*waves to Sol* Tell Silver to enjoy her cousin's wedding.
And thank you for the cookies, although it doesn't seem like there is much of anybody to converse with. I'll enjoy them on my own. Don't worry, I enjoy tuna and chicken too.
The college fair was actually rather helpful, even if I did have a bunch of university representatives asking me a ton of questions I had no answers to. Oh, and I had to carry home about a million brochures (more like 'heavy books') about the different universities.
But I learnt a lot, anyhow, and I've narrowed my choices down somewhat.
What else..
I should probably go do my English homework, although I don't think it was anything that'll take longer than 20 minutes.
Ooh, next week I get Thursday and Friday off school. Just remembered. Although I have two essays do do within that time. Notice how I always manage to follow up a comment with something negative?
Gotta break this habit.
The Rocket Summer is releasing an EP on the 19th. Very excited about that.
Hmm. This is turning into more of a diary entry, so I think I'll stop.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
*trudges in to the square*
*sigh* I'm really sad right now . Some of my very best friends are moving to Oklahoma and I don't know what I'm going to do without them. I don't have very many offline friends and they're some of the only people I really trust. It's just really really hard to have them taken away
anyway, catchup time
Yep, been doing it since august (?)... though the performances have only just been going on. I must have forgotten to mention it to you? Oh, well. You know now!
How funny about your sister doing it a year ago! What part was she? Did she have fun?!
Yes I didn't know, but I do now .
She played Bet and Charlotte. Oh yes she loved it alot- I would have done it too but I was much to busy with school work . It was funny because she and I look very much alike and I went to see one of her performances with my other sister and one the young men in the play saw me sitting in the audience and he thought I was her and he was about to walk down and yell at me for not being ready backstage when my sister who was really in the play walked past and he was like "oh! You're right here?! Do you have a twin?"
Might I say, that I wish ALL my Nweb friends (that seem like family) could come see it? I know you'd love it. I mean, the kids are adorable and funny... the adults do great... and you'd get to meet ME! What could beat that?!
I know I would have loved to see it! It's a wonderful musical and I'm sure you did great and I definitely would have LOVED to meet you!
Long hair may look good, GtG (on some of us ... you have to admit it doesn't suit everyone) but you must understand that for a lot of us, it's just too much work, especially as most guys wore their hair short-ish in childhood, and aren't used to keeping up with it. I'm all right with it for the fall, etc., but when I'm out in the sun lifeguarding all day it's just too much.
of course long hair doesn't look good on every guy, just like it doesn't look good on every girl. I know I myself look better with shoulder-length hair than hip-length hair like I used to have it. Well yes it is some work, but if girls can take care of let's say a foot of hair, guys can take care of 5 inches . Bah fine, as long as you grow it out some of time
Speaking of the Prince's schooling, he wishes me to inform anyone who is interested that his studies are going well and that he made an "A" on his Music test and aced a History quiz this morning.
I must admit I'm quite proud of him.
oh that's great
Let's see..... There was something else Cor wished me to tell you.... Oh yes, His Royal Soundtrack Man-ness has acquired a new soundtrack (what a surprise
): "The Last Airbender" by James Newton somebody.
*is listening to "Remember When It Rained" by Josh Groban*
Your hair looks so cute, Ali! I love it!
Speaking of hair, I have a picture of my hair with blue highlights in it...I did not actually highlight it with blue!
A friend of mine has some highlights that you can clip in and she put them in my hair for fun.
Thank you! I like it alot, cause even when I leave my hair curly it looks good, because the layers thin it out alot (I have really thick hair ). Haha! I need to get some of those
. I've always liked the idea of purple highlights with black hair, or really just one lowlight. Yeah it's a bit wild and I would probably never do it myself but it looks pretty cook
I meant it as a compliment, so, you're welcome.
Btw, I like longer hair on guys, too.
ok thank you then
Ooh, Poet and a Prince by Eric Ludy just started playing on iTunes! I don't like his voice, but it's a beautiful song.
yeah I do like that song
My friend and I were just talking about how distances seem so relative. Some one in her Bible Study was complaining that an extra 10-20 minutes or some rather short amount of time was too far to come). To some people 2 hours would seem like ages but to other not that long at all. Distances stopped seem super long when we had to drive an hour to get to any kind of decent shopping. I have found that distances seem a lot shorter when I have Focus on the Family's CoN on.
Yes they are definitely relative . Ah I listen to those audiobooks constantly
. But I usually fall asleep in the car- my family says that I'm part Japanese
Really?? When? What?
it's only for a compilation, not for their next CD, but it's pretty awesome! Here's a link
John Cooper can pull it off. He's about the only person I know who can though.
I haven't really seen that many other guys wearing it so I couldn't say .
Of course.
Plus, he's releasing his EP just before that.
I'm sure you know that by now but I just had to say, I just found out today.
Ohhh that would be awesome.![]()
YES! Haha yeah I found out yesterday. Kat was amazed at my reaction, she was the one that told me .
It would be .
I still haven't bought either yet.
I think.. yeah. Ocean Eyes. But.. ah. I might just have to get both at once.
both at once would definitely be the best idea .
Once again:
Although I can definitely agree with you - my brother's hair never stays short, causing my mum to despair.
haha yeah same with my brother's hair, and she's always cutting it and I'm like "let it grow!! please please please!!"
:)) That was awesome!
You guys actually did sound good.
My friends and I actually did the same thing once, but it mostly ended up with us forgetting the words and in hysterics.
I think my friend has it on her computer somewhere. *shudders*
I like how someone tried to say "do I at least get a lollypop?" before it cut off.
And the little guy has awesome piano skills.
haha thanks
Too funny! Haha. We all knew the words already except my sister who was singing lead so we made her memorize them real quick, and then she made that one mistake but I just sang the beginning of the next line and made her continue .
Haha yeah that was my other sister, I didn't know she was going to do that .
Yeah my brother's amazing
Go listen to it!
Haha, I did.
I went and listened to "The Leaper"... one of my favorites by them.
Awesome, thanks for the link, Glenstorm!!
So... today we went to a historical reenactment, and it was really neat! Set around 1830s or so. Very cool, I really enjoyed it.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Hello. I love Sundays..
Ugh. I don't really feel like going to school tomorrow. Monday's timetable is always so boring - well, it's the same every week, so that doesn't really make sense, but it is.
Ooh, I just watched this awesome version of Fireflies by Owl City on the X Factor. I was totally not expecting to hear that song when I started watching, so it was a nice surprise.
*sigh* I'm really sad right now . Some of my very best friends are moving to Oklahoma and I don't know what I'm going to do without them. I don't have very many offline friends and they're some of the only people I really trust. It's just really really hard to have them taken away .
Awww. I know how you feel, that's really hard. When are they leaving? Try and make the most of the time you have left.
YES! Haha yeah I found out yesterday. Kat was amazed at my reaction, she was the one that told me .
It would be .
lol, she should've learned by now.
Ahh, the 19th is so soon..
both at once would definitely be the best idea .
Fancy lending me the money?
haha yeah same with my brother's hair, and she's always cutting it and I'm like "let it grow!! please please please!!"
lololol. You sound desperate. The poor kid is going to have you nagging him to grow his hair all his life.
haha thanks
Too funny! Haha. We all knew the words already except my sister who was singing lead so we made her memorize them real quick, and then she made that one mistake but I just sang the beginning of the next line and made her continue .
Haha yeah that was my other sister, I didn't know she was going to do that .
Yeah my brother's amazing
lol, you still picked her to sing lead? Good job memorizing, though.
So wait, which one was you?
Haha, I did. I went and listened to "The Leaper"... one of my favorites by them.
I actually haven't heard that song that much. I can't remember what it sounds like off the top of my head. *really needs to actually get the album*
So... today we went to a historical reenactment, and it was really neat! Set around 1830s or so. Very cool, I really enjoyed it.
Ooh, I like going to those. I used to think life looked far more interesting hundreds of years ago.
Well, I'm off now. Enjoy your days.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
*dances into the Square to the song "Brielle" from Sky Sailing a.k.a. Adam Young*
I love this song. I want the rest of Sky Sailing's. Anyway, I hope you all have been having a very lovely Sabbath! The weather here is lovely. Cool and chipper. It's fall! Yay!
Apparently to all the children at our church, I've become "Princess Leia". Our favorite game to play together is Star Wars, though I don't think half of the children there have ever seen Star Wars or really know what it's about. It's still fun to see them being so creative.
Well, well, I'm sorry that I've been M.I.A. this weekend. But it seems that in my absence, my family on NarniaWeb has left me some catching up to do. That's always nice. I always look forward to getting on here.
Oh and did I mention that the weather here is lovely? Spectacularly cool and sunny! I love it. Autumn is here!
That's beautiful!! I love the picture and the text fits really well!
Funny thing: I was actually out for a run/walk with flam and my brother the other night and I started feeling weak, I slowed down and thought about turning back, and I told them to go on, then I started to feel better and went to catch up with them. The lyrics from "If My Heart Was A House" came to mind, because I was walking slowly (slower than they were) when I was on my own.
My sister is quite talented when it comes to fitting a text with a picture. She's just creative that way. Both of us like to mess around with graphics, but neither of us really work on them. Just a hobby.
Owl City lyrics always come to my mind when I'm out walking alone. Adam Young just has a way of capturing all of the inspiration and imagination into his music. I always find a song of his that fits the occasion.
*replays "Brielle"*
That's so neat about you getting closer to your family!
Families are such a blessing, and sometimes (most times!) we can take family members for granted and not get to know them as well as we should.
It's definitely a bad habit that I've built up and am now trying to overcome. I especially have taken my parents for granted. But I really love them. I think so many people love their families, but fail to make an effort to show that they love them.
We're doing great!
School has started for me, I'm volunteering at a horse ranch, I'm hoping to start taking mandolin lessons again in a couple weeks, and...that's all that is interesting, I think.
That's so good to hear! Volunteering at a horse ranch sounds like a lot of fun. I've always wanted to learn how to ride a horse. One of these days I'm going to, but right now I just don't have the time and my parents haven't really bothered looking into that sort of thing to invest in. If I took horse riding lessons, all my siblings would probably do it with me.
Thank you!! I'm excited to be here!!
Random stuff is the best, isn't it?
Oh, yes! I couldn't agree more! Random is my middle name. Not really. But I am very random.
By the way, I love your avatar. "Ever After" is one of my all time favorite movies.
Ha ha, somehow I guessed that you kinda liked TAN. Ooh, sounds fun! Have you been to any others of theirs? This is my first, so I'm super excited!!
I went to their concert in 2009 for the "Inside and Inbetween" tour and I loved it so much, I wanted so bad to see them this fall! Both tours were definitely very different. Last fall, it was more of a worship concert than an actual concert-concert. And it was a lot smaller. I'm super glad that they're getting more fans though! More people need to hear their music.
*waves to Chloe* It's always fun to see new faces (faces? I guess I should say avatars? ) on the Square!
I hope you stick around. It's loads of fun here.
I notice you like Celtic music? I'm not really into Celtic Women, but I've always liked Celtlic music. I enjoy a variety of Cathie Ryan, Kate Rusby, Solas, Cherish The Ladies, and Natalie MacMaster is fun, though she's not really Celtic or folk style.
*spots Sol the cat in the Square* So Silver has a pet cat? How sweet! I love small furry cutsie animals. Here kitty-kitty...
lysander, if you enjoy Shakespeare, then you'll probably enjoy Hamlet. It's like set in a modern world, sort of. Except they keep the script pretty exactly. Threw me off at first, because you don't expect people dressed in normal clothes to start talking Shakespearean. I'm not an expert when it comes to Shakespeare.
It could have been a horrible rendition, completely inaccurate, and I wouldn't have been able to tell. But my mother enjoyed it and she's actually read a lot of Shakespeare's plays. She may be a little biased toward Tenant though, considering the fact that she's a big fan of his.
I agree with everyone's enthusiasm about the beautiful weather, by the way: I only wish that my allergies weren't rebelling!
Oh! I feel your pain! I've been having allergies lately too. I never get horrible allergies, just mildly irritated eyes and throat and I wake up feeling groggy like my head is bloated.
I hope you feel better soon!
*waves back to daughter* How have you been doing lately?
Princess Anna! You're in an Oliver! production?! How fun! I love that musical. I love most musicals. But that one's especially fun. I always liked live productions of it better than the movie though. What part do you have?
Thanks...? I wish I could say the same about your color, but it's a touch fire-hydrant-y for me.
Aw, you make me smile, too!
Aww, what's wrong with fire hydrants? But perhaps you like this color better? I always have to change it every once in a while. It's about time.
Haha thanks, but I assure you we can all sing better than that
I'm sure you can!
yeah me too (duh
). Haha, the only sport I remotely like to play is soccer and sometimes volley ball, cause those are the only two I don't stink at
Same here! I always enjoyed the foot work in soccer. Though I never was very good. Same with volley ball. I never was that good, but if you get a good bunch of friends together, it's fun to play pretty much anything with them.
And they don't care if you play good or bad.
Yeah I've wanted for a while to dye my hair red but my parents aren't too keen on the idea
. Haha yes I don't really bother, it doesn't matter too much in the long run anyway, right?
If I dyed my hair any color, it would be red. A darker red. My hair already has red natural high lights. But for the most part it's just dark.
My parents would definitely not let me dye my hair until I was willing to pay for it myself. At this point, I don't care that much about my hair. My mom's dyed her hair before. She turned gray earlier than most people and she had a lot of gray. She doesn't dye it anymore, because I think she's reached the point where she appreciates looking as old as she feels.
Well, like I said, I'm the oldest guy in the teen choir. Everyone else is pretty young, and new in the choir (it's teens and the elementary kids), so, like you, I have to be the dependable person. But, since that's the case, I have to sing the melody.
Aw, that's too bad! I know my brothers really like to sing the bass. Even though they're not very good at hitting those low, low notes.
The problem in our choir is that everyone (except the sopranos) is too timid to sing out! And so even if they were singing the right thing, you wouldn't be able to hear them! Frustrates me.
Yeah, it is fun, except that the tenors really throw me off. I still can't understand the seating arrangement. Now we've changed it even more. I guess the parts are supposed to sit in one general area, so the basses, for example, are on the left. But, because of that, there's one bass in the front row, two in the middle row, and I'm in the back, sitting next to the sopranos. Figure that out!
Methinks the smart thing to do would be to put the bass in their own group all together. That way they wouldn't throw the sopranos off and the sopranos wouldn't throw them off.
Maybe they're just experimenting?
Yeah, but this is her first year! And they're all relatively young. She said, last night, that they're starting to settle in, though, so piano should start soon. Maybe this week.
Wow! That is a big leap! And it's always especially difficult (but fun) when the kids are at that really young stage. It's good to hear that they're all settling down now.
How has the rest of your school been going?
*sees Libby's avatar and starts laughing hysterically* I'm with you all the way, Caspian! Go find Ramandu's daughter.
That's nice that you are a sharing family. I only have one sister and she is rather particular about her things at times. She does share a lot of times it just comes with rules.
With TV shows and movies are tastes are fairly similar but we don't like much of the same music and are into different books. She's been reading / buying a lot of romances lately (Christian ones) but I find those too depressing.
I have one sister who's a bit more particular than the rest. Now that we're getting older and actually have "valuables" of our own, I think we're all a bit more possessive with our things. In the sense that we're actually willing to take responsibility for them. And actually want to.
I've read a few Christian romances...for some reason they always seem a tad...unrealistic. I enjoy like actual real life biographies of people or a well-written fantasy better than a romance story. They always seem to drag out needlessly.
We only got a very small allowance. I remember getting coins for most of it. We didn't get raisesd a whole dollar at a time until sometime in our teen years. The point was really just to teach us about money and I think we learned better because it was so small. *tries to remember how it was split up* 10% church (that I know for sure), 50% savings (I think), and I guess we got to spend the rest.
That's what my family does! Though like I said, we didn't get allowances. Whenever we got paid by someone for working, we put half of it in savings and then gave a tenth of it to the church.
I got paid a lot for a couple summers, because I seemed to be doing a lot of pet sitting for the neighbors. But that was a couple years ago.
Now I'm getting paid to teach dance. Funny, because I love dancing. It feels weird getting paid to teach people to dance.
*waves to Queen Susan* I'm so sorry you have to wear head gear! My brother has to wear it and it looks painful. We call it his medieval torture device. I'm not sure if he still has to wear it now...
There definitely are cultural differences and such, but we're all pretty much in the same boat as far as not really belonging anywhere goes, having lived most of our lives away from our parents' countries. So we sort of make up a culture all on our own.
It's really the only place any of us fit in, and it's a lot of fun.
Aw, that's so sweet! It makes sense too that you would all get along really well since you all can relate to each other in that aspect of your lives.
I've actually been enjoying volleyball this term - my team is really supportive, and I'm sort of improving, as in, I've managed to successfully serve over the net twice so far.
That's awesome! It always helps when you have a really supportive group. It makes it a lot more enjoyable too, makes you want to learn.
Well, with this I believe I will leave you all!
I hope you all have a lovely evening! God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Hello all! *Waves*
*Waves to Aiden* How are you?
Horseback riding sounds like fun! Are you enjoying it? Have you been taking piano lessons for long?
I'm doing great! Things are pretty busy for me, but it's good!![]()
They are! I'm currently enjoying lording it over my friend and little sister that they're sore from riding bareback, and I'm not. Not to mention, I cantered and they didn't. Admittedly, the cantering was accidental and I thought I was going to die. (Cantering bareback is SCARY business.) I've been taking piano lessons since February, so not long, no.
That's good! Being busy is better than being bored, right?
It is. *sigh*
Well, sooner than I was, at any rate.
True that. So, how have you been lately? (Homework, aside, obviously. )
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
I used to think life looked far more interesting hundreds of years ago.
Well, it sort of does.
I'm glad I live now though. The work looks somewhat harder-the daily work. But in a way life seems a little simpler too. It probably had just as many problems and complications as I do now though.
Ruby: Thanks! I'm somewhat sorry too.
My brother is actually going through [headgear] with me though, so I'm not alone.
Winter: Hey, how are you doing?
About NaNo to everyone else in the square:
So... who's all doing it this year?
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Hello all! *Waves*
Winter: Hey, how are you doing?
Heya! I'm doing good. And you?
I'm doing NaNo this year! I'm excited. Are you doing it? I know this is a stupid question, but have you done it in the past? I really can't remember. *facepalm*
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
Ruby wrote
I went to their concert in 2009 for the "Inside and Inbetween" tour and I loved it so much, I wanted so bad to see them this fall! Both tours were definitely very different. Last fall, it was more of a worship concert than an actual concert-concert. And it was a lot smaller. I'm super glad that they're getting more fans though! More people need to hear their music.
That's awesome!!! The concert I went to was just amazing - I liked how it was kind of intimate, because it wasn't that big of a place, and not that many people. But it was just wonderful to be in a group of which everyone is a Christian, they're all singing and worshiping . . . it was amazing.
And as for TAN themselves?!! WOW!!! I love them so much!! I think this made them my favorite band. I got hoarse from singing and shouting, and dreadfully inspired. Me and my sister were thinking of all the professions Mike could go into - Musician, Singer, Comedian, Pastor . . He's amazing!!!
All his voices were wonderful, Gollum was hysterical. I keep cracking up with DTR and Betsy about it . .
I want to go to lots and lots more. It was the best day of my life.
Oh, and I'm loving your graphics more and more!!
So, that's the most important thing in my life, lately.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Queen Susan, that's nice that you and your brother get to suffer through the head gear together! I'll probably have to get braces sometime in my life. But right now my parents can't really afford it. My brother's mouth (we call it the million dollar mouth) has been enough hassle these past couple of years.
But I have an adult molar that refuses to come down. The dentist is waiting to see if it comes down on its own, but it probably won't come in correctly at all, if it even comes in. Sigh. Braces are one thing I'm not looking forward to.
Have you noticed how many kids get braces these days? Sometimes its ridiculous. Kids with perfectly normal looking teeth get braces! Because they're not the orthodontist's standard of "perfect teeth". And why does everyone have to look "perfect"? It bothers me. And it bothers me even more since I'm probably going to get them too!
Elanor!! That's so cool about the concert. I'm glad you loved it. Going to their concert made me love their music twice as much! Mike is just so well suited for that kind of job! He's a great performer, but he's not vain or cheesy or egotistical.
All the other members are great too.
It's nice to see talented people who don't let their genius get to their heads, but rather give all the glory to God. I know how you feel right now. It takes a few days to recover from the overexposure to awesomeness!
EDIT: Your sister is Destined? So she went to the concert with you? I'm a bit slow on the uptake and just now noticed that. That's awesome!
Well...I must be going now. I have a TON of music theory home work that I have to finish before Wednesday. It's not that hard...I just need to do it.
Oh, and I forgot to tell you all...my sister got Sky Sailing!!! Squee!! I can't wait to hear the entire thing. We also bought Audrey Assad's latest album and we're going to buy Jars Of Clays' "The Shelter" as soon as it comes out! Can't wait to hear them all!
See you all later!
(But until then I wish you well...)
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Yes, it was indeed awesome!!! Mike is perfect for it, it's so enjoyable to see him!! He's hysterical, and inspiring, and has such great talent!!!! I love him . . . Yes, my sister is Destined.
Btw, do you know if Mike has a fan email address? I'd like to email him about how inspired I was, and thank him.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
comes into the square singing "At Your Feet" by Casting Crowns
wow, I am totally hyper. lol
last night was the first play practice for the Rock Opra Christmas play at our church! I am the understudy for the part of Mary we had a good first rehearsal.
*gives Ail I big hug* I love you and God loves you more! I hope and pray that God gets you through what you are going through!
I must dash!
haha, that's why I put it on my avatar.....it's exactly how I feel about Suspian!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hmm... maybe I should have come in here sooner. I'm in here, nothing happens. I get busy... EVERYTHING happens. Odd. Never have gotten used to that. And during the show's run, it got worse. Hopefully I'll catch you all now.
P.S. I love Oliver! Of all the shows I saw live when I was a kid (and I saw many), it's one of the ones I remember most clearly, and I like the movie too. A bit of trivia: I used "Consider Yourself" as one of my audition pieces as a pre-teen.
Yeah, the movie's great.
I love the show very much. Always did, though I only saw it live once. (When the jr high did it, my freshman year of high school. I had friends in it, so I went) That's a fun bit of trivia Lye ( ), thanks for sharing!
Being any part in a play is fun, isn't it?
Yeah, any part is better than no part. I'll give you that much. But as I've said countless times (online and in real life), I'd just like a chance to grow as an actress is all.
I hope you get the chance to try being in the chorus of one. It is fun.
Oliver! sounds lovely!! I love the pictures that you posted on the mod chat the other night.
It looks so fun!
Your avatar is really cute, btw!![]()
Thanks so much!
Yes I didn't know, but I do now
She played Bet and Charlotte. Oh yes she loved it alot- I would have done it too but I was much to busy with school work . It was funny because she and I look very much alike and I went to see one of her performances with my other sister and one the young men in the play saw me sitting in the audience and he thought I was her and he was about to walk down and yell at me for not being ready backstage when my sister who was really in the play walked past and he was like "oh! You're right here?! Do you have a twin?"
1) we could go in circles with that, couldn't we?
2) She was both Bet and Charlotte? How does that work?! I mean, I know Bet is primarily in Act 2, and Charlotte is ONLY in Act 1... but Bet makes an appearance in Act 1 as well! Interesting...
3) I love that story! That is SO funny! I'll bet the poor boy was embarrassed. What part was he?
I know I would have loved to see it! It's a wonderful musical and I'm sure you did great and I definitely would have LOVED to meet you! >:D<
Maybe one of these times, you'll get to see me in one! I just wish it could have been this one.
Princess Anna! You're in an Oliver! production?! How fun! I love that musical. I love most musicals.
But that one's especially fun. I always liked live productions of it better than the movie though.
Well, I was... it ended yesterday.
And depending on where you live, we might have been working on set strike (tearing everything down) when you wrote that to me. So. yeah...
What part do you have?
As I said this just a page ago in here, and countless times in the "Acting and Live Theatre" thread in the SO, and all over facebook, etc... I will not be repeating this again. Sorry. Please look in one of those places.
*waves to those not quoted*
I wish I could respond to things in your lives! But sometimes, it's all I can manage to fill you in with responses to mine. Sorry!
*limps back out, to possibly work on her room (or, to more likely, type up a post about the second weekend of Oliver! in the theatre thread)*
*enters into the square*
A very good Mortereve to you all!
So right now I am up in Alabama helping some friends for with some painting in exchange for some dental work for our family (for he is a dentist) and so here I am! I actually just got back from the check up and it looks like my wisdom teeth will have to come out... Owww.... Anyway... And also I have some possible cavities (sp?) only because I have not been flossing regularly... I shall have to start flossing a lot more!
Then we will be going down to Louisiana to visit some friends and then back to Florida! We have rented a house down there now! I am very excited! We will have it to at least the end of December and then we might try to find a more permanent residence...
So here I am, for the great catchup post of my time! This will take quite a while!
bah it's manly enough
No it is not
mmhmm. I still don't know how I want to be proposed too. My friend's husband proposed to her during Thanksgiving dinner, when they were all going around the table saying what they were thankful for. He called her his Marian, because we call him Robin Hood, and it was just sooo sweet and romantic
Oh that is cool... I shall have to think of a good proposal for my future miss, whenever that happens...
I don't know if it was actually in the movie, but I know it was in the trailers
. My mom doesn't like her, and I don't either but I won't let that keep me away from the movie
It might have been in the credits... Why don't you gals like her? I don't know enough about (and have not heard a song) to tell if I like her music or not, or to know what kind of a person she is...
and that's supposed to mean...?
You don't know what Mumu Kaka means? Your kidding right? You better be kidding!
well I was 4
. So 12 years ago
. We lived there while my dad was looking for a job after being discharged from the coast guard. But most of my mom's side of the family lives there so I've been there alot since, and we're going to visit there again soon, but I want to actually move there
Wow so quite a while!
What does your Dad do now?
ok, but let me know
so you were guilting me in to being nice?
I was just being nice myself... And left the rest up to you...
IT IS NOT!! Have you heard the new song?
yay! I want to see her replies!
Tis! No
Yeah me too, but she can be pretty stubborn Just like a woman
is EXTREMELY delighted by this
. How do you like it?
I liked it much
Well, Ben, as I've never been to the Grand Canyon, no -- I haven't seen the new board walk they put up. But then, I've haven't heard of it either...That's neat, though! I would love to go on it. I enjoy crazy things.
Well I meant pictures, not like in real life Here is a picture
Yeah as long as I know I'm not going to die or something I love doing crazy things! Though is is fun if there is a chance of death
*high-fives* We can be strange together, then. It isn't all so bad when there's two.
Yes not near as bad
*reads through her post* Oh yes. Thank you for the prayers, Boy Scout, Ben, Cor, and DotK! My orchestra audition went... all right, I suppose. I was terrified. (My nerves and I don't maintain the best of relationships.) My performance wasn't outstanding, but then it wasn't terrible either. I got a good spot and, considering how nervous I was, I think I did very well.
I'm glad it was not terrible and am glad it was good
Whoa, Ben, enjoy your cruise! You'll just be cruising along... enjoying life... while I'm slaving away at school. Humph. I'd say you have the better end of the deal.
Take lots of pictures!
I did enjoy it! So I bought my brothers camera about three days into the cruise because he bought a underwater digital camera... So I was able to take pictures the last part of the cruise. You can see them on my Facebook and also if you go to my friend list and type in Josiah in the search box you can go to the one that says JosiahnJazzy (or something like that ) and see if you are able to view their photos... They have more than me...
Yes I did get the better deal
And CONGRATS to your brother!! How exciting (but nerve-wracking). What a nice, romantic way to propose. Aww.
(I love the whole "following the roses", and the candles on the lake was a nice touch as well. And the piano piece. And the... oh, drat. The whole thing sounds amazing!)
Very exciting indeed!
Wow, that's quite impressive! What a nice guy he must be.
He is an great brother! And a great friend and ect... He is the closest brother (or sister) I have for sure!
I live in the mid-west of the country.
Oh cool
Most people call me Dani, simply because I've been Dani to them all their lives and they don't feel like they can call me anything else. I've always thought "Danielle" sounded a lot more grown up.
But I like the name, because it sort of encompasses who I am. "Danielle" means "God is My Judge". This means that God is the definition of who I am. God is the standard of everything perfect, holy, good, and just. And I have to live up to that. I know I will never live up to God's standard and that if it weren't for Jesus Christ's death and resurrection on my behalf, I would not have a hope in this life. So, God is still my judge, but He's a judge who is gracious, a judge who loved me enough to send His son to die for me.
It does sound more grown up But I have always liked full names better... Though there may be a few exceptions...
That is really cool! I have not looked too much into my name's meaning, it means "Son my right hand" or "God's strong right hand" I have heard a few different versions...
It has been quite a while. *sighs* Yeah, I guess it is.You have a sister on NWeb, don't you? Hannah, right? (Well, it's in your signature, so I guess that answers that question.
Yep that is her
Yes, I do live in Florida.
Oh, really? We should start one of those Lion parties to go see VDT of something.
I was considering going to one that is going to be in FT Meyers below Tampa but it is a 3 hour long drive and I don't have my license yet and I'm not sure if I could get someone to drive me... Where about do you live?
Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun.
I would love to live near mountains.
It was a lot of fun!
Wow, Ben that is one of the most awesome/romantic real life marriage proposals I have heard of!
It was a great one for sure! I think the best I have heard also.
What a perfectly lovely proposal!
It was!
Well, I had to pop in and say hi to Benjamin. Jamaica! Wow! Why did I not hear that you were going to Jamaica? I probably missed it, that's what.I'm horrible when it comes to skimming. I skim posts so much and then wonder why I miss all the important highlights.
Well, I'm glad you had so much fun there! Sounds very exciting, like a Swiss Family Robinson sort of adventure.
I'm not sure if I announced to everyone it was probably just someone I was talking to thus it is not really your fault you did not hear
I skim a ton also!
It was great! Yeah
*greets Ben with a huge hug* HI!
We missed you loads!! Sounds like you had a really good time! I'm SO jealous
. But I'm glad you had fun
Heydy Howdy Ali! We? How do you know everyone missed me?
Very good time!
Hey Elanor! I am glad you decided to come in here we need a Ever After fan, lol Ever After is a great movie! I have not seen it for quite I while I shall have to soon...
*sends a wave to Ben* Welcome back!!Wow, your cruise sounds awesome! I'm glad you had fun!
*receives the wave and sends one back* Thanks Djaq! And Welcome back to yourself! Have not seen you in here in a while!
Hey Chloë Máiréad! It is very nice of you to grace us with your presence! And how are you?
*waves to Benjamin* Sounds like your cruise was a lot of fun! Ooh, Jamaica! Don't make me jealous.
*waves back* It was!
I shall try not to
*waves to Ben* hi! did you see the new video Ali and I made?
*waves back to Libby* Hey! Not yet, I just was able to get on a computer... Since last time I was that is
*waves to Ben* welcome back from your cruise!
*waves back8 Thanks!
Oh new color Ruby, nice
Such a good feeling being down with a long long long catchup!
I shall be seeing you all later!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*enters the square wiping her eyes and listening to "Shoreline" by Deas Vail*
I always listen to that song when I'm sad. Yesterday and today weren't very good days . I saw my friends who are moving yesterday and it was the first time in nearly a month since we'd seen each other last. We cried together and it was really sad
. The two oldest are like older siblings to me, very much so, and our families are very close so it's like relatives moving away. Really really sad, especially since it's so soon and sudden
. I've seriously been crying all yesterday and today, because seeing them made it hit more that they're actually leaving
but it's catchup time
Awesome, thanks for the link, Glenstorm!!
you're welcome . Tell me how you like it
Ooh, I just watched this awesome version of Fireflies by Owl City on the X Factor. I was totally not expecting to hear that song when I started watching, so it was a nice surprise.
that was pretty good
I know how you feel, that's really hard. When are they leaving? Try and make the most of the time you have left.
two weeks to a month . It's really soon and sudden and no on was expecting it
. Aww thanks
lol, she should've learned by now.
Ahh, the 19th is so soon..![]()
haha definitely
I KNOW!!! *drools*
Fancy lending me the money?
would if I could
You sound desperate. The poor kid is going to have you nagging him to grow his hair all his life.
yes he will
lol, you still picked her to sing lead?
Good job memorizing, though.
So wait, which one was you?![]()
she was the only one that wanted to
I did the rap part
*dances into the Square to the song "Brielle" from Sky Sailing a.k.a. Adam Young*
I love this song. I want the rest of Sky Sailing's.
looove that song. It's my second favorite of his Sky Sailing CD
Same here! I always enjoyed the foot work in soccer.
Though I never was very good. Same with volley ball. I never was that good, but if you get a good bunch of friends together, it's fun to play pretty much anything with them.
And they don't care if you play good or bad.
haha definitely .
If I dyed my hair any color, it would be red. A darker red. My hair already has red natural high lights. But for the most part it's just dark.
My parents would definitely not let me dye my hair until I was willing to pay for it myself. At this point, I don't care that much about my hair. My mom's dyed her hair before. She turned gray earlier than most people and she had a lot of gray. She doesn't dye it anymore, because I think she's reached the point where she appreciates looking as old as she feels.
yeah I have slight red highlights too but you can hardly every see them .
Oh I'm willing to pay for it, I would do it with organic products actually, at home. They just don't want me to . My mom dyes her hair actually, because of the gray. She's had gray hair since she was my age!
*gives Ail I big hug* I love you and God loves you more! I hope and pray that God gets you through what you are going through!
thank you
1) we could go in circles with that, couldn't we?
2) She was both Bet and Charlotte? How does that work?! I mean, I know Bet is primarily in Act 2, and Charlotte is ONLY in Act 1... but Bet makes an appearance in Act 1 as well! Interesting...
3) I love that story! That is SO funny!I'll bet the poor boy was embarrassed. What part was he?
1) definitely
2) Bet and Charlotte were never in the same scene so she did quick costume changes
3) yeah he was . He was part of the chorus and a bartender
. What part did you have?
Maybe one of these times, you'll get to see me in one! I just wish it could have been this one.![]()
Yeah that would have been awesome . But I'm sure someday I'll work it out to see you in one
I actually just got back from the check up and it looks like my wisdom teeth will have to come out... Owww.... Anyway... And also I have some possible cavities (sp?) only because I have not been flossing regularly... I shall have to start flossing a lot more!
ooh painful ! One of my friends got his wisdom teeth removed last year and he was in a LOT of pain. But I pray you won't have to go through that too
. Hmm I've never had a cavity
. I was just at the dentist too actually and they said I have to floss more as well, but I brush my teeth enough to make up for it if I forget (4+ times a day
No it is not
you may so but I'm sure you won't stop using it .
Oh that is cool... I shall have to think of a good proposal for my future miss, whenever that happens...
I'm sure she'll be delighted that you're thinking ahead of time .
It might have been in the credits... Why don't you gals like her? I don't know enough about (and have not heard a song) to tell if I like her music or not, or to know what kind of a person she is...
Basically the same reason I don't like Justin Beiber now. All she sings about is guys really and her version of love isn't what the Bible says.
You don't know what Mumu Kaka means? Your kidding right? You better be kidding!
no I'm not. Honestly. Should I be ashamed?
Wow so quite a while!
What does your Dad do now?
yeah it was.
he's an IT manager, so he works alot with computers. How he got involved with that was totally the Lord because he didn't go to college for it or anything.
I was just being nice myself... And left the rest up to you...
hmm...then I shall stay with my first decision- I will be nice .
Tis! No
Yeah me too, but she can be pretty stubborn
Just like a woman
Tis not! Well if you haven't heard it, how can you say?
so we're all stubborn eh? What a compliment
. Is she older or younger than you?
I liked it much
yay that's great! It's one of my favorite songs by him
Heydy Howdy Ali! We? How do you know everyone missed me?
Very good time!
fine then, I missed you loads, how's that
? I saw some of the pictures on your facebook, it looks so beautiful! The water looked really blue! Amazing