*plops down on a bench*
Hey all!
So I just got back from work! Got off early today because of rain and also because My Dad and I and some of my siblings are going to the airport to pick up my Mom and my sister who were in Tennessee.
They went to Tennessee because one of our good friends is a doctor and my sister was having some trouble that we could not figure out. It turns out that there was a kind of growth on her ovary. So she had to have surgery and then right when they took out the growth (which was the size of an avocado!) they had it tested to see if it was cancer but thank God it was not! If it had been her ovary would had to have been taken out!
So anyway a little catchup before I go.
Life's going well, thanks! Like I said at the top, school started for me today. When does it start for you?
Good! Oh really, nice. Well my schooling does not have a starting and stopping time When I have the time I do school (and if I'm not too lazy
*sigh* Enjoy that Colorado weather, Ben! Yup, PR's my sister. And yup, I have an FB account.
I will!
Oh cool
Ben: yeah, it was weird! my pastor couln't stop laughing for a few minutes.....
Haha! That is pretty funny! Though it had to hurt so bad!
Alright I'm going to go now! See you all later!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*comes in humming Owl City's "If My Heart Was a House"*
I am very happy right now, because I just received a letter in the mail from a very dear friend. And it was a nice long letter, the kind you sit reading while munching on an apple, and the kind of letter that's honest and gives you a nice big picture of what your friend is up to.
I like getting letters. They are so much more heart-warming than emails or anything of the sort. And they are a whole lot more meaningful, because they take a bit more effort.
And I have a lot more fun writing them.
Anyway, to all the dear folks on NarniaWeb, I am sad to say I don't have time for catch up just yet. But I promise to come back soon and reply to all of my chatty-chats. If you're wondering what I'm up to, I believe I recently posted an updatish sort of post on my blog.
Well, to be brief about my day, I started school. And I have school tomorrow (of course) which means I have to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight, hence why I cannot stay up late and write a nice long post.
But I hope you all have been having a good week!
I hopefully will be back soon to write you all a catch-up and read all of the fun posts. Winty showed me Mel and Valia's Ruby-Winter show!! I loved it! You guys are hilarious. I'll have to figure out how to get out of that closet...
Anyway, I hope you two (Mel and Valia) had a fun time together. It sounds like you had a blast hogging our somewhat desolate stage.
Well, goodnight for now and God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*enters the Town Square while engaging in a great and terrible battle against the dark forces at work on his Pandora station who are busily trying to sneak Jeremy Camp and Chris Tomlin in amongst Lifehouse, Skillet, and Relient K*
I've been trying to banish Jeremy Camp since I created this station, but he just won't leave. Now Chris Tomlin is sneaking in. They're like musical Terminators or something. Or Borg drones. Maybe that's why their songs keep popping up, they infect nearby songs in the queue and convert them into their likeness.
*is rather proud of himself for remembering how to spell queue*
Late happy birthday to Bella!
*waves to Booky* Nice to see you in here as well. And.. I don't think I've received a "testy mod PM" from you. Not any I can remember, anyway.
Oh, yeah my mod PMs have been known to cause grown men to collapse in little messy heaps and cry for their mommies all while sucking their thumbs and clutching their blankies.
This gave me a fit of helpless laughter.
Thank-you for curing my stomach ache.
*really needs to see Inception*
I'm not sure if I'm allowed to send testy mod PMs to mod family members. Besides, PR would probably hurt me severely if I made her sister cry.
Curing stomachaches is only one aspect of my awesomeness.
Yes, you really do need to see Inception.
@Cor: Have you picked a major yet or are you just going to work on the core classwork first? I think online classes are awesome, but unfortunately the online courses at my uni are mostly education classes. No math or science and very few liberal arts classes.
@AJoanna: I think the official name is The Queen's Thief series, but we mostly just call them the Attolia books on NWeb. Since wisewoman started talking about them a few years ago I think we've gotten most of NWeb to read them.
Don't feel bad about not having a license, I still don't and I'm 22 now.
Add me to the people who don't like the Robin Hood show. I think we're pretty much in the minority, but I didn't find it to be that interesting. But then it would always come on after Doctor Who on BBCAmerica and most shows would be dull compared to the awesomeness of Doctor Who.
*peeks in* Here are a few photos of Sofie for the promised ones.
Okay, I'll stop now. But, for those of you who haven't already seen her pictures, that's our little kitty.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Mortereve all!
School's already started for you, Nick? Ehh. I start next week. *grimace*
Yep, that it has. Even next week is earlier than most people start, isn't it? Ah, the joys of homeschooling!
Good! Oh really, nice. Well my schooling does not have a starting and stopping time
When I have the time I do school (and if I'm not too lazy
Ah, that's right, you've mentioned that before.
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
comes in singing "We Are One Tonight" by Switchfoot
*enters the Town Square while engaging in a great and terrible battle against the dark forces at work on his Pandora station who are busily trying to sneak Jeremy Camp and Chris Tomlin in amongst Lifehouse, Skillet, and Relient K*
I've been trying to banish Jeremy Camp since I created this station, but he just won't leave. Now Chris Tomlin is sneaking in.
They're like musical Terminators or something. Or Borg drones. Maybe that's why their songs keep popping up, they infect nearby songs in the queue and convert them into their likeness.
haha! that's funny! I have the same problem on my Pandora stations! it's rather annoying! Jeremy Camp is ok, but he is taking over my Pandora (and obviously yours as well) like dandolions take over lawns!
Ben: yeah, my poor dad.....he said it really hurt but he's alright now
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*enters listening to Anberlin's "Breathe"*
We had an awesome time in NYC! I was really happy to go with our friends. It was one of my best friends (Malena) and her family. They're all reallly similair to us so we had a good time . Malena and I and both our sisters all like Justin Bieber (
yes I'm finally admitting to it!
) and we were all really hyper b/c...well it was NYC! So the whole time we were scouring the city for anything Justin Bieber and screeching when we found something and even took pics with some of the stuff
I need a Buffy Staked Edward t-shirt. I'd love to wear it to classes and annoy all the girls reading Twilight before class starts.
I did buy the Eclipse score tonight and it's very good.
. I would like one too. Or maybe this one, even if it's a little preachy/cheesy. I'm liking the Eclipse score alot too, but I'm not sure if I'll buy it. It was humiliating enough to have to check it out of the library
Ali: yeah it was violent..... lol
they played Skillet's "Hero" video at the bowling alley? AWESOME!![]()
yes! I was sooo excited! Lol I was pretty hyper afterwards b/c I was so happy and shocked .
Sounds like you had a nice weekend Fanny .
Any time!
How are things going for you?
. Very good. The only thing that's really troubling me right now is headaches. I've had them pretty consisntenly for a while now and it's making my eyesight blurry...or my eyesight is causing my headaches. Idk.
How are you?
*picks out an entrance*
*rides into the square on his unicycle turns around and rides backwards and then turns back around*
do you seriously ride a unicycle? That's sweet!
haha what?! I was very happy b/c he turned 30 which means he's going to stop smoking now
Oh wow! Barefooted!
yeah I do everything barefooted. I never wear shoes unless I have to. Like my family's ashamed of me or something like that
. I'm part hobbit, minus the hairy feet
Oh nice
yes. Veeery nice. I love NYC...well to visit anyway .
Oh nice name!
It is delicious!
mmhmm. Oh I really want sushi now. I love the kind with raw octopus *drools*
That I did
I think Knight is better too
Yeah it is fun getting stuff in the mail!
good, b/c that is what I shall use...whenever I decide to use it .
Yep .
I guess that's good
haha. Always depends on the situation/conversation .
Oh now, be truthful about that.
oh fine then. I'm very near perfect. Just need to learn to play drums and guitar and then I will be .
That was not an agreeing "A-huh"
a-huh mean yes/yep/yeah/etc.
*looks around* I don't know who?
maybe yourself! Idk. I just probably can't .
Now you are putting words in my mouth and they taste bad!
good! They are bad! So I'm the only poor girl under your authourithy?
No not really
I guess that is how stories must go.
yes. It makes them more interesting and alive.
Hmm, you always like to confuse people?
yes very much so. One of my specialities and favorite hobbies. I'm just too smart for them .
No! Of course not!
yeah you'd better not be! *makes a fist and pounds it in to her other hand*
I do
don't gloat!
wow! today was awesome! we were eating hot dogs outside with some of the people in my church. my dad had a hot dog and a bee landed on it. he didn't notice and took a bite. he ate the bee and the bee stung the inside of his mouth!
that was weird..... UNDERSTATEMENT!
*eyes bug out* wow. That's crazy!
Glenstorm: Oh? Well, friends would improve the job quite a lot. And, I'm FINALLY finished with my part of the painting. Yippee!
oh that must be nice! We actually didn't do it yesterday b/c it was supposed to rain but didn't so our friends didn't come .
cute kitty btw .
Yeah it is great camping up here! It does!
It was cold at night but we had a great big fire till we fell asleep.
OH MY WORD! THEY WERE SO BEAUTIFUL! It was perfectly clear! Amazing!
*melts at the description* oh that sounds so lovely! I want to go camping so bad!
@ Ali. I'm glad you made it for me. Becca was the only other person that gave my request a shot.
From what I've seen it's a good show. A bit cheesy at times, but overall a fun show. Eh, I see.
Well, I hope you can see some of it sometime.
Wow, two extreme opposites in soundtracks, there.
*recommends checking out Stargate, Legends of the Fall and The Last Airbender*
*bypasses waving.... again*
Thank you! Thank you! I'm nearly up to my next ranking!!
Just 200 more posts.... *crosses fingers*
I almost didn't myself . My sisters saw me when I was doing it and they were like "eew! Brad Pitt?"
eh I don't mind cheeseiness too much . Yeah I hope I can watch it too. Been trying to discuss magic with my mom lately. I might succeed in being able to watch Merlin but I have very little hopes for Harry Potter...have you read those?
yes definitely
. My library has none of those
. Maybe I can youtube them...I did get a huge load of soundtracks out the other day. Braveheart, The Dark Knight, The Spiderwick Chronicles, Pearl Harbor, Black Hawk Down, Sherlock Holmes, Batman Begins, and all three of the POTC movie soundtracks. I have a few more waiting to be picked up at the library too.
*waves again despite Cor's not doing so*
haha . I remember when I was obsessed with getting to the next rank and would post like 50 times a day
. I have 4500 posts roughly which means abotu 500 to the next rank, right?
Ok, ok, no spoilers. I love spoilers, though, so when you finish the season, you can let me know more about it.
EDIT: I see later on you posted some spoilers about the end of the season. I knew everything you mentioned except that
. That's neat! Still deciding whether or not I want to see Season 2, and I definitely don't want to see Season 3!SpoilerRobin marries Marion before she dieslol, I see what you mean, and, like I said, I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for thinking that way. That's why I love pogginfan's sig.
Anyway, I still have high hopes for VDT, especially because of the new director and largely new crew.
Ugh I hate spoilers . You should watch season 2- it's really good besides that it's alot sadder and there is a tad bit more innapropiate stuff. Season 3 I'm probably not watching. I still have two more episodes to watch in season 2 though so if there are more spoilers, I shall let you know
haha yeah, poggy'ss ig is awesome . I don't know, my hopes are pretty low. Especially after the horrendous trailers
Um... yeah, the part where he was dangling over a giant pit of snakes... I mean, seriously?! That was the point where my sister and I decided that liking Robin Hood was definitely not in our future.
Oh. Why didn't you like it? I thought it was maybe a little weird, but I really didn't like the sherriff's sister b/c she was too modern. I mean they are all modernized but especially her.
*comes in humming Owl City's "If My Heart Was a House"*
LOVE that song
yes letters are very nice, but they do take time. I don't really write them now, I can hardly keep up with email!
*enters the Town Square while engaging in a great and terrible battle against the dark forces at work on his Pandora station who are busily trying to sneak Jeremy Camp and Chris Tomlin in amongst Lifehouse, Skillet, and Relient K*
I've been trying to banish Jeremy Camp since I created this station, but he just won't leave. Now Chris Tomlin is sneaking in.
They're like musical Terminators or something. Or Borg drones. Maybe that's why their songs keep popping up, they infect nearby songs in the queue and convert them into their likeness.
. Very nice music list there, besides Camp and Tomlin of course
. I really don't mind them too much, but it gets annoying how wildly popular they are. Pandora annoyed me with that too, therefore I now use Last.fm
*is rather proud of himself for remembering how to spell queue*
I love that word. Whenever I see it anywhere I think of HHB b/c I had a book study for that in one of my school books a few years back and one of the spelling words for it was queue
Add me to the people who don't like the Robin Hood show. I think we're pretty much in the minority, but I didn't find it to be that interesting. But then it would always come on after Doctor Who on BBCAmerica and most shows would be dull compared to the awesomeness of Doctor Who.
oh come on, it's very interesting! If I stopped watching it, it would be b/c there is the occasional innapropriate line and it's kinda modernized. What exactly is Doctor Who about?
*Cautiously walks back into the Town Square after ten months of absence*
I'm afraid I've lost track of time. It's been at the very least ten months since I've made a substantial post in the Town Square. Which is extremely unfortunate. How many conversations have I missed? Hundreds. But I shouldn't worry, I can jump right back in and hopefully start making more posts, more often.
To be honest, I've been overwhelmingly busy. Between getting back to school, marrying off a sibling, my job, and countless other things, I have had absolutely zero time for the Town Square. Now it seems, however, that I am resuming regular life again. Which means more time for everything. Reading, writing, networking, etc. I'll try to make a post here every other day, or every day if possible!
Good Mortereve, all!
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
*waves back to Dot* I haven't seen Inception either, and I probably won't... so you're not alone. Or maybe you've joined the masses?
It sounds like a complicated process!
Naw, not really. Just time consuming.
Did your theory prove to be well founded & supported by the facts at hand, and therefore the not so nice goat milk is on its way to being ended forevermore? (I hope so!) How many horses do you have?
Well, there's also the fact that the refrigerator was dying, but yes. I think the reign of terrible taste has ended. (If goat milk isn't cooled quickly, it tastes really goaty. And if your refrigerator dies, it's not making things cold.) We have two horses; one is a thoroughbred/quarter horse cross, and the other is a thoroughbred/arab cross. I thought I had a picture with both of them, but I guess not. Here's a picture or three of Charlie and some random goats and a kitty.
We expect a second edition of your show, you know?
Well... you may have to wait awhile...
Ruby, we had a great time. We got to walk all over town, and see the huge central library, and Valia gave me some book recommendations.
D'Awww, MissRosario! Kitty cute! (And the bigger cat reminds me of my cat. )
Or maybe this one, even if it's a little preachy/cheesy.
Ha, I know someone with that shirt. I thought it was clever.
So, besides squealing over Justin Bieber, what else did you do in NYC? Did you visit any museums?
Hey, welcome back to the Square, Edmund P!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Hey everyone! How is it going?
Ok I can do a bit of catchup *looks at the list* or quite a bit, before I go over and hang out with a ton of my family for my little sister's birthday...
I am very happy right now, because I just received a letter in the mail from a very dear friend. And it was a nice long letter, the kind you sit reading while munching on an apple, and the kind of letter that's honest and gives you a nice big picture of what your friend is up to.
I like getting letters. They are so much more heart-warming than emails or anything of the sort. And they are a whole lot more meaningful, because they take a bit more effort.
Oh I love getting letters as well! They are way better than emails!
*peeks in* Here are a few photos of Sofie for the promised ones.
I love kittens! BUT NOT CATS! Haha! That is a very cute kitten
Ben: yeah, my poor dad.....he said it really hurt but he's alright now
do you seriously ride a unicycle? That's sweet!
You mean after all the times I have ridden in on it you never noticed!
Yes I really do
haha what?! I was very happy b/c he turned 30 which means he's going to stop smoking now
Oh my wordness! He is 30! You had better be joking!
yeah I do everything barefooted. I never wear shoes unless I have to. Like my family's ashamed of me or something like that
. I'm part hobbit, minus the hairy feet
I used to do that also when we lived in the country! I hardly ever wore shoes unless I was going somewhere (like in a car not walking)
Haha I would hope so!
yes. Veeery nice. I love NYC...well to visit anyway
There would be a billion places I would rather go than NYC! I don't care very much for cities! I'm a country type of guy
mmhmm. Oh I really want sushi now. I love the kind with raw octopus *drools*
Me too!
I have never tasted octopus...
good, b/c that is what I shall use...whenever I decide to use it
oh fine then. I'm very near perfect. Just need to learn to play drums and guitar and then I will be
a-huh mean yes/yep/yeah/etc.
maybe yourself! Idk. I just probably can't
good! They are bad! So I'm the only poor girl under your authourithy?
Now you are putting more in my mouth!
yes very much so. One of my specialities and favorite hobbies. I'm just too smart for them
Sure... ... ...
yeah you'd better not be! *makes a fist and pounds it in to her other hand*
Now don't go hurting yourself! That is no way to act!
*melts at the description* oh that sounds so lovely! I want to go camping so bad!
Then why don't you go!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*enters holding her head in her hands*
oh I have such a bad headache! I kinda suffer from constant headaches but I'm used to them so it doesn't really hurt much anymore but my 3 year old sister came up to me and said "You rock, dude!" and banged her head against mine. Yeah she got that from Finding Nemo. I'm going to burn that movie! I have a nice egg now
Anyway, catchup!
*waves to Edmund P* I don't know if I was around when you were on here last, but hi!
Ha, I know someone with that shirt. I thought it was clever.
it is kind of clever, but I tend not to like Christian t-shirts so yeah...
So, besides squealing over Justin Bieber, what else did you do in NYC? Did you visit any museums?
we went to Central Park and visited the zoo. And we went to Times Square and we looked at the Statue of Liberty but we didn't go to Ellis Island b/c by the time we got to the ferry it was too late and we wouldn't have been back on shore till 10pm. We've been several times before so we weren't pressured to do much, we just mainly walked around. There were only two things I wanted to go to that we didn't see. Number one was the wax figure museum. We've never been to that and I've always wanted to go. I was so jealous of our exchange student Iñigo b/c he got to go with his group
. And I also wanted to go to a really cool Egyptian exhibit. King Tutenkahmen's mummy was there on display and it's his final tour before going back to Egypt forever! I was really upset that we couldn't go to that- I really love Egyptology so it was extremely saddening that so much Egyptian history was there and I couldn't see it
. I'm hoping we can drive back down and see it later this year though. I didn't know about it beforehand so I wasn't prepared so I think that's why my parents wouldn't let me go. I don't even know how much the entry fee was...
You mean after all the times I have ridden in on it you never noticed!
Yes I really do
nope I never noticed. I know, blind as a bat
. I actually need glasses though...
Oh my wordness! He is 30! You had better be joking!
nope I am not joking. I'm glad he is 30 b/c he will stop smoking but it's kinda creepy too. That means he's 14 years older than me and 10 years younger than my mom. That means he's closer in age to my mom than me! That is so freaky. It's weird. Ugh.
I used to do that also when we lived in the country! I hardly ever wore shoes unless I was going somewhere (like in a car not walking)
Haha I would hope so!![]()
it depends where we're going. I mean I'll wear shoes (or bring them really ) but I don't even wear shoes at church
. It's a home church and not very big and we know everyone there well so...they don't mind
. My dad told me I have to start wearing shoes more often though b/c my heels are getting too tough. I can't really feel if someone touching my feet
lol yes, I have no hairy feet !
There would be a billion places I would rather go than NYC! I don't care very much for cities! I'm a country type of guy
As can I. I'm no city girl. Crowds terrify me and I don't like all the noise or weird people chasing after you (happened twice...yeah) but I still like walking around, and seeing all the billboards in Times Square and the lights at night. But I would die if I had to live there.
Me too!
I have never tasted octopus...
my mom had sushi tonight and wouldn't let me have some
you should! It's really good. Especially raw. Better than raw fish. That made me reeeeeally queasy .
you can say that as many times as you wish but I won't stop using b/c
tis true! There's nothing else I would fix about me! At least, once my dad lets me dye my hair red
uh, it's true!
I'm getting sick of your English lessons
um yeah. I have no reason whatsoever to trust you
Now you are putting more in my mouth!
well then are there others? B/c you've made it very clear that I am under your authority!
Sure... ... ...
what?! You don't think I'm smart?!
Now don't go hurting yourself! That is no way to act!
I was imagining that I was hitting something else besides my hand
Then why don't you go!
b/c it's not exactly my choice! I can't go camping by myself! I'm only 16! Although it would be nice...I suppose I could camp in our backyard but it's rather nasty back there and we have black bears
Good mortereve! How fare ye on this Tuesday night?
Quiet day today. Not too much happened at work, except for one guy who came in, studied our menu closely for fifteen minutes, and then walked up and ordered a hamburger. We had to explain very kindly that "chicken" really does mean "chicken". Yes, this is the state of America.
Catching up: (only from this Square, unfortunately. I tried to go back through twenty-some pages in the old Square, but it was Too Much. I'm sorry for any conversations that got dropped!)
I'll probably spend the majority of it finishing up the last of Karen Hancock's Legend Of The Guardian-King series. I love Karen Hancock's books!! She's a Christian author, but she has a very unique style and her allegorical books are actually good! And I'm a sucker for well-written fantasy.
I've been meaning to try her books for awhile, so it's good to hear an enthusiastic review! The other book of hers that I hear constantly recommended is Arena--have you read that?
I got my learner's permit today. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Conga-rats! Isn't that a marvelous feeling?
You're only fifty hours away from independence! (Which really does go quickly, if you practice a lot.)
So just got done watch The Young Victoria... A really good movie! I really really liked it!
I just saw that the other night! Beautiful, beautiful movie. And all the more touching because their story has such a sad, untimely ending.
*waves to Kingskid* Hi there! I'm not sure we've 'met'? *extends hand* I'm malkah or Mal, whichever you like. So you're a hunter?
*waves to coracle*
*readily and rapidly returns Rosa's...wave* (Rave? ) I would love to see pictures of Sofie, whenever you get them uploaded! EDIT: Whoops, you posted them already! Sofie is adorable! There's something so cozy about grey kittens.
Oh, and I finally got the chance to listen to your concerto! Beautiful! Are you performing it soon?
Mi Mancheri, I'm pretty sure. Lovely lovely violin intro .
Joshua Bell does the violin for Mi Mancherai?! I can't believe I didn't know this! And as if that song wasn't gorgeous enough already...
I don't think I knew you were a Josh Groban fan, either! What are some of your favorites of his?
Libby, glad you had such a good time at Soulfest!
*waves to Jo* I love your signature! That is utterly awesome.
I wonder if I can convince anyone to go out to eat with me and do the same thing...
*is nearly knocked over by the Onslaught of Tongues in Ali's post*
QS! *waves* What have you been up to lately?
Sneezing, coughing, and a quiz, DotK? Ugh. I hope you're feeling completely recovered now?
*watches her brother crabwalk up two flights of stairs...backward*
Great to see you around again! If possible, it would be great to see you stop by the Square more. No pressure, though.... mostly.
I've missed being in here! And no pressure, eh?
How kind of you.
I will definitely try and do a better job of keeping up in here--craziness of life or no.
Have you started school yet? What classes are you taking?
Oh, and a rather random question: have you seen any of Doctor Who? Fandom of that show seems to go hand in hand with fandom of Merlin and Robin Hood, so I just wondered.
Strides into square with a glass of chocolate maca milk
Maca milk? I don't think I've ever heard of this--and it's making me think of alpaca. Which is probably not what you want to think of when it comes to milk.
*waves vigorously to malkah* I'm still loving the picture of that dress!!! I made myself an iPod wallpaper out of it! So now I carry all that beauty in my pocket/purse!
*waves vigorously back* I'm glad you're enjoying it so much! I would absolutely love to make a version, except that I don't know if I could design a bodice to match the gorgeousness of the skirt. And I don't think either me or my sewing machine could handle all those gathers.
But that's a great idea to make it an iPod wallpaper!
*must think of something similar*
*very much enjoys the Mel-Valia Hour of Utter Insanity* Do we get a sequel, please?
*waves to the long-absent Joe and Sarge* Welcome back! So has the football season already started or are you just gearing up for it?
Poggy, you've been doing summer school? Ouch. That's no fun. Are you almost done? And what else have you been up to lately?
*Mal waves grandly to Mel* Have you been doing anymore portraits?
There are two even bigger words for fear of Friday the 13th: friggatriskaidekaphobia and paraskevidekatriaphobia. That last one looks a little hard to pronounce.
Yeesh. This is the kind of words that win the national spelling bee. Who sits around and comes up with these?
Yesterday was really busy, we went to Canada's capital city and had quite a bit of fun. We toured the Parliament buildings, the War Museum, the Museum of Civilization, rode the bus around to get from place to place, and ended the evening back on Parliament Hill to watch the first night of the annual gathering of military bands from the Canadian, American, and even British (I think) Armies.
That sounds like such fun! What sort of exhibits are in the Museum of Civilization?
And an action figure of a prime minister? *wonders if anyone has ever made an action figure of George Washington*
Speaking of books, I've been reading Megan Whalen Turner's books. (Is there an official name for her series about Attolia/Eddis/Eugenides?) I wasn't sure I would like them, so I just borrowed them from the library, and I really, really liked them. I haven't read Conspiracy of Kings yet though, because unfortunately it hasn't come in yet. But the first three are really awesome. I actually read all three over again I liked them so much.
Hurrah for reading (and liking) Attolia! I believe they're officially called the Queen's Thief series, but I've never met anyone who actually referred to them as such. Did you have a favorite book?
it would always come on after Doctor Who on BBCAmerica and most shows would be dull compared to the awesomeness of Doctor Who.
Hopefully I don't get kicked out of Team Hoodie for this ( ), but I must agree. I do like Robin Hood very much, but...Robin doesn't have a TARDIS.
*pretends she did NOT just see the words "banish", "Jeremy Camp", and "Chris Tomlin" in one sentence*
Malena and I and both our sisters all like Justin Bieber (
yes I'm finally admitting to it!
Oi. Has it really come to this?
I don't actually mind Bieber that much. It's just that he's everywhere. The other day, I walked into Sports Authority and there was a Justin Bieber poster up on the wall--right in between Tom Brady and Albert Pujols. I mean, wha...?
How exciting that you went to NYC! What did you see/do?
Welcome back, Ed P! It's good to see you again!
Oh, and very happy late birthdays to Bella and Jojo!
Well, my mom is home and there are waffle cones being made in the kitchen, so I think I shall skedaddle for the night. Sweet dreams and comfy pillows to you all!
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
*pops in randomly for a quick visit*
Howdy folks. Nice to see some familiar faces (read:avatars) around. I kind of forgot about Town Square and now you're onto a new one already.
Hmm the topics of conversation seem to be about Justin Bieber, and NYC, Robin Hood, Doc Who and Jeremy Camp. Among other less famous things. I'm not sure there's such a big Bieber craze where I live, but I do like one of the kid's songs, 'One less lonely girl' or something like that. NYC sounds lovely, Glenstorm I'm rather jealous!
my 3 year old sister came up to me and said "You rock, dude!" and banged her head against mine. Yeah she got that from Finding Nemo.
That's too funny! I don't suppose she sports dreadlocks and bare feet?
Hmm, I don't think I added much to the conversation, but I must away and pick up the kids from school. And by kids, I mean siblings, and by school, I mean school.
(oh, p.s. Doctor Who looks like one of the fellas from Top Gear, I've yet to see Robin Hood and Jeremy Camp belongs to that genre of angsty Christian music that hurts my head. )
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
Ali, I've seen pictures of the Egypt exhibit! (Well, the outside. ) I hope you do get to go, it sounds really awesome.
Our local art museum had a sort of similar exhibit several years ago and we went to that. Very cool.
*randomly throws out her Beiber story* So my dad and I walked into Target, and there was a concert or something on the TVs and my dad's like, "Hey, that's Justin Beiber." I say, "Who is he, and why do you know of him?" "He's famous." "Huh. I've never heard of him on NarniaWeb, so he can't be that famous." And then a couple days later Booky starts complaining about him, and after that he's been everywhere so I guess he is famous now.
*watches her brother crabwalk up two flights of stairs...backward*
Sounds like a brother. I really like how you bolded the middle letter of our nicknames. Sometimes it is a bit confusing.
And no, I haven't been drawing any more portraits since we last talked. It got really hot and I figured that sweating on my paper would not be conducive to prettiness. Also, I am lazy and it was a good excuse not to do anything.
How sad about the man who didn't understand 'chicken'.
*waves to Matette*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Hey ho! Prepare for a very lengthy post. Which will not be in maroon again (warning ya'), because there are too many quotes, and I'm just too lazy today to format it all. So, live with it.
Well, that was close! I almost lost my entire post.
*recommends Lazarus, if you use Firefox*
And, AJoanna, what a drag about the thefts from the van. I hope you can get your permit replaced soon.
The bed is much smaller than what I am used to, but I think that I will live.
As in a twin, instead of a double or queen? I'm sure DiGs must have some kind of smoke that will shrink you a bit in order for you to be more comfy.
I am adglay athay ouyay approvetay oftay inemay igpay atinlay
Iay oday.
I do like it as well, but mostly for the crabs. We don't usually swim in the ocean anymore.
*loves swimming in the ocean (and jumping waves), and love crabs!*
Jo, I hope that ya'll's weather gets better soon. I'm sorry that you are experiencing Southern weather, but hopefully it will bring you closer to your true roots.
Yes, I do have a roommate. He is a good friend of mine, so I think we will get along well.
I am taking Honors English, Honors Colloquium, Biology, Chemistry, and Intro to Weight Training.
Haha re the roots comment!
And I'm glad your roommate is someone you knew already. Makes the adjustment to college that much less stressful.
Interesting courses. A question though: what is "Honors Colloquium"?
Liberty, that OperationNarnia is fantastic. I think very highly of Samaritan's Purse, so this teaming up pleases me very much. Glad you had a great time at Soulfest!
You say TobyMac 5 times? Lucky! And Kutless too. Excellent!
Lark, I'm glad your underarm healing is coming along.
Louise the First, how did the rest of your painting go. And I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather. How is he doing now?
And how is me lady lass doing this fine day?
Heehee, that's so cute! I'm doing okay ... because our humidity has finally left. Hurrah! It may be back a bit over the next while, but hopefully nothing compared to what it has been the past 6-7 weeks!
As you know, I'm not a huge fan of the snow
Yes, I do seem to recall that.
I'm glad you've seen them! (Your sky, or your vision, or both, must be better than mine.
The last couple nights I've been lucky to catch Saturn in binoculars, and Mars has been hidden behind some pesky trees).
Yes, they are pesky when one wants to night-sky-gaze ('though I do love them during the daylight hours ). The planets would have been hard to see from our home, but I walked to a school park close by, which allows a clear, expansive view lower in the west. So beautiful! Thankfully that one night the soupy air had decreased for awhile, otherwise I probably wouldn't have seen them.
Dot, I know this was a few pages back, but are you feeling better now? Hope so!
*reads Dot's comments about her responsibilities with interest* That's excellent you're involved in this capacity, Dot!
And at some special events I have to give speeches (not really looking forward to that part).
Well, from what I've seen of your well-written posts on the forum here, I'm expecting you will have no problems writing your speeches. But I guess you're referring more to standing up in front of large crowds to give them? All the best with these!
Ooh, PrinceCor, it's less than a week until you begin classes! Do you anticipate a lot of homework? I forget: are you taking a full course load, or are you going part-time? and prayers for all this. Remember, God is with you (and in you) ... wherever you go! (See Joshua 1:9).
*waves to Vern, as well, and offers a special dragon-y treat: fish cookies!*
*enjoys Lady Courage's Air Conditioner song, as well as stardf's About Him list*
*giggles at the Valia/Mel's stolen Hour of Insanity* I wonder if this occurred similarly to how the French Peas stole Bob and Larry's parts in one of the Veggies shows ...
Ben, your hike and campfire sound fun!
narnianerd, welcome back to the Square again! Good to hear what you've been up to.
Happened to click on PrinceCor's blog link while catching up and I now want the Eclipse score. I wonder if I should wear a disguise while buying it. I wouldn't want people to think I was buying it out of Twilight fandom.
Definitely, disguise yourself. How could you ever consider otherwise? ........ Mind you, seeing Howard Shore did the Eclipse score, I'm mighty tempted, myself.
pogginfan, loverly to see you, as always, and I totally agree on your 'sanctification' statement! Both the hard and the good times are all part of God's good plan for us, to conform us more and more to the image of Christ. Wow!
And a big OUCH for sand in the eye! And, in the opposite vein, HURRAH for chocolate milk!
Well, I'm not Booky, Queen Susan , but I can say Inception was a marvelous film! Well done in every way. I have yet to see it a second time, which I need to, for I know I didn't catch everything the first time 'round. It's been out since *checks* July 16, and our son went to see it again last night, only to find it sold-out ... still! And that's after a month of being in theatres! I hope it beats Avatar (the blue-people movie) in box-office intake, 'cause it's a far superior film. I hope you get to see it sometime ... on the big screen.
Except that Valia is on her way home now, and I am suffering from a lack of real live NWebbers in the immediate vicinity. *goes to see how many more days it is until the release of VotDT*
Ditto. I think I'm still suffering withdrawal from the Moot! There are *counts* 113 days left until Voyage releases, not counting today. Do you know which Lion Party you're going to attend yet? *plugs the Lima, Ohio LP.
Although I know it's a bit of a distance for you.
I did it barefoot too -walking across gravel, dirt, pavement, and grass the whole way
. And when we made it to the end we caught frogs in a creek, which was alot of fun
Mmm, I love going barefoot! And what fun about the frogs. We did something similar when we went to wisewoman's after the Moot: waded for ages in a stream, and picked up (or tried to) salamanders, frogs, and crayfish along the way. Fun!
*enjoys stargazer's post here* I set my alarm for 2:30 Friday morning, then got up and lay on a big towel in the backyard so as to catch some meteors (well, not literally ). We saw some good ones, but not as many, of course, as those who could view them from a non light-polluted area. And I didn't catch a glimpse of any fireballs this year, sadly. Last year I spotted a few - spectacular!
Heehee, 'tis fun to read (and harder to actually pronounce) those looooooooong words, 'gazer.
Woohoo for Ottawa, Fanny. It sounds like you packed a lot in! What a beautiful city, eh? (<- truly Canadian )
So glad you're enjoying your restaurant job! Do you get to bring home some food from time-to-time?
Good to hear your college update, Kingskid. Sounds like they're keeping you out of trouble.
Mountains and snow combined are wonderful.
Ditto. DITTO! I mean, who can resist a scene like this? *contented sigh* (Well, I guess GtG might. )
Did I miss that Lady_Liln has a 2,000 page nursing textbook to read? Well, my dear Squiggle-less friend, all the best with that! Whew!
The heat and humidity finally broke here today, and this evening I enjoyed a backyard campfire and stargazing session with friends.
Naturally, there were S'mores.
Sounds wonderful in every way!
We almost always have a white Christmas here. Now if we just had some mountains to go with it...
Ditto and YES!
Been missing you here, NN/Aiden. So good to see you again. May you thrive in school this year!
I'd better say this now, 'cause I see a bit of talk about the Attolia series by Turner. I just can't get into those books. And I've tried a couple of times. This rather puzzles me because so many people here who I respect simply love them. Ah well.
Ben, I'm thankful your sister is okay. That must have been an unsettling time as she had her surgery. Thankfully, God is faithful and good, whatever the news (and I don't mean to sound glib when I say that: it's just been something I've been learning and pondering a lot on lately).
Ruby!!! Hello, hello, HELLO! Yes, hand-written letters are ... wonderfully special. Have I ever told you that you remind me somewhat of Anne of Green Gables? That definitely is a compliment!
Louise, Sophie is just sooooo cute!
Edmund P!!! Great to have you back in the Square! And I notice you like the maroon font too. How was your sister's wedding?
Mel, I did so enjoy looking at your photos again. They're so beautiful! That one of the horse is such an action shot!
GtG, sound like you had a fabulous time in NYC!
*giggles at malkah's hamburger/chicken work story* *as well at Mel's Justin Bieber tale*
And, regarding my signature (stargazer first had this idea to put it as a signature), I think I will do the same at the Lima, OH Lion Party. "Pevensie, party of 20", or however many can come. Wonderful idea, that was! It still gives me the goosebumps.
Matette!!! Oh my, I believe I 'owe' you a PM. (And yes, lys, I haven't forgotten about you either. )
And now, I must conclude with colour: that's all (for now) folks! (*coughporkypigcough*)
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
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