Oooh, presents! *Opens the one with her name on it* . . . A Mighty Ducks t-shirt?! How ever did you know that's exactly what I wanted??
*Hands PA her gift* It's a radio control miniature zamboni. I don't think it's particularly effective at busting through the wall of a hockey rink, though.
Thank you for the welcome! Heehee, it's so good to "see" you again! Just yesterday I was thinking about how it had been a long time since we'd talked and was wondering how you and "the boys" were doing. I'm glad you're having such a good Christmas! Mine has been lovely so far, and we're supposed to get somewhere between four to ten inches of snow during tonight and tomorrow, so I'm really excited about that!
Oooh, presents!
*Opens the one with her name on it* . . . A Mighty Ducks t-shirt?! How ever did you know that's exactly what I wanted??
Maybe I'm a mind reader.
*Hands PA her gift* It's a radio control miniature zamboni.
I don't think it's particularly effective at busting through the wall of a hockey rink, though.
Oh, bother! Now I want one in real life! (both kinds: a real one, and the kind you gave me)
...Just yesterday I was thinking about how it had been a long time since we'd talked and was wondering how you and "the boys" were doing.
Yeah, I haven't really gone in the writing thread in awhile, have I? Oops!
I'm fine! Tired a lot, but fine. How are you?
The boys are fine, too. Though they're still driving me (and each other) crazy.
Maybe I should pop in the writing thread soon to give you all an update.
Oh! I forgot to mention... WE HAVE SNOW!!! It's been here for a few days, actually. (maybe since thursday? I forget) We had had some a few weeks ago, but it melted. And we hoped we'd have a white christmas. I know one of the adults at church had said during choir practice that "I want a white Christmas! We need to pray for snow, but that it'd be safe for all those traveling" (see, the last time it snowed there was a lot of ice. We even had to have help getting to the cars, so we wouldn't slip, a week or so ago!!! )
But I WILL agree with what MountainFireflower said about being blessed above and beyond what I expected. I feel throughly spoilt, to be honest. I didn't expect to get near this much stuff! And everything I've gotten was either something I really wanted badly, or a surprise that made me gasp in delight. I kept thinking last night that "Gosh, I'm being shown a lot of grace... I didn't think I was that good this year!"
So do I! I got everything I wanted and more. It was a lovely surprise, and it just shows how much I do in fact have to be thankful for. Sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it, but grace is what God specializes in.
I wholeheartedly agree with you - it has been a good Christmas.
*rips open her gift from PA* Oh, a ticket to Narnia?! How did you know this was what I wanted?!
*adds a collection of gifts under the tree for whoever wants them*
PA (and everyone), your gift is ... well, whatever you want.
*waves to the Dryad of the Rose-Tree* Yes! It is my dear monk! I am your conversational minion and it is an absolute pleasure to see you again. How are you doing?
I'm so jealous of everyone who has snow. We got a Christmas in the 50's. I'm torn between excitement and disappointment - the warm weather was lovely, but I've become way more accustomed to white Christmases due to living in a colder climate. Maybe I'm just spoiled like that.
I shall say it again....
av by dot
*rips open her gift from PA* Oh, a ticket to Narnia?! How did you know this was what I wanted?!
Dearie, I think that is one gift that we ALL would like.
(and you're very welcome!)
Sorry you haven't had snow yet.
*adds a collection of gifts under the tree for whoever wants them*
PA (and everyone), your gift is ... well, whatever you want.![]()
Cool! Thank you! (I'll have to tell you what I got later, as I am still in such shock over the stuff I got over the last two days, that I can't even begin to think of what I could want!
Yeah, we really do have a lot to be thankful for... in terms of what He does for us, and in how we are so kind to each other (especially at this time of year). Grace really is what He specializes in, and I'm so grateful for that. It still blows me away (year-round), that He loves us enough... loves ME enough, to have come here and died. All so that we can celebrate with Him someday in Heaven. And I think THAT is the very best gift of all!
Maybe that's part of why I like this holiday... because it gives us great reminders like that.
Speaking of surprises, I forgot to tell you before! When I was at the Christmas Eve service last night, one of the families at church had a small present for me! When I asked what for, they said "Just because" and "Because you're special." I was in total shock, as I'd NEVER in my life gotten a Christmas present at church before! (unless you count the small thing the staff gave each of the sunday school teachers one year. I had been helping with the 1st and 2nd grade class that year) Anyway, the family gave me this small mickey mouse snowglobe thingummy that says 2010 on it. Isn't that the greatest?!
I'm too far behind to catch up just now, but I wanted to wish all ye Square Onions a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope everyone's days are lovely and filled with food, fun, and family!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
I know I haven't been here in forever ( ), but I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
I may try to pop in a few times of the remainder of winter break, but since I'm currently taking an intersession course, I can't and won't make any promises.
I miss you all tons and hope you're all doing well!
God rest you merry, gentlemen,
Let nothing you dismay.
Remember Christ our Savior
Was born on Christmas Day
To save us all from Satan's pow'r
When we were gone astray.
Likewise from me. It's been too long since I've been able to pop in here, but had to drop by today to wish all the dear SquareOnions a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!
And before I forget, how I like your signature, Lady_Liln.
♫ ♪ Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh, fuzzy little tubby all stuffed with fluff... ♪ ♫
How very convenient.
I do wish we had more snow, but at least there is a covering on the ground and it's staying 'cause it's been below freezing every day since the white stuff finally arrived a week or so ago. Hurrah!
*leaves in a flurry of Christmas tinsel, cookies, and scalloped potatoes* (the latter of which made quite the mess )
Christmas treats for all! Wups, that's the wrong image. How's this instead?
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Dearie, I think that is one gift that we ALL would like. (and you're very welcome!)
Haha, I know! Ironic, isn't it?
Cool! Thank you! (I'll have to tell you what I got later, as I am still in such shock over the stuff I got over the last two days, that I can't even begin to think of what I could want!)
I totally can relate. I got four CDs I desperately wanted - Relient K Five Score & Seven Years Ago, both Tenth Avenue North CDs (that I've wanted for forever!; and tobyMac's Portable Sounds.) I could tell you everything else I got, but that would take forever and I would probably bore you.
Oh, I also got an mp3 player to replace my old one, so that was a plus.
Sorry you haven't had snow yet.
Ah, it's okay. We'll probably get a huge load of it in January.
Yeah, we really do have a lot to be thankful for... in terms of what He does for us, and in how we are so kind to each other (especially at this time of year). Grace really is what He specializes in, and I'm so grateful for that. It still blows me away (year-round), that He loves us enough... loves ME enough, to have come here and died. All so that we can celebrate with Him someday in Heaven. And I think THAT is the very best gift of all!
I could NOT have said it better myself. That is one of the things I'm in awe of this Christmas. I mean, I always knew Jesus was the center of Christmas ever since I was little, but it just seems to sink in the more I get older. And I agree with you - this is such a good reminder of His love and grace for me - one that I needed... a lot.
Also, PA, that is so cool that you got a gift from someone at church! I've been surprised like that a lot this year - random people have given me gifts, and I've appreciated every single one. Like I said... I am blessed.
*waves to Lady_Liln, Valiant Archer, & jo, laughing at the latter's Christmas offering* Merry Christmas to you as well! In case you haven't met me yet, I'm MountainFireflower, but feel free to give me another nickname to add to my collection.
Finis. For now.
av by dot
*dances into the snowy Square (because it is always a white Christmas in here )*
Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you've all had a simply wonderful day!
Can I join those who are feeling utterly spoiled by their lovely family? I'm always blessed by Christmas gifts, but this year, every gift was extra thoughtful and fun! I had a new camera, some beautiful jewelry, an apron (since I've been learning to cook this year) and best of all...a gift card for Amazon. So I get to start the new year with a book-hunting spree!
*catches malkah's snowball*
*admires skill in catching, rather than getting hit, by said snowball* Well done!
Is that Bella I see? It's lovely to see you!
Hope you've had a wonderful Christmas and come in again soon!
*barely ducks the snowball that Mountie threw at her* Hmph. Merry Christmas to you too. Oh dear, what have I started?
Hoodies for Christmas are always fun.
*wishes Rosa a very Merry Christmas*
Rose! It's grand to see you here! (Although it makes me laugh a bit, because I had JUST thought that I should tell you to try out the Square next time I saw you in chat.
) But welcome!
PA, *unwraps gift* a magic pen to go noveling with? For me?!
And here's yours! *hands PA a small CD wrapped in paper* It's the deleted scene of the "I was a traitor..." conversation between Edmund and Eustace in VDT.
*waves to LL and Valia*
Jo, you are amazing. Where in the world did you find a picture of us?
(That onion is just too cute.
And that does it. Time to head out into the crisp winter night and soak up the last few minutes of Christmas day.
*adds her own small pile of gifts to the Square tree, one for each Onion, before she leaves*
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
Haha, I know! Ironic, isn't it?
Yes, yes... quite ironic.
I could tell you everything else I got, but that would take forever and I would probably bore you.
Nah, you wouldn't bore me! If you feel so inclined, feel free to pm me with what you got. I know that when I'm excited I tend to go on and on about stuff that makes me happy. So it would be fun to hear what made a friend happy.
And here's hoping you get some snow before the end of winter! *crosses fingers*
I could NOT have said it better myself. That is one of the things I'm in awe of this Christmas. I mean, I always knew Jesus was the center of Christmas ever since I was little, but it just seems to sink in the more I get older. And I agree with you - this is such a good reminder of His love and grace for me - one that I needed... a lot.
Yeah, I've always known it too. But you're right, it does tend to sink in more the older one gets. Just like the older I get, the more I get out of the Narnia books, or other things. (but mainly Narnia and the Bible) Strange, but makes total sense... right?!
Also, PA, that is so cool that you got a gift from someone at church! I've been surprised like that a lot this year - random people have given me gifts, and I've appreciated every single one. Like I said... I am blessed.
*wonders if we're beginning to talk in circles*
Yeah, that was really cool! (and sweet of them) I immeaditely thought "OH! I should get them something!!!" and when I said as much to them, they were like "Oh, no. That's not necessary." and I said, "But you're family! and you got me something, so..."
Can I join those who are feeling utterly spoiled by their lovely family?
I'm always blessed by Christmas gifts, but this year, every gift was extra thoughtful and fun!
Yes, you may!
And yeah, I always feel so blessed at Christmas... and sometimes feel spoilt. But not to the extent of this year. At least, not in recent years, anyway. I was in shock! And I'm STILL not over it!
PA, *unwraps gift* a magic pen to go noveling with? For me?!
Yep, all for you!
And here's yours! *hands PA a small CD wrapped in paper* It's the deleted scene of the "I was a traitor..." conversation between Edmund and Eustace in VDT.
*screams. or, would, rather... if my sister hadn't already gone to sleep (She sleeps in the next room)*
Oh, that is PERFECT!!! If only, oohhhhhh, if only!!!!!! Thank you so, so, SOOOOOO very much!!!!
*hugs everyone I haven't mentioned, that passed through since my last post*
Hey, Ithilwen and Electra, by all means, please do join!!!!...
...The concert at our church last night was great. They even honored my dad, who died last week!
Thanks for the welcome! And I'm very sorry about your dad!
My grandfather died a few weeks ago. I didn't get to go to the funeral.
My Dad went, though.
Oh, and Merry Christmas to everyone!!!! I hope you all had a good Christmas. We opened our presents the day before (We do most of our celebrating on Christmas Eve). I got mostly DVDs this year -- most notably the Sherlock Season One and the LOTR Extended Edition Trilogy.
And today I saw VDT for the first time. So then, of course, I came on here and did a bunch of posts in the "I saw the Movie and It Was..." thread.
And here's hoping you get some snow before the end of winter! *crosses fingers*
Yes, I've heard this year it has been storming snow in some places, and then having no snow at all in other places. Odd year for weather. It seems to work only in extremes. You're lucky that you live in a place that gets at least a little snow, though. Haha, I'm in sunny California.
Yes, I've heard this year it has been storming snow in some places, and then having no snow at all in other places. Odd year for weather. It seems to work only in extremes. You're lucky that you live in a place that gets at least a little snow, though. Haha, I'm in sunny California.
I'm in CA too! I wish we would get even just a little snow... *sigh* I guess that's what the virtual snow is for.
I must join the ranks of those who feel incredibly blessed. This Christmas was not huge for our family, just a few small things each, but I just felt so blessed to have what I did.
Merry [belated] Christmas to all of you!
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Good mortereve, everyone! Hope you're all doing well!
*barely ducks the snowball that Mountie threw at her* Hmph. Merry Christmas to you too. Oh dear, what have I started?
Hoodies for Christmas are always fun.
'Twas all in good fun, of course.
Snowball fights can be completely devoid of animosity, merely because they are meant as a sign of friendly affection.
And yes, I already have many hoodies but I will always take more. It helps when they're from Kerusso, one of my favorite clothing companies.
Nah, you wouldn't bore me! If you feel so inclined, feel free to pm me with what you got. I know that when I'm excited I tend to go on and on about stuff that makes me happy. So it would be fun to hear what made a friend happy.
Ah, okay, I shall send you a PM presently, as soon as I'm done here. Yes, I tend to ramble as well, but when I'm happy I ramble even worse.
You are too sweet.
Please do tell me what you got as well! By the way, feel free to shorten my username to whatever nickname you can come up with.
And here's hoping you get some snow before the end of winter! *crosses fingers*
Yes, we already have had some snow and I think we will again, but it's just a question of when. I tend to like snow but only when there isn't too much of it, otherwise it gets old. So maybe it's a good thing it hasn't snowed much yet this year.
Yeah, I've always known it too. But you're right, it does tend to sink in more the older one gets. Just like the older I get, the more I get out of the Narnia books, or other things. (but mainly Narnia and the Bible) Strange, but makes total sense... right?!
*nods* Yes, that makes total sense, and I can totally relate. Every time I read through Narnia or, say, the gospels - both of which I've heard many times - I get something new out of it. I love it! A good book is something that you can read time and time again but still enjoy it as much if not more than you did before.
*wonders if we're beginning to talk in circles*
We are. Or maybe we're beginning to talk in Squares? (Okay, I couldn't resist making that bad joke since we are in the Town Square.)
*waves to Ithilwen & Melian* How are you?
Okay, now for some quick catchup before I depart.
*signals the ship with her cell phone*
"Scotty, beam me up!"
*disappears in the usual gold, glittery, tinkling cloud that is teleportation*
*gasp* Dot, you live on the Enterprise?! May I come visit?!
On a side note, how are you doing? I've missed you!
I have seen Dawn Treader 4 times. Going to see it again on Sunday, because I have a free movie voucher and no other movies I desire to see, so VDT it is ^^
Ah, that is so cool! I've only seen it once, although I hope to see it again when it comes to the dollar theater. I've heard it improves on the second viewing - which would be nice since I already liked it initially. It has flaws, but I still like it.
Yeah, there aren't very many creative things you can do with the name "Ruby Gamgee". I guess the name is nice enough in itself. Yay! I love ramblers! Makes me not feel lonely.
*starts dancing as Tenth Ave. North's "Go Tell It On The Mountain" plays on the radio*
Yes, it is a nice name! I love the Gamgee family. I know, I like to ramble a lot of the time. Ramblers unite! *high five*
(side note: I love Tenth Avenue North!! )
Ah, yes. I know how that goes. We've been doing a lot of cleaning over Christmas break too. Let me tell you, you're doing much better than I usually do with a headache. Me attempting to write a catch up post with a headache usually ends with me getting off NarniaWeb after an hour of trying to write a catch up...sigh.
Oh, we've been cleaning too. I need to get to that probably today since my room is a WRECK. Yes, well, sometimes, depending on the level of the headache, I can usually concentrate well enough but I often end up getting frustrated and give up on trying to do anything productive on the computer when I've got a headache. Which makes me wonder why I even bother getting on in the first place.
I know what you mean. I do that a lot. People will ask me if I've heard of a certain artist or musician. And I'll say no, until I hear some of their music, and then I'll be like "oh yeah! I've heard them before!"
I know, and sometimes I feel bad that I didn't know who they were talking about. I did that with Josh Groban... I told my friend I'd never heard his music and the other day I realized they play his song on the radio all the time!
*waves to Libby* Merry (belated) Christmas to you as well! Did you have a good time?
Ah, so yours were served, huh? *eyes narrow as he glances at the counter*
It's lovely to meet you!
...sometimes I worry that some random person will stumble into here, read my posts, and think that I'm really quite conceited. But then, if they thought that, they'd probably also think that PC is a schizophrenic with an alternate personality known as Vern.
Yes, they got here as soon as you ordered them. Perhaps it does help that they're virtual. Having trouble with the service here, eh? *frowns*
Lovely to meet you as well! I agree with Silver the Wanderer when she says that The Epic One is a nice nickname. Although I must confess when I first entered the Square I wondered whether you were conceited and who Vern was. Then again, I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into. Now I love it.
Certainly! Though, I'm not sure you'd be able to actually eat them through a computer screen.
Yes, that could cause some problems... although, not if they're virtual! Pixelated cookies tend to makes things a wee bit easier.
Actually, they're a bunch of book characters from a series my friend and I like, called Dragons in Our Midst. Want to see them? (Clickie! )
Ah, that picture made me laugh! They look rather fantasy-ish. Does the one on the top right have wings?
I have to admit, I didn't read through your whole post, Fireflower. But then again, I didn't read through anyone's completely. Tonight I'm just skimming.
How has your weekend been? Do you have any snow? (It looks like Michigan will actually have a white Christmas this year - hurray!)
That's fine, I didn't expect anyone to. A lot of the time I skim when I'm in the Square so I'm not offended in the slightest.
My weekend's been pretty good, and yours? It was a lovely Christmas, in spite of the fact we didn't get any snow.
Instead, we had a Christmas in the 50's.
The end!
av by dot
Yes, I've heard this year it has been storming snow in some places, and then having no snow at all in other places. Odd year for weather. It seems to work only in extremes. You're lucky that you live in a place that gets at least a little snow, though. Haha, I'm in sunny California.
I'm in CA too!
I wish we would get even just a little snow... *sigh* I guess that's what the virtual snow is for.
I can also add myself to that California, sun no snow group(Though I want snow)!
Just popping in again To say I hope everyone had a great Christmas, I know I did!
The day after Christmas is always sad for me, just knowing another 365 days till the next one depresses me
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
Merry (Belated) Christmas Everybody!
I hope it went awesomely
I'm nearly finished with HHB on my quest to reread the Chronicles in both orders. I also just ordered the Space Trilogy from the library (Actually I was so impatient that I started the first one on Google Books, until I stumbled upon an omitted page
) I must admit I'm already hooked onto it
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down