comes in singing "Those Nights" by Skillet so loud that all the dogs in the neighborhood howl
[n]Ali: haha, I will join you in burning "Finding Nemo"! my dad keeps saying, "Let's watch Finding Nemo" so we watch it but he falls asleep, thus missing most of it and then he claims that he didn't see it and we have to watch it all over again! ugh! ah, headaches are NO fun!
malkah: thanks! I had fun!
johobbit: yes, I also think highly of Samartian's Purse and I can't wait to see how this partinership with Narnia is going to be! yay!
yeah, I have seen Tobymac 5 times.....I have been able to do this because me and my family always volunteer at concerts (Soulfest and other venues in out area) so we are able to see shows without having to pay a cent! it's really worth it!
Kutless was so awesome at Soulfest! they had every person in the place jumping, but that was unfortunate because: the ground was really dry since we had very little rain during Soulfest. that was a problem because the dust was bad and when everyone jumped dueing Kutless, a HUGE (I repeat HUGE) cloud of dust billowed up from the ground. after the concert, a friend of mine who had been farther up the hill told me that when the dust cloud happened, she couldn't see the stage (and the stage is big) for about 5 minutes! and I was smack in the middle of the dust cloud! when it happened, everyone was breathing into their T-shirts and coughing and it was crazy! the dust made the lead singer of Jars Of Clay lose his voice!
yeah it was crazy!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hello everyone!
I'm super excited right now because someone has finally posted a halfway-decent video of Randal Keith singing "Bring Him Home" from Les Miserables on YouTube. I saw him play Jean Valjean a few years ago and I love his interpretation so much! Don't throw any rotten tomatoes at me, but I think he's a million times better than Colm Wilkinson.
I'm sorry I haven't been on much of late - these last two weeks of work are always hectic ones for me.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*plods in from the library* Good mortereve, all. Our internet is still down, but I think it's getting fixed sometime this evening/tomorrow morning.
Aside from that, I'm doing well (as long as I ignore the fact that school starts next week). The weather has been lovely--sunny, with little humidity, and in the 70's.
I finally discovered that the library lost The Thief, thus explaining why I could never find it. Ah well, I suppose there's always next summer or Christmas break.
I also watched Pirates of the Caribbean last night for the first time! Hilarious movie. The ending was amazing, and the soundtrack was fantastic! (I already had it from my sister, but music is always so much better with the movie.)
My sister and I are going to see LotR as well sometime this weekend. *nudges Louise the Second* I'm super excited!
I love letters too, Ruby -- both writing and receiving them! There is something about the handwriting, the details, and the thought you know went into it all that makes a letter so much nicer than an email. It's quite sad that none of my friends agree.
Booky: Aha, so the real reason comes out. That's most likely true, though; it's somewhat handy to have a mod sister.
Nick: I think most public schools don't start until after Labor Day--so yes, it's a bit early.
At the moment I almost wished I was still homeschooled. I'll probably have to quit orchestra (and maybe violin lessons as well) because of the schedule. Boo.
Good to see you again, Edmund P!
*absently watches a tour group invade her library space*
Mel: Oh? His name is Chico. He hated the kitten at first, then tolerated her, and now the two are buddies. It's very cute to watch.
Thanks Ben and Glenstorm for the comments on Sofie. We love her tons.
And to you as well, malkah! Ehh. I'm not sure about the concerto. I actually may be having to quit lessons, due to school. (I dearly, DEARLY hope not though!) So we shall see. It all depends on when the recital is.
*now owns Mi Mancherai* Beautiful, beautiful piece. I love Josh Groban anyway, but with Joshua Bell accompanying... *happy sigh*
*waves to Matette*
The painting is finally finished, Louise the Second---or my part, anyhow. There are a few high places reserved for a taller person. And my grandpa (amazingly) didn't break any bones, though there were bruises. It was very relieving; a fall down the stairs can easily be fatal for an 85-year-old.
All right, and I'm out of here. Enjoy your afternoon, all!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Mortereve, all!
Well, first of all, thank-you very much for the birthday wishes!!
I feel very touched.
*will catch up on the Town Square I stuff sooner or later but decided to come in for the thank-you now*
That said, anyone around at this time and moment?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
[quote="jo, whose words I will correctly colour,":3ifivfhq]I wonder if this occurred similarly to how the French Peas stole Bob and Larry's parts in one of the Veggies shows ...
Hmmm. I wouldn't know.
Please don't mention Lion Parties. Chicago seems like a much easier trip, but I'm tempted. Very tempted.
You're right, lys, the video quality isn't the best, but the sound is OK. I had to listen to Colm Wilkinson's version to compare the two, and I think I do like Randal Keith a bit better. He gave me goosebumps...
EDIT: *waves hello to Bella*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*comes into the Square, glowing from the sheer awesomeness of new Jars of Clay + Tenth Avenue North song*
I've been picking up little rumors for quite a while that Jars of Clay was recording with Tenth Avenue North. I don't know how much Jars of Clay is planning on featuring them on their new album, but they recently released their newest single "Out of My Hands" and let me tell you that it is amazing!! The combination of the two bands is just perfect!! I still haven't gotten over it. And I can't wait to hear the rest of Jars of Clay's new album, because I really love that band.
I put a link to the new song on my blog if you want to listen to it. It's well worth listening to.
Anyway, I have started school this week! Yippee! For a home-schooler that's not all that exciting. But it's nice, having a little more routine in my life. And it's nice having something to do. My schedule is a lot more relaxed this school year which is nice. Last year it was hectic. That's one good thing about home schooling, you can distribute your school out and not have a crazy schedule.
My dance teacher called me the other day and I am officially teaching. I'm not an officially registered teacher, but I'll be helping out by teaching the class of beginners and then helping her with all the other classes. In exchange, I get to take lessons myself without paying tuition! Yay! It also means that every Friday, I'll be at dance practice from 4-8 pm. I'm going to die my first class.
I'm really excited about starting dance up though! It's so much fun and I haven't danced all summer, so I miss it.
Along with dance, I'm going to be participating in a high school ensemble, if all the schedules and stuff work out for that. I'm not sure yet. If it falls through, big deal. I'm also working really hard on piano and I'll be starting a music theory class (college level).
That about sums up my school life.
Now for some catch up....this should take a while.
;)) sure. Were we still talking about relationships?
Yes, I believe we were. I remember posting my two bits about it, but I never got back to hear your input on the subject. In brief, I said that the whole deal with relationships isn't so much the terminology you use, such as dating or courting, but where your focus is. As a Christian, the focus of any relationship, friendship, marriage, courtship (I like to use this word
), should be Jesus Christ.
Hey, a good book you could check out on the subject is Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris or his other book I Kissed Dating Goodbye. Both have a lot of good insight for Christians.
I'd not heard of him until his name began popping up here on NarniaWeb. And that's a little ironic, since Adam Young hails from a small town a little more than an hour south of here (Owatonna) - I even have some relatives who live there.
Well, I had never heard of him until Miss Aravis or Kat told me about him. I think the thing I love most about his music is that you really get a feel of the midwest, which is where I grew up as a young child and so listening to his music is like going back to my childhood.
That's cool that you live near him! Perhaps you could meet him someday and get his autograph for all of his fans on NarniaWeb.
*waves to jo* So sorry that I've been gone forever and a day. I've really missed the Square. How are you doing?
I've been gone for too long again. Life has been utterly crazy lately. And to think, I thought I'd have more time for posting in the summer!
I know exactly what you mean by that!! I thought for sure my life would sort of settle down over the summer. Apparently I was wrong. It's nice though, because now getting back to school is really slow and relaxing compared to my summer.
I got my learner's permit today. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Whoot!! Whoot! I need to do that soon. Since I've turned sixteen, everyone's been asking me, "So, are you getting your driver's license?"
Aw, lysander, I'm so sorry to hear that your Guard Star class was so rough! That really does sound painful. I'm glad it's over too. What have you been up to lately? Are things going alright?
*waves to Miss Rosario* What to say on NarniaWeb when you can't say, "it's good to see a familiar, muchly-missed face?" Anyway, how have you been doing lately? It's been a while I know, I've been really bad about keeping up with the Square this summer.
I am back from Soulfest! I saw the first VotDT trailer there like 5 times and I met Switchfoot (the whole band with the exception of Jon Foreman
) oh well
I had an awesome time! I saw Hawk Nelson Live, Switchfoot live, Tobymac live, and Kutless live! it was amazing! but I am SO tired! I was up late every night.....but it was worth it and fun and I had a blast!
Wow! That sounds amazing!! I'm glad you had such a great time!! 'Tis too bad that you didn't get to meet Jon Foreman, but it's still really neat that you got to meet the rest of the Switchfoot band.
How have you been? I'm asking everyone that right now, because I really don't know and have been away waaaay too long.
First of all, I can't remember who was talking about Sanctus Real, but their "Pieces of a Real Heart" is really amazing. "Keep My Heart Alive," "Lead Me," and "Forgiven" are my favorites. And the acoustic versions of the last two are quite good too.
I'm not sure if you were talking to me or not about this, but I recall discussing this way back, probably on the old forum. Anyway, I've only ever heard "Lead Me" and "Forgiven" from their new album, but I really, really, really want to buy the entire album!!! I still have music gift cards and stuff like that from last Christmas that I need to use, just haven't had the time.
I always love the acoustic versions of songs, especially Relient K's.
That band (SR) is really growing on me though. Sanctus Real and Jars of Clay are probably my latest favoritist established bands.
*skims through pages and pages of posts*
I do try and read most of the posts, but sometimes I'm just so behind...and I haven't the time.
*starts at the long-time-no-see avatar of narnianerd!!!*
Hi! It's been a while since I saw you on the Square!! Then, at the same time, it's been a while since I was on here.
Sounds like you've been having one awesome summer!!! So cool that you got to see all those amazing artists (especially Tenth Avenue North .
Your graphics set reminds me, we've been watching a lot of Bonanza around this house lately. It's a classic family favorite. My little sister has become an official fan girl of "Little Joe". It's kind of funny, but she practically melts every time he's in an episode.
Is that pogginfan I see?? How are you doing??
*waves to Fanny* Good to see you on the forums too!!! Sorry that it's taken me so long to catch up. Anyway, how have you been doing?
*wave to Aiden, Prince Cor, Benjamin, and anyone else on the Square*
I need to be off to go wash some of my laundry and then do a bit of home work before dinner!
God bless, everyone!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*The figures of a Prince and his Dragon enter the Square with Cor discussing the up and downs of Ebay....*
..... Well, I now have some of my CD's up for auction. Hopefully that will do better than the Nintendo DS game.
*It should. I checked earlier and you already have 9 views. *
Great! Wait.... you checked something on computer?!?? How?
*Ahem, very carefully. *
Ahh, I see.
Mortereve all! I trust everyone is having a pleasant Wednesday? Mine is going well, enjoying the last few days of freedom before classes begin on Monday.
*Cor and Vern stop by the chocolate tree for some chocolate covered apples before taking their seats at the fountain*
@ NN. Glad to see your blue posts again!! I didn't realize you had been gone for a week.... Anyway, glad your back and hope school is going well!
@ Rose. Answer: No one can resist the puppy dog eyes and chocolate!!! *coughhackcough* I'm alright.... I'm alright...
And it fits very well. Besides, green is my favorite color, so of course I'll like it.
@ Booky. Right now I'm just going through the basics. I like telling people that my major is "Undecided". Hopefully by the next semester or so I'll know what I want to major in.
@ Ali. In order to keep up with what I'm responding to, I'll just quote what you said to me.
I almost didn't myself . My sisters saw me when I was doing it and they were like "eew! Brad Pitt?" .
eh I don't mind cheeseiness too much . Yeah I hope I can watch it too. Been trying to discuss magic with my mom lately. I might succeed in being able to watch Merlin but I have very little hopes for Harry Potter...have you read those?
yes definitely . My library has none of those . Maybe I can youtube them...I did get a huge load of soundtracks out the other day. Braveheart, The Dark Knight, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk Down, Sherlock Holmes, Batman Begins, and all three of the POTC movie soundtracks. I have a few more waiting to be picked up at the library too.
*waves again despite Cor's not doing so*
haha . I remember when I was obsessed with getting to the next rank and would post like 50 times a day . I have 4500 posts roughly which means abotu 500 to the next rank, right?
Ah yes, I always forget there is a moderate dislike of Pitt among some girls. Sorry about that....
Cheesiness in small quantities can be good. I would just stick with Merlin. You're not missing a lot with not reading/seeing Harry Potter. If you're curious about the stories, just go to Wikipedia and read the overviews of them. Save a lot of time instead of reading the books.
Drat. There are several Youtube videos for Stargate and Legends of the Fall, but only one good video for Last Aribender. If you want, I can PM you the links.
*reads over Ali list* Ooh! Nice selection! *can't resist..... has to rate the scores...*
Braveheart = 3 1/2 out of 5
The Dark Knight = 5 out of 5
Spiderwick Chronicles = 4 out of 5
Pearl Harbor = Never heard it
Black Hawk Down= Also never heard this one
Sherlock Holmes = 3 1/2 out of 5
Batman Begins 3 out of 5
Pitrates 1 = 2 out of 5
Pirates 2 = 3 1/2 out of 5
Pirates 3 4 out of 5
Yep, only 500 more to go.
@ Mel. Ugh, making us wait, for like, ever.
@ Mal. Yep, no pressure.... sort of.
I know how crazy Life can get. My life is about to get a lot busier starting next week.
Not yet, I start on Monday. I’ll be taking Math, Amercian History, Language, Music Appreication and Orentation.
Nope, never seen Doctor Who. I guess I'm deeply deprived....
Reading about your brother crabwalking up stairs gives me a mental flash of a scene from The Exorcist.
@ StudyMate. Yay! A Studymate sighting!!! Hope all is well with you and yours.
@ Jo. Question one: I have no idea. "This is a new experience for me...." Question 2: I'm going full time (13 hours).
Thank you very, very much for the prayers. I'll definitely need them...
*Woohoo! Cookie fish! Hmm, this means I'll have to share with the Royal Family.... *
Alright, I think that gets all the catching-up for now. I need to head back to the castle and help prepare supper. Oven baked chicken tonight!!!!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square with the Prince humming the theme from The Dark Half...... Huh?*
The Dark Half by Christopher Young, Narrator. It's not as creepy sounding music as you might think.
*sounds creepy enough to me....*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Just five days of freedom left until classes start. At least Monday I'll only have one class. That'll be nice. It's going to mean a lot less online time though, since I have a big courseload this semester. And naturally the big LotRO content update I've been waiting all year for will come out about a month after school starts.
Glad to know I'm not the only one trying to banish Jeremy Camp from my Pandora station. I actually have four, but he only shows up on my Christian music station, fortunately.
Oh noes! We're being invaded by Justin Bieber fangurls! I really don't like his music, but it's the fact that he's everywhere that irritates me. Half the school supplies I'm selling at work have his face plastered on them somewhere. It's like the Hannah Montana craze, only worse.
*is envious of GtG's library and their wonderful soundtrack selection* At least I already own most of those. I definitely want to get the Braveheart score. Mostly for the bagpipes music.
Doctor Who is about an incredibly old alien who time-travels in a machine called a TARDIS that is stuck looking like a police box on the outside. He's almost always accompanied on his adventures by a human or two.
Welcome back, Edmund P.!
The NYC trip sounds really cool, GtG. My mom lived there a few years, but on the outskirts on a military base. One day I'm hoping to make a trip up there and hit all the museums.
Malkah, that customer sounds like some of the ones from Not Always Right. I've watched most of the revised run of Doctor Who, missed a few of the Rose and Martha episodes, but all of series 4 & 5.
Jo, I would definitely recommend you give the Eclipse score a try. It's a bit more modern in sound than the LotR scores, but still very good. I imagine you could probably find it on YouTube if you want to listen for free.
Tenth Avenue North and Jars of Clay sound like a terrific team-up.
Hello everyone!
Once again I'm just taking a break in between online quizzes. I have.....four out of seven left. *sigh* On the bright side, my ear infection is gone. But on the not-so-bright side the cough is still hanging on.
pogginfan, I've had bronchitis for.....2 1/2 weeks now? Something like that. When will you finish math and science? Ooh, the beach! I haven't been to the beach in such a long time.
*waves back to GTG and Benjamin*
hi again! how are you doing?
I'm doing well; I'll be even better once summer school ends. What have you been up to lately?
"You and your education."
- Ben Cartwright
"Education is progress! Now what have you got against it?"
- Adam Cartwright
"I don't have anything against education - as long as it doesn't interfere with your thinking!"
- Ben Cartwright
I remember that conversation, but I don't remember which episode it's from. It'll probably come to me later.
*starts skimming and then notices that she missed Bella's birthday* Happy belated Birthday Bella!
*pauses her skimming to view Miss Rosario's pics* Awwww, what a cute kitty!
I haven't seen Inception either, and I probably won't... so you're not alone. Or maybe you've joined the masses?
Nope, haven't joined the masses yet. And probably won't until it's on DVD.
And I also wanted to go to a really cool Egyptian exhibit. King Tutenkahmen's mummy was there on display and it's his final tour before going back to Egypt forever!
Oh! He's going back? I didn't know that. I saw that exhibit I don't remember how many years ago and it was really cool. Do try to see it!
Well, from what I've seen of your well-written posts on the forum here, I'm expecting you will have no problems writing your speeches. But I guess you're referring more to standing up in front of large crowds to give them? All the best with these!
*blushes* Thank you. Sometimes I'm not entirely sure I'm saying what I want to when I post something. No, I don't expect to have a hard time writing speeches, but actually doing the speeches....*shudders* I took speech last year, but I don't think I've really improved much. My teacher said I did, but I think that was because by the end of the semester I was used to it because I gave all five speeches to the same group of people. Now I'll have a different group every time.
*refrains from throwing tomatoes at lysander* Randal Keith is good, but I do like Colm Wilkinson better. I might change my mind if I saw him live though.
Good luck to everybody that has already started school or is going to in the very near future! I don't start until the 30th. Only ten days of freedom in between summer school and the fall semester.........
*waves to everybody she didn't mention and goes to finish taking her quizzes*
*Sofie and Miss R. make their way into the gradually-darkening Square*
Hello again, all! Our internet was fixed tonight, so I'm taking advantage of this novelty and am (gasp!) posting twice in the Square in one afternoon.
Congrats on becoming a dance teacher (or assistant teacher?), Ruby! How exciting! Four hours every Friday sounds tough, though. I imagine it must be great exercise.
Oh, dear me, I've missed you as well. It's always wonderful to see familiar muchly-missed faces... erm, avatars?... back in the Square. And don't worry; I'm always horrible at keeping up with it during school. (Speaking of which, I start next week! Squeak!)
@ Rose. Answer: No one can resist the puppy dog eyes and chocolate!!!
*coughhackcough* I'm alright.... I'm alright...
Hey now, that horrible look nearly made me take back everything I said earlier about the so-called "puppy dog face". Huh! *shakes her head reproachfully at the Prince's impolite behavior*
Oh? Green and blue are my favorites. It's kind of interesting--I have favorite colors for clothes, favorite colors for furniture, and favorite colors for... just color in general. (The latter of which is green and blue.)
Way to confuse. You honestly think he's gonna understand that? Hee.
*ahem* Ignore Sofie.
Oof, DotK, this seems to be an everlasting sickness. I do hope you get over it soon, and stay well!
[<---Double hug. Illness and all.]
*Miss R. and Sofie hesitate, debating whether or not to stay a tad longer, then decide it's best to leave while the Square's empty*
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*comes in late to the new Square* I don't suppose anyone still wants cake, what with the celebrations being all over now. . .
I got sick last week, which left me in no mood to post (plus, the posts won't have been so nonsensical it's not funny). Now, I'm simply counting down the days til college starts. I am excited, but oi, I'm gonna have no time.
Ah well, I'll survive—I think.
Just catching up on what's directed at me. Nearly two weeks of absence does that.
*listens to Seabird's Til We See the Shore*
QS, alas, all our VeggieTale movies have gone the way of the VHS player.
*thanks Abe for being so kind as to open the Sqaures*
*giggles that so many Square Onions make random and long overdue appearances for the first page of the Square*
Lark, huge Conga Rats about your spoiler on page 2!! How's driving going?
Ly, glad to hear you're still majoring in English. I didn't think you'd change, but thought I'd ask to be sure you hadn't decided to study something else. I still expect to see you published someday.
Aww, you didn't like "Brielle"? I'm not really surprised, but I love the lyrics so much. Adam Young's vocals seem to annoy some folks; I don't quite see why, but I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over the Epic One's disapproval of the music.
Eh, that Jr. Guard class does indeed sound horrible.
"Indigo"? Ack. That was definitely supposed to be an "Inigo".. with, uh, an extra 'd'.
Still, I think it's funny to say "Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya, you killed my father, blah blah blah."
Dot, eh, I think skipping the physiology makes learning the anatomy harder, though maybe a fetal pig isn't quite as hard to learn about as the human body. Are you done with that class now? Or is this your finals week?
*Lovely! Now everyone will need to get used to seeing Brad Pitt and Anthony Hopkins instead of the Beatles and recognize it's you.
Or, we'll just think Cor has three heads.
*begins listening to Go by Jonsi*
*laughs heartily at Mel and Valia's show* Hope you two had a lovely time together! (At least, I think you met up in RL. . .)
Oh, yeah my mod PMs have been known to cause grown men to collapse in little messy heaps and cry for their mommies all while sucking their thumbs and clutching their blankies.
Was this supposed to inspire fear? Maybe I've just seen your snark too often, cause it just made me laugh.
Poggy, it's been years since I've seen a beach sunrise, but they're so lovely. Almost makes me want to be a morning bird.
(Thankfully, the fact that we have no near oceans prevents this night owl from having to change).
*wants to see Inception but is most likely gonna have to wait for the DVD*
*hugs Fanny*
Libby, your poor dad. That sounds really, really painful.
Oh! To you and ~LL~ (squiggles included!): I bought Mi Mancherai from iTunes the other day. It's beautiful! The two of them together was almost enough to make me die and go to heaven.
*giggles about the squiggles* Glad you like it. It's such a lovely combination.
Aiden, I'm in my third year of college. I'm gonna wind up taking an extra full year though, because of how the nursing clinicals are set up at my college and when I declared and so on.
How's high school going for you?
Speaking of books, I've been reading Megan Whalen Turner's books. (Is there an official name for her series about Attolia/Eddis/Eugenides?) I wasn't sure I would like them, so I just borrowed them from the library, and I really, really liked them. I haven't read Conspiracy of Kings yet though, because unfortunately it hasn't come in yet. But the first three are really awesome. I actually read all three over again I liked them so much.
Yay!! What do you think of Gen? What'd you think of MWT's signature twists? What did you think of Ooh, I hope you like CoK! *will ask many questions then too*
Aww, Rose, Sofie's adorable! And Nameless Big Cat looks pretty mellow too.
Joshua Bell does the violin for Mi Mancherai?! I can't believe I didn't know this! And as if that song wasn't gorgeous enough already...
I just figured it out recently, when Rose was talking about having seen Joshua Bell in concert. I don't pay attention to those "Regular Artist AND So and So" often enough.
Did I miss that Lady_Liln has a 2,000 page nursing textbook to read?
Well, my dear Squiggle-less friend, all the best with that! Whew!
2,000 page textbook to read, 100 page paper to write, and a nearly 5 hour clinical all for just ONE of my classes. Am I crazy (note, just plain crazy, not asylum crazy ) to be excited for this class?
Oh, and you and Rose both mentioned The Squiggles. Perhaps they need to send greetings over to the Square too?
*takes ice cream break*
*whilst attempting to hear the Jars of Clay and TAN song, LL succeeded in having a moment of utter confusion when she first hit play and then heard the intro to "Hot Air Balloon." LL quickly found that Ruby had an rogue music player hidden just beyond view*
I'm actually not a fan of how their voices blended. *ducks* Mike's voice sounds more twangy then usual or something. (Then again, I've only heard "Healing Begins" off TAN's second album, and the first one has been awhile since I listened to it). It's a good song, just doesn't stick for me.
Congrats on getting to help teach dance lessons!
Well, I think I caught everything. If I missed something important, do tell me.
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
So last night was a lot of fun! We went swimming and had supper then I stayed at my brothers and me and my best friend hung out for a long time a played a ton of pool are were so hyper! And we stayed up to 2 am! Then I got up at 6:40 to go to work But I'm still awake!
nope I am not joking. I'm glad he is 30 b/c he will stop smoking but it's kinda creepy too. That means he's 14 years older than me and 10 years younger than my mom. That means he's closer in age to my mom than me! That is so freaky. It's weird. Ugh.
*decides not to say anything when Ali says b/c and not because*
it depends where we're going. I mean I'll wear shoes (or bring them really
) but I don't even wear shoes at church
. It's a home church and not very big and we know everyone there well so...they don't mind
. My dad told me I have to start wearing shoes more often though b/c my heels are getting too tough. I can't really feel if someone touching my feet
lol yes, I have no hairy feet
*notices a b/c in there also*
As can I. I'm no city girl. Crowds terrify me and I don't like all the noise or weird people chasing after you (happened twice...yeah) but I still like walking around, and seeing all the billboards in Times Square and the lights at night. But I would die if I had to live there.
People chasing you?
Yeah the lights would be cool to see.
Me too!
my mom had sushi tonight and wouldn't let me have some
Oh she likes it a lot too then
you should! It's really good. Especially raw. Better than raw fish. That made me reeeeeally queasy
I probably will if I get the chance...
you can say that as many times as you wish but I won't stop using b/c
tis true! There's nothing else I would fix about me! At least, once my dad lets me dye my hair red
Dye your hair red!? Wow!
I'm getting sick of your English lessons
um yeah. I have no reason whatsoever to trust you
I am too! Can you just strat using proper English?
Alright if that's the way it's going to be it will be like that!
well then are there others? B/c you've made it very clear that I am under your authority!
what?! You don't think I'm smart?!
Oh I'm sure your smart
I was imagining that I was hitting something else besides my hand
b/c it's not exactly my choice! I can't go camping by myself! I'm only 16! Although it would be nice...I suppose I could camp in our backyard but it's rather nasty back there and we have black bears
I just saw that the other night!
Beautiful, beautiful movie. And all the more touching because their story has such a sad, untimely ending.
It is a great movie!
Heehee, that's so cute! I'm doing okay ... because our humidity has finally left. Hurrah! It may be back a bit over the next while, but hopefully nothing compared to what it has been the past 6-7 weeks!
Humidity is so crazy! It's makes the heat so much harder to bare!
Ben, your hike and campfire sound fun!
Is twas!
Ben, I'm thankful your sister is okay. That must have been an unsettling time as she had her surgery. Thankfully, God is faithful and good, whatever the news (and I don't mean to sound glib when I say that: it's just been something I've been learning and pondering a lot on lately).
It was pretty crazy! God gave me amazing peace through it though!
Oh you are not sounding glib at all! That is very true and what we all need to remember always!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Oh, yeah my mod PMs have been known to cause grown men to collapse in little messy heaps and cry for their mommies all while sucking their thumbs and clutching their blankies.
Was this supposed to inspire fear? Maybe I've just seen your snark too often, cause it just made me laugh.
That's the problem with getting to know people, they stop cowering in your presence.
Came across this VDT poster. Pretty sure it's fan-made, but I liked the design of it. It'd make for a gorgeous official poster.
Had a fun evening tonight catching up on my TV shows; Haven, Covert Affairs, and Eureka.
And I've posted my newest video of the week. Click on the link down there at the bottom underneath my HP sig for musical awesomeness.
Whew, lots to catch up on, even though I only posted this afternoon!
Ooooh, I've been meaning to re-watch The Lord of the Rings, Miss Rosario! Thanks for reminding me about that.
You're right, lys, the video quality isn't the best, but the sound is OK. I had to listen to Colm Wilkinson's version to compare the two, and I think I do like Randal Keith a bit better. He gave me goosebumps...
I wish the sound quality were even better than it is (I could care less about the video), but I'm grateful that it was posted, period. There is another video of him singing it floating around out there, but he was closely miked and the result is not flattering to his voice. And if you think those were goosebumps ... you should have heard him live.
BTW, I'm fully aware that I do still owe you a PM. Again ... things have been crazy around here.
Aw, lysander, I'm so sorry to hear that your Guard Star class was so rough! That really does sound painful. I'm glad it's over too. What have you been up to lately? Are things going alright?
It was an awful experience. And I had the misfortune to run into one of the kids the other day when I was working at the water-park. He made an obscene gesture towards me and my manager sat him out of the pool. Grrrr. I've been doing pretty well recently, but I'm ready for school to start. Not because I'm ready for school per se, but because I'll work less. These last two weeks we all work about 40 hrs apiece or more, because staff dwindles as people go off to college. When I get home I'm exhausted and that's why I haven't been around much.
PC: Ebay's like that. Sometimes the stuff catches fire, and sometimes it doesn't. And sometimes, people like me are doofuses and forget to place their bids before heading out to work.
Wow, Book, I think that may be the longest post I've ever seen you make, at least here in the Square. As you know, I share your liking for the Braveheart soundtrack, and think you should order your own copy immediately. There are copies up on going for mere cents, and I'm not kidding about that either. Good to hear about the Eclipse soundtrack ... although I am personally of the opinion that Shore should lay aside writing movie scores for a while and compose a Silmarillion oratorio ASAP.
Randal Keith is good, but I do like Colm Wilkinson better. I might change my mind if I saw him live though.
Yeah, I probably wouldn't like Randal quite as much as I do if I hadn't seen him do the full show. But I really do think he is a much better singer than Colm. Colm is a good actor, probably better than Randal, but his voice is so grainy and quivery, and wobbly, and he squeaks at the end of high notes, and makes this weird "falling" noise at the end of phrases ("hear my prayerrrrruuhhhh"). It just strikes me as very bad vocal technique.
John Owen-Jones is another singer I very much like as Valjean, although his voice is a bit light- and young-sounding for the role. Of course none of them have Randal's low notes ... he's actually a baritone whose amazing falsetto singing allows him to sing this tenor role (!).
I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over the Epic One's disapproval of the music.
Eh, that Jr. Guard class does indeed sound horrible.
That's too bad. You should.
Thank you for the virtual hug! How have you been?
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Oh, sheesh!
I think to myself, "I can't have been gone too long, right? They heard from me semi-recently... right?" And then I come in here to find a brand new Square?
Anyway, I can't talk real long. But I thought you'd want to know I'm not dead.
I hope you all are doing well!
I've had the usual ups and downs. Worked a bit more on my book, etc. Life as usual, I suppose. (with only a few really interesting things happening)
I promise I won't wait so long next time, ok? Take care!