Hello, everyone!
We also had our Christmas program today, and that was fun. I was in two numbers, other than just the choir singing. A solo with Dennie playing that piano, and then a group song. I was really nervous for the latter, and I didn't do very well, but my pastors wife said that it made her cry, and my voice was angelic.
And now I'm home with just my parents, kind of lonely.
Hello, Lia! Welcome! We're so glad to have you here! *hugs* How are you doing?
FireFlower wrote
Yeah, I like the YWP a lot but the adult NaNo is fun too. I'm so glad I decided to do it this year - it's the first time I've ever gotten past 40k, much less reached 50k. I still haven't finished mine yet and I'm not sure how much longer my plot will go, but I'm hoping to get it done by June 1st so I can get the copy. I totally agree with you, my novel stinks too. But isn't that what NaNo is about?
So you've done YWP before? Duh, I should have gathered that from other things you've said. Oh yeah, I hope I can finish editing by june! I really want my copy, though it's so horrid. I know, it's almost miserable to write so badly - but then, it was fun, so who cares?
Aiden wrote
Yep, that's definitely an advantage of doing a play with a small homeschool group.
Haha, yes, there's less and less to talk about! Nothing comes to mind, though.And ideas?
Hmm . . books? Movies? I always love those topics!
What are your favorite's, of both? I'll just do books right now. I love LoTR, that's definitely my number 1. It gives me chills the entire time, and it's fantastically written! Howls Moving Castle is also a favorite, though it can't compare, IMO. It's so funny and sweet! And The Count of Monte Christo. That's just an amazing book! Definitely worth the length.
And I like Ella Enchanted a lot. =)
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Hello, hello everyone!!! I'm here with an actual catch-up post tonight!!!! I am on Christmas break and I actually have time to write a catch up!!! Whooot!!! *dances* Now, before I waste all that time, I need to hurry up and finish this catch up.
Christmas break for me started Friday. Friday night our dance class had our final dance practice. We had a Christmas party, which was super fun. Our dance teacher taught us a Scottish sword dance. She brought a whole ton of wooden swords for us to use and plaid sashes for us to wear while dancing. And then we decorated Celtic Christmas ornaments and danced a few other of our favorite dances. There were cookies and candies in between, of course. Oh! And we got our new dance t-shirts! They are beautiful kiwi green colors. I love them!
And I think most of you know that my ski trip went very well. It was super fun. I love skiing. I didn't die and I had tons of fun (like I said ).
Yesterday my family did our Christmas decorating. I know it's kind of late in the year, but we wanted to wait until the entire family could get together. The house looks amazing! We did a whole ton of furniture rearranging because we're turning my dad's old office room into my brother's bedroom. The school room was turned into a beautiful library/music room. It's also where the stove is so all the stockings are there too.
Our Christmas tree is dinky, but pretty all the same. It's a fake tree. Bleck. Ah, well. We have real cedar garland in our house, which makes up for the lack of a real tree.
Noww... (drum roll)...catch up!!! Going back several ancient pages into the archives.
*moves limbs slowly checking for broken bones* All is well... Haha I just had to throw that in there!
Good to be back! Even though there is the chance of broken bones... It is well worth it.
*giggles* It's good to see you on here!
Life has been going very well for me, thanks And what about you? Life treating you alright?
That's so good to hear. My life is very Christmasy and happy right now. I love Christmas break and I love being here with my family and having my sisters at home.
How about you? Do you have any big plans for Christmas? Or are you just staying home this year? Our family decided to stay home this year, since last Christmas we were traveling so much.
So you are taking lessons, that is really cool! You may or may not have noticed, but I just started taking lessons. I am enjoying it so far. My teacher is teaching me how to read music and how to play by ear. I like playing by ear a TON better but I'm going to try to stick it out with reading music so I can do both. And probably as I learn more and it comes more easily, then I will like reading music better... Not better than by ear but better than I do [/rambles]
That's so cool! I love my piano lessons. I've noticed that people are either really good at playing from ear/memory or sight reading. My older sister plays fairly well by sight, but she says that being able to sight read sort of keeps her from playing from memory, since she has no need to play by memory.
I'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to piano playing, so I have to be able to play a piece perfectly before I leave it to "memory". Learning to read music is difficult, especially the bass clef, I've always thought. I had a head start since I played violin as a kid and so I learned how to read the treble clef. All I had to do with the bass clef was find where middle C was and go from there.
*waves to AC*
Oh, yes, it is a pleasure to meet you as well! I love nicknames too, and I have too many to count. Do you have any? You're definitely welcome! Are things starting to calm down for you?
The only nicknames I have on here are Ruby and Dani. Some people call me the rambler though, which I think is a very fitting name. You're welcome to come up with more, if you like.
What are you playing right now? Any Christmas music?
I'm actually not playing any Christmas music, yet. I can't find my mom's old Christmas piano music...sigh. Right now I'm playing a Mazurka by Chopin for piano lessons, a Sonatina by Clementi for lessons, and then just for fun I'm playing "Hold My Heart" and "Times" by Tenth Avenue North and "Jessica's Theme (Breaking In The Colt)" from The Man From Snowy River sound track. The last one is my favorite to play right now, just because it's so pretty and fun. And I love the movie to bits so being able to play the piece makes it all the more fun.
*waves to Miss R*
*welcomes EsmereldaBroadbelt*
Actually, the car broke down. (I did crash my computer. ) I'm thankful it wasn't an accident, but we still lost the car.
Anyway, yes, I am! As much as I loved working at Chick-fil-A, I'd like to stay out of the food industry this time. There's a bunch of cute vintage bookshops around here, so I'm hoping I can end up at one of them!
I think the last time I was in the Square, you were also looking for a job. What's up with that? Did you find one?
That's too bad about the car, but thank goodness it wasn't an accident!! Seems a lot of people I know have been in car accidents this year.
Oooh! Working in a book shop would be fun! I'm not exactly looking for a job. I was just speculating as to what kind of job I would like if I got a job. I'm probably going to have to get a job next fall. And to be honest, I still have no idea what kind of place I would like to work at. I would want something simple, but well paying enough.
Right now I teach a few girls Irish Dance at my house and I get a little money from that. I'll be sad when I have to give that up, just because I love teaching dance so much. And my few students are so fun.
And I help my teacher teach her beginner classes as well, though I don't get paid for that. Well, I do get paid, but not with money. In exchange for my help, I don't have to pay for tuition which is a really sweet trade off.
Hey! Everything's going quite well, thanks! How about you? Yes, it has been ages, but I'll take some blame. I haven't had nearly as much time to spend on NarniaWeb lately as I would like.
Oh, I know what you mean. I'm so happy that I can post on here tonight.
How have you been? Enjoying the holiday seasons? Is there anything that you're especially looking forward to this Christmas?
Libby, it's awesome that you got to go see Voyage Of The Dawn Treader! And I'm even more glad that you liked it! Means that I'm probably going to love it too. My family has yet to go and see it, but that's on the top of our agenda over Christmas break.
*waves to stargazer*
I miss you! Hope you can come back to the Square soon! It sounds like life is going well; although you do sound super busy. Hopefully you can take some time this season and relax. I'm also super excited for Christmas! My favorite parts about the holiday are the lights and the music. "The music... ah, such music!" as Mr. Tumnus would say. What are some of your favorites? I like Angels We Have Heard on High, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, and Carol of the Bells, just to name a few.
Thanks, Mountie! I'm so glad that I could get on here over Christmas break. Things have settled down for me. I love Christmas music too! I love it so much. I don't really have specific favorite Christmas songs, but I love Relient K's Christmas album and I love Andrew Peterson's Christmas album and then there are a lot of other Christmas albums we listen too, like Mannheim Steamroller, Vienna Boys' Choir, and other random Christian artists.
*sends a hug to Dani* I haven't talked to you in ages! Wow, the skiing trip sounds lovely!
*hugs Djaq* It has been a long time since we talked!! How have you been doing lately? Do you have plans for Christmas?
Definitely!! Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. Yes, Christmas music is beautiful! I've been playing a lot of the classic Christmas hymns lately (I have to fill in as the pianist at my church this Sunday and the one after), so they've been going through my head a lot lately.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
Hmm...my favorite Christmas song? That's hard. I really love all of the classical carols and hymns, like Silent Night, Away In A Manger, Oh Little Town Of Bethlehem...I haven't really been playing any Christmas carols, but I sure have been listening to a whole ton.
*waves to Cor* You and that dragon of yours not causing too much trouble? How have you been? It's been a long time since I talked with you.
*RUBY'S EYES POP* Is that Liln I see on the Square!!!! *SQUEEZEBEARHUGS* Good to see you on here! I hope all your finals went well...do you have any more this week?
*waves to Mel*
Well, well, that looks like that wraps up this post! I may or may not post before Christmas. But since I don't know, I'll wish you all a very, very Merry Christmas!!! God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*LL reappears in the Square, exhausted and fruitless in her efforts to catch Narrator*
Good mortereve, all! How's everyone been?
*pouts that Ellie ignored her* Do you like this color? I don't have one for you, so I used Dennie's, since she rarely comes to see us anymore. (Like I'm one to talk ) Let me know if you have a preference for a different color, though.
*returns from a sidetrip of looking for new graphics; is very happy with her new ones *
Hmmm, is that why they show up on my doorstep looking all forlorn every so often? I feel very sorry for them and let them stay for a little while.
It's good to see you back! I hope you had a good semester?
Yes, that t'would be why! I am glad you take pity on the poor things! I had an exhausting, but worthwhile semester!
*welcomes MinotaurforAslan* Just so you know, you've know become a Square Onion.
Kat, how lovely of you to visit! Come back soon!
*waves to Maia and informs her that she is also now a Square Onion*
Fireflower, no, no, that was Lady A (Amasomethingthea, Cor's mum)'s narrator. He was just, uh, visiting in my post. I'm very glad you enjoy the Square; it's my favorite place on NWeb and I greatly enjoy all the Onions who come here! I've been crazy busy with college, but I'm on break now and enjoying my time doing nothing and catching up on NWeb for the next few weeks.
Thanks, Aiden! I look forward to getting at least a few more catch-up posts in over break!
*pouts that Kathy ignored her as well* You have exams when you go back to school? That's a bummer!
What are your favorite's, of both? I'll just do books right now.
I love LoTR, that's definitely my number 1. It gives me chills the entire time, and it's fantastically written! Howls Moving Castle is also a favorite, though it can't compare, IMO. It's so funny and sweet! And The Count of Monte Christo. That's just an amazing book! Definitely worth the length.
And I like Ella Enchanted a lot. =)
We will get along.
Ruby, hurrah for Christmas break and catch up posts!
*RUBY'S EYES POP* Is that Liln I see on the Square!!!! *SQUEEZEBEARHUGS* Good to see you on here! I hope all your finals went well...do you have any more this week?
*hopes Ruby's eyes pop back* Lovely to see you too! *hugs back* Finals are done, over, finished, gone, nevermore, written and turned in, destroyed, oh, and graded.
That was fun! Sweet dreams and God bless, all!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
*enters the Square with a hop and a skip...* Or was that a skip and a hop? Well however I entered at least I'm here!
I hope that you all have had an excellent Mortereve!
So I thought I would drop by and do some catchup since I had not been here for a while... So here I go!
Welcome to the Square EsmereldaBroadbelt! Hope that you enjoy it here!
That's wonderful!
Is this the first instrument you've ever taken?
I love piano! It's such fun and relatively easy--you start playing real music quite a bit sooner than other instruments. (So you can feel better than you actually are.) And it's splendid training for other music--I'm a much better singer having taken piano!
Yep, piano is the first
That is what encouraged me to learn it because it seemed the easiest to learn, and I just plain out liked it a ton!
And I suppose the same could be said for Marian. In a different situation, she might be the bad guy. It's almost like they're in the wrong place.
Very true, lol.
Haha, 'bad' is an understatement, at least in comparison to the first two season.
I don't even know where to begin...it's like a whole other show.
That stinks!
Welcome to the Square Melian_Maia! Glad that we are having a few more new visitors in The Square!
*waves to Djaq* Well well! Glad that you decided to grace us with your presence once more! How are things for you?
:nervously walks in...?:
After almost 3 years and 3,000 posts on NarniaWeb, I realized I have no idea what goes on in Ditto Town. Is this just a place where people chat, or talk about whatever?
Hey MinotaurforAslan!
Here in The Town Square is the place to just about whatever, I'm really not sure about the rest of Ditto Town because I mainly just hang out here. So if you just want to talk about randomness or something important or whatever, here is the place for you!
That's so good to hear.
My life is very Christmasy and happy right now. I love Christmas break and I love being here with my family and having my sisters at home.
How about you? Do you have any big plans for Christmas? Or are you just staying home this year? Our family decided to stay home this year, since last Christmas we were traveling so much.
That is really cool! Hope that you have a great time with your family!
Actually, if you have not heard the odd rumor, my family doesn't do Christmas *dunks, anticipating flying tomatoes* ... I know what your thinking, really odd. It's a rather long story why, but I promise we don't do it because we are weird or something
It is just my Dad was challenged to look into Christmas and where it came from and thous, we don't do it
That's so cool! I love my piano lessons.
I've noticed that people are either really good at playing from ear/memory or sight reading. My older sister plays fairly well by sight, but she says that being able to sight read sort of keeps her from playing from memory, since she has no need to play by memory.
I'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to piano playing, so I have to be able to play a piece perfectly before I leave it to "memory".
Learning to read music is difficult, especially the bass clef, I've always thought. I had a head start since I played violin as a kid and so I learned how to read the treble clef. All I had to do with the bass clef was find where middle C was and go from there.
Yeah that is what I have noticed as well. I hope to be at least pretty good at sight reading and then really work on playing by ear for that is what I like best!
Yeah I always thought it would be really difficult to read music. And though it's not as bad as I thought it is still hard ...
*waves to Lady_Lin* Saw that trailer for Winnie the Pooh that you put in your sig. Other than the voices being different from the original, I think it will be great!
Well time for me to be going!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Wow! It's been nigh unto forever since I've last been in here. *waves to everyone, sits down, and orders tea and biscuits*
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*Cor and Vern enter the Square after viewing the Prince's DVD of Stargate (1994)*
Very good! You got the date AND title correct!!
*Thank you! *
Mortereve all! Well, almost a page and a half has gone by since I was here last. Guess that means I'll have plenty to catch-up on!
*Cor and Vern take their places by the fountain and order a round of hot chocolate from the newly opened drink stand in the Square*
@ LL. *is amused at LL's misadventures with Lady A's narrator*
Well, this explains the queer note from dear Narrator that my mother received..... Though really, LL, you should learn to get your own narrator and stop kidnapping other peoples. Remember: "Though shalt not covet".
(Anyway, how are you fairing of late? Tis nice to see the multicolored posts again in the Square. )
@ Elanor. Glad to hear all is well for ya'll. It's been busy around here as well. Fortunately not a bad busy, just..... "busy" busy.*wonders if that made any sense at all.
@ Mel. Thank you! Indeed he was, especially with math and language. Though I'm still slightly perplexed/miffed that my dragon friend can correct me in human language and be correct.....
*It happens. *
Glad you enjoyed VDT!! I still need to see it again. At the moment I stand by the brief review I gave in an earlier post. Good, but not great. Still fun, though.
Welcome MinotaurforAslan and Melian_Maia! And welcome back MissAravis (is it alright for me to call you Kat?)!
*Cor begins listening to Legends of the Fall*
Ahh, what amazing music..... *contented sigh*
@ Mounty (hope this works for a nickname, miss MountainFlower). Yeah, hence why I made sure to clarify. I'm sure you'll run into her sometime. She's way overdue for a visit to the Square..... Maybe I can talk her into stopping by this week.
Agreed with your spoiler, though I do feel it was a rather childish move to have the temptation element personified. It would have been better to leave that up to the acting and score. Especially seeing the poor way they executed it....
@ Ruby. *waves back* I do believe we have been behaving ourselves rather well lately. Vern and I decided to turn over a new leaf a few weeks ago: we'll never be caught again.
(old movie line, BTW. Can;t take credit for making that one up unfortunately....)
I've been doing well. Finished my first semester of college last week and looking forward to Christmas this upcoming weekend. How have you been? Indeed it has been a while since we talked.
@ Lys. Ello there! Long time, no see! How have you been since we last spoke?
That about gets everything for his evening I believe. *finishes his hot chocolate.... that is, his second cup*
We better be getting back to the castle before the Royal Couple decides to send one of their dreaded search parties for us....
*You mean the ones that get lost or the ones that get sidetracked at the Bulgy Bears exit?*
I thought they were the same.
*Not exactly. You see, the first one is....*
*Cor and Vern exit the Square and start to make their way back home as Vern describes the differences between the two dreaded search parties Cor's parents are so fond of sending out....*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*comes in sighing contentedly at the Christmas atmosphere in her living room*
*waves back to Ruby* How are you doing? Enjoying school being finished? Me too.
Yesterday my family did our Christmas decorating. I know it's kind of late in the year, but we wanted to wait until the entire family could get together.
Same for us. (okay, there's only 4 in our family, but. ) My mum has this thing where she wants to put the Christmas tree up as late as possible..? Strange.
She says it's because her family never put it up until Christmas Eve. Anyway.. yeah. And ditto on the furniture rearranging. My dad loves rearranging furniture. I come home and everything's in different places.
*pouts that Kathy ignored her as well* You have exams when you go back to school? That's a bummer!
I didn't ignore you! *goes back to her last post*
*waves to all newcomers and returners(?) to the Square* Hope you all stick around! This place is looking slow..
Okay, so I ignored you as much as everyone else, because I was lazy.
I agree with you. Well, it's the second week back, but still. The school's rearranged itself this year, so we now have 2 semesters, dividing at the beginning of February, instead of 3 terms divided into when we actually have the breaks.
So, how is life looking for you now that you're into Christmas holidays?
Oh, and there's a new Winnie the Pooh movie coming out? Fun! I don't think I've seen too many of the Disney animations, but I love the original stories to bits.
*waves to Ben, lysander and Cor, in turn* How are you all doing recently?
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
More catchup.
Hello, Ruby. I know you ignored me, but I'll say hello anyway. Nice to hear from you! Oh, and I love your avatar!! What's it from?
Hello, Lady_Liln! Forgive me for ignoring you - I was shy, since I've never met you before. Have I?
Do you have a nickname? Oh yes, I like that color immensely. Dennie felt bad that she's never around anymore, when I told her what you said.
*waves to Ben and lys*
Cor wrote
@ Elanor. Glad to hear all is well for ya'll.It's been busy around here as well. Fortunately not a bad busy, just..... "busy" busy.*wonders if that made any sense at all.
I completely understand, you made perfect sense. Sometimes busy is nasty, and sometimes not. I am also at "busy" busy right now. And it's getting a little stressful . . oh well.
Dennie appreciates your asking about her. She misses all the square onions.
*jumps up and down and waves at AC* Aren't you going to say hi to me?
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
^No. Why would I say hi to you?
Hi! *jumps back*
So.. are you thinking about editing your NaNo story? I'm trying to start, but it's intimidating me.
(wow, that was way too many smilies for such a short post.)
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
*pokes the Square* Rather quiet in here of late. . .
Anyways, time for ketchup!
Ben, glad you liked the Winnie the Pooh trailer! I'm rather taken with it.
*wonders who the Epic One expects to bring him his tea and biscuits* Anywho, how have you been, Ly? How'd your semester go?
Well, this explains the queer note from dear Narrator that my mother received..... Though really, LL, you should learn to get your own narrator and stop kidnapping other peoples. Remember: "Though shalt not covet".
Well, I suppose I could hire my own, but that usually costs money. . . Borrowing Narrator is a much easier solution!
On that other note, I've been doing well! Passed all my classes and enjoying my break! How'd your first semester go? Better, worse, or neutral to your expectations?
Kathy, calling me "returners(?)" does not seem like talking to me! Also, the question mark. . . ? Does that mean you didn't remember me? (Just teasing!
Christmas is shaping up to be wonderful!
Ellie, we have met, once or twice in the chatroom, but I know that can be easy to forget usernames from. You can ask Dennie about me, I'm sure she can color your opinion of me. But, to be honest, I'm shy too, so I can understand; I was just having fun pouting.
Oh, and I go by LL, Lady L, occasionally Lady, Liln, or other such names. Feel free to use what you like.
And, I didn't mean to make Dennie feel bad! It's just that I always enjoyed her fun posts here and around the forum in general.
And, that's it?
Hope y'all are having a lovely week!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
Hey, all! I hate to come in like this, but I just wanted to ask you guys to pray for my family. My father died last week after being hit by a truck on the highway as he was trying to help someone who had skidded off the road. I was in our car at the time, and only had minor whiplash. If you want to see my "photo blog," here is the link.
http://picasaweb.google.com/allen.parfi ... 4thOnward#
I will be adding pictures as I get them - these were on my phone, so there are a lot more that I want to get.
God bless you all.
Fireflower and Ela (and whoever else welcomed me), thanks for the warm welcome!
I'm doing good, kinda stressed out with everything going on in life right now, though. Last night there was supposed to be a Flash Mob/choral singing thingy at our local mall to celebrate it's reopening... But the mall exceeded it's 2,000 person limit and was cleared out by the fire marshall. And because it was on the second story, we could feel the supports vibrating and there were weird popping sounds. Most eventful night at the mall ever.
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Hello, all!!
Christmas is approaching, which is somewhat scary. But I think I've got all my shopping done, the tree is up, so I'll sit back and enjoy the - snow? Yeah, not too enjoyable. We sure have enough of it!! Everything is white. As in - everything.
*waves to AC again* Thank you for seeing me!
I'm editing my novel! Just a little bit every once in awhile, so I don't get to sick of it. It is kind of sad how utterly worthless and silly it is. But I had such fun, so who cares!
Lady wrote
Ellie, we have met, once or twice in the chatroom, but I know that can be easy to forget usernames from. You can ask Dennie about me, I'm sure she can color your opinion of me.But, to be honest, I'm shy too, so I can understand; I was just having fun pouting.
Oh, and I go by LL, Lady L, occasionally Lady, Liln, or other such names. Feel free to use what you like.
And, I didn't mean to make Dennie feel bad! It's just that I always enjoyed her fun posts here and around the forum in general.
We've met in the chatroom? *searches her memory* Oh well, I'll take your word for it. And I hope we'll see each other more there! I don't usually forget . .
Haha - that's great. Thanks for the nicknames! And you already have one for me, so we're all set!
Ah yes, I miss Dennie too! Um, wait a minute . .
I'm so so sorry, Sean. I'm praying for you and your family!!
Of course, Lia! *hugs* So glad you have you here! Wow! That is an eventful night! Sounds scary (and kind of fun too).
Looks like that's all!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Sonny, I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I'll be praying for you and your family.
Melian, that does sound exciting. Probably a good thing the fire marshall cleared the mall, eh?
*short catch-up*
Cor, I liked Stargate. I'm guessing it's a movie you like from the grins you and Vern were wearing?
~LL~, I believe the Epic One has ordered his tea and biscuits from the new food and drink stand Cor mentions. I wonder if they serve hot chocolate and apple pie? *goes to see*
*waves to lys as she returns to her seat, balancing a plate of piping hot pie topped with ice cream and a brimming mug perched precariously on the rim*
*reminds Eleanor that there is a place in the literary world for silly, especially if it makes the writer happy*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Oh, I hadn't read the posts before mine. I love Stargate, Cor! I am halfway through season 10 of the Stargate: SG1 TV series, which is just as amazing. Also halfway through season 3 of Stargate: Atlantis, which corresponds time-wise. Oh, yeah, guess who one of my favorite characters is...
Tomorrow night is our church's annual Christmas concert. I am looking forward to it very much. I sing bass, as well as two of my brothers, in the choir. My other brother sings baritone in the youth choir.
I've been working on a set for a play that were are doing at the after-school club my church runs. I am a shepherd in the play, and I am also a set designer. Plus, I am making King Herod's costume. It's fun!