To Silver:
Do you have any plot figured out for NaNo? Do you mind talking about it, or have you already, and I just missed it?
All this talk about it makes me want to do it more than ever.
I definitely understand that!! Every once in awhile I get a whole pile of books to read - and that's all I do for a few weeks. I enjoy those times.
Oh, and I'm also a fast reader. I have to be, because in exciting or scary books - you can't read at snails pace!!
I NEED to finish Inkheart sometime. I read 3/4 of it once, and then I had to leave that bookstore, and I didn't buy it. Then, I read some more of the ending lately, but once again I didn't finish it.
Have you read Ella Enchanted before? I love that book!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*enters the square humming "This is the End (If You Want It)" by Relient K*
funny how sometimes breakup songs can apply to different things in life . I said goodbye to my friends this past Sunday
. It was really hard, and I cried most of the day, but we had so much fun too. And a lot of the conversations I had with them are really good. Sometimes I hate how people don't open up to each other till they're losing one another. It's weird because it was one of the worst yet one of the best days of my life.
I *might* be able to see them one last time. I have some friends in PA who are very close friends with the friends moving too, and the friends that are moving are going to visit them on the way to OK. So they actually might take me with them and I'll drive with them all the way to PA, and then they'll leave for OK and I'll stay with the other friends for a few days or a week. I really hope this works out, but I have to work hard to convince my parents- they're not crazy about sleepovers, especially out of state ones . But it will work out if God wants it to
catchup time!
I'm a Tenth Avenue North fan too!! I got O&U for Christmas last year and I love it. I haven't gotten TLMTD yet.
I'm hoping it goes on sale... I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to buying CDs at full price.
welcome to the square!
ooh that's great! Aww, well maybe you'll get it this Christmas . I usually buy CDs from CBD because they're usually always on sale, or at least lower than retail price
And that is a problem?
I actually have been listening to RK these last few days though. Maybe starting to like them a bit more again. He doesn't make my top 25 though.. but then again my iTunes play count was messed up months ago, and it never updates now, so I have to put in my iPod to check it.
They sound awesome! It's really weird to hear new TRS songs though, maybe just because I've become so familiar with every song recently.
I really love the sound of "Peace come over you". That's so annoying how the songs stop halfway, though.
On FB Bryce said he wasn't aware of that, though. I think it's a purevolume thing - it's happening with other songs as well.
Anyway. I'll get to listen to the whole thing in a few days anyway.
Haha! Well just because RK should be my highest . Yay that's awesome! Oh I know, my top 25 is totally off. I only have two TRS songs on it
. Not to mention they only list 24 songs, and 1 video that I have ONCE!
Lol yeah I know . Ooh yeah I love that one...well duhh I love them all
. Yeah it is a PureVolume thing- no matter, I shall have the EP soon, meaning, you shall as well
Oh yeah. I never actually knew what that line was saying until now. Thanks.
glad to be of service
Ah ok.
Hope you can get it.. which one were you thinking of getting?
just another classic. I need the biggest amount of space and I hate nanos so yeah, classic it is .
Hm. Well, I have a piano competition in 6 weeks I have to memorize about 8 pages for that yet.
Something like that. And I violin recital in 3 weeks, I have to play around 20 songs. *gulp* And then NaNoWriMo in 2 weeks for 4 weeks that I'll have to write 50,000+ words for.
Ooh wow. That sounds fun, but definitely a lot of work! I hope you (and I'm sure you will) do well . Yikes, busy busy
. I almost did NaNo this year, but I did not plan ahead of time and I'm ridiculously busy with school so I'm not going to be able to, but maybe next year
Ali: oh I hope everything goes well!
um, I wouldn't probably fail that homework b/c I can't draw to save my life
if you need to chat, call me! I'm here for you! love ya!
I know! I have no idea what to do- what am I supposed to draw? An RK shirt with...idk!
thanks . Love you too!
I did just that! I didn't mind it and actually kind of... liked it. I think NarniaWeb's Relient K spirit may finally be getting to me.
And thank-you! *bows*
Yay! Ooh that is great great news
Glenstorm, you drive two hours to church every Sunday? That's crazy. Are you WAY out in the country or something? It's a five to fifteen minute drive for us, depending on which church we attend.
Yeep . Well, we're kinda out in the country, but there are actually quite a few churches near us. It's just the one we go too is really amazing and we have a really good friends there. We would move closer but it's in MA and who wants to live in that state, especially after you've lived in the beautiful NH?
(or at least, NH is beautiful before the cold comes *shivers*, then I just want sunny FL
Glenstorm, I love the haircut! The bangs look really nice on you.
Aww, and I'm really sorry about your best friends moving away. I had two best friends who moved as well. It was so hard [and sad!]. I hope you guys can keep in touch.
Yeah it's really tough. My parents actually let me join FB just to keep in touch with them . But yeah, we're hoping they'll be visiting fairly often. It's definitely far away but all their family and friends are here. Plus, their father is only 5 years away from retirement so we're hoping that once he retires they'll move back, and he can be a full time pastor of the church we go to (he just stepped down from being an elder, actually both our elders stepped down, and we don't have a pastor, only two deacons). That's what they want to happen too
Never forget, fair denizens of the Square, that I am the Epic One.
how could we ever forget? Epicness always exudes from your every post .
It was great!! I love doing that kind of thing . . hopefully I'll do it next year!!
I'm sure! That's great, I hope you can too! I'd like to maybe do it one year
Yeah, same here. Glad to hear you're doing well! Yeah, I have a lot going on, too. What would we do without God's help?
You finished a couple months ago? Wow, that shows how long it's been since we talked. How was it?
Yeah, I'd never watch season 3. Why would you possible want to see how?SpoilerRobin dies
Thanks. Yep, busy busy, especially with school. Forget graduating early, not I'm trying to graduate on time . Oh I have no idea
- without God's help, I'd just die.
Yep. I know! Hmm...well it was definitely a lot sadder than the first season. I cried in almost every single episode. In some ways it was better, but I did hate Marian for most of it (not that I ever particularly liked her ). It was pretty good- actually, it was awesome compared to season 3 (duhh
Yeah don't. It's really horrible. Actually, I would probably stop but my sisters insist that we keep on watching. And they can't watch it by themselves . But yeah...oh well I'm just curious about that
. I was able to find on wiki how it happens, but I kinda wanna see it play out on screen...I'm so morbid
. I actually voted that my sisters and I just watch the last episode but they said we wouldn't know what was going on and whatever, so yeah, I'm stuck watching the whole thing
. Season 3 has had good episodes here and there, but overall it's horrendous. Although I do like Guy a lot more now, and Prince John is hilarious
funny how sometimes breakup songs can apply to different things in life
That sounds fun, but definitely a lot of work!
-Very true...
-And it is.
Sorry about your friends leaving. Was that the family whose girl married J. N.? Or a different family?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Mortereve all!
Yes, Aiden (thanks for telling me!
) I have to audition for the part. We don't really have any small groups like you have, so these are larger, plays that the whole community can audition for. But I understand what you're saying.
No problem. Sorry I hadn't thought to mention it before. Yeah, that what I figured—that's how most plays work.
I like how in the play's I've been in, you don't have to audition for a certain part - they just give you whatever part you're best for.
Have your auditions happened yet? What part did you get?
Yeah, it's kinda nice, being in a small group, because I'm guaranteed a part.
Yup, the auditions were at the beginning of the month. But, even though we did have auditions, they weren't typical auditions. The director picked out two parts for us to read, and decided from what part we were best for. I got the part of a rich, arrogant man named Mr. Elsinore. (I've told you about the play, right?)
I'm quite well - though as you can see, pretty tired . . but it's getting better. I'm not sick, which is good (for awhile I was worried) and I'm happy.
I'm glad you're well.
Well, this can be the start to a new conversation!!!![]()
Heh, I'm always tired, but that's because I'm a night person and hate having to get up early for school and such.
Alright, sounds like a good idea!
Yes, the performances are in the first two weekends of November, so they're sneaking up on me.
lol, but I'm excited.
Wow, you do have quite awhile!!
Whoa, that's pretty soon! How long have you been having rehearsals?
Yeah, we usually only have a couple practices each week, so we spend several months working on the play.
Thanks. Yep, busy busy, especially with school. Forget graduating early, not I'm trying to graduate on time
. Oh I have no idea
- without God's help, I'd just die.
Ah, same here, school takes up so much time, eh? Yep, we'd all die without God's help!;))
Yep. I know! Hmm...well it was definitely a lot sadder than the first season. I cried in almost every single episode. In some ways it was better, but I did hate Marian for most of it (not that I ever particularly liked her
). It was pretty good- actually, it was awesome compared to season 3 (duhh
I'm not sure how I should respond to the fact that you cried in every single episode, considering you also cried during several parts of Season 1 that I didn't think were particularly sad. Anyway, I'm still not sure if I want to watch Season 2 or not.
Yeah don't. It's really horrible. Actually, I would probably stop but my sisters insist that we keep on watching. And they can't watch it by themselves
. But yeah...oh well I'm just curious about that
. I was able to find on wiki how it happens, but I kinda wanna see it play out on screen...I'm so morbid
. I actually voted that my sisters and I just watch the last episode but they said we wouldn't know what was going on and whatever, so yeah, I'm stuck watching the whole thing
. Season 3 has had good episodes here and there, but overall it's horrendous. Although I do like Guy a lot more now, and Prince John is hilarious
No, I never would. Why on earth do your sisters want to see Season 3?
Yeah, I read the same wiki page about how Season 3 ends. I guess, because I've read it, it wouldn't be too terrible to see it. Still, I'd prefer not too.
You know, I never really hated Guy in the first Season... but I have heard he becomes more likable as the show goes along.
Have a great day, all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Good Mortereve, everyone!!
GtG, it would be great if you could do it, some year!
I hope God is helping you through the sorrow of your friends moving away, and I'm praying for you. Please keep us informed as to how you're doing!
Aiden wrote
No problem. Sorry I hadn't thought to mention it before. Yeah, that what I figured—that's how most plays work.
No, that wasn't your fault! Yes, that's how most plays go.
Yeah, it's kinda nice, being in a small group, because I'm guaranteed a part.
Yup, the auditions were at the beginning of the month. But, even though we did have auditions, they weren't typical auditions. The director picked out two parts for us to read, and decided from what part we were best for. I got the part of a rich, arrogant man named Mr. Elsinore. (I've told you about the play, right?)
Ha, I totally agree with that! Being certain of a part is always nice!
Yes, you told me about the play. Are you excited about your part? It sounds fun! Do you have a lot of lines?
That's nice, being certain of a part, and just auditioning to see which one is better for you. Sounds great!!
Heh, I'm always tired, but that's because I'm a night person and hate having to get up early for school and such.
Alright, sounds like a good idea!
Yes yes, I'm kind of a night person, or I make myself, anyway. I'm often too caught up in reading or writing or chatting with someone to go to sleep when I should.
And I don't like getting up either . .
Whoa, that's pretty soon! How long have you been having rehearsals?
Yeah, we usually only have a couple practices each week, so we spend several months working on the play.
Yes, it is soon!! I'm getting nervous . . . lol. We've been having rehearsals since the second week of September. At first I only had them a few time's a week - but now it's going to be like every day for a few weeks.
Its so cold, and I'm still tired, though no longer sore. Reading Rise to Rebellion, which is surprisingly good!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
how could we ever forget? Epicness always exudes from your every post
Glenstorm has attained true wisdom. Be like her, my little padawans, and you shall be blessed. *rains down confetti*
So, how is everyone? I feel like I haven't been here (properly, I mean) in an age.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*enters the square rubbing her swollen eyes*
why is it that when I'm already sad in real life I watch things that make me even more sad? Yesterday my sisters and I watched a wonderful movie called Swing Kids. It's really a fantastic story but the ending is devastating. And then tonight we finished season 3 of Robin Hood. So so incredibly sad
anyway, a bit of catchup
-Very true...
-And it is.Sorry about your friends leaving.
Was that the family whose girl married J. N.? Or a different family?
Yeah it is that family (how did you know?
). They'll be living rather close to Jordanyo and Meliss now but way far away from us, and one of their other sons, who's married and living here
Ah, same here, school takes up so much time, eh? Yep, we'd all die without God's help!;))
definitely, lots and lots of time I'd rather spend doing something else . For sure
I'm not sure how I should respond to the fact that you cried in every single episode, considering you also cried during several parts of Season 1 that I didn't think were particularly sad. Anyway, I'm still not sure if I want to watch Season 2 or not.
Haha! That made me laugh . Um, well it's definitely sadder than season 1, but I'll say you probably won't cry in every single episode like I did
. Hmm, I'm not sure if I'd recommend watching it or not. Some parts were good, some parts were horrible. Overall it was pretty good.
No, I never would. Why on earth do your sisters want to see Season 3?
Yeah, I read the same wiki page about how Season 3 ends. I guess, because I've read it, it wouldn't be too terrible to see it. Still, I'd prefer not too.
You know, I never really hated Guy in the first Season... but I have heard he becomes more likable as the show goes along.
good idea . I really have no clue! I really didn't want to watch it but they wanted to so much and I have to be there with them when they're watching tv so yeah
. Yeah you don't want to see it- I'm still shaking from crying so much, it was terrible. Also

Yay! I never really hated Guy either (Ben did

GtG, it would be great if you could do it, some year!
I hope God is helping you through the sorrow of your friends moving away, and I'm praying for you. Please keep us informed as to how you're doing!
Yeah definitely
He is definitely helping me- I don't know what I'd do without Him beside me, supporting me . Thanks for praying, it means a lot, and I will do that
Glenstorm has attained true wisdom. Be like her, my little padawans, and you shall be blessed. *rains down confetti*
*grabs some confetti and throws it in the air*
So, how is everyone? I feel like I haven't been here (properly, I mean) in an age.
I'm doing ok. Feeling sad that some friends are moving but God really has provided for different emotional needs I had and He's given me peace lately, so I'm good . How about you? And you haven't been on here in forever! I suppose there's no catchup post coming
Yeah it is that family
(how did you know?
). They'll be living rather close to Jordanyo and Meliss now but way far away from us, and one of their other sons, who's married and living here
I think it was just a guess... Unless you mentioned it earlier, I can't remember.
That's really sad for you guys. I've never had very many close friends move away far, just one family when I was 5 or 6. So I don't think I was really, really distraught.
How many miles away are they moving?
Lys: Oh Epic One. Many thanks for bestowing your Wondrous Words of Wisdom upon us once again.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Mortereve all!
Ha, I totally agree with that! Being certain of a part is always nice!
Yes, you told me about the play. Are you excited about your part? It sounds fun! Do you have a lot of lines?
That's nice, being certain of a part, and just auditioning to see which one is better for you. Sounds great!!
Yes, definitely.
Yeah, it's a great part. I do have a lot of lines, but they're mostly quick back-and-forth dialogue, which I personally really enjoy (rather than long monologues, which I've had my share of.)
Yep, obviously nothing like it would be in a professional show, but it works for us.
Yes yes, I'm kind of a night person, or I make myself, anyway. I'm often too caught up in reading or writing or chatting with someone to go to sleep when I should.
And I don't like getting up either . .
Haha, I know what you mean. In fact, I find that I can only concentrate on reading if I read at night.
I guess most people hate getting up in the morning, but I have met people that love getting up can't stay up past 8 or 9 at night. Strange people!
Yes, it is soon!! I'm getting nervous . . . lol. We've been having rehearsals since the second week of September. At first I only had them a few time's a week - but now it's going to be like every day for a few weeks.
I don't blame you! Wow, that doesn't seem like very long to work to work on the play. But, I guess it's longer than it seems since you have several practices each week.
definitely, lots and lots of time I'd rather spend doing something else
. For sure
Haha, wouldn't we all.
Haha! That made me laugh
. Um, well it's definitely sadder than season 1, but I'll say you probably won't cry in every single episode like I did
. Hmm, I'm not sure if I'd recommend watching it or not. Some parts were good, some parts were horrible. Overall it was pretty good.
I probably wouldn't ever cry, even if I thought it was very sad! Although, I have to admit, I did come close when Marian died (even though I knew she'd revive in the next episode).
I'm leaning away from watching it, but even if I wanted to, it's not been uploaded to YouTube yet, and I'm too cheap to buy it (especially since I'm unsure about it).
good idea
. I really have no clue! I really didn't want to watch it but they wanted to so much and I have to be there with them when they're watching tv so yeah
. Yeah you don't want to see it- I'm still shaking from crying so much, it was terrible. Also
SpoilerAllan dies. I was so shocked and devastated
Yay! I never really hated Guy either (Ben did). He definitely becomes more likable. In the second season, you kinda flip flop between loving him and hating him, and in the third season you love him, especially towards the end.
Hmm, strange! That's right, I'd forgotten that
Really, Ben hated him? I never thought he was that unlikable. Now, the sheriff, on the other hand, was awful!
Have a great mortereve, all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Glenstorm: nope, no catchup post. It sounds like, though you are going through a few tough things in your life right now, you have a lot more peace about things than when I was last here. That's great.
To answer your question, I'm doing pretty well -- really feeling the difficulty of having most of my friends in a different state right now, but otherwise everything is great. I had an easy week of school last week and so I was able to get a lot of writing done. Yay!
Oh Epic One. Many thanks for bestowing your Wondrous Words of Wisdom upon us once again.
I tell you! People seem to finally be getting it! This is wondrous! *throws more confetti*
Stupid smilies won't work on this PC (aside from the 28 in the side bar, of course)....
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Aiden wrote
Yes, definitely.
Yeah, it's a great part. I do have a lot of lines, but they're mostly quick back-and-forth dialogue, which I personally really enjoy (rather than long monologues, which I've had my share of.)
Yep, obviously nothing like it would be in a professional show, but it works for us.
I agree, back and forth dialogue is much more interesting and fun, as well as being more easy to remember. It's nice when the lines in front of yours give you the cue to what yours are.
Who cares if it's not like a professional show? It sounds great!
Haha, I know what you mean. In fact, I find that I can only concentrate on reading if I read at night.
I guess most people hate getting up in the morning, but I have met people that love getting up can't stay up past 8 or 9 at night. Strange people!![]()
Yeah, I often get the most done at night. Lately I've been forcing myself to finish some old poems that have been lying around, and reading . . I usually try to use the computer earlier in the day.
Strange indeed! (no offense, if there are people like that around . . Maybe we should say - unique?)
I don't blame you! Wow, that doesn't seem like very long to work to work on the play. But, I guess it's longer than it seems since you have several practices each week.
Actually, I thought that it was an awfully short time . . . but I guess that's just me. And I had my lines down way earlier than the last play I was in. And I have at least three time's as many . .
But I'm kinda having trouble with pronouncing everything clearly and talking more slowly.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
I recalled promising that someday in the far future I would return here and catch up. Well, I'm no promise breaker, but that was, in the long gone past and it's all a bit old and dusty and I've been having major allergies as of late and old topics like that make me sneeze.
Not really. That's just my lame excuse for not showing up here in so long. If anything, I've been missing you all though it looks like the Square has been moving along actively. How nice!
To catch you all up a little on what I've been doing recently, suffice it to say that things haven't changed much. Except the weather. Fall is here in full force! I love it! It's absolutely beautiful outside. And it's the perfect weekend for fall break, which I am currently on. Whoot! No home work this weekend whoot!
My second oldest sister is here with us this week which is awesome. We're having so much fun. We've been watching a lot of Horatio Hornblower (awesomeness!) and are planning to watch BBC's adaption of Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens sometime later. Oh, and sometime this weekend we're all going to get new hair cuts. I really need one. My last hair cut was in January...and my hair grows fast and furiously.
I'm actually growing it out, but the dead ends really do need to be trimmed.
Since I posted last on page 33, I guess I'll just take it from there, read what I read, and see what crazy happenings have been going on here in my absence!
*chuckles at Ali's new graphics set* My worst nightmare right now is that the Voyage Of The Dawn Treader will be an absolute nightmare! I'm not so picky as to say that they have to get the plot exactly to the book (books don't always transfer into movies so well), but if they ruin Eustace's character I will hate them forever and never forgive them!!!!
*waves back to Libby* How have you been doing, girl?
*waves to Ruby* I really like your avatar and signature.
Thank you! I changed my set, but I believe that was in reference to my Tenth Avenue North set? I heard that you and D-T-R and Elanor got to go to a Tenth Ave. concert. Sweetness! I've only ever been to Tenth Avenue North's concerts, but I've loved them.
Speaking of which, I am really excited, because I'm probably going to get to go to Jars Of Clay and Brandon Heath's tour concert!! I am super excited!! The only problem is, the Sunday after their concert, I have a choir concert...a really, really important concert.
Our choir is premiering a piece from Romania in the U.S. for the first time! We're singing it with a soprano soloist who's from Romania and sang the song as a child in the choir with a tenor male soloist. She's super excited to be singing it with us and I'm super nervous about it all...
So, if I go to Jars Of Clay concert, I won't be allowed to sing along, which is a bum. But it'll be worth it if I get to go at all!!!
My lovely sister gave us Jars Of Clay's new album "The Shelter". I've been listening to it and it has...blown me away. It's the best collaboration album I have ever, ever heard. It's called "The Shelter" because it's all about the community of the church and how we build a "shelter" for each other, not with a building, but with ourselves. And so, to emphasize the community aspect of the album, Jars Of Clay got tons of artists to sing with them and feature on the new album! A few are Mac Powell, tobyMac, Mike Donehey (Tenth Ave. North!), David Crowder, Amy Grant, Derek Webb, Dawn Richardson (Fireflight!) , and a lot of others...
So sorry to blab on and on about it...but I've been glowing ever since hearing it yesterday. Aaaah!
Okay, enough of that, moving on....
*sees Ali's and Libby's new videos*
Wow! I loved the Hero cover. It was a little hard to hear your voices, but you sounded really good! I actually like it better than the original. I'm not a huge Skillet fan. But they have their good songs.
Okay, I DIED on the water buffalo song!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I loved it!! Absolutely hilarious! Can't wait to see some more.
My rabbit used to be potty trained. He did fabulously until the cat came along...
What happened? Did the cat eat the bunny?
Wow, Ruby, you really do sound like you've been busy.
I hope you get a 'dull day' once-in-awhile!
Well, this weekend is my fall break and I have almost no home work at all to do over it. And my second older sister's here with us and so we're having a regular party all weekend long! It's nice for a change to be able to relax. Though I'm planning practicing a lot this weekend as well. Especially on the violin.
My fingers are still horrendously weak, especially my pinky finger on the left hand. Ugh. Makes it all sound terrible. But my mother assures me I'm getting better. I play really well (I think) when she plays with me. I'm hoping we get to play together more often, for her sake and mine as well. She hasn't had the opportunity to practice her violin skills in years. Which is sad, because she's so good!! I can tell she loves the instrument, just by the way she teaches me.
You have a new post color! I like it - it's very pretty. *loves blue*
Yes, I love it too! Blue is my favorite color, all kinds of blues! But sky blue is my favoritest.
Winty told me that my red fire-hydrant-colored posts were making her eyes sore and so I decided...perhaps its time for something a little more mild.
How exciting about starting violin back up, Ruby!
<--- That was exciting for me, in case you hadn't noticed.
Any sentence containing the word "violin" sparks my interest.
Really??!! That words sparks my interest too!!
Strange as it is, but shortly after I started up the instrument again, my mom rented this movie called Music Of The Heart. It's based on a true story about a violin teacher (single mother with two boys) who goes to teach in an inner-city school. It's amazingly inspiring and got me really practicing again. I think it was, to tell the truth, all the famous violinists that were featured in the film. Joshua Bell and Mark O'Connor to name a couple...
I highly recommend the movie! It's very good! If you love violins, you will probably like it. lysander is now the epic one?!
Silver, I'm sorry that things are so busy! I totally understand what you mean. I doubt I'll find any time to post on NarniaWeb in the horrendously crazy scribbling-like-mad month of November! Speaking of NaNoWriMo, what is your username on the NaNo site? You can PM it to me, if you want to. But I would love to add you as my buddy.
*waves to Aiden* Howdy! So sorry that I've been M.I.A. for the past...several weeks. How have you been doing in the meantime?
Well, that looks like all I have time for right now! I'm so glad I got to get on here today though. Ah! I feel great now! Ready to conquer the world! Not quite. But it's always refreshing to get on here.
Fare thee well all you lovely peoples!
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15 lysander is now the epic one?!
I have long been the Epic One. Of course, I was always Epic ( ), but it has to be at least a year or two since I was so named....
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Mortereve all!
I agree, back and forth dialogue is much more interesting and fun, as well as being more easy to remember. It's nice when the lines in front of yours give you the cue to what yours are.
Who cares if it's not like a professional show? It sounds great!
Yes, it's much more enjoyable, both for us and I'm sure the audience, as well. Monologues can get boring. And, yes, the cues are critical for fast dialogue.
Yeah, true, and it's a lot of fun!
Yeah, I often get the most done at night. Lately I've been forcing myself to finish some old poems that have been lying around, and reading . . I usually try to use the computer earlier in the day.
Strange indeed! (no offense, if there are people like that around . . Maybe we should say - unique?)
Mmm, same here. Although, I usually have to use my computer later in the day because I work on school and homework earlier in the day. Quite often my dad and I will both be up late on the computer.
Actually, strange though they may be, I actually quite admire morning people, and wish I were one myself.
Actually, I thought that it was an awfully short time . . . but I guess that's just me. And I had my lines down way earlier than the last play I was in. And I have at least three time's as many . .
But I'm kinda having trouble with pronouncing everything clearly and talking more slowly.
Wow, that's great! How long were you given to memorize your lines?
It was kinda funny... our first official practice is a read-though where we all get together and just read the play. Well, most of the other people had only read the play once or twice, but I actually had my lines from the whole first act memorized.
Oh, I know what you mean. A lot of people have trouble with that. One girl who recently joined our homeschool group and never been in a play before and turned out to be a fantastic actress, but she talks incredible fast and quietly.
*waves to Aiden* Howdy! So sorry that I've been M.I.A. for the past...several weeks. How have you been doing in the meantime?
Haha, not a problem. I've been well, thanks! Not much new has been up of late... How about you?
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*enters the square dripping wet and shivering*
FYI to all- it's not the smartest thing to run around barefoot in the rain if it's only 41 F out . Why do I love rain so much,
? Now I'm freezing cold *runs off to grab another blanket before finishing the post*
I think it was just a guess... Unless you mentioned it earlier, I can't remember.
That's really sad for you guys.I've never had very many close friends move away far, just one family when I was 5 or 6. So I don't think I was really, really distraught.
How many miles away are they moving?
I probably mentioned it, I don't remember .
Yeah it is . Actually, with every single close friend I have, something happens to ruin the friendship. Most of them have moved away
. But I think we'll still be able to stay close with these friends- they have a lot of connections here still and I'm sure they'll be visiting fairly often
around 1700 miles
Haha, wouldn't we all.
Lol, I'm sure. It's not really that I dislike school (aside from math and science ) but there are other things I want to be doing that are more useful...sometimes
I probably wouldn't ever cry, even if I thought it was very sad! Although, I have to admit, I did come close when Marian died (even though I knew she'd revive in the next episode).
I'm leaning away from watching it, but even if I wanted to, it's not been uploaded to YouTube yet, and I'm too cheap to buy it (especially since I'm unsure about it).
well you might cry in the finale .
I don't think I'd even buy the first season
. It is good but $60 is a lot of money...
Hmm, strange!
That's right, I'd forgotten that
. That's awful. He's always been my favorite character. So, it's pretty sad, huh?SpoilerAllan dies
Really, Ben hated him? I never thought he was that unlikable. Now, the sheriff, on the other hand, was awful!
Yep . Yes! It was worse than
I think so...I know he didn't like him at least. I remember having a conversation where he was trying to convince me to like Marian and I was trying to convince him to like Guy

oh yes the sheriff was awful! Even though he was occasionally funny I just wanted him to die a horrible slow torturous death. Yeah so I don't like him

Glenstorm: nope, no catchup post.
It sounds like, though you are going through a few tough things in your life right now, you have a lot more peace about things than when I was last here. That's great.
To answer your question, I'm doing pretty well -- really feeling the difficulty of having most of my friends in a different state right now, but otherwise everything is great. I had an easy week of school last week and so I was able to get a lot of writing done. Yay!
how did I know ? Yeah definitely
. It's kinda funny because I thought I would terribly depressed by it, and I was at first, but God has used the situation for good. I'm definitely growing closer to Him
. That's good. Aww well I can definitely relate with having your friends far away. Ooh that's nice! Are you doing NaNo?
*chuckles at Ali's new graphics set* My worst nightmare right now is that the Voyage Of The Dawn Treader will be an absolute nightmare! I'm not so picky as to say that they have to get the plot exactly to the book (books don't always transfer into movies so well), but if they ruin Eustace's character I will hate them forever and never forgive them!!!!
Ditto! I'm seriously furious about this. My family keeps on telling me to shut up and stop crying about it but I'm so MAD
!!! I don't think the plot has to be the exact same as the book either. I don't mind minor changes AS LONG AS they keep with the theme and spirit of the book and aren't adding ridiculous subplots. I really do think and hope that Eustace will be spot on. The one I'm worried about right now is Edmund
*sees Ali's and Libby's new videos*
Wow! I loved the Hero cover. It was a little hard to hear your voices, but you sounded really good! I actually like it better than the original.I'm not a huge Skillet fan. But they have their good songs.
Okay, I DIED on the water buffalo song!!! BAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I loved it!! Absolutely hilarious! Can't wait to see some more.
Aww thanks .
That's a huge compliment, I thank thee
. We'll hopefully have better sound next time- we lost our good camera and had to use our old really horrible one but I have found the good camera since so yay!
we had a hard time keeping a straight face doing it (I didn't really succeed
). Yay thanks