*comes in ecstatic about something called...*
I am excited about this for many reasons, not the least of which is: I have returned to the Town Square after exactly one month off! Ah.. I've missed it here.
I think I'll catchup, because I'm insane like that. *wonders how many pages it'll be*
But not now.
Hugs and waves to everyone, the posts of which I haven't read at all.
Now.. to go do all that schoolwork that has been pushed further and further away over the last month, and things that are due are still due, unfortunately. How sad that the teachers won't care that I just wrote 50,000 words.
But not tonight. For now.. I will allow myself a little time to r.e.l.a.x.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Congrats, Aslan's Country! And congrats to our other NaNo writers as well. It's quite an accomplishment to write a story of 50,000 words or more.
Happy St Andrew's Day to everyone! (He's the patron saint of Scotland). And it happens to be my younger brother's birthday.
...And who knows when or if we'll get snow?
I'm glad to share; we always have plenty.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Hello all! *Waves*
I've returned after an exceptionally long absence, I hope people still remember me!
Just a bit of updateyness:
My NaNo novel kinda fell by the way-side on about the, hmmm, third of November? So, that was an epic flop. Oh well, I was thinking I wanted to edit my '09 novel, anyway. Not too mention, I have several other writing projects to work on.
I've doing everything in my power to ignore my grades in Algebra and Chemistry so I really can't say how that's been going. I know I've been doing better in Algebra, thanks to working on it with Ruby and her brother, chemistry has been getting harder and I detest it.
My sisters and I were feeling particularly festive when we put up the decorations and our living now vaguely resembles a holiday gift shop explosion. Ah, well, it was fun...and shiny.
Well, that's all, for now, least ways.
See y'all!
EDIT: None of those paragraphs really go together, do they?
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
Hello, everyone!!
I haven't been on forever, really busy. I decided to do NaNo (or rather, Flambeau convinced me - I am eternally grateful!), and that has kept me on my toes. I did finish, 55,204. Yay!!!
And my play ended, and I'm still pretty miserable about that, but I'll get by. I think that sometime in the next month I might be auditioning for another, but we haven't had word of it yet.
I haven't been on here forever, hopefully that will end now that NaNo's done.
Catchup time - if I have any. =)
Aiden wrote:
Oh, same here. Wow, you're lucky to get to bed that early. It's been a long time since I've gotten to bed by 9. The thing is... once you go to bed late once, it messes up everything. And once you get into a habit of going to bed late, it's really hard to change.
Hey, long time since I've been able to talk with you - how have you been? How's the play going?
Yes, it was wonderful - but lately I have been going to bed at least no past 10:30, which is a nice change. And sometimes 9:30. So I'm not exhausted anymore. =)
Ruby wrote
Oh, good for you! I like what little I've heard of Jars of Clay, and I love Brandon Heath!! He has an awesome voice, and all of his songs are really nice. I need to get some of his albums . .
Benjamin wrote
So who here has read the Winnie-the-pooh books by A.A. Milne?
Ooh, I love those books! They're so well written and amusing, I like reading them, and listening to them on tape. =) My two bits . .
Ruby wrote
So, how was everyone's Thanksgiving?
Mine was very nice . . lots and lots of food making, but for the most part, that was enjoyable. Games, sitting around, talking, singing . . nice cozy things.
By the way - did anyone else go to see Tangled? It's so awesome!!!! It's seriously really super sweet, the music is nice, even though it all sounds the same, it's so adorable!! And I sobbed so hard . . I love movies like that.
That looks like all I have to say here - have a good day, everyone!! *waves*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*A familiar figure enters the Square and takes a seat by the fountain*
Mortereve all! My, my but it's been awhile since I've been here.... Anyway, Life is keeping me very busy with school and all. Finals are coming up in the next week or so, which should be fun. [sarcasm]
So, how have all my dear SquareOnions been? I try and at least lurk around here every-other-day, though sometimes I'm not able to.
I'm afraid I must be off now, though I will try and stop back by sometime over the weekend.
Major 's to all my dear NW friends!!!!
*Cor exits the Square by way of the chocolate tree in honor of his Royal Mother*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*Auntie pops into the Square looking for a helpful person*
Hello, folks. I wonder if anyone can help amarlie24,(a newer member) to get a signature? She asked for help with it in this post.
Maybe someone will PM her, and tell her what she needs to know? Could be the start of a great friendship!
Thank you!
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
Happy Friday, everyone!
(And here, it's a very snowy one ).
Thanks for pointing out amarlie's request, Auntie; I sent her a PM.
Only a week till the movie opens here in the US! (I see you've already seen it, Auntie).
Congrats, Elanor, on finishing your NaNo. Fun, isn't it?
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*enters the square* Yes I know such a drab entry!
So you want to know what things are going on with me? Alright! If you are so persistent then I shall have to tell you!
First of all: I have went to another two piano lessons, they seem to be getting better and I'm learning more I hope in a month or two I shall be the best in THE WHOLE WIDE.... Okay maybe not, I shall just be better than I am now
Second from the First: We found a house to rent! As some of you know we are living in a vacation home, whilst looking for a home with some land and a more permanent place. Well we found a house that has two acres and is backed up to some woods. I can't say we are really out in the country as I hoped for it is right on the main highway, but still a ways out of town and it has trees all around so you really have to look to see it from the road... Anyway it needs painting which is what we wanted so we could exchange it for a few months rent, and some landscaping (nothing major). We are actually going out tomorrow to work on it, and get it all fixed up and ready to move in. Very exciting about it all! My brother and my Mom will be going out to Oregon to get all of our stuff we have in a storage unit up there and then they will bring it back...
Third from the First, yet Second since the Second, First according to the Third and right before the Forth: It is final, we are going to be going up to Louisiana to visit some friends. The same family we visited when we were on out way here to Florida from Alabama. You may think that it is odd that we are going back so soon, but not when there are a couple lovebirds in each family. Yep you heard me right lovebirds! Of all things my sister would go and fall in love or something of that non-sense! ( ) Well now there may be quite a few trips to and from Louisiana
And Last but not least we come to the Fourth: Which would be nothing other than Catchup, so with not further ramblings on my part I will get right to it!
He first appears as the title role in "Sokka's Master." He later appears in the series finale as one of the
A bit of trivia is that the voice actor also portrayed the father in Bridge to Terebithia.SpoilerOrder of the White Lotus masters along with Iroh and the others
Oh okay. I could never forget Sokka's master!
I have not seen that movie, is it good?
I understand where you're coming from, but, like you mentioned, the sheriff is mostly to blame for the bad side of Guy. I think if he were in a different situation he would be a perfectly good person. Marian on the other hand is just plain annoying. Her character is way out place... she doesn't even look like someone who would live back then, and her proud attitude overshadows anything likable about her. Well, there's my two cents.
I do agree, he probably would have been a completely different person. She does get annoying
Ben: lol all of them!
Not sure if I have seen all of them but I have seen some of them Pretty exciting! I can't wait for the movie!
I'm a bit confused...was it your first piano lesson ever or simply your first in awhile? Either way, that's great!
Piano is such fun to learn!
Oh wow! I did do a bad job at wording that!
It was the first piano lesson I had ever taken and it was on that Monday
I love the piano! So much fun playing it! And listening to others play!
*loves the Pooh books* I wish more children's stories today had that sweet, adventurous innocence. And they're very witty.
I went back for a reread a while ago and was surprised how funny they were!
Yes they are such great books! A.A Milne was a very cleaver man with how he wrote!
Oh yes, I love Sokka.
He has so many funny lines.
He is so hilarious!
Yeah, it's three hours away for us, too.
Aww that's too bad.But that sounds like a fun trip!
I went to Louisiana once for a jump rope competition and liked it. The French Quarter is pretty neat.
I went before the hurricane, though, so I'm not sure how much it's changed.
I was considering doing one here but then we decided on this trip so that did not turn out....
I'm not sure how much it has changed because I did not visit before the hurricane.
I've seen a few episodes of the third season. I'm trying to stick it out, but it's hard. Somehow it's just not the same...
My friend did tell me that the third season tends to grow on you. I'm still waiting for that to happen.
Well if you can 'stick' it out then tell me what you think
*TACKLES BEN* Good to see you on the Square!
Eek, I've missed it so much here! Apparently it's still a little silent, due to NaNo or other hindrances.
How has life been going for you these days?
*moves limbs slowly checking for broken bones* All is well... Haha
I just had to throw that in there!
Good to be back! Even though there is the chance of broken bones... It is well worth it.
Life has been going very well for me, thanks And what about you? Life treating you alright?
...I don't feel ready for my upcoming lesson (though I never do). I think they're going really well. My piano professor says that I pedal naturally and really well. My biggest problem is that I'm horrible at balancing my pieces (the right side will be too heavy and the left too light). I'm usually too light and need to work on strengthening my fingers.
So you are taking lessons, that is really cool! You may or may not have noticed, but I just started taking lessons. I am enjoying it so far. My teacher is teaching me how to read music and how to play by ear. I like playing by ear a TON better but I'm going to try to stick it out with reading music so I can do both. And probably as I learn more and it comes more easily, then I will like reading music better... Not better than by ear but better than I do
*waves to coracle*
Ooh, I love those books! They're so well written and amusing, I like reading them, and listening to them on tape. =) My two bits . .
Aren't they great though!
Well that is it for now
Namárië! Have a great night all!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*slowly creeps in, taking down her hood and pulling her cloak around her to guard against winter chill*
I lurk no longer. At least not for this week.
MountainFireFlower: awesome! ok, here's some of my favorites:
Those Nights
Don't Wake Me
Yours To Hold
Dead Inside (this one sounds like Dragon Eustace )
Awake And Alive
You Are My Hope
Angels Fall Down
Safe With You
Thanks for those suggestions, Lib! I'll be sure to listen to them. Have you heard "Lucy" by Skillet? I've heard OF it, but haven't actually listened to it.
MountainFireFlower: Hello, I'm Queen Susan. Nice to see you around. You can call me-- whatever. But I don't respond to everything unless I know it's to me.
Hello Queen Susan! Nice to meet you. Hmm... I could call you Queen Su. (I know, that is sooo original.) Or I could be somewhat weird and shorten it to QSu. Whatever you prefer...
Very, very nice to meet you! As you might have noticed, I like the nickname Mountie. I like nicknames, especially this one. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Oh, yes, it is a pleasure to meet you as well! I love nicknames too, and I have too many to count. Do you have any? You're definitely welcome! Are things starting to calm down for you?
I am excited about this for many reasons, not the least of which is: I have returned to the Town Square after exactly one month off! Ah.. I've missed it here.
Yay, Kathy!!! So happy for you! Yes, go relax. And then come back to the Square. We've missed you.
And congrats to our other NaNo writers as well. It's quite an accomplishment to write a story of 50,000 words or more.
Congrats to you as well. You finished, right? And yes, it is quite an accomplishment. But I loved it.
I've returned after an exceptionally long absence, I hope people still remember me!
I've seen your name around the forums! Welcome back to the square.
Hello, Elanor! Nice to meet you! You did NaNo as well? Congrats!
So, how have all my dear SquareOnions been? I try and at least lurk around here every-other-day, though sometimes I'm not able to.
I've been good, and you? Yes, I do lurk in the Square a lot more than I post.
Well if you can 'stick' it out then tell me what you think
Oh, I will. I'm plodding through it right now. Have you heard anything about Season 3?
Until next time!
*pulls cloak around her once more and departs with a flourish*
av by dot
Oh, I will. I'm plodding through it right now. Have you heard anything about Season 3?
I have heard some about it, pretty much all was bad
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Okie doke, I'm new here folks, so you'll have to fill me in on all of the awesome stuff on NW, at least the ones that MoutnainFireFlower hasn't already filled me in on.
*looks around* Pretty nice place you got here! I might decide to stay.
My Shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/EyebrightsElements
My Blog: http://misseyebright.blogspot.com
'Ello. *waves tiredly* I just got back from.. almost 4 hours of Japanese Proficiency Test, or whatever it's called. It went okay, but for some reason I got sent to a test site that was an hour by train from where I live, at some random university. Travel took almost as long. Not to mention the trains broke down in the morning and there was some panic about whether we'd make it in time.
But I got it done safely, in the end. And now I'm exhausted, not in a mood to go back to school tomorrow.
Ok, so some catchup, from alotofpagesago.
*waves to Ali on page..38 *
Hey! How are you doing? Haha.. none of our conversation from last month is relevant anymore, but whatever. *selects something randomly* So did you get a new iPod?
Yeah, things are getting a little busy here too . . but I enjoy it. For now.
Ooh, this will be hard to explain. Well, the very last song, the did a new song. It was really cool, because the two other small bands touring with them came out during it, and danced around, and the two lead singers sang with Mike. And there was a little bit of rap in it, which was cool.
You couldn't really listen to it, because it was pretty loud, so I couldn't describe it in another way. I think I liked it though.
Oh, I think I know what this is, now! I think I found it on Youtube or something.. but it was awhile back, and I can't really remember now. The rap thing reminded me. So I guess I kind of know what you're talking about now.
*waves to AC/Kathy* Hello!
*sends a wave back that is horribly overdue, as is everything in this post *
Hello! How are you?
*waves to Ruby* You did NaNo? Never knew.. how did it go? (I'll probably find out in the later pages, but *comes back* yep, I did. Too bad that it's not getting finished, but life comes.
Praying for you - is stuff still busy?)
"She's still around? I thought she was dead; didn't she turn into a lamppost?" (I believe MN was contributing this idea. . .)
"Wait. . . are there orcs in Narnia?! "
"Yeah! Why's the sword GLOWING?"
"Hang on, I thought the oldest two—"Me:It's a dream sequence! It's stupid marketing! They aren't back! *continues ranting*
"What's the blast of blue glowyness?"
This made me laugh.
(Wow, another long quote!)
Yes, the LoESRM has improved lately in terms of content, although I am somewhat of a silent lurker there as of late. (I guess I'm not a completely reformed lurker yet.)
Ooh, I like all of those from the first album. Beloved is one of my favorites; it really helped me understand the love Christ has for his bride, the church. I still don't own the newest CD but I recently heard You Are More. It's one of my favorites now. Have you seen the music video? It's pretty powerful. I agree, all of TAN's songs are... amazing. They definitely have a gift.
I like Lifehouse (my favorite song is You and Me because I can play it on the guitar), Owl City, Relient K, and Switchfoot too. I haven't heard much music from the others but I should look them up.
Ha, after you said that, I just had to look up Dental Care. It made me laugh out loud (literally), especially because I had an upcoming dentist appointment. It's hilarious!
Haha, okay, not Air Conditioner then. AC works for me. Hope you're doing well!
*continuing the long quotes *
I see. Well, in a few days.. you'll have all seen the movie! *tries not to be so sad that said movie is not coming to my poor little country until February..*
Yeah, the music video for You Are More got me back into that song. All that stuff on the blackboard was so cool the way it all washed off. (Ok, I'm not sure if that sentence actually makes sense grammatically, but I'm leaving it there. )
Ooh you like Lifehouse? *sends a huge hug and jumps up and down excitedly*
Like.. what songs? Apart from You and Me, that is. That's cool that you can play it on guitar - I tried learning guitar in the summer, but it stopped when we came back from holiday and the only guitar in the house is one that my brother got for his birthday, back when he was.. 8 or so.
I know - I love how he makes even something like the dentist optimistic. Have you heard his new Christmas song? At least, I think it's Christmas. Winter, at least.
*sees some talk of Winnie the Pooh*
I reread those a couple of months ago, and reallyy love them. So funny!
*waves to EsmereldaBroadbelt above her* Welcome! The Square is random funness, and fun randomness, and all other fun stuffs similar to that. So are you friends with Fireflower?
That wasn't too much to look through, which must mean that this place has been pretty empty recently. Hmm. *pushes invisible button to get it started again*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
*peeks in* Good mortereve, all! I haven't been in here for awhile... finals, concerts, recitals, and other such things have kept me busy. I'm not going to attempt a catchup post just yet, but maybe I will during Christmas break.
How have you all been? Can you believe it's December already? It's been snowing here for the past several days, and we put up our Christmas tree and decorations last night. It's really beginning to look festive!
I'm sure several of you are really excited about VotD as well (*coughLibbyandAlicough*). I can't believe it's almost December 10 already.
Anyhoo, I just wanted to drop in and say hi to the Square. Good mortereve!
Did any of you guys get to see Deathly Hallows?
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Hello, all!
Just a quick catchup!
Stargazer wrote
Congrats, Elanor, on finishing your NaNo. Fun, isn't it?
Thank you! It was indeed really really fun, even more so than I expected! I dislike my novel, but it was so lovely and fun having to write every day, and seeing if I could do it. And I did!
AC wrote
Oh, I think I know what this is, now! I think I found it on Youtube or something.. but it was awhile back, and I can't really remember now.The rap thing reminded me. So I guess I kind of know what you're talking about now.
Oh, cool! Do you think you could find the link? I'd love to hear it again!
But no pressure. =)
Hello, EsmereldaBroadbelt, and welcome! Glad to have you here, it's super fun!
Hello, MountainFireFlower, nice to meet you as well! And thanks, I gather that you did NaNo as well?
I'm just getting a cold, so I'm home from church, which is sad. On the day we were singing for a special service too . . oh well.
We got lots and lots of snow, which is really depressing me. I am not resigned to winter!!
lol . .
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
comes in singing "There's A Place For Us" by Carrie Underwood
hi everyone!
MountainFireFlower: your welcome!
yes I have heard "Lucy"! alas, it has nothing to do with Narnia.....but it's awesome anyway!
here's a link to the song:
it's the last track on Skillet's CD "Awake"!
Ben: yay!
Miss Rosario: haha I am freaking out that December 10 is this week - I am so excited!
welcome to the square EsmereldaBroadbelt!!!!! I hope you have fun here! welcome to narniaweb!
excited for VotDT?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are