*a strangely familiar figures steps into the shadow of the fountain... Then he springs out for a very LOUD hello to all the Onions*
So I decided I would pop in here on this fine (but hot) Sunday afternoon! Course I only think that it is hot because I was sitting out in the sun just now reading The Silver Chair... But it is still hot just not CRAZY hot haha .
Well just a few things have I done since last I have been in here
First we got into a house! It is a vacation rental that we are rented for just a few months till me find a house that has some land that will suit us. It is nice to be back in a house!
And then I have done some other things such as Ice skating, some really fun football with friends and then I must not leave out working! Haha.
Now I shall start some catchup
Page 34:
yay! Ali and I did two more videos!
here they are:.........Ben: hi! welcome back! glad to hear you had a safe trip!
The veggies tales video is pretty funny! I love the end where Ali comes taring in on you
Thank you
what?! It's not like brushing my teeth extra is going to hurt them!
Well you might rub your tooth enamel off
Well probably not if you brush right but it is not necessary
I know I know
. So what is it supposed to mean exactly?
Nothing really it is just a funny phrase to use My sister-in-law just likes to say things like that just to be funny
did you even listen to it?
No But did you ever watch TT?
Glad you decided to pop in here MountainFireflower
It's nice to have you back again, Ben. Glad you had such a fun cruise! And you went to Jamaica? Very cool. My mom went there as a student missionary for one year.And you saw iguanas? My dad used to go to the Galapagos Islands a lot, and he'd see iguanas all the time. One sneezed on him, actually.
Thank you Yes Jamaica was very fun! I would like to go there again some time.
Oh wow! One grabbed him! That must have hurt!
*shakes head* Boys....
Oh, and thanks for the picture of the new boardwalk -- it looks super cool!
(Especially since it's practically transparent -- fun!!)
*shall haunt Ben's facebook until she finds cruise pictures* ...Wait. That didn't sound creepy at all...
Yeah it would be just a tad freaky to go out on it and look down
And after all of your haunting did you find them?
Page 35:
Hmm, maybe . . not so much.
Haha I was just joking if you did not know
Page 36:
Yay! I never really hated Guy either (Ben did
Yeah I did not like him! Though I do a little more now because of his "goodside" but he is still...ekk.
Really, Ben hated him? I never thought he was that unlikable. Now, the sheriff, on the other hand, was awful!
I don't know if I said hated but I did not like him Though he did have a couple times he almost became good
Page 37:
@ Ben. Somehow I'm not surprised in the least...
Oh neat! Sooo, the big question, how did you like the state?
Never been down to Louisiana before.... hope you had a good time!
I liked it a lot more this visit! I did not remember how pretty it was! Though it is not pretty everywhere
How is it where you live?
It was a great time, thanks!
Well that is it! At least I think it is I sure hope I did not miss any
If so just haler at me
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*waves to anyone lurking nearby*
There was a fall party at school tonight that I was planning to attend, and then I got sick (...or, half sick). Since all of the activities were going to be outdoors, I just decided to stay home. Doughnuts and ice cream didn't sound particularly appetizing anyway.
So, here I am with a whole lot of time on my hands. Anyone around?
EDIT: Right, Cor. We totally, definitely, and absolutely have our reasons. (That sounded suspicious!
Ah, thanks for the clarification, Vern. I guess it'll have to be a leg hug -- you're a bit too tall for my short arms.
Very true. As long as they don't make the Last Battle, I'll be all right. I couldn't bear to watch a horrible adaption of my favorite book.
As do I. I especially love playing romantic pieces on the violin. So beautiful!
*waves to Jillhope*
Yay for finding a house, Ben! That's really neat.
Yeah it would be just a tad freaky to go out on it and look down
.... Just a tad.
Uh, well... *clears throat*. I don't believe I ever did. I didn't haunt as religiously as I had planned.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Good Mortereve everyone! And how are all of you on this lovely All Hallow's Eve?
*waves to everybody because she's too lazy to type so many people's names*
*wags finger disapprovingly*
Haha, you can do better than that! Especially as you seem to have every other song in existence off by heart.![]()
*hangs head in shame*
I'm definitely trying to get ahold of The Hobbit, Dot. I really need to take a trip to the out-of-town library.
That's what inter-library loan is for! I think it's the best invention since the printing press. Just fill out a form and I have access to books in Oklahoma, movies in North Dakota........... The only down side is they won't ship books internationally so I can't order books from the UK.
comes in singing "Dead Inside" by Skillet
Miss Rosario: the new trailer? I love it!!!!! it's just awesome! I am so eager, more than ever now, to see the movie!
what's your opinion of the trailer?
Ben: lol yeah that was pretty funny I was going to use my dad's cowboy hat (he has a real one) but we couldn't find it so I used that goofy little one that doesn't fit me anymore (I got it at VBS when I was 6
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
So glad there's not much catchup to do. The past week has been really busy, and so will the next... 5 weeks.
Lately mostly just campaigning...
What problem is he trying to fix by having you wear it? Do you ever get weird stares when you go to the store? (I'd probably go hide in my room for a month.)
Um, an "overbite" I think. Oh, and I never wear it to the store.
So that's no problem.
If I went to Public School and didn't want to wear it to school I might have to wear it shopping and such, but I usually spend enough time at home that I don't have to wear it in public, which is a relief.
I don't wear it as much as I should though.
Hm. I'll just have to wear it for more--weeks I'm guessing... But thanks for the sympathy.
NaNo starts today!!!!!! *is excited*
I still have to do science and about 2 hours of music practicing. So who knows when I'll start writing..
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Hello, everyone!! Catchup time!!
Aiden wrote
Yeah, I'll bet it has! No, that's not weird at all. Although, I think I would read the play before I went to see it. That way I could have a better understanding of the plot, since I might miss some of it live.
I understand that too, and I think I've done it once or twice. But I like to have someone just explain the very basic outline, so I still don't know whats going to happen.
But either way is cool. And I totally agree, with Shakespeare, I often don't understand the first half of the play, I have to get used to the language.
I see. If I'm ever up late on the computer, my dad is usually up on his, too. We're both computer people, so we're often both up late working on our computers.
Yes, yes, exactly! The worst is getting up for school.![]()
Mmhm, I understand.
Lately, getting up for anything is miserable. I'm so tired, all the time . . though a few nights ago, I got to sleep by 9:00!! That was amazing.
Miss R. wrote
Neat! I just watched the LotR movies a month or so ago, but I have yet to read the books. Hopefully I'll be able to nab them soon.
Cool, you really should read the books, they're so amazing. I wonder, since you watched the movie first, if you'll like it better than the books. . . By the way, did you like the books? lol
That's super cool about the Tenth Avenue North concert! I've been keeping my eyes open for one happening near us -- the closest I've found was in Chicago, which is two hours each way. I wouldn't mind driving that far, but my parents would rather not. At least, not for a Tenth Avenue North concert.
Whoa... you were also in a play of Cheaper by the Dozen? Haha! That book is hilarious.
It took quite a bit of convincing for my parents to drive us the two hours to the one I went to. Good luck, and I hope you can go to one soon!!
Yes, the play isn't very well written, but I do love the book. It's so hilarious. Have you read the sequel, Belle's on their toes? It's also very good. I should read them again.
The royal Prince wrote
School is going well. Keeping me busy with essays in English, Math homework and tests in History, Music and dreaded math. I'm doing well in all my subjects except for math. I actually do well on the in-class work and homework, but my mind seems to go blank on test days.
Oh yes, I can associate with "dreaded math". Not one of my favorite subjects. It is so annoying when that happens. Even in doing something like - hmm, take piano for instance. You can play a song over and over again at home, by yourself. And then you go to perform it and - it's out of your head.
Oh, I love S&S! It's one of my favorite movies! Did you like it?
That's done.
Last night I went to bed as Destined and Betsie had a sleepover, and stayed up until - well, I don't really want to know - to start on NaNoWrimo. And we convinced another friend to do it! I wish I could . .
Bye, everyone!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Random remarks for the Town Square:
I like the Emma Thompson version of S&S...though Alan Rickman as Col. Brandon reminds me of Marvin the Paranoid Android from the latest Hitchhiker's Guide movie, as he voiced that part.
Good luck to all our NaNo writers this year! Be sure to visit the SO thread devoted to the topic and let us know about your progress and your problems, maybe get some tips and encouragement from other writers, or just to tell us about your story.
Congrats to the Giants, who just won their first World Series since 1954 - even I wasn't born yet then!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Poor guy. He was confused.
Ha. Your rabbit sounds a bit like some of ours; only none of ours were ever potty trained. They used a litterbox.
I'm glad you were retrieved from the strange world of non-existence... that must have been a strange experience.
Cor, it's nice to see you and Vern as well. You could say "Hello" to the Royal Couple for me, since we haven't seen them here for awhile.
*is also fond of the '95 S&S* *tries to imagine Col. Brandon as an Android after reading stargazer's post* That's... different. But... kind of cool. I'm sure Mr. Rickman did a fantastic job.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Mortereve all!
Sad to see the Giants win the World Series last night. It was funny... I turned on the game right at the last pitch. Ah well.
Also disappointing to see the Colts get such a decisive win last night, and secure themselves as first in their division. Anyway, good to see both the Steelers and the Jets loose Sunday!
Nick: Mm, yes. Bread is always good. My family goes through loaves in an incredibly short amount of time.
Oh? That's interesting. I always love trying out different cultural foods. (Not so much Indian, however. The curries set my mouth on fire.)
Oh, yes, bread is fantastic.
I always shy away from cultural foods, for good reason. There are very few that I like.
And, about your thoughts on vegetarianism, I imagine that represents the view of most vegetarians. Just so long as you don't believe it's wrong to eat meat.
@ NN. It's helped me decide on a few soundtracks to put on my Christmas list, actually.
You might also try The Haunting and The Wolfman. The latter might be more up your alley than the first, melodramatic string writing in a Gothic form. Quite memorable and pretty while also creepy.
Yeah, it's great for checking out something you're considering buying. Usually a 30 second sample is not enough.
Alright, I'll check those out... if I remember.
I don't know if I said hated but I did not like him
Though he did have a couple times he almost became good
But you liked Marian better than him, right?
I understand that too, and I think I've done it once or twice. But I like to have someone just explain the very basic outline, so I still don't know whats going to happen.
But either way is cool. And I totally agree, with Shakespeare, I often don't understand the first half of the play, I have to get used to the language.
I know what you mean. If you're unfamiliar with the play, it helps to know the basic plot beforehand, but you might now want to spoil it by reading t.
Sure, and that's why I'd probably prefer to read it ahead of time.
Mmhm, I understand.
Lately, getting up for anything is miserable. I'm so tired, all the time . . though a few nights ago, I got to sleep by 9:00!! That was amazing.![]()
Oh, same here. Wow, you're lucky to get to bed that early. It's been a long time since I've gotten to bed by 9. The thing is... once you go to bed late once, it messes up everything. And once you get into a habit of going to bed late, it's really hard to change.
Well, mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*dances into the Square singing "Ding-Dong, Merrily On High!"*
Our choir is singing that song for our Christmas recital and it is stuck in my head.
I'm sorry to say that I don't have time for a full catch up and probably will never be able to catch up all that within this crazy month. All other fellow Narnia Webers doing NaNoWriMo this month, I'm sure understand me. It's just hectic. And I think I'm going insane in the process. Every time I try and type in a web address on my computer, I automatically type in "nanowrimo.org". But I'm really loving it. I'm writing a super-duper fun story. I didn't really outline much of it at all and it looks like it might turn out a lot different than I perhaps planned it, but I'm having so much fun!
It was fantastic in so many ways. I understand now why Brandon Heath has won "male vocalist of the year" at the Dove Awards for what? 2 years in a row now? He has a wonderful voice! And he's really funny, if a bit self-conscious. For his song "Love Is A River", he had all the couples in the room stand up and dance in the isles together. It was so beautiful. The church was a lovely place to host a concert. There were probably more than 800 people there. I never got an exact count.
And then Jars Of Clay was amazing too!!! Eeek! I'm never going to get over them. They are super creative and can all sing in perfect harmony. The lead singer, Dan, instead of talking to explain the songs, he sings! It was so cool! What he had to "say" fit right in with the song, as if they were the lyrics, even though they weren't.
Since the band is celebrating fifteen years as band, they sang a bunch of their old songs on this tour. Which of course I loved, because I know a lot of their old songs really well (though their latest album is my favorite ). For the song "Lay Your Weapons Down", he said "this is what our hearts need to do, when we don't get what we want." That was a paraphrase there, but I hope you understand what he meant. Because it really hit me.
That song, for one, always sort of confused me. Because it's obviously not pacifism. But if not that, then what is it? Well, it's a call to stop fighting against the things that we don't like, the things that are annoying or frustrating us, but are not necessary evil. And submitting to God's will instead and trusting him.
Oh, and did I mention he has a great sense of humor? But I won't even try paraphrasing that...
At the end of the concert, the audience was applauding so loud and for so long, that they came back on stage!!! And sang two more songs with Brandon Heath!!! And then of course we all went and met them after the concert at the signing. We all, being me, my sister Moonie, and one of my other sisters.
And then Moonie and I picked out a little girl from Kenya for Moon to sponsor through blood:water missions and food for the hungry. She was so excited about it, especially after Jars Of Clay signed her Bible.
Sorry I didn't take any pictures of this concert. You'll just have to take my word for it.
I forgot to bring a camera, because early that morning, my whole family drove two hours to a Robotics competition.
It was an exhausting day, but by the evening, I was pumped all over again about going to see Jars Of Clay. Taking a nice snooze on our way to the concert in the car helped too.
And then in other, other news...Sunday afternoon, our choir sang in another concert. A very different, very classical, but still really good concert. It was a concert in honor of an amazing soprano soloist and music professor from Romania. She sang all the songs, but in different songs she would have either her students, the university choir, or the university orchestra play with her. And then of course, in one of the pieces, she had us sing with her. We did very well, not as well as the soloist, but I was so happy that we didn't totally mess up!
Speaking of choir, choir practice has been going great! The basses and tenors are getting a lot more confident and a lot louder (which means the altos and sopranos need to get louder ) and we're all getting better at sight-reading.
My mother says we sound better too, in terms of the quality of our voices, etc...
And then you all can be praying for me, because I am going to take the ACT sometime this winter. I'm not sure exactly when, my mother is still setting up an appointment. But if I pass, which I hope I do, I'll be able to concurrently enroll underneath a really good piano professor in the spring. Eep! I'm so nervous, but I really hope it works out. I've never really had piano lessons, but my mother says I'm surpassing her ability to teach me piano. So I'm really hoping this works out...
And then I can't think of anything else, other than I'm really happy! Because I got all my Algebra home work done today and it wasn't too hard! And I've written over a thousand words already today! Whoot, whoot!
I hope you all are having a fantastic day! I'm really bummed about not being able to get on her regularly and chat with y'all, but hopefully after this month, things might settle down a bit? (Or not.) I guess we'll have to wait and see.
God bless, everyone!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*Comes in and flops down on a bench* Ahh, the Square. Such a lovely place to visit after a crazy week!
So these past few weeks I've had barely anytime to come in here and catch up. I always miss the Square so much when I'm gone for a long time! I've had quite a bit of school this week, plus I'm trying to write my Nano novel, and I was sick which kinda put me behind.
But I'm better now and trying to write my novel and finish school.
I don't why, but I'm not feeling inspired about my Nano novel at all this year. It's like I'm not really excited about it. I really want to be excited, because I really want to do Nano and finish it. Argh. Maybe I'll get into it more once the plot in my story thickens. As for now, I'm just trudging through word after word...
Alright, I'm done rambling. Hopefully tomorrow I'll actually come in and talk to you guys.
Oh, and lastly, I can't believe how close we are to seeing VDT in theaters! I'm getting really excited as it gets closer and closer.
Well I'm going to write some more then crash. Have a lovely night, everyone!
*Exits after boring everyone to death with her random rambles*
Ruby: Wow, concert sounds like it was a lot of fun!! Great!
About NaNo: after looking at people's word counts of 17,000 etc... I feel so behind. 6,000. Must get some writing done tomorrow. ImportantPianoPractice can wait 'til Monday. I guess.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
About NaNo: after looking at people's word counts of 17,000 etc... I feel so behind. 6,000.
Don't feel behind. I'm only at 2,000. I'm planning on doing lots of writing tonight, and taking full advantage of that extra hours sleep.
EDIT: Two days and no new posts?! I'm going to have to blame Nano for this...
*pokes the Square with her finger*
*is alarmed that she receives no response*
*feels for a pulse*
Unresponsive...CPR! Quick!! 1...2...3...4... *proceeds to revive the Square* (I am certified )
*sigh of relief* That's better!
Anyway, I wanted to stop by and apologize for my absence...again! I have been absolutely horrible about keeping up with this thread! I miss you guys!! I started a ketchup post back in October, and I wasn't able to finish it that day...then I wasn't able to finish it the next day...then I think that I left town for the rest of that week...and I haven't touched it since.
I've been reading the posts in here though, so that's half of it, right?
NaNoWriMo is in full swing, and I have written 27,635 words so far. I'm enjoying it and though I don't like everything that I've written, it can always be edited later.
I am SOO proud of all of you other NWebbers who are participating in NaNoWriMo!!! You are all doing fantastic!!
Writing is hard work, and churning out all those words in a day is tough, but keep it up!
I'll stop chattering about NaNo now.
I hope that you are all having a splendid week so far! I'm leaving town on Thursday, and I'll be staying with my sister Thursday night. Then, on Friday night, my family is going to be running a 5K race at an amusement park with some friends of ours. I'm REALLY excited about it!
I've never done any kind of race before, so it'll be interesting.
Mort'reve all!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
*enters the square counting how many seconds it takes him to reach the chocolate tree starting at the Square's fountain* Ah you made me lose count Djaq with your shouting about us being dead or something! We have been dead though!
Anyway hello Square Onions! As I can see you all have been most active, just posting ahoy!
Well I went to my first piano lesson I have taken last Monday! We did not really do much the lady was mainly just checking where I was at so she could know how to start teaching me. I will most likely be going back this next week...
So who here has read the Winnie-the-pooh books by A.A. Milne? If you have not and you have a local library then get one! Even though they are children stories they are so fun to read! A.A. Milne was an amazing writer!
A bit of catchup now
The weather today was wonderful. It was dark and rainy, with a tornado warning all morning. No tornado actually hit the school, but there were a couple spotted nearby. (If one had come, it wouldn't have been such a wonderful morning.)
I love storms, and I love stormy weather. I can handle tornadoes as well, but I like it best when they're far, far away.
I love stormy weather! Especially when it rain REALLY HARD and then it is so fun to go running out in it!
Yay for finding a house, Ben!
That's really neat.
It has proved to be a nice place to stay!
.... Just a tad.
Uh, well... *clears throat*. I don't believe I ever did. I didn't haunt as religiously as I had planned.
Ben: lol yeah that was pretty funny
I was going to use my dad's cowboy hat (he has a real one) but we couldn't find it so I used that goofy little one that doesn't fit me anymore (I got it at VBS when I was 6
Yeah I guess that would be a bit to small now
But you liked Marian better than him, right?
Right Seriously Guy is the bad guy so why should I like him?
NaNoWriMo is in full swing, and I have written 27,635 words so far.
I'm enjoying it and though I don't like everything that I've written, it can always be edited later.
I am SOO proud of all of you other NWebbers who are participating in NaNoWriMo!!! You are all doing fantastic!!![]()
Writing is hard work, and churning out all those words in a day is tough, but keep it up!
I'll stop chattering about NaNo now.![]()
WOW! Bravo Djaq! I think it would be cool to participate in NaNoWriMo sometime but I just don't have the skill
I did start writing a story quite a while back but my lack of knowledge discouraged me. And then I just never picked it back up and then my computer broke (which I keep forgetting to get fixed!) and my story is on there so till I get my computer fixed I will not be able to access that story. But I did start a new story. Well actually it is rather old that I am rewriting. When I was younger my older brother (when he was still living at home) told me a story that went on for several years. And now I am trying to write a novel about it... [/rambles]
Anyway! Great work with writing 27,635 words!
Well Namárië all!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!