Hello all!
Only time for a quick post, I have to go into town with my sister. Today we see VDT! I am so so so excited . .
And last night we started to go shopping, but decided it was too snowy, so we went and saw Tangled again, instead. That was really fun.
Hi, *Libby*! I'm pretty good, especially considering what day it is. Just normal, nothing spectacular. How about you? We haven't talked for awhile - *hugs*!
Mal wrote
Are you a fan of Disney movies in general?
I actually haven't seen a great many, but I love what I see. How about you?
Adieu! *waves to Stargazer*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
comes in singing "The Wait Is Over" by Disciple
yay!!!!!! the wait is over! Narnia is here!
watch this:
Elanor: Narnia is here! hehe I am hyper!
I am doing good!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I hope you do, EsmereldaBroadbelt. Btw, I've decided I'm either going to call you Ebee, Essie, or Merrie.
How's life been for you?
Oh, and by the way, I was on HSB. I was Narniagirl. But you already knew that.
Oh, whatever works with you works for me. Life's been pretty good. Of course, you already know this, but I just registered my own domain name for my business blog! I'm super excited! Only thing is I have to wait until after Christmas to really get to work on it. *shrugs*
Haha, thanks for the heads up. I'm glad you told me who you were, otherwise I wouldn't have figured it out.
EsmereldaBroadbelt, welcome to the Square (and the forum!). We're a friendly bunch and will be glad to answer any questions you might have.
Thank you for the welcome, and thanks for being so helpful! I don't think I have any questions right now, but if I ever do I'll be sure to ask!
*waves to Esmerelda* I just now noticed your signature! It reminds me of a similar quote I can't quite place...from The Wind in the Willows, I think. That dry, Britishy humor is so fun.
By the way, do you have a nickname?
I know, isn't it? Have you ever read any books by P.G. Wodehouse? They are so hilarious.
I have several nicknames, but the most common right now is Ebee. It's short for Eyebright which has been my online identity since the beginning.
My Shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/EyebrightsElements
My Blog: http://misseyebright.blogspot.com
Hey Y'all just popped in to say hi... So Hi how's it going. Just on the form to give my thought about the movie.... I won't give any spoilers here but this is what I thought.
NW bro of Atamar, Hoped4jill, and Georgiefan
NW Younger bro and servant of her highness Ti'ana
sig and ava by me
Mortereve all!
*waves to NarniaNut95*
*waves back* Hello, I don't suppose we've officially met, have we? How are you?
I see you're a member of Team Hoodie as well. It's amazing how many Robin Hood fans there are around.
I'm glad to hear it! Sounds really fun! *sniff* That reminds me of how lovely rehearsals are . .
I know, it's really nice. I've never appreciated sleep like this before - but its slowly getting later and later for me, mostly of my own choice. Oh well.
And yes, life still seems really empty and I am actually super depressed. But I'll get by. Thank you!
Yeah, it is really fun. Aw, I know how you feel.
Yup, same here. The only way I have a chance to get up early is if I get to bed early.
Yup, that's a typical feeling. Now, will you guys get together, now that the play's over, and have a cast party? We always do; we gather at the director's house and watch the DVD of the play. It's always a great time.
I've missed it too!
They really have! I'm thrilled to see it, because it's felt like the Pats were almost clicking the last few years, and now it seems they finally have.
(Especially against the Jets!) They look--from what I've been able to see--like they're really well-balanced all around.
It's a bit early, of course, but could you see the Patriots going to the Super Bowl?
And yes, it's been pretty ugly for the Broncos this year. They've lost 16 of their last 22 games.They're awful in every area but Kyle Orton, and he can't carry the entire team on his shoulders. As for McDaniels, I had thought he'd finish the year, despite the poor season and the videotaping scandal. But he was fired a couple of days ago.
I was completely surprised at that. So who knows where we're going from here...
Yes, all those close games that they didn't have the ability finish out last year, they are winning this year. The Ravens game and the Chargers game are examples where they made the important plays when they mattered in the fourth quarter that they weren't able to do last year. And what a rout that Monday night game was against the Jets! It's good to see the Jets get the pounding they deserved.
I think this Patriots team resembles the 2001 team a lot. They have a lot of no-names that are slipping under the radar, yet they have the stuff to win games. I think they do have a shot at the Super Bowl, and if not this year, certainly next year, when, like I said, all those young players are more experienced.
What a coincidence. It was mere hours after I posted that about McDaniels that I heard he'd been fired. I don't know if you knew this, but the person who actually did the videotaping was the same person who had gotten the Patriots in trouble for the same thing at the beginning of the 2007 season. I'd be surprised if he gets a job again. Anyway, I guess the Broncos need quite an overhaul.
Marian and Guy would both be far more enjoyable if their roles in the story were switched.
Maybe that's the solution. *wonders if the show will improve, if she rewatches it pretending Marian's a villain*
Yep, I definitely agree. Ha, it's not hard to pretend that Marian's a villain.
Hey, nice to see you pop in, Edisk! It's great to see some old faces every now and then.
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Good mortereve everyone!!!!!
I'm never around here anymore, and each time that I actually do make it by, I'm always filling up my post with apologies for not being around more. So, I'll just say "sorry!" and move on with the post, so as not to bore you all.
I just wanted to stop by and wish Nutty a VERY happy birthday!!
(notice that I am typing this in red
) I hope that your day has been great so far, and that this next year is fantastic for you!!
Okay, I should stop using so many smilies.
How have you been lately? What's going on for you?
I really miss being around more! Is school keeping you really busy? Are you still taking piano lessons?
Also, while I'm here, I'd like to welcome EsmereldaBroadbelt to the forum, and the Square!! I hope that you are enjoying your time here! I'm Djaq (pronounced like "Jack"), but you can call me Dj, Dee, Jack, or whatever else you'd like.
Oh, I've got to run, so I'll just send a HUGE wave and hug to everyone here! Miss you guys!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Hey, everyone! Sorry for disappearing again. I promise to come back on here and make a nice long catch up post in a few days, but for now...
I need to wish AIDEN a huge happy fantastic birthday!!!
Hope you had a great day!!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*wishes NN many happy returns of the day--belatedly, of course* I hope your day was a splendid one.
Let's see... pretty much all I remember from potential ketchup posts was that I appreciated MountainFireflower's taking the time to spell my name correctly. (It's not that I mind the misspellings, they entertain me greatly
but there were warm fuzzies knowing that someone cared.)
Stargazer, every time I see that Liliandil avatar, I can't quite believe it's you.
Hi, Edisk. It's nice to see you around again. I'm sorry to hear you didn't enjoy the movie.
*takes the lazy way out and waves to everyone else* I think that's what I did last time too. Maybe I should vary that by standing on my head and waving my toes?
Or maybe not.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
As much as I wanted to write a long nice catch up post, I'm afraid that this post will be more on the dull updatish side of things. I'm extremely busy (or should be) at the moment with catching up on school work, piano practice, and life in general.
I believe I mentioned a ski trip earlier on the Square. Well, I arrived safe and sound home from the trip late last night and I'm very happy to be home. The trip was fantastic, my first time skiing, and I absolutely loved it. To my surprise, I didn't get too sore either! My back and shoulders ached a little and were a little stiff the following days after skiing.
And then the rest of the trip (the non-skiing part) was very lovely too. We stayed in a cabin in a tiny little town in New Mexico, tucked away in the mountains. The town was beautiful, residing along one main street, and lined with old fashioned gift shops, stores, restaurants, etc...
We did a lot of shopping, my friend and I. For the most part it was window shopping. But I did buy a nice cozy (and cute) ski hat and a birthday present for the beautiful Winty. Also, I got some pictures from a photographer at the ski resort of me in all my ski gear. My parents enjoyed that little present when I got home.
And while my mind is on the subject. Happy birthday to WinterStar!! I know I already wished you a happy birthday today (in person), but I had to put it up here again. Love you lots, girl! And I hope you had a fantastic day and I'm praying you feel better soon!
And then I am SUPER excited about the upcoming Christmas break! My family is staying home this Christmas and we'll all be here to celebrate the season together!!! We have big plans. First on the agenda is a mini family Christmas party sometime this week. We're going to clear out the family room of old school desks, throw away the junky old computer (finally!), and then set up the Christmas tree and light a fire in the wood stove. Aaaah! I can't wait!
Next on the agenda is to go see Voyage Of The Dawn Treader in theaters! I have yet to see the movie, so nobody spoil anything because I am super excited and can't wait to see it!!! EEEKS!!!
Okay, finally on our family's agenda, is to go ice skating all together. We'll probably do that sometime next week after my sisters are home. I really miss my sisters and can't wait to see them!
Anyone else excited about Christmas? I'm super excited. I love everything about Christmas, the lights, the decorations, the egg nog, and especially the music. Christmas music is beautiful...love it, love it!!!
And with that said, I need to go finish cleaning up dinner in our kitchen and then go practice piano some more and then I probably should clean up our room (which my sister dutifully kept a mess in my absence ) and then I have home work...sigh.
It's good to be on here again, good to be home, and good to have nice cozy slippers on cold winter nights. God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*Cor and Vern enter the Square on this cold winter night discussing VDT. Vern kindly the lights the fire-pit before joining the Prince by a nearby bench.*
Mortereve all! I'm afraid we cannot make a proper catch-up post.... again. Though I wanted to stop by again, so.... here we are.
*That's rather obvious, don't you think?*
Well, er... yes. It's the best I could come up with. "I'm making this up as I go along."
Anyway, I trust all the SquareOnions are doing well? It's been rather busy and frigid here in Archenland. This my week of Finals in college so that's been... fun. Have a math final on Thursday then I'm through until Jan. 10th.
Lady A, Vern and I decorated the castle for Christmas weekend before last. The castle is now tastefully decorated for the winter.
*That reminds me, Cor. We need to go shopping this weekend for some gifts. *
Ah yes! That we do. Remember, don't tell Lady A what we're getting her.
*Mums the word. *
*looks over the last page*
Well, it appears both Winter and NN have had birthdays recently. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH Winter and NN!!!!
^ Sorry for the belatedness of the well-wishes....
Oh yes, I suppose I should give a brief review of VDT: All in all, it was a decent fantasy film but a horrible adaptation. Fun movie, wouldn't mind owning the DVD but in no way up to the standards of the previous two. 3 1/2 out of 5.
*And I was actually pleased with the way they handled EustaceDragon. I mean Dragon Eustace.
Granted, he looked a bit too scrawny in certain scenes.... oh well. Overall a good rendition of a dragon.
Well, we better get back to the castle. I hope everyone has a wonderful night and a pleasant Wed !!!!
Talk with all of you later!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
comes int singing "Hold On Joe" by Jason Debow
I saw VotDT and I love it! every minute of it, in fact!
*does a happy dance*
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*arrives singing "Baby It's Cold Outside" *
We're returned from our trip to the Chicago Lion Party. It was great fun meeting Gymfan, ericnovak, sweeetlilgurlie, and some family members. Getting back was something of an adventure thanks to the big Midwest blizzard, but all is well.
*sidles up to the still-burning firepit and adds a big log* Thanks for lighting it, Vern. Now where did I put those marshmallows?
Stargazer, every time I see that Liliandil avatar, I can't quite believe it's you.
I figured I'd like something related to the new movie, and there's even an obscure connection between my choice of that character and my NaNo story.
Happy belated birthday to NarniaNut and WinterStar! Hope you enjoyed your special days.
NarniaNut, I enjoyed reading your comments about football. The local team was eliminated from the playoffs the other day - not to mention the stadium problems here with all the snow. Have you seen the video of the Metrodome roof collapsing? Remarkable! Fortunately no one was injured. There's only one home game left this season, which will be played at the out-door University of Minnesota football stadium. Hopefully the temperature will be a little warmer - say, above zero F - for that one. (No, I won't be going to that game but it should be interesting to watch, especially if we get another blizzard).
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Hiya all!
I do hope I'm in the right section, but this is where we have normal conversations and such correct? If not then forgive me for posting in the middle of a role-play or whatever else is here. I'm afraid I'm still getting used to the Dittotown Map...
*Wishes NarniaNut and WinterStar a happy belated birthday!*
I also believe that this would be a tradition here correct?
"The mountains are calling and I must go, and I will work on while I can, studying incessantly." -John Muir
"Be cunning, and full of tricks, and your people will never be destroyed." -Richard Adams, Watership Down
Hello! How is everyone?
My cold from last post is almost gone, but if you could keep my family in your prayers, that would be great. My sister woke up with some sort of stomach bug, and it seems like the sickness never ends. Just please pray that we all stay healthy. Thanks!
Catchup time!
Page 43:
Ha - I kind of did it accidentally as well. I had no intention of even trying, because my november was super super busy. But the day after, a certain someone to whom I'm still very grateful too, convinced me to try it. And I was determined to do it. Wow, that's great!!
Yes, my November was SUPER busy as well. I decided to attempt NaNo's Young Writer's Program, which allows you to set your own goal. I was aiming for 25k at least. But five days before November was over, a certain someone also convinced me I could make it, and hence, I did. I still can hardly believe it. Is your novel finished yet, or not? And are you planning to get the free CreateSpace proof copy of your book?
lol I know.....when I first saw the title on the back of the CD cover for the Skillet CD I was like "yay! a Narnia song!"
I am praying that your cold goes away!
Hehe, Narnia songs rock! Currently I've been really into This is Home by Switchfoot. That's one of my favorite credit songs from all the Narnia movies. Although Carrie Underwood's isn't bad either. I was actually surprised that I liked it, since I'm not huge on country.
Oh man, Lucy is an intensely sad song. Man, I have no words. It's just... sad.
Oh, and thank you! My cold is almost gone. Thanks for the prayers.
Ah, so you did see VDT? And you liked it? Me too.
Page 44:
I never even thought of the Canadian police. Although those Mounties are also very cool, so I suppose that's a positive...namesake? And Mountie is the name of a character from the book Christy. (Although my liking for her really comes from the TV series.) She's a girl with a very difficult past who ends up learning to talk for the first time, and she just has a sweet, rather innocent dreamy spirit. So I've always liked the name.
Haha, yes, those Mounties are awesome! I've always kind of had an interest in them, so it's cool to have that nickname. Oh, yes, I've read that book, and I loved Mountie O'Teale!! She was one of my favorite characters (although the TV show also solidified her sweet spirit for me). It's an honor to be called that, so thank you.
Is this your first time through season 3? Because I didn't watch a lot of that season, but I did see the ending, and I think in a way, it does help with the closure.
Me too! Especially to be replaced with...Tuck and Kate. Although I do wish that they hadSpoilerexpanded on Will and Djaq's ending a bit. It felt like, "Guess what? They like each other! They're married! They're never coming back!" all in the space of about one episode.
They could have changed the ending of season 2, for starters. But I agree.
Yeah, 'tis my first time. I'm not very far though - I think on episode 5? I haven't watched any of the end but I already know what happens, so I'm kind of dreading it. I know it sounds weird but in a way, I really want to see how it ends, and how they did everything, you know? If they have to end it like that, I want to know how they did it.
Oh I wholeheartedly agree!
Actually, Tuck is one of the good things about Season 3, but he's nothing like Will Scarlett. Kate... well, it depends on which episode. Sometimes she is tolerable, but only sometimes.

Oh, whatever works with you works for me. Life's been pretty good. Of course, you already know this, but I just registered my own domain name for my business blog! I'm super excited! Only thing is I have to wait until after Christmas to really get to work on it. *shrugs*
Haha, thanks for the heads up. I'm glad you told me who you were, otherwise I wouldn't have figured it out.
Truthfully, Ebee is what has stuck in my brain as your name. I even call you that in real life sometimes!
Oh yay! I'm so excited you started your business blog. I can't wait to see what you do with it! and I'll even buy something. Just think, in ten years or so I'll be able to say I knew you before your company was famous and you were raking in the cash.
Glad you know who I am. Sometimes I forget. (Kidding, of course.)
*waves to Edisk* I hope you don't mind that I call you that. It's nice to meet you. I'm MountainFireflower, but feel free to shorten it. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy the movie; I seem to be hearing that a lot lately.
*waves back* Hello, I don't suppose we've officially met, have we? How are you?
I see you're a member of Team Hoodie as well. It's amazing how many Robin Hood fans there are around.
No, we haven't met. I'm MountainFireflower, but I'm also called Mountie or Fireflower, so feel free to shorten it. I'm doing well, aside from getting over a bit of sickness. How are you?
Yeah, before I joined the forum I knew about 3 people who liked Robin Hood. Now I've lost count due to all the NarniaWebbers I've met who like it. I've even converted two of my friends. Who is your favorite character?
*waves to Djaq* I don't know when you'll be back in the Square, but I'm glad you've stopped by, and in case you do get around to a catchup post, how are you?
Let's see... pretty much all I remember from potential ketchup posts was that I appreciated MountainFireflower's taking the time to spell my name correctly. (It's not that I mind the misspellings, they entertain me greatly but there were warm fuzzies knowing that someone cared.)
Aw. I'm glad I could help.
The truth is, I had to turn your username over in my mind over and over again until it got ingrained in my memory. But I totally understand how it is to have your name misspelled, my real name has been misspelled quite a few times.
On that note, do you have a nickname at all? (P.S. - it's nice to meet you.
*waves to Ruby* I miss you! Hope you can come back to the Square soon! It sounds like life is going well; although you do sound super busy. Hopefully you can take some time this season and relax. I'm also super excited for Christmas! My favorite parts about the holiday are the lights and the music. "The music... ah, such music!" as Mr. Tumnus would say. What are some of your favorites? I like Angels We Have Heard on High, God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, and Carol of the Bells, just to name a few.
*waves to Cor & Vern* Nice to see you two in here. I'm fairly new to the forum, so excuse me when I ask, are you and Lady A related?
I too was pleased with Dragon Eustace. He wasn't nearly as bad as I thought he would be. It was amazing how much Dragon Eustace had Will Poulter's expressions, especially in the eyebrows! And I actually did like the undragoning scene, all things considered.
The movie overall was good. I'd give it 4 stars.
Have you seen the video of the Metrodome roof collapsing? Remarkable!
Remarkable indeed, and somewhat unbelievable as well! It was kind of cool in a way to see all the snow pour into the stadium, but I wouldn't want to be on one of the snow removal teams.
*waves to wolfloversk* Hi! I'm MountainFireflower. I believe I've met you in the Monastery. How are you?
*exits the Square... for now. *
av by dot
Hello, all!
Just a little more catchup for me . .
Libby: VDT being here is definitely excuse to be hyper - I was too! and I'm so glad you liked it! So did I!! In fact, I loved it. I definitely can find lots of fault with it, and I don't think it's perfect, but all in all, it's still a wonderful movie!
Aiden wrote
Yeah, it is really fun. Aw, I know how you feel.
Yup, same here. The only way I have a chance to get up early is if I get to bed early.
Yup, that's a typical feeling. Now, will you guys get together, now that the play's over, and have a cast party? We always do; we gather at the director's house and watch the DVD of the play. It's always a great time.
Oh well - hopefully sometime soon I can see some of my best friends from the play. Maybe go with one to see Narnia again, and out for lunch with the other. Yay! But I still miss all the rehearsals . .
It's been just more than a month since the last performance - but the night of that everyone came to the director's and star's and conductor's house and just hung out. That was really really fun.
*waves to Djaq* How are you girl? Miss you too!
*waves to Cor and Vern* Hello, Prince and Dragon! Good to see you, and read your review.
Hi wolfy!! *jumps up and down*
Flower wrote
Yes, my November was SUPER busy as well. I decided to attempt NaNo's Young Writer's Program, which allows you to set your own goal. I was aiming for 25k at least. But five days before November was over, a certain someone also convinced me I could make it, and hence, I did. I still can hardly believe it.Is your novel finished yet, or not? And are you planning to get the free CreateSpace proof copy of your book?
Oh, wow! At first I was going to do 30k and the Young Writer's Program, but it wasn't working, so I decided it was sign to do NaNo itself. And I'm so glad I did! Super duper congratulations!! Yes, I finished my novel within November, which I'm very glad about it. And I'm hoping to get the copy of it - though I hate to have anyone read it . . (it stinks!!).
I auditioned for another play on Monday - Annie Get Your Gun - and we should be hearing from them in a few days. I'm just a little bit excited about that. It's so fun to audition, though I always get really nervous.
*waves to everyone that she missed*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby