Awesome!! Yeah, our play is smaller too, so everybody has solo's and a fairly large part. I think that makes it really fun.
Sounds great!
Thank you! Yes, we've had quite a few rehearsals, but we still have a little less than a month of them. I was planning on posting a little on the theatre thread, so you can go there if you want to hear more about it, during the future.
Yes, I suppose so. Silly me.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Yeah, I definitely enjoy plays more (watching and participating in) that have smaller, more condensed casts. And, lately, our plays have very large casts, since our director wants to include even the littlest kids in our homeschool group. So, this year will be more out of the ordinary for us since it's a smaller cast. Hopefully this won't be a one-time thing.
All right, if I remember, I'll definitely check it out!
I know you said this is your first solo, but is it your first play, or have you been in more?
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Good morning. (If by some offchance it is morning when you happen to read this)
Praying for you as well! It's tough, isn't it? I eventually got so worried about my friend, (I told my brother some stuff about it all) and I ended up speaking to my Dad about it, and he brought it up with her parents. I don't think she was probably too enthused about it, but it was pretty serious. Very. Serious. And they needed to know. I was the only one she told how she was feeling--and things didn't look good. Wow. I can hardly believe things got this bad. *sigh* But I think that I'm at least growing a lot spiritually through this. Man, her poor family though.
Anyway. Yeah, I'll be praying for you as well!! And I don't know all the details, or how serious your situation is, but--I'm definitely praying for you and your friend.
Thanks. I don't think my case is as serious as yours sounds, although I can't really tell because, like I said, she's keeping it all in. I really had no idea she still felt that way until she called me a few nights ago..and yeah, wow. I wish she'd tell someone who's actually capable of helping her, outside of just listening, which is all I can really do.
Hope your situation gets better from now.
Oh, a nickname. Yeah, you can call me AC, or Kathy, or just make something else up.
What about you?
Hello, Aslan's Country! Have you ever been to a TAN concert?
Hehe, I wish. No, sadly I live on the wrong side of the world (ie. Japan).
Maybe someday they'll come here - or, no. It's more likely I'll get to the US before that happens.
Libby, that's good. I'm.. not too great as of now, but if you want more detail you can find my previous post.
Erm, I actually haven't thought about it too much
but I'm guessing probably not.
*feels bad that she is breaking into Nut and Elanor's conversation about pianos and plays*
By the way, I totally agree about the self-taught thing. I take lessons, but more and more I'm starting to wish I could just do what I want. But then again, this is the time when everyone says "don't quit now!".. so I guess I'll keep going for awhile.
Talk to you all later.. for now I need to get on with finishing my schoolwork.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Ello peoples of The Square!
So this afternoon we are leaving Alabama and headed down to Louisiana, then... Florida! I can't wait to get back down to Florida and get settled into a house...
Oh yeah forgot to tell you all that the house I said we are going to rent we are not going to rent anymore... When my Dad was just about to pay for it the guy said that he had already rented to someone for some of the days we were going to. So the search continues
Catchup time...
Ben, the rehearsals are for Little Women (look at my posts on the acting thread).
And thanks for that advice, there is none better.
Oh sweet! That would be a fun show to do!
You are very welcome
Yep, I'm pretty sure that's the meaning. I have a brother named Benjamin too.
Oh yeah, now I remember that
Thanks! I thought it was about time to change it.
I personally like this color better. Blue is my favorite.
I do like the blue better, it is a really cool looking blue...
*enters the square whilst watching "Ever After"*
Well I hope so for you too
I think it's the latter. Yep. Ridiculous?! Whyyy? It's rather healthy I think, seeing I have had no cavities
. It's only a habit I picked up after 5 years of braces :/ haha
Well thanks
I guess it would be a little better but not really necessary *asks his friend who has been a dentist for 30 years* He says it would not really be any better to do it 4+ times
what? You don't think so?
No, no I know she would be fer sure! I don't really remember why I said "I suppose"
yeah. It's not that her music is bad persay. I mean some of her songs are cute. But she sings about a different guy in every song, and alot of them are breakup songs, so yeah, they're not all good.
I actually started to listen to one of her songs but then she said the d word and it was all about breaking up with someone ...
ah! Well what does it mean? Is it a popular saying or something? Movie quote? Elvish (kidding
No it is not It is just a phrase my sister-in-law made up and we just use it randomly
I knew you would say something of the sort
. Actually, I don't really know
. I just know that's what his business card says and he fixes computers for a living
. I've picked up on some of it
I was hanging out with a friend a couple days ago and he said that he was going to become an IT, so I just asked him Though I forgot what what he said it stood for
But I can still tease about other things right? And you can still tease me? Teasing is nice if the people enjoy teasing, no?
Yes of course
ok then let me ask you this question- has Lord of the Rings inspired you or changed your life? Well actually I'm sure Relient K hasn't, but they have mine
oh yes and men aren't stubborn at all!
Are you sure she's not older maturity-wise too?
A lot more than a Relient K song Though both hasn't too much
*turns green (with envy, not sea-sickness
)* ah! I need to go on a cruise
! Seriously, my favorite place is the ocean, that just sounds soooo wonderful
. The water looked really blue, like in PC. Was it that blue in person?
Yep it was that blue It was amazing! (I'm not sure if I have said that yet
Oh and here are those links for the Owl City interviews we were talking about on PM
Owls, Fireflies, and Jesus
Owl City brings cheer and imagination to Seattle tonightI only found two for now
That is really cool! I actually stumbled across that last one on Facebook right after I had written that PM.
@ Ben. We were quite welcomed to sign your petition. *bows* Your sister seems to have a somewhat.... how to say... odd manner about her person. I do hope she will return and grace us with her presence
and possible calm down a bit.![]()
Oh she does definitely!
I have I asked her a couple times to and she sounds like she might... I hope so.
I saw on your blog that you are from Alabama. If you did not see my earlier posts I happen to be in Alabama at this time visiting some friends. Up in Athens about two hours north. We are leaving today to head down to Louisiana... Anyway just a random piece of information
Wait, you guys seriously don't know what IT stands for? That's funny. Actually I'm probably the only one that finds it amusing.
Anyway, IT = Information Technology, F.Y.I.
Haha! Oh yes that is what it is!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
NarniaNut wrote
I know you said this is your first solo, but is it your first play, or have you been in more?
This isn't my first play. I've been in five children's plays, with minor parts, and then I was in Cheaper by the Dozen as Lillian. But that was a smaller part too. This feels like my first real play.
AC wrote
Hehe, I wish.No, sadly I live on the wrong side of the world (ie. Japan).
Maybe someday they'll come here - or, no. It's more likely I'll get to the US before that happens.![]()
Oh, yeah . . that's too bad. Hopefully someday you can go to one!!
AC wrote
*feels bad that she is breaking into Nut and Elanor's conversation about pianos and plays*![]()
Oh, don't feel bad, please!
Yes, sometimes I wish I could take lessons . . but I'd prefer to take voice lessons, so . . . not for now.
Ben wrote
Oh sweet! That would be a fun show to do!
It's very fun!!
We're getting a short heat wave (80's) so I can enjoy Summer for a little more time. Just when I got accustomed to cold . .
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Hello all! *Waves*
I have been excellent! And how about you, how are you doing?
That's good to hear. I've been well, enough, I suppose. School's been very tiring, though.
Hey! I'm doing ok I guess... About as good as I've been lately.
I don't know. Just a few relationship issues to work through with a friend of mine. *sigh*
Yep, I'm planning on it!And I did it last year.
That's ok, I can't really remember whether you did it last year or not either.
Though I think you did...?
Oh, that's too bad. I hope you can get them worked out, without too much drama/stress.
Ok, I'm planning on doing it, too! Yes, I did it last year. It was a lot of fun, but I positively detest what I wrote. It was pretty terrible.
Aw, I completely missed it! My apologies. *waves* There!
That's much better! Anyways, how have you been?
;)) Might be a little hard to answer that question unbiased, at present.
I think if you look at the beginning of my post you'll get the idea. But.. I'm trying to focus on the fact that all of this will eventually be over. I actually think it's really lame that school has this much of an effect on my life, but I guess that's the way it is for the moment. Times like this, I wish I was homeschooled.
(sorry, that was a lot of complaining that you probably didn't need to hear.)
How are you doing?
Poor dear, being stressed out is no fun. Would a help? The only problem is, "eventually" is still quite aways away. Oh, well, overall school tends to be lame. I'm homeschooled (again), but I know how the whole going to school thing goes: You sit in a classroom all day, and try to stay awake, and then when you get home you can't do anything, because you've got to do homework.
It's alright, complain away, it can be quite therapeutic, I think.
I'm well enough, a bit stressed about school, too, but never mind.
Anyways, I've rambled on at y'all, but now I need to leave.
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
Hello everyone. Good evening one and all!
I'm much too tired to try and do a catch-up post, but I promise to return and catch up sometime later next week. I'm too tired to go back and try and write good responses, but I wanted to post something on here this weekend. And I'm actually feeling quite happy, despite the tiredness.
This morning I got to go and help out with an organization that helps young women going through crisis pregnancies and stands against abortion. It was really amazing. To stand up against abortion, we all gathered at a lake and then walked around it. The month prior to that, most people participating in the walk raised money and funds and found donors to give money to the crisis pregnancy center. I didn't have the time to raise money, so I was glad to be able and go participate all the same.
I had actually been asked to go take pictures, which was neat. I love taking pictures, but I've never been asked to do what I love. And like I said, it was nice to be able to help out. Everyone there was really sweet and great to work with. And I got a free t-shirt on top of it! Whoot!
And then after the morning's walk, I went to my friend's house where we studied for our upcoming music theory test and then practiced singing. I'm working on sight-reading and so we used our Psalter (has simple part, mostly) in it to sing. I'm pleased to say I did relatively well! Altos easy, because there's usually one note in the alto-line that is usually used constantly (much more than the others) and if you remember that one note, you can find your other notes and get back on track easily if you ever get lost.
So that was my day. I'm home now and dinner's soon and I need to get off.
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*enters the square listening to "If I Die Young" by The Band Perry*
Hello everyone! Last night I went to a farewell party for those friends of mine who are moving. The party was so sweet. There was a slideshow of pictures of them with all their friends and a lot of people were crying. I actually started sobbing so my friend Matty came over to me and he's like "it's not like we're dying or something" and I stopped crying as a look of horror came over my face and then one of my friends was like "don't mention dying to her right now, okay?"
After talking to Matty for a little while, Melanie (his sister) told me that they had found out that Phil Wickham was coming to Lowell MA and immediately were both like "oh we have to go with Alissandra!" but it's not till after they move . I started crying again as soon as she said that and so she ran over and pushed Matty out of the chair next to me and let me cry with her for a bit. Matty took like a billion pictures of us hugging each other with red swollen faces
. It was really nice because I never really just sit with her and we were just hugging and I had my head on her shoulder and it was really nice.
Afterwards, we were able to spend the night at her house. It was funny because their mom just got an iPad and normally I'd be all over the thing but instead I spent the whole night squeezed on the sofa with Melanie and Matty and we were singing and he was playing guitar (that song I'm listening to right now actually), it was really really nice. I think their mom took a few pics of us then too. I'll be posting the pics once they email them to me
so I had a really nice night, even though it was extremely bittersweet. I cried a lot but it was also amazing to spend some time with friends and know that they cared about me too.
catchup time!
So far in Math 090 we are still doing relatively small equations, but I think we will soon be getting into larger ones.....
fun, I'll pray for you .
Oh good, I'm not the only one to do that.
I guess it is, if I do say so myself.
Most of my Christmas wishlist is made up of soundtracks. Has been for the last few years.... Anyway, I hope you can get it!
*chuckles over that last bit*
Yeah definitely not- I've been told I am teasable? I don't know . Haha it is
I always have a sprinkling of soundtracks, but the majority is rock . Yeah me too
Well, I'm glad.
Hopefully not, though if you are it's not the end of the world..... as far as I know.
Recommendations for the LotR scores? Well, if you're going after the single disc albums I recommend The Two Towers as being the best overall album. Second is Fellowship of the Ring and then Return of the King.
There's a ton of great music in RotK, unfortunately most of it is left off of the album.![]()
I'll have to go listen to the albums again to recommend any specific tracks. Been awhile since I've listened to those. I usually listen to the Complete Recordings now.
Got your PM and now we're friends on FB.
I'm glad it's official now.
hehe me too
well I'm not
. I'll see if my library has the soundtracks
. Aww that's sad
. I hate that a lot of movies don't put the complete scores on CD.
haha me too
🙁 That sounds really weird... And sad. I lent my ipod to a friend for a few days/weeks since she doesn't have one... I have an mp3 backup, but it's not the same, and has no new music on it really.
Oh well I guess... I'm alive.
And I know I'll get my ipod back from her eventually.
Yeah . I was talking to my friend last night and the same thing happened to his iPod and it was hard drive problem. It cost him $150 to fix it, but he just got a new one instead. Haha I have an MP3 too but it's practically broken as well
. I would never lend my iPod out
. Well I did once but it was only for half an hour
. I'm hoping I can get a new iPod on black Friday
*totally forgets what that was about*
Hey, 11 days.I'm really into his music right now, I've just been listening and listening, and it's helping me get through.. now.
So this release is right on time.
me too
AH! YAY! I would be listening to his music but I'm trying to avoid it because I know his play counts are already going to shoot back up again once I see him in concert this month
I'm thinking my brother should be glad he doesn't have you for a sister.
most guys should be
. Unless of course they are awesome and like long hair
Oh.. wait.. *doesn't actually remember it very much*Whatever.
I would have done it but I was the only one that knew the rap part
haha that's ok
Cool! Haha, I had to beg my parents for a couple of months too.
I know what you mean.. everything is connected to FB..
I actually don't even use it that much, but some of my friends get pretty addicted, and I'm just like - what is there to do on there?
I've actually been begging for a few years but yeah . I know! It's kinda boring really
Ahh, that's awful!
I'm really scared mine's going to break too.. and then I won't be able to get a new one either. But didn't you say it's your family's iPod? So can't you collectively buy another one or something?
It is the family's but I use it the most and no one wants to pay money to get a new one . I might be stuck just getting my own
Wait, you guys seriously don't know what IT stands for? That's funny. Actually I'm probably the only one that finds it amusing.
Anyway, IT = Information Technology, F.Y.I.
I know, stupid us
. Ah ok, thank you
*waves to Ali* We haven't talked in a while. How've you been? Did you finish Season 2 of Robin Hood?
*waves back* yeah, I've missed talking . Pretty good- I've had a lot going on but God's helping me deal with it all
. I finished it a couple months ago actually. My sisters and I started watching season 3 but I'm dropping out. It's really horrible and I don't feel like forcing myself to watch it
. The only reason I would is because I want to see

Oh yeah forgot to tell you all that the house I said we are going to rent we are not going to rent anymore... When my Dad was just about to pay for it the guy said that he had already rented to someone for some of the days we were going to. So the search continues
oh, well I pray you guys find some housing soon .
*enters the square whilst watching "Ever After"*
I love how you quoted this for no apparent reason .
Well thanks
I guess it would be a little better but not really necessary
*asks his friend who has been a dentist for 30 years* He says it would not really be any better to do it 4+ times
you're welcome
well blah. I have no cavities for a reason!! I only brush in the morning and then after every time I eat- I even carry a toothbrush in my purse so I can brush my teeth at restaurants
. And my dentist said that's probably why my teeth are so clean and gums so healthy
No, no I know she would be fer sure!
I don't really remember why I said "I suppose"
ooh ooh I can answer that! You were being weird .
I actually started to listen to one of her songs but then she said the d word and it was all about breaking up with someone
yeah see- not good . The only song I would recommend would be, uh, well The Best Day. I actually recorded that for my mom as a Christmas present last year. And erm...Change is ok so's Mary's Song and Stay Beautiful aaallright. Mine is pretty good besides that it has a few lines that aren't very good. So yeah, I don't really listen to her, not even those
No it is not
It is just a phrase my sister-in-law made up and we just use it randomly
oh ok...well how was I supposed to know it?! You've never used it before!!
I was hanging out with a friend a couple days ago and he said that he was going to become an IT, so I just asked him
Though I forgot what what he said it stood for
haha! Well Kathy explained it for us
Yes of course
yay ! Don't know what I'd do without my "rivalry twin"
A lot more than a Relient K song
Though both hasn't too much
*cough* well that song in particular inspired me a lot so there
Yep it was that blue
It was amazing! (I'm not sure if I have said that yet
*drools* Oh yeah I don't think you've mentioned that, and I also don't think I've mentioned that you need to stop making me jealous .
That is really cool! I actually stumbled across that last one on Facebook right after I had written that PM.
yes ! Haha that's funny
Libby wanders in, blinking in he sunlight. She stops, looks about, and breaks forth into song -
"I feel it deep within, it's just beneath the skin, I must confess that I FEEL LIKE A MONSTER!"
hi everyone!
I was babysitting some kids last night and we were watching Peter Pan (animated) and Hercules (animated) and both of those movie disturbed me to no end
I have to memorize 5 scenes since I am Mary is my church's Rock Opra Christmas play this year and I have lots to memorize!
*waves to everyone on this page* HI!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
I don't think my case is as serious as yours sounds, although I can't really tell because, like I said, she's keeping it all in. I really had no idea she still felt that way until she called me a few nights ago..and yeah, wow. I wish she'd tell someone who's actually capable of helping her, outside of just listening, which is all I can really do.
Hope your situation gets better from now.Oh, a nickname.
Yeah, you can call me AC, or Kathy, or just make something else up.
What about you?
Thanks for your prayers and everything!! Things are so much better then last time I wrote... She's been apologizing for a lot of things she's said and done, and her family and she are working towards -- things getting better. A LOT has changed in the past week, and it's been such a blessing. They aren't perfect yet, but so, so much better. Still praying for you.
Nicknames? Here people call me QS or Susan or something. It's not too confusing unless another person with a Susan-type username comes by, but I figure it out.
Oh, that's too bad. I hope you can get them worked out, without too much drama/stress.
Ok, I'm planning on doing it, too! Yes, I did it last year. It was a lot of fun, but I positively detest what I wrote.It was pretty terrible.
Thank you! Things are slowly being worked out, and it's been stressful, but most of that is past too. At least I think so--hope so. Things aren't 100% better, but they sure are making progress!
I don't like what I wrote last year either. Maybe a few parts. But it's kind of boring. And--stuff.
I'm sure there'd be more to reply to of the last few posts, but I didn't see my name, and I'm rushed as usual, so... bye.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Hullo, everyone!
How happy I am to be here!
(Okay, you can stop now. We don't want to exaggerate. Especially since there wasn't any trace of a grin on your face until.... now.)
*waves cheerily to Princess Anna*
It's funny, when you drove away on Sunday, I felt like the last link to the concert had just gone away forever. Come back!!!
I'd love to! You have no idea how happy that made me. I want someone to talk about it, too. I told J. everything, just because I had to talk about it all, but it was kind of like talking to a wall. They both have about the same amount of response to Tenth Ave.
*waves delightedly to Winter* How are you?
I am getting super super super excited about NaNoWriMo!! Have you settled on a story and characters and everything? I have determined to do a Story With A Plot this year, and so far I have characters, settings, scenes, etc., but not much of a plot.
*waves to Benjamin* Thank you for welcoming me back!!
Well, I can get my license as soon as I can pass the driving test. So, it will be a while for me, since I am learning from scratch. In Wisconsin (and other places, too?), 18 year olds don't need to take any form of drivers education, just be able to drive, to get a license. When my brother got his permit at 18, the lady asked him if he wanted to schedule his driving test the next week. I guess she thought we were learning to drive in a field behind our house or something?
Queen Susan!!!!!!!
If you aren't going to get excited about me, I'm going to get excited about you!
I take back my reservations upon your behavior. You can jump up and down as much as you'd like.
So, are you doing NaNo? I want to talk to you about all of my exciting ideas, and I want to hear about yours! I think I perhaps might have found a title today. (Can we get any more unsure? No? Try?)
I don't have any good pictures of the dress I made for the wedding, but you can see the collar here. Jocelyn is the one. I had hoped to get good pictures of it, but I never did. It would be so much easier if I had a dress form, because taking pictures and modeling is difficult, to say the least.
I'll be praying for you, dear!
*waves to Ruby* I really like your avatar and signature.
*waves to GtG* When my brother saw your avatar of Mike, (you had one, didn't you?) he said, "Hey, I sort of recognize him." He's the one I blabbed to about the TAN concert, because I had to, and gave me the polite and uninterested stares of someone who wasn't listening.
*waves to Balustrade the First*
*curtsies to Cor* It's nice to see you!
My brothers had Cor Guys... or, at least, Corps Guys.
Now, attempting at a bit of catchup....
*waves to Jo* Where are you, jolly girl? I've missed you!
Hey, Mel! Thanks for showing me the picture of your polo competition outfit, way, way back in the beginning of summer. Here is a picture of the dress I made for the Civil War reenactment. (Amelia is the dress.) Now, for next year, I do expect you to win you know.
Have you seen this?
I sort of have glimmerings that you talked of embroidering a skirt with the book of Jude. Well?
*waves to Djaq* How are you? I miss you! You won't believe how happy it made me to see all of those lovely pictures of you that flam took.
Would you believe it? I haven't read my book since it's been published. Lots of other people have. I'm thinking constantly about my novel for this year. Will you make me another splendiforous cover? I'm not sure what I want it to be yet, but I've thought of the color for the spine.
Miss Rosario. I see I contracted to give you a name, before I fell of the face of the earth. Being an onomastic, nothing shall delight me more. Hmmmm.... (That means I'm thinking.) What do you think of Cora? That name has bee floating around in my head, and rereading your description of yourself, I thought of the kind of girl which would be named Cora.
What have you been reading lately? I'm trying to finish Quo Vadis, and it's taking a mighty long time. After that, I'm going to read The Two Towers, because it's an October sort of book, I think. So far, I've only read the first LotR book. What did you think of Attolia? I hope you like it!!
*waves to Dot* (I still love the name Dotty....I think of a little girl in a white muslin frock, named Dotty Dimple. I'm not exactly sure who she is, except that she is fictional and has a Cousin Grace.)
*waves to everyone else* It's been so nice to see y'all again! I can't wait to talk some more!
Perpetual Member of the Manalive Conspiracy!
*enters singing Remedy Drive*
Hello everyone!!
did you know that whenever I type that, I type Bestie at first. It works for Sara, but on one else.
Why weren't you at church?
I'm glad it made you happy, I've missed you and wanted to talk with you so much . . . it hasn't helped that Dennie has worked so much this week.
We tried to talk to our J. about it too, but it ended up with me and her laughing hysterically and him . . . "Um, what?" lol . . . .
We should have a picnic.
And I will reply to your letter . . . sometime. I did finally respond to one of my long overdue letters . . but I keep forgetting to send it.
Have you listened to the old TAN song, Beyond Words? It's lovely!
I went to a life chain last sunday (not the one a few days ago). It was lovely. I smiled the whole time. The weather was lovely, but I was tired from doing something that involved much standing, jumping and screaming the night before (what could that be?).
That's all for now.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
We might do it this weekend.
Did you go through the corn maze?
I think if we keep talking about food, the drool buckets will most certainly need to make a come back. I think jo is the purveyor? *goes looking for jo, who probably used a few over the Canadian Turkey Day*
About NaNo to everyone else in the square:
So... who's all doing it this year?![]()
*waves hand* I am!
*is getting used to Ruby's new font colour*
*espies Betsie*
Do not worry this message has been disinfected.
I hope you feel better soon!
Yes, I did it last year. It was a lot of fun, but I positively detest what I wrote.
It was pretty terrible.
It was a really neat idea, though, so you should go back to it sometime.
Ali. I've been praying for you.
Betsie, I really like Aubrey... Can I steal her? I had not seen that; 'tis most cool! Your glimmerings are correct. However, I believe the idea must percolate a bit more. (I.e. I am lazy and have not picked out a material and cut the skirt.)
*thinks that is all for now*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
I take back my reservations upon your behavior. You can jump up and down as much as you'd like.
So, are you doing NaNo? I want to talk to you about all of my exciting ideas, and I want to hear about yours! I think I perhaps might have found a title today. (Can we get any more unsure? No? Try?)
I don't have any good pictures of the dress I made for the wedding, but you can see the collar here. Jocelyn is the one. I had hoped to get good pictures of it, but I never did. It would be so much easier if I had a dress form, because taking pictures and modeling is difficult, to say the least.
I'll be praying for you, dear!
Aw, thanks! *jumps up and down*
Yes, I'm doing NaNo!
At least planning on it. I got a few more details worked out today I think, I only have one main idea. If I get another one I might use that one instead, but... who knows. I think I like the storyline at least some, but it seems sort of dark.
And like it could very easily be cheesy.
Etc. But the ending won't be dark. And it's the only thing I can think of at the moment. I have a zillion (only about 20) title ideas... And no idea which one to use! Since I've narrowed my storyline down, perhaps I can narrow the title list down as well.
And I have a possible cover picked out too.
But that could easily change. *laugh*
I'm not sure I reeeeally want to do this idea.. Hm. I'm excited, and yet I'm afraid it will flop. It probably will. Oh well.
Ooh, the dresses you made are lovely! And the collar and color of the yellow dress (Jocelyn) are wonderful.
And thank you for your prayers!! Things have gotten so much better.
What are your NaNo ideas so far??
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Good Mortereve everyone!
Catchup for this page only I'm afraid. I have been so busy it feels like I've barely had to time to breathe! Oh well, at least I'm staying mostly ahead with all my homework........
*waves back to Betsie* You can call me Dotty if you like. ED does. Dotty Dimple? That sounds familiar, but the only thing coming to mind is a paperdoll named Dolly Dingle. I liked that paper doll, I had all three sets. There still around in my room somewhere........
Hm.....looks like no one else mentioned me. Probably because the last time I posted was a ridiculously long time ago. *resolves to never let so much time go by again in between posts*