyway, best of luck with all your writing endeavours. (Well, and school and other stuff too!)
GtG- I went to New York City once... my college's choir went and sang the Rutter Requeim in Carnegie Hall (along with other choirs). And we were conducted by John Rutter himself! (has probably mentioned this on the forum before, and it was ages ago... like five or so years ago. So, I'll talk with you about it some other time through pm or something, when I remember more about it) We got to sight-see somewhat while there, but the majority of our time was probably spent in rehearsals getting ready for the performance.
Now, if we're talking the state of New York, I've been to another part of it four times... for that camp I'm always talking about every summer.
*wanders in listening to 'Here Comes the Sun'...George Harrison makes me want to learn guitar!*
*waves at PA and lys, though I doubt they're still around*
Harking back a couple of pages…
Good to hear your college update, Kingskid. Sounds like they're keeping you out of trouble.
What, Kk’s in college now? How time does fly! I’ve always wondered what it would be like to go to an American college, and have a roommate, and live care free in a little kingdom. I hope you’re enjoying it?!
Oh my, I believe I 'owe' you a PM.
Do you? I shall eagerly await it then.
*waves back to Miss Rosario and Mel…after an absence of two days…but they’re polite enough not to mention their aching wrists*
(Is it just me or does anyone else feel slightly mad when writing in third person like that?)
PC, your greeting made me laugh. Like, more than this but less than this
. I am doing well, between work, uni, family, the complexity yet smallness of life etc –how goes it for yourself?
Oh noes! We're being invaded by Justin Bieber fangurls!
Haha, indeed. I was out shopping a while ago in the city and walking along the street was what must have been only a four year old girl singing ‘Baby’ very cutely (if not off key). The Bieber certainly has a far-ranging influence.
Erm, Doc Who is an alien?! There’s my ‘Oh!’ moment of the day, or at least, one of them.
*waves to Lady Liln* How are you? I really enjoy reading your posts, they're very colourful in every way.
*introduces self to Ruby Gamgee & Cymru* Hello, nice to meet you both!
(p.s. this made me giggle:
I love the opportunity I now have to say "Hello Bella-not-from-Twilight!"
There is nothing like seeing Les Miserables in a live performance. I don't particularly care who puts it on, in my experience, it's always amazing.
I have this feeling that your country is more musical than mine, or just so much bigger that the percentage of people interested in musicals feels bigger. I would love to see a school or performing arts group perform Les Mis, but alas anything small scale is always something like Brechtian theatre or some other strange technique that sounds clever in theory, but is no musicale! .../complaining
Well, I’m supposing no-one is around, as it is early morning for many of you –and it’s only the arvo here- might go back to my book. That being, Persuasion (I confess, I’m still not over it).
I don't have dreads, but bare feet about 99.99999% of the time, yes!
Oh gosh, don’t your feet get cold?? Melbourne is so not bare-foot weather-worthy anymore –I am considering living up north for the winter (the North has received my application, at least). It’s raining as we speak. As I babble and you read. Or sleep, more likely, considering the time diff!
I'd better start with dinner soon, I wonder if I can read and cook atthesametime? Cheers, folks!
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy