comes in singing "Stronger" from the credits to the movie "Inkheart"
*waves to daughter of the king* hi again! how are you doing?
pogginfan: yeah that would be awesome! I would love to hear it if they did!
Ben: awesome! yeah, i know you are busy
Ali: yeah it was violent..... lol
they played Skillet's "Hero" video at the bowling alley? AWESOME!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good Mortereve everyone! I hope everyone has been having a very lovely week so far! I have been having a good one so far, I guess....
Yesterday was really busy, we went to Canada's capital city and had quite a bit of fun. We toured the Parliament buildings, the War Museum, the Museum of Civilization, rode the bus around to get from place to place, and ended the evening back on Parliament Hill to watch the first night of the annual gathering of military bands from the Canadian, American, and even British (I think) Armies. It was really really fun!
I purchased some really neat things by which I'll remember the day.
Including an action figure-like toy of Canada's first Prime Minister. What can I say? It was irresistible!
And a new Town Square...hurray! Well, a new Town Square thread, I should say.
Yes, we saw most of our "California relatives."
We have a reunion with them once every 3 years, and they are a lot of fun to be around.
All of my other extended family (at least 99% probably!) lives in the same state as I do, and we see them a few times a year.
So do you work at a restaurant then? Cooking? Or is it a different place? Sorry I forgot.
Sounds like fun indeed!
That's okay! Don't feel bad about it!
Yes, my main job is working in the kitchen at a local restaurant. I haven't quite gotten to cook yet (but I think that's a good thing!), although I'm the cook's assistant so I get to make salads, pizza, pies, butter tart squares, muffins, and I do a lot of other food preparation. It's fun.
🙂 Praise God for His grace towards us! Sanctification is a wonderful thing, eh?
Amen! It can be hard at times, but it's a truly wonderful thing!
Fanny, wonderful to see you too!
*points to the top of her post as to how she's been* Summer does go by much too quickly.
I quite agree! It sounds like that 2,000 page nursing textbook will be a fun one.
It must be awfully thick though.... Did you get your uniform/scrubs in?
*reads more* Ah, I see you did.
They sound lovely!
Thank you for the encouragment
Any time!
How are things going for you?
Yes, Fanny, our defensive campaign of headquarters (er, home) was successful. We kept up our defenses vigilantly and our one intruder was quickly dispatched (A scorpion. We managed to safely get him out without any casualties to our troops, though).
Seriously, yes, it went well.
And that is a fun coincidence!
Yes, it was.Mmhmm---though, I don't think anything all that exciting has happened around here since I was born.
Ah, I see.
I'm sure there's something of interest about logging, though.
I am most glad to hear it, General Valia! *salutes* A scorpion sounds like a most dangerous and intrepid intruder indeed! I commend you on your valiant and successful defensive campaign! (Do you want a medal with that? )
Hmmm, yes. You are probably right. I seem to remember touring an old logging boat at one point, that was pretty fun. I forget what it was for, but it was like a small-ish fishing boat with a motor. Or something. Obviously I did not pay much attention.
Fanny!!! *hugs*
Winterstar! *hugs back* How are you?
@ Fanny. Thank you, thank you.... *bows* Look above at the list I gave Valia for the classes I'll be taking.
I was hoping to do most of my work via online courses, but everyone kept advising me to start with on campus classes, so that's what I'm doing. Orientation will be online, though.Yes, as long as you can enjoy them from the comfort of your home. Being out in one? not so enjoyable.
Yes, especially in the Southern US.
Nice list of classes! History sounds like fun.
Do you think you'll be doing any online courses later on?
Ah, yes. Very true. Being out in a thunderstorm is always a...different experience. My Dad and I drove home in a huge thunderstorm the other day, that wasn't fun. So yes, I can agree with you there.
I'm so glad to hear you're doing well!
Nothing is better than to hear you are growing in the Lord.
I'm very excellent, despite a bad day here and there. I feel like God is starting to show me what he wants me to do with my life...ah, it's such a wonderful feeling. It's been something I have really been struggling with this year, asking myself "Does God really have a plan for me?" And now, after much praying, He has given me the peace to know that he does!
Oh, that is so wonderful!
I have struggled quite a bit with feelings like that myself, but just recently the Lord has showed me too a little of what He has in mind for me, and it is exciting!
I will definitely pray that you continue to rest in the Lord's peace about your future!
I did finish it.
It's definitely my favorite Austen. I loved the ending, it was very near perfect!
This is probably Austen's heaviest book, but I think that's why I like it so much.
Now I'm looking for a film adaption of it, but I've heard all the one's available aren't very good.
Any recommendations?
Haha, that would be really fun, having all the Nwebbers make a MP film!We'll all have to do it some day.
Hurray! It, along with Persuasion, is my favourite Austen as well. Even over Pride & Prejudice. (Shocking, eh?
) Hmmm. Well, I would probably suggest the latest adaptation- made in 2007. There's really no bad content in it aside from what you already know happens in the book. However, there are some character changes and event changes, as the film was made on a lower budget, so they had to cut some scenes from the book. The 1983 mini-series was pretty good, but it's long and the old style filming might make it hard to sit through. It is, however, more accurate and faithful to the book. It's kind of up to you, I guess.
And my reply is so helpful.
Yes indeedy.
We have horses, llamas, goats, cats, rabbits, chickens, a dog and a guinea hen. Also, bats and mice and gophers and squirrels but those don't count. Lately we've been having not so nice goat milk, and the theory is that there's been residual soap in the jars... yuck. Anyway!
Ah, nice. >_> Did your theory prove to be well founded & supported by the facts at hand, and therefore the not so nice goat milk is on its way to being ended forevermore? (I hope so!) How many horses do you have?
Really, you're still working your way through Season 5? Glad to hear your vacation went well, as well!
Heh, yes! We have about six or seven episodes left now, but we're still working through it.
How has life been for you? Do you resume your scholastic activities soon? (Or rather, when does school begin for you?)
*waves* the answer to this question would be, I was doing very well before I got sick, the last few days have been awful, and now I'm recovering, so I'm doing well.
And you?
I hope you are completely recovered now? And how was your holiday? I hope it was lovely!
I am very well myself, thank you! Somewhat tired- my family and I were out yesterday and got home very late (or, rather, early, as it was about midnight or shortly thereafter when we got home, and 1 am before I got to bed) so naturally I'm tired.
But it was entirely worth it, staying out late and such.
Annndd I should be off. I'm just waiting for all the new music I'm putting on my MP3 player to be finished copying over before I go running. It ought to be fun running to the music I put on there... I hope y'all have a wonderful evening!
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Rides into Square before running strait into a low hanging branch of a certain Chocolate Tree, now everyone knows that going twenty miles an hour on a horse then smashing into a tree limb would at least qualify for some blood. Of course our favorite hero did it without a scratch. So I can do it as well
Sarge catches Ben's apple Thank you Mr. Benjamin! Says Sarge...
Queen Su: It was totally awesome, hanging out with about 50,000 of my best buds.
Dotty: Um, no *puts feet up on table*
Booky: Your ideas verses Twilight have inspired me to new levels of hateboyishness -I'm becoming known for combining two words with ishness on the end- anyways. You are a great leader of the Rebelion against twilight, carry on my freind. Hoora! Semper Fi....
I've recently took an intrest in Clint Eastwood and freinds war movies. Black Hawk Down, Flags of Our Fathers, Heart Break ridge. Air Force One, movies like that.
"You and your education."
- Ben Cartwright
"Education is progress! Now what have you got against it?"
- Adam Cartwright
"I don't have anything against education - as long as it doesn't interfere with your thinking!"
- Ben Cartwright
If you ain't first, you're last.
*picks out an entrance*
*rides into the square on his unicycle turns around and rides backwards and then turns back around*
Hey all!
I did not do anything extra exciting today except talk to my brother on the phone which is most always fun!
Other than that I worked
Today has been a good day
. Today is Matt Thiessen's birthday....
Lol but I'm tired too. Yesterday I went on a 3 mile power walk pushing my two younger siblings in their stroller. Alot of excercise when they insist on jumping up and down and seeing who can make the stroller harder to push my putting their feet down so they bottom touches the ground
. I did it barefoot too -walking across gravel, dirt, pavement, and grass the whole way
. And when we made it to the end we caught frogs in a creek, which was alot of fun
Oh wow! Barefooted!
And also, this weekend we're going to NYC so I won't be on for a few days. Just to let you know
Oh nice
*loves sushi and is therefore jealous*
Oh nice name!
It is delicious!
and yay, you used my new nickname!
That I did
ooh yay! I love getting stuff I ordered in the mail, almost better than going to a store and buying it
I think Knight is better too
Yeah it is fun getting stuff in the mail!
your reaction gives me amusement
I guess that's good
b/c you can't think of anything! I'm perfect
Oh now, be truthful about that.
aha! You agree!
That was not an agreeing "A-huh"
well who says I can trust you?
*looks around* I don't know who?
oh and Benjamin has authority on every poor girl who happens to be 4 months and two days younger than him!
Now you are putting words in my mouth and they taste bad!
do you really have to ask that question
? Of course I have! Nearly every happy ending I've seen!
Aww sad things too
No not really
I guess that is how stories must go.
well since you put the smug smillie in your last post that showed that your were proud of the fact that you were right for the next million times. But those million times were saying that things can never be my fault but are always yours. Get it?
Hmm, you always like to confuse people?
are you laughing at my deprived misery?
No! Of course not!
dirt biking!?! That's so sweet! And hiking too?! Wow, you do alot of fun stuff
I do
Rides into Square before running strait into a low hanging branch of a certain Chocolate Tree, now everyone knows that going twenty miles an hour on a horse then smashing into a tree limb would at least qualify for some blood. Of course our favorite hero did it without a scratch. So I can do it as well
Oh nice entrance Lil Joe!
Sarge catches Ben's apple Thank you Mr. Benjamin! Says Sarge...
Anytime Sarge
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes in nearly fainting from the hot sun
wow! today was awesome! we were eating hot dogs outside with some of the people in my church. my dad had a hot dog and a bee landed on it. he didn't notice and took a bite. he ate the bee and the bee stung the inside of his mouth! that was weird..... UNDERSTATEMENT!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Awe dang....I was going to start this post by saying happy birthday...and I don't know who that was going to be directed to.😛
Good mortereve everyone. I hope that y'all are doing well this rainy evening.
First week of school went well. Looking forward to a semester just as good or better.
One essay done for English.
Chem reading done.
Bio reading gonna be done.
Good times with friends.
Pretty good food. But not my moms.
And oh, loking there, the rain has left..sorta.
Alright, just wanted to say hey to everyone. I hope that ya'll have a great mortereve.
God Bless,
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
Oh, the joy of losing a Town Square post. (Yes. I know. Lazarus.) And oh the joy of having your internet shut down.
But, I see that only several pages have gone by. Thank you all for your thoughtfulness--I know it was intentional.
*returns Ben's wave* I'm doing well, thanks--trying to survive the humidity. You?
Oh, and btw... I think I saw you on facebook the other day. You're friends with my sister.
That sounds like a thunderstorm, QS. Five couples? Wow! I'm glad everything has been going well so far.
I've been all right. School starts in a week, so... I'm trying adjust my summer "schedule" to a more religious one. As in, getting more sleep mainly.
And yuck, has it ever been humid around here! My hair is indicating its disapproval very clearly.
Well, I like the winter as well as the water, Stargazer. Even better. I don't think any winter temperature can be worse than the mugginess of humidity. And besides, I love snow. (A white Christmas is a true Christmas.)
Mm. Mountains and snow combined are wonderful.
DotK: Ahh. I see. I was imagining something more along the lines of, "Moo, oink, bellow, snort"--or whatever sounds a moose would make.
I'm a bit sick, too. That has more to do with the fact that I forgot to eat for about two days, though.
Glenstorm: Oh? Well, friends would improve the job quite a lot. And, I'm FINALLY finished with my part of the painting. Yippee!
Oh! To you and ~LL~ (squiggles included!): I bought Mi Mancherai from iTunes the other day. It's beautiful! The two of them together was almost enough to make me die and go to heaven.
The talking paint glob, Cor? *huffs indignantly, and waves at the two figures from across the Square*
Thank-you! I think I like the new color as well; it's the only one that remotely matched my avatar anyhow.
Heh, Stardf, sounds like an... er... interesting game. *chuckles*
Liberty: Well, I don't love Barlow Girl, but I do enjoy some of her music. And that was a smart escape. I probably would do the same for Toby Mac. *hurtles up a tree for refuge* I know, I know... I'm insulting many fans. But I just.. don't like his music.
(I actually had the chance to attend a concert of his yesterday afternoon, but didn't.)
LadyGrace: I like the Ode to the Air Conditioner! Hehe. So true, so true.
*enjoys the new rendition of the Ruby-Winter Hour of Utter Insanity*
Oh wow, it's Joe. Good to see you again--with Sarge.
*waves to Booky* Nice to see you in here as well. And.. I don't think I've received a "testy mod PM" from you. Not any I can remember, anyway.
Oh, yeah my mod PMs have been known to cause grown men to collapse in little messy heaps and cry for their mommies all while sucking their thumbs and clutching their blankies.
This gave me a fit of helpless laughter. Thank-you for curing my stomach ache.
*really needs to see Inception*
Glad school's been good so far, Kk! I start next week.
Oh, that reminds me: Happy birthday, Bella!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*comes into the square*
Hey everyone!
Wow, the Square has been a bit slow lately!
So yesterday after work, me and some of my friends went hiking up a big hill to a boulder field and we camped there! Like hard core camping! We each had a blanket/quilt or a sleeping bag (but the sleeping bags did not zip up!), and no pillows . Anyway it was a ton of fun! And we came back down this morning.
Then at 1 o'clock my brothers and some friends helped out with bailing hay and then stacking them! It was so tiring!
And now I'm here doing catchup!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Bella! I hope your day was fantastic!
wow! today was awesome! we were eating hot dogs outside with some of the people in my church. my dad had a hot dog and a bee landed on it. he didn't notice and took a bite. he ate the bee and the bee stung the inside of his mouth!
that was weird..... UNDERSTATEMENT!
Oh wow! That is crazy!
*returns Ben's wave* I'm doing well, thanks--trying to survive the humidity. You?
Oh, and btw... I think I saw you on facebook the other day. You're friends with my sister.
I'm doing good! I'm glad I'm not in the humidity! Right now as you may know I'm in Colorado at about 9000 ft elevation.
Oh really would that be Princess Rosario? By her Narniaweb name Do you have a FB as well?
Okay talk to you all later
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Good mortereve, Square Onions!
Happy Birthday Bella! Hope you enjoyed your day.
The heat and humidity finally broke here today, and this evening I enjoyed a backyard campfire and stargazing session with friends. Naturally, there were S'mores. and some of my friends went hiking up a big hill to a boulder field and we camped there! Like hard core camping! We each had a blanket/quilt or a sleeping bag (but the sleeping bags did not zip up!), and no pillows...I'm glad I'm not in the humidity! Right now as you may know I'm in Colorado at about 9000 ft elevation.
Sounds lovely! I really enjoyed my camping experiences in Colorado (at Rocky Mountain National Park). It was hot, but the lack of humidity really helped.
Did you get cold camping up there, or did it stay warm? 9000 feet is pretty high up...the air is a bit thin up there. But I bet the stars were glorious, if you had clear skies!
Well, I like the winter as well as the water, Stargazer. I don't think any winter temperature can be worse than the mugginess of humidity. And besides, I love snow. (A white Christmas is a true Christmas.)...Mountains and snow combined are wonderful.
A hearty 'ditto'! Now that we've had a break from the humidity, people are starting to talk about the upcoming fall and winter (after all, we're now less than a month away from the start of the possible snow season).
We almost always have a white Christmas here. Now if we just had some mountains to go with it...
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Sounds lovely! I really enjoyed my camping experiences in Colorado (at Rocky Mountain National Park). It was hot, but the lack of humidity really helped.
Did you get cold camping up there, or did it stay warm? 9000 feet is pretty high up...the air is a bit thin up there. But I bet the stars were glorious, if you had clear skies!
Yeah it is great camping up here! It does!
It was cold at night but we had a great big fire till we fell asleep.
OH MY WORD! THEY WERE SO BEAUTIFUL! It was perfectly clear! Amazing!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*Cor and Vern enter the Square discussing the delicious ice cream they had last night*
Mortereve all! Well, I'm afraid I've let three or four pages go by without making a post.... BUT, I have been stopping by and reading everyones posts.
I hope everyone is having a decent Monday.... even if it is Monday.
*The Prince and Dragon take their seats by the fountain after acquiring from chocolate from the chocolate tree*
Ketchup time!
@ Ali. I'm glad you made it for me. Becca was the only other person that gave my request a shot.
From what I've seen it's a good show. A bit cheesy at times, but overall a fun show. Eh, I see. Well, I hope you can see some of it sometime.
Wow, two extreme opposites in soundtracks, there. *recommends checking out Stargate, Legends of the Fall and The Last Airbender*
*bypasses waving.... again*
Thank you! Thank you! I'm nearly up to my next ranking!! Just 200 more posts.... *crosses fingers*
@ Stardf. How.... quaint. I think I'll stick with simply letting you tell us about this game and save my money for other ventures.
@ LC. Mmhmm, though I prefer to think of it as a bage of honor. It shows I have posted a ton on NW and that I'm a loyal NWebber. Or that I really need to get a Life....
@ Mel. Wow..... just, wow. We expect a second edition of your show, you know?
@ Booky. I have exactly one week of freedom left before my first semester starts. *sigh* I'm both looking forward to and dreading starting college. At least it will be a new experience.
*is quite pleased to hear his blog influenced helped someone to decide and buy a soundtrack*
@ Poggy. Thank you very much, Poggy.
Well, hopefully ya'lls will not breakdown. "An AC is a terrible thing to break"
Oh dear, I hope I haven't scared too many people off then.....
@ Dot. Glad to hear you're getting better, though hate to hear you have an ear infection and bronchitis. Not fun at all, those two....
@ Fanny. Thanks! I would like to do more online courses later, but then again I might really enjoy the classroom setting and decide to stick with regular classes. In other words, I'm not sure at this point.
There was one time we got stuck in the middle of one huge thunderstorm on our way back from Nashville. Not fun at all.
@ Rose. Well, you were the one talking about it to begin with!!
*walks from across the Square and hands Rose a piece of chocolate* Forgive and forget?
Welcome! Heh, I've never tried to get a font color to match my avatar. Back goes with anything.
And.... a late HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Bella!!!
followed by...
Alright, I think that covers everything. Well, I'm off until a later time.
Talk with all of you later!
*Cor and vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Mortereve all!
Well, I leave the Square for a week, and suddenly you all are more than five pages into a brand new Square! Been real busy lately, and I've missed the Square. Today I started school! That'll make things 10 times more busy, however, with a well-structured day, I should be able to make time for NarniaWeb every day!
So, catching up...
From the old Town Square:
It is indeed to soon to think of that.
But, I can tell you the answer.
Classes begin on August 23.
It's always too soon to think about school, eh? What year are you now?
No, elven. It's because I made a typo a few pages back of leaving an "e" out of eleven. Mel turned a few posts into an elven font and it looked quite pretty.
Ah, my mistake!
Don't tell me anything about Guy! I don't know anything about him. I'm almost done with the season though...
Yeah it's really hard for me to do that. It's like, if they're going to name their movie after a book, try to make it the same story, ok?
Ok, ok, no spoilers. I love spoilers, though, so when you finish the season, you can let me know more about it. EDIT: I see later on you posted some spoilers about the end of the season. I knew everything you mentioned except that
lol, I see what you mean, and, like I said, I certainly wouldn't blame anyone for thinking that way. That's why I love pogginfan's sig. Anyway, I still have high hopes for VDT, especially because of the new director and largely new crew.
*waves back to Micah* Good to see you as well! How is life for you?
Life's going well, thanks! Like I said at the top, school started for me today. When does it start for you?
From the new Town Square:
that would be relatively mundane, if it weren't about a girl who gets whisked to another world through her wardrobe (now where have I heard that before?), suddenly becomes a princess (that sounds somewhat familiar too), and has to learn how to dance and win the heart of one of six princes (well, that's a bit different).
Eek, don't mention that last bit, or the next remake of LWW will include that.
From that, I'll let you make your conclusion.
Ah, you must hate it!
Heh, yes! We have about six or seven episodes left now, but we're still working through it.
How has life been for you? Do you resume your scholastic activities soon? (Or rather, when does school begin for you?)
This may shock you, but since we've talked last, we got Season 5 and have watched the whole thing!
Life's well! School started today! Life's less well! How about for you? (It's impossible to judge ages on the internet, but you strike me as college-aged or older.)
Well, have a fantastic day, all! I shall try to frequent the Square daily! Mortereve!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*drags herself into the square on her last official day of summer*
I might as well post now, because my life is about to get a whole lot more busy. School starts tomorrow, along with v-ball practice, so I won't be getting home until almost six... which is not ideal, but oh well. I guess I'll survive. It'll just take some getting used to. I'm actually looking forward to school though, my inner nerd has been lying dormant all summer.
Except, of course, for the reading voraciously part. If that even counts as nerdiness... Most of my friends think so, but I refuse to count reading as a nerdy activity. Unless, of course, I'm reading comic books, or books on quantum theory and such. Now that would be....
Speaking of books, I've been reading Megan Whalen Turner's books. (Is there an official name for her series about Attolia/Eddis/Eugenides?) I wasn't sure I would like them, so I just borrowed them from the library, and I really, really liked them. I haven't read Conspiracy of Kings yet though, because unfortunately it hasn't come in yet. But the first three are really awesome. I actually read all three over again I liked them so much.
And now for some ketchupping from about four pages ago...
@Libby, Yes, I should technically have my license but my dad is a money freak and won't pay for the insurance... And since I can't get a job right now... a license is not in my near future.
That makes perfect sense, Joanna (can I call you that?). My exact feeling!
Yes, you can call me that. I'm pretty flexible with nicknames. And I'm glad the whole summer/school thing made sense to you. I was hoping it would makes sense to someone when I posted it... it was kind of late when I said it, so I wasn't even sure it made sense.
I didn't really like the show at first, and there are still some things I really don't like, but overall I think it's awesome
. Snake thing?
Um... yeah, the part where he was dangling over a giant pit of snakes... I mean, seriously?! That was the point where my sister and I decided that liking Robin Hood was definitely not in our future.
Oh I love that album too!!! We saw them in concert not too long ago. There was a pretty big free Christian concert very near where we live. Sadly, the only artist there we were interested in was Sanctus Real... But I LOVE "Lead Me" too!!! Such a wonderful song...
Oooh, lucky!!
It's so annoying going to concerts where you only like one of the artists. Especially when you're not sure exactly what time the one you like is going to play, so you have to sit in misery for hours. Not fun.
Hmm, I should probably catch up some more, but I have to start laundry.
So, goodbye for now. TTYL.
Oh, and football season starts in three weeks!!
Signature by enigmaffliction
comes in grinning and humming the theme music from the movie "Extraordinary Measures"
hi! I just saw the movie "Extraordinary Measures" (Brendan Fraser, Harrison Ford) and I really like it! I would highly recommend it!
Miss Rosario: haha, it's alright but ack!
why don't you like Tobymac!? aw.....have you ever seen him live? he's amazing live! I have seen him live 5 times now!
Ben: yeah, it was weird! my pastor couln't stop laughing for a few minutes.....
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*sigh* Enjoy that Colorado weather, Ben! Yup, PR's my sister. And yup, I have an FB account.
Like you really had to remind of that....
All right. How can I resist the chocolate and puppy eyes?
Hehe, yes. I just had the impulse to try something different. (Until I change my avatar that is).
School's already started for you, Nick? Ehh. I start next week. *grimace*
Nope, Liberty, never have.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci