*comes in squeeing with delight at the beautiful weather*
It's that perfect balance between fall and winter, where the air is just chilly enough but the sky is just sunny enough to provide a perfect day! I love it! And I can't wait to see the leaves change color.
Bahahahaha!!! Ali, that Veggietales song was just TOO funny! I haven't seen the original Veggietales movie with that song in it for a while, but I remember enough to find that absolutely hilarious!
And the singing wasn't so bad either.
Yes my teacher says the way I play now I'm going to get tendinitis and carpal tunnel. So yeah I'm really trying to play right now
. Haha I used to play basketball but I hated it, especially hurting my fingers
Oh dear! I really hope that doesn't happen. I never liked basketball either.
um, most of the time, but sometimes dyeing and straightening/curling look nice
. I used to bother alot and now I don't bother much and it looks better
. My younger sister does her hair well alot because she enjoys braiding it and doing all these treatments for it, so her hair is better than mine, but I really don't care too much
. As long as it's not reminiscent of a rat's nest, I'm good
Yes, I know several people who color their hair fairly frequently and it always looks amazing. If I had the patience and wisdom, I might be able to make my hair look nicer. But for the most part...I just don't bother either.
*waves to Elanor* Welcome to the Square! Don't feel shy about hopping in anywhere, anyhow. We all talk about random stuff around here.
Did you say Tenth Avenue North concert? Haha, I love Tenth Avenue North, can you tell?
I went to see their concert on the 20th. It was amazing! I hope you have fun.
Well, I'll be off now to finish up a ton of home work that I have to do. Fun stuff! (sarcasm there)
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*returns for a ketchup post*
*sighs happily* The weather was so beeeautiful today!
*Waves to pogginfan and Djaq!!*
*waves back*! How are you doing? Is school going good? What have you been up to?
So eat one! They're good for you!
It made me want to go play in a corn maze, and I don't think I've ever done that. It's always sounded like a lot of fun, though...
I did eat one. It wasn't the perfection that you described in your first post, but it was good.
Ooh, there is a corn maze around here.
My mom and I drive by it every Monday. We haven't gone through it yet, but I want to.
I haven't ever been through one before.
I can't remember if I've ever had pumpkin bread or not. I'm pretty sure I've had pumpkin spice muffins. Those were good.
Mmm, pumpkin spice muffins sound delicious! We used to make pumpkin bread A LOT, but we don't so much anymore...it's really good though!
While we're on the subject, what is your favorite kind of bread?
Poggy and I are talking about Andrew Peterson's music. You'd like it, I think.
(My mom and both my brothers said they liked Clear to Venus, which I got from the library. This is somewhat surprising, as one brother doesn't ever seem to like any sort of music, so yay!)
Ah. Hmm, the name sounds familiar, but I don't think I've heard any of his work. *looks him up* I'm listening to "No More Faith". His voice isn't something that I really like, but it's growing on me.
*will probably be singing the chorus of this song for the rest of the day!*
I like pumpkin bread. I used to eat it for breakfast all the time.
Yummy! How have you been lately? I haven't talked to you in a while!
*waves and sends a hug to Fanny* How are you? How was your birthday?
Yes, it would be very much a shame! I hope you do.
I do hope you won't make your long disappearances a habit.
*goes to hunt for it* I found it!
"A minor detail!" (Not positive what that's from, but I know I've heard it recently.)
"Could it really be that simple?" NT1. I did a combination of both of our quoting conversations!
How have you been doing? What have you been up to?
*waves back at Libby*
A belated congratulations on your one year anniversary, Dot!!
*waves hi to Djaq*
Oooh, I love pumpkin bread! And bread in general. zucchini bread, banana bread, cinnamon raisin bread...oh my, I'm making myself hungry!
Hi ho, Silver! ...Sorry! You probably get that a lot.
Mmmm! Those are all wonderful!!
Great...I'm hungry, too!
What have you been up to lately?
Speaking of my sister Moonie, she made this for me: click here.
Isn't it so amazing? Yes, that's me in the picture. My brother took the picture and my sister added all the text and effects. The text, by the way, is "If My Heart Was A House" by Owl City. My favoritist Owl City song!
That's beautiful!! I love the picture and the text fits really well! Funny thing: I was actually out for a run/walk with flam and my brother the other night and I started feeling weak, I slowed down and thought about turning back, and I told them to go on, then I started to feel better and went to catch up with them. The lyrics from "If My Heart Was A House" came to mind, because I was walking slowly (slower than they were) when I was on my own.
*HUGS* It's good to see you on the Square!
I'm doing pretty well. Health-wise, I've been having a few mild allergy attacks. 'Tis the season.
But other than that, I've been feeling great! I've had a lot of home work and been real busy, but life's been good with all its ups and downs. I think more than anything I'm getting closer to my family this fall.
We just do a lot more together and I find myself looking forward more than anything else to the time I get to spend with them.
That's probably the best part of everything right now. My family.
Thanks! It's great to be back!
Aww, allergies aren't good! flam has been having some trouble with them lately, too.
That's so neat about you getting closer to your family! Families are such a blessing, and sometimes (most times!) we can take family members for granted and not get to know them as well as we should.
How about you? How are you and flambeau doing? We've missed you on the Square. By the way, I love your avatar! Is that you? It's very pretty. Of course, I should expect nothing less from you.
You always make the loveliest graphics.
We're doing great! School has started for me, I'm volunteering at a horse ranch, I'm hoping to start taking mandolin lessons again in a couple weeks, and...that's all that is interesting, I think.
Thank you! Yep, it's me. Flam took the picture when we went to 'chase the sunset' one night.
*waves to The Epic One* Sadly, I'm afraid that my wave was dreadfully un-epic, but I suppose that you are used to other people being beneath you, are you not?
*sends a wave to Ben* Welcome back!! Wow, your cruise sounds awesome! I'm glad you had fun!
*laughs at Ali's video* That was...interesting!
Welcome to the Square, Ellie!!
I'm excited about going to a Tenth Avenue North Concert this week (saturday). I've been wanting to go to one forever, and one finally came to a place about two hours from where I live. After much persuasion, my parent's agreed to letting us go. Woot!!
Wow, that's great! I hope you all have fun!!
Congratulations on having your lines down for your play! And, I totally agree about Fall! I love this time of year!!
Am I done?? Did I actually just finish a ketchup post? Do I get a prize or something? Honorary membership? Discount? I really don't know how those last two fit, but whatevah.
Mort'reve all!!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Ruby wrote
*waves to Elanor* Welcome to the Square! Don't feel shy about hopping in anywhere, anyhow. We all talk about random stuff around here
Thank you!! I'm excited to be here!! Random stuff is the best, isn't it?
Ruby wrote
Did you say Tenth Avenue North concert? Haha, I love Tenth Avenue North, can you tell?
I went to see their concert on the 20th. It was amazing! I hope you have fun.
Ha ha, somehow I guessed that you kinda liked TAN. Ooh, sounds fun! Have you been to any others of theirs? This is my first, so I'm super excited!!
Thanks, Djaq!! I actually haven't had much trouble with my lines, memorizing come's pretty easily to me. So it's fun!! And thanks for the welcome!!
Oh, and I love pumpkin spice bread, muffins, everything!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
*wanders in, listening to Vienna Teng*
I have decided to join in on the chatter. But, I guess I should start by introducing myself a bit.
I'm Chloë Máiréad, but you can just call me "Clo." So much simpler.
Random fact about me: As you can guess by my username...I like Celtic Woman. Haha. Then again, I like almost any Celtic/Easy Listening song you toss in my direction. Well, almost.
I think I may have spoken to a few of you in the chatroom. Maybe.
Anyway, I must away. I'll pop back in sometime later and join the party.
And, wow, I use a lot of smilies... One more, just for good measure, you know.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
Hey Clo!!! I think we've briefly talked- maybe.
I like Celtic Woman too, though I actually haven't listened to much lately. I should ..
Just thought I'd say a little hi. Everybody likes smilies!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Pizza is calling!
What did it say? And how could it hold a phone?
I had no idea Where the Wild Things Are was so popular.
Neither did I. But it's really cool when you run across stuff like that for a Caldecott Winner.
Your little story paragraph made sense to me. And bummer about the checks. I'd never noticed that they'd made Narnia checks. If I were making them, I think I'd want concept art on them. Like the one of the children arriving in Aslan's Camp in LWW, or when Lucy and Susan are riding Aslan.
Several NT books!?! I'm having a hard time getting one down.
I suspect it might sound more impressive than it really is... after all 2nd and 3rd John and Jude together are about the same length as Matthew 13 or the second chapter of Acts. Also, I couldn't start at the beginning and quote any of those for you without a week or so of preparation. I memorised John 3:16 in Spanish once, but I think I remember maybe three words. So kudos to you for memorising in German! Which book are you memorising?
(I like pictures of horses running, there's just something about it...)
Oh, yes! Me too. Most of the time they go on trail rides, but we've done the games and halter class at the county fair once or twice. We're not really competitive.
*waves to NN, Dot, and Silver*
Ruby, it sounds like we have a really similar memorising style. I keep thinking I should know more Psalms than I do. But then I think that maybe I'd like to memorise a few chapters in Isaiah. So then I'm indecisive and I don't do anything.
I am not sure I can side with Mel and say that I prefer it to the '95 version.
You can't? Sad day. If the two of us agreed, it would be absolutely and incontestably true.
Really, there's no logical explanation. With us, there never is.
You will be happy to know that the household Brownie informs me that there was a message delivered by raven the other day. I think the ravens were invited in for applesauce but I don't know if they stayed or not.
It's nice to see you back again, Ben. It sounds like you had a lot of fun on your cruise!
Hi, Elanor! Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful avatar. Ever After is one of my favourite movies.
It wasn't the perfection that you described in your first post, but it was good.
Well, I did try to describe the absolute best apple I could think of. If you get a chance to go through the corn maze, tell me about it!
I think my favourite bread is hot, lavishly buttered garlic bread topped with parmesan cheese. I might have a favourite sweet bread as well, but I can't think of one at the moment.
Ditto about Andrew Peterson's voice. It's not spine-tingling amazing, but it's got a nice warm homey sort of sound.
Hi, Chloë Máiréad! Welcome to the Square. I have friends tell me that since I like Enya and Loreena McKennit I'd like Celtic Woman. Do you think this is true?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Sol the cat enters the Square, waving his tail around leisurely.
"Greetings, Square-dwellers! I come in peace. Silver sent me. She planned on doing a catchup post tonight, but she banged her hand really hard against the wall and thinks she might have sprained something. How silly of her! Unfortunately it was her right hand, and it made doing her math homework quite problematic. Now she's having a difficult time typing, so the poor thing is sitting in front of the computer with an ice pack, having to plunk out the keys with her left hand! She's quite depressed because this means she cannot work on writing this evening like she wanted to. She promises to catchup as soon as she's able."
Sol yawns. "I guess my work here is done. Normally, I'd criticize you on your lack of fish for me, but I'm full. The sausage guy down the street just dropped an entire link on the ground - oh happy day!" With that, he flicks his tail and bounds away.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Your enthusiasm regarding guys having long hair cracks me up, GtG. I have a real-life friend who's the same way - she demanded I grow my hair back before I come up to see her.
Booky, how do I find out when the next rounds are for NPR's short story contest? I have one that just got rejected and would be about the perfect length for the contest. I see that certain rounds have their own rules and requirements, but I could try to adapt the story to make it fit in some instances, I suppose. Anyway, good luck with your submission. (P.S. I like
a lot too. And
as well.)
My family is currently watching "Hamlet", the version in which David Tenant plays Hamlet. Let me tell you, it is good. As in, good acting. David Tenant was certainly born for the part.
Hmmm ... they have that here at my college library. I've been planning to read the play, so I'll have to watch that production when I'm over. I've already seen the three major movie versions (Olivier, Zefferelli/Gibson, Branagh - although I couldn't finish the last one). I've actually never seen Tennant in anything, although I know of course that he was in Dr. Who (and Glorious 39, which I still want to see and is still not available in the U.S. ).
I agree with everyone's enthusiasm about the beautiful weather, by the way: I only wish that my allergies weren't rebelling!
*waves to The Epic One* Sadly, I'm afraid that my wave was dreadfully un-epic, but I suppose that you are used to other people being beneath you, are you not?
*yawns* In a word, yes.
You will be happy to know that the household Brownie informs me that there was a message delivered by raven the other day. I think the ravens were invited in for applesauce but I don't know if they stayed or not.
Queer fellows, those ravens. I couldn't understand anything they said to me. Looks like they did their job, though. Hopefully a reply can be arranged, with or without the help of brownies, ravens, and swans.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Mel wrote
Hi, Elanor! Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful avatar.Ever After is one of my favourite movies.
Hello, Mel! It's nice to meet you to, because I've heard about you a little from my sister (Destined-to-reign). Thank you, Djaq made it for me!! It's one of my favorite movies too!!
lysander wrote
I agree with everyone's enthusiasm about the beautiful weather, by the way: I only wish that my allergies weren't rebelling!
I certainly can sympathize with you, allergies aren't fun!! I hope yours calm down soon!
Does anyone else have trouble talking to people? Like everyone. When I find myself alone with someone, though it be a girl friend that I've known for years - I can think of nothing to say. Anyone know a way to defeat that?
Anyway, that's my little dilemma.
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Hi, Chloë Máiréad! Welcome to the Square.
I have friends tell me that since I like Enya and Loreena McKennit I'd like Celtic Woman. Do you think this is true?
Hey! Well, I like Enya and Celtic Woman. They're pretty similar.
So, you might too. I've never heard of Loreena McKennit, though. I'll have to look her up.
Recently, I've been using Pandora a lot. So, I've heard different artists that are like Celtic Woman, like Secret Garden, Sarah McLachlan, Vienna Teng, and a few others that I can't remember at the moment. I'm sure if I listen to it long enough, Loreena McKennit will come up, but I'll look some of her songs up on youtube. If you have any recommendations, let me know!
Does anyone else have trouble talking to people? Like everyone. When I find myself alone with someone, though it be a girl friend that I've known for years - I can think of nothing to say. Anyone know a way to defeat that?
Anyway, that's my little dilemma.
I do! Even though I've known some of my friends for years, it's hard to spark up a conversation with them...
Elanor, I love your avatar, too! Ever After is one of my favorite movies.
"No one's ever burned you, nothing's ever left you scarred and even though you want to, just try to never grow up." -Taylor Swift, Never Grow Up
A familiar figure wanders into the Square. She snags a fruit from the chocolate tree before dropping herself down by the Fountain with a sigh.
Hello everyone! I'm just hanging out today. I have no classes or meetings for the rest of the day and I don't get picked up for awhile yet. So, how is everyone this felicitous Mortereve? Fall weather has finally made its way over to my neck of the woods and it's lovely.
Let's see, do I have any catchup?
Hello Silver (and Sol)! Is your cold still bothering you?
*waves to Ruby*
*waves to Pal* Have you heard anything more about that job?
*waves to lysander*
*waves to Ali*
Now the Moon's moved away from Jupiter, but it'll be close to it again next month.
Oh good! it was raining here too when the Moon was close. I'm glad it will move back I really wanted to see it. I saw Jupiter by itself last night, but without a telescope. I really need to find that thing......
*waves to Benjamin* Sounds like your cruise was a lot of fun! Ooh, Jamaica! Don't make me jealous.
Good luck on your short stories Bookwyrm!
Hello Elanor! I'm daughter of the King, or daughter, or dotK, or Dot or Dotty depending on who you ask. Call me by whichever one that strikes your fancy! What part are you playing in Little Women?
*waves to Djaq*
*waves to Clo* Welcome to the Square!
*waves to Mel*
The familiar figure sits back and enjoys her chocolate while listening to the Fountain. She reluctantly gets up and wanders back out of the Square snagging another piece of chocolate as she passes by the tree.
Just thought I'd pop in (or hobble, in my current state), and see you all. Don't want you thinking I'm dead or some such nonsense, you know.
Weekend #1 for Oliver! is past, and Weekend #2 starts tomorrow. I can't believe we're already halfway through! I'm gonna miss the show, and my cast so, SO very much!
Anyway, for details on how it's going, and what happened to make me hobble... look in the "Acting and Live Theatre" thread in the Spare Oom. (incidentally, Dot, that is where you can find out what part Elanor has in Little Women )
Welcome to any Square newbies we have! (namely, Clo and Elanor) I'm so glad you found your way in here!
*also loves Ever After*
Alright, I must away... we have a pick-up rehearsal tonight, that I must get ready for. (which is most welcome, after the miserable two day break we've been forced to have )
We must disappear, we'll be back here... today, perhaps tomorrow! We'll miss you too, it's sad but true... that parting is SUCH sweet sorrow! And when we're in the distance, you'll hear this whispered tune: So long, fare thee well. Pip pip, cheerio! We'll be back soon!
Dot wrote
Hello Elanor! I'm daughter of the King, or daughter, or dotK, or Dot or Dotty depending on who you ask. Call me by whichever one that strikes your fancy! What part are you playing in Little Women?
Hello, and thanks for the welcome!! I play Amy, younger and older.
Princess Anna, what part do you have in Oliver? That would be a fun play!!! And I know how sad it is to leave the cast . . . I've experienced it . .
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Hello all! *Waves*
Yep, that pretty much defines it!
Though, we have none this weekend and I'm very happy about it. We had waaayy too many tests last week...equally lovely!
That's good! About the lack of homework, not the tests. Blah, I had a test today...not fun!
*chuckles at Winty's post* It's always nice to see that color of blue on the Square! And you make me smile.
Thanks...? I wish I could say the same about your color, but it's a touch fire-hydrant-y for me.
Aw, you make me smile, too!
*waves back*! How are you doing? Is school going good?
What have you been up to?
I'm doing pretty good. Eh, school's ok. Nothing too much, just horseback riding and piano lessons, reading Les Miserables, and doing school.
And you?
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
Queer fellows, those ravens.
Indeed. I mean, who wouldn't want applesauce?
*wonders if it's a good thing or a bad thing that DTR talks about her* I didn't know there was that much to say about me.
Does anyone else have trouble talking to people? Like everyone. When I find myself alone with someone, though it be a girl friend that I've known for years - I can think of nothing to say. Anyone know a way to defeat that?
I have the same problem. My friend tries to break the silence by asking what I'm thinking, and I usually go, "Not much." It's hard to start describing whatever I'm thinking at the time, because it's often so totally unrelated to what we're doing. But it might start a conversation or two for you.
*hugs PA* I like how you're often mixing in references to shows to the opening or closing of your posts. And I even get this one, I think, because I've read your posts in the Theatre thread.
Clo, I think I've heard Sarah McLachlan on a Celtic sampler cd. She does City of Angels? Something like that... I'd recommend Stolen Child, Skellig, Lady of Shallot, and Mummer's Dance by Loreena McKennit. But I think pretty much everything by her that I've heard is excellent.
*waves back to Dot* I think I need to be thinking about questions for you that will have interesting answers because my hand is going limp from waving.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton