comes in humming "Exit Calypsan (Only In MY Dreams)" by Falling Up
Ruby: hi! I am doing good! and yourself?
thanks! we wished the quality on the sound could have been better!
lol thanks! yeah, I am the one in the cowboy hat and I am glad it shadowed my face because I was SO close to cracking up.....
we hope to do more soon!
Ali: haha, my mom is sick of me saying things about Dawn Treader too, though mine's opposite - I like it so much that my mom has to calm me down!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Aiden wrote
Yes, it's much more enjoyable, both for us and I'm sure the audience, as well. Monologues can get boring.And, yes, the cues are critical for fast dialogue.
Yeah, true, and it's a lot of fun!![]()
I agree with too. Monologues can get boring . . . but that doesn't mean that Shakespeare is boring. I love seeing his plays performed. It annoyed me hugely after seeing one when I heard someone saying "That was so boring!"
It's like - don't you know what to expect? This isn't a fast, modern comedy . . lol. Don't waste your money if you're not ___ (you can fill that in, I can't find the word) enough to enjoy it.
Mmm, same here. Although, I usually have to use my computer later in the day because I work on school and homework earlier in the day. Quite often my dad and I will both be up late on the computer.
Actually, strange though they may be, I actually quite admire morning people, and wish I were one myself.
Yeah, sometimes its fun to be the last one up in my house.
I admire morning people too, and when I get myself to actually wake up, I quite enjoy it. Early morning is lovely (especially when its warm!).
Wow, that's great! How long were you given to memorize your lines?
It was kinda funny... our first official practice is a read-though where we all get together and just read the play. Well, most of the other people had only read the play once or twice, but I actually had my lines from the whole first act memorized.
Oh, I know what you mean. A lot of people have trouble with that. One girl who recently joined our homeschool group and never been in a play before and turned out to be a fantastic actress, but she talks incredible fast and quietly.
Hmm - well, last week was the first official off book week . . but I'd been off for about a week before. About one month, I guess.
Our first rehearsal was a read through too, but that night we got our scripts, so I didn't have any lines down. Though I did know some of the songs a little bit. Good for you!
Nobody else in the play seems to have trouble . . but I'm working on fighting it. The other day I just read through all my lines by myself, and worked on saying them clearly.
GtG wrote
FYI to all- it's not the smartest thing to run around barefoot in the rain if it's only 41 F out. Why do I love rain so much,
? Now I'm freezing cold *runs off to grab another blanket before finishing the post*
I love rain too. And I've been freezing all day. *hands Glenstorm a cup of cocoa*
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Ruby: Ooh, Horatio Hornblower? We have those.
they have a lot of connections here still and I'm sure they'll be visiting fairly often
around 1700 miles
Wow. That is a lot.
How've you been other then that? Still "taking" counseling? How's that?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Mortereve all!
Lol, I'm sure. It's not really that I dislike school (aside from math and science
) but there are other things I want to be doing that are more useful...sometimes
Heh, the other things I would be doing are certainly not as useful of school.
well you might cry in the finale
I don't think I'd even buy the first season
. It is good but $60 is a lot of money...
That's true, $60 is a lot for 13 episodes. Thank goodness it's on YouTube!
. Yes! It was worse than
Allan was my favorite character too, it was just so devastating.SpoilerRobin dying!
I think so...I know he didn't like him at least. I remember having a conversation where he was trying to convince me to like Marian and I was trying to convince him to like Guy
oh yes the sheriff was awful! Even though he was occasionally funny I just wanted him to die a horrible slow torturous death. Yeah so I don't like him.
Oh, I'm sure it was! Really, Allan's your favorite, too? That's cool.
What? Ben likes Marian and not Guy?! That's completely backwards!
Yeah, he did have funny lines here and there, but eventually even the funny parts just get really annoying. Now,
I agree with too. Monologues can get boring . . . but that doesn't mean that Shakespeare is boring. I love seeing his plays performed. It annoyed me hugely after seeing one when I heard someone saying "That was so boring!"
It's like - don't you know what to expect? This isn't a fast, modern comedy . . lol. Don't waste your money if you're not ___ (you can fill that in, I can't find the word) enough to enjoy it.![]()
Ooh, I've never seen a Shakespearean play performed, but I'd love to someday. Haha, although I would not consider Shakespeare boring, I wouldn't blame someone for thinking that. However, you're right... you have to go into it knowing what to expect.
Yeah, sometimes its fun to be the last one up in my house.
I admire morning people too, and when I get myself to actually wake up, I quite enjoy it. Early morning is lovely (especially when its warm!).
I'm rarely the last one up. We're all night people, so we all stay up quite late.
Yeah, I enjoy getting up early when I don't have to.
Hmm - well, last week was the first official off book week . . but I'd been off for about a week before. About one month, I guess.
Our first rehearsal was a read through too, but that night we got our scripts, so I didn't have any lines down.Though I did know some of the songs a little bit. Good for you!
Nobody else in the play seems to have trouble . . but I'm working on fighting it. The other day I just read through all my lines by myself, and worked on saying them clearly.
Gotcha. Wow, that's not much time. Like I said, we get several months to learn our lines. Really, you had the read-through the same day you got your scripts? That's interesting.
I usually learn my lines best just by the repetition of reading them in each practice. Well, this year, the director said we have to have our lines memorized by the first practice, so now I actually have to put some effort into learning my lines.
I'm surprised no one else is having trouble with it. Lots of people in our group have trouble with that.
Well, mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*searches for her last post*
Good Mortereve everyone! Well, I didn't let quite as much time go by in-between posts this time. How is everyone today (or tomorrow, or whenever it is you will read this)?
Last week was really bad for me. Just about everything that could have happened did. But it's all over now and life is returning to normal.
*waves back to Ali*
Dotty Dimple was the main character of a series of books for little girls that was published around 1900. We had two, and I read them when I was very small, so I don't remember anything about them, except that a girl fell down the steps once.
Ooh! Old books! *resolves to find herself a copy someday* I love old books, especially children's books. Nobody writes like that anymore.....
*waves back to Aslans Country* No, I don't have the bellybutton song memorized.
Now I'm going to have to memorize it before I post in here again!
How does it go? All I remember is when the doctor walks in and says "Bellybutton?" And the boyz say "uh-uh" and shake their heads. And then the doctor says something.....
"you're umbilical equivalent is up there on your head! You could opt for a prosthetic but of course you'd have to know, it'd be covered by your shirt but not your HMO!"
That's it!
Mountie's here! Welcome to the Square!
Annnnnd.... I watched Lord of the Rings! *GASP* Yes, I know. I've been saying I'll read the books for ages and ages, and it obviously has never happened. The movies were in our house, so I decided to watch them... and they were fabulous!
Yay! We'll forgive you for not reading the books first. Just be sure and read The Hobbit before the movie comes out! If it ever does.............I know they finally started casting people, but it's been so long already it's hard to believe that I might actually get to see that movie made.
Good to hear about your hand! Sad to hear about your ligament. Prayers and hugs!
Never forget, fair denizens of the Square, that I am the Epic One.
Who can forget Epicness once they see it?
Well, I suppose that's all for now. I did skim the last page or two, so if I missed anything I'm sorry.
If I didn't mention you, consider yourself waved to!
Hello, everyone!!
Quick catchup ..
Aiden wrote
Ooh, I've never seen a Shakespearean play performed, but I'd love to someday. Haha, although I would not consider Shakespeare boring, I wouldn't blame someone for thinking that. However, you're right... you have to go into it knowing what to expect.
We have this really amazing, professional theatre near us, that people come to see from all over. And since we're locals, we get discounts sometimes. We go to about one play a year.
But yeah, I do understand that some people who aren't - of the highest intelligence, could be bored. Not meaning that you have to be brilliant, but you know. It definitely take's awhile to get used to the language!
I'm rarely the last one up. We're all night people, so we all stay up quite late.
Yeah, I enjoy getting up early when I don't have to.
I'm not usually either, but every once in awhile. So I enjoy it.
When my brothers are home from college they stay up late (at least one of them), and my sister usually stays up late.
Exactly! Whether you HAVE to do something or not, vastly changes things.
Gotcha. Wow, that's not much time. Like I said, we get several months to learn our lines. Really, you had the read-through the same day you got your scripts? That's interesting.
I usually learn my lines best just by the repetition of reading them in each practice. Well, this year, the director said we have to have our lines memorized by the first practice, so now I actually have to put some effort into learning my lines.
I'm surprised no one else is having trouble with it. Lots of people in our group have trouble with that.
Yes. See, we had auditions, got called up to tell us if we got the part (I think there were some call backs, but not for me), and were sent the rehearsal schedule. We didn't see the director in between the audition and first rehearsal. I think that's how it usually is.
I like to learn my lines by first of all, with parts I don't know, just sitting down for a few minutes, forcing them into my head. And when I know the basics, I practice with a sibling or someone.
Wow, you had to have them memorized at the FIRST rehearsal? Yikes!
Oh well. I think I've had less experience with acting than the others, and I'm younger than them.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*arrives singing "When the Moon hits you eye like a big pizza pie..." in honor of that big bright Hunter's Moon outside*
Today was likely our last warm day for a few months so I had a fire in the backyard this afternoon. Very nice.
Any baseball fans in the Square? Right now I'm watching the Rangers/Yankees game. Texas can advance to its first World Series if it wins tonight.
*belatedly waves to The Epic One*
I'm glad to see everyone having such a good time in the respective Spoiler Wars threads over in SO. The Middle Ages-speech in the Monastery is particularly amusing.
Only 10 days until NaNo starts! I can't wait!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Stargazer, I'm a mild baseball fans, and I've watched a few of the games between Giants and Phillies. I'm hoping the Yankee's get in.
But I don't care all that much. Nobody who interests me very much is in the play offs.
Relatives visiting! This will be a lovely day, I'll get to see my adorable little cousin!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Good mortereve everyone. Just thought I'd make an appearance today, I haven't been to the square in quite some time.
Hey gazer! I would love for us to have no more warm days, but I think it will stay warm here for another couple of weeks before we descend into the cool stage of fall in the South, followed by the cold day of winter, then the cool stage of Spring and heat.
I was very glad to see the Rangers make it to the World Series, the first time that franchise has done so.
My hope is that they will play the Giants. As a Braves fan, when it comes down to a choice between the Giants and Phillies, I have to go witht the Giants every time.
Dove hunting this afternoon!!!
I hope ya'll are doing well, and have a good afternoon.
God Bless.
They did drugs and they're all dead.
I went hunting and I'm still Ted-Ted Nugent
James 1:19-20"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God
comes in singing "Would It Matter" by Skillet
hello everyone!
I am going to be dressing up as Lucy for a church harvest youth party tonight! I have my whole VotDT outfit for Lucy all done and it's perfect!
*waves to everyone*
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hello all! *Waves*
I must apologize for my extended absence, I had two tests, then I was away at a retreat (it was good fun!), then I had more school, then fall break... But I'm here, now!
Yes it would.
Like I said, I'm a lot better than I was. School stress.. it comes and it goes. Yeah, I know. I'm convinced some teachers don't understand the concept of rest.
Plus, I don't do well with relationships with teachers and stuff - I'm supposed to be being supervised by a teacher for this project which is basically the culminating activity of the last 4 years, and I don't think my supervisor and I are a good match.
That's mainly what I was stressed about.
Haha thanks, see that I just did it again?
Aww. *wonders how homeschooling can be stressful* (sorry, I'm ignorant, I know)
That's good. Yeah, that's for sure, it's a good thing, though. If school stress was always the same we'd never catch a break! Oh, that's too bad. I hate it when you and the teacher can't work together it makes life so hard for everyone.
Well, for one thing, homeschooling is just that: school. Not too mention, all the homeschooling parents I know (mine included) hold us to a higher standard than the public, or even private school teachers. Like my mom counts an A as 92% or more as opposed to the public 80-something, and the private 90% exactly. *Sigh* That probably is actually very trivial but I hate having to try and scrape that extra 2% that makes such a big difference.
Yes, that is correct.
She's doing much, much better. Her family has gone and talked to our pastor about it some, and I think that's helped a lot too.
Ooh, sounds interesting.Mine was set in the 1800's or something... *shrug* And it was pretty much about a girl who's mother dies while having a baby. It's slooooow paced, in my opinion.
That's good to hear.
Ah. Much of my writing alternated between sloooooow and fast! *Sigh*
;)) I've been good, thanks! Life's a bit hectic lately, but that's not uncommon. How about you?
