comes in singing "To The Wolves" by Anberlin
hey everyone!
long time no see
I am so happy with the new VotDT trailer!
I just saw a movie called "Saving Sarah Cain" and it's awesome! I cried!!!!! and I laughed. that movie is an emotional roller coaster! lol
Ben: haha yeah
so how have you been?
by the way, if you don't see me on facebook it's because facebook is weird. it deleted my account. I might have to start over
more on that soon.....
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
NaNo in full swing is right, DJ!! Personally, I'm kind of glad the square is slow. (SUPER SLOW!) It helps me not feel behind on yet another thing. Actually, I'm keeping up with everything fairly well.
So... yeah. Hope you all are doing well! *leaves to get some writing done.*
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
*enters glowing with jealousy* I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!
So you know what my brother told me last night? That Mark Johnson (The producer of the Narnia Films) gave him two tickets for the RED CARPET, Premiere (not the London one) of The Dawn Dreader! So he and his wife are going! I can't believe this! And you have no clue how jealous I was!
So I thought I would drop by and tell you all about it...
*leaves still growing with jealousy*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Thank you, Djaq, for reviving the Square. Wow, you've got a lot of words written for Nano!
Keep it up! I'm pretty much failing in Nano this year, but you have now inspired me to go write some more.
So who here has read the Winnie-the-pooh books by A.A. Milne?
*raises hand* I have! I'm taking a Children's lit. class and have been reading them. They're really cute and witty, and just really enjoyable.
By they way, awesome graphics. I love that episode of TLA. I just finished the last episode of the series the other day, actually.
Have you seen the whole thing?
*waves to Libby* How have you been?
*pops in to say she misses the Square, the Onions, and Vern*
I am still alive. College is going pretty well. I'm loving my clinical and learning loads of stuff—to the point that I'm not sure how I'm storing all of it.
Anyways, I shall leave you with the scenario that occurred the other day when I subjected my siblings to watching the theatrical trailer with me. Background, the both read the books when they were younger, but they never fell in love the way I did. Anyways, here it is:
"She's still around? I thought she was dead; didn't she turn into a lamppost?" (I believe MN was contributing this idea. . .)
"Wait. . . are there orcs in Narnia?! "
"Yeah! Why's the sword GLOWING?"
"Hang on, I thought the oldest two—"Me:It's a dream sequence! It's stupid marketing! They aren't back! *continues ranting*
"What's the blast of blue glowyness?"
Brownies to anyone who can figure out what points those are referring to in the trailer.
My reaction about it? It looks good, the colors are gorgeous! I'm allowing myself to be cautiously optimistic again.
Well, I'd love to chat longer, but I cannot. Sweet dreams, happy posting, and God bless!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12
Love, love, LOVE your conversation, Lady_Liln! Especially the part about "didn't she turn into a lamppost"?
Oh my. Fantastic! (I, too, have become somewhat more optimistic again, although with a good dose of caution thrown in, to be sure.)
Anyway, I ditto exactly your line "*pops in to say she misses the Square, the Onions, and Vern*". It's been way too long since I've been able to come by the dear, cozy, and friendly Square, but I think of you Onions often, and hope to be on here again at some point. Hmm, maybe, instead of catching up, I should just post wee posts, like this one, then I'd be on more often.
Further up and further in!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Hello, SquareOnions!
"What's the blast of blue glowyness?"
That's a great line!
NaNo is in full swing indeed! I'm impressed that a couple of NarniaWebbers have already surpassed the 50,000 word goal and some others are closing in on it. I'm having fun exploring my characters' backstories this year.
Less than 3 days ago we were enjoying a summer-like 70F. Now we have 6 inches of wet, heavy, 'heart-attack' snow on the ground - some big branches have snapped on our trees - with 6-12 more on the way. The kids nex door have already made a snowman. Time to break out some Christmas music.
I'll also try a short and sweet post here this time...
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Mortereve all!
Wow, it seems like it's been forever since I've been here, and yet there's hardly anything to catch up on!
Seriously Guy is the bad guy so why should I like him?
Well, he's a likable character and you can at least sympathize with him, whereas Marian is hard to like.
*waves to LL* Good to see you drop by! Love the conversation you had with your siblings. I'm also optimistic for the movie. After PC, it can't be too bad.
Ah, gazer you already have snow? Lucky! Sorry it's the wet, slushy stuff. That's a pain to shovel, but it makes for the best snowballs! Meanwhile, we're still in the full swing of a lovely New England fall.
Have a great mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*A runner enters the Square, running*
Toot-to-ta-toot! *he blows a blast on his horn and then momentarily plays "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy From Company C" before composing himself and fulfilling his duty*
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Lady Amalthea, Queen of Archenland, Duchess of Anvard, and Empress of A Small Island Off The Coast of Neverland (recently acquired) has an announcement to make:
Due to circumstances beyond her control, today is the Royal King Lune's birthday and she is late with the announcement.
*The runner tucks the bugle under his arm and runs back to the castle. Meanwhile, Lady Amalthea enters the Square followed by several fauns, centaurs, and Bulgy Bears*
Thank you for making the pronouncement, Cervil! You did an excellent job, as usual.
In honor of King Lune's birthday, we have provided a fanciful feast for all the Square Onions. I think I was able to provide everyone's favorites - since the trays are magical you have only to think of what you would like and "presto" there it is! Vern did make a special request for lots and lots of root beer, so I hope 12 barrels will be enough.
*Lady Amalthea directs the crew in setting up the festivities - complete with ring toss, cake walk, and dunking booth.*
M'lady, I'm having difficulty with the dunking booth. Could you give me some assistance please?
Certainly, Horace. What do I need to do?
Could you climb up on the ladder and push that lever? I will adjust it whilst you push....
*Lady Amalthea naively climbs the ladder, pushes the lever, and waits for the adjustment....*
*We interrupt this post due to technical error....*
The term is over: the holidays have begun. The dream is ended: this is the morning. - Aslan
Great post as always, Lady A! I had to stifle the laughter to keep from waking other at this hour during which the old day becomes the new.
A very happy (though now belated in this time zone) birthday to His Majesty King Lune. I blame that foot of snow for my delay in arriving to the Square - or NaNo, that's kept me busy as well.
Now I'll be humming "Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy" tonight...
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*sees that there has been a royal posting and hurries in to see what's up*
Many, many happy returns of the day to King Lune! It sounds like a wonderful party, despite a somewhat unfortunate incident at the dunk tank.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Now you've got that tune stuck in my head, Lady A. Fun stuff! Love their tight harmonies!
What a wonderful celebratory post (aside from the most unfortunate incident at the end). And dear King Lune, oh greatest King of Archenland (and the Dunkt Ank), hoping you had a most mahhhvelous birthday in celebration of the years you have been given.
And in case we need more root beer ...
But, now, a cake. What will do for the King? I know!
*hoists the Lady out of the dunk tank and sets her by the fire (that Vern began) to dry, so she can enjoy the rest of the festivities ... in a relatively dry state*
to you both! Love having you in the Square again!
Wait, Vern ... VERN! That cake is for the King. ....... Oh, good grief.
PrinceCor, I think we need your help here.
EDIT after simul-posting with 'dot': *waves cheerily to daughter of the King below, and to Mel above*
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
*stumbles sleepily into the Square*
Does anyone have any idea how very many things are due before Thanksgiving?!?
Anyhow, I haven't posted in here for a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very long time and I have missed the Square and all its lovely Onions so! And I am not going to be able to catchup.
And I probably won't be able to even make an attempt at catching up until after finals week (which is right around when VDT comes out!!).
But I've been reading everyone's posts when I get a chance and trying to keep up with what everybody's been doing!
*waves long and hard to everybody* I'll try to stop in after the semester is over, or maybe before if I get my homework done.
Edit after cross-posting with jo: a very happy belated birthday to His Majesty King Lune.
Good Mortereve all!
So it looks like I will be taking weekly piano lessons in exchange for some painting I will be doing for my teacher. Which is really nice for us both for she needs teh painting and I need the teaching
I could not go to my last one due to a very bad cold I have! Colds are so annoying!
Ok catchup time
Ben: haha yeah
so how have you been?
by the way, if you don't see me on facebook it's because facebook is weird. it deleted my account. I might have to start over
more on that soon.....
Pretty good other than a VERY annoying cold!
Hmm that is odd that it deleted it! I did noticed how you asked me to be friends again so I guess that is why
*raises hand* I have!
I'm taking a Children's lit. class and have been reading them. They're really cute and witty, and just really enjoyable.
By they way, awesome graphics. I love that episode of TLA.I just finished the last episode of the series the other day, actually.
Have you seen the whole thing?
They are so good! I have really enjoyed reading them lately.
Thanks You finished all the seasons?
Yep I have seen them all twice I really like them!
Well, he's a likable character and you can at least sympathize with him, whereas Marian is hard to like.
He is likable and I can sympathize with him but he just gets on my nerves how he goes back and forth form good and bad, but of course the sheriff is to blame for that. Marian does get on my nerves too but she is easier to like because she is one of the 'good' ones
Lady A I very much enjoyed your post! And may King Lune have a most wonderful day!
*waves to Queen Susan, Lady Lin, Jo, Stargazer, Mel and daughter of the King*
Well I shall be departing about now
Namárië to you all!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes in singing "Crazy Love" by Hawk Nelson
Ben: aw, I hope you get better soon!
yeah, it's weird.....I had to start all over again
very annoying.
oh well, I'm back!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are