comes in singing "Rebirthing" by Skillet
lol I was just watching this video again:
bwahaha! Ben Barnes really does have a good voice though
Ali: yes it would be so awesome!
it would be even more awesome if you and I could go together.....
*waves to pogginfan and Djaq*
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good Mortereve everyone!
I had two tests this week ( ), and the first edition of the student newspaper for this semester is out today (
), and we now officially have a quorum in student government so we can actually vote on stuff (
) and I developed my first roll of film (
). So yea, that's what I've been up too.
Three pages of catchup. I need to visit more often.
Are you feeling better Cor?
Happy belated birthday Libby! I remember when I was 17, it was one of the best year's of my entire life. I hope yours is as well.
Don't worry, Hannah, I wouldn't be in college if I didn't pay attention to the outside world once in while.
Oh, that's why the Square has been quiet the last few days. Benjamin went on his cruise! Or are you back already? Anyhow, I hope you have/had fun!
And then after the song was done he got down on his knees and pulled out the ring and she said yes
Awwww What a perfectly lovely proposal!
I have to say, my all-time favorite song is the one called "Bellybutton". It cracks me up every time!
That is actually one of the few VeggieTales songs that I cannot quote from memory. But yea, it's funny.
How have you been?
I have been very busy. I am stuck in a never-ending cycle of going to class and doing homework, but other than that I am peachy. What have you been up to lately?
How did your interview go, Pal? *reads the next page* Oh, so it did go well!
Glad to hear your audition went well, Miss Rosario. Is your hand better?
here's my random question of the day for everyone. Would you rather go scuba diving or skydiving?
Scuba diving. I cannot stand heights. I would scream my head off (and I'm usually not a screamer) if I jumped out of a plane.
*comes in listening to the LOTR soundtrack*
Isn't that some of the best music ever? Now I want to listen to it. And watch the movie. And read the book. But I don't have time. *sigh*
You know, my sister (JealousOfTheMoon) and I would make up all sorts of crazy spoofs like that (go check out her FanFiction).
Your sister is JealousOfTheMoon? Tell her the Canon Keepers stories are some of the best fanfiction out there!
Well, that was a lot of skimming.
Consider yourself waved to if I didn't mention you! *starts to exit and then stops*
So.......I completely forgot about this on the day of, but I remember now. I have now been a member of this forum for one year and two days! It's been so much fun! I have met several great people and have participated in many interesting discussions. I hope I'll still have time to get on here a year from now.
*Silver the SquareWanderer wanders in, carrying a box of tissues, with Sol the cat trailing just behind*
Hello! Oh man, it's been a long week. Sorry this post is a bit late in coming. And I've got a cold...
*Silver sneezes, and Sol gives her a disdainful look before trotting off to eat the fish Miss R left for him*
*Silver eyes the fish* Wow, that's a lot of fish! Looks like I'll have time to catchup while he's busy eating.
*likes Libby the Square Dasher's new nickname*
Oh, me too! I showed my friends that video on youtube at around 3 in the morning, back when we were in 7th grade, and we were in hysterics.
I showed it to my mom, and she was in hysterics!
SpoilerApparently (there were some reports from people who saw a screening of the film) it just comes back to life. And there's no mention of the fact that it was destroyed. Seems pretty impossible.. That kind of thing annoys me in the movies, where there are inconsistencies between the movies. And the wedding is going to be weird, seeing as we've never even seen Bill before. Ah well.
I wonder how they're going to pull off that one. Come to think of it, there's a lot of details absent in the previous movies that is going to make it hard. Like lack of Dobby appearances. And the locket.
Guess what? Today I got to draw a pepper for homework! *insert mock excitement* You're probably not the right person to rant about this to, but I really wish I could just drop art. I only take it and hour a week anyway, what is the point?
I feel like that sometimes too! Although, we don't get any homework and we take it every day. But it seems like the stuff we do in art class isn't going to do me much good in my portfolio. Art colleges like to see lots of drawings from life and use of the materials you're strong in. In our class, we just do a whole bunch of random stuff.
This is the second time I've heard of this author in a week. Hmm..
Wow, what a coincidence! It's not like there's a promotional contest going on or anything.
Thanks, although we can't take the credit for naming her. She came with that name. We were fostering her for the Humane Society and intended to return her so we didn't bother changing it. However, after we had socialized her, we couldn't give her back and she had learned her name so it stuck. It fits her well. The only problem is people tend to think she is a he.
Aww! That's nice that you foster pets. Every time I walk by the up-for-adoption kitties at our local pet store, I wish I could take one home! Only, I'm allergic to cats...
*Sol looks up from his fish and gives Silver a weird look*
Let me rephrase that. I'm allergic to real cats.
*Sol narrows his eyes* What's that supposed to mean? *After glaring at Silver for a moment, he shrugs and goes back to eating*
I got offered a position pending background checks, reference checks, and a drug test. They said they would call either yesterday or today to set up a time for me to fill out paperwork / get drug tested but I haven't heard yet. I got the impression the call would be before 4:00 because that is when the drug testing place closes but I guess that might not be the case since I said that evenings are the best time to call on my application. Not that they look at that because they called me in the morning for an interview.
That's awesome! Assuming they did eventually call you back?
Yes, I love dancing. And I guess I'm okay at it. I'm never going to be a professional! But I love music and acting and stuff like that, so having dance experience makes for a nice combination.
I love acting too! I'm in my school's drama club, and this fall show will be...#10 for me! Yay! We do some basic dancing, but nothing too complicated. That's fine by me because (like I said before) I'm a horrible dancer! I wish I was better...then maybe I'd get better roles in our musicals.
But even if you're not good at dancing, it can still be fun sometimes. Like Square Dancing. That's fun.
That is most definitely fun!
I wonder how long it took for the owners to get the rabbit to do that...
I have NO idea. Probably too much time.
Haha, we only get to use it when it gets cold, though. By the way, have we 'officially' met?
I don't know! Have we? Well then. Ahem. Hello there pogginfan! My name's Silver the Wanderer but you can call me Silver. How are you this fine mortereve?
haha, um it was pretty good. My wrists and fingers hurt a little because I played piano so much . I really have to stop playing so hard/much. How about you?
I'm good! Besides the cold, that is. We had tons of homework this week but nothing this weekend, so I'm in a pretty good mood right now! That's neat about the piano. I wish I played more often. Do you have any favorite pieces?
*waves hi to Djaq* Oooh, I love pumpkin bread! And bread in general. zucchini bread, banana bread, cinnamon raisin bread...oh my, I'm making myself hungry!
'Ello, Silver! If by "lovely" you mean boring and utterly exhausting, then yes. Homework is indeed, lovely.
Yep, that pretty much defines it! Though, we have none this weekend and I'm very happy about it. We had waaayy too many tests last week...equally lovely!
*Sol, having finished his fish, licks his lips and starts to walk away*
Oh my, well I guess king of the world here has decided it's time to go. I guess it's just as well...I wouldn't want to virtually give any of you my cold. Virtually.
*waves to everyone I didn't mention in this post*
Good mortereve! *goes running after Sol* Hey, wait up!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Well, today is a dull day.
A dull day! Fancy that! I get to have a dull day of doing absolutely nothing but playing on the piano, reading, and posting on NarniaWeb! Whoot! Whoot!
According to my excessive excitedness at getting a break for a chance, you probably can guess that I have been very busy. Seems I got myself roped into helping my dad with the robotics team, am teaching/helping teach three different dance classes (one which I teach at my house!) and then with choir, piano, and home work all on top of is just crazy!
Okay, it's not that crazy. But it's crazier than it's been for a while. As crazy as home school gets (which is not very).
Well, yesterday, I'm glad to say that dance class went very well. At least my side of it did. My job was to basically take the students who were struggling aside and help them in the areas that they were tripping over. I'm happy to say that a lot of the students performed amazingly well! I was so surprised with how much they improved/learned! It's always nice when that happens.
I've noticed something. When I'm really excited about dance, the students get a lot more excited about it too. When I'm not excited about it, the students won't be either.
After getting home from dance, my sister and I ate food and stayed up until one in the morning watching Fireproof. I love that movie! It is so good! It's been a while since I watched it. I forgot how good it was. Anyway, so we didn't get up until nine this morning and I've pretty much done nothing all day...haha! I love it!
When my brothers and my dad get home from working on their robot this evening, we're going to have a pizza party! Family nights are so much fun. And tomorrow at church, I'll get to see my sister, Moonie.
Speaking of my sister Moonie, she made this for me: click here.
Isn't it so amazing? Yes, that's me in the picture. My brother took the picture and my sister added all the text and effects. The text, by the way, is "If My Heart Was A House" by Owl City. My favoritist Owl City song!
And right now Relient K's "Who I Am Hates Who I've Been" is playing on my computer.
Life is good.
Now...for some catch up!
yeah I hope so too! it's the only time they are going to be near me for the rest of the year!
If you get to go, which I hope you do, tell us all about it! Pictures maybe? That would be awesome.
I started listening to him after seeing his lyrics in Ruby's signature, and all the talk that was going on about his music. I really like his music.
Haha! I feel so flattered now...and proud. Successful in the mission to spread Owl City's genius! Not really. But I always like it when my friends like Owl City.
I introduced Owl City to one of my real-life friends. She had heard his song "Fireflies" and liked it. I told her the rest of the album was really good too. She bought it and now she's a die-hard fanatic! Squee! And it's really fun now, because she's like my music-making friend. We get together and play on the piano, sing together, etc...we both hope to be music teachers. And so it's cool that we like the same music.
Same with all my other friends.
That's so awesome! I really want to see them but they never come anywhere close enough
Aw! That is so sad! Maybe one day when they get famous enough, they'll come near you?
I actually need to learn how to play it better. Like the right way cause right now I'm damaging my fingers and wrists. Whenever I play my right arm always hurt afterwards
My wrists always hurt after I've been practicing for long stretches of time..but my arm has never started hurting. I asked my mom about it and she says that I probably should take short breaks while practicing to let my wrists rest.
When I get to a really difficult part in a piece, I play it over and over again until I can get it perfect...which isn't always the best thing to do. Sometimes when you play things over and over again, you just get worse, not better at it.
yes it's extremely curly and thick. Haha yeah it takes about 30-45 minutes to straighten mine, and it's just past my shoulders. When my hair was past my waist it took a LOT longer
. I like having curly hair alot, definitely. I used to hate it but I've learned to manage it a bit more, and you just have to get used to the fact that past 3:00pm, your hair is permanently in a ponytail
Watch me turn green with envy here. Curly hair is so pretty! All my real-life friends who have curly hair felt the same way. They hated their hair until they learned to manage it...and then they loved it!
Wow, that's great that you went to a TAN concert, Dani!!
It sounds like it was lovely! How are you doing, btw?? It has been forever since we last talked!
*HUGS* It's good to see you on the Square! I'm doing pretty well. Health-wise, I've been having a few mild allergy attacks. 'Tis the season.
But other than that, I've been feeling great! I've had a lot of home work and been real busy, but life's been good with all its ups and downs. I think more than anything I'm getting closer to my family this fall.
We just do a lot more together and I find myself looking forward more than anything else to the time I get to spend with them. That's probably the best part of everything right now. My family.
How about you? How are you and flambeau doing? We've missed you on the Square. By the way, I love your avatar! Is that you? It's very pretty. Of course, I should expect nothing less from you. You always make the loveliest graphics.
*chuckles at Winty's post* It's always nice to see that color of blue on the Square! And you make me smile.
How do you like to memorize? For me, I think it works best if I can repeat the verse(s) back to someone until I have it word perfect, but my sister can sit on the couch and read the verses and then she'll know them.
I have to repeat the verses over and over again (and I have to get them perfect ) before I memorize them. I'm a bit of a slow learner, which is sad. It's the same with dance class, piano pieces, and everything. It always takes me twice as long as everyone else to pick up steps or music or concepts. Sigh. But memorizing is really nice when it comes to Scripture.
I like memorizing the Psalms and the Epistles. Well, those are the only books that I've really tried to memorize.
*sends a hug*
That's okay! Now it's my turn to apologise for taking so long.
It's great to see you on the forums!
I have been praying for you! How have you been? I've been really good, busy with the school year resuming, and since I'm a college student now (but doing it all at home) I hopefully will be able to work one day during the week aside from Saturday at one of my jobs, which will be really nice. For both my boss and I- she's been having trouble with getting staff, and I just love working. So I'm happy. We'll have to see how the schedules all pan out, but I'm hopeful.
It's so good to see you on the Square, Fanny!! *hugs* I'm glad to hear that college is going well. I've been doing well myself. It's weird to think that in less than two years, I'll be finished with high school.
I'm kept busy with schoolwork, piano practice, dance practice, choir practice, and other activities. But everything is going pretty well.
I can't complain.
I hope your schedules for your job work out well. Getting a new job is exciting. I get paid now for teaching dance, which is a big change. I know it's sort of silly, but now that I make money, I don't really know what to do with it. I hate spending money, because I always know that there's nothing I really need.
I think I'll just save it up for a time when I do need it (like buying a car maybe? college tuition? who knows?).
*starts dancing to Owl City's "Umbrella Beach"*
I'm amazed at people that can read a note and sing it completely by ear. As long as there's a piano accompanying the singing, then I can sightread parts pretty easily. I used to be awful at singing a part, but one of my friends was really good, and I got a lot of practice listening to him and singing with him in our teen choir. Well, he's since left our church, and I'm on my own (being the oldest guy in the teen choir) and it's actually become pretty easy!
That's really cool! My mom has had us singing in parts for...since I could remember. Singing is like what our family does in the evenings when we read the Bible or when we just get together for fun. I usually sing soprano, so I always had it easy with the melody.
My brothers voices have just now developed and so they've started singing bass. My dad (who has relatively no music-ear) just sings whatever the person next to him is singing.
And my sisters sing alto and tenor. My mom sings whatever she feels like. Its' fun!
It definitely is easier to learn to sing harmony when you have a dependable person next to you singing what you're trying to sing. Unfortunately in our choir I'm the dependable person, the only alto who really sings out. Sigh. So I throw everyone off.
Yeah, it's easy to get thrown off by other parts. We rearranged the seating for our church choir, so now I'm up with the tenors even though I sing bass (weird, I know). Only one other bass is supposed to be up there with me, and he often can't make to choir practice, so, even in the regular choir with all the adults, I'm kinda on my own singing bass.
That must be fun! I don't know why, but the bass always seem to be outnumbered in choirs. We had a Psalm sing with our church one night at our house. And there were waaay more guys than usual (due to a mission team of people that were visiting our church) and the sopranos were having a tough time. But it was cool, being able to hear the bass and tenor for a change.
Bass always sounds so fun. I sometimes wish I could sing it.
Ha, well, the only time I really get to play what I want is during the summer when I don't have piano lessons. My teacher's been really busy lately, though (this is her first year homeschool five kids!!!) so we haven't started up piano lessons for the year, yet.
Home schooling five kids? Wow! That sounds like my mom. She used to home school all eight of us (two have moved out now) and she taught violin/voice lessons. Crazy. I really admire her for that though and anyone else who is willing and able to take up that sort of task.
Tell me how lessons go, once they start up!
I love acting too! I'm in my school's drama club, and this fall show will be...#10 for me! Yay! We do some basic dancing, but nothing too complicated. That's fine by me because (like I said before) I'm a horrible dancer!
I wish I was better...then maybe I'd get better roles in our musicals.
That sounds like so much fun! Unfortunately, there's no organization for home schooled high schoolers when it comes to drama or musicals. 'Tis sad.
I know I would love one! When it comes to musical casts, they tend to cast the people who can dance as just dancers and or chorus girls but never with big parts. I would be afraid of that happening to me. While I wouldn't mind just dancing, I really would like to sing.
I might minor in theatrics when I go to college. That would be fun.
Well, that seems to wrap things up for me! Have a wonderful afternoon everyone!
God bless!
*leaves listening to "Beloved" by Tenth Avenue North*
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
lol I was just watching this video again:
Ben Barnes really does have a good voice though
I hadn't seen that before. I had to look really hard before I could figure out which one was Ben.
I know it's sort of silly, but now that I make money, I don't really know what to do with it. I hate spending money, because I always know that there's nothing I really need.
I think I'll just save it up for a time when I do need it (like buying a car maybe? college tuition? who knows?).
I rarely have trouble knowing what to do with my money. There are so many good books out there.
Actually, I have a hard time deciding how much to allow myself to spend. Saving is always a good idea. My mom taught my sister and me early on how to save. I think we had to put 50% of our allowance in the bank. Sometimes I feel guilty if I spend any of the money I make.
I saved a lot of my money because I wanted a car and also for the trip to Germany I took a few years ago. It was really nice to have money saved up and to be able to buy souvenirs without having to worry about running out of money. (The only worry was running out of credit on my credit card.
) I'm really glad that I saved a lot of my money while I was living at home. It is coming in very handy right now, although I keep feeling like it is in my savings account so I shouldn't spend it but then the whole point of saving it is to have it when it is needed or for special things.
Anyway, it gives me some money to live on until I start working regularly. It is always a good idea to pay rent, utilities and such.
That's nice that you foster pets. Every time I walk by the up-for-adoption kitties at our local pet store, I wish I could take one home! Only, I'm allergic to cats...
We have had three foster cats, one had to go back because he was sick, one we were glad to send back (she didn't like me), and one we couldn't send back. We haven't fostered since (it is too easy to get attached) but all of our pets came from some kind of rescue agency. I'm allergic to cats too. My allergist said that as long as I have cats I will be fine but if I ever don't have cats for a long period of time I will have trouble if I get them again. I did have a little trouble with Aravis until I adjusted to her.
😀 That's awesome! Assuming they did eventually call you back?
Actually, they haven't. I called them and the woman said that she had left messages for my references and they haven't called her back. One of my references told my mom that she had been trying to call but she can't get through to a person or voice mail. I don't know if the person was able to get a hold them on Friday or not. I actually had a sub job
so by the time I got home it was a little late to call and I didn't feel like messing with it. (I also didn't have much of a voice because I had been subbing in Phy. Ed and I forgot to bring a whistle so I had to do a lot of shouting. Several students told me I looked like a teenager or asked if I was one.
I have an interview on Monday for an after school teaching position.
Well, I should go. It is Aravis's dinner time.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Major major major Ketchup!
From way back on page 12 ...
I can only imagine decorating a Christmas tree with that bunch [from Cold Comfort Farm].
My dear Cymru, I think you mean trying to decorate a Christmas tree.
it's just that I end up using all my ideas in RPs and then I don't have anything left to write about.
Hmmm ... I can't remember if it was that way with me and the Ditto Story or not. In times since I have certainly recycled characters and situations from the DS in my other writings, and I've certainly wished that "regular writing" would be so effortless as posting about Yves and Rose and Grace!
Would be most interested in hearing about your story once you've written it, by the bye.
raiding is a lot like shopping. Except the other shoppers want to kill you and so do the cashiers.
You like that little fellow ( ), don't you? And personally, I think that sounds a whole lot like our local Wal-Mart. Not the one up at my former university, though ... although I must bear in mind that I always visited that one in the dead of night with groups of friends. There was nobody there and we would gad about rather randomly.
*cough* Although Persuasion is wonderfully introspective &c. (and probably my favorite Austen novel too), I have to say that I absolutely adore the '95 film with Ciaran Hinds and Amanda Root as well. Makes my little romantic heart sigh with glee. Mmmmm.
I don't think I could make myself watch the 80s Northanger Abbey. "The white rose has withered since you have left us" indeed! Despite the poor film quality, I'm willing to brave most of the others, especially the Mansfield Park. And the Pride & Prejudice is quite good, although I am not sure I can side with Mel and say that I prefer it to the '95 version. It's been far too long since I've seen either of them!
When the merged missive comes, it will be a total surprise. (And, I hope, a pleasant one.
And, was it?
(Thanks for your quick response.)
Indeed it was! (Pssssst, your quick response means you again owe me a message. )
So I did go back and find Lysander's ravens post, and I'm not a bit more enlightened, though I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. It sounds very mysterious. I like mysterious. Especially when there are ravens.
Well ... I think it started out with a reference to the fairytale The Six Swans, and then there was a discussion of whether that were the same tale as The Seven Ravens, and Mel mentioned something about some ravens that were supposedly lodged in the Tower of London, and it all went to pieces after that.... Really, there's no logical explanation. With us, there never is.
Anyway, I'm about halfway done with The Riddlemaster of Hed- I really like it alot but I haven't had alot of time for reading, that's why it's taking me so long. I'm a tad bit confused but I think that's normal for a McKillip novel, right?
Yes indeed-y. And I think that she explains most everything by the end of that trilogy, which is nice. Actually, I felt that those more books were more straightforward than some of her others ... I do so love them!
*joins the ever-growing "Beauty and the Beast is still one of my favorite movies" club here on the Square*
*takes a needle and pops The Epic One's ego*
Oh nooooooeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss!
Excuse me. I am a misewwwabulll wittle worm and will crawl back into my hole now.
Anyway, I enjoyed what I heard of both of those.
In my opinion, it takes a lot to make a good, enjoyable horror score instead of just a bunch of noise.
I'm open to any recommendations for further exploring Doyles works.
Yeah, I watched a bit of Frankenstein once and thought the score sounded very good. Unfortunately the movie was a total wreck; when my copy stopped working after about 20 minutes, I was not at all sad. Hmmm, the scores of his I own are Henry V, Sense and Sensibility, and As You Like It. I think you would enjoy both the first and last of those. Do you use Grooveshark? I think Henry V is on there. Of his others, I've heard Much Ado About Nothing and thought it had a few decent tracks but was a bit syrupy overall. Also heard a track from Dead Again and thought it was brilliant.
GtG will be glad to know that rather than getting a bunch of hair cut off, I am growing mine back out ... it's cooling off and I don't need my summer 'do anymore!
*wishes he could follow the courtship discussion more closely but hasn't the time*
Okay, that's all for me. If anyone said anything to me in the last ten pages, I didn't see it. Five did me in.
Oh, what's up with me, you say? Life. School. That's about it. It was my sweet little sister's birthday this week, so last Sunday I took her to see a local production of My Fair Lady, which was wonderful (I also got credit for my theater class by going to see it ) and today was her party.
That's about it.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
*enters the square limping*
you know it's really not smart to play soccer with bare feet . I had a really great day today playing soccer with some friends for about 4 hours. And I was alot better than I thought I would be- the guys were actually fighting over who got to have me on their team as goalie
. Now I have alot of bruises and bumps, all worth it
*pounces* The first episode of season 3 is probably the best of the season. Come to think of it, it's the one I haven't seen.
Flam watched it and she said it was pretty good. Let me know what you think of the rest of the season.
I definitely will . They are getting less good as they go along, but this season isn't as bad as I thought it would be.
Sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing them.
. Oh and I had a question for you. Is there supposed to be a planet visible in the night sky right now? The past 3-5 days I've seen a really bright light outside my window at night and I think it's probably a planet.
Have your headaches gotten better? I hope so!
How are things for you in general now? I'm good, definitely enjoying school so far, and the higher learning opportunities that are coming my way.
no, they've gotten worse. I discovered what's causing them though and it's actually something I'm doing to myself. I'd rather PM you about that though. In general things are, well a little sad. I had really good day today but I found out that some of my closest friends might be moving to Oklahoma and I'm really upset about that. I'm getting used to the idea and God has comforted me alot, but it's still painful. I'm glad you're enjoying school . I am having a pretty good time with it lately. The only thing bad would be "The Question"
. You know, "what are your plans after high school?"/"Where are you going to college?"
. I am SO confused on that point, but I trust God for that too
Ali: yes it would be so awesome!
it would be even more awesome if you and I could go together.....
that would be SO awesome . If you guys volunteer, let me know, and maybe my parents will let me
I'm good! Besides the cold, that is. We had tons of homework this week but nothing this weekend, so I'm in a pretty good mood right now!
That's neat about the piano. I wish I played more often. Do you have any favorite pieces?
Ugh I hate the cold. Haha that's awesome . Hmm well I always play whatever music I'm listening too
. So I like Deathbed by Relient K and I just got an Evanescence songbook out of the library and I'm enjoying playing from that
. What about you?
Aw! That is so sad!
Maybe one day when they get famous enough, they'll come near you?
I know . I hope
! The closest they've come is NJ- they actually had a free release show there but my dad wouldn't take me because he said it's too far, even though it's only 4 hours
My wrists always hurt after I've been practicing for long stretches of time..but my arm has never started hurting. I asked my mom about it and she says that I probably should take short breaks while practicing to let my wrists rest.
When I get to a really difficult part in a piece, I play it over and over again until I can get it perfect...which isn't always the best thing to do. Sometimes when you play things over and over again, you just get worse, not better at it.
Yeah I'm getting to the point where my teacher told me not to practice too much . It's so sad! She said I have to learn to play right first
Watch me turn green with envy here.
Curly hair is so pretty! All my real-life friends who have curly hair felt the same way. They hated their hair until they learned to manage it...and then they loved it!
Straight hair is really nice though too, or flippy hair, you said you had, right?
It's so nice and smooth and shiny! All kinds of hair are nice- I LOVE hair, if you couldn't tell already
Yes indeed-y. And I think that she explains most everything by the end of that trilogy, which is nice. Actually, I felt that those more books were more straightforward than some of her others ... I do so love them!
Yay that's great! I'm still not done with it very very sadly because I've had a load to do lately and it was due at the library . I'm going to try to read it again in a few weeks, since I really did like it.
*joins the ever-growing "Beauty and the Beast is still one of my favorite movies" club here on the Square*
GtG will be glad to know that rather than getting a bunch of hair cut off, I am growing mine back out ... it's cooling off and I don't need my summer 'do anymore!
ooh! And again
. Haha that's awesome
*arrives listening to "Sirius/Eye in the Sky" by the Alan Parsons Project*
(obscure? Perhaps. But some NBA and WNBA teams use "Sirius" as the tune when their teams take the court, so if you're a basketball fan you've probably heard it).
Just a brief post since it's past 1 am.
Today, I got together with friends (including the family with the 2 little girls I mentioned above) for birthdays (not mine ). After eating at Jake's City Grille we returned to their house for a nice evening fire. It was a pleasant, crisp evening, perfect for getting rid of a little extra firewood. And the 9-year-old, Abby, is a little pyromaniac. She loves playing in the fire so we are teaching her how to do it safely.
And best of all, after sunset we did a little stargazing. Which leads to...
Oh and I had a question for you. Is there supposed to be a planet visible in the night sky right now? The past 3-5 days I've seen a really bright light outside my window at night and I think it's probably a planet.
That's mighty Jupiter, opposite the sun right now and about as big and bright as it can ever get. Try looking at it with 10-power binoculars, and you may catch a glimpse of one or more of its biggest moons, strung like little jewels along a line right next to it.
There was quite a bit of attention recently about the full moon being close to Jupiter. It was a pretty sight (though it was raining here so I didn't see it). Now the Moon's moved away from Jupiter, but it'll be close to it again next month.
Your sister is JealousOfTheMoon?
I think that's a neat username! Something in it appeals to the astronomer and moon-gazer in me.
And now, it's almost time to step out and look at the sky once again. We have a week of glorious weather forecast now, and I'm looking forward to enjoying these crisp days and fall colors!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
It's been a beautiful, beautiful day! Like most great started out really bad. Isn't it funny? I don't know why, but my great days always start out horribly.
I felt so sick this morning, I didn't think I would make it to church. I got my self dressed, in the car, sat in the car through Sunday school and after drinking some sprite, I felt well enough to go in for the service. Well, after the service I felt much better and we stayed for the fellowship lunch and I played with all the little kids which made me feel much, much better!
Little kids are so cute and sweet! They never fail to brighten my days.
But the best thing about today is that it's COLD! The first cold-ish day of the year! Yay! It finally doesn't feel like summer anymore! I always forget how wonderful fall and winter are. I think that's cause the summers have been so looong as of late and the winters so short.
I know
. I hope
! The closest they've come is NJ- they actually had a free release show there but my dad wouldn't take me because he said it's too far, even though it's only 4 hours
Four hours is a long way. I doubt my parents would drive that far just to see a Tenth Ave. North concert...but I would!! If they came that close, maybe they'll come closer next time?
Yeah I'm getting to the point where my teacher told me not to practice too much
. It's so sad! She said I have to learn to play right first
Ooo! That is bad! Well, if there's anything piano teachers don't want, it's for you to damage your wrists/fingers permanently. That's why my mom never really wanted us to play basketball or football or anything like that. Basketball players always seem to have a jammed finger or wrist.
;)) Straight hair is really nice though too, or flippy hair, you said you had, right?
It's so nice and smooth and shiny! All kinds of hair are nice- I LOVE hair, if you couldn't tell already
When it comes down to it, everyone's hair looks best on themselves. I think my biggest problem is that I just don't bother enough with my hair. I don't like to spend time fixing my hair and I'm no good at fixing my hair that even when I try to make it look doesn't.
My oldest sister is really good with hair, but I've never been.
Your sister is JealousOfTheMoon? Tell her the Canon Keepers stories are some of the best fanfiction out there!
It seems I missed this while making my first post on this page. So sorry. Yes, JMoon is my sister. My older sister, to be precise. It's kind of weird having her be "famous" in the Narnia community.
She has an account here on NWeb, but she posts more on The Lions Call, where she's a part of the staff on the forums.
stargazer, have you heard Nickel Creek's song? I believe it's called "Jealous Of The Moon". Goodness! It's been so long since I listened to their music. Anyway, that's where my sister got the inspiration for her name. We're into a lot of blue grass music, like Nickel Creek, Edgar Myer, Bella Fleck, Alison Krauss (is that how you spell her name
I think the name fits her very well. Every time I see the moon, I think of her.
I rarely have trouble knowing what to do with my money.
There are so many good books out there.
Actually, I have a hard time deciding how much to allow myself to spend. Saving is always a good idea. My mom taught my sister and me early on how to save. I think we had to put 50% of our allowance in the bank.
My problem is, I have so many sisters that they buy all the good music, books, movies, etc, and I just snitch and borrow from them when I can! I don't really snitch and borrow, we're a very "share and share alike" sort of family. My parents really never taught us to draw the boundaries between mine and yours, which was nice, because I think it makes for a much more gracious and giving family.
And my parents never gave us allowances or things like that. We got plenty of birthday presents and such, but I never really had to handle actual money earned by myself until I was thirteen when I pet sit for our neighbors.
Speaking of neighbors, our new neighbors have the most enormous hounds! They're really, really scary. I'm always terrified that they'll jump over the fence and attack me whenever I take a walk. Funny thing is though that there's one little yippy-yappy dog with them who acts like he/she's so tough while all the rest are these huge long-legged, big jawed, dark brown hounds.
Well, I think that's it for today! I hope you all have a great Sunday, what's left of it.
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*enters the square*
Hello everyone! And good Mortereve!
So I am back here in Florida after the cruise! It was so much fun!
We went to Key West, Cayman Islands and Jamaica! It was great!
My favorite was the last we visited, Jamaica, because I love rain forests!
So Key West was the first port we stopped at... It was so cool to see the tropical waters but other than that and a really cool tree I did not think that is was that great...
Cayman Islands was the second island we stopped at... The tropical waters was a lot better than Key West and that time we went snorkeling! It was so cool to see all the tropical fish! And while we were driving around we saw several iguanas and there were chickens everywhere! And we also saw a few wild parrots...
We were able to see some flying fish whiling we were in the middle of the ocean, which was really cool!
Jamaica was so great! As soon as we got off the boat there were a ton of Jamaicans (taxi drivers) bombarding us telling us that they were the best ones to show us the Island! It was so funny! And they were always saying "mon" (man) with their accents which was great!
We finally just walked away and then as we were walking other people would come up telling us about all the places they could take us! It was so great!
And then there were always someone asking us if we wanted "a smoke" ...
Anyway we finally found a good guide that was cheep. And he took us to this amazing place where we could swim and jump off big rocks and swing into the water! And the was was so great! And what made it so much better was it was way up in the hills in the rain forest! SO much fun!
Okay I need to be going now... I'm not sure when I shall get back on to do catchup but I hope soon!
I missed you all a ton!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I had my first round of testing this week. I think the two maths went well, but the quantitative chemistry test has been postponed. I was feeling very ill and had a horrible sinus headache that morning so I ended up leaning against the wall with my eyes closed, barely restraining pained moans. My professor came over to me, told me I didn't look well, that I could make up the test, and that I needed to get over to the infirmary. Fortunately it is right behind the science building and after I got some Tylenol, some junk food raided from the vending machines, and some assorted nasal/sinus/cough medicines in me, I started feeling better. Still not 100%, but much improved.
Last night I submitted my short story to NPR's 3 Minute Story contest. They've gone through 4 rounds already and I entered round 5. I think there are 5 more until it's done. I doubt I'll win, but an honorary mention or something like that would be cool. They do post their favorite stories that didn't win the round on the website and that would be almost as good as winning the round.
I've updated my signature with an all new Video of the Week! This week it's a Hunger Games fan's take on the lullaby Katniss sings to Rue in the Arena.
You know, my sister (JealousOfTheMoon) and I would make up all sorts of crazy spoofs like that (go check out her FanFiction).
Your sister is JealousOfTheMoon? Tell her the Canon Keepers stories are some of the best fanfiction out there!
Oh, wow! I read the first Canon Keepers story years ago when I was really into Mary Sue bashing stories. I guess I read it before it became a series. I remember reading a ton of Protectors of the Plot Continuum stories then too, though I think they got kicked off of Fanfiction for mocking people's stories.
Hmmm ... I can't remember if it was that way with me and the Ditto Story or not. In times since I have certainly recycled characters and situations from the DS in my other writings, and I've certainly wished that "regular writing" would be so effortless as posting about Yves and Rose and Grace!
Would be most interested in hearing about your story once you've written it, by the bye.
I've actually planned out a way in which I could reuse a lot of my RP characters in a novel. I'm thinking of taking part in NaNoWriMo this year and using the idea.
You like that little fellow (
), don't you?
*pops back in to write a diddley-something of a post*
My family is currently watching "Hamlet", the version in which David Tenant plays Hamlet. Let me tell you, it is good. As in, good acting. David Tenant was certainly born for the part.
Well, I had to pop in and say hi to Benjamin. Jamaica! Wow! Why did I not hear that you were going to Jamaica? I probably missed it, that's what. I'm horrible when it comes to skimming. I skim posts so much and then wonder why I miss all the important highlights.
Well, I'm glad you had so much fun there! Sounds very exciting, like a Swiss Family Robinson sort of adventure.
Bookwyrm, yes, my siblings and I would make up so many jokes and parodies and spoofs off of Narnia and Lord of The Rings, most of them which had to do with Mary Sue or characters who were very out of character. I never got into the FanFiction writing, my sister's more of the writer. But I always had fun making them up with her. We were (still are) such goofs.
Speaking of writing, have you ever checked out her blog? Well worth the read, if you get the time.
And that's all for now! Goodnight and sweet dreams!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*enters the square hopping around like the energizer bunny*
hehe I'm a bit hyper tonight . Libby and I filmed this with my sisters tonight! We are NOT trying to look or sound good, just being goofy
. We were originally trying to look like the Veggietale guys but just ended up looking like a bunch of hoodlums
. Excuse our horrible appearance
. We did this little fake interview thing too
That's mighty Jupiter, opposite the sun right now and about as big and bright as it can ever get. Try looking at it with 10-power binoculars, and you may catch a glimpse of one or more of its biggest moons, strung like little jewels along a line right next to it.
There was quite a bit of attention recently about the full moon being close to Jupiter. It was a pretty sight (though it was raining here so I didn't see it). Now the Moon's moved away from Jupiter, but it'll be close to it again next month.
oh that's cool! Thank you
we saw a blood moon last night actually- so beautiful!
Little kids are so cute and sweet! They never fail to brighten my days.
But the best thing about today is that it's COLD! The first cold-ish day of the year! Yay! It finally doesn't feel like summer anymore! I always forget how wonderful fall and winter are. I think that's cause the summers have been so looong as of late and the winters so short.
and now here I MUST disagree- I HATE the cold weather oh so much. It's been cold to be for the past couple weeks and my winter clothes are already out and in use
Four hours is a long way. I doubt my parents would drive that far just to see a Tenth Ave. North concert...but I would!!
If they came that close, maybe they'll come closer next time?
well since we drive two hours to church, it's about the length of time we drive on an average Sunday so it doesn't seem like too much to me . Yes once I drive I would definitely drive that distance, though I don't think I'm allowed to go to concerts by myself
. Well they've come to NJ a few times, so who knows. Maybe.
Ooo! That is bad! Well, if there's anything piano teachers don't want, it's for you to damage your wrists/fingers permanently. That's why my mom never really wanted us to play basketball or football or anything like that.
Basketball players always seem to have a jammed finger or wrist.
Yes my teacher says the way I play now I'm going to get tendinitis and carpal tunnel. So yeah I'm really trying to play right now . Haha I used to play basketball but I hated it, especially hurting my fingers
When it comes down to it, everyone's hair looks best on themselves.
I think my biggest problem is that I just don't bother enough with my hair. I don't like to spend time fixing my hair and I'm no good at fixing my hair that even when I try to make it look doesn't.
My oldest sister is really good with hair, but I've never been.
um, most of the time, but sometimes dyeing and straightening/curling look nice . I used to bother alot and now I don't bother much and it looks better
. My younger sister does her hair well alot because she enjoys braiding it and doing all these treatments for it, so her hair is better than mine, but I really don't care too much
. As long as it's not reminiscent of a rat's nest, I'm good
*greets Ben with a huge hug* HI!
We missed you loads!! Sounds like you had a really good time! I'm SO jealous
. But I'm glad you had fun
I wasn't sure how to jump in here, so I'll just start talking.
I'm excited about going to a Tenth Avenue North Concert this week (saturday). I've been wanting to go to one forever, and one finally came to a place about two hours from where I live. After much persuasion, my parent's agreed to letting us go. Woot!!
And tonight I have another rehearsal for the play I'm in - Little Women - so I'm excited about that. Every night is different and fun! I have another month of rehearsals, and I already have all my lines down!! So I'm happy about that.
And I'm loving Fall too. This weather - this is what it always should be like!! Winter can't come yet!!! This is weather for running around outside, and drinking warm Apple Cider, and having parties and staying up late. Writing novels, making friends . . . happiness.
I guess that's all, for now.
Good Mortereve to all!!
NW sisters Lyn, Lia, and Rose
RL sister Destined_to_Reign
Member of the Tenth Avenue North and Pixar Club
Dubbed The Ally Of Epic Awesomeness by Libby
Silver: haha thanks! Ben actually named me Square Dasher ages ago because I always post "I must dash" at the end of my town square posts
feel free to call me that here on the square!
Ruby: ok, I will!
Pattertwig's Pal: really? it's so funny, isn't it? lol
Ali: ok, I will let you know.....I don't know if we are going to go yet......
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are