*awkwardly walks in*
Hi people! I got convinced by people in the chat room to try it out here! I hope I'm not interuppting(sp?) any conversations! So I may just pop in and out!
EDIT I'll do what Shasta did you can call me Georgie, GF,Whitney or a made up nickname works too
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
*sneaks in nervously* Ehem... Hello!
I'm Shastafan, and you can call me anything except Shasty. Sonny, sweeet, and Lady_Liln have persuaded me to try out Ditto Town. Both georgiefan1 and I were told by these guys to try it out.
Hey, Georgiefan1 (Whitney) and Shastafan (Fanny)! So glad you dropped in!
*Takes a bite from an apple which had just been growing on a tree on the edge of the square*
I am so eager for tonight's concert! (I think I already mentioned it... )
I think I'll need a pet, like Cor's dragon. Maybe I'll get an evil hamster? OK, never mind that. Anyone got suggestions?
*starts humming Lo, How a Rose E'er Blooming, one of the songs for the concert*
I've learned I'm not a pet person. My cat (also named Shasta) is a terrifying ball of treachery and mischief, and my dog (named Pepsi) is always hyper and bouncing around people! At least my fish Sunkist loves me.
I dont have any pets...my dad doesn't want to be in charge of them
I had two hermit crabs once, they both lasted a week
NW twin to Georgiefan! NW sib to 22!
avvie by AslansChild thank you!!!
*dances in with jingle bells around her neck*
(Really truly. Not imaginary at all.)
I guess I should give up pretenses of being around, and just pop in occasionally and say hello. Though I do want to catch up some time... just not today.
How have you all been?
I have been blissfully shut up inside a toasty house, which is inside a wintry wonderland, which is in a geographically varied continent, which is bordered by several very large bodies of water, which is- well, you know.
And in this babushka-esque existence, I have been:
a. Reading. Presently in the middling end of The Woman in White. It is really, really, really good. (I'm never intelligible about books. I talk to Destined about them, and she has of course read them, so she says what she thought about them, and I say, "Precisely!") After the mad dash of writing a book November, which prevented me from reading, I had a glorious week in which I read seven books. I don't get to do that, generally. Agatha Christie, delicious rereads, and some sweet fluffy books from 1905.
b. Sewing. I'm helping one of my friends give a glorious (so we hope) Regency Christmas Ball, and I need a dress. I'm using Sense and Sensibility's pattern and making it out of pretty white fabric. And I'm making myself dancing slippers, too.
c. Cooking and Baking. My mother has been occupied with other things, so I have been mainly in charge of providing nourishment to my kin. I rawther like it. Especially the Christmas baking: Peppermint and Chocolate Pinwheels, Carob Shortbread, Monsieur BonBon's Secret Fooj, Truffles, Apple Pie, and in the works, Cut-Out Cookies.
d. Uuuuuuh. Housekeeping really drains my mental energy. So I don't feel like I have done much besides that.
In other news, I got my own laptop! A little black ten inch netbook named Madelaine. She's fine.
And the other day, when my brothers went to compete in a one day practice speech tournament, I got to go along and judge! I think it is just as fun as competing. Though judging debate is really hard. Speech is much more fun.
Well, y'all have a merry Christmas! I hope I'll see you soon!
Perpetual Member of the Manalive Conspiracy!
*Lady Amalthea enters the Square hurriedly*
I wish I had more time for a post this evening, but I've been shopping and can't seem to finish. You see, I lost my Narrator and I can't seem to find a replacement. I'm not even sure if Narrator is gone for good.... his note was rather difficult to understand .... something about therapy.... and Lady Liln....
I didn't know LL was a therapist, but I'm always learning something new about the Square Onions all the time.
*Current Narrator holds his hand in the air, waving wildly, jumping up and down whilst whispering loudly, "Me! Pick me!"*
Anyway, I must dash but I hope to return again soon. I, too, have been gone ever so long and I have greatly missed the Square!
Ooops! Better run before Cor sends one of his dreaded search parties. He's grown quite fond of them, but they seem to keep getting lost and straying into the Faun's Cafe for directions. The fauns are always ever-so-helpful and offer them hot chocolate while giving directions. Hmmm
*Lady Amalthear leaves the Square....*
You got my name wrong.
*Lady Amalthea leaves the Square....*
Don't forget the chocolate tree!
Shouting isn't polite, Narrator. TEMPorary Narrator, I might add.
*The lovely and talented Lady Amalthea lovingly hugs the chocolate tree wherewith she is lovingly rewarded from the tree's bounty of chocolate truffles held in reserve specifically and lovingly for such a Lady as she.*
The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning. - Aslan
I'm not sure of what is talked about in here, but I've seen this thread on the board, and it seems quite popular. So, what do you guys talk about in here, and can I join in?
*pokes head in*
May I please join too?
You guys look like you're having a lot of fun *drools*
*Sean checks the recorder in the square and notices that there were new visitors while he was sleeping*
Good mortereve, Square Onions!
Hey, Ithilwen and Electra, by all means, please do join!!!! Basically it's just random chat. Sometimes people will read everything posted since they were in last, and comment on everything. Others just write a post about whatever they want to. It's up to you. But I think the main general rule is that your post, whatever it says, should be substantial; that is, don't post a one-line post. A couple paragraphs is nice, and if you feel like writing more, then so be it!
@Betsie, if you get around to reading this, I like your method of posting links in your post! That made it nicely interesting. May I borrow the practice? I too like cooking, but since I have a full-time job, plus several projects outside of work, I just don't seem to find a lot of time!
I do hope, @Lady Amalthea, that you find your old Narrator. Your temporary one is a little annoying.
The concert at our church last night was great. They even honored my dad, who died last week! Today we go to a nursing home and perform our annual Christmas sing-along and concert there. The residents love it, and look forward to it the whole year, says the director.
Well, today is a half-day at work, and then I'm of till January 3rd! Hooray!
OK, I'm off to do my work. Cozy slippers 'n' all!
*Sean hurries off to work*
Good mortereve!
I hope that everyone is having a fabulous week of Christmas so far!
Though I was out of town last weekend, I got an email indicating my church had cancelled services. Something about 21 inches of snow and clogged roads.
Wow! Is that what it is like up north? The only snow that we have gotten down here so far was a tiny flurry on Thanksgiving.
We are soo deprived. Did I mention that it was about 50 degrees this week?
*groans at the pun*
We've talked about marshmallow guns for one of my nephews, who likes his Nerf guns. But we have visions of their Welsh corgi running all over the house picking up the 'bullets.'
Yeah, sorry about that.
Mm, yeah, that might not be the best idea with the dog around.
Congrats, Djaq, on getting your license!
Congrats on getting your drivers license!!!
Congratulations on getting your license, Djaq!
Conga-rats on getting your driver's license!
I borrowed Aiden's idea for the quotes on this. Thank you all!!
Ello equally strange miss!
Thankfully they went smoothly and now I'm done for a little less than a month!
How are things in your "neck of the woods"? Gotten any snow flurries yet?
*Fair greetings, miss Djaq! Tis been far too long since Cor and I jave had the honor of speaking with you. I'm doing quite well, thanks. Believe it or not Cor has actually been behaving himself. He seems to have mellowed out after this first semester.
How are things with your family? All well I hope?
Good! I'm glad to hear that! I'm sure you're enjoying your Christmas break!
Things are fabulous in this neck of the woods! Lots going on, but all is well.
Unfortunately, we haven't gotten any snow yet.
Have y'all?
Yes, it has been a great while since we have spoken, Vern. I'm glad to hear that you are doing well. He has?? Well, that is a pleasant surprise!
(Only kidding, Cor, of course
How are your dear parents? I have been meaning to send some of the chocolate from the chocolate tree to the castle, to replenish your mother's supply, but it has quite flown out of my mind whenever I visit the Square. Now that I am thinking of it, would you be so kind as to take some to her? *fills a large red bag with chocolate from the chocolate tree and drags it over to Cor* I hope it's not too heavy...
Lady L!!!
It's great to see you here again!
And, congratulations on your last final and being able to semi-frequent the Square again!! *needs to stop using so many exclamation points*
I'm doing great as well - and I really enjoyed talking to you last night. I hope we can do it again soon!
I know, it is exciting - though nearly hopeless . . . me and Dennie both want the same part, and it isn't probable that either of us will get it.
I will definitely let you know, though. And I passed on your hug!
I'm glad to hear that! (that you are doing great) I enjoyed talking to you, too! Yes, we need to do it again soon.
Aww! Well, if you don't get this part, there will be another one some other time.
Oh, I will try to send you the pictures of our costumes soon! I'm so sorry that I haven't yet.
Things have been rather busy lately.
Thank you for passing on the hug!
Welcome to the Square, MfA! Great to see you here! How are you doing?
Kat???!! Really? You're here? *runs over to give her a hug*
I haven't talked to you in a while! How are you doing?
I hope you come back around soon!
Hi, Melian_Maia! Welcome to the Town Square, a.k.a. the place where randomness reigns.
It's great to have you here!
Thanks for the prayers! I could use some more (see the beginning of my post). Please pray the rest of us don't get sick, especially not around Christmas.
Haha, that's funny you should mention that because I actually wondered if that confused you at all.You have a great namesake - both of you are just so awesome.
You've got it. How are you guys doing now?
Haha, it was usually pretty easy to figure out that you weren't talking about me, but it caught my eye. I've just become so used to looking for "Djaq" in posts.
Aww, thank you so much!
Yay! Glad you came back!
I've been good, thanks for asking! Life has been busy though, as I can see you have been by reading your post!
School and babysitting have mostly been taking up my time. It's going to be good to have a Christmas break for a while.
Then there is the fact that no one in my family (including me) has gone Christmas shopping yet... this should be interesting.![]()
I'm glad to be back.
Good! I'm glad to hear that. Yep, things have been busy here lately.
Are you enjoying your Christmas break?
LOL, no one has done any Christmas shopping in your family? That sounds like it could be very interesting.
I believe that I have everything I need for everyone for Christmas... *thinks* I hope so!
Oh, yes it is! That's one of the main advantages to starting school early like we do—I get an extra week of Christmas vacation.
Well, we've been going on for so long, it'd be a shame to stop now. I suppose, if it's not too much trouble to find it, we could continue from where we left off!
Indeed! Do you have a lot of snow up there right now? I'm rather sad that we don't have any yet.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow though.
It took me a few minutes, but I did find our quoting conversation. Here was your last quote:
"I haven't the foggiest!" NT2.
"I think you overdid it on the perturbed look, but otherwise it was good." Come What May. That line fits with yours in my head, and I hope it goes together for you as well. If not, my apologies.
*waves to Aslans Country* How are you doing?
We also had our Christmas program today, and that was fun. I was in two numbers, other than just the choir singing. A solo with Dennie playing that piano, and then a group song. I was really nervous for the latter, and I didn't do very well, but my pastors wife said that it made her cry, and my voice was angelic.
Aww, how lovely! Someday, I will have to hear you sing! And see you perform. I would love to!
*hugs Djaq* It has been a long time since we talked!! How have you been doing lately? Do you have plans for Christmas?
*returns the hug* Yes, too long! I have been doing great lately! I think that two of my sisters and their families will be coming over tomorrow (Christmas Eve) and spending the night, so that will be really fun!
And, my brother will be coming home tomorrow as well.
Otherwise, we're just going to play it by ear and see what happens.
It should be really good!
What about you?
Hmm...my favorite Christmas song? That's hard. I really love all of the classical carols and hymns, like Silent Night, Away In A Manger, Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem...I haven't really been playing any Christmas carols, but I sure have been listening to a whole ton.
Sorry for the hard question! Now that I think about it, I don't think that I could choose a favorite Christmas song.
Those are all good songs.
We sang (well, the church sang it, I played it
) "O, Little Town of Bethlehem" at church last Sunday. It is a pretty one!
*waves to Djaq* Well well! Glad that you decided to grace us with your presence once more! How are things for you?
Yes, I thought I would surprise you all! I'm glad to be back!
Things are really going well for me! Life is just beautiful sometimes, and this is one of those times. Sorry for the rather random comment there.
How are you doing? Have you been busy lately? I haven't had time to keep up with what everyone is doing by their posts, so I'm afraid that I don't know much.
*gasps* The Epic One! 'Tis lovely to see you again. Or, rather to have you join us once more, since I cannot actually 'see' you.
Sonny, I am praying for your family. May God give you all strength and comfort.
Hello, Whitney and Shasta, and welcome to the Square!
*sends a huge hug to Betsie*! Come by more often! Like, now.
I'm completely jealous about your Regency Christmas Ball. Tell me everything about it, please! And, I want pictures. As soon as possible. I have very little patience when it comes to such things. (only kidding, of course. Well, mostly.)
*curtsies to the lovely Lady A* Please pass along my greetings to Mr. Loon--oh dear! I mean Mr. Lune ( ) as well.
*waves to Riella and Electra*
I have to rush off now, but I will try to come again soon.
Mort'reve all!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
*comes in and plops down on one of the comfy Square chairs*
Hello all! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted in here... (didn't I say that last time? )
I really wanted to get some writing done today...but for some reason I just couldn't concentrate! So I came in here. Now, let's see. What to talk about?
Ah yes. Yesterday, my friend came over and we baked Christmas cookies...sooo yummy! Those things are so addicting! Someone take them away or I'm just going to keep eating them!
The gingerbread cookies were fun...we made a whole family of them! And took pictures of them! And then we felt really guilty about eating them...
I hope your Christmas breaks are going well! And safe travels to all those who are, um, traveling.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Mortereve, all!
I'll just pretend that it hasn't been several weeks since I dropped by here last and that I've been posting faithfully like so many of you have. I don't feel like catching up.
How has Christmas break been going for all of you? Are you enjoying the holiday? I certainly am. It's been so nice to relax! I've been sleeping in until twelve the past week or so, which is a rare treat for me.
I can't believe Christmas is this Saturday, either. December seemed to fly by this year! We have nothing under the tree at this point. It looks... slightly pathetic, all alone in the corner. I guess we were taken by surprise. Hopefully we'll be able to go Christmas shopping soon and have some festive gifts under the tree before Christmas comes!
*waves to all the new SquareOnions*
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
So, I was going to try and make this catch up post a couple days ago. But as I had just nearly finished the catch up, I lost my post and had had enough of disappointment for the day, so I decided to save the post for later. I was in a bad mood at the time, so perhaps it was all for the better. I'm really happy now!!
*hopes Ruby's eyes pop back* Lovely to see you too! *hugs back* Finals are done, over, finished, gone, nevermore, written and turned in, destroyed, oh, and graded.
Oh, I bet that feels so good! My siblings and I always joke about burning our home work at the end of the school year, but we never had. So, are you saying that this is your last year of college? Or do you have a few more to go?
And how is your Christmas going? Enjoying the season? Do you have any snow? Snow seems to be the only thing we're missing this Christmas season. So, if you get any, please send some my way!
That is really cool! Hope that you have a great time with your family!
Thanks, Ben!
Actually, if you have not heard the odd rumor, my family doesn't do Christmas *dunks, anticipating flying tomatoes*
... I know what your thinking, really odd. It's a rather long story why, but I promise we don't do it because we are weird or something It is just my Dad was challenged to look into Christmas and where it came from and thous, we don't do it
Actually, that's not terribly odd. I know several families who don't celebrate Christmas for the same reason. And trust me, I don't look down on you for your convictions (no tomatoes ).
Yeah that is what I have noticed as well. I hope to be at least pretty good at sight reading and then really work on playing by ear for that is what I like best!
Yeah I always thought it would be really difficult to read music. And though it's not as bad as I thought it is still hard ...![]()
It's just one of those things that gets easier with more practice. And most of the time you don't notice yourself getting better. At least, that's what I've noticed. It always feel like I work so hard, but never get anywhere. But looking back now, I can see where I've really improved.
So, what kind of songs are you playing on the piano right now?
*waves to lysander* Hello, stranger! Good to see your face (er, avatar?) on the Square again! How have you been doing? Enjoying the Christmas season?
*waves back* I do believe we have been behaving ourselves rather well lately. Vern and I decided to turn over a new leaf a few weeks ago: we'll never be caught again.
(old movie line, BTW. Can;t take credit for making that one up unfortunately....)
Aaaah, I see. So you're turning over a new leaf..."never getting caught" doesn't necessarily mean you're going straight. Could just mean you're getting better at escaping out of windows.
I've been doing well. Finished my first semester of college last week and looking forward to Christmas this upcoming weekend. How have you been? Indeed it has been a while since we talked.
So, have you been enjoying going to college? My oldest sister says it's not as great of an experience as most people make it out to be. I've been debating in my mind as of late whether I want to go to college or not. Sometimes I really think I want to and it would be so awesome, but at other times I don't see the point and wonder if my life would be spent so much more wisely if I just worked or something...
I'm looking forward to Christmas too! I've been doing really well. I've been doing a lot of cleaning and decorating around the house. And then I've been helping out a couple church families with baby sitting and odd jobs around their homes over the week. Life is pretty relaxed right now and I love it.
*waves back to Ruby* How are you doing? Enjoying school being finished? Me too.
Yeees!!! I just don't like the fact that in a week or so, it'll start back up again!
Same for us. (okay, there's only 4 in our family, but.
) My mum has this thing where she wants to put the Christmas tree up as late as possible..? Strange.
She says it's because her family never put it up until Christmas Eve. Anyway.. yeah. And ditto on the furniture rearranging. My dad loves rearranging furniture. I come home and everything's in different places.
I personally think that immediately after Thanksgiving is a little early for Christmas decorations, but Christmas Eve seems a little late. The weekend after school gets out is a good time. Christmas is hard to enjoy when you've still got school.
Hello, Ruby. I know you ignored me, but I'll say hello anyway. Nice to hear from you! Oh, and I love your avatar!! What's it from?
My last post was rather discombulized. (discombobulated + disorganized). I missed a lot of people. Sigh. So sorry I missed you! I try and not miss people. Maybe I should just start doing the "waves to everyone and then leaves" at the end of my posts.
Thanks for the compliment on my avatar! Though I can't really take credit for it. Fanny made it. It's from BBC's series "North and South". A very, very good series!
By the way, how have you been doing? Looking forward to Christmas?!?!
Sonny, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I don't know what it's like to lose a family member so close, but I know that it must be hard. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers, as I'm sure many other NarniaWebbers will be.
*waves to Mel* Howdy! Good to see you on here! How have you been enjoying the Christmas holidays?
*waves to Shastafan* Welcome to the Square! We have lots of fun here! And we always love newcomers! Hope you stick around.
Betsie!!! It's good to see you on the Square again! And you got your own laptop? Sweetness! Madeline is such a sweet name. If I ever have children, I'm naming one of my girls Madeline. Random fact, but I do love the name.
Oh, and I love your signature. Have you ever seen the movie Roman Holiday? I'm guessing you have, seeing you're a fan of Audrey Hepburn. We just watched it recently and I love that movie!!! [/ramble]
*bows to the Lady Amalthea* Thank you for gracing us with your presence, m'lady! Such a pleasure to hear from you and see you on the Swuare!
*waves to Ithilwen* Welcome to the Square! Like I was telling Shastafan, we love newcommers! We talk about pretty much anything and everything on here, granted it has substance of course. I love your username. Ithilwen means "moon maiden" in Elvish, doesn't it? That used to be my name on FanFiction for a while, I believe. Hmm. I'm in the mood for randomness tonight.
FYI, we have a chocolate tree here in the Square, which is the main reason folks stick around.
Hi Electra, welcome to the Square!! Yikes! I love how there are so many new people in the Square! We do have a lot of fun here. We chat, we're random, and we're all good friends. Welcome to the club! (Well, it's not really a club.
) So, what's on your mind?
*squees in delight as "Silver Bells" by Relient K starts playing on the radio*
Soon it will be Christmas!!!
*returns the hug* Yes, too long! I have been doing great lately! I think that two of my sisters and their families will be coming over tomorrow (Christmas Eve) and spending the night, so that will be really fun! And, my brother will be coming home tomorrow as well. Otherwise, we're just going to play it by ear and see what happens. It should be really good!
What about you?
That's good to hear! Your Christmas sounds like it's going to be a lot like my Christmas. I think the best part of Christmas is getting the family together and "playing things by ear". My family has two things on the agenda for our Christmas break--go to see Voyage Of The Dawn Treader (no we have not seen that yet
) and then go ice skating together! I love skating! And then there's present opening and all that good fun for Christmas.
I hope your family has an amazing Christmas!
*waves to Silver* Eeeks! I love how so many people are on NarniaWeb over Christmas! Sounds like you're in the holiday spirit with all your Christmas cooking. I love Christmas cooking. The other day, I was at a friends house baking Christmas goodies with them and baby sitting little kids. Fun stuff! Can't wait until Christmas!
Heeey! It's Miss R!! My Christmas break has been going really well! I know what you mean by December seeming to fly by though. The holidays seem to be so much longer when you're younger, I guess. And I can't believe Christmas is Saturday! I'm so excited! My whole family is going to be at home! And with the size of my family, that is no easy feat to accomplish. Seriously, though. And it's only going to get harder as we all start growing up and going our separate ways. Sigh.
Weelll...it looks like I'm done for the night. I'm off to read some Karen Hancock. I hope you all have a blessed amazing Christmas! God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*peers all the way back to page #45*
Okay, it is definitely time for some ketchup. And how about some mustard?
Aw, another round of sickness, huh? Well, I hope it doesn't last long!
Now, I should tell you, I've only seen Season 1. But, being around enough Robin Hood fans, I pretty much know all about Seasons 2 and 3, so don't worry about spoiling anything for me. I may watch Season 2, eventually, but I certainly won't watch 3.
Yeah, he starts everything with "I'm not being funny", and yet he always is funny.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Will. He didn't really seem to add much to the show. Though, I've heard he has a more expanded role in Season 2.
Hopefully we're over it for the time being, and just in time for Christmas.
*nods* Same here. I've pretty much had everything spoiled for me as well. My brother and I are actually finishing up season 3 right now - we're on the last two episodes and I'm dreading what will happen. While I can't say much about Season 3, Season 2 is definitely worth your time and it's my absolute favorite. Season 1 was great but not as good as Season 2.
I know, it's so ironic. I love the sense of humor on this show - so many of my favorite quotes come from it.
Oh yes, Will has a better role in Season 2. I didn't like him much in Season 1, but in Season 2 he's a lot better.
*finally does the sensible thing and breaks them up*
*gasp!* How could you?! You destroyed the Saga of Long Quotes!
It was sensible though.
Hehe.. it's okay. I've been spoiling myself silly in the forum and basically know most of the details by now, and I've judged that I probably won't enjoy it too much. Of course, I'll reserve my judgement until I've actually seen it, but it doesn't sound.. great. Which makes me sad. Did you enjoy it?
Aha, yeah, despite being a Minion I had to stop reading the reviews because they kept messing up my opinion of the movie. I actually did enjoy it. It's a good movie. There were things that stunk about it, but overall it was a good movie imo. Then again, maybe I'm just super-optimistic.
Ooh, you have to listen! (sorry, I'm a bit of a fan ) Let's see.. Everything is an absolutely amazing song, if you haven't heard it before. Just.. go look it up. Also Breathing, Storm, Simon, From Where You Are, Take Me Away, Broken.. and yeah, I could go on for awhile. I just really like the lead singer's songwriting, and as a rule their older songs are better than the newer ones, especially the newest album. It's not actually that bad, but I miss the depth in the lyrics that used to be there. Anyway, go listen. If you like that kind of music, that is.
*is listening to Everything right now with chills running up and down her spine* Wow... just wow. I've heard this song before, but I've never really listened, you know? Wow...
Okay, I'll be sure to look up those other songs. Those are enough to last me for a while.
Yeah, I've actually noticed that I tend to like artists' older stuff better than their newer stuff (Relient K for instance). I don't know why that is... it's kind of strange.
If I like what kind of music? Rock? If that's what you meant, don't worry about me. I'm lovin' it. And I like pretty much any kind of music (as long as it's swear-free, and not country.
I think the problem with my brother's guitar was that the strings just hurt my fingers too much. But I play on my friend's guitar when she brings it to church. The thing is, I can't sing well, so there isn't much to do apart from strum out chords. That's so cool! I love picking up random instruments and trying to play them.. with mixed success.
Oh yeah, that makes sense. Have you tried acrylic strings? Those are a lot easier on the fingers.
Yeah, I sing decently but I'm not going to be the next Justin Bieber or anything.
I love music in general so I dabble in a bunch of different instruments. I usually just pick up the instrument and try to play it... with mixed success as well.
Have you seen his blog posts? Wonderful mixture of randomness and beautiful stuff. Do you have any idea when his new album's coming out? Because I assumed that that's his single.. but I don't think he's said anything about an album? *wants new OC album*
YES! I love his blog. Especially his "In Christ Alone" cover. <3 I have absolutely no idea about his new album. I tried researching it and couldn't find anything. Maybe we should ask him! lol
*confession* I still need to buy Ocean Eyes. I want that album so bad!
"And ith doethn't hurt. I juth havth to be careful not to bithe my tongue."
This made me laugh! You have a great sense of humor!
I'm working on revising what I wrote this year. I've been using the suggestions for PlotWriMo in hopes that it'll come out closer to what I want it to be.
I haven't finished my NaNo novel for this year yet... *sigh* I want to finish & edit by June 1st so I can get my free CreateSpace copy. So we'll see how that goes...
What exactly is PlotWriMo?
So you've done YWP before? Duh, I should have gathered that from other things you've said. Oh yeah, I hope I can finish editing by june! I really want my copy, though it's so horrid. I know, it's almost miserable to write so badly - but then, it was fun, so who cares?
Yeah, I have done YWP before, but no worries. Have you done it before? Agreed! I think it would be amazing to have a real, "published" copy of my book that I'm able to hold in my hands, no matter how bad it is. We can be Editing Buddies!
Yes, NaNo was extremely fun! I can't wait till next year!
By the way - I gave you a nickname. I hope you don't mind.
The only nicknames I have on here are Ruby and Dani. Some people call me the rambler though, which I think is a very fitting name. You're welcome to come up with more, if you like.
Ooh, those are lovely nicknames. I can't think up nicknames on the spot for some reason (the only thing I can think of is RG), but if I do think of something, I'll let you know. Ah, the rambler? I ramble as well. I think we'll get along nicely.
Thanks, Mountie! I'm so glad that I could get on here over Christmas break. Things have settled down for me. I love Christmas music too! I love it so much. I don't really have specific favorite Christmas songs, but I love Relient K's Christmas album and I love Andrew Peterson's Christmas album and then there are a lot of other Christmas albums we listen too, like Mannheim Steamroller, Vienna Boys' Choir, and other random Christian artists.
Yes, Christmas break is a good time to get on, aside from the fact that I cleaned all day today, and have a headache now, so I have no idea why I'm doing a ketchup post right now. Oh well.
Christmas music is beautiful; I was just listening to some today for the first time in a while. Ooh, I love Relient K! Those other sound great too! I don't know if I've heard of them but I've probably heard them... does that make sense?
Fireflower, no, no, that was Lady A (Amasomethingthea, Cor's mum)'s narrator. He was just, uh, visiting in my post. I'm very glad you enjoy the Square; it's my favorite place on NWeb and I greatly enjoy all the Onions who come here! I've been crazy busy with college, but I'm on break now and enjoying my time doing nothing and catching up on NWeb for the next few weeks.
Oh, yes... your borrowed narrarator. I see. Yes, I love the Square and the Onions here (although, can you explain how the 'Square Onions' term came about?
). I'm glad you're back!
What have you been up to, besides college that is?
That stinks!
Yeah, tell me about it! I did like Seasons 1 & 2 though. Season 2 was the best imo.
*waves to lysander* Hello! I'm MountainFireflower. These biscuits are positively delicious!
@ Mounty (hope this works for a nickname, miss MountainFlower). Yeah, hence why I made sure to clarify. I'm sure you'll run into her sometime. She's way overdue for a visit to the Square..... Maybe I can talk her into stopping by this week.
Agreed with your spoiler, though I do feel it was a rather childish move to have the temptation element personified. It would have been better to leave that up to the acting and score. Especially seeing the poor way they executed it....
Yes, that nickname is fine! I call you Cor, hope that's all right.
I agree with you to some extent - being a children's film, it would've been harder to get the temptation across in an understandable, visual way (I can see it being done, but it would've been the harder way of doing things). Although, I wish they hadn't made it so obvious. What did you think of the Lucy subplot?
Hi, Sonny! I'm MountainFireflower (but as you can probably see I have a couple of nicknames). I'm so sorry to hear about your father's passing; I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Fireflower and Ela (and whoever else welcomed me), thanks for the warm welcome!
I'm doing good, kinda stressed out with everything going on in life right now, though. Last night there was supposed to be a Flash Mob/choral singing thingy at our local mall to celebrate it's reopening... But the mall exceeded it's 2,000 person limit and was cleared out by the fire marshall. And because it was on the second story, we could feel the supports vibrating and there were weird popping sounds. Most eventful night at the mall ever.
Ah, you're welcome. Glad you're here!
Aw, I'm sorry life is crazy for you right now. I'm praying for you dear. Oh, and happy birthday!
LOL! That sounds quite eventful. I can't say I've ever had a day like that at the mall. The most eventful it gets when I go is seeing teens with purple hair.
*waves to georgiefan1!* Hello! Nice to meet you, since I've seen you around the forum before. I'm MountainFireflower, aka Mountie or Fireflower (or anything else you want to call me). It's lovely to have you here! How are you doing?
*waves to Shastafan* I've seen you around the forum, especially in the G&B thread. It's nice to finally 'meet' you! I'm MountainFireflower, but feel free to nickname me. And how's life going for you?
I think I'll need a pet, like Cor's dragon. Maybe I'll get an evil hamster? OK, never mind that. Anyone got suggestions?
Hmm... a dog? A cat? A horse? A cow? So many possibilities...
*waves to Betsie* Hi Betsie! I'm MountainFireflower. How are you doing? And I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who names inanimate objects...
*waves to Lady Amalthea* Ah, so you are Lady Amalthea! May I say that you have a beautiful username and avatar? 'Tis lovely to finally meet you, and I am glad that Cor persuaded you to come back and visit us once more. *bows gracefully, honored to meet such a lovely lady* (Your post made me giggle. )
Ooh, hi Ithilwen and Electra! More Square Onions, I love it!
How are you doing? I'm MountainFireflower.
You've got it. How are you guys doing now?
Haha, it was usually pretty easy to figure out that you weren't talking about me, but it caught my eye. I've just become so used to looking for "Djaq" in posts. Aww, thank you so much!
Aw, thanks. You are so sweet. The prayers are much appreciated. Well, the rest of my family's sickness has mostly cleared up, and thankfully no one else got that stomach bug. However, my basically-aunt is also feeling nasty, so it seems that sickness is in the household once again...
LOL, that makes sense. I do the same thing, especially when someone is discussing Mountie O'Teale or Lucy's fireflower cordial.
You're welcome! I've loved chatting in here & PMing with you because you are just that awesome.
I'm glad to be back.
Good! I'm glad to hear that. Yep, things have been busy here lately. Are you enjoying your Christmas break? LOL, no one has done any Christmas shopping in your family? That sounds like it could be very interesting. I believe that I have everything I need for everyone for Christmas... *thinks* I hope so!
I'm glad that you're glad to be back.
What a coincidence. I think busyness seems to be a trend.
Yeah, it has been interesting. Actually, my parents seem to be mostly done but I haven't even started on my Christmas giving so I guess my gifts will be late or not at all...
Haha, I hope you have everything you need too! At least you've gone shopping already.
Ah yes. Yesterday, my friend came over and we baked Christmas cookies...sooo yummy! Those things are so addicting! Someone take them away or I'm just going to keep eating them! The gingerbread cookies were fun...we made a whole family of them! And took pictures of them! And then we felt really guilty about eating them...
Aww, cookies! Can I have some?
LOL! A gingerbread family? That made me smile.
*waves back to Miss Rosa even though I'm not a new Square Onion *
Okay, wow, that was intense. High five to anyone who read through that whole thing (I wouldn't have.
Good mortereve everyone, and Merry Christmas!!!!
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