*Comes in rubbing eyes* Hello, everyone! I'm glad to see the Square has picked up...somewhat.
In the past 32 hours I've only gotten about 2 hours of sleep, so I'm hoping this post still sounds sane.
I loved reading the conversation between your siblings, Lady L! That really had me laughing, especially, "I thought she turned into a lamp post!"
Anyways, it's good to see you around and I'm glad college is still going good for you.
A happy, happy (belated) birthday to King Lune!!
You finished all the seasons?
Yep I have seen them all twiceI really like them!
Yes, I've finished all 3 seasons. I'm thinking about re-watching them, I really miss the show now that it's over.
Do you have a favorite episode?
*waves to Libby* How have you been? Excited about VDT coming out soon?
Alright, I'm going to go catch up on homework before I fall asleep. Have a good evening, Square Ones!
Official Communication from His Majesty, King Lune, Ruler of Archenland (and those other places that Lady A does go on about):
We (the Royal We, of course) extend Our thanks to all Square Onions for the wishes, posts, and messages delivered to Our Person upon Our Natal Day (STOP) Especially appreciated was the over-abundance of root beer and the oddly-shaped cake (what was that- a tennis racquet?) donated by Our favorite Hobbit, Jo (STOP)
Unfortunatorily©, We are afraid that That Dragon of Cor's became somewhat tipsy-ed from all the hoo-ha (STOP) Of course, the upside being that the tapestries were unscathed when Said Dragon had a sneezing fit later in the evening (STOP)
And now, We must attend to affairs of State and all that rot (STOP)
Carry on!
Archenland Union Telegraph Service
(right behind the Cracker Barrel at the Bulgy Bears exit)
"No matter where you go, there you are." - My Dad
*Lady Amalthea includes the following addendum to the esteemed King Lune's telegraph*
Thank you all for helping to make His Majesty's birthday extra special!
Extra thanks to That Excellent Hobbit, Jo who so graciously assisted me after I assisted the dunking booth technician. I suppose such a contraption was a bit silly when the temperatures are so temperamental, but it did make Vern's fire more enjoyable!
Oh dear, I forgot to stop.......
The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning. - Aslan
*enters into the square on a fair Thursday morning munching on some un-fair meat* It is only un-fair because this particular piece of meat just does not taste very, uh... tasteful...
Anyway enough with tasteful and stuff!
Good Mortereve to you all!
Ben: aw, I hope you get better soon!
yeah, it's weird.....I had to start all over again
very annoying.
oh well, I'm back!![]()
Thanks Libby I hope I do too
Yes, I've finished all 3 seasons.
I'm thinking about re-watching them, I really miss the show now that it's over.
Do you have a favorite episode?
Yeah when we finally got to the last episode I could hardly believe it was over, so I just had to watch them again
Oh wow! That would be so hard! No I could never pick a favorite too many good ones
So are you going to go to the Fort Meyers Lion Party?
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes in singing "Broken Heart" by Falling Up"
did you see the Dawn Treader clip?
Pogginfan: I am doing well! and you?
I am totally looking forward to VotDT!
only 21 more days!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Yes, I know it is belated, but...
To his magesty, king lune for surviving another year!!! Woot.
On another note, all!
It is good to be back in the square once again. Life has been quite good to me, aside from the getting myself in a... Instresting situation over the past few days. But um... Onto brighter topics, such as football, ehh.
Considering we only won two games and a forfit, not so bright... I'm almost done my nano though. Only got a few thousand words to go. So that is good, basketball started monday, excited about that . Woot.
GAH! Libby! Spoilers! covers eyes
If you ain't first, you're last.
Good mortereve, Squaries!
I'm really getting excited about VDT. It's coming out so soon, and I really can't believe it's almost here after all this waiting! It just hit me today how close it really is.
Yeah when we finally got to the last episode I could hardly believe it was over, so I just had to watch them again
I know! I just re-watched 'Boy in the Iceburg' the other day, and it was kinda weird. They all look so...young. I hadn't noticed any physical changes in them as I was watching the series, but it seems the makers gradually grew them up to the point where I didn't even notice. I mean, Aang almost looks babyish to me in the first episode.
Oh wow! That would be so hard! No I could never pick a favorite too many good ones
Same here, same here. Maybe when I finish re-watching it I'll be able to pick out a couple favorite episodes. Do you have a favorite character?
So are you going to go to the Fort Meyers Lion Party?
You know, I really really want to, but I don't think I can. It's a pretty far drive from where I'm at, and not only that, it would cost like 60 bucks in gas. So the chances of me going are extremely slim.
Are you going?
I am doing well! and you?
I am totally looking forward to VotDT!![]()
only 21 more days!
Awesome! I'm doing great, too.
I know, it's just around the corner! I can't believe how close it is.
You're going spoiler free, Joe? That would kill me.
Alright, I'm heading back to my studies. Have a good evening, everyone!
Hello, SquareOnions, and Happy Friday!
Great message there, King Lune. Your Majesty has such a great sense of humor.
I spy some conversation about Avatar: TLA...
...I just re-watched 'Boy in the Iceburg' the other day, and it was kinda weird. They all look so...young. I hadn't noticed any physical changes in them as I was watching the series, but it seems the makers gradually grew them up to the point where I didn't even notice. I mean, Aang almost looks babyish to me in the first episode.
Ditto that observation. I didn't start regularly watching until season 2, and had to catch up by watching season 1 on DVD. We could tell the changes in Aang by then - and by the end of the series it's even more different. Not only in Aang, but in the some of the goofiness of those first few episodes.
For favorite characters, I'd pick Uncle Iroh, followed by Toph. Piandao was a great incidental character from season 3.
Benjamin, are your graphics from "The Blind Bandit"? That is one of my favorite episodes, and begins a pretty intense story arc that brings them into Ba Sing Se for the season finale. Hmm, if I'm not careful I might convince myself to review the last 2/3 of the series.
Lion Parties are great fun! I have fond memories from the ones I've been to. Meeting other NarniaWebbers is one of the best parts of all! (Not yet sure which one we're going to this year).
I've adhered to the "Middle Way" in terms of spoilers, and am pleased with that. The big plot changes that are in the trailers and all over GMD weren't a surprise, and yet I got to enjoy some of the positive stuff (and changes) in the movie because I wasn't spoilered by them.[/ramble]
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*Yawns* Ah, hello SquareOnions! It's been so long since I've posted in here. It's quite depressing! But I've been busy NaNoWriMo and school, among other things.
Also, I am currently sick with an annoying cold that prevented me from going to see Harry Potter at midnight with my friends. *grumbles* But I guess it's for the best, since there's no use in me running myself down any more than I already am.
Next week, we've got a huge test in anatomy class where we have to memorize all the bones! And foramens. And tubercles. And fossas, and processes, and spines - pretty much every little bump, indentation, or groove on the bones. Fun, right? I've heard accounts from more than one classmate of them dreaming of bones, and naming off the parts in their sleep. Gee, I wish I could study like that!
Anyway, I'm sitting here with my laptop, an enormous pile of index cards to memorize, and a cup of tea that I forgot about until just now. It's cold! Oh dear! I need to go microwave it!
I'll try once more to keep up in here - once December rolls around, I think things will get a little less crazy.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
comes in singing "There's a Place For Us" by Carrie Underwood
Joe: what? you used to be a Spoiled Rotten minion! why did you switch?
lol only 19 more days!!!!!
*waves to Silver* hi! how are you?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good mortereve, Squaries!
]We could tell the changes in Aang by then - and by the end of the series it's even more different. Not only in Aang, but in the some of the goofiness of those first few episodes.
Agreed. And, I don't know if this is just me, but I think the animation is better in seasons 2 and 3. The movements are more...smooth, I guess.
For favorite characters, I'd pick Uncle Iroh, followed by Toph. Piandao was a great incidental character from season 3.
Wow, I think you might be the first person I've talked to who hasn't said Zuko is their favorite character.
I have a lot of trouble picking my favorite character, because if I pick one, I feel like I'm leaving the others out. But if I had to choose, I would also pick Uncle Iroh, probably followed by Katara.
Piandao was Sokka's master, right? That was a great episode. Sokka finally got some spotlight.

Benjamin, are your graphics from "The Blind Bandit"? That is one of my favorite episodes, and begins a pretty intense story arc that brings them into Ba Sing Se for the season finale.
Ooh, another great episode. One awesome introduction to Toph.
Anyways, you probably don't remember this, gazer, but it was your recommendation that led me into watching Avatar. So thank you very much for that.
*comes in singing a bunch of random songs all at once*
Man, I last posted on page 35. Catch-up time!! How is everyone?
Page 35:
your welcome! lol yes
you like Skillet? really? I am obsessed with their music! yes! they are my favorite band in the whole wide world!
Yes, I like Skillet. I actually didn't like them for a while, but their music started to grow on me. My favorite song is Those Nights. What's yours?
welcome to the square!
ooh that's great! Aww, well maybe you'll get it this Christmas . I usually buy CDs from CBD because they're usually always on sale, or at least lower than retail price .
Oh yeah, good thought! I hope to get it for Christmas, along with an iTouch and the first two seasons of the BBC Robin Hood series. So we'll see how that goes. What is CBD?
Page 36:
Mountie's here! Welcome to the Square!
Yay, dot, it's good to see you! I love being here! And I love that nickname! So far you're the only one who's called me that.
How are you?
Page 37:
@ MountainFireFlower. Greetings and welcome to Square! It's always nice to have someone stop lurking about and make their presence known. It can get a bit disconcerting with all those "lurkers" about.
*ahem* Anyway, my name is PrinceCor though you can just call me Cor if you like. And the dragon over there by the chocolate tree is Vern.
*Vern waves to the young lady. Could I interest you in a chocolate covered apple, miss? *
BTW, Vern is quite harmless..... unless you happen to be a prince who is a marked man by LL and His Royal Dragon-ness who seem to get the greatest pleasure by dumping you into the fountain.
Thank you for the welcoming. 'Tis quite pleasant here, and rather nice not to always be sneaking about. I've also been relieved to put my hood down for once, it can get rather stuffy in there.
Nice to meet you, Cor... and Vern. I am somewhat skeptical as the concept of chocolate covered apples is new to me, but I'd love to try one. You're quite fortunate to have residence by a chocolate tree.
Oh, well, I'm safe, I believe, since I'm not a marked man. I'm just a reformed lurker, at least in this thread.
*waves to everyone instead*
Hey Meltintalle! Good to see you around! I like your username, although it took me a while to type it right. It sounds Elvish. Also, I love your sig. You've seen the movie? Jealous!
I haven't posted in the LoESRM recently. It's getting a bit.. content-less, I have to admit. Still, fun to read.
Ooh, Times is one of my favourites too. The bridge is so beautiful. I really like By Your Side, Beloved and Satisfied, and from the new album (not so new anymore ) You Are More, Empty My Hands and Oh My Dear. But really, I love almost all their songs, as you can probably see.
Apart from that.. Deas Vail, Lifehouse, Owl City, Relient K, The Rocket Summer, Starfield and Switchfoot are some of my favourite bands.
(I'm playing Ocean Eyes right now and my dad just laughed his head off at the words to "Dental Care" )
Okay, cool. You can call me AC.. or Kathy, or somethingelse. But under no circumstances are you to call me Air Conditioner.
(Wow, another long quote!)
Yes, the LoESRM has improved lately in terms of content, although I am somewhat of a silent lurker there as of late. (I guess I'm not a completely reformed lurker yet.)
Ooh, I like all of those from the first album. Beloved is one of my favorites; it really helped me understand the love Christ has for his bride, the church. I still don't own the newest CD but I recently heard You Are More. It's one of my favorites now. Have you seen the music video? It's pretty powerful. I agree, all of TAN's songs are... amazing. They definitely have a gift.
I like Lifehouse (my favorite song is You and Me because I can play it on the guitar), Owl City, Relient K, and Switchfoot too. I haven't heard much music from the others but I should look them up.
Ha, after you said that, I just had to look up Dental Care. It made me laugh out loud (literally), especially because I had an upcoming dentist appointment. It's hilarious!
Haha, okay, not Air Conditioner then. AC works for me. Hope you're doing well!
Page 38:
Thank-you, FireFlower! (Do you mind if I call you that?) I like it as well. There's a marine station on the Washington coast called Rosario where my family sometimes goes over the summer -- it's as close to perfection as a place can get. (Mountains, trees, bonfires, and beaches make everything nice!)
My sister's username was PrincessRosario, and so I felt it fitting to be Miss Rosario.
Oh, no, I don't mind! That is so cool, and that place sounds beautiful. I've not been to the coast since I was really little, much less Washington, but I'd love to go again. I wish I could see the beach & the ocean! I love the mountains, trees, and bonfires too so that place sounds just about heavenly.
Gotcha. I figured you and PrincessRosario had to be related in some way.
On other news... Today I went to see "To Save A Life" It was a really well done movie! I am seriously impressed! I can't believe the things that the kids in that movie went through. well, I'm not one to put spoilers in so I'll leave you be as afar as that is concerned.
Thanks for not including spoilers. I haven't seen that movie yet, but I want to. I've heard it's really good.
Glad you decided to pop in here MountainFireflower
Thanks! I love it! Catching up is the only thing I don't like.
Yeah I did not like him! Though I do a little more now because of his "goodside" but he is still...ekk.
Ugh, don't get me started. Guy is so... gross. As if he himself wasn't bad enough, I hate his hair in the third season. His hair is a whole other issue. Blech.
I like the Emma Thompson version of S&S...though Alan Rickman as Col. Brandon reminds me of Marvin the Paranoid Android from the latest Hitchhiker's Guide movie, as he voiced that part.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that! No wonder I had a strange feeling of dejavu the whole time I watched S&S.
Page 39:
NaNoWriMo is in full swing, and I have written 27,635 words so far. I'm enjoying it and though I don't like everything that I've written, it can always be edited later.
Yay, Djaq's here! How are you doing? And how's NaNo going? (Or, how did it go, in case you get this after November's over?
) I'm behind but that's okay, I didn't think I'd get to 50k anyways due to having a friend visit for a week.
Okay, I think I answered everybody... if I didn't, just let me know.
*dashes off to enjoy her pizza*
av by dot
I have to say it's a relief to come back on here after practically a month to see that things haven't been moving too quickly. I'm guessing that most of that is due to NaNoWriMo.
Seeing as that's as good as place as any to start with an update, let's start with NaNoWriMo...well, about a week ago, my plans took an unexpected turn. Hehe. Seems my plans are always doing that. Ah, well. I've learned not to mind so much.
My mom talked with a university piano professor about me taking lessons with her. We (my mom and I) have been talking about taking lessons from this professor for a long time. But we always thought that I would concurrently enroll before taking lessons. Well, my mother talked about tuition with her and wasn't that expensive to have private lessons. Concurrently enrolling would be cheaper, but I really need the experience...these are the first "real" piano lessons I've had in my entire life.
So I took my first lesson. I have a lovely teacher. She's really sweet. But I have a lot of catching up to do. I'm practicing at least an hour a day, practically in all the spare time I have. In the midst of all this, NaNoWriMo just sort of fell off my radar. I still love my novel, as much as I got written of it. And I hope to keep working on it...but it's not getting finished this month.
And then the month of December...sheesh, that's going to be crazy! I'll be gone on a trip for over a week. So I'm going to have to work ahead on my schoolwork and then I'll probably have catching up to do when I get back. And I'm going to miss our dance school's Christmas recital and our choir's Christmas concert.
But at the same time I'm practically organizing this dance recital (even though I can't make it to it). And I'm extremely worried about our choir. I'm like the strongest alto in it and I'm afraid our section is just sort of gonna die without me. We've really improved, but still, I'm nervous...
Going on a trip is, I guess, rather providential. Because, the dance recital and the choir concert were scheduled on the same day. So I would be running from the dance recital to the concert. I would be so tired and I would have horrible dance hair (curly, frizzy, with a large crease in it from my head band ). The only thing I'm really, really, really worried about is my schoolwork. I've just started getting my grades up in Algebra while actually understanding all the concepts...I'd love it if you all prayed for me. I'm a bit frazzled.
Of course, this is all in the future. Why am I even worrying about this right now? Today is a beautiful day. I mean beautiful. It was freezing just a couple of days ago, but today you would think it was spring, not the verge of winter! I love it! We have fields and fields of bright green winter wheat in the surrounding rural areas. It's so lovely to drive through!! I'm always tired Saturdays and I always feel wretched Sunday morning, but I always, always find that going to church is absolutely worth it. No matter how tired or sick I feel.
And then, just in general, God's been answering my prayers over and over, with means I never would have expected. I've just been so amazed!!
By the way, a big HELLO to everyone on the Square. It's good to be back and it feels like I've been gone for forever.
I'll be "bottling off" now...see y'all!!
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Hello, SquareOnions!
We had freezing rain here overnight, and regular snow is expected tonight, so I've been laying low today. Snow we can handle, ice not so much. I even got an email about church services being cancelled this morning.
...it was your recommendation that led me into watching Avatar. So thank you very much for that.
'Twas my pleasure! Glad you liked it. The show was quite good, but I can't quite endorse the recent live-action movie adaptation, unfortunately.
Welcome back to the Square, RubyGamgee! Nice to see you here. I like your description of the nice weather and the wheat outside. It's hard to imagine, looking outside here, anything being green other than that big white pine in the yard. Maybe in 5 months or so.
Sounds like you're very busy!
My NaNo is beginning to wrap up. There are just a few plot points to flesh out, and one big problem to resolve, and then it's done, except for the editing and fun stuff like that. I think it'll top out around 70k.
*dashes off to enjoy her pizza*
I'm having pizza tonight as well. Then, I think I'll watch PC. I haven't seen it for quite a while.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*enters the square doing nothing very dramatic...*
Good Mortereve everyone!
did you see the Dawn Treader clip?
Which one?
Lil Joe! Bout time you showed up in here again!
I know!
I just re-watched 'Boy in the Iceburg' the other day, and it was kinda weird. They all look so...young. I hadn't noticed any physical changes in them as I was watching the series, but it seems the makers gradually grew them up to the point where I didn't even notice. I mean, Aang almost looks babyish to me in the first episode.
Yeah it was crazy when I went back and watched it again!
Same here, same here.
Maybe when I finish re-watching it I'll be able to pick out a couple favorite episodes. Do you have a favorite character?
Hmm... Hard thing to answer as well I love Uncle Iroh, he is so funny and then you see his serious side later on in the series. Sokka is great too! I don't know they are all just great!
You know, I really really want to, but I don't think I can. It's a pretty far drive from where I'm at, and not only that, it would cost like 60 bucks in gas.
So the chances of me going are extremely slim.
Are you going?
I was thinking for I bit that I might be able to go but I did not realize that is was a three hour drive from here... So then I thought maybe I would just do one here, and then my family decided to go on a little trip to Louisiana and what dates would they choose but the 5th through the 12th? So It looks like there will be no Lion Party for me
For favorite characters, I'd pick Uncle Iroh, followed by Toph. Piandao was a great incidental character from season 3.
Who is Piandao? I don't recognize the name Thogh after watching it two times I should have...
Benjamin, are your graphics from "The Blind Bandit"? That is one of my favorite episodes, and begins a pretty intense story arc that brings them into Ba Sing Se for the season finale. Hmm, if I'm not careful I might convince myself to review the last 2/3 of the series.
I think that my Avvie is from that episode. Yeah it is a great one! So funny!
Lion Parties are great fun! I have fond memories from the ones I've been to. Meeting other NarniaWebbers is one of the best parts of all! (Not yet sure which one we're going to this year).
I wish I could make it to one! But due to the reasons I explained to Pogginfan I can't
Thanks! I love it!
Catching up is the only thing I don't like.
Yeah, too bad catchup takes so long (at least sometimes it takes a long time).
Ugh, don't get me started. Guy is so... gross. As if he himself wasn't bad enough, I hate his hair in the third season. His hair is a whole other issue. Blech.
I did not see the last season (due to warnings about how annoying it was) but I did see a picture of his hair.
*waves to Danielle*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!