*teleports in (I would have walked, but it's getting late I wanted a fast mode of transportation )*
Good Mortereve everyone! I've missed the Square and all of you Square Onions!
I don't remember when I last posted. Tomorrow I shall dig through the depths of the long pages of the recorded annals of the Town Square and find out when I was last here so I know how much I have to catch up on. Anyway, finals are over. I made A's in all of my classes.
And I'm taking an interim class.
And I won't be done until January.
But I will have about two weeks in between the end of the interim and the start of the spring semester.
In the mean time, I haven't had as much time for Narniaweb as I would like (there are several threads in the TaN and IStM sections that I want to get to, not to mention graphics making), but I hope to catch up on everything over the weekend as I have a very short break. Although the best laid plans of mice and men...........
Until next time!
*signals the ship with her cell phone*
"Scotty, beam me up!"
*disappears in the usual gold, glittery, tinkling cloud that is teleportation*
Hey, Ithilwen and Electra, by all means, please do join!!!! Basically it's just random chat. Sometimes people will read everything posted since they were in last, and comment on everything. Others just write a post about whatever they want to. It's up to you. But I think the main general rule is that your post, whatever it says, should be substantial; that is, don't post a one-line post. A couple paragraphs is nice, and if you feel like writing more, then so be it!
Thanks! Sure will
*waves to Riella and Electra*
*waves frantically*
Well, Christmas is tomorrow, and my room looks like a temporary warehouse full of everyone under the sun's presents. Hopefully I will have some room to breathe after this is all done. I have already tripped over my sister's present and it made a funny noise, hopefully it's not broken! D: My hands are all cramped from wrapping so many things and writing on about sixty Christmas cards. I like Christmas, but this part isn't fun D:
I have seen Dawn Treader 4 times. Going to see it again on Sunday, because I have a free movie voucher and no other movies I desire to see, so VDT it is ^^
Good Mortereve everyone!
So, I searched for my last post and discovered that the last time I even attempted catching up was nearly ten pages ago. tsk. tsk. tsk. You can blame it on the nasty homework. How about I catchup on just this page? Will that suffice?
wups. Never mind, my little sister wants to watch Beauty and the Beast. I guess I'll have to come back later--probably between the children's Christmas program and the candlelight service tonight.
*wonders if that was enough substance*
It doesn't look like much.
I didn't think so either, but you didn't have to say that out loud Mr. Narrator!
My apologies.
Yes, well, ta-ta for now!
*comes in listening to Jars Of Clay's "Wonderful Christmas Time"*
Well, well, here I am again! So soon?! This must be a record or something!
Well, it is about midday. And I just got dressed. Aaah. The beauties of having no school. Oh, and is it really Christmas Eve??!!? I'm sitting near the Christmas tree, where presents have gradually accumulated over the week. Last night my parents took their date to the city to do some of their "Santa Claus" shopping.
And this morning, everyone seems so excited! We're going to cook cookies today.
Ooh, those are lovely nicknames. I can't think up nicknames on the spot for some reason (the only thing I can think of is RG), but if I do think of something, I'll let you know. Ah, the rambler? I ramble as well. I think we'll get along nicely.
Yeah, there aren't very many creative things you can do with the name "Ruby Gamgee". I guess the name is nice enough in itself.
Yay! I love ramblers! Makes me not feel lonely.
*starts dancing as Tenth Ave. North's "Go Tell It On The Mountain" plays on the radio*
Yes, Christmas break is a good time to get on, aside from the fact that I cleaned all day today, and have a headache now, so I have no idea why I'm doing a ketchup post right now. Oh well.
Ah, yes. I know how that goes. We've been doing a lot of cleaning over Christmas break too. Let me tell you, you're doing much better than I usually do with a headache. Me attempting to write a catch up post with a headache usually ends with me getting off NarniaWeb after an hour of trying to write a catch up...sigh.
Christmas music is beautiful; I was just listening to some today for the first time in a while. Ooh, I love Relient K! Those other sound great too! I don't know if I've heard of them but I've probably heard them... does that make sense?
I know what you mean. I do that a lot. People will ask me if I've heard of a certain artist or musician. And I'll say no, until I hear some of their music, and then I'll be like "oh yeah! I've heard them before!"
*waves to Dot* Good to see you on here! I hope you're having a wonderful break, as short as it is. And I hope you get to catch up on here.
Well, my mother will probably be out of the shower soon which means that it's time to start baking! Have a lovely day, everyone! God bless!
*leaves listening to "Silent Night"*
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
comes in singing "Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel
Merry Christmas, everyone!
and Happy New Year!
wow, can't believe Christmas is here already! wow! time flies!
I hope you all have an awesome holiday!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*is still waiting for his tea and biscuits*
@ Lys. Ello there! Long time, no see! How have you been since we last spoke?
Long time indeed! I've been okay -- not great, not bad. I'm just glad that the semester is over and that I have some time off, although I haven't been using it particularly well. Also, thankful that my best friend from my old college will be visiting early next month!
*waves to Ben, lysander and Cor, in turn*
*waves back*
( ... and to Elanor too. )
*wonders who the Epic One expects to bring him his tea and biscuits* Anywho, how have you been, Ly? How'd your semester go?
Oh, anyone will do. The specific personage is irrelevant.
(You know, sometimes I worry that some random person will stumble into here, read my posts, and think that I'm really quite conceited. But then, if they thought that, they'd probably also think that PC is a schizophrenic with an alternate personality known as Vern. )
My semester was fine. I missed my friends from "real" university terribly, and it did seem like a bit of a downgrade to return to community college, but everything worked out all right. My grades, while not outstanding, were better than they had been recently.
I agree with you about the new Winnie the Pooh movie, btw. It's odd to hear another child's voice for Christopher Robin especially, but overall it looks fabulous, much better than any of the other Pooh sequels Disney has turned out. My best friend, who I mentioned earlier, was pretty much raised on Winnie the Pooh, and he's extremely excited about the new movie.
Wow, Sonny, I just can't even imagine what you're going through. I'll try to keep you in my prayers.
*waves to lys as she returns to her seat, balancing a plate of piping hot pie topped with ice cream and a brimming mug perched precariously on the rim*
So this is the sort of establishment where one must fetch one's own victuals, eh? *snorts* I suppose that explains things....
Betsie: I read The Woman in White earlier this semester! It was fabulous. A new favorite, even. And what a lovely Regency dress! My old college had a Regency ball this month, and I was very sad that I wasn't able to be there.
Do try to get Destined on here sometime soon, will you? She is very much missed!
*gasps* The Epic One! 'Tis lovely to see you again.
Or, rather to have you join us once more, since I cannot actually 'see' you.
Gees, you folks sure do make a fellow feel missed around here! Lovely to see you again, too (though I'm pretty sure we've crossed paths in Non-Narnian Graphics between my Square visits
*waves to lysander* Hello, stranger! Good to see your face (er, avatar?) on the Square again! How have you been doing? Enjoying the Christmas season?
Yes, well, if my current avatar was my face, things would be rather complicated, wouldn't they? Every time I get on the Square and am called the Epic One again, I get an urge to put on the original Epic One avatar, although I suppose that, strictly speaking, I should be using a Christmas one right now. Bah humbug!
In spite of the above statement, I'm quite enjoying the Christmas season. Been watching a lot of holiday-related movies (It's a Wonderful Life, The Man Who Came to Dinner, Meet Me in St. Louis, In the Good Old Summertime) and generally relaxing. Not reading or writing nearly enough, I'm afraid.
*waves to lysander* Hello! I'm MountainFireflower. These biscuits are positively delicious!
Ah, so yours were served, huh? *eyes narrow as he glances at the counter*
It's lovely to meet you!
Now I've caught up (sorta), what is there to say? Ah, well, one really weird occurrence of today: last night I dreamed that some neighbors sold their house, and someone we knew (can't remember who, exactly) bought it! But I completely forgot about it until today, when I saw a U-Haul at their house. Clairvoyant? Maybe?
I think I may hop out now, and see if I can wrap my last few presents. My dad is currently hogging all of the wrapping materials.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*wanders in on this Christmas Eve* Mortereve, everyone!
*waves to Silver* Eeeks! I love how so many people are on NarniaWeb over Christmas!
*waves back* Ruby! It's been way too long since I was on this thread! How've you been?
Sounds like you're in the holiday spirit with all your Christmas cooking. I love Christmas cooking. The other day, I was at a friends house baking Christmas goodies with them and baby sitting little kids. Fun stuff! Can't wait until Christmas!
Sounds like fun! I love Christmas cooking too - though, I must admit, I like eating Christmas cooking better.
Especially the cookies...yums!
Aww, cookies! Can I have some?
Certainly! Though, I'm not sure you'd be able to actually eat them through a computer screen.
LOL! A gingerbread family? That made me smile.
Actually, they're a bunch of book characters from a series my friend and I like, called Dragons in Our Midst. Want to see them? (Clickie!
Anyway, finals are over. I made A's in all of my classes.
Hey, congrats! I sort of wish our finals were before Christmas break instead of after...
*waves to Electra* Oh no! Don't trip over any more presents!
*waves to Libby* Merry Christmas to you too!
*waves to lysander as well* Or should I call you the Epic One? That's a pretty awesome nickname.
Well, tomorrow's Christmas Day, and my family and I will be traveling to visit more family! I'd like to wish everyone here a blessed Christmas and safe travels too!
*wanders off again*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Mortereve, all! (Or maybe I should say "Merry Christmas?")
*waves to Ruby* Hello there! It's nice to see your posts again. Aw, I'm glad your family is able to get together over the holiday. What fun! Mine will be as well, though that isn't terribly uncommon for us (I only have one sibling).
Ugh. I know what you mean about losing posts.
I have to admit, I didn't read through your whole post, Fireflower. But then again, I didn't read through anyone's completely. Tonight I'm just skimming.
How has your weekend been? Do you have any snow? (It looks like Michigan will actually have a white Christmas this year - hurray!)
*waves to Dot* Whew, so I'm not the only one who is putting off a catch up post. That's relieving.
Yikes, Electra, sixty Christmas cards? Oi. My hand would hurt too. We haven't sent out our holiday letters yet -- we've been slacking off on that the last couple of years.
Oh gasp. It's The Epic One. *bows in awe*
Lol, it's nice to see you around.
Well... that concludes my catchup. Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*pops in*
Good mortereve! I only have a moment before we're leaving for the Christmas Eve service, so this will have to stay short (and hopefully sweet ). A ketchup post will be happening soon, maybe in the next day or two. And definitely before the number of pages to catch up on gets much greater.
But for now, merry, merry Christmas, everyone! Have a splendid day full of laughter, family and friends, carols, and remembering the great gift of the Love that came down to save us.
Joyeux Noel!
*tosses a Christmas snowball into the air before she leaves*
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
*catches malkah's snowball*
Happy Christmas everyone!
I'll catch up some other time, but I'm on the computer, using iTunes gift money, so I thought I'd pop in to say hi, and hope everyone is having a wonderful day, or will when Christmas comes around on the other side of the globe.
*leaves, bemoaning the number of hours until she gets to eat Christmas dinner*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
*a familiar person comes in for a very special purpose*
Merry Christmas, dear SquareOnions!!
Hurrah for the day were Love came down in a humble manger to save Adam's helpless race! *brings hot cocoa and cookies to celebrate*
Edit: Oddly, it says it's Christmas on my settings. When it's really only Christmas Eve. How did the year fly by?
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
*dances into the Square to the beat of Relient K's song Plead the Fifth*
*waves to everyone here and throws a snowball just above malkah's head - all in good fun of course *
*ditto to Aslanisthebest's poetic & heartfelt Christmas greeting*
(I still can't believe Jesus became man just for us. It's unspeakably beautiful.)
Hullo, everybody! Where I live it's still Christmas Eve, but Christmas Day has probably hit a lot of you. In which case, I don't know why anybody should be reading this since you should be in bed so Santa can come.
We opened our family's Christmas presents today - and let me just say, I am blessed beyond measure. I would have been happy with just the stuff I got in my stocking, but God went above and beyond what I expected. He didn't give me just one hoodie, he gave me two. Plus my new favorite Relient K CD - deluxe edition, and many other things. AND a new MP3 player. Imagine that!
I've got to run - Mom wants to watch some Christmas movies with me. I'll probably brew a cup of tea and curl up on the couch, complete with my new hoodie and fuzzy socks. I'll catch up again after Christmas. Until then I bid you a very good Christmas mortereve! *pours cups of coffee and offers gingerbread cookies, since Aslanisthebest already beat her to giving regular cookies
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
av by dot
Since it's Christmas and I'm lazy and too full of food to do anything productive, I'm going to slack off on the substance ( !) for once.
I'm sure you all have heard these two words a million times already, but it's something that you can't hear too much.
Merry Christmas!!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Just wanted to pop in and say. . .
I've never posted in here before, but I know several of you from chat and the Monastery, plus have lurked on this forum so long and read so many posts, I pretty much feel like I already know everybody anyway. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year!
*Passes around candy canes*
*A lone figure sneaks into the Square and leaves a pile of presents under one of the trees*
There, that should be one for everyone... I hope.
Sorry it's been so long since I dropped by! I guess I keep feeling bad that I don't read all the posts in between my visits... don't post long catch-up posts anymore, so I just don't show up. I'll have to just stop by anyway, I suppose.
How are all of you? Have you had a great Christmas?!
Mine's gone wonderfully so far, but it's not quite over yet. See, we had ours last night (the four of us). And Dad's side came over today. But we don't see Mom's side til Tuesday. But I WILL agree with what MountainFireflower said about being blessed above and beyond what I expected. I feel throughly spoilt, to be honest. I didn't expect to get near this much stuff! And everything I've gotten was either something I really wanted badly, or a surprise that made me gasp in delight. I kept thinking last night that "Gosh, I'm being shown a lot of grace... I didn't think I was that good this year!"
*squeals cause Liberty is using the sig I made*
Welcome to the Square, The Rose-Tree Dryad!!!! I've always loved talking with you in the writing thread, and pm's. So it's fun to see you drop by in here! And on a holiday is a great time to first pop up... makes it more fun, and not as scary. I hope you can stop by in here more often!
I'll be around here for awhile, if anyone wants to talk. But, for now, I'll just say this:
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! And, because of being in the playhouse's annual production of A Christmas Carol a few weeks ago: "God bless us, EVERYONE!"