*enters the square humming the newest Taylor Swift song*
eh, I really, really don't like this song, but my sister has been playing it constantly the past three days so it's stuck in my head
My, the square has been moving rather sloooowly lately .
catchup! little tiny bit that there is...
I'm sure there'd be more to reply to of the last few posts, but I didn't see my name, and I'm rushed as usual, so... bye.
aww you skipped me
I went to a life chain last sunday (not the one a few days ago). It was lovely. I smiled the whole time. The weather was lovely, but I was tired from doing something that involved much standing, jumping and screaming the night before (what could that be?).
what exactly is a life chain?
*waves to GtG* When my brother saw your avatar of Mike, (you had one, didn't you?) he said, "Hey, I sort of recognize him." He's the one I blabbed to about the TAN concert, because I had to, and gave me the polite and uninterested stares of someone who wasn't listening.
*waves back* hello . I don't think I've ever had an avatar of Mike actually
. But I do like TAN alot
. Haha that's so funny, sounds like my siblings when I rant about anything music
Ali. I've been praying for you.
aww thank you, that means alot
*waves to dotK*
I'm hoping I can get a new iPod on black Friday
Aw, sorry I missed you! "Good luck" with getting an iPod on black Friday--just don't get run over by any crowds I guess is all I have to say.
I've never gone shopping that weekend I don't think. Just been in town in the car. And that was enough.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
GtG wrote
what exactly is a life chain?
I probably should have explained, huh? On a certain day, people from all over America get together, and stand by busy streets holding signs against abortion.
It was wonderful how more people honked and cheered for us than made unpleasant signs. lol, but still most of them just ignored it. But it was really fun!
We had a storm last night - and now almost all of our leafs are gone. It's sad. Come back, Fall!! You were far too short!!
Looks like I don't have any more catchup.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Hello all! *Waves*
Thank you!
Things are slowly being worked out, and it's been stressful, but most of that is past too. At least I think so--hope so. Things aren't 100% better, but they sure are making progress!
I don't like what I wrote last year either.Maybe a few parts. But it's kind of boring. And--stuff.
Well, I hope things continue to progress and she doesn't relapse. (This is the depressed friend you mentioned, correct?)
Parts of mine were pretty ok, like my rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker and The Twelve Dancing Princesses. What was yours about?
*waves delightedly to Winter* How are you?
I am getting super super super excited about NaNoWriMo!! Have you settled on a story and characters and everything? I have determined to do a Story With A Plot this year, and so far I have characters, settings, scenes, etc., but not much of a plot.
Betsie! I'm good, and you?
I'm getting excited, too! My fingers are just itching to start writing! I've got two plot ideas, with characters, but I can't decide if I want to do one of those or try and think of something else, entirely. I was kind of hoping to do a contemporary story, but one plot is fantasy, and one... not steampunk, more like alternate universe? *Sigh...*
Lol, that happens to me all the time-or I'll have a plot and no characters. If you'd like, I could probably help you think of some form of a basic plot, to get your mind going.
It was a really neat idea, though, so you should go back to it sometime.
Thanks, maybe I'll completely re-write all the non-fairy tale parts with some better characters, my MC turned into a major brat, somehow...
How are you?
Anyway, See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
*arrives with the Jeopardy! theme song playing on the TV*
Greetings, SquareOnions! Hope your week is going well.
Just a bit of catchup from the previous page:
We had a storm last night - and now almost all of our leafs are gone. It's sad. Come back, Fall!! You were far too short!!
Sorry to hear that! Sounds a lot like last October was here. You're welcome to catch the very end of the last fall colors here! We've had some nice weather and the colors have been pretty. Tomorrow I may take a day trip down the Mississippi River valley to an apple orchard...gotta get some HoneyCrisp or SweeTango apples. Yum!
So this afternoon we are leaving Alabama and headed down to Louisiana, then... Florida! I can't wait to get back down to Florida and get settled into a house...
Safe travels! Enjoy your trip!
I'll try to stop by later but that's all for now. Hello to everyone I've missed of late.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
Hello, everyone!
I hope you are all well! I have a bit of a cold, but it's not too bad. Especially since I've been drinking lots of hot, hot peppermint tea.
Betsie, did you know that whenever I type that, I type Bestie at first?
You can call be Bestie, if you like. It'll make me feel more special and BFF and all that. (Like I need it.) I think Jo called me that. And Bets.
We went hiking on Sunday. It was beautiful. Josiah and Peter and I went on the long trail, through the brambles and poison ivy, by ourselves, and it was really fun. Did you know, that if you look up at the tree tops, when you are in the middle of the woods, and spin around, even slowly, you are sure to be dizzy and near death in .0783 seconds? I didn't either.
We should have a picnic or something! Mama asked me if I was going to see you or Destined this week, and I said I was sure I could arrange it.... Should I? We need to talk about the concert more.
Are you going to see the boys this weekend?
I can't wait to get your letter!
I haven't listened to much music lately, and I don't remember that TAN song. I'll have to look it up!
Woohoo!!! Mel!
I'm quite sure you wouldn't want to steal Aubrey. She {throws horrible fits} was one of the first ones I made, and so the stitching isn't any too nice.
If you let your magnificent, scriptural skirt idea steep too long, I might steal it. In exchange for Aubrey, you know.
And thank you for your prayers!! Things have gotten so much better.
Oh, good! I'll keep praying for you!
Have you whittled down your ideas for NaNo yet? What is the basic premise of the plot you-might-use-but-really-aren't-sure about? Perhaps my habit of meeting characters and somehow trying to figure out a plot afterwards is not too shabby. Because then, I love them so much, I don't care what happens. I want to hear some of your title ideas. I used to be really good at coming up with ones, but I seem to have lost the talent. Should the house in my book be called Lillith or Thwaite?
Did you ever read my novel? I can't remember. I always meant to read yours, but I never made time to. I skimmed through once.
So this is my story idea. Except, I don't even know how to begin. I think there is going to be espionage and smuggling and auto chases and mysteries and stuff like that, but the main part of the story will be about the spy-guy-who-isn't-exactly-a-spy and his wife, and their travels. So, all of the exciting stuff will be a background plot, which isn't focused on too much, except when you can't help it. There won't be any murder. And there is a cat named Grey Beast, and two gold fish named Napoleon and Alexander the Lesser, and lots of lovely people. I am very strongly tempted to put in characters with the same names as last year's book.
Hullo, Dot! I think I'll call you Dot for now, and if the impulse to call you Dotty comes upon me, I'll do that, too. Dotty Dimple was the main character of a series of books for little girls that was published around 1900. We had two, and I read them when I was very small, so I don't remember anything about them, except that a girl fell down the steps once.
I don't think I've ever had an avatar of Mike actually
Haha. There's my great memory at work again.
In any case, I love Tenth Ave, too.
I'm good, and you?
Pretty well!
I know of a good way for you to decide which storyline to use. Tell both of them to me, and I'll tell you which one is best. Then, you will be sure that the other one is right. Or, you will think of a different, even better one! Sounds like a deal?
I think steampunk is fun.
Oh, yes, do help me with my plot! I always have lots of characters. But they are more like friends... they live normal lives... nothing happens to them.... Last year, my story was a Anne of Green Gables-like story, just about the lives of some girls.
I wrote a little about my storyline up there, to Queen Susan. I'm thinking that near the beginning, the man will go off to London or something, and when he comes back, his wife will find a little vial (or slightly evil) of poison in his suitcase when he unpacks it. He stole it from some Bad Guys, I think. And then, he has to fly it off to Boston or something. And later, they will go somewhere together, and steal something/foil some plans/etc. for some bad guys, and then have to escape from them, and live under a shadow for a time. Or something.
I've been rather busy with life, this week, and so I haven't had much time to think about interesting things. Today, I listened to Owl City's Maybe I'm Dreaming while I finished sewing a purse. It turned out pretty well, and I know what to improve on, for the ones I intend to sell. And I love that CD. Now, I'm off to read Quo Vadis a little before I go to bed.
Mortereve, all!
Perpetual Member of the Manalive Conspiracy!
Hello all! *Waves*
Pretty well!
I know of a good way for you to decide which storyline to use.Tell both of them to me, and I'll tell you which one is best. Then, you will be sure that the other one is right. Or, you will think of a different, even better one! Sounds like a deal?
I think steampunk is fun.
Oh, yes, do help me with my plot! I always have lots of characters. But they are more like friends... they live normal lives... nothing happens to them.... Last year, my story was a Anne of Green Gables-like story, just about the lives of some girls.
I wrote a little about my storyline up there, to Queen Susan. I'm thinking that near the beginning, the man will go off to London or something, and when he comes back, his wife will find a little vial (or slightly evil) of poison in his suitcase when he unpacks it. He stole it from some Bad Guys, I think. And then, he has to fly it off to Boston or something. And later, they will go somewhere together, and steal something/foil some plans/etc. for some bad guys, and then have to escape from them, and live under a shadow for a time. Or something.![]()
That's good!
Sounds like a plan!
Well, I read your plot so far, and here's what I think could happen:
So, while the husband is in London (for a business trip?) he's approached by a guy who wants him to take a package to a girl, claiming he's a secret admirer and it would be more romantic this way, or something. So, the husband starts to take it to her, and then notices she has a gun (MAJORLY not allowed in the UK). He gets kind of freaked out and opens the package to discover the vial of poison. He flees the country, maybe having an auto chase on his way to the airport, or something? Anyway, then he goes to Boston (if this isn't where they live he's visiting a friend, or chemist, or both? If it's a chemist he could verify it's actually a poison and/or suggest an antidote?) Ok, I'm not sure what kind of plot they're foiling but an assassination would be a good one, given the poison. Then after they escape they go live in a quaint little country cottage (or, you know, not). and the remainder of the story is about them trying to start a new (and inconspicuous) life?
As for my plot ideas:
1) The fantasy plot revolves around two friends, a guy and a girl. (NO romantic involvement whatsoever) Anyways, they go on this walk and wind up in another world with dragons, fairies, and the like. Well, anyway the girl who's really...spacey? Picks a fight with a dragon and, the dragon for whatever reason, refuses to fight a girl. (Could be chivalry, could be something more nefarious.) At some point the girl lets it slip she's actually a fairy, who has been pretending to be a human. The problem is the story seems to dead end after he fights the dragon.
2) This plot revolves around a brother and a sister who are "street kids" (They actually live in a park, and there's a complicated park society that's different from street society- in this universe anyway) Then they find out the park is going to be completely redone and security tightened to root out vagabonds and ruffians. Somehow, they all have to pull together to do...something.
Any ideas?
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
*walks in, feeling a lot better than she did last time she was here*
Hello. Funny how life gets back together in a couple of days sometimes, isn't it?
Oh, yeah . . that's too bad. Hopefully someday you can go to one!!
Yeah.. I've watched a lot of live videos online though.
Oh, don't feel bad, please!
Yes, sometimes I wish I could take lessons . . but I'd prefer to take voice lessons, so . . . not for now.
I was just kidding.
Oh cool, are you going to take voice lessons?
Poor dear, being stressed out is no fun. Would a
help? The only problem is, "eventually" is still quite aways away. Oh, well, overall school tends to be lame. I'm homeschooled (again), but I know how the whole going to school thing goes: You sit in a classroom all day, and try to stay awake, and then when you get home you can't do anything, because you've got to do homework.
It's alright, complain away, it can be quite therapeutic, I think.
I'm well enough, a bit stressed about school, too, but never mind.
Yes it would. Thanks.
Like I said, I'm a lot better than I was. School stress.. it comes and it goes. Yeah, I know. I'm convinced some teachers don't understand the concept of rest.
Plus, I don't do well with relationships with teachers and stuff - I'm supposed to be being supervised by a teacher for this project which is basically the culminating activity of the last 4 years, and I don't think my supervisor and I are a good match.
That's mainly what I was stressed about.
Haha thanks, see that I just did it again?
Aww. *wonders how homeschooling can be stressful* (sorry, I'm ignorant, I know )
AH! YAY! I would be listening to his music but I'm trying to avoid it because I know his play counts are already going to shoot back up again once I see him in concert this month .
LAME excuse. But really, that concert is going to be awesome.. you're so lucky! (have I mentioned that yet?
I thought the EP was coming out on the 17th - today I realised it was the 19th. That means it'll be in the middle of the week, when I don't have TIME, not Sunday. Huh.
I would have done it but I was the only one that knew the rap part
haha that's ok
Wait, I think I might actually know the rap part. *runs it through her mind* I got lost after "you're technically a fruit, and with that much being said"..
Although I think after that it continues "you could opt for a prosthetic".
*can't believe I'm actually thinking about this seriously*
It is the family's but I use it the most and no one wants to pay money to get a new one . I might be stuck just getting my own .
Aww. Wait, I have a feeling you might've mentioned that you're getting one further down.
Oh, never mind. It was above.
*wonders what 'black friday' is*
Thanks for your prayers and everything!! Things are so much better then last time I wrote... She's been apologizing for a lot of things she's said and done, and her family and she are working towards -- things getting better. A LOT has changed in the past week, and it's been such a blessing. They aren't perfect yet, but so, so much better. Still praying for you.
Nicknames? Here people call me QS or Susan or something. It's not too confusing unless another person with a Susan-type username comes by, but I figure it out.
Oh, that's really great. I'm so glad.
Thanks. I think things might be a bit better too. My friend sort of goes between "I don't care anymore" and crying about what's happened/is happening, but really, she's let go of the people that have hurt her, caused all this, and she just struggles to go to the same school as them and have to talk to them every so often. Okay, so it doesn't sound great when I put it like that, but I think she's slowly getting through everything.
*waves to Betsie* How is life going for you?
*waves to dot* Ah, here is one who can most surely recite the veggietales bellybutton song rap.
*skims through ideas about NaNo, wishes she could do it, but only vaguely has an idea what it is, and is being told by the rational side of her brain that it is far too ambitious and there is no way she will have enough time next month for such a project*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Well, I hope things continue to progress and she doesn't relapse. (This is the depressed friend you mentioned, correct?)
Parts of mine were pretty ok, like my rendition of The Elves and the Shoemaker and The Twelve Dancing Princesses. What was yours about?
Yes, that is correct. She's doing much, much better. Her family has gone and talked to our pastor about it some, and I think that's helped a lot too.
Ooh, sounds interesting. Mine was set in the 1800's or something... *shrug* And it was pretty much about a girl who's mother dies while having a baby. It's slooooow paced, in my opinion.
Have you whittled down your ideas for NaNo yet? What is the basic premise of the plot you-might-use-but-really-aren't-sure about? I want to hear some of your title ideas.
Should the house in my book be called Lillith or Thwaite?
Did you ever read my novel? I can't remember.I always meant to read yours, but I never made time to. I skimmed through once.
So this is my story idea. ...
Ooh, I like your story idea. Sounds pretty exciting.
Maybe next year I'll try "adventure" more.
I read at least part of your novel--probably at least up to the part where they start job-searching. And possibly a little past that? I'm not sure how far that is. Then I think I skimmed the rest a bit too.
(I was hardly bothering with even paragraphs and what-not when I wrote first, I was just trying to get writing done. So my layout was awful, and it looked like pages full of writing with no spaces whatsoever sometimes.
) I think it's better though now since I edited it.
Hm. I like both names you have chosen for houses!! Maybe Thwaite a bit more actually--and I think that could because Lillith reminds me of Ramandu's daughter. Though it's not really the same. Both of them are lovely.
Summary of "plot" for this year: It'll be different, what I'm thinking of now is writing in first person about an 18-or-so year old who foolishly decides to run away and try make it on her own because she's sick of her life with family and friends, and she's starting to view their "ideas" and beliefs as far-fetched etc. So--she runs away, blah blah blah, don't know how I'm not going to make this cheesy-- Then I'm not sure what will happen. But eventually somehow something happens and she realizes something and she decides to maybe come home, or at least drive by or something. Then eventually in the end she's changed.
I'm still not sure I'm 100% enthused. But I think I'm going to try it. It could be good if I do it right.
Edit: Oh yes, and Title Ideas. Something cheesy like "At Last" "At the End" "Not Over Yet" "In Your Cries" etc.
Thanks. I think things might be a bit better too. My friend sort of goes between "I don't care anymore" and crying about what's happened/is happening, but really, she's let go of the people that have hurt her, caused all this, and she just struggles to go to the same school as them and have to talk to them every so often. Okay, so it doesn't sound great when I put it like that,
but I think she's slowly getting through everything.
I'm glad things might be getting better there too. It sounds like a pretty different situation, yet somewhat similar. (Only my friend said she didn't want to care about anything, and she would never cry... It's better now though)
Sounds difficult though... Hm. I guess I don't know what to say other then I'm still praying for both of you.
Maybe you can do NaNo next year.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
the one who gazes at stars wrote
Sorry to hear that! Sounds a lot like last October was here. You're welcome to catch the very end of the last fall colors here! We've had some nice weather and the colors have been pretty. Tomorrow I may take a day trip down the Mississippi River valley to an apple orchard...gotta get some HoneyCrisp or SweeTango apples. Yum!
Sounds lovely! We've had some lovely weather, the last week was perfect, and at the peak of color. But now it's almost all gone.
Bestie (
) wrote
You can call be Bestie, if you like. It'll make me feel more special and BFF and all that. (Like I need it.) I think Jo called me that. And Bets.
We went hiking on Sunday. It was beautiful. Josiah and Peter and I went on the long trail, through the brambles and poison ivy, by ourselves, and it was really fun. Did you know, that if you look up at the tree tops, when you are in the middle of the woods, and spin around, even slowly, you are sure to be dizzy and near death in .0783 seconds? I didn't either.
We should have a picnic or something! Mama asked me if I was going to see you or Destined this week, and I said I was sure I could arrange it....Should I? We need to talk about the concert more.
Are you going to see the boys this weekend?
I can't wait to get your letter!
I haven't listened to much music lately, and I don't remember that TAN song. I'll have to look it up!
Don't you have enough to make you feel special? That's sad.
I indulged this once (see above) but I'll leave all the BFF and Bestie stuff for Sara. You wouldn't want it to get confusing!
Sounds beautiful and lovely - except for that part about spinning around and getting sick and . . .etc. But if you like doing that, than it's just fine.
Me and Sara had a fun time going out for a little walk yesterday, to take pictures. It was windy and beautiful, and there were horses that we petted, and a cornfield that we trespassed in to, and it was fun.
We should!! A picnic would be lovely before it gets (too) cold. How about today? That's funny . .
I know, I want to talk to you! Yes, I'm going to see my boys. I'm just realizing, and it's really quite exciting!! If only we could stay longer on Sunday - it's always the best day.
I'm afraid I haven't even started on your letter - and I have one more to write before I do! lol
AC wrote
Yeah.. I've watched a lot of live videos online though.
Well . . that's the next best thing!!
I was just kidding.
Oh cool, are you going to take voice lessons?
I know.
I would love to, but I don't have any plans on it for the near future. But anything could happen!
Well, that was rather long!! Hurrah for Ketchup!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Good Mortereve!
So here I am in Florida! Just got in last night...
So I will probably not be coming into the Square as often as I usually do. I was thinking that I should spend a lot less time on the computer. So ya....
A speedy catchup....
It's very fun!!
We're getting a short heat wave (80's) so I can enjoy Summer for a little more time. Just when I got accustomed to cold . .![]()
Don't you just love when the weather changes as soon as you get used to one thing?
oh, well I pray you guys find some housing soon
well blah. I have no cavities for a reason!! I only brush in the morning and then after every time I eat- I even carry a toothbrush in my purse so I can brush my teeth at restaurants
. And my dentist said that's probably why my teeth are so clean and gums so healthy
yeah see- not good
. The only song I would recommend would be, uh, well The Best Day. I actually recorded that for my mom as a Christmas present last year. And erm...Change is ok so's Mary's Song and Stay Beautiful aaallright. Mine is pretty good besides that it has a few lines that aren't very good. So yeah, I don't really listen to her, not even those
Oh I see Yeah I will
probably not listen to anymore...
oh ok...well how was I supposed to know it?! You've never used it before!!
I was just giving you a hard time
*cough* well that song in particular inspired me a lot so there
................... 😛
*drools* Oh yeah I don't think you've mentioned that, and I also don't think I've mentioned that you need to stop making me jealous
*waves to Benjamin* Thank you for welcoming me back!!
Well, I can get my license as soon as I can pass the driving test. So, it will be a while for me, since I am learning from scratch. In Wisconsin (and other places, too?), 18 year olds don't need to take any form of drivers education, just be able to drive, to get a license. When my brother got his permit at 18, the lady asked him if he wanted to schedule his driving test the next week. I guess she thought we were learning to drive in a field behind our house or something?![]()
Your Welcome!
My sister got her permit when she was like 17 and a half or a little more and she was able to get her license right when she turned 18.... That was in Florida by the way
Safe travels! Enjoy your trip!
Thank you!
We had a very good time in Louisiana and now we are back in Florida
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes in singing "Hero" by Skillet
yay! Ali and I did two more videos!
here they are:
the first is our cover of Skillet's song "Hero" (we know it's rough.....we hope to do it again with a better camera )
... nU&h=4b2ac
and the second is our cover of the VeggieTales classic hit "The Water Buffalo Song" it's pretty hilarious! that's me in the cowboy hat
... kE&h=4b2ac
Ben: hi! welcome back! glad to hear you had a safe trip!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*enters the square listening to "You're Beautiful" by Phil Wickham*
I love this song so much, it's just lovely. I cry almost every time I hear it, or play it on the piano. Very good song
So yesterday I went to the counselor's again. The session went pretty well. She asked me if I would be interested in "art therapy" so I said sure and she told me to draw a picture of myself. Man I hate drawing (mainly because I can't do it well). Anyway she just told me to draw and gave no further instructions. So I just drew (correction: TRIED to draw) myself and rather plainly. And she asked "is this how you see yourself?" and I was like "you mean plain and boring?" and she affirmed so I said "well that's the me that most people see. Cause if I don't feel comfortable with someone then I don't completely show myself cause I know I'm weird and I don't trust them to accept it." So yeah I kinda have a wall up a bit. So my homework this week is to draw a picture of the real me making bits of my personality apparent in the picture. I don't know what I'm going to draw
Also we talked about how I always feel like I love people more than they love me. She said that's something I just need the Lord's help with, cause she knows that most people won't love me back half as much as I love them, and she knows I've experienced that. She told me a story about this nun who had the same dilemma or whatever and one of her friends ended up rejecting so she was really hurt and after years of feeling pain the Lord gave her insight about it, and just showed her that her friend didn't understand that kind of love. Which I can see being true. The counselor said (ok her name's Jessica, I'm going use her name now ). So Jessica said that the thing she can tell most about me right now is that I love fiercely and loyally. Which is absolutely true- I'm almost obsessive when I love someone, and I'm very passionate about them. And so it's hard for people to love me back I guess. She said most people don't understand or are scared of it.
So yeah, now I'm rambling . Hope that didn't bore you too much, here's
Aw, sorry I missed you!
"Good luck" with getting an iPod on black Friday--just don't get run over by any crowds I guess is all I have to say.
I've never gone shopping that weekend I don't think. Just been in town in the car. And that was enough.
that's ok . Haha I'll try
. I don't usually go shopping that weekend either but I'm dying without my iPod so I'm willing to make a sacrifice
So what have you been doing lately? *hums the Relient K song*
I probably should have explained, huh? On a certain day, people from all over America get together, and stand by busy streets holding signs against abortion.
It was wonderful how more people honked and cheered for us than made unpleasant signs.lol, but still most of them just ignored it. But it was really fun!
Ah that sounds great! I have friends that do that sometimes
oh that is wonderful! Are you going to do it again?
Haha. There's my great memory at work again.
In any case, I love Tenth Ave, too.![]()
don't worry about it
yay! Which are your favorite songs? Do you like O&U or TLMTD better?
LAME excuse.
But really, that concert is going to be awesome.. you're so lucky! (have I mentioned that yet?
I thought the EP was coming out on the 17th - today I realised it was the 19th.That means it'll be in the middle of the week, when I don't have TIME, not Sunday. Huh.
my play counts are still suffering from April- I was obsessed with him and he's higher than RK right now
You can listen to parts of the songs online now!!! Look! clicky!
;)) Wait, I think I might actually know the rap part. *runs it through her mind* I got lost after "you're technically a fruit, and with that much being said"..
Although I think after that it continues "you could opt for a prosthetic".
*can't believe I'm actually thinking about this seriously*
after that comes "you're umbilical equivalent is up there on your head! You could opt for a prosthetic but of course you'd have to know, it'd be covered by your shirt but not your HMO!"
Aww. Wait, I have a feeling you might've mentioned that you're getting one further down.
Oh, never mind. It was above.
*wonders what 'black friday' is*![]()
black friday is the day after Thanksgiving and there are HUGE sales everywhere
. I'm hoping to get an iPod then but I still have zilch money
what?! It's not like brushing my teeth extra is going to hurt them!
Oh I see
Yeah I will
probablynot listen to anymore...![]()
That sounds like a good idea
I was just giving you a hard time
I know I know . So what is it supposed to mean exactly?
................... 😛
did you even listen to it?
*steps into the town square, feeling slightly baffled*
I was told by Lady_Liln to "stop lurking" and make my presence known, so here I am. I've browsed these pages before but I decided to say hi now.
Which is kind of overdue because now I feel overwhelmed by all the posts and I can't even begin to reply to them all. Sorry.
Hopefully now that I'm here, I can get a hang of the conversation and I can't wait to talk to you all soon.
yay! Ali and I did two more videos!
I loved the Hero cover, very nice! And the Water Buffalo song was... great. Very funny.
I especially like your Silly Songs sign - did you write that on the back of a coupon?
yay! Which are your favorite songs? Do you like O&U or TLMTD better?
I'm a Tenth Avenue North fan too!! I got O&U for Christmas last year and I love it. I haven't gotten TLMTD yet. I'm hoping it goes on sale... I'm kind of a stickler when it comes to buying CDs at full price.
Now, as for my contribution to the chatter... I'm trying to decide whether to do NaNo, my best friend is coming to visit in less than a month, and I just cleaned my house today.
*dashes away, feeling like she accomplished something*
av by dot
Well, today I had to go to school.. despite the Saturday. I still don't understand why our school made taking the PSAT compulsory when there isn't the remotest chance of some of us going to the US for university.
Spoiled my Saturday-morning lie-in.
Such is life.
I'm glad things might be getting better there too. It sounds like a pretty different situation, yet somewhat similar. (Only my friend said she didn't want to care about anything, and she would never cry... It's better now though)
Sounds difficult though... Hm. I guess I don't know what to say other then I'm still praying for both of you.
Maybe you can do NaNo next year.
Mmm, thank you so much.
Maybe.. Although chances are my schoolwork might be even busier next year. *tries not to imagine the prospect*
Why can't we have NaNo in, say, August?
Well, I suppose I could always do it on my own, but..
Well . . that's the next best thing!!
It is. Really, I've watched so many live videos of concerts it's not funny.
I would love to, but I don't have any plans on it for the near future. But anything could happen!
Well, I hope it does.
So how have you been doing lately?
yay! Ali and I did two more videos!
here they are:
the first is our cover of Skillet's song "Hero" (we know it's rough.....we hope to do it again with a better camera )/a> ... nU&h=4b2ac
and the second is our cover of the VeggieTales classic hit "The Water Buffalo Song" it's pretty hilarious! that's me in the cowboy hat
/a> ... kE&h=4b2ac
And it was kind of really appropriate that Ali was wearing green.
LOL at the ending.
Hero was pretty good. And I spy Ali's brother in the background again.
my play counts are still suffering from April- I was obsessed with him and he's higher than RK right now .
You can listen to parts of the songs online now!!! Look! clicky!
And that is a problem? I actually have been listening to RK these last few days though. Maybe starting to like them a bit more again. He doesn't make my top 25 though.. but then again my iTunes play count was messed up months ago, and it never updates now, so I have to put in my iPod to check it.
They sound awesome! It's really weird to hear new TRS songs though, maybe just because I've become so familiar with every song recently.
I really love the sound of "Peace come over you". That's so annoying how the songs stop halfway, though.
On FB Bryce said he wasn't aware of that, though. I think it's a purevolume thing - it's happening with other songs as well.
Anyway. I'll get to listen to the whole thing in a few days anyway.
after that comes "you're umbilical equivalent is up there on your head! You could opt for a prosthetic but of course you'd have to know, it'd be covered by your shirt but not your HMO!"
Oh yeah. I never actually knew what that line was saying until now. Thanks.
black friday is the day after Thanksgiving and there are HUGE sales everywhere . I'm hoping to get an iPod then but I still have zilch money
Ah ok. Aww..
Hope you can get it.. which one were you thinking of getting?
FireFlower, welcome to the Square. I've seen you around, especially from yesterday on the LoESRM thread, I think it's called.
So you like Skillet and TAN? Awesome! And Veggietales. Even more awesome. What other music do you like?
By the way, I took the initiative and nicknamed you based on what I saw in the other thread. Hope you don't mind.
I guess I'm done for now.
Hope everyone has good mortereves.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North