Who is Piandao? I don't recognize the name
He first appears as the title role in "Sokka's Master." He later appears in the series finale as one of the
Oh look, more snow. We're in for a snowy, icy week. Might make travel a bit interesting for the Thanksgiving weekend.
But we haven't had quite the same amount as the western mountains, which are measuring the snow in feet rather than mere inches. That big storm is headed this way, and is the one that's going to hit us Wednesday.
Time to wander off and watch The Event.
Adios, SquareOnions!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Mortereve all!
He is likable and I can sympathize with him but he just gets on my nerves how he goes back and forth form good and bad, but of course the sheriff is to blame for that. Marian does get on my nerves too but she is easier to like because she is one of the 'good' ones
I understand where you're coming from, but, like you mentioned, the sheriff is mostly to blame for the bad side of Guy. I think if he were in a different situation he would be a perfectly good person. Marian on the other hand is just plain annoying. Her character is way out place... she doesn't even look like someone who would live back then, and her proud attitude overshadows anything likable about her. Well, there's my two cents.
Wow, so little to catch up on. The Square seems to be moving very slow lately, perhaps because everyone is busy with the upcoming holidays. As for us, we have the rest of the week off of school for Thanksgiving, then a few more weeks of school before Christmas break. Yay! I probably won't be around much, so, to all, have a great time this week!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*waves to Silver* hi! how are you?
Hello Libby! I'm quite well, thank you for asking! Except for this stupid cold that just won't go away. How are you?
Well, tomorrow we're heading off to visit family for Thanksgiving, and we don't get home until Sunday. We're going to spend time with both my mom's family and my dad's family, so we're pretty much celebrating Thanksgiving twice. Lots of food! Oh dear.
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! And for those of you who are traveling as I am, I hope you have safe travels.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
*trots into the square for the first time in WAY too long*
Good Mortereve, everyone! And Happy Thanksgiving Eve!
*looks around* wow, this is the first time I've been in the Square since before it changed threads. Long time no see.
Time to wander off and watch The Event.
Oh, you watch The Event? What do you think of it? I'm sort-of keeping up with it, I haven't seen this past episode yet but I did record it, so I will eventually.
Silver the Wanderer: Celebrating Thanksgiving twice? Sounds like a good plan to me Travel safely!
Well, my visit to the square has been fun, but I've got take off now... I actually have a few important things to do this fine morning, believe it or not.
Ciao fer now!
"Of course we've got to find him (if we can). That's the nuisance of it. It means a search party and endless trouble. Bother Eustace." ~ Caspian, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
Sig: lover of narnia
comes in singing "To The Wolves" by Anberlin
MountainFireFlower: sweet! my favorite is "Monster"! I can PM you some links to some of their songs if you want to know my recommendations!
Ben: lol all of them!
Silver: aw, I hope you feel better soon!
I am doing well! did you see the new Dawn Treader clips?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*tiptoes in*
I thought since other absent SquareOnions are/were returning, I could slip in with them and maybe I wouldn't notice how long it's been since I've been in here.
Never mind. It's been dreadfully long. I've missed getting to chat with you all!
But since I was last here, I've renovated a house, moved halfway across the country, quit my job, broken down a car ( ), crashed my computer, started college, adjusted to driving at night in an endless forest with only one headlight (
), found a house with my family, and am now trying to find another job, unpack a million and one boxes, transfer schools, and write NaNo in a notebook.
Anyway, life is crazy. So I won't promise to keep up in here, because those have turned out to be piecrust promises, "easily made and easily broken." But I will come in here with all you lovely people as often as I can!
Catchup from a few pages back:
I started a ketchup post back in October, and I wasn't able to finish it that day...then I wasn't able to finish it the next day...then I think that I left town for the rest of that week...and I haven't touched it since.
Ditto. Except, I think my last attempt was in August.
(By the way, hurrah for the word count! )
Well I went to my first piano lesson I have taken last Monday! We did not really do much the lady was mainly just checking where I was at so she could know how to start teaching me. I will most likely be going back this next week...
I'm a bit confused...was it your first piano lesson ever or simply your first in awhile? Either way, that's great! Piano is such fun to learn!
*loves the Pooh books* I wish more children's stories today had that sweet, adventurous innocence. And they're very witty. I went back for a reread a while ago and was surprised how funny they were!
*waves to Libby*
I just saw a movie called "Saving Sarah Cain" and it's awesome! I cried!!!!! and I laughed. that movie is an emotional roller coaster!
My mom likes that movie! Although she much prefers the book it was based on, by Beverly Lewis. I haven't read it, but if you liked the movie, it might be a good one.
*sends a wave and a hug to Poggy* Hullo! How's your NaNo going?
That conversation is pure fun, LL. Hurrah for younger siblings!
"What's the blast of blue glowyness?"
Why, the future queen of Narnia, of course.
I'm loving my clinical and learning loads of stuff—to the point that I'm not sure how I'm storing all of it.
*perks up her nursing student ears* Such as?
And that must be such a satisfying feeling to finally be doing your clinicals and really digging into practical nursing.
Especially after a year or two of math and English lit and philosophy.
*wishes KingLune a MUCH belated happy birthday*
*waves to Aiden* Hi there! How's your football watching going this season? The Pats have been playing some good football lately, especially against the Steelers--such fun to watch!
Hullo Joe! *waves to the brave Minion-Turned-Monk* Aha, is that what Conga Rats look like? I don't think I have ever beheld them in all their...glory.
Next week, we've got a huge test in anatomy class where we have to memorize all the bones! And foramens. And tubercles. And fossas, and processes, and spines - pretty much every little bump, indentation, or groove on the bones. Fun, right? I've heard accounts from more than one classmate of them dreaming of bones, and naming off the parts in their sleep
Yeesh. *remembers a few tests like that from anatomy last year* We have too many bones. And if that wasn't enough, we get to learn all 205 of them in Latin.
Although it really is a satisfying feeling to know every bone in the human body, once the memorizing's over.
Anyway, best of luck! You can do it!
*curtsies to MountainFireflower* Hello! I don't believe we've 'met'? I'm malkah, but you're welcome to call me Mal. May I call you Mountie, or do you prefer Fireflower?
And another Robin Hood fan? Yay!
Ugh, don't get me started. Guy is so... gross. As if he himself wasn't bad enough, I hate his hair in the third season. His hair is a whole other issue. Blech.
Ugh. Guy's hair in the third season is not even hair.
*waves to Ruby* Goodness, it sounds like you have a very full plate right now. I'll be praying!
*waves to anyone she missed*
And...I need to head out for the night.
L'hitraot! (Until we meet again!) And I hope all the American Onions had a delicious and blessed Thanksgiving!
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
comes in signing "You Belong Here" by Anberlin
hi everyone! I hope ya'll had a good thanksgiving! I did!
malkah: hi! how are you! I love "Saving Sarah Cain"! I saw it 5 times in the last two weeks and it's amazing!!!!!! if you ever get the chance, watch it!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good Mortereve, Squaries! I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving!
I just got back from some Black Friday shopping. It was kinda fun. I'm not really a shopper though, so waking up super early to go shopping and stand in long lines isn't very appealing to me.
The show [Avatar: TLA]was quite good, but I can't quite endorse the recent live-action movie adaptation, unfortunately.
I just watched the movie, and I didn't like it at all. The acting was flat and the script very poor. The bending was pretty good, though.
Hmm... Hard thing to answer as well
I love Uncle Iroh, he is so funny and then you see his serious side later on in the series. Sokka is great too! I don't know they are all just great!
Oh yes, I love Sokka. He has so many funny lines.
I was thinking for I bit that I might be able to go but I did not realize that is was a three hour drive from here... So then I thought maybe I would just do one here, and then my family decided to go on a little trip to Louisiana and what dates would they choose but the 5th through the 12th? So It looks like there will be no Lion Party for me
Yeah, it's three hours away for us, too.
Aww that's too bad. But that sounds like a fun trip!
I went to Louisiana once for a jump rope competition and liked it. The French Quarter is pretty neat.
I went before the hurricane, though, so I'm not sure how much it's changed.
*sends a wave and a hug to Poggy* Hullo! How's your NaNo going?
Mal! Good to see you. Wow, you're life sounds really busy. :S How have you been?
Erm...my Nano kinda went down the drain. I've been really busy with school and stuff, and I wasn't really interested in the story I was writing, or the characters. So instead of writing a new novel this month, I'm just devoting a lot of time to doing a major re-write of last year's Nano novel.
How's yours going? Writing it in a notebook sounds tough.
Well, I'm off! Hope everyone has a good evening.
*dances into the Square*
So, now that Thanksgiving is over, who's ready for Christmas?
*waves to Ruby Gamgee* Hello, nice to have you here! I'm MountainFireflower. You can call me Mountie or Fireflower or whatever your heart desires (except don't call me late for dinner). I completely understand about NaNo - I was about to give up until I got a breath of fresh wind in my sails. I'll be praying for you and all you have going on!
I'm having pizza tonight as well. Then, I think I'll watch PC. I haven't seen it for quite a while.
Sounds like a good plan to me! I haven't seen the Narnia movies in forever... oops...
I did not see the last season (due to warnings about how annoying it was) but I did see a picture of his hair.
I've seen a few episodes of the third season. I'm trying to stick it out, but it's hard. Somehow it's just not the same... My friend did tell me that the third season tends to grow on you. I'm still waiting for that to happen.
sweet! my favorite is "Monster"! I can PM you some links to some of their songs if you want to know my recommendations!
Oh yeah, I've heard Monster, it's not my favorite though. I like Awake and Alive and Hero better, as well as Those Nights and a couple others from their Comatose CD. I'd love some recommendations!
*curtsies to MountainFireflower* Hello! I don't believe we've 'met'? I'm malkah, but you're welcome to call me Mal. May I call you Mountie, or do you prefer Fireflower?
And another Robin Hood fan? Yay!
*curtsies back, fanning out her deep red cape* Hello, mal! I don't think we've met either, although now we have. It's such a pleasure to meet you! Yes, of course you may call me Mountie. I honestly have no preference, so call me whichever.
Although I am rather fond of the nickname Mountie, since not as many people call me that.
And yes, I am an avid Robin Hood fan. I just love that show! Do you like it too? My favorite characters are Robin, Allan, and Will... although I love them all.
Ugh. Guy's hair in the third season is not even hair.
I wholeheartedly agree. It tends to remind me of a mop.
I just got back from some Black Friday shopping. It was kinda fun. I'm not really a shopper though, so waking up super early to go shopping and stand in long lines isn't very appealing to me.
Oh, it doesn't appeal to me either. Hence the reason I stayed home and slept in. I hope you got some good deals though! It's nice to see you in the Square! I'm MountainFireflower.
Or Mountie. Or Fireflower.
Okay, well I must be going now... we're going to go get the Christmas stuff out and start putting up the tree!
*runs away singing Carol of the Bells*
av by dot
Happy BLACK Friday, everyone! And Happy belated Thanksgiving! I really thought I would post here just a few days after my last post in the Town Square. . .yeah, that didn't turn out so well ( ). But let me catch you guys up on what's been going on.
I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving yesterday! We always have a big gathering, but this year it was a lot smaller
. I guess that's what happens when everyone gets older.
As for Black Friday, did anyone tackle the stores this morning ? *raises hand* I did! A few other people in my family and myself got to the stores around 3:40am. It was crazy, but we got some pretty sick deals.
As you all know, I was looking into taking voice lessons several weeks ago. Plans have changed. I have decided that I really just don't feel comfortable with pursuing that. Guitar was fun for a while, but it lost it's flavor. I gave it a good try - three, nearly four years. I learned a lot, but it's not for me. My mother would really love for me to take voice lessons from a professional voice teacher, but I'm not interested. Who knows, though? Maybe I'll change my mind.
A few weeks ago, most of you guys know, I'm sure, it was released that the Red Carpet Gala (basically the same thing as a premiere) for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is being held in Knoxville, TN! Georgie Henley and Skandar Keynes will be there as well! And the most exciting news is (for me) that I will be there! I drove up on Monday to get the tickets, camped out in front of the Box Office, and secured them on Tuesday morning. In fact, I was the FIRST person in the United States to purchase tickets to the United States Premiere! So, that is very, very exciting for me! And I also had the privilege of meeting two other NarniaWebbers while waiting! It was a very fun experience, but I'm sure the gala will be 10x more fun!
And how has everyone else been doing?! Catch me up! I regret I've been absent for so many weeks .
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
comes in singing "Death Of Me" by Red
MountainFireFlower: awesome!
ok, here's some of my favorites:
Those Nights
Don't Wake Me
Yours To Hold
Dead Inside (this one sounds like Dragon Eustace )
Awake And Alive
You Are My Hope
Angels Fall Down
Safe With You
I hope you like these!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Ruby and malkah: Wow! Both of you are really busy and sound like you're going through quite a bit right now, I'll pray for you both!!!
MountainFireFlower: Hello, I'm Queen Susan. Nice to see you around.
You can call me-- whatever. But I don't respond to everything unless I know it's to me.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
*grimaces as she enters the Square*
My hands are so cold! My typing is horrible and I'm going to have so many terrible typos in here. Ah, well.
So, how was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was very nice. Our family didn't do any cooking. Like not any. We went to a friend's house and they insisted on cooking everything. It was wonderful and tons of fun! After eating, my brothers helped our friends by putting up their Christmas lights outside!
Then, yesterday, my mom, my sisters, and I went shopping! We went to the resale shops, which is always fun. Unlike past times I've gone, I actually found some really pretty things! I found two beautiful skirts, one was this gorgeous green satin (reminded me of a dryad) and another one was a crushed light brown satin skirt. And then I found a beautiful black chiffon skirt. My sister found a summer dress and a couple of skirts. My mom found a bunch of old books. It was sweet!
And then we went to Hastings, after getting smoothies and coffee at a cafe. At Hastings, I used my gift card from Christmas '08. Lame, I know. I can't believe I've had it for so long. I was wondering if it had expired. Apparently Hastings gift cards don't expired. Well, I went straight to the music section. Haha. I found two used CD's, but in excellent condition.
One was Jars of Clay's "Good Monsters". It has a ton of my favorite songs on it, like "Dead Man", "Light Gives Heat", "Oh My God", and "Mirrors and Smoke". That last one being my most favorite Jars Of Clay song ever!
Second thing I bought was Switchfoot's "Nothing Is Sound". I've heard a lot of songs from that album, but not the whole thing. Like anything Switchfoot, I loved it! It was a dual disc, which means CD and DVD with awesome special features! And it was supposedly used (though whoever had bought it and returned it had never opened it, so it was brand new! ). Yesterday felt like Christmas.
And then to top it off, my snow boots came in the mail today to complete my ski gear for my upcoming ski trip. You can all be praying that I won't hit a tree, because knowing me, I probably will.
By the way, have I mentioned that it is fantastic to be on here again??!!
As to the rest of my life, thanks to the ski trip, I'll have a lot of working ahead to do in school and probably quite a bit of catching up to do once I get home. I'm loving piano though. I don't feel ready for my upcoming lesson (though I never do). I think they're going really well. My piano professor says that I pedal naturally and really well. My biggest problem is that I'm horrible at balancing my pieces (the right side will be too heavy and the left too light). I'm usually too light and need to work on strengthening my fingers.
A friend of mine lent me her copy of "The Man From Snowy River" sheet music. And I am loving it so much! Right now I'm working on "Jessica's Theme" or "Breaking in the Colt". It is by far the most beautiful piece on that soundtrack! Eek! I still love that movie so much.
Now, to do some catching up....
Welcome back to the Square, RubyGamgee! Nice to see you here. I like your description of the nice weather and the wheat outside. It's hard to imagine, looking outside here, anything being green other than that big white pine in the yard. Maybe in 5 months or so.
Thank you, gazer! It's good to be back! Yes, we have strange weather around here. It's so spontaneous. One day it'll be freezing, the next it'll feel like spring. Today felt like spring.
And who knows when or if we'll get snow?
I'll get to see a bit more than usual this December, since I'm going skiing with a friend...which will be interesting.
*waves to Danielle*
*TACKLES BEN* Good to see you on the Square! Eek, I've missed it so much here! Apparently it's still a little silent, due to NaNo or other hindrances.
How has life been going for you these days?
*waves to Aiden* Hey, hey! How has everything been going? It's been ages since I talked to you. And that is wholly my fault. Many apologies.
Haha! Look! It's Boe! That's a face (avatar?) I haven't seen on the Square for a while.
How's you been?
*attempts to wave at the dashing Libby*
How have you been, girl?
*waves to Ruby* Goodness, it sounds like you have a very full plate right now. I'll be praying!
Thank you so much, malkah!! Eeek! It sounds like you've been just as (if not more) busy!! Crashed a car? Thank goodness you weren't hurt!
So, are you looking at a new job now?
Hello, nice to have you here! I'm MountainFireflower. You can call me Mountie or Fireflower or whatever your heart desires (except don't call me late for dinner). I completely understand about NaNo - I was about to give up until I got a breath of fresh wind in my sails. I'll be praying for you and all you have going on!
Very, very nice to meet you! As you might have noticed, I like the nickname Mountie. I like nicknames, especially this one. Thank you so much for your prayers.
*waves to Edmund P* Heeey! Whatdya know? It's another long-gone familiar face on the forums!!
Good to see you on here!
As for tackling stores at 3 a.m. the morning of Black Friday, I must say, I'm impressed. No, my family has never done that, but it sounds like fun! I went shopping (however) Friday afternoon. We have a couple of fun resale shops here in town and then I used my Christmas Hastings gift card (from Christmas '08 ).
Dat was fun.
Wow! Both of you are really busy and sound like you're going through quite a bit right now, I'll pray for you both!!!
Thank you so much, Queen Susan!! You all are so encouraging, thanks again!
Well, I probably should be off now. It's getting a wee bit late!
God bless, everyone!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
comes in singing "There's A Place For Us" by Carrie Underwood
only 10 days until Narnia!
Ruby: hi! how have you been!
I am doing well!
I am playing Mary in my church's Rock Opra Christmas play this year and the first performance is friday, so I am gearing up for that!
what have you been up to?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hi Libby! A rock opera Christmas play sounds like fun! I hope it all goes well. Tell me all about it when you're done!
I'm gearing up for a ski trip. Should be fun, despite the fact that I've never skiied before. Trying new things is always fun because you absolutely have no idea what to expect and so I always do new things a little more fearlessly than others...
Also, this Friday, I'm organizing our dance school's dance dress rehearsal since my teacher can't make it. That should be interesting.
And it looks like a group of friends and I are going ice skating this week as well, which I'm really looking forward to too! So I have quite a lot on my plate this week, but I'm excited about all of it.
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15