*enters listening to the new NW Podcast* They are so dramatic!
yes! See Ben? Just because a girl likes a guy doesn't mean she likes likes him!
Right I agree completely..... Sorry I just like giving you a hard time
By the way, I shall sign thy petition
. edit: I see you have all the needed signatures, but one more can't hurt, can it?
One more can't hurt at all for sure!
um, nope, but I know people who live in FL get a discount
Oh really? I have friends that can get us in free
IT'S TRUE!!! BELIEVE ME!!! *is getting desperate*
*laughs to himself* MUHAHA!
yay! Here's a link You Had Me At Hello
That is a really cool blog entry!
yeah it's a few hours away
Which is why you have been there so many times
Hmm.... interesting word.... What does it mean?
aha! And you're older than me!
I don't think so. I think I would have noticed
Would you have?
I am very
. But I wouldn't die, just be very upset
Okay that is a little less dramatic
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*enters the square with a very sad look but tries to wave cheerfully at everyone specifically those who have waved to her*
I was so excited I have finally used up enough of my checks to get new ones and the Narnia ones are no longer available. I've waited years to get Narnia checks.
I emailed them to see if there was any possible way I oculd still get them. They were available at the being of the summer but all I got was a "we have no plans to continue that line but I'll let marketing know of your interest"
Now I have to chose another style
*waves to Patterwig's Pal* nice to see you in the Square.
I don't think we've officially met? (Ok, so I don't actually *officially* meet anyone outside the Square
) Jump right in.
I've seen you around the forum but no, we have not officially met. Although I suppose now we have?
Really? From my experience, girls look 10x better without eyeliner.
Or any makeup, really.
I'm not a big fan of eyeliner or any makeup really. It is nice to here support for not wearing makeup. I don't have the time to bother with it or the money to spend on it for that matter. I'd probably break out in a rash or have my eyes get puffy anyway.
Don't worry. Half the time I don't bother with huge catch-up posts and just post a single response to something or just my own ramblings.
And then I get completely irrationally annoyed when other people don't respond and just post their own single responses to something (else) or just their own ramblings.
'Tis pitiful.
That's like me with PMs or emails. I often take a long time to respond but then I get annoyed when people take a long time to get back to me. (Usually when it is an important topic or I'm afraid something I've written might be taken the wrong way). It drives me nuts. (the being annoyed at something when other people do it that I do myself not the part about getting replies).
Pattertwigs Pal, I really like your "logical" reasons for combining VotDT and The Hobbit.
That... would be a really strange movie.
But... I'd still see it, I think.
Wow, Pal!I had never thought about it that way before! There is a lot of similarities between VDT and The Hobbit...*tries to imagine what the plot of such a movie would be like*
Yes, it would be a strange movie - the more I think about the more similarities I find and the more I scare myself.
And you know how cats can be...you ask them simple favors, and they demand the world in return...
Or they just demand the world.
I vote for Edmund the Grey! Too bad Bilbo doesn't really have a title other than "burglar". Edmund the Burglar..........nah.
Edmund the Burglar doesn't work so well. Besides Ed is a bit too big to look Hobbitish. Maybe Eustace could be combined with Bilbo. They both go on the journey kind of against their will and have encounters with dragons - yikes I'm doing it again.
*exits muttering about check patters Winnie the Pooh? Where the Wild Things are? Suzy's Zoo? Tomas Kinkaid? *
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
comes in singing "I Love The Lord" by Petra
hi everyone! today is my 17th birthday! (holy cow, I'm that old?
only 86 days until the Dawn Treader sets sail! yay!
Ben: yes, that song is hilarious! check the video out:
the artist is Christian rapper KJ52 (I love his music!)
so have you convinced your sister to join the conversation here on the square yet?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Alright alright here I am you obsessed creepy dorks!! To put you all to terms with the reeeeal world....There is a world outside Narniaweb you know.... and I am here and here only to make sure that you all have your fair share and dose of earth....."earth to narniaweb...earth to narniaweb".....sooo I'd be happy to teach you all how to evenly space your time between narniaweb...and life....eating, drinking, sleeping, music,...(the most important of the four
) .......
Avvie and Sig By Starsy!
Real Sister to Benjamin
"Obsessed, creepy dorks"! We are not dorks and only a few of us are creepy. Thankfully I am not in that lot.
*Some could contend that.....
Anyway, greetings miss Hannah! *bows* I do hope you will join us again for even though we may be obsessed, we're quite nice. And we do know there is a world outside of NW..... we just try to ignore it sometimes.
ATTENTION (aka prayer request):
I have a test in Music Appreciation in the morning, so I would like to ask for prayers that the test goes well and that I'm able to go and take it. Thanks in advance!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*enters into the square listening to Phil Wickham's "Messiah"*
Well Hello all!
So Hannah posted Not what I was wanting but she was in one of her weird/random moods and you never know what she is going to do!
Hopefully her next will be a lot better! I will keep on having her come back in till she gets used to it
She always says that she is so confused about everything
I'll just have to keep explaining
Wow that is a lot of " 's" lol...
The Square has sure been quite today! WAKE UP!
hi everyone! today is my 17th birthday! (holy cow, I'm that old?
It seems like it was just your 16th!
Ben: yes, that song is hilarious! check the video out:
the artist is Christian rapper KJ52 (I love his music!)
So when Hannah got on here she was on your post and she looked over at me before she read it and was talking about what music she was dancing to last night and she was like "it was KJ-52" and I was like "look" And pointed to your post
We both watched the video and laughed a ton!
I have listened to KJ-52 quite a bit actually
so have you convinced your sister to join the conversation here on the square yet?
The post right below yours Though it is not what I was wanting but as I said (at the top of my post...) she was in one of her usual weird/random moods
Will be praying Prince Cor And my sister was just a little odd tonight... Though that is not too unusual
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*runs flustered into the Square and tries to put all the stress and worries out of her mind for the moment*
So. Hope your days have all been better than mine.. It's not like anything bad even happened really, just I'm stressed out about a couple of things for school and such.. anyway.
Hope your orchestra audition went okay, Miss R.
Well I go to work so I have to get up early so I just do catchup before hand if it is not too much to catchup
Ah I see. You're in here a lot though. My catchups take a good 30+ mins, or longer..
Silver, I was actually talking about movie HBP, but yes, HBP is kind of okay. So is the movie. The movie really feels like it's waiting for DH to come in a take over, if that makes any sense.
"Draped fabric", AC? You mean like, drawing folds in the fabric? Actually, I'd rather do that than calligraphy, which is what we're doing in our art class. I'm sort of the "resident artist" at my school, but I'm horrible at calligraphy. And we'll be doing nothing but calligraphy for three weeks straight...
Yes, kind of - basically we had to drape a piece of fabric across anything, a box or something, and draw it. I didn't really manage to make it look anything more than a piece of clothing with random parts shaded in. I think I'd like calligraphy, although I'm not quite sure exactly what you mean by that.
Apparently we're having a pop quiz in anatomy tomorrow. (Not so "pop" anymore, is it? )
Haha, our Science teacher always announces to us that we're getting pop quizzes. Really, doesn't that defeat the purpose?
Edmund the Burglar..........nah.
*gasps* Nooo!! My favourite character..
I wasn't going to point that out, but since you brought it up...........yeah, okay, that's what's happening now.
Hehe, well I thought it was relatively obvious.
No I don't think they do . Too bad it was really great, and Deas Vail announced A NEW ALBUM AND PLAYED TWO NEW SONGS!!! CAN YOU TELL I'M EXCITED!!!???!!!
Well don't tell me that now.
Oh cool, when's the new album? Or is that not announced yet? First, I need to get B&C though.
I say weird things like that all the time . My newest word is "hyperful"
Oh, I guess that would apply to the statement you made up there? ^
I'm totally like that too. Don't feel bad about it . Aww . I'm sure everything will be great!
If only I was so sure.. But.. eh, I'll probably be more homesick for Japan than nervous about starting at a new school, when it comes down to it.
every Wednesday morning .
Ah, so that would be.. oh wait. *remembers that you are 12 hours behind* Right now.. Hope it's going well.
I'm reading the books right now, and the song is AWESOME! Did you listen to it?
I can't really remember the story. Plus it said the movie is based on the first three books, and I'm not sure I read that far.
Yeah yeah, it was good.
Hey, does that make it an OC song or just a song that he wrote? *random musings*
I've seen you around the forum but no, we have not officially met. Although I suppose now we have?
I guess so. I suppose whenever you say "I don't think we've met?" that's actually not true.
So.. *begins conversation* What is it you like about Patterwig? (lame question, I know )
hi everyone! today is my 17th birthday! (holy cow, I'm that old? )
Ooh, Happy Birthday!!
Hope you had/are having a really great day!
*waves to Hannah* So we did manage to get you here?
Oh, don't worry, I have a very balanced lifestyle. I eat, drink, listen to music and go on narniaweb all at once, then fall asleep from the effort of multi-tasking.
Anyway, welcome, and hope you stick around, and that you may one day realise that we are in fact human beings like the rest of the world.
I have a test in Music Appreciation in the morning, so I would like to ask for prayers that the test goes well and that I'm able to go and take it. Thanks in advance!
Wow that is a lot of " 's" lol...
Wow yeah, kind of creepy when they all giggle/vibrate(?) all at once.
Well.. I must be off to my real life - step 1: the shower.
Talk to you all later.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
comes in singing "Comatose" by Skillet and dancing for joy
oh my word I am so happy I had the best birthday ever yesterday I am so hyper NARNIA and I can't believe it's only 85 DAYS until the Dawn Treader sets sail and SKILLET!
oh wow, my mom got me Skillet's CD "Comatose" for my birthday!!!!! yes! yay! awesomeness! I am SO happy and hyper and hyper.....
Ben: lol I am SO glad you and Hannah liked it! I laughed a lot over that video too!
I actually got to see KJ52 live at Soulfest 2006.....he's pretty awesome live!
Hannah: um, hello!
"Obsessed creepy dorks" eh?
bwahaha I am proud to be an obsessed Narnia fan! though I am not creepy.
welcome to the square!
Aslans Country: thank you SO much! I had an awesome day!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*enters the square doing the happy dance*
hi hi! I'm excited because I might be able to go to this concert! Tickets are only $13.50 and it supposed to be a consoler for me missing out on the Mae concert I wanted to go to (the band is breaking up and the stupid club had to make an 18+ rule
). But I love TRS WAY more so I'm going to enjoy this, if I go
catchup (measly amount that there is )!
Right I agree completely.....
Sorry I just like giving you a hard time
so a girl can't have guy friends unless she hates them because if she likes them that means she has a crush on them?
I know that by now
One more can't hurt at all for sure!
I see it worked . Very...pleasant post
Oh really? I have friends that can get us in free
lucky! Aren't you moving back there yourself soon?
*laughs to himself* MUHAHA!
*is now officially mad*
That is a really cool blog entry!
yay yay yay! I knew you'd like it . Will you read more?
Which is why you have been there so many times
Hmm.... interesting word.... What does it mean?
it's me in french!
sooo...am I allowed to give you a hard time about it?
Would you have?
yes I notice everything of that sort .
Okay that is a little less dramatic
being dramatic is fun!
Alright alright here I am you obsessed creepy dorks!! To put you all to terms with the reeeeal world....There is a world outside Narniaweb you know....
and I am here and here only to make sure that you all have your fair share and dose of earth....."earth to narniaweb...earth to narniaweb".....sooo I'd be happy to teach you all how to evenly space your time between narniaweb...and life....eating, drinking, sleeping, music,...(the most important of the four
) .......
nice to meet you too Hannah . I have to admit I am obsessed and probably a little creepy. I don't know about dork, but I am weird. Ah yes the real world- that has become a figment of my imagination. I prefer to live here where the flowers grow and we have fountains and chocolate trees. Narniaweb is a very nice world of its own
lol ok seriously . My name's Alissandra, you can call me Ali
. I hope we can be friends! Please come and post here again, I would like to get to know you
oh wow, my mom got me Skillet's CD "Comatose" for my birthday!!!!! yes! yay! awesomeness! I am SO happy and hyper and hyper.....
I know this is late but Happy Birthday Libby!!!! And I KNEW she was going to get you that .
Well don't tell me that now.
Oh cool, when's the new album? Or is that not announced yet? First, I need to get B&C though.
. They haven't announced that yet, just that it's coming. YES GET IT!
I get very excited when it comes to my favorite bands and new music
Oh, I guess that would apply to the statement you made up there? ^
haha yeah
If only I was so sure..
But.. eh, I'll probably be more homesick for Japan than nervous about starting at a new school, when it comes down to it.
Aww . I hope you get adjusted ok!
Ah, so that would be.. oh wait. *remembers that you are 12 hours behind* Right now..
Hope it's going well.
it did- I got an A+ on my paper
. But the guitar-playing dude cut his hair- MINUS POINTS!!
I can't really remember the story.
Plus it said the movie is based on the first three books, and I'm not sure I read that far.
Yeah yeah, it was good.
Hey, does that make it an OC song or just a song that he wrote? *random musings*
I'm reading the first one right now and I love it to bits! It's so cute and interesting! It is an OC song btw .
*enters the square quite happy*
So I leave for Florida the day after tomorrow and then.. The cruise!
And also my brother just called to say the he just proposed to his gal and she (OF COURSE!) said, yes!
So this is how he went about it:
He spent all day today out getting the place ready, where he would propose while she thought all along that he was at work. And then after he was done with "work" he went to her house and they 'decided' to go on a walk. And so they went walking where they had first walked after they knew that they both like each other and and the beginning of the trail he had set a rose with a little note and then he said wait here for a minute. And he ran a head. And after about a minute she kept on going and she kept on finding roses, a dozen to be exact And when she came around the last bend he started playing the piano that he had brought out earlier. He was playing a song that she had asked him to write for her. All this time she was crying like crazy! Who wouldn't? And then after the song was done he got down on his knees and pulled out the ring and she said yes
And then they kept walking on the trail to a little lake and the sun just had started setting, and as it was setting he lit some candles and put them in wine glasses and started them floating on the lake. So by the time the sun had set the lake was a-glow with the candles. And they sat there for quite a while!
And that is about it.
Ah I see.
You're in here a lot though. My catchups take a good 30+ mins, or longer..
Yeah mine take at least that long as well!
Wow yeah, kind of creepy when they all giggle/vibrate(?) all at once.
Yeah it is kinda weird ...
Ben: lol I am SO glad you and Hannah liked it!
I laughed a lot over that video too!
I actually got to see KJ52 live at Soulfest 2006.....he's pretty awesome live!![]()
Oh you did? That is cool!
so a girl can't have guy friends unless she hates them because if she likes them that means she has a crush on them?
I know that by now
Ha! Not what I said When you are going crazy over him then that means...
I see it worked
. Very...pleasant post
Most pleasant
lucky! Aren't you moving back there yourself soon?
Yep When we get back from Colorado we will be looking for a house
*is now officially mad*
oh bad lama *slaps face*
Have you ever seen Emperor's New Grove? Such a funny movie!
yay yay yay! I knew you'd like it
. Will you read more?
I will not have time in the near future
it's me in french!
Oh I see
sooo...am I allowed to give you a hard time about it?
If that would make you happy than yes
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Classes were pretty cool today. Our guest lecturer in criminal justice was from the public defenders' office. He had some pretty interesting stories to tell. Creative Writing went well too. The prof told us about a writing contest and we're all going to write entries and critique them next week before entering.
There was a series of Nancy Drew computer games that I played back when my computer worked right. They were mystery games where you had to figure out the culprit. And someone on the website would *always* tell me who the culprit was before I finished the game.
I play those games too. The forums for those games give me a headache though. Most disorganized website ever.
That and trying to madly sprint through three seasons of a TV show so I can watch the new season when it starts.
LOL, that sounds like me. Only with me, I have to watch 4 seasons before the next one starts.
Mine is NCIS. What show are you sprinting through?
I'm watching Supernatural. Working on the fourth season right now, but I've got all of the fifth season to go. Fortunately the arc they were working on in seasons four and five ends in the fifth season, so I can probably start season six before season five without much confusion. One of the new characters this season is played by an actor who supposedly in a movie I watched recently, but I really can't remember him. Hopefully old age memory loss isn't setting in early.
I keep meaning to catch up on Merlin, but I get distracted by other shows. I wonder if Hulu still has the first season up?
*has no real opinion on guyliner*
The new Relient K song was okay, but not one of their better new songs.
Hmm, I guess I'll claim the creepy tag, but not dork or obsessed. But sure, creepy works.
*reads Ben's review of the Inception score*
The score works in the context of the movie for me, but I've listened to it on YouTube and wasn't impressed. There are bits of it that I like, but the final track "Time" is the only one I can enjoy the entirety of.
*enters into the square bright and early with his pet roster* Alright Fred do your duty *the roster starts doing what rosters do best* c**k-A-DODLE-DO! ( or something of that sort )
A good morning to the Square and all of its occupants!
So I forgot to say that I watch Letters to Juliet the night before last. I must say I liked it

Ok will be headed off now...
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*enters the square singing "Nothing Matters" by TRS*
preparing for the concert .
And also my brother just called to say the he just proposed to his gal and she (OF COURSE!) said, yes!
So this is how he went about it: ...
wow that is SO romantic . Especially the piano part! Aaah....
And I still have to see Letters to Juliet- I've been begging since the teasers started showing but my mom isn't so happy about them playing a Taylor Swift song in the trailer . I'll convince her though
Ha! Not what I said
When you are going crazy over him then that means...
I'm NOT going crazy over him! Seriously!
I just think he's pretty awesome! That's it! No crush, zilch, NADA.
Most pleasant
When we get back from Colorado we will be looking for a house
that's awesome! I wish we could move back to FL but I know that's not happening, at least for a looooong time, because everyone in my family but me loves NH .
oh bad lama *slaps face*
Have you ever seen Emperor's New Grove? Such a funny movie!
TINA!!! Eat the food!
yes, and I agree . Have you seen Napoleon Dynamite? Tina is a pet llama
I will not have time in the near future
after you're busy and such then? Or would you prefer I stop hounding you?
Oh I see
please tell me you'd heard it before .
If that would make you happy than yes
aww well how am I supposed to tease you when you give me a nice answer like that?
The new Relient K song was okay, but not one of their better new songs.
I actually thought it was alot better than some of their stuff on Forget and Not Slow Down. But whatever .
*enters once more*
So I was thinking that NW needs a more manly smiliely like this " "....
So this will be my last day posting on here for a while! I leave for Florida tomorrow morning, early and then the cruise! I am so excited about going on the cruise and going to different islands and countries! ( <--- and we need a manly one for daydreaming....
wow that is SO romantic
. Especially the piano part! Aaah....
Very romantic!
And I still have to see Letters to Juliet- I've been begging since the teasers started showing but my mom isn't so happy about them playing a Taylor Swift song in the trailer
. I'll convince her though
I never saw the trailers just the movie I don't think I have actually listened to one of her songs... Though I must have heard it if it was on the movie
I'm NOT going crazy over him! Seriously!
I just think he's pretty awesome! That's it! No crush, zilch, NADA.
Mumu kaka!
that's awesome! I wish we could move back to FL but I know that's not happening, at least for a looooong time, because everyone in my family but me loves NH
How long ago was it that you lived in Florida?
TINA!!! Eat the food!
yes, and I agree. Have you seen Napoleon Dynamite? Tina is a pet llama
Yep I have. It's been awhile though... AHA! That is how it's spelled
after you're busy and such then? Or would you prefer I stop hounding you?
Maybe... We will have to see won't we?
please tell me you'd heard it before
I think I have... Though I'm not sure
aww well how am I supposed to tease you when you give me a nice answer like that?
Thought as much... *laughs*
Oh I forgot to tell you that what you said to Booky about the new RK song was better than TT, THAT WAS A LIE! Haha...
Edit: Oh yeah and I'm not sure if I will be able to get Hannah to do another post before we leave tomorrow... But I will try
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*Tiptoes in* Hi y'all!
As, you may have noticed, I've not been here a while. I feel terrible, but there's this thing called real life, and this other thing called homework, and they really hinder my getting on N-Web. Anyways, how have y'all been?
Nice, avy and sig, by the way, Benjamin! Heh heh, just noticed that my sister made them. They're still cool.
Anyways, I'll be going now. I'll try to stop by again, soon!
See y'all!
"I'm genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow!"
Avi & Sig by ValiantArcher