That's good! Can I inquire as to why your life is hectic, or would that be considered prying? I'm good. I finally went to the doctor and actually came away with a diagnosis and prescription, this time! Although, just be sure nothing more serious is going on the doctor's sending me to have a heart echocardiogram. Hopefully, his original diagnosis will hold and there's nothing wrong with my heart. (Sorry, I rambled.)
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
*enters the square wiping paint on her pants*
ello. I have paint all over my clothing- spent the day priming our house. Fun stuff
Ali: haha, my mom is sick of me saying things about Dawn Treader too, though mine's opposite - I like it so much that my mom has to calm me down!
Lol, well just maaaybe I'll be like that after the movie .
Have fun at your party tonight
I love rain too.
And I've been freezing all day. *hands Glenstorm a cup of cocoa*
Yay! There's just something about it that makes me feel really euphoric . *enjoys the cocoa* Thank you for that
That is a lot.
How've you been other then that? Still "taking" counseling?How's that?
yeah it is . Right now I'm trying to figure out how long it would take me to bike there
I'm doing ok. Yeah I am, it's going pretty well. She's helped me with a lot- the whole accepting yourself thing and learning not to care what people think. That's one of the things I struggle with a lot, and it plays in to my depression and loneliness.
Heh, the other things I would be doing are certainly not as useful of school.
Lol, well some of mine would be. Like playing piano. I'm more likely going to have a career in my future that involves piano, more than chemistry .
That's true, $60 is a lot for 13 episodes. Thank goodness it's on YouTube!
well if you do watch it, let me know .
Definitely. Avatar: The Last Airbender is only $30 for I believe 20 episodes, but those are 24 minute episodes as compared to 42. But yeah, thankfully you can watch them on youtube
Oh, I'm sure it was! Really, Allan's your favorite, too? That's cool.
What? Ben likes Marian and not Guy?! That's completely backwards!
Yeah, he did have funny lines here and there, but eventually even the funny parts just get really annoying. Now,Spoilerhe dies at the end of Season 3, too, right?
Yeah cause the way they did it was really devastating and unexpected. I can tell you the details if you want . Haha yeah
. I just like how he's not perfect, but he's still a really good character. Although he does frustrate me a lot, he's real, if you know what I mean
I know, that's what I told him! I wonder if his opinion still stands like that...
Yes! It was annoying how he could be so completely heartless. Yeah he does. I grinned .
*Two familiar figures enter the Square on this fine October morning, waving to all present before taking their usual spots at the fountain*
Mortereve all! Man, it's been over a week since I've stopped by.....
Well, college is still going along well. Making good grades in everything but math, so I need to step-up my work on that subject....
*Will you be making a catch-up post today like you said, Cor?*
I probably should. It's been long enough since I've made one and several pages have gone by. Soooo, yes. I'll be making a catch-up post.
*Very well. I believe I'll go get us some chocolate to snack on. You know, to keep our strength up. *
Sounds goo to me, Vern!
*Cor proceeds to write a ketchup post as the Royal Dragon acquires some delectable chocolate morsels for himself and the Prince*
From page 32 to the present page.....
@ Kathy. I hope your essay writing went well! I'm currently writing an essay myself for English class. Thankfully it's a short one.
@ Elanor. My pleasure, miss! That seems to be a common initial response to seeing Vern. Poor chap....
*Eh, I've gotten used to it. Comes with being a dragon, you know. By the way, please tell your sister I send greetings and hope she is well.
Oh yeah! I need to send Destined a way overdue PM! School and Life have been taking priority lately.
@ NN. Definitely! Grooveshark is one of the main places I stop at now.
Poltergeist maybe? I can't really remember what I recommend now.
*is slightly amused at NN and Elanor taking up the rest of page 32*
@ Ben. Somehow I'm not surprised in the least...
Oh neat! Sooo, the big question, how did you like the state?
Never been down to Louisiana before.... hope you had a good time!
*waves to Winter and Ruby* Nice to see you two around the Square again!
@ Ali.
Yeah definitely not- I've been told I am teasable? I don't know . Haha it is .
I always have a sprinkling of soundtracks, but the majority is rock . Yeah me too.
Hmm, I suppose you are. Maybe. Not really sure what that means...
Soundtracks, DVD's and the occasional book make up my Christmas list every year. I've narrowed down my list to 4 soundtracks, 2 DVD's and 2 books.
well I'm not . I'll see if my library has the soundtracks . Aww that's sad . I hate that a lot of movies don't put the complete scores on CD.
haha me too .
Have you been able to borrow the LotR CD's yet? Yeah, though sometimes not having all the music on the album is actually a good thing or at least makes for a better listening experience. Unfortunately, LotR is not one of those times.
*listens to Dinotopia... then a bit of Rambo II before finally stopping on The Wolfman. <------ season appropriate music. *
@ Betsie. As it is nice to see you as also! How has Life been for you lately? Has anything interesting transpired lately?
@ MountainFireFlower. Greetings and welcome to Square! It's always nice to have someone stop lurking about and make their presence known. It can get a bit disconcerting with all those "lurkers" about.
*ahem* Anyway, my name is PrinceCor though you can just call me Cor if you like. And the dragon over there by the chocolate tree is Vern.
*Vern waves to the young lady. Could I interest you in a chocolate covered apple, miss? *
BTW, Vern is quite harmless..... unless you happen to be a prince who is a marked man by LL and His Royal Dragon-ness who seem to get the greatest pleasure by dumping you into the fountain.
@ Rose. Aye, that it does. I guess this is what we get for waiting a few weeks in-between catch-up posts?
Thanks! In the time between your post and this one I have taken a test on the Baroque period. I think I did well on it.
Heh, well it's not my favorite time period for music but I don't believe I dislike as much as you seem to.
@ Lys. *waves to His Epicness (aka "The One Who Suffers From A Deployable Excess Of Personality")*
How is Life going for you, Mr. Epic?
About the latest VDT trailer: Looks like the film will be an amazing fantasy/adventure but a lousy adaptation. I'm still eagerly anticipating the films release and the score album by David Arnold. *random*
*waves to those he did not specifically mention*
Well, I think that gets everything for today. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday and a good upcoming week!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square munching on chocolate covered apples*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Much of my writing alternated between sloooooow and fast! *Sigh*
Maybe having fast parts would keep them reading through the slow at least.
Though if I have a book that's both somewhat-fast and then reaallly slow, I find myself skimming. A lot...
1 week 'til NaNo!!
Right now I'm trying to figure out how long it would take me to bike there
So--I forget. Do you write much? Ever thought about doing NaNoWriMo? Sorry, it's almost all that's on my mind right now--kind of.
So my best friend's family found out that they're having a baby girl in March! Yay! I was hoping it would be a boy actually...
But oh well, I'm excited for them yet.
(For those of you who've been 'keeping up' a little bit, this is the same friend I've been referring to the last few posts.) Her family's sure had a lot to go through the past few months...
Also, today's been--hm. Well-- a lot happened I guess. One of my other friends, (moved here March 2010--we're not super close to them yet, but they're still friends) had her Grandmother die this morning.
Then we found out that another family friend's wife left him about 2 weeks ago with their 6 kids. That was really, really, really shocking. It's still really hard to believe. And I'll have to be praying about that. Wow.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Hello, everyone!! Time for a short catchup post. =)
Libby wrote
I am going to be dressing up as Lucy for a church harvest youth party tonight! I have my whole VotDT outfit for Lucy all done and it's perfect!![]()
That sounds super fun, Libby!! You made your own costume? How cool! Did you have fun?
How are you doing, btw?
GtG wrote
Yay! There's just something about it that makes me feel really euphoric. *enjoys the cocoa* Thank you for that
I know, it's lovely! I like it best when it's warm, and the sun is out, even while its raining. And running around barefoot, getting soaked. =)
But it's also nice on a cold, gloomy evening, to cuddle inside in the warmth and listen to it.
You're very welcome!!
Cor (and Vern) wrote
@ Elanor. My pleasure, miss!That seems to be a common initial response to seeing Vern. Poor chap....
*Eh, I've gotten used to it. Comes with being a dragon, you know.
By the way, please tell your sister I send greetings and hope she is well.
It must be unpleasant to have that response at just being seen. =(
And I will definitely give my sister your greetings, I'm sure she will be honored.
How is your life and school doing, Cor? I'm sure you can be excused, many of us have the exact problem.
Life is also busy for me . . I'm kinda having a fight with one of my best friends, and that is very stressful . . I need prayer with that.
But there are good things that keep me busy too. Rehearsals non stop . .
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby