So. I haven't been here in a while, because Life just decided to take a bit more control over things. I'll attempt a catchup, but not just now -- this post is a "Hi! I'm still alive" one only. And besides, only nine pages have passed? It could be worse, I guess.
So, how have all the SquareOnions been doing? I see several new faces on this page - yay! Elanor and MountainFlower, it's lovely to meet you. I'm sure you've been posting here for a while now, but I've hardly even glanced at the Town Square for two or three weeks now. So bypass my ignorance -- a belated welcome to you! I'm Rose, Rosa, Miss R, or whatever else strikes your fancy.
I've been doing well. This week was a bit of a bore, seeing as I had mid-terms every day... and I got sick... But aside from that, school has been fun! I'm enjoying it immensely.
And with that, I must be off. I hope you all have a splendid weekend, and I'll try to catch up soon.
Good mortereve, all!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
So what have you been doing lately? *hums the Relient K song*
Hm. Well, I have a piano competition in 6 weeks I have to memorize about 8 pages for that yet. Something like that. And I violin recital in 3 weeks, I have to play around 20 songs. *gulp* And then NaNoWriMo in 2 weeks for 4 weeks that I'll have to write 50,000+ words for.
Why can't we have NaNo in, say, August?
Well, I suppose I could always do it on my own, but..
It's not as much fun by yourself. I've thought of that too... "Well, I COULD just do it on my own for 30 days and just not have the whole website and stats and everybody else doing it..."
But that doesn't sound like as much fun. At least it's not in December. That'd be about the worst month w/Christmas... IMO.
But I know what you mean...
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
comes in singing "Your Love Is A Song" by Switchfoot
hello! I am hyper! lol
MountainFireFlower: welcome to the square!
I am glad you liked the videos!
yes, the picture was drawn (by Ali) on the back of a coupon. didn't notice that feature until I saw the video after it was uploaded
Aslans Country: lol yes, I don't even think she planned that! I was going to use my dad's real cowboy hat (he has one) but we couldn't find it so I used the goofy tiny one that I got at VBS when I was 6
it doesn't even fit me any more haha
yes, ther's her little brother again, with a pink!
Ali: oh I hope everything goes well!
um, I wouldn't probably fail that homework b/c I can't draw to save my life
if you need to chat, call me! I'm here for you! love ya!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good mortereve, all! Well, here is the promised catchup post.
How has life been treating you all? I've been quite well, and I hope I can say the same about each of you. Sofie got fixed a few weeks ago, and we were told to "keep her quiet" and "not to let her play" for seven days. *snorts* I appreciate their concern, but telling Sofie not to play is like telling a dog not to bark.... It just doesn't happen.
She's recovered fine, however, and we're very thankful for that.
Annnnnd.... I watched Lord of the Rings! *GASP* Yes, I know. I've been saying I'll read the books for ages and ages, and it obviously has never happened. The movies were in our house, so I decided to watch them... and they were fabulous! (You should be proud, Louise!) And now I am more than eager to read the trilogy – though The Hobbit was checked out from the library when I went to look. Me and my luck with libraries.
I also watched Flight 93 several nights ago. And I just started Inkheart yesterday! I also completed Green, book zero of Ted Dekker’s Circle Trilogy. It was… ehh, I don’t know. Okay, I guess. Hopefully it will grow on me – I wasn’t terribly impressed with this first read. The other three were far better.
As for other ordinary things... The weather here has been glorious! Our front yard trees are turning color a full two weeks earlier than usual, and are already bright shades of gold and scarlet. The nights have been cold, making a hot cup of cider by a warm fire (with a blanket and good book!) a welcome evening pastime. Oh, how I just love autumn.
Pg. 25:
Silver: Ahh, so it's Sol, eh? He seems to have quite the distinguished personality. (Though... aren't cats always that way?)
I have a Korean friend at school named Sol. She's very cute and short.
I wish my P.E. teacher would let us listen to our iPods while we used the treadmill. *sigh* It would make life much more fun.
And my shuffle's blue - a lovely, Hawaii-ocean-like shade of blue. Green is nice too, though - my friend has a green nano.
~ Square Dasher (Libby)
Haha! What a fitting title.
Page 26:
*sadly has to give a thumbs-up on Booky's sig*
And your graphics are just beautiful, stargazer. I love the fall colors!
"Let me 'zplain. ... No. There is to much. Let me sum up."
It wasn't the movie I wanted it to be.![]()
Well said. I had high hopes for VotD, but I'm not so sure after this last trailer. It'll be a great movie, to be sure, but as for the adaption...
Whoa, Ruby, you and your family went to a tenth avenue north concert? How exciting!!
And that's one crazy rabbit if you ask me. A potty trained rabbit?! Wow! I have never heard of anything like that before now. I wonder how long it took for the owners to get the rabbit to do that...
My rabbit used to be potty trained. He did fabulously until the cat came along...
*waves to Poggy!* (I love that nickname.)
you should listen to it! It's pretty funny . Oh and I applaud you for knowing the title!!
I did just that! I didn't mind it and actually kind of... liked it. I think NarniaWeb's Relient K spirit may finally be getting to me.
And thank-you! *bows*
Look at this... it's... DJAQ! Lovely to see you again. It's been far too long! And I love your avatar, btw. Is that you in it? Very cute!
*raises hand* I love pumpkin bread. Though I prefer the eating over the baking...
Maybe I should put that in my signature: 'Real Life sister to ValiantArcher and MeadowMaid' What d'ya think?
Wait... MeadowMaid's your sister too? I think I knew that at one point... But I'd obviously forgotten.
I'm thinking that may be an excellent idea.
Pg. 27-30:
Hullo, dear Fanny! It's good to "see" you again. How have you been? Enjoying fall so far? The trees around our place are already turning color - we'll have rake the lawn soon. The backyard looks so dull and colorless compared to the front.
The weather has been really nice as well -- perfect for running!
Haha, well, it's hard to choose... but I love spaghetti! Absolutely NO tomato sauce, though. Pizza's always good, too. What's your favorite food?
Ah, yes. Spaghetti is wonderful -- especially with garlic bread and salad. That was our lunch this afternoon, actually, along with apple cider. And really? You don't like tomato sauce? I don't like spaghetti without it. We make pesto to put on the pasta, as well, which adds a nice flavor.
My favorite food? Hah! As you know, I'm vegetarian... so that limits my options, I guess, but it's still difficult to choose. I love lasagna, salad, bread, pasta... and Korean food. And yes, pizza's good, too. And most types of fruit. *scratches head* So, yeah. I like food. Our town hosts a food fair once a year, and there's SO much stuff there from so many different countries and cultures -- Mexican, African, European, American, Malaysian, Indian, Brazilian, Thai, Chinese, Filipino, Korean... you name it. I always eat too much.
Yes, Dot, my hand did recover from the ceiling fan incident. Unfortunately, however, the problem I had last year returned. (I don't know if you were here then, but I tore a ligament during floor hockey -- I had to wear a splint for a while, and it mostly healed. Recently, however, it's become really inflamed, and the doctor is going to try some radiation treatment (something with an ultrasound). He's trying to avoid surgery if possible, as it will probably cut me out of school for four or five months. Hopefully it will heal it up soon, though - for good!
And wow, happy [very belated] 1st NarniaWeb anniversary!
*waves to Silver* I like bread too! It's one of my favorite foods. There are so many delicious kinds -- our family sometimes eats up a loaf in a day, and there are only four of us (basically three, though, since my sister's in the dorm). Have you ever gone to Panera Bread?
Wow, Ruby, you really do sound like you've been busy. I hope you get a 'dull day' once-in-awhile!
Oh, and you re-watched Fireproof? Fun! I saw it for the first time last spring. It's such a nice story -- there aren't many movies like that around anymore. Have you seen Facing the Giants? I saw that one as well and enjoyed it quite a bit -- though not quite as much Fireproof.
And your sister is quite the artist! The picture is beautiful, and so is the text.
*is happy to come across one of Ly's posts* I hope it isn't too damaging to your ego to admit I always laugh at your posts. *sends a rather un-epic wave*
It's nice to have you back again, Ben. Glad you had such a fun cruise! And you went to Jamaica? Very cool. My mom went there as a student missionary for one year.
And you saw iguanas? My dad used to go to the Galapagos Islands a lot, and he'd see iguanas all the time. One sneezed on him, actually.
Glenstorm, you drive two hours to church every Sunday? That's crazy. Are you WAY out in the country or something? It's a five to fifteen minute drive for us, depending on which church we attend.
*waves to Elanor* Hullo! I guess I introduced myself in my earlier post, but it is wonderful to have you join us. I love your avatar, and I love your username! Ever After is one of my favorite movies, and Elinor is one of my favorite old-time names.
You went to a Tenth Avenue North concert? How neat! I really hope to go to one someday. What songs did they perform?
Participating in a "Little Women" play sounds really fun, too. I love that book.
And I'm loving Fall too. This weather - this is what it always should be like!! Winter can't come yet!!! This is weather for running around outside, and drinking warm Apple Cider, and having parties and staying up late. Writing novels, making friends . . . happiness.
I couldn't have said that any better. I usually have a hard time choosing a favorite season, but right autumn is certainly winning out. 'Tis a pity that it is so short.
A belated welcome to you as well, Clo! *won't even bother to attempt a typing of the full username* You like celtic music as well? I have so many celtic stuff on my iTunes I can't keep track of them anymore. I stole a bunch of the Celtic Woman from my sister's laptop, along with Secret Garden, Sarah McLachlan, and Enya. I love them all -- especially Secret Garden.
And I like your avatar, too. Pirates of the Caribbean is so much fun. I watched the first two for the first time several months ago. The first was my favorite.
Does anyone else have trouble talking to people? Like everyone. When I find myself alone with someone, though it be a girl friend that I've known for years - I can think of nothing to say. Anyone know a way to defeat that?
I really don't have much of a solution for that problem, but I can definitely sympathize. I used to be terribly shy. I think I'm better now, having gone to school for several years, but I still have the "What on earth to say now?" moments once-in-awhile. I just have to make myself talk at times, which is immensely uncomfortable ... but ah well. I still have those awkward moments of silence, too....
Oh, and you're Destined's sister? Neat! I have a sister on here, too -- PrincessRosario (I don't know if you know her). She's been a mod for several years now.
*waves to Anna* You’re hobbling, too? Ugh. What happened to you? I had to run a mile barefoot (on pavement) last Thursday, which killed my feet and knees. I’m hoping they’ll recover before I strangle my P.E. teacher. *sends a
to her fellow cripple* ... Or I suppose you're probably well by now. But anyway.
Glenstorm, I love the haircut! The bangs look really nice on you.
Aww, and I'm really sorry about your best friends moving away. I had two best friends who moved as well. It was so hard [and sad!]. I hope you guys can keep in touch.
Oi. How long do you have to wear that stuff, QS? It looks... uncomfortable. Can you take it off, or is it just stuck there? How do you sleep?
Miss Rosa, how did your Concerto go??
It went quite well, thank-you! I think very well, considering how nervous I was. And I got a nice seat in the orchestra, so that was nice too.
Pg. 30:
Oh, Ruby! You have a new post color! I like it - it's very pretty. *loves blue*
Though is is fun if there is a chance of death
*shakes head* Boys.... Oh, and thanks for the picture of the new boardwalk -- it looks super cool!
(Especially since it's practically transparent -- fun!!)
*shall haunt Ben's facebook until she finds cruise pictures* ...Wait. That didn't sound creepy at all...
It's Betsie! Good to see you again. And congrats on getting the permit.
And... and... you went to a Tenth Avenue North concert, too? With Destined and Elanor? *pouts in a corner*
'Ello, Boy Scout! *sends a "Guten tag!" in return* That's German, right?
*says a prayer for both QS and her friend*
How exciting about starting violin back up, Ruby!
<--- That was exciting for me, in case you hadn't noticed.
Any sentence containing the word "violin" sparks my interest.
*sigh* Well, Cor, it looks like we both had a lot of catchup to do. *Three more pages.... three more pages.... JUST THREE MORE PAGES...*
Congrats on the Music Appreciation test! That's a wonderful grade. And the Baroque period? Ahhhgh. That's... neat.
I enjoy some of the pieces composed during that time, but as for the majority... *ahem* No comment.
*resorts to major skimming*
Warning: I'm pretty stressed out and not feeling great right now, so if I come off that way, sorry.
Aw, I'm sorry. I had a really rough week, too - tests every day, and not nearly enough sleep. I hope you're feeling better now! *sends hugs and chocolates* And a prayer has been said.
Betsie: Cora? Cora. Cora! I like it. It's unique and pretty.
And oh yes, I have certainly been busy. Let's see - I read Green, by Ted Dekker (didn't particularly enjoy it, but oh well), several WWII biographies, Inkheart, and some other ones I can't remember. A friend told me this morning that he has all of the LOTR books, and he'll be willing to lend them to me. Very exciting.
I never read Attolia. Our library had them in a "non-reading section" of the building. Isn't that queer? *huffs*
Annnnd.... this concludes my catchup post! I still have one page left, but that can wait. Pardon any mistakes. I'm going to bed. Good night!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Just had to share this with my fellow SquareOnions. From a FB chat between a friend and I --
Friend: you are sooooooooo epic!!!!
Yours truly: I knows
Never forget, fair denizens of the Square, that I am the Epic One.
Adieu for now.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Greetings and salutations!
FireFlower, welcome to the Square. I've seen you around, especially from yesterday on the LoESRM thread, I think it's called.
So you like Skillet and TAN? Awesome! And Veggietales. Even more awesome. What other music do you like?
By the way, I took the initiative and nicknamed you based on what I saw in the other thread. Hope you don't mind.
Thank you very much, AC! (Air Conditioner? ) The Square is very fun, as is the LoESRM. And people say it's scary... on the contrary! It's hilarious!
Yes, I like Skillet - I've only heard a few songs. I was actually not a big fan a couple months ago but they've grown on me. I'm a big TAN fan though. Their songs are so beautiful and lyrically satisfying. Which song is your favorite? Other than the popular singles - like Love is Here and By Your Side - I really, really like Times.
Yes, Veggietales is awesome! My family is watching it right now!
I am a huge lover of music... some of my favorites include Relient K, Stellar Kart, Thousand Foot Krutch, FM Static, Owl City, Celtic Thunder, Britt Nicole, and TobyMac. And that's just a few of my favorites. What about you?
Oh, that is totally fine... Fireflower was going to be my initial username, but I think it was taken or something. I love being called that. Do you have any nicknames?
welcome to the square!
I am glad you liked the videos!
yes, the picture was drawn (by Ali) on the back of a coupon. didn't notice that feature until I saw the video after it was uploaded. lol
Thanks, Libby!
Haha, resourcefulness... gotta love it!
it's lovely to meet you. I'm sure you've been posting here for a while now, but I've hardly even glanced at the Town Square for two or three weeks now.
Hello, Miss Rose! It's nice to meet you too. I'm actually new as of yesterday, so no worries.
I really like your username, where did you come up with it?
Never forget, fair denizens of the Square, that I am the Epic One.
That's ... epic!
And I'm off again! Good mortereve!
av by dot
comes in singing "My Obsession" by Skillet
Miss Rosario: thanks! Ben actually gave me that title because I kept putting "I must dash!" on the end of every post here on the square
MountainFireFlower: your welcome! lol yes
you like Skillet? really? I am obsessed with their music! yes! they are my favorite band in the whole wide world!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Just got home from visiting my brothers college - exhausted, and so so sore!! I just want sleep . . but it was super fun!! Just need recovery time . .
Ben wrote
Don't you just love when the weather changes as soon as you get used to one thing?![]()
Hmm, maybe . . not so much.
GtG wrote
Ah that sounds great! I have friends that do that sometimes
oh that is wonderful! Are you going to do it again?
It was great!! I love doing that kind of thing . . hopefully I'll do it next year!!
AC wrote
So how have you been doing lately?
I've been doing quite well, though I'm very tired as you can see above. But having fun with life!! You?
Hello, Miss R., nice to meet you too!! I love your Avvie too, it's very sweet!! It's great how many people like Ever After! It deserves it!!
And my username is from LoTR. Thank you!!
Miss R. wrote
You went to a Tenth Avenue North concert? How neat! I really hope to go to one someday. What songs did they perform?
Let's see . . everything but three songs from tLMtD, and three songs from O&U, a few new songs, and some praise chorus's. It was wonderful!!
It's fun having siblings on, isn't it?
That's all, I guess. Tonight, though so tired, I had a lovely rehearsal . . and I'm looking forward to relaxing!!!
See ya!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*wanders in*
Hello everyone! Man, it's been way too long since I visited this thread. I'm terribly sorry! But things have been pretty busy for me, and once NaNoWriMo starts up in November, you betcha I'm going to be even busier! Sadness. I miss talking with you guys. I'm not even going to attempt a catchup post at the moment, but I thought I'd just drop in and let you know I'm still alive.
If anyone wants to talk, feel free to PM me - I'll probably be much more prompt in answering. But I'll try again to keep up on here.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Mortereve all!
*feels bad that she is breaking into Nut and Elanor's conversation about pianos and plays*
Aw, don't feel bad. We had actually both left the Square by the time you posted.
By the way, I totally agree about the self-taught thing. I take lessons, but more and more I'm starting to wish I could just do what I want. But then again, this is the time when everyone says "don't quit now!".. so I guess I'll keep going for awhile.
Yeah, during the summer, when we don't have lessons, I really enjoyed doing a bunch of stuff on my own. But, I do have to admit, I didn't really learn anything new. Lessons are still very important!
This isn't my first play.
I've been in five children's plays, with minor parts, and then I was in Cheaper by the Dozen as Lillian. But that was a smaller part too. This feels like my first real play.
Ah, that's cool. So this is your first major role. Good luck!
That's much better!
Anyways, how have you been?
I've been good, thanks! Life's a bit hectic lately, but that's not uncommon. How about you?
*waves back* yeah, I've missed talking
. Pretty good- I've had a lot going on but God's helping me deal with it all
. I finished it a couple months ago actually. My sisters and I started watching season 3 but I'm dropping out. It's really horrible and I don't feel like forcing myself to watch it
. The only reason I would is because I want to see
Spoilerhow Robin dies.
Yeah, same here. Glad to hear you're doing well! Yeah, I have a lot going on, too. What would we do without God's help?
You finished a couple months ago? Wow, that shows how long it's been since we talked. How was it?
Yeah, I'd never watch season 3. Why would you possible want to see how
Ah, yes. Spaghetti is wonderful -- especially with garlic bread and salad. That was our lunch this afternoon, actually, along with apple cider.
And really? You don't like tomato sauce? I don't like spaghetti without it. We make pesto to put on the pasta, as well, which adds a nice flavor.
Ah, I love garlic bread! And, actually, we had spaghetti yesterday! Tomato sauce is fine on pizza, and the like, but I prefer to eat spaghetti plain with Parmesan cheese on it. I always get strange looks when I mention that I don't like sauce on my spaghetti.
My favorite food? Hah! As you know, I'm vegetarian... so that limits my options, I guess, but it's still difficult to choose. I love lasagna, salad, bread, pasta... and Korean food. And yes, pizza's good, too. And most types of fruit. *scratches head* So, yeah. I like food. Our town hosts a food fair once a year, and there's SO much stuff there from so many different countries and cultures -- Mexican, African, European, American, Malaysian, Indian, Brazilian, Thai, Chinese, Filipino, Korean... you name it. I always eat too much.
Actually, I didn't know that! Or at least, I'd forgotten. Just curious, what's your rational for being a vegetarian? I really don't like lasagna at all. Salad I can take or leave. I love bread, though! I could eat it all day long. Pasta, too. I'm really not a fan of ethnic foods, though. We had an ethnic potluck at our church, and there were all sorts of strange foods.
Have a great mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
How long do you have to wear that stuff, QS? It looks... uncomfortable.
Can you take it off, or is it just stuck there? How do you sleep?
12 hours a day, though I haven't worn it for the past week after my appointment because it hurt too bad. I usually end up doing about 8 hours a day. *cough* While I'm sleeping. But--that's not very good. So I need to start wearing it more often. Ugh. *laugh* I can take it out--usually I have to yank it 'cause it gets stuck tight in there during the night.
I can sleep because my pillow is fluffy and moveable and flexible.
The first night I wore it I woke up about 5 times. Wow, that was not fun. And it hurt pretty bad for a day or two...
But it's gotten way better and I'm used to it now pretty much.
Thanks for praying.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Hey, Silver! I definitely know what it is be busy (who doesn't!! ). Good luck on NaNo!!
How are you doing, other than being busy?
NarniaNut wrote
Ah, that's cool. So this is your first major role. Good luck!![]()
Yes, this is the first major role - which makes it so exciting. I can still hardly believe it.
btw, do you have a nickname? *wonders if she's asked before*
And how are you? I've missed our conversations!!
Getting used to normal life is surprisingly easy - which is very nice. Just doing school, work, and NW. The last part is the best.
But I'm going to be super busy soon. Starting Monday, I have rehearsal about everyday for a few weeks, and some of them will take up my entire day. But I'll try to find time for NarniaWeb!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Yes, this is the first major role - which makes it so exciting. I can still hardly believe it.
btw, do you have a nickname? *wonders if she's asked before*
And how are you? I've missed our conversations!!
Yeah, that is exciting! Now, did you have to audition for the part? Because our homeschool group is rather small, everyone gets a part, and our director usually picks the parts for us. Although, this year was a bit different, since, like I said before, this play has a smaller cast, so we did have auditions this year.
Yep, most people around here call me Aiden!
I've been well, thanks! And you? Yeah, I've missed our conversations as well.
Starting Monday, I have rehearsal about everyday for a few weeks
Wow, is the play coming up pretty soon? We won't start having lots of rehearsals until early at the start of January since the play is in April next year.
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Yes, Aiden (thanks for telling me! ) I have to audition for the part. We don't really have any small groups like you have, so these are larger, plays that the whole community can audition for. But I understand what you're saying.
I like how in the play's I've been in, you don't have to audition for a certain part - they just give you whatever part you're best for.
Have your auditions happened yet? What part did you get?
I'm quite well - though as you can see, pretty tired . . but it's getting better. I'm not sick, which is good (for awhile I was worried) and I'm happy. I'm glad you're well.
Well, this can be the start to a new conversation!!!
Yes, the performances are in the first two weekends of November, so they're sneaking up on me. lol, but I'm excited.
Wow, you do have quite awhile!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Hey, Silver! I definitely know what it is be busy (who doesn't!!
). Good luck on NaNo!!
How are you doing, other than being busy?
Thanks! I'm going to need all the luck I can get.
I've been great, thanks! I've been doing a LOT of reading. I'd been on a "reading dry spell" for a while, but then as soon as we hit October, BAM! I'm bombarded with a gazillion books I want to read! I've read The Affinity Bridge, Behemoth, and Masters and Slayers, and now I'm almost halfway through The Lost Hero (which I am enjoying immensely ). Then it's on to I Know Why the Angels Dance, Curse of the Spider King, The Inkheart Trilogy, and Ella Enchanted - not necessarily in that order. And I also really want to reread the 7th Harry Potter book before the movie comes out. Whew!
It's a good thing I read fast.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia