Thanks for all the welcomes, guys!! Just cuz I don't know, and just cuz MountainFireflower told me about it, are there any of you who used to be on Homeschoolblogger? If so, what was your username, perhaps I "know" you.
Oh, and yes. I am good friends with MountainFireflower.
My Shop:
My Blog:
*dances into the late-night Square to the sound of quiet jingle bells*
Mortereve! 'Tis only three weeks till Christmas! We had a rare day of sunlight today, so we were scurrying around like frantic elves trying to put up all the Christmas decorations before it started raining again.
So now the lights are hung, the tree is glowing, the first batch of cookies is on the counter, and we found a radio station that plays Christmas music all day. I'm lovin' it!
hi! how are you! I love "Saving Sarah Cain"! I saw it 5 times in the last two weeks and it's amazing!!!!!! if you ever get the chance, watch it!
I'm doing great, thanks for asking! Wow, five times in two weeks? It must be good!
I'll see if I can watch it sometime--what is your favorite part?
Mal! Good to see you. Wow, you're life sounds really busy. :S How have you been? Nano kinda went down the drain. I've been really busy with school and stuff, and I wasn't really interested in the story I was writing, or the characters. So instead of writing a new novel this month, I'm just devoting a lot of time to doing a major re-write of last year's Nano novel.
How's yours going? Writing it in a notebook sounds tough.
I've been doing quite well, thanks! Very excited for Christmas, and especially a bit of a break. How about you? How's everything going?
That's neat about the re-write! In some ways, I think rewriting/editing is far harder than simply scribbling the first draft, so it's a good idea to use NaNo time for that.
What sort of novel is it?
Mine decided it wasn't happening either. Everything else that's been going on just got to be too much, so I only wrote about 18k. I'll keep working at it, because rubbishy as it is, I've fallen in love with the story. But no NaNo glory for me this year.
*curtsies back, fanning out her deep red cape* Hello, mal! I don't think we've met either, although now we have. It's such a pleasure to meet you! Yes, of course you may call me Mountie. I honestly have no preference, so call me whichever. Although I am rather fond of the nickname Mountie, since not as many people call me that.
Mountie it is, then! Thank you! Mountie's also the name of a wonderful character in a book I read once, so it will be lovely to call you that.
And yes, I am an avid Robin Hood fan. I just love that show! Do you like it too? My favorite characters are Robin, Allan, and Will... although I love them all.
I love it too, right up to the end of season 2 and season 3, which I prefer to pretend never happened.
Hmm, my favorite characters are probably Will, Djaq, and Robin. And I think I would have liked Guy (or at least found him interesting) if he'd been written a bit better.
Which do you like better, season 1 or 2?
*waves hullo to Ed P*!
As for Black Friday, did anyone tackle the stores this morning ? *raises hand* I did! A few other people in my family and myself got to the stores around 3:40am. It was crazy, but we got some pretty sick deals.
Not me. I can't manage waking up at 2AM after a day of turkey and tryptophan. But I do admire all the brave, crazy people who get up and get out there.
And how exciting about your chance to go to the gala! (By the way, I think you deserve some sort of Narnia Fandom Award for camping out to get VDT tickets.
Ruby and malkah: Wow! Both of you are really busy and sound like you're going through quite a bit right now, I'll pray for you both!!!
I so appreciate that, QS! Thank you!! How's everything been going for you?
though. I don't feel ready for my upcoming lesson (though I never do). I think they're going really well. My piano professor says that I pedal naturally and really well. My biggest problem is that I'm horrible at balancing my pieces (the right side will be too heavy and the left too light). I'm usually too light and need to work on strengthening my fingers.
Eesh, I do the same thing. I'm working on Moonlight Sonata right now, and the right-hand part--the DAH, dum, dum--is completely drowning out the poor left-hand melody. Why is it so hard to balance the sound? And the more you try, the heavier your hands get.
What are you playing right now? Any Christmas music?
Thank you so much, malkah!! Eeek! It sounds like you've been just as (if not more) busy!! Crashed a car? Thank goodness you weren't hurt! So, are you looking at a new job now?
Actually, the car broke down. (I did crash my computer. ) I'm thankful it wasn't an accident, but we still lost the car.
Anyway, yes, I am! As much as I loved working at Chick-fil-A, I'd like to stay out of the food industry this time. There's a bunch of cute vintage bookshops around here, so I'm hoping I can end up at one of them!
I think the last time I was in the Square, you were also looking for a job. What's up with that? Did you find one?
Hurrah for winning NaNo, Kathy!!! That's fantastic!
What is your novel about, may I ask?
How sad that the teachers won't care that I just wrote 50,000 words.
Exactly! Surely NaNo should at least count for extra credit.
*waves to stargazer*
*waves to Winty*!! It's good to see you back! How's life been treating you?
Hello Elanor! It's lovely to meet you! I'm malkah or Mal. *shakes hand*
By the way - did anyone else go to see Tangled? It's so awesome!!!! It's seriously really super sweet, the music is nice, even though it all sounds the same, it's so adorable!! And I sobbed so hard . . I love movies like that.
My sister and I are going to try and go see it, since I've heard nothing but good reviews. And it looks delightfully fun--I was laughing out loud just watching the trailer.
"I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."
"Here comes the Smolder."
*waveth to Cor* 'Tis good to see you! Oh dear, lurking. The bane of the Square.
Anyway, good luck and prayers for finishing school and your finals!
It was the first piano lesson I had ever taken and it was on that Monday
I love the piano! So much fun playing it! And listening to others play!
That's wonderful! Is this the first instrument you've ever taken?
I love piano! It's such fun and relatively easy--you start playing real music quite a bit sooner than other instruments. (So you can feel better than you actually are. ) And it's splendid training for other music--I'm a much better singer having taken piano!
EsmereldaBroadbelt, welcome to the Square! I'm malkah, but you're welcome to call me Mal. I hope you stop by often!
*waves to Rosa*!!
And I'm done! Good night and cozy Christmasy slumbers to you all!
*gathers up her bells and slips out of the Square*
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
Did any of you guys get to see Deathly Hallows?
*raises hand wildly* I saw it twice. And I'll probably go see it again once school's out. If I can find anyone to go with me.
My reaction was.. I can't believe they actually stuck to the book so well, keeping everything in, it felt like a Deathly Hallows movie should feel, the acting was superb, and Ron actually got to do something for a change, rather than sitting around in the corner, looking helpless. Yay Ron! I was just kind of in shock afterwards, at how good a job they did. Sure, they still left a lot of stuff out, but they still have part 2, and we're never going to get everything. My only complaint is.. Ginny. I've lost hope for there to actually be a Ginny-like Ginny in these movies, and I guess I should be thankful she was only in about 2 scenes. Blegh.
Did you like it? (The movie, not Ginny )
(I just assumed you've seen it. Sorry if you actually haven't or something )
Oh, cool! Do you think you could find the link? I'd love to hear it again!
I actually found it again! Turns out it's one of their older songs, I think. Or at least something that's not on either of the albums. This is the live version they played:
And the recorded version:
(I'm a bit of a searcher-for-live-concert-videos kind of person, not being able to actually get to any )
*is about to send but notices malkah just posted*
Hurrah for winning NaNo, Kathy!!! That's fantastic! What is your novel about, may I ask?
Thank you! My novel is.. fantasy, but without any magic, or magical creatures, or anything much that makes it different from our world, except that it's a fictional universe. Does that even count as fantasy? Anyway.
There was supposed to be magic, but it didn't quite make it in, somehow. But I'm happy with that. Basically it's just about a boy and a girl that were kidnapped from their homelands when they were children, then imprisoned together, then separated, and the novel starts with them meeting again. I had no idea where it would go, but I had a lot of fun writing it.
(Sorry if that was kind of long )
And I agree - I should get credit. On the other hand, he probably wouldn't believe me unless I showed it to him or something. I don't think I would have believed me, a month ago.
Well, now I'm off to go do Art homework.. *is still wishing she could quit this one-period-a-week class with disproportionate amounts of homework*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Hello all! *Waves*
I've seen your name around the forums! Welcome back to the square.
Thanks! Pleased to meet you, by the way. Have you got a nickname? Your username's lovely, by the way, (makes me think of a brilliantly orange flower on a mountaintop) but a teeny tiny bit long for use in conversation. (That, or I'm just too lazy to type it out.) You can call me Winter or Winty, if you like. WinterStar and WS, work just fine if you prefer, *shrugs* whatever floats. Anyway, I've rambled. I do apologize.
*Waves to Miss Rosario* I saw Deathly Hallows! Did you? If so, what did you think?
*waves to Winty*!! It's good to see you back!
How's life been treating you?
Malkah!!! Eh, not so good. I've come down with a horrible cold and missed horseback riding twice in a row now. And I had to go home form church early yesterday, 'cause I was so sick.
How's life been treating you?
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
EsmereldaBroadbelt, welcome to the Square! I'm malkah, but you're welcome to call me Mal. I hope you stop by often!
Hello there Mal!!! Thanks for the warm welcome. I do plan on stopping by fairly often, because it's so much fun here!
My Shop:
My Blog:
Actually, AC (<-- I really think I should come up with a more unique username for you. Just saying. Any ideas?), I haven't seen Deathly Hallows yet. (Your post was okay though, those weren't really spoilers - I've heard plenty already.) I really want to see it, though. I'm hoping my sister will take me one of these days.
Glad you enjoyed it! Deathly Hallows was my favorite of the series, and I'm really glad to hear that they pulled it off well.
*waves back to Malkah!* P.S. I saw your post in the Spare Oom about how you got your username -- that's really neat! I love unique names.
I haven't been able to yet, Winter. I'm crossing my fingers though! What did you think?
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Hello, all!
Just time for a little bit of catchup.
Mal wrote
Hello Elanor! It's lovely to meet you! I'm malkah or Mal.*shakes hand*
Great to meet you as well - I'm sure I've seen you around before, but we've never officially met. =) Yay!! *shakes hand*
My sister and I are going to try and go see it, since I've heard nothing but good reviews.
And it looks delightfully fun--I was laughing out loud just watching the trailer.
"I didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice."
"Here comes the Smolder."![]()
Do, and tell me what you thought! It is super funny, and so sweet . . . I loved it.
That part is awesome . .
AC wrote
I actually found it again!Turns out it's one of their older songs, I think. Or at least something that's not on either of the albums. This is the live version they played:
And the recorded version:
(I'm a bit of a searcher-for-live-concert-videos kind of person, not being able to actually get to any
That's it, and I love it so much!! Yay Tan . . it looks like an older song, but he said it was newer. Who knows? Thank you so so much for finding it for me!!!
That's all, I guess. Have a good week, everyone!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Mortereve all!
Wow, it's been forever since I've posted! What a busy time of year this is, as always.
*waves to Aiden* Hi there! How's your football watching going this season? The Pats have been playing some good football lately, especially against the Steelers--such fun to watch!
Hey, good to see you! I've missed talking football with you! Yeah, the Pats have been doing great lately! I'm really happy with how their young defense is progressing. Think how good they'll be once they've been in the league for several years and are much more experienced.
Sad to see the Broncos are having a poor year, especially after such a great start last year. Do you think McDaniels should be worried about losing his job, or is he safe?
*waves to Aiden* Hey, hey! How has everything been going? It's been ages since I talked to you. And that is wholly my fault. Many apologies.
Hey! Everything's going quite well, thanks! How about you? Yes, it has been ages, but I'll take some blame. I haven't had nearly as much time to spend on NarniaWeb lately as I would like.
Hey, long time since I've been able to talk with you - how have you been? How's the play going?
Yes, it was wonderful - but lately I have been going to bed at least no past 10:30, which is a nice change. And sometimes 9:30. So I'm not exhausted anymore. =)
I've been well, thanks! We had another practice yesterday; the play seems to be coming along very well, but we won't get into heavy practices until next month.
I envy you. I wish I could get to bed that early, but there's always so much to do.
And my play ended, and I'm still pretty miserable about that, but I'll get by. I think that sometime in the next month I might be auditioning for another, but we haven't had word of it yet.
I know how you feel. Doesn't it feel like there's nothing to do anymore? Good luck in auditioning for another play!
I do agree, he probably would have been a completely different person. She does get annoying
And I suppose the same could be said for Marian. In a different situation, she might be the bad guy. It's almost like they're in the wrong place.
And despite not having posted for a while, the Square hasn't moved too much! I guess we're all busy this time of year. Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
comes in singing "There's A Place For Us" by Carrie Underwood
malkah: yeah it's totally awesome! favorite part? that's hard um, maybe a part at the end that made me cry even though it was happy......
I just love the whole thing!
*waves to Aslans Country*
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well, folks, yours truly is sick. *cough* It's just a little cold, but bad enough to keep me down for a couple days. I think it'll be over soon, but prayers are still appreciated.
I apologize for the lengthiness of this post in advance.
I have heard some about it, pretty much all was bad
Haha, 'bad' is an understatement, at least in comparison to the first two season. I don't even know where to's like a whole other show.
*looks around* Pretty nice place you got here! I might decide to stay.
I hope you do, EsmereldaBroadbelt. Btw, I've decided I'm either going to call you Ebee, Essie, or Merrie.
How's life been for you?
Oh, and by the way, I was on HSB. I was Narniagirl. But you already knew that.
*continuing the long quotes *
I see. Well, in a few days.. you'll have all seen the movie! *tries not to be so sad that said movie is not coming to my poor little country until February..*
Yeah, the music video for You Are More got me back into that song. All that stuff on the blackboard was so cool the way it all washed off. (Ok, I'm not sure if that sentence actually makes sense grammatically, but I'm leaving it there. )
Ooh you like Lifehouse? *sends a huge hug and jumps up and down excitedly* Like.. what songs? Apart from You and Me, that is. That's cool that you can play it on guitar - I tried learning guitar in the summer, but it stopped when we came back from holiday and the only guitar in the house is one that my brother got for his birthday, back when he was.. 8 or so.
I know - I love how he makes even something like the dentist optimistic. Have you heard his new Christmas song? At least, I think it's Christmas. Winter, at least.
Yay, let the Saga of the Long Quotes continue and never ever die!
Oh. I didn't think about the different release dates. I'm sorry you have to wait that long. And I thought waiting two days was going to be hard...
I'd never heard the song before seeing the music video (which I love, btw, with the whole blackboard thing... so cool!). I've loved TAN for pretty much...ever, but I've only heard bits and pieces from their new CD. I'm hoping to get the CD for Christmas, if I can wait that long.
And yes, that sentence made total sense. No worries.
Yeah, I like Lifehouse. I haven't heard much other than You and Me, partly because I don't know which ones are good. Any recommendations?
Yeah, guitar is actually a lot harder than I thought it would be, but it's so worth it. Let me know if you pick it up again - maybe you could even try learning on your brother's guitar. It would probably be easier to learn on because it's so small! I've had my guitar for about three years. I had prayed for it for a really long time, and finally God provided a whole guitar package, including everything I needed, for only $50. I've only started to really learn things this year, and I absolutely love it. I also have a bass guitar, but I don't know how to play that yet. I want to play drums too.
I know, Owl City is hilarious yet writes beautiful songs all at the same time. He posts so many funny things on Twitter; he's got a great sense of humor. YES! I've heard his song, Peppermint Winter. I love his Christmas/winter/minty song, as usual!
*peers back up at what she just wrote* Oh my goodness. This post is so long. You don't have to quote the whole thing.
Can you believe it's December already? It's been snowing here for the past several days, and we put up our Christmas tree and decorations last night. It's really beginning to look festive!
Oh I know, I love Christmas! My favorite part about this part of year is the lights. They're so beautiful. Oh, and I love the Christmas carols too. All-around, it's my favorite holiday.
Hello, MountainFireFlower, nice to meet you as well! And thanks, I gather that you did NaNo as well?
Thanks! Yes, I did do NaNo... accidentally. Ended up clocking in with 50,017 words. It's the first time I've even hit 40k, much less made 50k. All in all, it was a good month.
your welcome!
yes I have heard "Lucy"! alas, it has nothing to do with Narnia.....but it's awesome anyway!
here's a link to the song:it's the last track on Skillet's CD "Awake"!
Oh, I thought it must have something to do with Narnia... I guess other people do have the name Lucy, right? Thanks for the link! I'll listen to it soon, I just have to find my earbuds.
Mountie it is, then! Thank you! Mountie's also the name of a wonderful character in a book I read once, so it will be lovely to call you that.
Thanks! I never thought I'd be called Mountie, especially not because that's what Canadian police are called... but I love it anyway. Needless to say, I don't live in Canada.
Ooh, what character? *insert curious face here*
I love it too, right up to the end of season 2 and season 3, which I prefer to pretend never happened. Hmm, my favorite characters are probably Will, Djaq, and Robin. And I think I would have liked Guy (or at least found him interesting) if he'd been written a bit better.
Which do you like better, season 1 or 2?
Oh yeah... I like to ignore that those bits happened too. Although, I still find myself needing to finish season 3 - perhaps to provide a bit of closure?
YES! Will and Djaq are so awesome... I was so disappointed when
Yeah, I think I would have liked Guy too if they had written him better. I can't exactly place what they should have changed, but I just know he wasn't as good as he could be.
Thanks! Pleased to meet you, by the way. Have you got a nickname? Your username's lovely, by the way, (makes me think of a brilliantly orange flower on a mountaintop) but a teeny tiny bit long for use in conversation. (That, or I'm just too lazy to type it out.) You can call me Winter or Winty, if you like. WinterStar and WS, work just fine if you prefer, *shrugs* whatever floats. Anyway, I've rambled. I do apologize.
Pleased to meet you as well, Winty! You could always call me that... Brilliantly Orange Flower on a Mountaintop... but that kind of defeats the purpose of a nickname.
I do agree. I like my username but it is somewhat long.
People call me Mountie or Fireflower; it doesn't matter which one, whichever you'd rather type.
Ah, don't worry. I love to ramble. Perhaps they should call me the Square Rambler? ( least after this post... I just can't seem to stop. )
*waves to NarniaNut95*
*decides to click submit before she rambles any longer*
av by dot
Hello, everyone!
The next week (or seven days) is going to be exciting, despite the fact that I'm still recovering from a cold. This is the cough day. On Friday me and Destined are going to see - you guessed it, VDT. What could be more amazing than that? And on Monday we're going to audition for another play, Annie Get Your Gun - and that's always exciting. I love auditioning . .
Aiden wrote
I've been well, thanks! We had another practice yesterday; the play seems to be coming along very well, but we won't get into heavy practices until next month.
I envy you. I wish I could get to bed that early, but there's always so much to do.
I'm glad to hear it! Sounds really fun! *sniff* That reminds me of how lovely rehearsals are . .
I know, it's really nice. I've never appreciated sleep like this before - but its slowly getting later and later for me, mostly of my own choice. Oh well.
And yes, life still seems really empty and I am actually super depressed. But I'll get by. Thank you!
FireFlower wrote
Thanks! Yes, I did do NaNo... accidentally.Ended up clocking in with 50,017 words. It's the first time I've even hit 40k, much less made 50k. All in all, it was a good month.
Ha - I kind of did it accidentally as well. I had no intention of even trying, because my november was super super busy. But the day after, a certain someone to whom I'm still very grateful too, convinced me to try it. And I was determined to do it. Wow, that's great!!
*waves to Libby*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
So how do I get involved in a Ditto Town Story?
Avy by me, siggy by Dernhelm_of_Rohan
You suck a lollipop, and you sing a song. Get it right, Jo!
comes in singing "Tomorrow" from the Annie soundtrack
tomorrow is the day!
Narnia! hurray!
The Dawn Treader will sail away
through the night and the day!
MountainFireFlower: lol I know.....when I first saw the title on the back of the CD cover for the Skillet CD I was like "yay! a Narnia song!"
I am praying that your cold goes away!
*waves to Elanor* hi! how have you been!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*bursts into the Square singing, "Let It Snow!"*
It's quiet outside now, but up to a foot of the white stuff is expected somewhere nearby this weekend. Ladies and gentlemen, start your snowblowers!
Congrats, once again, to all those who 'won' at NaNo this year! And even if you didn't get to 50,000 words, you still wrote, and that's always good.
Yup, VDT opens tomorrow here in the US. I'll be hitting the road with Ryadian and Masked Rider to see it down in Chicago.
So how do I get involved in a Ditto Town Story?
Glad to see you're interested! I see you've posted an invite in the Cavern Tavern thread, and created a character. That's an excellent start! It may take some time (especially now, with all the excitement surrounding the opening of VDT) to get replies.
EsmereldaBroadbelt, welcome to the Square (and the forum!). We're a friendly bunch and will be glad to answer any questions you might have.
WinterStar, I love your graphics from "Sokka's Master." That's one of my favorite A:TLA episodes. Piandao is a great occasional character.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Good mortereve! How are you all? It's been fairly quiet here. My mom and brother did find a used bookstore today, and judging from the stack of books they brought home, it looks very promising. So I shall probably have to wander my way over there sometime soon (with a detour to Starbucks, perhaps ).
Anyway, VDT is here and tomorrow, all the monks, minions, and mice ( ) will finally be put out of their suspense!
*finds a bench and starts her ketchup*
My novel is.. fantasy, but without any magic, or magical creatures, or anything much that makes it different from our world, except that it's a fictional universe. Does that even count as fantasy? Anyway. There was supposed to be magic, but it didn't quite make it in, somehow. But I'm happy with that. Basically it's just about a boy and a girl that were kidnapped from their homelands when they were children, then imprisoned together, then separated, and the novel starts with them meeting again. I had no idea where it would go, but I had a lot of fun writing it.
I think that counts as fantasy. Harry Potter's considered fantasy, right? And that doesn't even take place in a fictional universe.
That sounds really neat! Is it something that you're going to keep seriously working on/editing? (At least to get the free copy, although I know some people try and get their novels to the point where they could be published.)
*pictures Kathy staggering in to her teacher with 97 pages of Word Document and saying, "Do you believe me now?!"*
I don't think I would have believed me, a month ago.
And THAT sums up in a nutshell the amazingness of NaNo.
I've come down with a horrible cold and missed horseback riding twice in a row now. And I had to go home form church early yesterday, 'cause I was so sick.
How's life been treating you?
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! That's no fun. Feel better very soon!
How's your horseback riding going? And I don't think you ever told me what kind of horse you ride?
Life's been alright, for the most part. We're just so busy...and it's rather lonely and strange to be in a new area. But I'm having fun hunting for a job and exploring all the small towns. And I'm excited for Christmas!
*waves to Esmerelda* I just now noticed your signature! It reminds me of a similar quote I can't quite place...from The Wind in the Willows, I think. That dry, Britishy humor is so fun.
By the way, do you have a nickname?
P.S. I saw your post in the Spare Oom about how you got your username -- that's really neat! I love unique names.
Thank you very much! And I saw yours about the origin of "Rosario"--how fun! I was wondering why your family all had that common username.
How've you been doing lately?
Do, and tell me what you thought! It is super funny, and so sweet . . . I loved it.
I definitely shall! Are you a fan of Disney movies in general?
Hey, good to see you! I've missed talking football with you! Yeah, the Pats have been doing great lately! I'm really happy with how their young defense is progressing. Think how good they'll be once they've been in the league for several years and are much more experienced.
Sad to see the Broncos are having a poor year, especially after such a great start last year. Do you think McDaniels should be worried about losing his job, or is he safe?
I've missed it too! They really have! I'm thrilled to see it, because it's felt like the Pats were almost clicking the last few years, and now it seems they finally have.
(Especially against the Jets!) They look--from what I've been able to see--like they're really well-balanced all around.
It's a bit early, of course, but could you see the Patriots going to the Super Bowl?
And yes, it's been pretty ugly for the Broncos this year. They've lost 16 of their last 22 games. They're awful in every area but Kyle Orton, and he can't carry the entire team on his shoulders. As for McDaniels, I had thought he'd finish the year, despite the poor season and the videotaping scandal. But he was fired a couple of days ago.
I was completely surprised at that. So who knows where we're going from here...
And I suppose the same could be said for Marian. In a different situation, she might be the bad guy. It's almost like they're in the wrong place.
Marian and Guy would both be far more enjoyable if their roles in the story were switched. Maybe that's the solution. *wonders if the show will improve, if she rewatches it pretending Marian's a villain*
I never thought I'd be called Mountie, especially not because that's what Canadian police are called... but I love it anyway. Needless to say, I don't live in Canada. Ooh, what character? *insert curious face here*
I never even thought of the Canadian police. Although those Mounties are also very cool, so I suppose that's a positive...namesake?
And Mountie is the name of a character from the book Christy. (Although my liking for her really comes from the TV series.) She's a girl with a very difficult past who ends up learning to talk for the first time, and she just has a sweet, rather innocent dreamy spirit. So I've always liked the name.
Oh yeah... I like to ignore that those bits happened too. Although, I still find myself needing to finish season 3 - perhaps to provide a bit of closure? YES! Will and Djaq are so awesome... I was so disappointed when they were written out of the show. *sigh*
Yeah, I think I would have liked Guy too if they had written him better. I can't exactly place what they should have changed, but I just know he wasn't as good as he could be.
Is this your first time through season 3? Because I didn't watch a lot of that season, but I did see the ending, and I think in a way, it does help with the closure.
Me too! Especially to be replaced with...Tuck and Kate. Although I do wish that they had

They could have changed the ending of season 2, for starters.

And I'm done! Goodness, this is easily the shortest catchup I've ever done. Surely something's wrong.
*will be around for a bit*
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics