Good mortereve!
So, it's been, what, three years since PC? I finally figured out how I would write a review for it.
- "Let me 'zplain. ... No. There is to much. Let me sum up."
It wasn't the movie I wanted it to be.

Anyway. I was browsing the internet last night, and I ran across the most utterly gorgeous pictures of fall colour. In the pictures, the trees were gold, and yellow, and light; the sky was an endless blue. I wanted to climb into the pictures and sit there on the path feeling the slight nip in the air that makes you feel alive with every breath you take. I wanted to burst into song... something like the Raggle Taggle Gypsies-O! or maybe a setting of one of Robert Lewis Stevenson's poems. And there would be an apple in my pocket: a crisp, juicy apple like a Honeycrisp or a Pink Lady where every bite is sweet and tangy and oh-so-good...
And lo, when I got up this morning, there was sunshine!
This random post has been brought to you by Apropos of Nothing.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*Cor and Vern enter the Square for a brief post*
Well, this is more of an "update" post instead of a "catch-up" post at present.
First off, thanks for all the prayers that my music test would go well! It turns out the test was bumped to Monday (20th) instead of Wed (15th).
Oh well, it gave me plenty of time to study. Anyway, I took the test yesterday and I believe I did pretty well.
Secondly, I have been sick for the last week or so. I'm doing better now, (no sore throat anymore!) but whatever I have is still hanging on. Mom has called the doctor and we're suppose to go see him in the morning. Unfortunately, they will have to "work me in".
Maybe it won't be a long wait.....
In soundtrack news: I have stumbled upon Danny Elfman's score to the 2009 film The Wolfman plus discovered a few old scores by Jerry Goldsmith that are now on my ever growing "to-get" list.
Alright, I think that's enough shameless self promotion for one post.
I hope everyone is having a good week and hopefully I'll be back later to make a real catch-up post!
*Cor and Vern wave to all before departing*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
All right, and one last thing before I go... here's my random question of the day for everyone. Would you rather go scuba diving or skydiving?
Scuba diving. I am afraid of heights, especially if I am not securely protected from falling. I even have trouble looking over the railings at malls. I'm perfectly alright if I have something taller than I am in front of me (like a window or those screened fence things on the top of tall buildings but if look over anything I get panicky and dizzy.
That's an awesome name for a cat.
Thanks, although we can't take the credit for naming her. She came with that name. We were fostering her for the Humane Society and intended to return her so we didn't bother changing it. However, after we had socialized her, we couldn't give her back and she had learned her name so it stuck. It fits her well. The only problem is people tend to think she is a he.
I hope your job interview went well!
It did. I got offered a position pending background checks, reference checks, and a drug test. They said they would call either yesterday or today to set up a time for me to fill out paperwork / get drug tested but I haven't heard yet. I got the impression the call would be before 4:00 because that is when the drug testing place closes but I guess that might not be the case since I said that evenings are the best time to call on my application. Not that they look at that because they called me in the morning for an interview.
my birthday is two days before my mom's and so I was her birthday present when I was born
I was born the day after my parents' anniversary so I was a late anniversary present.
I hope you feel better soon PrinceCor.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
I was browsing the internet last night, and I ran across the most utterly gorgeous pictures of fall colour. In the pictures, the trees were gold, and yellow, and light; the sky was an endless blue. I wanted to climb into the pictures and sit there on the path feeling the slight nip in the air that makes you feel alive with every breath you take. I wanted to burst into song... something like the Raggle Taggle Gypsies-O! or maybe a setting of one of Robert Lewis Stevenson's poems. And there would be an apple in my pocket: a crisp, juicy apple like a Honeycrisp or a Pink Lady where every bite is sweet and tangy and oh-so-good...
Ahhhhh, so nice, Meli.
There are tinges of color here today, but only that. No roaring color or apple-crisp air. I hope to see that in another couple of weeks. I figure I shouldn't rush it - the green will be missed enough by January. We had no brown crispiness this year, and for that I am thankful. A few more weeks of good treehouse weather and jackets-only-at-night would make me a very happy gel.
Well, off for lasagna tonight and me ma's house. We are sitting down to watch Honey I Shrunk the Kids with my six year old who has never seen it before. She knows there are bugs in it and she's excited. Boy, she and are different!!
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
*bounce, bounce, bounce*
*bounce, bounce bounce*
Okay, enough with the bouncing...seems I have a post to make! I've put this off far too long and I'm afraid this one is going to have to be a brief one. As brief as my posts get.
Anyway, last night my sister and my mother and I went to see...Tenth Avenue North's concert for the Light Meets The Dark tour!!! I'm already writing a post on it on my blog, so I won't go on and on about it here...
And there are pictures on there too:
I'll just say that the concert was amazing, a lot different from last year's concert, but still very good. So glad I could make it!
To my relief this morning, I discovered that my dental appointment wasn't this morning, but tomorrow morning. I have to have a couple cavities filled, a tooth extracted, and sealance put on six of my molars. All the sealance probably should have been done years ago. But we switched dentists like three years ago...and with all my siblings, I guess I just never managed to fit into the appointment slots.
Then there's my brother's million dollar mouth (teeth pulling, pallet expander, braces, gold chains, implants, etc...). So now we are finally getting down to me.
And I'll probably have to have braces thanks to my baby molar that refused to come out and its adult molar which is not growing in. Argh. Ah, well.
Anyway...I was saying something about this post being short. Catch up!
So you're a dancer, Ruby? That's really neat! A friend of mine wants to be a professional dancer. I have a lot of respect for dancers because I certainly am not one of them.
Even simple steps seem to tie my feet up in knots...
Yes, I love dancing. And I guess I'm okay at it. I'm never going to be a professional! But I love music and acting and stuff like that, so having dance experience makes for a nice combination.
Ahaha! Yes! I have a lot of friends who are the same way. The rhythm combined with the foot work just doesn't click. Not everyone was born to dance. But even if you're not good at dancing, it can still be fun sometimes. Like Square Dancing. That's fun.
And that's one crazy rabbit if you ask me. A potty trained rabbit?! Wow! I have never heard of anything like that before now. I wonder how long it took for the owners to get the rabbit to do that...
*waves to Pattertwig's Pal*
LOVE your sig! It's hilarious! You know, my sister (JealousOfTheMoon) and I would make up all sorts of crazy spoofs like that (go check out her FanFiction). We don't do it so much any more, but cracks like that still make me laugh...I can't wait to see what other stuff you come up with!
stardf, thanks so much for your input on our "relationship" topic.
You're right, there's no one set of guidelines for a relationship and there never will be, because different couples are...different. I know a couple who never even courted. They got engaged and then married a few months afterward, because they didn't think they needed to court and thought it would be a waste of time if they did.
But then there are others like my mom and dad who waited several years before even getting engaged. People go at different paces. I can't say which one is mine. While I might want a relationship a certain way, it may not be the right way. I'll have to wait and see. I know that when the time comes, God will give me plenty of guidance. He already has in His Word and through my family, church, and good friends.
Speaking of Tenth Avenue North, All the Pretty Things, Beloved, Let It Go, and By Your Side have been playing constantly.
In fact, it's come to the point where my mom walks into the bedroom, hears one of them playing, and says, "Oh, it's that song again? Don't you ever get tired of it?"
It's just how I am. When I like a book, I read it over, and over, and over. Same with music and movies.
This made me smile. That sounds like my siblings. You're listening to them again? It just goes to show that music saturated with the truth never grows old. I love it!
We made it to their concert last night, which I was so happy about! It was extremely loud, louder than last years, but I think that's because it was outdoors and they had a larger crowd and we were close to the front. It was still very good. Their performance of "Strong Enough To Save" and "All The Pretty Things" and "The Truth Is Who You Are" were probably my favorites. They did songs from their older album, like "Hold My Heart" and "By Your Side" which was nice too.
Bookwyrm, I have to say that I love the "How Twilight Should Have Ended" video! Those people always make the funniest cartoons. In my opinion though, Twilight should have never even started...
*waves to Princess Anna*
Don't feel bad about not posting in forever...I do that all the time! And don't feel like you have to catch up, because I usually don't after being absent for months on end. Good to see you on here! I'm guessing things are pretty busy?
Yeah, that sounds nice.
I like being in the school I'm in now because a huge school is so busy you barely get to see people before they're off to another class.. plus I get to know people from, like, 15+ countries, which is pretty cool.
That does sound really cool! Wow! 15 countries! Is it hard to make friends with such a diverse group of people?
Basketball camp? *shudders* Wow, that would be my worst nightmare.
I just can't stand the point where your team stops passing to you or relying on you because they know you won't be able to do it.. but it's like, how else am I going to improve?
Yes, I know how that goes. It's so annoying when you have a bad team or people refuse to accommodate a little to help the slower person. I'm just a bit too jumpy and ditsy to really concentrate and do well on sports. I played on a YMCA soccer team for a few springs. My coach was really fun, probably the only sport I enjoyed. I was the only person on the team who didn't know anything about soccer, but he was really good at bringing me along and not pushing me too much.
Anyway, he gave all of these goofy awards off at the end of one spring when we had a party. And he gave a little speech along with it. He said, "Dani, she played great when she focused, but when I looked at her she was usually looking around and not watching the ball."
He teased me a lot, but he was so much fun! Probably the only sport event I can look back on without...grimacing. I still see him around some. I dance at half time at basketball games and I see him there sometimes.
That it is!
Oh wow! That is crazy! What part of the country do you live in? (course if you would rather not tell that is fine)
I live in the mid-west of the country.
I definitely like the full name better
Most people call me Dani, simply because I've been Dani to them all their lives and they don't feel like they can call me anything else. I've always thought "Danielle" sounded a lot more grown up.
But I like the name, because it sort of encompasses who I am. "Danielle" means "God is My Judge". This means that God is the definition of who I am. God is the standard of everything perfect, holy, good, and just. And I have to live up to that. I know I will never live up to God's standard and that if it weren't for Jesus Christ's death and resurrection on my behalf, I would not have a hope in this life. So, God is still my judge, but He's a judge who is gracious, a judge who loved me enough to send His son to die for me.
yeah Libby and I talk about you guys all the time
I don't know whether to be flattered or scared. You never know what people say about you when you're not around... That's sort of a joke in our little writing group. We always talk about people when they don't show up.
*listening to Owl City's "Sunburn"* This song always makes me smile!!
wow I would definitely not ride if I had it that bad, but then imagine if I was allergic to a piano, I would still play
Haha! Yes! I would too!
yeah I used to hate how healthy our family ate and now I love it and would die if I had to eat any other way
. I plan on raising my family very organic, natural, and healthy too
Yep, that's the way it is in my house too. I've noticed how much better healthy food tastes. My sister, whenever she comes home from college to visit, always goes on and on about how much she loves the food we eat! I guess all you get at college is cafeteria food and too much candy.
Actually, she moved into a house this year and so she's taking care of herself. She's very particular about being healthy and exercising too. Though not as particular as my mother. I think people get more so as they get older.
yeah I mainly put my hair in a pony tail too, or I just straighten it, which will take me a half hour or so, and leave it like that for a few days.
Do you have naturally curly hair? I envy people with curly hair. My hair sort of has a funky bounce to it, but for the most part it's just annoying and makes my hair look awkward, which is why I either straighten it or pull it back. Straightening takes a long time (I have so much hair!) so I usually just pull it back.
Still going good.
It's actually not as crazy as I expected, but sometimes teachers are easy on you in the first week.
But I really like all my teachers, and I think they are doing a great job with the classes.
Oh, that's good! It's so nice to have good teachers! School is terrible when you have bad teachers. I've never had an experience with bad teachers, but there have been some that are better than others. And then with home schooling, sometimes I'm teaching myself...which doesn't always work.
*chuckles at Boy Scout* Are you saying that my posts are scary? I admit they are, sometimes. But I don't get on here very often. And when I do, it's only because I do have time to write a good long post like this.
By the way, good to see you on here!
lol, big TAN fan, eh? (hey that rhymes!)
You couldn't tell? Yes, I really love that band. Of all the Christian bands, I don't know one better. They are really good at performing, but their goal in their performance is not to get popular or to capture peoples' attention. I mean, they are trying to capture peoples' attention, but that's only for the purpose of pointing them to Jesus Christ.
The best part of their concerts are when the lead singer! Mike Donehey should be a pastor. Well, I guess he is. But he's just so good at explaining the analogies in the Bible and expressing the truth. I just got back from their concert, so I'm a bit "goggly eyed" about them at the moment.
Excuse me if I get to fangirly.
I don't have great pitch, but good enough to sing a part. I guess you don't need that to play the piano, but it helps when playing by ear. Rhythm is pretty easy for me, although it can get veeery confusing and complicated in some difficult pieces.
I have good rhythm and a good ear. But I'm a terrible sight reader! I don't know what it is, but I just can't look at a note and sing it. I can somewhat, I guess, if I think really hard. It's one of those things that I haven't practiced enough and will improve with time.
We're working really hard on sight reading in choir, which is nice. Because it's one area where I'm really, really bad. What makes it tougher is that I'm in the alto section! Stuck between the bass and the soprano/melody. I get thrown off so easily.
You can imagine how I felt. Everything I played was an assignment, and I really didn't enjoy it. But, it was laying the necessary groundwork. It's because of it that I'm where I am. Now, it gets enjoyable, although, in a sense, the pieces are still assignments because I have to go home, practice it, and play it for my teacher. But I enjoy it now.
Don't you love that feeling? After all the grueling work that you don't really enjoy you come out feeling accomplished and actually enjoying the talents that developed from that. That's the way dance class has worked for me. I used to be really bad, the slowest in the class, etc, etc. But my parents encouraged me to stick with it and now I love it! I get to help teach, which isn't always daisy-picking fun, but it's still a good experience!
And, not to be vain, but I think I've developed a lot of "character" from it. Too many teenagers are bad at sticking with something or being decisive and making decisions. I really don't want to be one of those people. As a teenager, I don't always know why I'm doing the things I'm doing in high school, but at least I can be purposeful about it and know that whatever I do now, God is going to eventually use in the future with whatever He's got in store for me.
I'm glad you enjoy piano. I enjoy it too! Though I probably could do with more assignments when it comes to piano. I'm far too used to playing whatever I want.
That's a good point. Back when I took theory, creating music was the farthest thing from my mind.
Well, this isn't the first time I've taken theory. We did a little when I learned violin. My mom used to have a huge class of home schooled kids in violin, but that was years ago. And I don't remember much of the theory.
Creating music is one of the things I really anticipate doing!
I really like having a small Bible in my purse all the time. Mine is a NIV, but that's because I've memorised several NT books in that version and it's easier to find something I'm looking for when the phrasing is the same.
That's where I keep my Bible. It fits perfectly in my little purse. Most people memorize a version of the Bible and understandably don't want to switch. For me, I didn't start memorizing anything really (except for a few verses as a kid) until I started reading ESV. It would be nice to have different translations just for reference purposes, but for now, I just have that one version.
*listening to Tenth Avenue North's song "Times"* I looove this song! Beautiful. Simple.
*notices that WINTY got on NarniaWeb* I know we see each other in real life, but don't kill yourself with all that home work, girl! And it's good to see you on if I won't tell you this in real life too.
And this song is for you, because this is who we all are. Love you!
Haha, well at least you're good at something
. Who knows, maybe you won't get it.
Yeah, maybe...
Do that! And read it! I tell you, he is PHENOMENAL! I mean, he's a genius!
Well, then, when I make my trip to the library this Friday, I'll have to see if they have some of his books.
Unfortunately, I was not able to make it. But to make up for missing is, I'm going to a Sidewalk Prophets concert this Sunday evening!
That sounds like fun! I hope I can them the next time they're in town.
Sidewalk Prophets is a good band! Didn't they win New Artist of the year at the Doves? Well, I'm glad you got to go to their concert. You probably already know that I went to their concert last night.
It was was waaay rockier and louder than their concert last year, but it was good.
Probably because last year's concert was in a church, not in a huge outdoor venue.
Just thought I'd pop in on this. I have run into that problem. I really only have one good friend and I have a ton of 'friends', if you will. I don't think it's bad, necessarily, to have a lot of 'friends', but it's best to have two or three 'good' friends. What is your opinion?
When it comes to friends (this is what my parents have always taught me and I still agree with them), I don't believe in having a "best friend". The whole thing with "best friends" just sets kids up to play favorites and hold a bunch of expectations for one specific person...which that one specific person probably won't meet.
But I have friends who are closer than others, some in different ways than others. You know what I mean? I have friends who enjoy making music with me, friends who share all kinds of crazy memories with me and who I enjoy talking to a lot, friends who I dance with, friends who I write with, and then I have my siblings who are my friends simply because we share so much in common...
But my closest, closest friends are the ones who know my Christian testimony. Our youth group has this thing where we share our testimonies every summer. And I think that the simple sharing of our Christian testimonies it what brings us together. We may not all have a whole ton in common, but we have Christ in common. Christ has done the same amazing work in all of us...not all in the same way, we all have different stories.
I sometimes think that girls enjoy having more friends than guys do.
*waves to Cymru*
That was a very lovely post! Sounds like a beautiful day. Yes, I'm afraid I'm one of the people who writes somewhat intimidating posts.
Liberty, that would be cool if you got to see Skillet! I hope you do.
Well, it seems that's all for now! Goodness, that post took a long time. It's about time I should be getting back to work...or bed.
Goodnight and God bless to you all!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
comes in singing "More Faithful" by Skillet
well, I am tired hi everyone! *waves*
Pattertwig's Pal: so cool!
Ruby: yeah I hope so too! it's the only time they are going to be near me for the rest of the year!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good mortereve, Squaries!
I probably should be doing by American economics right now...but I'll save that for later.
Haha. What would be another question?
Depending on the person I'll ask what their favorite sport is, what their favorite book is, or sometimes I just ask what they like to do.
I like Christian music, or music with Christian influences . For example, out of your list I wouldn't necessarily label RK, Switchfoot, Deas Vail, Skillet or Anberlin as "Christian", but it comes across in their lyrics. Basically, I like music with meaningful lyrics.
I also like.. let's see. The Rocket Summer, Lifehouse, Starfield.. and I'm getting into Owl City/Adam Young.
I agree, I wouldn't consider them 'Christian', either. But they all have good lyrics that are obviously influenced by their Christian faith, and musically, they're all great. Oh, yes, I like Owl City, too!
I wouldn't call him one of my favorites, but I definitely like his music.
I looked him up on YouTube as a result of the conversation in the Square. Next time I'm in a position to buy a CD or two, I'm definately getting some of his work.
Haha, ditto! I started listening to him after seeing his lyrics in Ruby's signature, and all the talk that was going on about his music. I really like his music.
I loved Bleak House! All the other Dickens I've read to date I'd first read as a Great Illustrated Classic and I'd built great expectations for David Copperfield and was disappointed. It was the first time I'd ever liked the abridged version of something better... The moral of that little story is: "Never read Dickens abridged" and the moral of that is that "abridged books are evil"...
Really? I like it so far, but school keeps distracting me from it, so I'm only about 250 pages into it.
Ah yes, I always stay far away from abridged versions. Sometimes they trick me, though, and I'll read halfway through a book and then realize it's abridged.
The Great Illustrated Classics used to be a favorite of mine, however, when I was little. The picture on every page was nice.
Oh you live in Florida? I lived in Florida for about six years before we lived in Oregon and it looks like we will be moving back down there... Well we kinda all ready live down there
Yes, I do live in Florida. Oh, really? We should start one of those Lion parties to go see VDT of something.
Yes I do go in the mountains
When we are out here in CO.
Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. I would love to live near mountains.
*is jealous of Poggy's English teacher's cappuccino machine*
Haha, we only get to use it when it gets cold, though. By the way, have we 'officially' met?
SADIE HAWKINS DANCE!!??!?!!? *squeaks and dies of jealousy*...*revives to continue her post* they NEVER play that song!!! Did Jon, Matt, and Matty do their special pose?! You're soooo lucky! Haha I'm being so dramatic
You're hilarious.
They never play that song? I thought they played it a lot.
What's the special pose?
I don't think they did it because Hoopes wasn't there.
It took us less than 3 weeks to watch the whole thing
I love Uncle Iroh!! Oh yeah and I liked Zuko from the beginning so I was very happy when that happened and my sisters were proven wrong (they think I always like villains, but I just know when they're really good
Wow. Where did you watch them?
Haha, I know, Zuko is an awesome villain.
Hi, Hannah! Welcome to Nweb. Nice graphics set. I love Pride and Prejudice.
Wow, Ben that is one of the most awesome/romantic real life marriage proposals I have heard of!
I'm glad to hear it! I'm doing well, thanks! Oh, I see I have the privilege of being placed in the 'Edit' section
Great! How's school going? Hey, the 'edit' section is a place of honor! It means I took the trouble of tweaking my post just so I could stick you in it!
Would you rather go scuba diving or skydiving?
Skydiving! I would love to go scuba diving, too...but jumping out of a plane is so much more exciting.
I can't wait until I'm 18 so I can do it!
Actually, most of us are quite nice, and I'd even venture to say somewhat normal.
That really made me laugh for some reason.
Cappuccinos, Poggy? I think I'd like your English class.
Haha, yep, whenever cappuccinos are involved, it's bound to be good.
Well, my brother is bugging me to use the computer now, so I best be off. Have a lovely afternoon, everyone!
*enters the square humming "Romance Is..." by LIGHTS*
hello everyone! Lovely song that is by the way. So my sisters and I watched the first episode of season 3 of Robin Hood tonight. We're too curious not to watch it . It was really sad, especially the end bit when

on to catchup!
guess what????? Skillet is going to be on tour again soon and they are coming to The Palladium in Worchester, MA! that's the last place I saw them! I am hoping so much that I am able to go! wheeeeeeeeeeeeee!
that would be really awesome .
Ali: wow, was it really that big and long? so how slim are your chances of getting a youtube account?
yeah I guess . Haha, well I'm still trying to convince them. Maybe if I make it an unlisted video that will help
I think eyeliner looks nice in moderation, Ali. Girls who swath it all over their eyelids and think that's actually attractive need some counseling. But a little, yes. It can look very nice.
(I wear a bit myself. Most of the make-up I use blends with my skin--NOT blue eyeshadow, red lipstick, etc. etc.)
good, I agree
I.... did. Some guys just don't take advice well.
(You know? It really baffles me. When a guy is trying to impress the girls with his hairstyle, he should really follow their suggestions -- but no, he feels obliged to show his macho-ness, and therefore ignores them. I don't understand it.)
wow really?! Haha. Too true, it really makes no sense
Oh! Ali. I have the "Sadie Hawkins Dance". I've never listened to it, but I do have it on my iTunes. *is pleased to actually know the title of a Relient K song*
you should listen to it! It's pretty funny . Oh and I applaud you for knowing the title!!
Thanks! Haha
*tries to think of something to say to continue this conversation* ...Sooo, how's your day?
haha, um it was pretty good. My wrists and fingers hurt a little because I played piano so much . I really have to stop playing so hard/much. How about you?
Oh, oh, is that the 'especially for his fans' tour that he's been going on about for forever on Facebook and such? I'm so jealous..
Hope you can go though.![]()
I have no idea, I just know it's him and I HAVE to be there .
me too! I wish you could somehow come with me .
So which should I get first, Ocean Eyes or Birds & Cages?
Really? I had no idea.![]()
AH! WHY DO PEOPLE ASK ME QUESTIONS LIKE THIS!??! Gosh, that's hard. Um um um. Ocean Eyes. DAH no Birds and Cages. No Ocean Eyes. Yes Ocean Eyes stick with that *bites tongue*
at least guys' hair grows fast
Also, I now have a new Video of the Week in my sig! As well as a new quote, thanks to my current reading. I took a few weeks off of Video of the Weeking, due to laziness.
Go click it!
ah I saw that video a few months ago and thought it was hilarious . It really would have been more interesting if they ended it that way
I must say, I enjoy seeing all the Avatar: The Last Airbender graphics in this thread.
I downloaded literally thousands of screencaps from the show . Expect to see me wearing them for a while
First off, thanks for all the prayers that my music test would go well!
It turns out the test was bumped to Monday (20th) instead of Wed (15th).
Oh well, it gave me plenty of time to study. Anyway, I took the test yesterday and I believe I did pretty well.
That's great! I'm glad you did well .
Secondly, I have been sick for the last week or so.
I'm doing better now, (no sore throat anymore!) but whatever I have is still hanging on. Mom has called the doctor and we're suppose to go see him in the morning. Unfortunately, they will have to "work me in".
Maybe it won't be a long wait.....
aww . This is why I hate colds. It seems like they can cling on for aaaages. Anyway, hope you feel better soon
Anyway, last night my sister and my mother and I went to see...Tenth Avenue North's concert for the Light Meets The Dark tour!!! I'm already writing a post on it on my blog, so I won't go on and on about it here...
That's so awesome! I really want to see them but they never come anywhere close enough .
I don't know whether to be flattered or scared. You never know what people say about you when you're not around...
That's sort of a joke in our little writing group. We always talk about people when they don't show up.
*listening to Owl City's "Sunburn"* This song always makes me smile!!
nothing bad
. Haha too funny
ah I LOVE that song
Haha! Yes! I would too!
I actually need to learn how to play it better. Like the right way cause right now I'm damaging my fingers and wrists. Whenever I play my right arm always hurt afterwards
Yep, that's the way it is in my house too. I've noticed how much better healthy food tastes. My sister, whenever she comes home from college to visit, always goes on and on about how much she loves the food we eat! I guess all you get at college is cafeteria food and too much candy.
Actually, she moved into a house this year and so she's taking care of herself. She's very particular about being healthy and exercising too. Though not as particular as my mother. I think people get more so as they get older.
haha I am definitely NOT looking forward to college food, if/when I go
Good thing. Yeah definitely. I think it's because you start noticing that the way you eat and live really affects your health.
Do you have naturally curly hair? I envy people with curly hair. My hair sort of has a funky bounce to it, but for the most part it's just annoying and makes my hair look awkward, which is why I either straighten it or pull it back. Straightening takes a long time (I have so much hair!) so I usually just pull it back.
yes it's extremely curly and thick. Haha yeah it takes about 30-45 minutes to straighten mine, and it's just past my shoulders. When my hair was past my waist it took a LOT longer . I like having curly hair alot, definitely. I used to hate it but I've learned to manage it a bit more, and you just have to get used to the fact that past 3:00pm, your hair is permanently in a ponytail
You're hilarious.
They never play that song? I thought they played it a lot.
What's the special pose?
I don't think they did it because Hoopes wasn't there.
I just get a TAD fangirlish with them
. No they hardly ever play their oldies. Here are two pics of it clicky 1 and clicky 2. They usually do it towards the end of the song. Aww he wasn't
? Sadness.
Where did you watch them?
Haha, I know, Zuko is an awesome villain.
Netflix. Lovely lovely site .
YES! Haha .
Good mortereve everyone!!!
Goodness, it has been so long since I have posted in here. I've missed you guys!! I don't know why, but I just stopped posting in here and then it got a lot harder to keep up with everyone. I can't believe it, but I'm not going to do a ketchup post...
For the first time since I have been posting the Town Squares, I'm going to wimp out on a ketchup post (it would be probably 40+ pages, mind you). Will y'all forgive me?
What has been going on for everyone? I have been doing school, playing the piano, baking, making graphics, getting together with friends, reading, walking, modding, and...lots of other stuff.
Hmm, I'm considering going back and replying to the quoting conversation that I've had going on with Aiden for over a year...It would be a shame to quit it.
Just some quick comments on posts from this page...
So my sisters and I watched the first episode of season 3 of Robin Hood tonight. We're too curious not to watch it
. It was really sad, especially the end bit when
Spoilerhe buried Marian's ringbut it looks like it MIGHT be good. The first episode was decent at least.
*pounces* The first episode of season 3 is probably the best of the season. Come to think of it, it's the one I haven't seen.
Flam watched it and she said it was pretty good. Let me know what you think of the rest of the season.
There may be a guitar player and his family coming over to the weekly practice this week, so I'm thinking fall food. The first thing that always comes to mind: chili. Funny. I don't think beans, beef, or tomatoes really have anything to do with fall, but they just taste so much better this time of year!
I completely agree with you about that, Cymru! Chili just fits with fall.
I actually think that we're going to have chili tonight or tomorrow night. Yummy!
Does anyone else love pumpkin bread? /random question
I LOVE your post, Mel!! It makes me want the beautiful Autumn colors to show up NOW (yes, I just might have a problem with patience)...and it also makes me want to eat an apple.
Wow, that's great that you went to a TAN concert, Dani!! It sounds like it was lovely! How are you doing, btw?? It has been forever since we last talked!
I looked him up on YouTube as a result of the conversation in the Square. Next time I'm in a position to buy a CD or two, I'm definately getting some of his work.
Haha, ditto!
I started listening to him after seeing his lyrics in Ruby's signature, and all the talk that was going on about his music. I really like his music.
Since I have been gone, I missed who is being discussed. Who's music?
Okay, that's all I have time for right now. I will try to keep up with this thread in the future.
Bye for now!!
When things fall apart, be glue.
Team Hoodie!!
Hello all! *Waves*
*waves hi to WinterStar* I'm Silver! And I'm being swamped with homework too...isn't it lovely?
'Ello, Silver! If by "lovely" you mean boring and utterly exhausting, then yes. Homework is indeed, lovely.
Winter! It's been a while for sure!
ThanksOh I did not know you two were sisters! That is really cool
It has been quite a while. *sighs* Yeah, I guess it is. You have a sister on NWeb, don't you? Hannah, right? (Well, it's in your signature, so I guess that answers that question.
*waves to the tiptoeing Winter* Glad you could drop in! Wait... you and Valia are sisters? ---Really? I did not catch that. Wow.
*Quits tiptoeing* Thanks, I'm glad I could drop in, too! You didn't know that? Maybe I should put that in my signature: 'Real Life sister to ValiantArcher and MeadowMaid' What d'ya think?
*waves to WinterStar* Nice to see you.
I'm doing very well, thanks. Aside from a certain thing called homework that you mentioned in your post.
Hope you stop by again soon.
*Waves back* That's good. Ah, yes, homework the bane of our NWeb lives, yes? Well,this is kinda soon. Kinda...
*notices that WINTY got on NarniaWeb* I know we see each other in real life, but don't kill yourself with all that home work, girl! And it's good to see you on if I won't tell you this in real life too.
Wow, you are SO observant, aren't you?! Well, you don't kill yourself either! 'Specially not with those "half-plains" and boundary lines! (And yes, I did deliberately misspell that.)
*Waves to pogginfan and Djaq!!*
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher
*exits muttering about check patterns Winnie the Pooh? Where the Wild Things are? Suzy's Zoo? Tomas Kinkaid? *
I'm not much help at deciding which pattern you should pick, but if you're a fan of Where the Wild Things are, you might be interested in Terrible Yellow Eyes, a collection of Wild Things... *loves art collections*
A few more weeks of good treehouse weather and jackets-only-at-night would make me a very happy gel.
A few days without rain would make me a happy gel. It's so strange seeing the trees turn under a grey
skey sky...
I didn't start memorizing anything really (except for a few verses as a kid) until I started reading ESV.
How do you like to memorize? For me, I think it works best if I can repeat the verse(s) back to someone until I have it word perfect, but my sister can sit on the couch and read the verses and then she'll know them.
I like [Bleak House] so far, but school keeps distracting me from it, so I'm only about 250 pages into it.
I found it was a good book to read slowly. Dickens cannot be devoured, unlike some books.
I admit to a certain fondness for Great Illustrated Classics for the same reason. Also, Wishbone. Wishbone is good.
it also makes me want to eat an apple.
So eat one! They're good for you! It made me want to go play in a corn maze, and I don't think I've ever done that. It's always sounded like a lot of fun, though...
I can't remember if I've ever had pumpkin bread or not. I'm pretty sure I've had pumpkin spice muffins. Those were good.
Poggy and I are talking about Andrew Peterson's music. You'd like it, I think. (My mom and both my brothers said they liked Clear to Venus, which I got from the library. This is somewhat surprising, as one brother doesn't ever seem to like any sort of music, so yay!)
*sloshes out, waving soggily to everyone*
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*arrives paddling a kayak*
Like Mel's area, it's been raining here...and raining, and raining. Lots of flooding in towns south and southeast of here. Some areas have received over a foot of rain in the last 24 hours. Whew!
I'm pretty sure I've had pumpkin spice muffins.
Pumpkin spice muffins are good...and with fall on our doorstep, it's almost time to travel down to a local orchard for yummy homemade apple treats.
A few more weeks of good treehouse weather and jackets-only-at-night would make me a very happy gel.
Sounds like a plan! (At least once it dries out ). This is by far my favorite time of year if the weather cooperates. I just hope all this rain doesn't wreck the fall colors too much. I'm quite looking forward to getting out of town for a relaxing campfire followed by a nice long stargazing session.
Hubby's recently started a band and they're beginning to search for other members.
That reminds me of the current Ditto Story (unabashed plug ). In some recent segments, a few of the guys in town are putting a band together.
Seriously, all the best to your hubby and his band! If they ever 'cut' a CD let me know!
...I'm thinking fall food. The first thing that always comes to mind: chili. Funny. I don't think beans, beef, or tomatoes really have anything to do with fall, but they just taste so much better this time of year!
Same here! In fact, I may have to whip up some chili sometime soon, maybe this weekend. This cool, wet weather's perfect for it.
I downloaded literally thousands of screencaps from [Avatar: TLA]. Expect to see me wearing them for a while.
Sounds great! I'm looking forward to seeing them.
Well, off for lasagna tonight and me ma's house. We are sitting down to watch Honey I Shrunk the Kids with my six year old who has never seen it before. She knows there are bugs in it and she's excited. Boy, she and are different!!
It sounds like a fun evening! I hope you enjoyed the lasagna, and that your daughter enjoyed the movie.
So she likes bugs, eh? Reminds me of our Memorial Day camping trip. There were a lot of tent caterpillars all over the place and we were worried that 2 little girls in our group (age 9 and 11) would be rather afraid of them since they don't like bugs at home. Instead, they went around collecting them and wanted to take them home.
Time to dash! Pizza is calling!
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
*arrives paddling a kayak*
I could have used one of those today. It has been raining since last night or perhaps yesterday afternoon. It seems to have slowed down a little now. I had to go to a substitute teacher meeting today and so many people came there wasn't any room to park in the lot. I ended up parking on the street and the street is just dirt and some gravel right now. When I got down three hours or so later (most of that time was spent waiting to get paperwork (they didn't have enough copies) and waiting to get our paperwork checked.
Luckily I was with my friend so I had someone to talk to. I had forgotten to bring a book or anything with to do.), there were sections of the road where I couldn't get across without stepping in a puddle. I ended up with water in my shoe because the water came up over the shoe (I was wearing flats). Later I ended up stepping in another puddle and got water in the other shoe.
I went to my friend's apartment after the meeting and we watched Arsenic and Old Lace. I hadn't seen it before. It is a great movie. Then, I after I got back to my place I had to go out again to get some groceries. At least by that time it wasn't raining steadily so it wasn't that bad. But I still didn't want to go out. There are flood warnings in my area. I'm glad my apartment is on the third floor.
Sorry that paragraph is kind of random and seems to jump around a bit. I'm too tired to fix it.
Does anyone else love pumpkin bread? /random question
I like pumpkin bread. I used to eat it for breakfast all the time.
I'm not much help at deciding which pattern you should pick, but if you're a fan of Where the Wild Things are, you might be interested in Terrible Yellow Eyes, a collection of Wild Things...
*loves art collections*
Thanks for the link. I had no idea Where the Wild Things Are was so popular. I did decide to get the Where the Wild Things Are as my check design. I figured they wouldn't be around as long as some of the others. With them came a sheet with checks pictured. THEY STILL HAVE THE NARNIA ONES PICTURED! There is a thing on the ad that says “Products, services and pricing are good through July 15 2012. But then it says “if the product design or side-tear configuration is discontinued, it will be substituted with what we believe to be the most similar top-tear design. I'm really not pleased that they still have them pictured when I was told that they weren't available and then they appear to be guaranteeing that everything will be available but then in the next sentence saying there is no such guarantee.
*waves to Pattertwig's Pal*
LOVE your sig! It's hilarious! You know, my sister (JealousOfTheMoon) and I would make up all sorts of crazy spoofs like that (go check out her FanFiction). We don't do it so much any more, but cracks like that still make me laugh...I can't wait to see what other stuff you come up with!
*waves back* Thanks! The spoofs sound interesting.
I really like having a small Bible in my purse all the time. Mine is a NIV, but that's because I've memorised several NT books in that version and it's easier to find something I'm looking for when the phrasing is the same.
Several NT books!?! I'm having a hard time getting one down. Of course some of that might be because I'm memorizing it in German which is not my native language.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Good Mortereve everyone! I hope y'all are well, I have been good. Really busy though, but I haven't minded.
Now, for some catch up.
@ Fanny. Thanks! I would like to do more online courses later, but then again I might really enjoy the classroom setting and decide to stick with regular classes. In other words, I'm not sure at this point.
How has college been for you so far? I hope that it has been well for you! I'm sure you will have lots of time to figure out which setting you prefer, I think it's a nice opportunity you have to take both styles of classes, however, so that you actually can decide which you like better, instead of only being able to do one type, and having to stick with that for the duration of your time there.
This may shock you, but since we've talked last, we got Season 5 and have watched the whole thing!
I am suitably impressed (read: very impressed)!
We just finished Season 5, finally! On the whole, what did you think of Season 5?
]Life's well! School started today! Life's less well!
How about for you? (It's impossible to judge ages on the internet, but you strike me as college-aged or older.)
I'm glad to hear that life has been going well for you- how has the first few weeks of school been? My family "officially" started our school year on the Tuesday after Labour Day. Your guess is not too far off- this is my first year of college, and I'm almost 18.
🙂 . Very good. The only thing that's really troubling me right now is headaches. I've had them pretty consistently for a while now and it's making my eyesight blurry...or my eyesight is causing my headaches. Idk.
How are you?
Have your headaches gotten better? I hope so! How are things for you in general now? I'm good, definitely enjoying school so far, and the higher learning opportunities that are coming my way.
Well, there's also the fact that the refrigerator was dying, but yes. I think the reign of terrible taste has ended.
(If goat milk isn't cooled quickly, it tastes really goaty. And if your refrigerator dies, it's not making things cold.) We have two horses; one is a thoroughbred/quarter horse cross, and the other is a thoroughbred/arab cross. I thought I had a picture with both of them, but I guess not. Here's a picture or three of Charlie and some random goats and a kitty.
Refrigerators dying would indeed do it. I'm glad you got it figured out.
That is a very nice picture of Charlie.
(I like pictures of horses running, there's just something about it...) Do you do any eventing/showing with your horses, or do you just ride them about your place and etc?
We do the latter, mainly, although sometimes my Mom and sister take two of the horses out to friends' places for trail rides and such.
That sounds like such fun!
What sort of exhibits are in the Museum of Civilization?
And an action figure of a prime minister? *wonders if anyone has ever made an action figure of George Washington*
Hehe, who knows! (I would think there is a good chance of there being a figurine of George Washington, considering he is such an important person in your country's history) Hmmm...exhibits. Well, unfortunately, there wasn't any exhibits such was what you would think there would be in a Museum of Civilization. There was some huge exhibits on West Coast Native culture, an exhibit on horses, and a sort of exhibit on historical figures in Canada. The best part of that was the tall statue of John A. Macdonald. (Probably life size). We all got our picture taken with it. The best parts of the Museum were the large display on Stamps and the walk through Victorian/Edwardian/etc village-inside-the-museum, where it actually really did feel like it was out of doors, but it was all inside. That was amazing, and really cool. Other than that, though, it was lack lustre compared to the War Museum. There really was more variety in the War Musuem on one topic (Canada's Military History) then there was in the Museum of Civilization's many exhibits. Ah well. I was really hoping it would there would be exhibits on different civilizations- such as Anciet Egypt, or even China, or Victorian England, but there wasn't.
Woohoo for Ottawa, Fanny. It sounds like you packed a lot in! What a beautiful city, eh? (<- truly Canadian
Yes and yes! (Although I recall I've said that already several times in other places, but all to you...
) Yes, now that I think of it, we did do a lot. It seemed like so much more considering we took the bus everywhere. What a lovely way to really see the city though. And we got to walk the streets too, and that was fun. Especially late at night, after the show on Parliament Hill was done. It was a warm, dark, summer evening as we walked the streets of downtown Ottawa amidst the tall buildings... None of us wore our Toronto Maple Leaf hats, though, so we were quite safe. (Not to mention the fact that there was all those soldiers from the various regiments, and the RCMP, so, um, we were safe.
*waves to Fanny* Good to see you on the forums too!!! Sorry that it's taken me so long to catch up. Anyway, how have you been doing?
*sends a hug* That's okay! Now it's my turn to apologise for taking so long.
It's great to see you on the forums!
I have been praying for you! How have you been? I've been really good, busy with the school year resuming, and since I'm a college student now (but doing it all at home) I hopefully will be able to work one day during the week aside from Saturday at one of my jobs, which will be really nice. For both my boss and I- she's been having trouble with getting staff, and I just love working. So I'm happy. We'll have to see how the schedules all pan out, but I'm hopeful.
*hugs Fanny*
*hugs back* How are you?
Oh, how fun!! If I ever had a job, I think I'd choose one like that.
For some reason that sort of thing has always appealed to me.
So this past week we had friends from Alabama over. That was pretty fun.We had a wedding of a mutual friend we went to, which was really enjoyable.
Anything new with you?
It is a fun job, that is for sure!
I'm glad the wedding was enjoyable! Weddings are always like that. Hmm, what's new with me? Well, my uncle is up for a few days, which has been fun.
And I've been enjoying the fall weather, since it's been cooler in the days my brother and I have gone running more, which has been fun too. What about you?
Yes, thank you.
I was perfectly fine the morning we left, excluding some remainder of a sore throat.
Yep, we had a really good time. It was a lot of fun.
Ugh, I can sympathize.. I probably only got 4 hours sleep last night. And I'm starting school tomorrow.But it was worth it in my case too, so all's good.
I'm glad to hear it! (Although that is old news by now... ) I'm glad you had fun too!
How has school been going for you? And how are you in general?
You too? How wonderful!
Thank you very much, I'll be praying for you, too.
Thank you! How are things for you?
That is shocking.
'Persuasion' is really good, but I couldn't say I like it over P&P. What's your order (from favorite to least favorite) of Austen's books? (I'm assuming you've read them all
Let's see. I would go: Persuasion, Mansfield Park, Sense & Sensibility, Pride & Prejudice, Emma, Northanger Abbey. Of course I like them all, but that is how my favourites go. And you?
I suppose this means I should avoid the 1999 version?
Haha, I'll try both of the other versions, then, though I'm slightly afraid of BBC in the 80's after seeing clips of what they did to 'Northanger Abbey' in the 80's.
Yes, definitely avoid that one. I can definitely understand your not wanting to watch the older MP, I saw the '80s NA too and it was not a good adaptation (really weird, I'd say). But with the older MP it's not like that at all. Except for maybe one wig that a character wears.
That was odd. But other than that they didn't add in anything weirdly disturbing.
I think I've got everything.... if I've missed someone, I am truly sorry! (So, if I have, just give me a poke or a shout or something, and I'll reply to what you originally said to me).
Mortereve all!
Dear days of old, with the faces in the firelight,
Kind folks of old, you come again no more.
(Robert Louis Stevenson)
Mortereve all!
*waves to Nick* Hmm. I should start up a conversation. Uh... what's your favorite food? Or, are you like me and can't choose.
Haha, well, it's hard to choose... but I love spaghetti! Absolutely NO tomato sauce, though. Pizza's always good, too. What's your favorite food?
You couldn't tell?
Yes, I really love that band. Of all the Christian bands, I don't know one better. They are really good at performing, but their goal in their performance is not to get popular or to capture peoples' attention. I mean, they are trying to capture peoples' attention, but that's only for the purpose of pointing them to Jesus Christ.
Oh, I could. Lots of people in the Square are. That's certainly an admirable goal. Very uncommon these days.
I have good rhythm and a good ear. But I'm a terrible sight reader! I don't know what it is, but I just can't look at a note and sing it. I can somewhat, I guess, if I think really hard. It's one of those things that I haven't practiced enough and will improve with time.
We're working really hard on sight reading in choir, which is nice. Because it's one area where I'm really, really bad.
What makes it tougher is that I'm in the alto section! Stuck between the bass and the soprano/melody. I get thrown off so easily.
I'm amazed at people that can read a note and sing it completely by ear. As long as there's a piano accompanying the singing, then I can sightread parts pretty easily. I used to be awful at singing a part, but one of my friends was really good, and I got a lot of practice listening to him and singing with him in our teen choir. Well, he's since left our church, and I'm on my own (being the oldest guy in the teen choir) and it's actually become pretty easy!
Yeah, it's easy to get thrown off by other parts. We rearranged the seating for our church choir, so now I'm up with the tenors even though I sing bass (weird, I know). Only one other bass is supposed to be up there with me, and he often can't make to choir practice, so, even in the regular choir with all the adults, I'm kinda on my own singing bass.
I'm glad you enjoy piano.
I enjoy it too! Though I probably could do with more assignments when it comes to piano. I'm far too used to playing whatever I want.
Ha, well, the only time I really get to play what I want is during the summer when I don't have piano lessons. My teacher's been really busy lately, though (this is her first year homeschool five kids!!!) so we haven't started up piano lessons for the year, yet.
Hmm, I'm considering going back and replying to the quoting conversation that I've had going on with Aiden for over a year...It would be a shame to quit it.
Yes, it would be very much a shame! I hope you do. I do hope you won't make your long disappearances a habit.
I am suitably impressed (read: very impressed)!
We just finished Season 5, finally! On the whole, what did you think of Season 5?
Well, it was much better than Seasons 3 and 4. It was a great way to end the show.
I'm glad to hear that life has been going well for you- how has the first few weeks of school been? My family "officially" started our school year on the Tuesday after Labour Day.
Your guess is not too far off- this is my first year of college, and I'm almost 18.
So far school has been pretty well. The last couple of days have been kinda rough, though. Ah, first year of college, how cool! How's it going for you?
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.