A grey tabby cat bounds down from a rooftop and pads into the middle of the square. It yawns, flicks its tail back and forth, a meows, "Silver the Wandering SquareOnion (my, what a ridiculous name) has sent me to tell you all that she will be unable to catchup tonight. She hopes you are all faring well, and asked me to tell you...hmm, what was that word? (It sounded like mortaring.) Oh yes. Good mortereve. Now, I assume you've brought fish for me. What? No fish? Not even a mouse? How rude. I hope you will learn from your mistakes and bring me some next time. Oh, and you. Human with the face. Benjamin, you say? Yes, well, stick Silver's name on that petition of yours. She won't mind." The cat stares around at everyone before stalking away, tail held high.
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Time for assorted catch-up.
RE: Spoilers for stuff: Yeah, hide 'em like you hide your... uh, never mind. But yeah, I still have yet to finish Deathly Hallows, so I'd greatly appreciate not getting spoiled for that... is what I'd say, but I've already been spoiled for that.
Still. Spoilers. Hide.
RE: Sprinting through TV seasons to watch a new season: That's pretty much why I've given up on most standard TV shows. Anime is easier, with many worthwhile shows only having 12-26 episodes to worry about, and they can be watched any time.
Just don't get me started on Naruto, Bleach, or anything like that.
yeah I would die without my eyeliner
. I don't wear too much, but it makes me look 10x better so yeah
On guys I can maybe understand you not liking it, but girls too! wow
Really? From my experience, girls look 10x better without eyeliner.
Or any makeup, really.
You know, the thing about the Square is right it is a little scary! I just look at how long the post are I think to myself, "I could never do that!"
Don't worry. Half the time I don't bother with huge catch-up posts and just post a single response to something or just my own ramblings.
And then I get completely irrationally annoyed when other people don't respond and just post their own single responses to something (else) or just their own ramblings.
'Tis pitiful.
So I convinced my sister Hannah to come in here to the Square and post a post if I could get at least 7 names signing a petition for her to come in here
I'll sign. But what kind of a post? A massive catch-up post? Some humorous self-introduction? A single-response post? A post of her own ramblings?
Whatever it is, I expect it to be good, or else...
...that just made her even less likely to post in here, didn't it?
All right, it doesn't have to be good.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
So, I think I have enough time to do this...
Guess what I have to do for Art? "Draw draped fabric". What kind of instruction is that?
It doesn't help that

I also have a piano lesson to practice for, and something to write up for another subject, and research/work for this independent project we have to do in school this year..
At this point you should rightly be wondering why I'm still on the computer.

It will be on the 19th of September. And I will have a blast!
Ah.. luckyy.. and I will be stuck in school doing useless things like maths and science and technology.
Anyway.. enjoy.
Now for some breakfast!
lol, you catch up before breakfast? I'm never awake in the mornings. I can't speak, let alone type.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Owl City is streaming another show online tonight! It starts at 7:15 EST and Deas Vail is opening! This is sure to be an awesome show
Aww I wanna watch this... but that would be.. *converts* 8:15 am here and I'll just be arriving at school. Too bad.. do you know if they keep a record and put it online afterwards?
Hey, Ali.. I just skimmed through your post, and you didn't catch up on me!
Just kidding.
I have a couple default questions depending on who I'm talking to, but that's one of them. Anyways, I pretty much only like Christian music. I also like classical music and soundtracks.
Some of my favorite bands are Relient K, Tenth Avenue North, Switchfoot, Deas Vail, Casting Crowns, Skillet, Anberlin, and Andrew Peterson. What kind of music do you like?
Hehe, I know, I rarely meet people in real life who are like me.
Haha. What would be another question?
Like, 6/8 of the bands you just mentioned are in my favourites - CC and Anberlin get a half each, and Deas Vail being a very new one - as in, a couple of days I only have 2 songs of theirs. Similar tastes, much?
I like Christian music, or music with Christian influences . For example, out of your list I wouldn't necessarily label RK, Switchfoot, Deas Vail, Skillet or Anberlin as "Christian", but it comes across in their lyrics. Basically, I like music with meaningful lyrics.
I also like.. let's see. The Rocket Summer, Lifehouse, Starfield.. and I'm getting into Owl City/Adam Young.
Yeah, I ramble about music. When there are people around that can understand.
A petition, Ben? Sure, I'll *sign*. What, does she not think 7 people would sign on here?
Oh, and you. Human with the face.
That made me laugh.
I just remembered that my piano teacher gave me *gasp*.. 2 new pieces to practice, and I have a lesson.. um, tomorrow? Oops..
(In my defense, it's not been a full week, because she had to change the schedule..)
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Mortereve all!
Ah! Yes, I do remember that. I think I said something, but I don't believe either of you ever saw it. Glad it's all cleared up now, though!
Ah, I guess we both missed that. Well, sorry about that! EDIT: I see later you posted that you had indeed made mention of my mistake.
@ NN. Heh, yeah I guess.
Yay! Do let me know your thoughts on it.
Well, for me at least!
Yes, yes, I know! I was only joshing you.
Because I know how much you looove the government right now.
I have the same problem with reading and writing. I'm never in the "mood" to write until it's somewhere around midnight. They say, though, that your imagination works best right before you go to bed.
*turns her music on shuffle and is delighted to find Tenth Avenue North's song "All The Pretty Things" Playing*
I haven't listened to this album enough.
That's my conclusion every time I listen to this band. I don't listen to them enough.
lol, that I do.
Yeah, maybe that's part of it. For me, it's mostly the fact that I'm settled and relaxed, and everything's very quiet. I just would feel awkward to read in the middle of the day.
lol, big TAN fan, eh? (hey that rhymes!)
Your teacher sounds a lot like me. I really didn't have a clue about music theory. I knew how to read the treble clef, from learning violin as a young kid. And I taught myself how to read bass clef from all our "beginner piano" books.
But I don't have an amazing ear either. I just pick up really fast and sort of found ways to make up for my deficiencies in music theory.
I wish, I wish, that I inherited my mother's perfect pitch...but no. I have somewhat relative pitch and I can match my pitch (singing) if given a pitch. And I guess I have a very high rhythmical accuracy. I picked up stuff in hard shoe dance class really fast.
But I'm no musical genius. I'm just randomly talented here and there and have a passion or music, but nothing spectacular.
Well, she wasn't like that for long. Since she did have such a good ear for music, she excelled in piano lessons, and now she knows lots of music theory. However, that's still not her forte (haha, pun!), as opposed to a friend of hers that plays very poorly by ear, but knows theory inside and out.
I don't have great pitch, but good enough to sing a part. I guess you don't need that to play the piano, but it helps when playing by ear. Rhythm is pretty easy for me, although it can get veeery confusing and complicated in some difficult pieces.
Oooo! That is fun!
Fortunately, with teaching myself, I've always gotten to play things I love.
But now that my mom is taking my music "more seriously", she's assigning pieces. And I wish I was more used to taking assignments, because I get annoyed with the pieces she picks sometimes.
You can imagine how I felt. Everything I played was an assignment, and I really didn't enjoy it. But, it was laying the necessary groundwork. It's because of it that I'm where I am. Now, it gets enjoyable, although, in a sense, the pieces are still assignments because I have to go home, practice it, and play it for my teacher. But I enjoy it now.
Sounds like you've worked pretty quickly through music. I haven't taken music theory since I was like...eleven. And that was like first grade theory. This year I'm taking college level music theory! Ack! My mom is starting back at the basics and we're waking our way up...but still.
Whoa! College level theory? That must be really hard. I barely survived the simple theory lesson books I worked my way through.
If anything, you'll be able to play music for the simple purpose of enjoying playing it.
That's sort of my theme. Even if I'm not amazingly talented, I still love to play and can keep on playing.
I like my music theory class, because I'm learning how to not just play music but how to create it. This, to me, is where us Christians really reflect God's image. When we start creating, just as He created all things. It's a picture of God's imagination and His love of beauty.
That's true. I guess that's what I foresee for the present.
That's a good point. Back when I took theory, creating music was the farthest thing from my mind.
Aha!!! We have solved the case, Sherlock!
So it was Rosa?
Yes! That it was.
*waves to NarniaNut95 because she forgets if she waved to him already or not*
Probably so, but I'll accept the wave anyway, and return it.
I hope so.
What are your hopes for it? Do you think it'll top LWW?
Well, I really liked LWW, so I'm not sure if VDT will top it. But we'll see! If it could, that would be great!
I'm off! Have a great mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
comes in singing "Revenge Of The Nerds" by KJ52
Ben: we're working on that.....
ooh! put my name on your petition to get your sister Hannah on here! put me down as Libby
Ali: oh! lol!
*waves to Pattertwig's Pal* hi! so glad to see you in the square! I hope you are having fun here!
how are you?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Mortereve, all!
This is no catch-up, but I just wanted to pop in here and ask you all for some prayer. I'm having my orchestra audition tonight, and I'm really nervous. My concerto isn't ready (obviously ), and I'm... just scared. Period.
Anyway, yes. It's at 7:30, two hours exactly.
Aside from THAT, however, my day has been fantastic! I'm not quite sure why it was so nice, but it was the best day of the school year so far. I did something to my hand last night (got it caught in the ceiling fan, actually), and it's been purple all day. It doesn't hurt too much, though. BUT. More on that later! I've got to go.
*skedaddles off to... practice*
EDIT: Oh-kay, never mind. It's come to the point where the more I play through the concerto the worst it sounds, and the more nervous I get. *sigh* *deep breath* *another deep breath*
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
^I will certanly be praying for you!
On the note of prays I would like you to pray for me, I ran into a scarp branch (Yeah I know you think that isn't very smart and your right it wasn't. ) and got the area right under my eye cut. I'm just glad that it didn't go into my eye!
memento mori
I'm checking out one today, House of Many Ways, I believe it's called.
Oh, that one is fun! Enjoy!
I really like having a small Bible in my purse all the time. Mine is a NIV, but that's because I've memorised several NT books in that version and it's easier to find something I'm looking for when the phrasing is the same.
You were one of the watchers, yes? Or were you one of the puppets?
*strikes a pose* I had the very important position of tripod. Without me, the video footage would never have been...
My backyard isn't always this interesting. I promise.
Huh. That's too bad. I could get used to the wildlife reports from your backyard...
Do you listen to [Andrew Peterson]?
I looked him up on YouTube as a result of the conversation in the Square. Next time I'm in a position to buy a CD or two, I'm definately getting some of his work.
So perhaps I am unjustly condeming [the 80's NA], but the clips were weird (like that one where they're in the bath?
Or the ending scene?
Well... I could live without the bath scene, for sure.
I'm currently reading 'Bleak House' by him for the first time.
I loved Bleak House! All the other Dickens I've read to date I'd first read as a Great Illustrated Classic and I'd built great expectations for David Copperfield and was disappointed. It was the first time I'd ever liked the abridged version of something better... The moral of that little story is: "Never read Dickens abridged" and the moral of that is that "abridged books are evil"...
Well, I'll post the link again and see if it works now.
Excellent! It worked! That is a fun story.
=)) WHY does that not surprise me!?
Which part of it? That Wren was the one who thunked it or that Lady Arwen is known as Wren?
Don't you hate it when books don't have fulfilling endings?!!!
YES!!! Fortunately, I haven't read one of those lately.
Why do random black bars keep appearing for no particular reason when I am reading through past pages?
Because they are spoilers? *has a spoiler in her post*
Speaking of spoilers, goodness there are a lot of them in here right now for Harry Potter. I'm learning so much skimming them...
I've thought about trying other genres as well, but I'm not sure which ones I'd like and which I wouldn't.
It really depends on which authors you pick. If you don't read it already, I'd suggest looking into historical fiction; Rosemary Sutcliff is amazing. I also like Patricia Beatty (she has fun titles: O, the Red Rose Tree, Sarah and Me and the Lady from the Sea and Wait for Me, Watch for me Eula Bea (oh, I see a trend there...!) ) and Nancy Rue. (I read almost anything, so if you're ever interested in a certain genre I might be able to give you a few titles to get you started.)
Pattertwigs Pal, I really like your "logical" reasons for combining VotDT and The Hobbit. That... would be a really strange movie.
But... I'd still see it, I think.
Doesn't it sound nice, though, just to press the pause button on all the craziness of American life and spend a few months out in nature? I don't know. Maybe I'm more strange than I thought.
Naw, I've wanted to go live in a mountain forest ever since reading My Side of the Mountain. I'd probably wimp out when it started snowing, though.
(how does one do that "Strike-through" thing?)...
Let me think. I belive it is like so Ah, yes. You use an s instead of an i or b in the italic and bold tags.
*signs Ben's petition*
I hope that is sufficient?
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*drags herself through the gate and sits on the edge of the fountain, promptly starts blinking to stay awake*
I'm sorry all for the delay in posting! I just haven't had much time for long posts and I still don't now! I'm utterly exhausted from late nights her abouts so... I don't really feel like posting something long... I just stopped in to say hello.
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
*enters the square reading The Silver Chair and walks right into a low hanging branch from the chocolate tree and get chocolate smeared over his book...* Ah well...
Good Mortereve all!
Five people have signed so far 2 more to go...
Oh wow this catchup post will take some time indeed!
you ask
Madam, you forget who was the one wondering...
wow. Yeah so he can get away with it
. In real life I don't think I guy should wear that much eyeliner, but on John Cooper it looks pretty good. He only wears it for concerts anyway.
I don't think a guy should wear any! It's just gross for a guy to! Ekk!
ditto! Hopefully whenever we go to FL next (maybe early next year
) we shall go there and I can ride them
That would be fun!
How much do tickets to get into Disney cost do you know?
. So I just feel really bad for him and that's a huge reason why I like him. Do you know much about him?
Oh ok I see
Not too much but I do know some.
it's true!! As much as I rant about guy's hair and musical talent and such I don't have crushes on them
yes! I LOVE that band (if that's not clear already
). You should listen to more, he's really great. And his other band Sky Sailing is really good too.
would you read them if I gave you a link?
I have to say that he is really good! I might listen to him some
Maybe I might read that one
wow, I've been to Canada....alot
gah not fair
. I shall try to be happy for you
Well you live right by the border compared to me...
Why I thank thee
mmhmm. Well who wins the argument?
Well who do you think?
um, well I'm halfway through 11th grade science, starting 12th grade math, and everything else I'm almost done with 10th grade. So I'm ahead and behind at the same time
You are definitely in way higher grades than me!
I suppose. But Katara didn't fall for him, she fell for Jet
Yeah she fell for Jet but she did (I think) have a crush on him
Because I heard two songs of his that I really did not like and made me lose loads of respect for him and I read an interview where he said that he wanted to respect girls but then later on in the interview he said that he doesn't have alot of time for relationships so he doesn't take anything seriously. And also he said that he's loved alot of girls but never been actually in love. So that's pretty much against everything I believe about love and relationships so I'm really not in to his music anymore. A few songs are cute, but I'm not going to support him now.
Oh I see...
yeah I would die without my eyeliner
. I don't wear too much, but it makes me look 10x better so yeah
. On guys I can maybe understand you not liking it, but girls too! wow
You would die? Wow how dramatic!
Oh, somewhere near here, in Florida. Which means it would definitely have to be in winter, because I'm not sleeping in the yucky humid FL weather in the summer.
I really want to go camping in the mountains like you do.
(You do go camping in the mountains, right?
For some reason I've been getting that vibe.)
Well that's good.I usually have a bible verse that I remember for when I have a bad day/something bad happens/I'm irritated, etc. Right now my verse is Colossians 3:12 "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." It's really helped me lately.
...that was a long reply. Sorry.![]()
Oh you live in Florida? I lived in Florida for about six years before we lived in Oregon and it looks like we will be moving back down there... Well we kinda all ready live down there Right now we are in Colorado but I will be flying back to Florida on Friday...
Yes I do go in the mountains When we are out here in CO.
That is a great verse!
Oh no worries I like longer ones better than really short ones
Oh, and you. Human with the face. Benjamin, you say? Yes, well, stick Silver's name on that petition of yours. She won't mind."
Why thank you! *sticks Silver's name on it, then tosses the cat a nice juicy fish* Thank you for your troubles
I'll sign. But what kind of a post? A massive catch-up post? Some humorous self-introduction? A single-response post? A post of her own ramblings?
Whatever it is, I expect it to be good, or else...
...that just made her even less likely to post in here, didn't it?
All right, it doesn't have to be good.
Thanks for signing
No worries I will try my best to make her post a good one
Ah.. luckyy.. and I will be stuck in school doing useless things like maths and science and technology.
Anyway.. enjoy.
Thanks I will
lol, you catch up before breakfast?
I'm never awake in the mornings. I can't speak, let alone type.
Well I go to work so I have to get up early so I just do catchup before hand if it is not too much to catchup
A petition, Ben? Sure, I'll *sign*.
What, does she not think 7 people would sign on here?
Why thanks!
Apparently so
comes in singing "Revenge Of The Nerds" by KJ52
Haha! Sounds very hilarious!
Ben: we're working on that.....
ooh! put my name on your petition to get your sister Hannah on here! put me down as Libby![]()
Alrighty then! Thanks for signing
I shall Rose Do tell how it went
*signs Ben's petition*
[picture was here]
I hope that is sufficient?
Very sufficient! Thanks!
Alight done with catchup
Edit: Oh Danielle I found that picture on google earth yesterday! It was you that I said I would show the picture to right?
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*enters* Hello all! I am back. I hope Sol was kind to you yesterday. (He's my cat.) And you know how cats can be...you ask them simple favors, and they demand the world in return...
Well, I'm going to have to make this catchup quick because I've got a gazillion anatomy notes to study... sorry for the lack of quote boxes.
Wow, Pal!I had never thought about it that way before! There is a lot of similarities between VDT and The Hobbit...*tries to imagine what the plot of such a movie would be like*
Miss R, that's a very good time IMO...it's a good thing my Phys. Ed. class is a participation class, or I'd be doomed. Yeah, we had to do shuttle runs. Do you have to pick something off the ground and drop it at the other end? Because I went to grab it (a roll of medical tape, in this case) but it slipped out of my hand and went rolling away...talk about embarrassing.
Bookwyrm, Behemoth is indeed the sequel to Leviathan! And it comes out October 5th. (Wait did I say that already or not? ) I am very excited to read it!
*waves hi to Princess Anna*
AC, I'm sort of indifferent about HBP - it's not my favorite, but not my least favorite either.
*is jealous of Poggy's English teacher's cappuccino machine*
*waves hi to Boy Scout*
"Draped fabric", AC? You mean like, drawing folds in the fabric? Actually, I'd rather do that than calligraphy, which is what we're doing in our art class. I'm sort of the "resident artist" at my school, but I'm horrible at calligraphy. And we'll be doing nothing but calligraphy for three weeks straight...
And I'm glad Sol made you laugh.
I hope your orchestra audition goes well, Miss R!
And I'm sorry about your cut, Boy Scout. I pray it gets better asap!
Meltintalle, I'll be sure to keep you posted on any further backyard happenings. And thanks for the book suggestions! I'll have to look into them. I think historical fiction would be a good fit for me.
Why thank you, Ben! Sol does like his fish.
Whew! That was the quickest catchup ever! Well, it will have to do since I must be off. Apparently we're having a pop quiz in anatomy tomorrow. (Not so "pop" anymore, is it?
Good mortereve, everyone! *runs off to study*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Hello everyone!
We're doing photograms in photography tomorrow! It's going to be interesting. I think I might do one of my hair. Oh, and we're studying the Constitution in government this week, which is rather appropriate because this week is Constitution Week. Anyhow........
Oh! There's a new podcast! Wish I had time to listen to it......
They feel left out!
Hm, I don't believe I have ever used any of those. I hope they aren't disappointed.
Oh, and I must applaud you on your VeggieTales rant.
why thank you. *curtsies* But it doesn't deserve any applause. I have seen that episode so many times it's embedded permanently in my head.
I'm thinking of making some avatars to go with it. Maybe a picture of Ed and the name "Edmund the Grey" or "Gandalf the Just" or "Edalf" or "Gandmund"
I vote for Edmund the Grey! Too bad Bilbo doesn't really have a title other than "burglar". Edmund the Burglar..........nah.
Isn't that what's kinda happening now?
Well, I'm not a college student yet.. but.
I wasn't going to point that out, but since you brought it up...........yeah, okay, that's what's happening now.
I'll sign the petition, Benjamin!
Praying for you, Miss Rosario!
Because they are spoilers? *has a spoiler in her post*
Nope. These bars stretch all the way across the screen and when I click on them nothing happens. None appeared today; maybe it was a one time fluke.
*waves to everybody and goes to get ready for tomorrow's busy day*
*Cor and Vern enter the Square*
Mortereve all! Well, yesterday I awoke with a bad sore throat that kept getting worse. Today we got some medicine from the doctor and my throat is slowly doing better. Hopefully I'll be able to go back to classes on Wed....
*I'm sure you have loved not having to go to school. *
Eh, yes and no. I'm actually kindof looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. Granted, I haven;t felt like doing much of anything over the last day or so.
*Cor and Vern head for the fountain forgoing the chocolate tree tonight*
Alright catch-up take 2! (my previous post was lost to the Nothing. )
@ Ruby. It has recently come to my attention that I have failed to speak to you the last few times you have been in the Square. A thousand apologies for this overlook...
Sooo, Ello miss Ruby! How are you fairing these days?
@ Silver. Ahh, neat story about your username. I'm not sure where mine came from. I was just thinking of a username to use and poof! there is was.
*Well, I would definitely give it a second thought before eating your dog. She may be one of the more tolerable ones....*
@ Rose. I hope your orchestra try-out goes well! Shall be praying.
*Hmm, chocolate covered.... things. Vern takes a bite and then after a few seconds gladly accepts the plater. MMmm! These are amazing chocolate covered Mystery Insects!! Thank you very much, miss Rose!
BTW, nice new font color.
@ Ben. I'm studying: Music Appreciation, American History 101, English Lit (writing) and Math 090.
@ Ali.
exactly. I actually want to go over some basic math again, once I graduate. But I wish I didn't have to do Pre-calc. Starting that soon .
our exchange student would have died if he saw that . He was very convinced Spain was the best country in the world .
Basic math is what we're going over in my college course. Dare I say it, it's actually kind of fun.
Heh, well I think there is no "greatest country" in world. They all have their ups and their downs.
Hmm I don't usually get mad. People get mad at me alot, but that's not my fault . yeah I tend to avoid any sports. I'm no good at them, which is kinda funny, because I did alot when I was younger.
so do you have the actual soundtrack? I want to buy it .
I can easily see that happening.... The only sprot that I don't mind watching is baseball, mainly because I can actually understand that one. Yeah, football fandom is pretty wild down here in the South. Pretty much around here football=god.
Oh yes and listen to it whenever I get a chance. It's a pretty inexpensive album on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Legends-Fall-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B0012GMV12/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1284428970&sr=8-2
^ hope that helps.
*gasp* now it's The Soundtrack Woman/Girl . You know The Soundtrack Gal sounds kinda good .
wow. I don't think anything will pass LWW for me, but I'm really biased on that . I do like it alot though. Do you know if there's a soundtrack for the tv show Avatar: The Last Airbender? The music is soooo beautiful.
Yeah those are all good too. Why don't you like Revenge? I thought it was kinda cool...
what's that supposed to mean?
Very well, the "Soundtrack Gal" you shall be.
Heh, for the longest time I thought there were no soundtracks that could beat LotR or Empire Strikes Back. After finally branching out more, I realized there are some amazing scores out there that top those two previous scores.
Hmm, I don't believe they have released a CD of that music yet. They might in the near future, though.
It's just too abstract for repeated listens, especially when there is so much great music before and after it. Kind of odd though since I like listening to good, well done horror scores.....
Uhh, I don't know?
@ Ben. Consider your petition signed by me: Prince Cor and Vern.
*waves to all those he did not specifically mention*
Well, tis time to go back to the castle. Goodnight and talk with ya'll later!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*enters once more*
Why thank you, Ben! Sol does like his fish.
Most welcome
I'll sign the petition, Benjamin!
Thanks Daughter of the King! Now just one more *looks a little further* and it looks as though we have got it!
Thank you Prince Cor and Vern! Now I shall go show the completed list to Hannah Course she is talking on the phone... So maybe she will not be able to post till tomorrow but I will make sure she does!
Thanks to Silver, Stardf29, Aslans Country, Libby, Mel, Daughter of the King, Prince Cor and Vern for signing!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*enters the square attempting to dance an Irish jig*
I'm watching a Celtic Thunder concert video and it really makes me wish I could dance . They're going to do a concert really really close to me next month but I can't go because it costs too much
. So sad. Anyway
Oh, gotcha.
I don't really get it either, but I love the vocals.
Speaking of which, I got to go to a Relient K concert the other day! It was a blast.
They played a bunch of their old songs, including Sadie Hawkins Dance.
me too. It's really cool how it's a capella
. OH MY GOSH THAT'S SO AWESOME!!! *heart stops for a beat* SADIE HAWKINS DANCE!!??!?!!? *squeaks and dies of jealousy*...*revives to continue her post* they NEVER play that song!!! Did Jon, Matt, and Matty do their special pose?! You're soooo lucky! Haha I'm being so dramatic
Haha, that's okay.
Wow, you've almost watched all of it! When did you start watching it?
I'm on like episode 15 (I think) or Book 1. My favorite characters so far are Zuko, Uncle Iroh (), and Katara. I sort of accidentally found out that
SpoilerZuko turns good. But even before I knew that, I thought he was a really interesting/awesome character, even if he is the bad guy.
It took us less than 3 weeks to watch the whole thing
I love Uncle Iroh!! Oh yeah and I liked Zuko from the beginning so I was very happy when that happened and my sisters were proven wrong (they think I always like villains, but I just know when they're really good
Aww I wanna watch this... but that would be.. *converts* 8:15 am here and I'll just be arriving at school.
Too bad.. do you know if they keep a record and put it online afterwards?
Hey, Ali.. I just skimmed through your post, and you didn't catch up on me!
Just kidding.
No I don't think they do . Too bad it was really great, and Deas Vail announced A NEW ALBUM AND PLAYED TWO NEW SONGS!!! CAN YOU TELL I'M EXCITED!!!???!!!
oh my gosh really?! *goes to check* so so sorry! Here's that catchup .
Wow, really? I had myself convinced it was just me.
I say weird things like that all the time
. My newest word is "hyperful"
*laughs head off*
I don't think that's creepy, just really funny.
Wait.. Aaron.. Aaron.. Aaron Gillespie? (the name just came to me, I have no idea who that is, though I've heard him mentioned a lot. By you.
yes! Yes him. About his hair and Matty's
Oh, I get so stressed out when I have to go through a new experience like getting to know a new group of people, alone. I try to get out of them as much as possible, which is probably a bad thing because the only way to get over it is to go through it..
I'm just hopeless that way.
Can you imagine me entering a public school in the UK with 1200 students next year? *runs away from the thought*
I'm totally like that too. Don't feel bad about it . Aww
. I'm sure everything will be great!
Wow, you sounded very businesslike there, for some reason.
I can be serious when I want to be .
I saw.
So glad. Enjoy your class.
How often are you going for it?
every Wednesday morning .
Me too.
yes! See Ben? Just because a girl likes a guy doesn't mean she likes likes him!
Ooh new one.
*goes off to find it*
WOWOW. I just discovered four awesome things all at once. Well.. interconnected.
1)There is a movie coming out called Legends of the Guardians
2)I have been seeing this ad on the train for days
3)It's based on the book I read a couple of years back
4)Adam Young wrote a SONG for it?!How awesome is that coincidence?
I hope it's a decent movie.. can't really remember the story.
*goes off to read the blog and listen to the song and read about the movie*
I'm reading the books right now, and the song is AWESOME! Did you listen to it?
Basic math is what we're going over in my college course. Dare I say it, it's actually kind of fun.
Heh, well I think there is no "greatest country" in world. They all have their ups and their downs.
Yeah I liked math when it was easy . I'm sure I'll enjoy it if/when I do it.
I agree.
I can easily see that happening.... The only sprot that I don't mind watching is baseball, mainly because I can actually understand that one. Yeah, football fandom is pretty wild down here in the South. Pretty much around here football=god.
Oh yes and listen to it whenever I get a chance.
It's a pretty inexpensive album on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Legends-Fall-Original-Soundtrack/dp/B0012GMV12/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=music&qid=1284428970&sr=8-2
^ hope that helps.
what people getting mad at me?! Do I do that often?! I actually like watching all sports (minus golf
). *gasps* You live in the south?! Lucky! I want to move down there SO much. Anyway
, yeah I'm sad to say that I used to be one of those people, putting football up like a god, but not anymore
Thank you! I'll be buying it whenever I have some free money .
Very well, the "Soundtrack Gal" you shall be.
Heh, for the longest time I thought there were no soundtracks that could beat LotR or Empire Strikes Back. After finally branching out more, I realized there are some amazing scores out there that top those two previous scores.
Hmm, I don't believe they have released a CD of that music yet. They might in the near future, though.![]()
It's just too abstract for repeated listens, especially when there is so much great music before and after it. Kind of odd though since I like listening to good, well done horror scores.....
Uhh, I don't know?
yay! *claps excitedly*
I have to get to the point where I'll be willing to let go of LWW I think . The music is just sooo beautiful though. Before I even saw the movie I would cry listening to it because it was just so beautiful.
Hmm well I guess that's true. But I still liek it .
You know, the thing about the Square is right it is a little scary! I just look at how long the post are I think to myself, "I could never do that!"
it does take a little getting used to, and commitment, but I enjoy it here so much that it's worth it
Really? From my experience, girls look 10x better without eyeliner.
Or any makeup, really.
Well I wear hardly any, and it just makes my eyes look a little bigger and brighter. Most people don't even realize I'm wearing any makeup. I just use that and mascara (which I wipe off a little, so it looks like I'm not wearing any), not anything else.
Madam, you forget who was the one wondering...
By the way, I shall sign thy petition . edit: I see you have all the needed signatures, but one more can't hurt, can it?
I don't think a guy should wear any! It's just gross for a guy to! Ekk!
well...I suppose kinda, but some guys can pull it off .
That would be fun!
How much do tickets to get into Disney cost do you know?
um, nope, but I know people who live in FL get a discount .
Oh ok I see
Not too much but I do know some.
I saw this really long interview of his and he cried and I cried and it made me really sad because of what he went through so yeah .
IT'S TRUE!!! BELIEVE ME!!! *is getting desperate*
I have to say that he is really good! I might listen to him some
Maybe I might read that one
yay! Here's a link You Had Me At Hello
Well you live right by the border compared to me...
Why I thank thee
yeah it's a few hours away .
Well who do you think?
You are definitely in way higher grades than me!
aha! And you're older than me!
Yeah she fell for Jet but she did (I think) have a crush on him
I don't think so. I think I would have noticed .
You would die? Wow how dramatic!
I am very . But I wouldn't die, just be very upset