*waves to wolfloversk* Hi! I'm MountainFireflower. I believe I've met you in the Monastery. How are you?
*waves back*
Indeed we have met. Ah fun times at the monestary, a shame its almost over I'm fine and how are you?
Hi Ela! How are you?
Tomorrow's the big day for me- I get to see VDT
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Mortereve all!
I just wanted to stop by and wish Nutty a VERY happy birthday!!
(notice that I am typing this in red
) I hope that your day has been great so far, and that this next year is fantastic for you!!
I need to wish AIDEN a huge happy fantastic birthday!!!
*wishes NN many happy returns of the day--belatedly, of course* I hope your day was a splendid one.
Well, it appears both Winter and NN have had birthdays recently. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH Winter and NN!!!!
Happy belated birthday to NarniaNut and WinterStar! Hope you enjoyed your special days.
*Wishes NarniaNut and WinterStar a happy belated birthday!*
Thank you all very much! It's always great seeing how awesome everyone on NarniaWeb is!
And a very happy (belated) birthday to WinterStar!!
How have you been lately? What's going on for you?
I really miss being around more! Is school keeping you really busy? Are you still taking piano lessons?
I've been well, thanks! Not much is up, lately. I'm enjoying Christmas break. Yeah, I've missed talking! Yup, piano lessons are going well.
NarniaNut, I enjoyed reading your comments about football. The local team was eliminated from the playoffs the other day - not to mention the stadium problems here with all the snow. Have you seen the video of the Metrodome roof collapsing? Remarkable! Fortunately no one was injured. There's only one home game left this season, which will be played at the out-door University of Minnesota football stadium. Hopefully the temperature will be a little warmer - say, above zero F - for that one. (No, I won't be going to that game but it should be interesting to watch, especially if we get another blizzard).
Thanks! Very sad about the Vikings, especially Bret Favre's incredible streak coming to an end. It would have been great to see him get to 300. Yes, I saw that video of the Metrodome! You've got to wonder who thought it would be a good idea to have an inflatable dome roof in a place that gets a lot of snow. It'll be interesting how the Vikings do outdoors considering they're more of a "dome team". It'll also be interesting to see whether they go with Bret Favre or Tavaris Jackson.
If you couldn't tell from what I said earlier, our home team in the Patriots, anything BUT a dome team. Clearly, they're having a great year, despite having a very young team.
No, we haven't met. I'm MountainFireflower, but I'm also called Mountie or Fireflower, so feel free to shorten it.
I'm doing well, aside from getting over a bit of sickness. How are you?
Yeah, before I joined the forum I knew about 3 people who liked Robin Hood. Now I've lost count due to all the NarniaWebbers I've met who like it. I've even converted two of my friends.Who is your favorite character?
Alright, Mountie it is, then! Glad you're feeling better! I'm doing very well, thanks!
I was on NarniaWeb a long time before I'd even heard of Robin Hood. It was because of NW that I got interested in it. Now it seems like everybody's a fan of it. I was excited when I got one of my friends interested in watching, and he loves it, but he's my only real life friend that has seen it.
My favorite character is Allan. He's so fun to watch.
Oh well - hopefully sometime soon I can see some of my best friends from the play. Maybe go with one to see Narnia again, and out for lunch with the other. Yay! But I still miss all the rehearsals . .
It's been just more than a month since the last performance - but the night of that everyone came to the director's and star's and conductor's house and just hung out. That was really really fun.
Yeah, that's the difference between your play and ours. The friends that you made, you would only see at the rehearsals. Because our church homeschool group puts on our plays, I see my friends from the play all the time.
Ah, that does sounds fun!
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Good mortereve everyone! It is a beautiful day here in...where I live ( ), and I hope that it is equally so for all of you! Let's see...this week has been really busy for me so far.
Sunday, there was church, and after that, we 'had Christmas' with my oldest sister and her family (they are going up to Wisconsin to be with my brother-in-law's family for Christmas, so we had to celebrate with them early), and that was lovely! Monday, I did school, and then I went to a mandolin Christmas party that my mandolin teacher was having. I helped her and her daughter set up beforehand, and that was great fun!
(we were dancing to Christmas music for most of the time
) Tuesday was one of those days where the phone and doorbell are always ringing, so that kept me busy. Plus, I was making cookies and dipping pretzels in chocolate for my church's Christmas party for most of the afternoon. Wednesday, my oldest sister (and her seven kiddos) came into town for the afternoon, and three of my nieces stayed at our house, so I was playing with them for a while. Wednesday night was the Christmas party at our church, and that was fun.
Today....I got my driver's license!!
My dad (who is our driving instructor, among other things) is now 6 for 6: all six of his kids have passed the tests on the first try.
So, that is my exciting news for the day. I don't usually give a rundown of my week, but I thought I'd do something different for once. I hope it wasn't too boring!
Before I go any further...Happy belated birthday to WinterStar!!! I'm sorry that I missed it!
I hope that your day was lovely!!
I'm so sad that I won't get to meet you this weekend like we had been planning!
Maybe it will work some other time. *crosses fingers*
And, even though I told her once already and she doesn't really come in here anymore, I'll say it anyway. HAPPY (day-after-your) BIRTHDAY, PRINCESS!!! Hope your day was fabulous, m'dear!
Now, I shall ketchup.
*sends a hug to Dani* I haven't talked to you in ages! Wow, the skiing trip sounds lovely!
Anyone else excited about Christmas? I'm super excited. I love everything about Christmas, the lights, the decorations, the egg nog, and especially the music. Christmas music is beautiful...love it, love it!!!
Definitely!! Christmas is one of my favorite times of the year. Yes, Christmas music is beautiful! I've been playing a lot of the classic Christmas hymns lately (I have to fill in as the pianist at my church this Sunday and the one after), so they've been going through my head a lot lately.
What is your favorite Christmas song?
*waves to Cor* Hey, stranger!
I hope that your finals are going/went well this week! *sends a wave to Mr. Vern as well* How have you been behaving lately, Vern?
*sidles up to the still-burning firepit and adds a big log* Thanks for lighting it, Vern. Now where did I put those marshmallows?
*laughs* If the marshmallows were anywhere around my house, they were probably used as ammunition. We made marshmallow guns for the nephews (well, that was what we said; it seemed more like my brother and brother-in-law enjoyed it more.
) to play with on Sunday, and they were a huge hit (ha! no pun intended!
Welcome to the Square, Wolfy!!
Yep, you've got it; we just talk about normal things here.
Well, sometimes normal, sometimes not so normal.
My cold from last post is almost gone, but if you could keep my family in your prayers, that would be great. My sister woke up with some sort of stomach bug, and it seems like the sickness never ends. Just please pray that we all stay healthy.
Praying for you all.
I keep seeing the name "Djaq" in your posts, but you're talking about the Djaq from Robin Hood, not me, so I get confused at times.
*waves to Djaq* I don't know when you'll be back in the Square, but I'm glad you've stopped by, and in case you do get around to a catchup post, how are you?
*waves back* I actually came back. Surprise!
I'm doing great, thank you! How have you been?
*waves to Djaq* How are you girl? Miss you too!
I am doing great, thanks, dear! How are you? Ooh, that's so exciting that you auditioned for another play! Let me know what you find out, please! Oh, and could you please pass on a "hello!" and a hug from me to Dennie? Thank you!
I've been well, thanks! Not much is up, lately. I'm enjoying Christmas break.
Yeah, I've missed talking! Yup, piano lessons are going well.
I'm glad to hear it! Yes, Christmas break is so nice!
Should we restart our quoting conversation? I could go back and find our other one, or we could just start from scratch. Whichever you'd prefer.
Well, I'm off for now. Mort'reve all!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Greetings, SquareOnions!
Just a few comments before I seek out some sustenance for this evening:
Sunday, there was church...
Though I was out of town last weekend, I got an email indicating my church had cancelled services. Something about 21 inches of snow and clogged roads.
If the marshmallows were anywhere around my house, they were probably used as ammunition. We made marshmallow guns for the nephews...and they were a huge hit (ha! no pun intended!.
*groans at the pun*
We've talked about marshmallow guns for one of my nephews, who likes his Nerf guns. But we have visions of their Welsh corgi running all over the house picking up the 'bullets.'
Congrats, Djaq, on getting your license!
You've got to wonder who thought it would be a good idea to have an inflatable dome roof in a place that gets a lot of snow...
Good point! Though surprisingly the dome has withstood 27 Minnesota winters without a problem since the roof last deflated (due to snow) in 1983 (hurricane-force winds caused a breach in 1986 during a baseball game with the California Angels. Some friends were there and had some exciting tales to tell). Maybe it's just getting old. And it was built before the days of fancy movable roofs like Safeco Field and other modern stadiums have.
Good luck to the Patriots! Though the Vikings are out I'll still keep an eye (or two, if I can spare them ) on the playoffs this year.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*Cor and Vern return to the Square to celebrate the Prince completing his first semester of college*
And I made all A's and B's!!!!!
This is especially good in math since I struggled with it for the first test or so....
*As I said earlier, many many fine congrats Cor!! You deserve it!
BTW, where is the cake and root beer we brought?*
It should be coming any minute.... ah ha! here it is!
*fauns from the Faun Cafe arrive bearing cake and drinks for all*
Thanks lads! Send the bill to KingLune.
O.K, now for catching-up! (haven't done in this in ages!)
@ Gazer. *You are quite welcome, Mr. Gazer of the stars! *
@ Wolfy. Ello there! *waves* You are in the right place and as far as I know you haven't interrupted anything.... I think.
@ MountainFireFlower. Yes, but I'm not related to Lady Arwen, just related to Lady Amalthea. It does cause some confusion me calling her "Lady A" since there is Lady Arwen who goes by that name as well.....
Yes, the dragon effects were much better than I had thought they would be. Still think the Green Mist was both pointless and extremely embarrassing compared to the other CGI....
@ Elanor. As it is good to be seen.
How are you and your sister doing these days, if I may ask?
@ Djaq. Congrats on getting your drivers license!!!
Ello equally strange miss! Thankfully they went smoothly and now I'm done for a little less than a month!
How are things in your "neck of the woods"? Gotten any snow flurries yet?
*Fair greetings, miss Djaq! Tis been far too long since Cor and I jave had the honor of speaking with you. I'm doing quite well, thanks. Believe it or not Cor has actually been behaving himself. He seems to have mellowed out after this first semester.
How are things with your family? All well I hope? *
Alright, I think that does it for tonight. I hope everyone has a pleasant night and lovely day tomorrow!
And remember, tomorrow is........ FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Cor and vern exit the Square discussing how they going to sneak there gift for Lady A and Kinglune into the castle without the Royal Couple suspecting anything....*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*Lady L has kidnapped Lady A's Narrator*
Now then, what do I want to do to make Narrator speak for me?
*muffled screams come from the lump in the corner of the bench*
Oh, Narrator, shush! I'm thinking!
*Narrator is attempting to untie LL's ropes and escape*
I wonder if he accepts bribes?
*the ever resourceful Narrator has found that he can't untie the ropes, but may be able to talk his way out of this*
*My dear Captor, I would be willing to make an announcement for you, but you must follow my necessary pre-announcement rituals.*
Oooh! You will?! Okay, what do you need?
*First, this gag which you keep trying to reinsert needs to go away! Also, proper enunciation is impossible when the blood flow to my extremities is reduced.*
Ummm. . .
*Loosen the ropes!*
Oh, right!
*Now, just tell me what you wish to say and hand me a glass of root beer.*
Here's my notecard with the announcement!
*Oh, that's what you wanted announced? Couldn't you have done it yourself? No? Well, whatever. I shall read this for you, but I require that you stand in the fountain while I speak; otherwise I will not be able to pretend you are my sweet Queen — err, I will not be able to speak as well.*
I'm not too sure about this. . . Is this a good place?
*Yes, yes, very good! Now, here goes:
Lady L has taken her last final of the semester and shall now be able to semi-frequent the Square once again!!!!*
Very nice!
*Narrator sprints at high speed out of the Square towards Archenland!*
Very good; I might just have to pay you! Wait. . . WHERE'D MY NARRATOR GO???
To by continued. . .
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
Hello, all!
Aiden wrote
Yeah, that's the difference between your play and ours. The friends that you made, you would only see at the rehearsals. Because our church homeschool group puts on our plays, I see my friends from the play all the time.
Ah, that does sounds fun!
I know, and I consider you very lucky because of that. I wish I could see my friends more . . oh well. Hope you're having fun!
It was!
Ah . . this is getting shorter and shorter - we should pick a new topic. =)
Djaq wrote
I am doing great, thanks, dear! How are you? Ooh, that's so exciting that you auditioned for another play! Let me know what you find out, please!Oh, and could you please pass on a "hello!" and a hug from me to Dennie? Thank you!
I'm doing great as well - and I really enjoyed talking to you last night. I hope we can do it again soon! I know, it is exciting - though nearly hopeless . . . me and Dennie both want the same part, and it isn't probable that either of us will get it.
I will definitely let you know, though. And I passed on your hug!
Prince Cor wrote
@ Elanor. As it is good to be seen.![]()
How are you and your sister doing these days, if I may ask?
We're doing great (I think I can speak for her there) . She's really busy with work, and we're all busy with holiday stuff. But life's good!
Farewell everyone! *waves*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*comes in, debating whether or not she is as hyper as Liberty* Eh, probably not. I've now seen VotDT for the second time, and I enjoyed it even more than the first time, so I am quite happy.
(I am a little surprised at how pleased I am, considering how unhappy others are with it, and the silly seven swords, but... I'm happy.
there's even an obscure connection between my choice of that character and my NaNo story.
Ah. Cool!
Hi, wolfloversk. Welcome to the Square!
But I totally understand how it is to have your name misspelled, my real name has been misspelled quite a few times.
On that note, do you have a nickname at all?
I usually get my real name spelled correctly. I have a bigger problem with introducing myself and the other person hearing a different name entirely. It's almost enough for me to wonder if I hath a lithp or thomping.
My nickname around here is Mel, and you're certainly welcome to call me that.
Ruby, it sounds like your trip was a lot of fun. I've never been skiing, even though I live in a currently very snowy state. Were you doing downhill or cross-country?
Congratulations on getting your license, Djaq!
Congratulations on your grades, Cor! That's great. I'm sure Vern was a help to your studies?
be kind to the typos; they need homes every once in awhile
Hmmm, is that why they show up on my doorstep looking all forlorn every so often? I feel very sorry for them and let them stay for a little while. It's good to see you back! I hope you had a good semester?
*bounces out to look for a Christmas-y avatar or maybe an "I've seen the movie" signature featuring Captain Drinian*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
:nervously walks in...?:
After almost 3 years and 3,000 posts on NarniaWeb, I realized I have no idea what goes on in Ditto Town. Is this just a place where people chat, or talk about whatever?
:nervously walks in...?:
After almost 3 years and 3,000 posts on NarniaWeb, I realized I have no idea what goes on in Ditto Town. Is this just a place where people chat, or talk about whatever?
Haha! Yep, you got it. The Town Square is a place where you can basically just talk about your life/whatever/anything you want and converse with all of the other people.
I've been meaning to come back in here for a while now so... I might as well do this now, HI EVERYONE! Hope all is well. It's been way way too long since I have visited the square. I'll try to post more in here later but I need to eat dinner now *runs off*
*timidly peeks in*
I have been persuaded by a certain person to come and visit this part of the forums. So for now, Hello!
Draco Dormien Nunquam Titillandus
Minion to Lady A and Booky ⎮ NW sister to Ela, Mountie, and Rose.
Braintriplet to Narnia_Fan12 and narnianerd
Team Hoodie! ⎮ Secret Order of the Swoosh
avatar by Lady Courage
Wow, things are moving past a bit more quickly here. I might have to stop lurking and post a bit more often.
I'm feeling better since my last post. Actually though, we might be gearing up for another round of sickness, though - and this time it's some sort of stomach bug. So far two of us have had it. My mom's fighting it off right now so today has consisted of fending for ourselves.
I'm hoping I don't get sick again, but if I do I hope I get it before Christmas.
Oh, wow! At first I was going to do 30k and the Young Writer's Program, but it wasn't working, so I decided it was sign to do NaNo itself. And I'm so glad I did! Super duper congratulations!! Yes, I finished my novel within November, which I'm very glad about it. And I'm hoping to get the copy of it - though I hate to have anyone read it . . (it stinks!!).
Yeah, I like the YWP a lot but the adult NaNo is fun too. I'm so glad I decided to do it this year - it's the first time I've ever gotten past 40k, much less reached 50k. I still haven't finished mine yet and I'm not sure how much longer my plot will go, but I'm hoping to get it done by June 1st so I can get the copy. I totally agree with you, my novel stinks too. But isn't that what NaNo is about?
*waves back*
Indeed we have met. Ah fun times at the monestary, a shame its almost over I'm fine and how are you?
Yes, I loved the monastery, even though I chose not to dwell there this time around. But I love the monks there and I shall miss it when it's gone. Perhaps now that you have seen the movie you can come visit the Lair more often?
I'm good, dealing with a little dizziness (I hope it's not related to the stomach bug my family has) but I'm doing fine for the most part.
Am I right in assuming you are new to The Square? If so, welcome! If not, welcome back! Regardless, it's wonderful to have you here!
Alright, Mountie it is, then! Glad you're feeling better! I'm doing very well, thanks!
I was on NarniaWeb a long time before I'd even heard of Robin Hood. It was because of NW that I got interested in it. Now it seems like everybody's a fan of it. I was excited when I got one of my friends interested in watching, and he loves it, but he's my only real life friend that has seen it.
My favorite character is Allan. He's so fun to watch.
Thanks, me too. Actually, the possibility for another round of sickness exists (see the beginning of my post), so I hope I don't get sick again.
My friend told me about Robin Hood but it wasn't until a year later that I finally watched it. By that time I already knew all the characters and many of the plot twists, but I enjoyed watching it anyway. It does seem like everyone's a fan of it; too bad it didn't have a more worthy ending.
I love Allan too! Even after what happened in Season 2, he's still one of my absolute favorites. "I'm not being funny, but..."
My second favorites include Will, Djaq, Much, and Robin, of course. But I love them all.
Praying for you all.
I keep seeing the name "Djaq" in your posts, but you're talking about the Djaq from Robin Hood, not me, so I get confused at times.
Thanks for the prayers! I could use some more (see the beginning of my post). Please pray the rest of us don't get sick, especially not around Christmas.
Haha, that's funny you should mention that because I actually wondered if that confused you at all. You have a great namesake - both of you are just so awesome.
Conga-rats on getting your driver's license!
*waves back* I actually came back. Surprise! I'm doing great, thank you! How have you been?
Yay! Glad you came back! I've been good, thanks for asking! Life has been busy though, as I can see you have been by reading your post!
School and babysitting have mostly been taking up my time. It's going to be good to have a Christmas break for a while.
Then there is the fact that no one in my family (including me) has gone Christmas shopping yet... this should be interesting.
@ MountainFireFlower. Yes, but I'm not related to Lady Arwen, just related to Lady Amalthea. It does cause some confusion me calling her "Lady A" since there is Lady Arwen who goes by that name as well.....
Yes, the dragon effects were much better than I had thought they would be. Still think the Green Mist was both pointless and extremely embarrassing compared to the other CGI....
Aha, I thought you were referring to Lady Arwen. I'm sad to say that in my time here in the square I have not encountered Lady Amalthea, but I shall keep watch.
Yeah. Green mist. I have a love/hate relationship with that plot element. I'm going to put my thoughts in a spoiler box, just in case.

*waves to Lady_Liln... er, her Narrarator* Hi! It is so lovely to see you! After all, you, or at least, Lady_Liln, was the one who persuaded me to come to the Square in the first place. Now I love it here.
So thank you!
How have you been?
I usually get my real name spelled correctly. I have a bigger problem with introducing myself and the other person hearing a different name entirely. It's almost enough for me to wonder if I hath a lithp or thomping. My nickname around here is Mel, and you're certainly welcome to call me that.
A lithp? I don't think you hath a lithp. Sometimeth I wonder the very thame thing.
Alright, Mel works for me! You're welcome to nickname me Mountie or Fireflower or whatever other nickname you can come up with.
*waves to MinotaurforAslan* Welcome to the Square! Like MissAravis said, this is just a place just to talk about whatever. It's really a nice place in here, and I hope you stick around. We're a pretty friendly bunch.
*waves to MissAravis* Hi! I'm MountainFireflower, but feel free to shorten it! How are you?
*waves enthusiastically to Melian* You're here!!! Yay! I'm so glad you're here, and here's that warm welcome that I promised.
How are you?
Good mortereve, everyone!
av by dot
Mortereve all
I'm glad to hear it!
Yes, Christmas break is so nice!
Should we restart our quoting conversation?I could go back and find our other one, or we could just start from scratch. Whichever you'd prefer.
Oh, yes it is! That's one of the main advantages to starting school early like we do—I get an extra week of Christmas vacation.
Well, we've been going on for so long, it'd be a shame to stop now. I suppose, if it's not too much trouble to find it, we could continue from where we left off!
Good point! Though surprisingly the dome has withstood 27 Minnesota winters without a problem since the roof last deflated (due to snow) in 1983 (hurricane-force winds caused a breach in 1986 during a baseball game with the California Angels. Some friends were there and had some exciting tales to tell). Maybe it's just getting old. And it was built before the days of fancy movable roofs like Safeco Field and other modern stadiums have.
Good luck to the Patriots! Though the Vikings are out I'll still keep an eye (or two, if I can spare them
) on the playoffs this year.
Ah, I didn't realize it was that old. I guess it's fared better that I thought.
Interestingly, this was the first time an NFL game has been postponed since Hurricane Katrina swept through New Orleans.
So, I hear neither Brett Favre nor Tavaris Jackson will be starting this Monday against the Bears, but it'll be their third-stringer Joe Webb. The Vikings will definitely be looking to rebuild their team in the next couple of years.
The Pats seem to have a good shot at the Super Bowl, but it's still early!
Congrats on your last final this semester, LL! It'll be good to see you around more!
I know, and I consider you very lucky because of that. I wish I could see my friends more . . oh well.
Hope you're having fun!
It was!
Ah . . this is getting shorter and shorter - we should pick a new topic. =)
Yep, that's definitely an advantage of doing a play with a small homeschool group.
Haha, yes, there's less and less to talk about! Nothing comes to mind, though. And ideas?
🙂 Thanks, me too. Actually, the possibility for another round of sickness exists (see the beginning of my post), so I hope I don't get sick again.
My friend told me about Robin Hood but it wasn't until a year later that I finally watched it. By that time I already knew all the characters and many of the plot twists, but I enjoyed watching it anyway.It does seem like everyone's a fan of it; too bad it didn't have a more worthy ending.
I love Allan too! Even after what happened in Season 2, he's still one of my absolute favorites. "I'm not being funny, but..."
My second favorites include Will, Djaq, Much, and Robin, of course.But I love them all.
Aw, another round of sickness, huh? Well, I hope it doesn't last long!
Now, I should tell you, I've only seen Season 1. But, being around enough Robin Hood fans, I pretty much know all about Seasons 2 and 3, so don't worry about spoiling anything for me. I may watch Season 2, eventually, but I certainly won't watch 3.
Yeah, he starts everything with "I'm not being funny", and yet he always is funny.
I wasn't the biggest fan of Will. He didn't really seem to add much to the show. Though, I've heard he has a more expanded role in Season 2.
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
School is out! *breathes a sigh of relief as the work stops for 3 weeks*
Well.. I have exams when I get back, and a project draft to hand in.. and some other homework, but apart from that..
Actually, AC (<-- I really think I should come up with a more unique username for you. Just saying. Any ideas?), I haven't seen Deathly Hallows yet. (Your post was okay though, those weren't really spoilers - I've heard plenty already.) I really want to see it, though. I'm hoping my sister will take me one of these days.
Glad you enjoyed it! Deathly Hallows was my favorite of the series, and I'm really glad to hear that they pulled it off well.
(*agrees* No ideas, though.. I'm hopeless at nicknames.
) Oops. I think I rambled on a bit.
Well, I hope you enjoy/have enjoyed it!
That's it, and I love it so much!! Yay Tan . . it looks like an older song, but he said it was newer. Who knows? Thank you so so much for finding it for me!!!
I love it too! Hehe, and TAN. No problem.
*waves to Aslans Country*
*waves back* How are you doing? I saw you enjoyed VDT? Well, not that I ever thought you wouldn't.. but.
Yay, let the Saga of the Long Quotes continue and never ever die!
*finally does the sensible thing and breaks them up*
Oh. I didn't think about the different release dates. I'm sorry you have to wait that long. And I thought waiting two days was going to be hard...
Hehe.. it's okay. I've been spoiling myself silly in the forum and basically know most of the details by now, and I've judged that I probably won't enjoy it too much. Of course, I'll reserve my judgement until I've actually seen it, but it doesn't sound.. great. Which makes me sad.
Did you enjoy it?
Yeah, I like Lifehouse. I haven't heard much other than You and Me, partly because I don't know which ones are good. Any recommendations?
Ooh, you have to listen! (sorry, I'm a bit of a fan
) Let's see.. Everything is an absolutely amazing song, if you haven't heard it before. Just.. go look it up.
Also Breathing, Storm, Simon, From Where You Are, Take Me Away, Broken.. and yeah, I could go on for awhile.
I just really like the lead singer's songwriting, and as a rule their older songs are better than the newer ones, especially the newest album.
It's not actually that bad,
but I miss the depth in the lyrics that used to be there. Anyway, go listen. If you like that kind of music, that is.
Yeah, guitar is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be, but it's so worth it. Let me know if you pick it up again - maybe you could even try learning on your brother's guitar. It would probably be easier to learn on because it's so small! I've had my guitar for about three years. I had prayed for it for a really long time, and finally God provided a whole guitar package, including everything I needed, for only $50. I've only started to really learn things this year, and I absolutely love it. I also have a bass guitar, but I don't know how to play that yet. I want to play drums too.
I think the problem with my brother's guitar was that the strings just hurt my fingers too much. But I play on my friend's guitar when she brings it to church. The thing is, I can't sing well, so there isn't much to do apart from strum out chords.
That's so cool! I love picking up random instruments and trying to play them.. with mixed success.
I know, Owl City is hilarious yet writes beautiful songs all at the same time. He posts so many funny things on Twitter; he's got a great sense of humor. YES! I've heard his song, Peppermint Winter. I love his Christmas/winter/minty song, as usual!
Have you seen his blog posts? Wonderful mixture of randomness and beautiful stuff. Do you have any idea when his new album's coming out? Because I assumed that that's his single.. but I don't think he's said anything about an album? *wants new OC album*
I think that counts as fantasy. Harry Potter's considered fantasy, right? And that doesn't even take place in a fictional universe.
That sounds really neat! Is it something that you're going to keep seriously working on/editing? (At least to get the free copy, although I know some people try and get their novels to the point where they could be published.)
Yep. I might try to work more fantastical elements into my editing.. if it'll work. And yes, I'm planning on working on it throughout this break off school, (I downloaded Scrivener yesterday, and it looks great.
) and I really hope I can get my free copy. I was so happy when I found out that NaNo offers that! Although I don't know if I'll ever manage to be satisfied enough to send it off.
*pictures Kathy staggering in to her teacher with 97 pages of Word Document and saying, "Do you believe me now?!"*
And THAT sums up in a nutshell the amazingness of NaNo.
Absolutely. Now that I'm looking at my work, it's looking.. less promising, but it's been a great opportunity. I just hope I can persevere as much in my editing.
*waves to all newcomers and returners(?) to the Square* Hope you all stick around! This place is looking slow..
Hope everyone is having a fantastic week-before-Christmas! Love this season..
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Sometimeth I wonder the very thame thing.
That reminds me of a little scene I wrote for last years NaNo...
"And we canth uthe our excthuthe to thignal whath goingth on here!" said Harold. "We thay that the thong ith an alarm, and if all ith well we thay it wath to remindth uth to bruth our theeth, and if there ith danther, we thay we needth to feedth the dog."
"Harold," said Brandon. "Aren't you supposed to be communicating in a non-verbal fashion? You sound like you havth a lithp and it is irritatingly contagious."
"I havth a limited vocathbulary," said Harold. "And ith doethn't hurt. I juth havth to be careful not to bithe my tongue."
I'm working on revising what I wrote this year. I've been using the suggestions for PlotWriMo in hopes that it'll come out closer to what I want it to be.
We had our Christmas program at church today. It's mostly readings and poems, but there were a few songs. (Most of which were played by me... and I didn't practice enough.
) But I got to play one of my favourite songs: In the Bleak Midwinter.
What do y'all do at your Christmas programs? Any traditions? Ours is that we hand out apples to everyone after the program.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton