I also just ordered the Space Trilogy from the library
(Actually I was so impatient that I started the first one on Google Books, until I stumbled upon an omitted page
) I must admit I'm already hooked onto it
Ooh, you mean the Out of the Silent Planet ones? I've always wanted to read those. I have the first one, and Perelandra. I still need to get That Hideous Strength though...
Ooh, you mean the Out of the Silent Planet ones? I've always wanted to read those. I have the first one, and Perelandra. I still need to get That Hideous Strength though...
Yep those ones, I was gonna buy them, but Walmart didn't have the third one
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
^^ Did WalMart have the first two?!?! *Has never seen new copies in stores*
Good mortereve, everyone! Hope you are all having wonderful post-Christmas days. I'm certainly enjoying life a lot, at the moment. Even though I'm having to sort-of-work, again. *sigh* But there's a lot more time when I don't have to go to school.
Catchup.. wow, there's been a lot of posts, these last few days.
Kathy, calling me "returners(?)" does not seem like talking to me! Also, the question mark. . . ? Does that mean you didn't remember me? (Just teasing! )
Nope, the question mark actually just means that I wasn't sure if 'returners' is a word. Well no, it doesn't, I'll admit. Not quite.
So how was your Christmas?
*waves to Sonny* I'm so sorry about your father.. praying for you.
*waves to Melian_Mia* I don't think I said welcome before, so, welcome! I'm Aslan's Country. You can call me AC, or Kathy, which is a better nickname, but probably more confusing.
Anyway.. how are you doing? Sorry to hear you're feeling stressed.
*waves to AC again* Thank you for seeing me!
I'm editing my novel! Just a little bit every once in awhile, so I don't get to sick of it. It is kind of sad how utterly worthless and silly it is. But I had such fun, so who cares!
*steals Liln's nickname for you*
Why, you're welcome!
Worthless? How dare you?! lol, but I know what you mean. That's why we need editing, though. You can make it brilliant, yet. I haven't touched mine yet.. hoping to get to it next week. And it was so much fun, I agree.
*waves to Mel*
*welcomes Shasta* I've seen you around the forum lots, but I'm not sure if I've ever talking to you. I don't talk to people much outside of here anymore. lol, 'Shasty'?
It's tempting.. but.. don't worry, I'll stick with your name.
*waves to Betsie* A laptop? Cool! Enjoy.
*waves to Ithilwen* Welcome! You used to be Eustace+Jill, right? I don't know if I've ever talked to you, either.. so hi! *shakes hand* Can I call you Riella?
*waves to Electra* Hi! We do have fun. So hop in! Well, you already have.
*waves to Aslans Country* How are you doing?
*waves back* I'm doing really well at the moment, thanks. It's nice to be able to work at a leisurely pace during these holidays. How are you?
*waves to Silver* Good to see you! How are you doing, after NaNo?
*waves to Miss R* Oh, have you seen DH yet?
Yeees!!! I just don't like the fact that in a week or so, it'll start back up again!
A week? Wow! How come your break is so short?
I personally think that immediately after Thanksgiving is a little early for Christmas decorations, but Christmas Eve seems a little late. The weekend after school gets out is a good time. Christmas is hard to enjoy when you've still got school.
Yeah.. in Japan decorations are put up almost as soon as Halloween is over and then take them down on Christmas Day, which is pretty much a non-event. It's kinda sad.. but New Year is more of a focus anyway. It is.. which is why I didn't mind waiting so late this year.
*gasp!* How could you?! You destroyed the Saga of Long Quotes!
It was sensible though.
*mourns the loss.. then moves on*
Aha, yeah, despite being a Minion I had to stop reading the reviews because they kept messing up my opinion of the movie. I actually did enjoy it. It's a good movie. There were things that stunk about it, but overall it was a good movie imo. Then again, maybe I'm just super-optimistic.
Oh, well that's encouraging. I just don't really know what to think anymore, and to be completely honest, I don't really care. I'm sad that I don't think it can live up to the first two, for me, but I'll place my hopes in SC, and cross my fingers that it's getting made.
*is listening to Everything right now with chills running up and down her spine* Wow... just wow. I've heard this song before, but I've never really listened, you know? Wow...
Okay, I'll be sure to look up those other songs. Those are enough to last me for a while.
Yeah, I've actually noticed that I tend to like artists' older stuff better than their newer stuff (Relient K for instance). I don't know why that is... it's kind of strange.
If I like what kind of music? Rock? If that's what you meant, don't worry about me. I'm lovin' it. And I like pretty much any kind of music (as long as it's swear-free, and not country. )
Hehe, I'm glad you like it. And yeah, I totally know what you mean about Everything. I listen to it a lot.
Tell me what you think when you do!
Hmm.. well, I can't really say the same for RK, because I actually don't own their first two albums , but I think that's mostly true for me as well. I think Lifehouse said themselves that their first album is probably their best. I wish they'd do another like it, though.
No, I can't classify music to save my life, so I wasn't talking about anything it particular. Just 'Lifehouse'-ish music, I suppose.
Me too, I pay more attention to the lyrics, honestly.
Oh yeah, that makes sense. Have you tried acrylic strings? Those are a lot easier on the fingers.
Yeah, I sing decently but I'm not going to be the next Justin Bieber or anything.
I love music in general so I dabble in a bunch of different instruments. I usually just pick up the instrument and try to play it... with mixed success as well.
Yeah, they are, especially on the higher strings. *winces at imagined pain*
I don't think you want to be the next Justin Bieber, really.
Oh, me too. But it's fun.
YES! I love his blog. Especially his "In Christ Alone" cover. <3 I have absolutely no idea about his new album. I tried researching it and couldn't find anything. Maybe we should ask him! lol
*confession* I still need to buy Ocean Eyes. I want that album so bad!
Yep, me too. lol, if only.. He came to Japan, in November, but I didn't know about it until a few days before, and it was all sold out.
So you got OE for Christmas, right? How do you like it?
*waves to dot* Good to see you!
*waves to lysander* (again can't think of anything more original to say.
Even if you are 'the Epic One')
Bella! *waves* do come back to the Square sometime!
*waves to The Rose-Tree Dryad* welcome! I think I might've talked to you once, during NaNo? How are you? Done much work on your novel since?
*waves to PA as well*
*waves to everyone else, and welcomes any other possible newcomers, because she has to go*
Wow, this post has a lot of waving.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
In the spirit of "I can't believe Christmas day has come and gone!",
Merry Christmas everyone!
Reading... some sweet fluffy books from 1905.
I don't suppose you could pass on the titles? I'm in the mood for some sweet and fluffy after the wry humour of Wodehouse's Damsel in Distress.
Also, I think attending a Regency Christmas ball would be soooo much fun. Will you do it again next year and may I plan on attending? *should probably phrase her hint in Austen-esque language, but finds the well of creativity dry*
Howdy! Good to see you on here! How have you been enjoying the Christmas holidays?
It's wonderful to see you too! I have been having a relatively uneventful Christmas, which seems to have flown by far too fast without as many pauses to soak up the wonder of the season. Or maybe I was just too busy. But I enjoyed spending the weekend with all my family; we'd seen too little of each other the rest of the month.
You have a great sense of humor!
Well, I like to think so. Thank you! PlotWriMo is a series of steps spread through a month where you think about what you wrote and I found that it's helped me to identify the problems in my draft. I'm not sure yet what needs to be done to fix them, but finding the problems is a good start.
I really like my CreateSpace copy of the novel I wrote last year and I'm looking forward to doing it again.
*loves reading through the Christmas greetings of all the Onions*
*takes a candy cane from the Most Excellent of Dryads* I haven't had one of these this year yet!
*eyes the wrong picture Jo posted* Hmm. I refuse to believe we look like that.
*stands on tiptoe behind PA while she unwraps her present from malkah* *eyes light up* OOooooooooooh! *Not surprisingly, when she unwraps the gift under the tree with her name on it... there is her very own copy of the deleted scene of the "I was a traitor..." conversation between Edmund and Eustace in VDT*
*acknowledges AC's wave* That is a lot of waving. I think I forgot what I was going to say to you though. So, Merry Christmas!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*waves to lysander as well* Or should I call you the Epic One? That's a pretty awesome nickname.
lysander, ly, The Epic One -- whichever you prefer.
Oh gasp. It's The Epic One. *bows in awe*
Lol, it's nice to see you around.
It's nice to see someone with manners and respect around here.
*waves to drive-by posters such as Lady L, jo, Valia*
*takes jo's Christmas onions and fries them in a skillet along with potatoes and bacon* Mmm. Thanks muchly for providing those.
*gets the joke involved in the picture* D'oh!
Yes, they got here as soon as you ordered them. Perhaps it does help that they're virtual. Having trouble with the service here, eh? *frowns*
Maybe someone is trying to teach me a lesson. *looks around suspiciously*
I must confess when I first entered the Square I wondered whether you were conceited and who Vern was. Then again, I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into.
Now I love it.
Oh dear. Glad you realized we weren't all loonies! (Or, at least, were lovable loonies.)
*waves to lysander* (again
can't think of anything more original to say.
Even if you are 'the Epic One')
S'okay! *waves back*
*stands on tiptoe behind PA while she unwraps her present from malkah* *eyes light up* OOooooooooooh!
*Not surprisingly, when she unwraps the gift under the tree with her name on it... there is her very own copy of the deleted scene of the "I was a traitor..." conversation between Edmund and Eustace in VDT*
Really? That's all? I got the nonexistent copy of the movie based on the-original-script-that-was-a-pure-adaptation-and-that-Apted-sacked.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
back at lys. Not being epic myself, I find my powers of invention strengthened by a tiny figment of reality.
(Also, yes, I am quite jealous of your gift. When can I borrow it? I promise to be careful and not scratch it. )
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*Skips into the Square for her... third time?*
Hello! Good mortereve everyone! How are you all doing?
I just got back from shopping with my handy-dandy gift cards I got for Christmas. There's nothing nicer than walking into a warm and spacious Barnes and Noble store with 75 dollars in your hand. (Especially when you're used to standing outside the window with no money in your hand, peering through the window and drooling as if it were a bakery. )
I got some really great works by Lewis and Tolkien. After reading (Or at least owning) their major works, it's interesting to flip through (and buy, of course) some of the other, lesser known things they've done.
I also bought a sketch kit at a craft store. I *really* need to improve my drawing if I'm ever going to illustrate my own novels...
And speaking of novels, I finally solved the problem that was getting in the way of my book for five years!
So, I'm pretty happy and excited about that.
*waves to Ithilwen* Welcome! You used to be Eustace+Jill, right? I don't know if I've ever talked to you, either.. so hi!
*shakes hand* Can I call you Riella?
*waves back* Yes, I used to be Eustace+Jill. Thankfully, I was allowed to change it to Ithilwen instead. And yes, you can certainly call me Riella.
^^ Did WalMart have the first two?!?!
Well online they did, and I'm not sure what you mean by new but here's the links:
Well, it says "In Transit," so I think they'll be here soon
Also I finished HHB yesterday
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
I have not posted since page 46 - is it possible that I can reply to all of this? I'm not sure - and I'll have to be really bored, but I do hope I can!
Miss you guys! Happy New Year!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*wanders sleepily into the Square* Mortereve, everyone!
Wow, lots of posts here! I think I have time for a quick catchup.
I enjoyed reading through all your wonderful Christmas wishes! I know it's a little late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you too! I hope they went well.
*waves to Rose* Greetings! 'Tis a pleasure to see thee in the fair Town of Ditto. I trust thy journey from the Monastery was not too treacherous?
And today I saw VDT for the first time.
Oooh yay! How did you like it?
That reminds me, I'm going to see VDT again on Wednesday...and this time I'm dragging a group of friends with me! And that group is steadily growing...I think there's at least eight or nine at the moment. Should be a good time!
Yes, that could cause some problems... although, not if they're virtual! Pixelated cookies tend to makes things a wee bit easier.
Well then, next time I'm baking, I'll be sure to whip you up a batch of virtual cookies! What kind are your favorite?
Ah, that picture made me laugh! They look rather fantasy-ish. Does the one on the top right have wings?
Yep! That would be the fantasy part. You'd have to read the book series to understand fully...it's a very good story.
*waves back to AC* Hi! I've been good since NaNo, though I wish I could have gotten more writing done than I have. Unproductiveness is very addicting, unfortunately.
How about you?
lysander, ly, The Epic One -- whichever you prefer.
Alright! I'll just call you Ly, then. How are you?
I also bought a sketch kit at a craft store. I *really* need to improve my drawing if I'm ever going to illustrate my own novels...
You want to illustrate your own novels? That's just what I want to do too! Great minds think alike, I guess?
*waves to everyone else that I missed*
Well, I guess that's it. I'm off the read Inkspell. Currently, I'm a little more than halfway through it, and I've been enjoying it very much! Talk to you later! *wanders out of the square*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Good Mortereve!
Yeesh! Lots of posting! (Well, I also haven't been in here since the 20th, still. . .)
Hope everyone had a happy Christmas! Mine was lovely, mellow, since everyone's growing up and we don't have many little ones around anymore, but still very nice and fun!
Now, on to ketchup!
Sonny, I am so sorry to hear about your dad! You and your family are in my prayers.
Maia, woah, that's scary about your mall! Too bad the flash mob thing couldn't happen, but at least you still have a cool story! Do you sing, or were you just going to be a spectator?
Ellie, I am very randomly in the chatroom, not overly frequent, so it's okay not to remember me. Random, but I just wanted to mention that to make a quote box say "so and so wrote" you need to use quotes around their username, like so:
[quote="Lady L"]blahblahblah[/quote]
If you like how you've been doing it, that's cool; I just wanted to let you know that you didn't have to write it in yourself.
Ah yes, I miss Dennie too! Um, wait a minute . .
Poor Dennie!
Oooh! Mel, so we do have a little cafe that sells hot cocoa? YUM! *orders hot cocoa and some sugar cookies* *LL also resists a sudden urge to become a rhyming mime*
Whitney! Welcome to the Square!
*is also glad Shasta came to the Square*
BETSIE!!! *hugs Betsie to pieces and then wonders if she ought to put Betsie back together. . .*
Eeep! I almost bought The Woman in White at B&N the other day, but the people I was with wanted to get over to the theater so we could see Tron (all special effects, btw, dull plot; well paced, I will give it that much). I loved The Moonstone. So glad you're enjoying it, that makes me want to read it all the more! *coughIstillhaven'treadanyAgathaChristiescoughcough* Any suggestions?
Very nice name for your laptop! Now that you have your own laptop, you'll come visit us more, right?
Lady A, I didn't know I was a therapist either! I learned something new about myself! *sets up a shop*
I am sorry you've had to get a temp narrator though, that is depressing. Hopefully Narrator will return from wherever he is soon! He can see me for free, if that'll help him!
*continues to have a very good chuckle at Lady A's post*
Riella, welcome!
Electra, enjoy your time here!
DJAQ!!!! Also, exclamation points are loved creatures in the Square! I tend to befriend punctuation, in case you haven't heard about my dear Squiggles.
Silver, Christmas cookies are almost always delectable! I love them!
Rose, lovely to see you! And, I know just what you mean about how the time flies! Christmas always seems to sneak up on me, thanks to college finals taking up so much time. . .
Ruby, nah, I've got another two and a half years. It'll fly by, supposedly.
But, the end of each semester is always such a relief! Plus, this past semester is one of the "weed out" semesters, so surviving it was a very good thing!
Christmas went well! We had snow on the ground, two week old snow. We also got a very, very light dusting on both Christmas and Christmas Eve, which was nice, since it freshened everything up, but didn't require shoveling or anything! Hope y'all did end up getting a bit of snow?
Fireflower, Jo was musing aloud about what to call us who frequent the Square. She knew of a city that called their citizens something-onians and suggests Sqaureonians, but then said that was too much like Square Onions. Volia, a nickname was born.
Nursing students don't have much of a life outside of college work. At least, not a very interesting life.
Dot! Nice to see you! Hope your break is refreshing! And, a huge CONGA RATS on getting all A's! That is very, very awesome!
*waves to Libby*
*offers the Epic One some stale biscuits and water since the cafe won't serve him*
(You know, sometimes I worry that some random person will stumble into here, read my posts, and think that I'm really quite conceited. But then, if they thought that, they'd probably also think that PC is a schizophrenic with an alternate personality known as Vern.
I know! Sometimes I wonder why I ever stuck around all you mad people!
Yep yep! I actually rented The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh to refresh my memories. And, if possible, I'm now more excited then ever to see the new one! It shows a lot of promise.
What's your avy from? I don't recognize it and the fact that Romola Garai's on it interests me.
*waves to Mal*
Bella!!!!! Come by more often! Also, try going into your User Control Panel and turning off Daylight Savings, that should fix your time. You have to do it by hand twice every year and it's annoying.
*needs to get to bed, so skimming begins again*
*waves to Dryad*
Anna! How nice to see you again!
Valia!!! Hope your course goes well! And, do pop in if you can! Also, I adore both your graphics! Great movies, the both of them!
Jo! It has been far too long since you've been in here! Isn't Winnie the Pooh awesome?!
And, your Christmas Onions are just too cute!
*waves to Wolfy*
Kathy, my Christmas was nice! How bout yours?
Oh, my! This post has taken forever and is going to be crazy long. Oops.
Hope you all have wonderful nights and sweet dreams!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
^^ Thanks for the welcome, Lady_Liln!
Well online they did, and I'm not sure what you mean by new but here's the links... Also I finished HHB yesterday
Thanks for the links!
And congrats on the book finish! Did you learn anything new about the story this time around?
And today I saw VDT for the first time.
Oooh yay! How did you like it?
Well... actually... not really... I was pretty disappointed.
I also bought a sketch kit at a craft store. I *really* need to improve my drawing if I'm ever going to illustrate my own novels...
You want to illustrate your own novels? That's just what I want to do too! Great minds think alike, I guess?
I guess so! That's awesome! So, what kinds of books do you write?
I'm back, and I'll see what I can do...
Riella, I'm so sorry you were disappointed! I hope SC (if it gets made) will finally give you a movie that won't be disappointing!
I love reading books, so I'm more than willing to read it! Imagination is so much fun, and even if I don't write very well, I love brainstorming ideas in my mind!
Christmas was awesome this year! I got lots of neat stuff and had loads of fun, but I learned something about myself as well. Are any of you ever so obsessed with something (I call it Obsessivus Insanitus) that it's really difficult to have it any other way? Well, I got the BBC version of Narnia, and I'm having the hardest of times daring to watch it 'cause it feels so weird! I might be able to get away watching LWW and possibly SC, but to watch PC and VDT would really be strange! I'm more insane about the Walden Versions then I thought!
Hello! I'm finally here to attempt a catchup post (fat chance that I have of it . . ). So here goes!
Hello Georgie! Great to have you here, I'm glad you joined us.
And Hello Shasta! Good to have you too! Looks like you guys have been having fun here!
*is proud of herself for making Betsie come in here - or at least having a small part in it* I get to see you tonight! I hope it's lovely!
EJ! You're here too? How exciting!
Djaq wrote
I'm glad to hear that!(that you are doing great) I enjoyed talking to you, too! Yes, we need to do it again soon.
Aww!Well, if you don't get this part, there will be another one some other time.
Oh, I will try to send you the pictures of our costumes soon! I'm so sorry that I haven't yet.
Things have been rather busy lately.
Thank you for passing on the hug!![]()
I hope we meet soon in the chat room - I've been super busy so I haven't had much chance to get in it. Hopefully soon.
Since I haven't seen you around in awhile - how are you doing? Did you have a nice Christmas?
We did all get parts, though they're pretty small, which is kind of a big stepdown. Oh well, I'm glad we're in!
Thank you so much for the pictures! Oh, now I need to send you some, don't I? Oops.
Aww, how lovely!
Someday, I will have to hear you sing! And see you perform. I would love to!
That would be fun, and kind of scary! I hope you can though!
Ruby wrote
My last post was rather discombulized. (discombobulated + disorganized). I missed a lot of people. Sigh. So sorry I missed you! I try and not miss people. Maybe I should just start doing the "waves to everyone and then leaves" at the end of my posts.Thanks for the compliment on my avatar! Though I can't really take credit for it. Fanny made it.
It's from BBC's series "North and South". A very, very good series!
By the way, how have you been doing? Looking forward to Christmas?!?!
Haha- thats perfectly fine, I was just teasing. don't worry about it.
Oh cool! I really want to see those sometime! Dennie tells me they're very good as well.
I've been doing quite well - super busy, but a nice busy. How about you?
FireFlower wrote
Yeah, I have done YWP before, but no worries.Have you done it before? Agreed! I think it would be amazing to have a real, "published" copy of my book that I'm able to hold in my hands, no matter how bad it is. We can be Editing Buddies!
Yes, NaNo was extremely fun! I can't wait till next year!
By the way - I gave you a nickname. I hope you don't mind.![]()
No, this is my first time of attempting anything of the sort. That made it doubly exciting! Yes, lets! Which reminds me that I should get around to editing .
that is my nickname! Thank you for using it!
*waves to the epic one* *waves to Mal*
AC wrote
*steals Liln's nickname for you*
Why, you're welcome!
Worthless? How dare you?! lol, but I know what you mean. That's why we need editing, though. You can make it brilliant, yet.I haven't touched mine yet.. hoping to get to it next week. And it was so much fun, I agree.
Thank you for using the nickname.
I'm not sure about brilliant - but hopefully at least better. Have you touched it yet?
LL - thank you for offering assistance, for I sorely need it. I still don't quite understand.
Yay!! I did it!! Got through it all!!!
That was really tiring - hope it doesn't happen again!
*waves to everyone she missed*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby