*The Wandering SquareOnion come wandering in*
Sorry I didn't have time for catchup yesterday! I had homework, I was tired, and Lord of the Rings was on TV.
I have never been out of the country yet. Which is another reason I am excited about the cruise that is in like 9 days!
Oooh, a cruise? Well, that's exciting! Hope you have an awesome time! I've been to Canada before, but that's as far out of the country (USA) as I've been. I'm going to Spain next summer, though, so I'm pretty excited about that.
That sounds very interesting! I wish I was doing a literature class
. Oh well, I'll just have to read lovely old books on my own
Funny - I really wish we did more writing in my Literature class. Mostly, it's essays and research papers This weekend we were supposed to write about "what our convictions are and how we live by them". Now how do you get creative with that?
That's hilarious. My friends and I have navigated ourselves walking around Tokyo with Google on the iPhone fairly well though. Even if the time estimates aren't always accurate.
That sounds like fun! I wish I was more city-smart. We don't visit any big cities very often, so I'd probably get lost.
Even with our GPS that we've gotten since the Harry Potter movie incident.
Welcome to the Town Square, Silver the Wanderer! Very lovely username, btw.
Thank you! And thank you very much!
*decides to hop on the Harry Potter bandwagon*
Favorite book? #7 because I just couldn't put it down! I love frantic-page-turners, especially when they're nice and long. Favorite movie? Azkaban, definitely. I think they did the time-turner part very well. Also, Sirius is my favorite character. (That being said, book #5 is definitely my least-favorite. Since

*waves to NarniaNut95 because she forgets if she waved to him already or not*
You poor creature! I know how you feel, I'll be cheering from the sidelines for you!!!
Thanks! I'll graciously accept any cheering I can get.
Agreed. It's got a bit more room for breather than other kinds of books too
Yep! I almost always read fantasy. I've thought about trying other genres as well, but I'm not sure which ones I'd like and which I wouldn't. Most of the "real life" books I've read are slightly on the boring side...
You enjoy me Gaelic? I'm ever so glad! (I would post something in it but... it would bit a little hard for you to read wouldn't it?)
True, but even if I can't read it, it still looks pretty.
I won't tell you my mile run time either, Silver, though it would probably make you feel better about yours.
I shaved off about forty seconds from last week's... but still. (Oh, and I jogged the whole way as well--didn't stop to walk once! I can usually do that, but I don't have a fast jogging pace.) People seem to think a seven minute run is slow.
And since I'm really thin, they seem to think I'm fast. *sigh* Ah well, you can only do your best.
Who thinks a seven minute mile is slow? I'd certainly like to have a talk with them. Here I am, thinking that a nine minute mile is insanely fast...
I have a really slow jogging pace too. I can do short-distance sprints pretty well, though.
*waves to Pattertwig's Pal* Hi there! I love National Parks! We went to Sequoia, King's Canyon, and Yosemite last summer, and it was amazingly cool.
By the way, I love your siggy - it makes me laugh every time I see it.
*waves a second time to Silver* I'm not very good at starting conversations in case you couldn't tell so I almost always just wave to people. *thinks she should put a smiley at the end of this sentence but can't figure out which one*
That's okay, I'm horrible at starting conversations too. How about some of the lesser-used smilies? They feel left out!
Oh, and I must applaud you on your VeggieTales rant. I love that song - it's on the Dave and the Giant Pickle video, which is the only one I have. I used to watch it all the time. But I never had a clue what he was saying! Teehee.
@ Silver. *somewhat awkward pause after initial introductions....* Sooo, lovely avatar you have!
If I may ask, where does your username come from?
Thanks! Well, it originally started off as a character I made up who could travel (or "Wander") between different worlds. Then I liked the name "Silver" enough to use it as a username on a couple of different sites ("worlds"
) so I stuck the "Wanderer" part at the end.
*No worries there, miss. I would never eat a human being or a talking beast.... I would even think twice about eating a dog, unless it was a poodle or one of those annoying furballs with faces.
That's good to know. Though, hope you would think twice about eating my dog, since she is half poodle and does have a lot of fur.
So you're a dancer, Ruby? That's really neat! A friend of mine wants to be a professional dancer. I have a lot of respect for dancers because I certainly am not one of them. Even simple steps seem to tie my feet up in knots...
Really? Me too! Sunsets are my favoritist thing in the world to take pictures of!...Aside from adorable little babies.
But they are really amazing to watch, sunsets, that is, not babies (though they're amazing too). It's sad when people don't have the time or don't take the opportunity to go and watch sunsets.
It is sad! What's even sadder is than my camera can never capture their color and beauty completely. Oh well - that is why I must enjoy them while they last! I love how each one is different.
I wish we could get a dog.
My brothers have tried to convince my parents to at least get them a hamster or something. But, for the very reason that gerbils die very quickly, my parents won't get anything like mice or bunnies or rats, etc...
Actually, I hear rabbits can live a pretty long time! We used to have a rabbit a looooong time ago. But I was too little to take care of her, and my mom got tired of having to wash her cage and/or get her to cooperate, so we gave her to a local rabbit-raising club thing. The next year, she was at the county fair with a ribbon on her cage. I hear they litterbox-trained her and gave her full reign of the house. Lucky rabbit.
Well, I suppose I must be going. Good mortereve, everyone!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Thanks for all the welcomes.
*waves to Pattertwigs Pal* Hey there Pal!
How are you doing? Have you done anything exciting lately?
I'm doing fairly well. Hm, exciting. Well, I just moved in to my own apartment. I think that qualifies as exciting. Or was that terrifying?
I sometimes get those two emotions mixed up. I adopted a Siamese cat cat two weeks ago. That definitely qualifies as exciting.
I named her Aravis. Originally her name was "Star" but then the person who was fostering added "Bright," so her name was "Star Bright" when I got her. That had to go because I kept getting the Star light, star bright poem stuck in my head.
Not to mention that "Star" is a way too common name for animals.
By the way, I love your siggy - it makes me laugh every time I see it.
Thanks! I'm thinking of making some avatars to go with it. Maybe a picture of Ed and the name "Edmund the Grey" or "Gandalf the Just" or "Edalf" or "Gandmund" I have thought of some "logical" reasons behind that statement (Due to budget cuts The Hobbit and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be combined into one movie).
1. Swords glow in Middle Earth not Narnia
2. Both movies have had budget problems.
3. Swords are often important for more than being weapons in Middle Earth (ex. Narsil)
4. Lilliandil has an elfish ring to it.
5. Lewis and Tolkien shared ideas so to a filmmaker's mind it makes sense that movies based on their books should.
6. Both books involve
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
However, the whole point of courtship (in my family's view), is to guard your heart as much as possible.
Now, anytime I hear someone say that, I always have to ask: guard your heart from what?
I mean, it can't be anything silly like, say, pain. Even C.S. Lewis says you can't avoid the possibility of that, unless you shut your entire heart away from the rest of the world and form no sort of a relationship with anyone...
Maybe from "bad people"? I suppose having some extra policemen around you helps, if you're really afraid of that... but even then, some seem to take that too far, and furthermore, plenty of "bad people" exist within the courtship system, too.
The only thing that seems completely logical to "guard your heart" from is, well, sin. Even then, though... how many safeguards does one really need against sin? And how many are actually effective? (Honestly, I can't answer that question for anyone, as everyone is different regarding their sin sensitivity.)
And how does "not sending signals ahead of time" fall into that, anyways?
That said, if he gives signals, but, well, never actually asks you out... then yeah, he's a jerk.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
*a familiar figure slip-slides into the Square, narrowly missing the fountain, and arrives soundly in a spray of water and mud*
Good mortereve! I'm trying out a slightly different color with this post -- trying to find a match for the new avatar. Do pardon the un-matchiness if it turns out so.
How are you all on this rainy Saturday afternoon? I'm okay, I suppose, though I could be better. Saturday is not my favorite day of the week. I am enjoying the rain, however! For an hour or so this morning, I just curled up next to the heater with To Kill a Mockingbird and a cup of peach & herb tea. It was lovely.
It's hard to believe that, only nine years ago, America had just been attacked. I still can't really believe it myself. How anyone do something so awful is beyond me. So, on this anniversary of 9/11, the families of the victims and heroes who died are in my prayers. Today, of all days, must be unimaginably hard for them.
*wrings the water out of her hair and snitches a few truffles from the chocolate tree before continuing*
Well hullo, PP, and welcome! (I keep getting your nickname mixed up with that of peterpevensie's. But, as long as you don't begin your posts with "Goooooooooood mortereve!" I'll probably manage to adjust.) And, if you didn't understand any of what I just said, that's okay. Just assume I was talking to myself again, as I often do here in the Square.
Anyway. Welcome! Yes indeed, the Town Square is a lovely place to visit. I'm glad you dropped in! And no worries, it's just a place to chitchat (basically a chat room in disguise, but with the requirement of substantial posts). Don't hesitate to hop right into a conversation, or start one of your own!
As for national parks I've visited (this is mostly intended for PP and Ben), let's see here: Wind Cave, Yellowstone, the Badlands, Arches, Capitol Reef, Canyonlands, Bryce Canyon, the Smoky Mountains, Zion, Yosemite, and.... oh, I can't remember any more. There were a few national monuments and scenic trails as well, such as Craters of the Moon, Pacific Crest, Grand Staircase, Fossile Butte, Little Bighorn (which was fascinating!), Pinegate, Pictured Rocks, the Oregon Trail, the Colorado Monument, the Agate Fossil Beds, and Mt. Rushmore. Oh, and Devil's Tower, too.
Has anyone here read I Buried My Heart at Wounded Knee? It's a horribly sad book. But anyway, we went to the area where the battle took place. We could see exactly where the canons stood, the gorge to which the Indians attempted to flee, and - obviously - the battlefield. At the top of one of the hills, overlooking the sight, was a single stone monument engraved with the names of every single Indian who [was known to have] died. It was an incredibly powerful feeling to be standing over the mass grave, replaying the battle through your mind, while looking out over the quiet field below.
Anyway. That probably bored you. But yes, I love to travel. As for favorite national parks, I really can't say. I enjoyed Yellowstone's wildlife (bison, grizzlies, moose, beavers, and wolves!) as well as the mud pots and geysers, and the scenery at Yosemite was just. plain. breathtaking. Arches was beautiful as well (though very hot!!). I got a picture standing under Delicate Arch, and found out later that wasn't allowed. Whups.
*waves back to Dot!*
What a neat list, Ben! I've always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon. So far it's never happened, but we do hope to. Someday.
lol only two? Well he needs to come in here more often
Exaaactly. Now I just have to convince him.
Oh? That isn't too terribly odd. I'd love to go off and live in the wilderness as well (though maybe not a jungle...), just to have a break from civilization. That probably seems wacky. Doesn't it sound nice, though, just to press the pause button on all the craziness of American life and spend a few months out in nature? I don't know. Maybe I'm more strange than I thought.
*gladly accepts Vern's hug, and slips a few chocolate somethings over to him in the process* I think they're a sort of chocolate-covered bug. I found them... well, you don't need to know where I found them. But I know you, who relish Jo's chocolate-covered ants, will find these quite tasty.
Mm, Ruby, violin is a difficult instrument to play. I've heard it's one of the hardest, along with the french horn, oboe, and others. I'm not sure how true that is, but... yes. It's not something you can just pick up and play well immediately. It often takes years of practice to learn to play with a good, rich tone.
Yes, the viola is a nice instrument as well. It was never a favorite of mine, however--I preferred the cello over it.
Aw, why thank you. I'd say I'm a decent player--not excellent, but decent. If I get the concerto recording up, I'll PM you the link if you'd like. (The recital will probably be early December/late November.) I suppose it all depends on how the performance goes, though. If it's really bad, there will be no recording. That's that. It's really hard to know--I do crazy things when I'm nervous!
Speaking of Tenth Avenue North, All the Pretty Things, Beloved, Let It Go, and By Your Side have been playing constantly. In fact, it's come to the point where my mom walks into the bedroom, hears one of them playing, and says, "Oh, it's that song again? Don't you ever get tired of it?"
It's just how I am. When I like a book, I read it over, and over, and over. Same with music and movies.
Aha!!! We have solved the case, Sherlock!
So it was Rosa?
That it was! If I remember correctly, I did mention or correct that, though. Let me see if I can find that particular quote...
*hunts some more*
AHAH! On page 14....
*is totally befuddled* Did I write this as well? I don't recall writing this! Perhaps I have a ghost on the forum?
I think I was the one who wrote that. (Tut tut tut, Nick!)
So, yes! Our case is now solved.
We seem to think alike on Harry Potter, Silver. I agree with every single thing you said.
Ohhh. Me too. I beat all my records last week, though and got... nine and a half minutes!!!!! Ahhh!!! That was something after last year.
Oh? Well, I'm not all that great at sprinting. Have you ever been tested on the shuttle runs? I hate those! I can do the running part all right --- I just can't turn fast. Grr. (Our P.E. teacher gave us some tips this year, saying to "hop" at the end instead of trying to run - which slows you down. I tried, missed the hop, and fell flat on my face. Embarrassing? I would say so!)
I laugh at it now, but then... well... *clears throat*
EDIT: Mm. Not sure if this color matches well, but I like it. So I'll keep it.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Well hullo, PP, and welcome! (I keep getting your nickname mixed up with that of peterpevensie's. But, as long as you don't begin your posts with "Goooooooooood mortereve!" I'll probably manage to adjust.)
*makes mental note never to start post like that* Hi, back. Sorry about the confusion. It takes me half a second or so when I see PP in a strange context (for example a quote I know I never made) to realize it stands for peterpevensie. If having two PPs around gets too confusing you can call me Pal.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
makes mental note never to start post like that* Hi, back. Sorry about the confusion. It takes me half a second or so when I see PP in a strange context (for example a quote I know I never made) to realize it stands for peterpevensie.
If having two PPs around gets too confusing you can call me Pal.
Nah, it'll be fine. I remember there was another Rose around once, which became a bit confusing--so we clarified things out a bit by becoming "Rose I" and "Rose II". Much like Louise the First and Louise the Second. (Just in case you didn't know yet, Johobbit is Louise the Second and I'm Louise the First. We're the Middle-Name Twins.)
If you'd prefer, you can call me Rose, Rosa, Miss R, or whatever else fits your fancy.
*will be around for... a bit*
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Hey all! It's been awhile since I've posted in here, but I was trapped by a deluge of homework. That and trying to madly sprint through three seasons of a TV show so I can watch the new season when it starts. And Lord of the Rings Online released a brand new region, Enedwaith. It's really cool, the Dunlending tribes are modeled after the Welsh and a lot of the monsters to fight are drawn from Welsh mythology. I fought the Grey King last night, along with giant demon goats. It's some pretty creative stuff.
Taking a creative writing class has really sparked my creativity. I've got three story ideas floating around in my head right now. The one I'm most interested in popped into my head as Athena and Aphrodite in a bar, arguing over fanfics. Not the Percy Jackson versions of the characters, but my own interpretation.
Now to catch up on everything I missed. Sadly, I skimmed a bit. You people write a lot :
*waves to Bookwyrm*
I have to confess, at first glance, I thought you were a girl...I think a lot of girls have this vanity that whenever they see something clever they automatically assume that it was written/created by a girl. I know I do that a lot. I think it's just because I don't know many guys who are sincerely creative in many ways, or they're just creative in different ways. I don't know.
I think I shall take this as a compliment.
*thinks it's the Darren Shan movie Libby is talking about*
I never made it through that entire series and had no desire to see the movie.
Belated welcome to the Town Square, Silver! Ooo, is Behemoth the sequel to Leviathan?
*pounces eagerly on the new Relient K song video and saves it for later*
I'd watch in now, but I'm watching The Two Towers EE.
*applauds Abe's violin playing*
I feel kinda guilty about neglecting my piano playing with all these musicians in here. Due to remodeling, I've got nowhere to set up my piano, thus no playing for awhile. When I get back in my room and get back in practice, I'm planning on picking up the LotR piano book and attempting to learn that music.
Oh noes! We're being invaded by Justin Bieber fangurls!
I really don't like his music, but it's the fact that he's everywhere that irritates me. Half the school supplies I'm selling at work have his face plastered on them somewhere. It's like the Hannah Montana craze, only worse.
At least Hannah Montana had better hair.
I literally laughed out loud at this.
Hello Riella! Welcome to the Town Square!
Hmm, favorite HP movie and book. HBP is my favorite book, not sure about favorite movie. I like them all pretty equally, but I don't think any of them have been really fantastic. Though it was the movies that made me like Snape.
*groans at the thought of trying to figure out when she last posted in here* Uhhh... I'll skim for my name later. Sorry, guys! Do know that I've missed you, though!
First things first:
Welcome to all the "Square newbies!" (coulda sworn I saw some on this page, am I right?) I hope you enjoy your time with us, and that you don't get too frightened by the madness (how does one do that "Strike-through" thing?)... wait, did I say that? You must have misunderstood me...
Ahem, thankfully I skimmed. But in future, you lot should really put certain things in spoilers. *hinthint* (I've seen all the HP films to date, but not finished the books. I accidentally learned waaayyy more than I wanted to know on wiki once, and am trying to forget it all before I read the books.. or see the last films, whichever happens first. So I don't lose the impact. In future please be more careful. Thank you)
Again, sorry I was gone for so long. Things come up, including sickness... and you lose interest reading pages and pages of massive posts, followed by typing up massive posts only to have the cycle repeat. Don't have the stamina (or time) for it anymore.
I still love you, and am interested to death about your lives. (especially since my own is often boring and/or miserable) But I just don't know about spending all my computer time in the Square like I did when I first came to Nweb. (which, come to think of it... how DID I pull that off?! I was in school at the time!!!)
But yes, I'll peek in from time to time. And depending on the night, might even stay for long conversations. But, don't expect it to be all the time... is all I'm saying. I'll come in when I feel up to the challenge! (who doesn't love a good one, once in awhile? especially if the reward is hanging with such fine folk as yourselves?)
Well, I better get to bed. The church picnic is tomorrow, and I don't wanna miss it "cause I overslept"!
But in future, you lot should really put certain things in spoilers. *hinthint* (I've seen all the HP films to date, but not finished the books. I accidentally learned waaayyy more than I wanted to know on wiki once, and am trying to forget it all before I read the books.. or see the last films, whichever happens first. So I don't lose the impact. In future please be more careful. Thank you)
I can understand about spoilers. I have never read HP, but I knew the ending of the last book the day it came out, because there were so many spoilers all over the internet, stores, the sky. Okay maybe not the sky. But you would expect it to be in the sky, since it was everywhere else.
There was a series of Nancy Drew computer games that I played back when my computer worked right. They were mystery games where you had to figure out the culprit. And someone on the website would *always* tell me who the culprit was before I finished the game.
That and trying to madly sprint through three seasons of a TV show so I can watch the new season when it starts.
LOL, that sounds like me. Only with me, I have to watch 4 seasons before the next one starts. Mine is NCIS. What show are you sprinting through?
I decided to catch up last night and then got distracted.. and only got about 1/4 of a post written.
Merlin Season 3 is out. *watches it online*
And I totally agreed that Ginny's character in the 6th HP film sucked. So bland; so ... nothing. Very disappointing. I thought Draco Malfoy/Tom Felton (who is a fascinating character study) was brilliant in HHP!
I liked her in CoS, then she disappeared for a couple of films, mostly, then.. she just wasn't book Ginny at all in HBP. At least she won't be in DH much.
Mmm, yes. I can't wait to see his performance in DH..
And I agree with the rest of your thoughts about HP as well.
I realize what a pleasure it was for you, to have seen someone so knightly...
Well.. you know, I didn't really get to *see* you..
You're Irish? really? I have some Celtic blood in my veins as well!
To bad about the schools not having many languages...
Well, my mum is Northern Irish, and I have family there. At any rate I'm more Irish than English, if I'm even either. Most of the time I feel Japanese.
Yeah, I really want to learn a foreign language, but I don't have time/self-motivation to do it on my own.
But that's half the fun! because then you can take more too! (depending on the size of your family and the size of the chocolate bar .
Yes, but pretty soon it's all gone and you have none left for later.
*assumes herself a part of the "general public"* Go on ahead with your Veggie Tale quotes, AC and Dot! I enjoy reading them.
I appreciate your permission.
Wait, AC, you can't reach an octave very easily, either? Wow. I'm beginning to think I'm not the only person with such a sad piano destiny after all.
You're not.. I can generally manage it in my left hand, which is a great help for playing chords and such, but my right hand is more of a pain.
Yeah, I agree about Snape. It's a pretty remarkable thing that she managed to keep the whole Harry Potter fandom arguing about him for 2 years (or however long there was between HBP and DH, I don't know)
lol, Bellatrix barely registered in my mind until

*waves to Patterwig's Pal* nice to see you in the Square. I don't think we've officially met? (Ok, so I don't actually *officially* meet anyone outside the Square
) Jump right in.
*inserts rant* "Ten days after I turned eight I got my lips stuck in a gate! My friends all laughed. And I just stood-there-until-the-fire-department-came-and-broke-them-out-with-a-crowbar-and-I-had-to-spend-the-next-six-weeks-in-lip-rehab-with-this-kid-named-Oscar-who-got-stung-by-a-bee-right-on-lip-and-we-couldn't-even-talk-to-each-other-until-the-fifth-week-because-our-lips-were-so-swollen-and-when-he-did-start-speaking-he-only-spoke-Polish-and-I-knew-only-like-three-words-in-Polish-except-now-I-know-four-because-Oscar-taught-me-the-word-for-lips. Usta." I have no idea if I spelled that last word right.
Wow. I'm impressed. I don't actually have anything to add on, I'm too tired right now..
but I wanted to quote that for the sake of quoting it.
Oh, I suppose so. After all, we can't expect everyone in the universe to be as utterly cool as we are. I'm sure Lady Courage will back us up! Random fact:did you know that when VeggieTales was first made it was more popular among college students than little kids?
lol. Isn't that what's kinda happening now?
Well, I'm not a college student yet.. but.
*waves to Ben* When exactly are you going on your cruise? *forgets*
You have to carry your computers? I didn't think they let students carry the computers around at schools. That must get annoying, though.
I guess they don't care too much about them. But because we only have one or two classes' worth of laptops, they have to constantly be moved around.
Wow, in Japan? I would be lonely too! As a home schooler, you definitely have to work harder at getting out. With our family, our community of friends is basically built on our church and other Christian home schoolers in the area. It's nice, a little small, but still very nice. It's better to have a few good friends than a whole lot of friends that you don't know very well.
Yeah, that sounds nice. I like being in the school I'm in now because a huge school is so busy you barely get to see people before they're off to another class.. plus I get to know people from, like, 15+ countries, which is pretty cool.
I went to basketball camp for a week one summer and at the end of the week, I had won the prize "second place most improved". It was like the lamest prize anybody could give any kid. And it didn't help that I didn't know anyone except my siblings at the camp and didn't have any friends and hated playing basketball all the same. Ah, well. That was a looong time ago.
Aww... Basketball camp? *shudders* Wow, that would be my worst nightmare.
I just can't stand the point where your team stops passing to you or relying on you because they know you won't be able to do it.. but it's like, how else am I going to improve?
Favorite book? #7 because I just couldn't put it down! I love frantic-page-turners, especially when they're nice and long. Favorite movie? Azkaban, definitely. I think they did the time-turner part very well. Also, Sirius is my favorite character. (That being said, book #5 is definitely my least-favorite.
But I actually thought movie #5 was pretty good, with lots of comic relief and quotable lines.)SpoilerSince his death is written kind of vaguely, I spent the rest of the series hoping he wasn't really dead...
Oh, I was hoping that too.. at least until the end of OotP, I was hoping along with Harry. lol, you have, like, identical tastes to me in HP book+movie.
What did you think of HBP? *just curious*
We seem to think alike on Harry Potter, Silver. I agree with every single thing you said.
That makes 3 of us then.
Oh? Well, I'm not all that great at sprinting. Have you ever been tested on the shuttle runs? I hate those!
Ugh, are those the ones that you run across the gym/field, whatever, and then run back, with this beeping in the background, and it keeps getting faster? I hate those with a passion. My record gets worse every year. I think we're having to do it again soon.. *wonders if she can get out of school for the day*
Ahem, thankfully I skimmed. But in future, you lot should really put certain things in spoilers. *hinthint* (I've seen all the HP films to date, but not finished the books. I accidentally learned waaayyy more than I wanted to know on wiki once, and am trying to forget it all before I read the books.. or see the last films, whichever happens first. So I don't lose the impact. In future please be more careful. Thank you)
Oops. Sorry. I tend to forget that there are other people 'looking' in on the conversation between 2+ people that have read the books.
Ugh, that's awful. I hate finding out the end of books, or anything, before I've finished. I try so hard to forget, but that just makes it stick in your mind all the more.
*realizes that she still has a piece of Science homework for tomorrow that she had forgotten* *sigh* Must go and do, I suppose..
Enjoy your days, everyone. I don't know if I'll have time to be back during the week, but if not, see you next weekend.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
*enters into the square*
Good morning all! And how is everyone?
I may not be able to do all my catchup but I will at least start it
@ Ben. Doing well. Staying busy with college and Life, but overall doing well.
Glad you are doing well!
What are you studying in college? (If you don't mind my asking Don't need to answer
Ugh. Yes, it's disgusting, is it not? The hottest day of the year here was 116 degrees Fahrenheit. It was humid too. I stayed inside most of the day.
That it is!
Oh wow! That is crazy! What part of the country do you live in? (course if you would rather not tell that is fine )
My family used to live in a little farm house in Illinois. We would get a lot of tornadoes...but we didn't have a basement. It was infested with raccoons, leaking pipes, etc. So we just gathered in the center room of the bottom floor where there were no windows. I recall sitting on the porch one evening and watching the dark clouds circle overhead with my father. He pointed out to me several potential tornadoes forming. It's really big in my memory because I was so small, but I doubt the tornadoes were all that big.
Tornadoes are amazing.
Wow! That must have been pretty exciting and freaky! I have never seen a tornado in real life...
Whichever you prefer, I don't mind either.
Cool I definitely like the full name better
yeah it was funny. but come on! you seriously don't like John Cooper's look?????
um, here's what's going on. every time I go to Alissandra's house, our parents make us watch some boring teaching movie (every time! ack!) and then when we try to make a video after, we either run out of time or Ali's little sis Emma ruins it.....the last time this past week, she really ruined it, and then my family had to leave and go home because it was late......we will try again next time!
No not really I never liked eye liner for gals really and NOT for guys!
Oh I see... That is too bad (about Emma)... Hopefully you can get it done some time
Oooh, a cruise? Well, that's exciting!
Hope you have an awesome time! I've been to Canada before, but that's as far out of the country (USA) as I've been. I'm going to Spain next summer, though, so I'm pretty excited about that.
Very exciting!
Oh Spain?! That ought to be a ton of fun!
I'm doing fairly well. Hm, exciting. Well, I just moved in to my own apartment. I think that qualifies as exciting.
Or was that terrifying?
I sometimes get those two emotions mixed up. I adopted a Siamese cat cat two weeks ago. That definitely qualifies as exciting.
I named her Aravis. Originally her name was "Star" but then the person who was fostering added "Bright," so her name was "Star Bright" when I got her. That had to go because I kept getting the Star light, star bright poem stuck in my head.
Not to mention that "Star" is a way too common name for animals.
I would say that would be exciting
Good pick on the name!
Thanks! I'm thinking of making some avatars to go with it. Maybe a picture of Ed and the name "Edmund the Grey" or "Gandalf the Just" or "Edalf" or "Gandmund"
I have thought of some "logical" reasons behind that statement (Due to budget cuts The Hobbit and The Voyage of the Dawn Treader will be combined into one movie).
Haha! That is great!
What a neat list, Ben! I've always wanted to visit the Grand Canyon. So far it's never happened, but we do hope to. Someday.
You have been to a ton as well! National Parks are great! If you go to Wikipedia and type in National Parks there is a whole list that may refresh your memory on what ones you visited... It certainly helped me.
It is definitely Grand! Have you seen the new walk they made? I have not been there since they did but it looks crazy!
Exaaactly. Now I just have to convince him.
That can be the difficultly
Oh? That isn't too terribly odd. I'd love to go off and live in the wilderness as well (though maybe not a jungle...), just to have a break from civilization. That probably seems wacky. Doesn't it sound nice, though, just to press the pause button on all the craziness of American life and spend a few months out in nature? I don't know. Maybe I'm more strange than I thought.
I have always wanted to go off and live away from civilization! And just recently decided it would be most fun to go to a Jungle.
Does not seem wacky at all to me!
Sounds great to me! Though maybe we are both just strange
Well.. you know, I didn't really get to *see* you..
*waves to Ben* When exactly are you going on your cruise? *forgets*
It will be on the 19th of September. And I will have a blast!
Oh what do you know? I got all catchup-ing done
Now for some breakfast!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Hey everyone!
feeling especially tired right now. Did alot of cleaning and yard work over the weekend and my grandparents came from MI today! So I don't know how much time I'll have to go on the computer the rest of this week. But I'll be enjoying myself .
ANNOUNCEMENT: Owl City is streaming another show online tonight! It starts at 7:15 EST and Deas Vail is opening! This is sure to be an awesome show
I suppose it is, but you will have to ask His Majesty before we decide...
you ask .
I do not like it on John Cooper and
Jack SparrowCaptain Jack Sparrow () is just hilarious! Though he is playing in a movie and is a pirate
wow. Yeah so he can get away with it . In real life I don't think I guy should wear that much eyeliner, but on John Cooper it looks pretty good. He only wears it for concerts anyway.
Alrighty then, Ali it shall be
It is pretty fun there!
I have been wanting to go back so that I can go on the roller coasters
I'm sure
ditto! Hopefully whenever we go to FL next (maybe early next year ) we shall go there and I can ride them
Yes that makes sense![]()
good . So I just feel really bad for him and that's a huge reason why I like him. Do you know much about him?
*coughs a low cough: Ah-hum* Right of course!
it's true!! As much as I rant about guy's hair and musical talent and such I don't have crushes on them
*tries to put a his name to a band* Lets see here... Owl City? I believe that is his band right? If so, not too many but he does have skilled music!
yes! I LOVE that band (if that's not clear already ). You should listen to more, he's really great. And his other band Sky Sailing is really good too.
Yes it is indeed!
Not even Canada
It is a six night cruise
wow, I've been to Canada....alot .
gah not fair
. I shal try to be happy for you
No no, you seem to have discarded the first time I made the point so I had to make it again
mmhmm. Well who wins the argument?
Oh I see, so your just finishing?
um, well I'm halfway through 11th grade science, starting 12th grade math, and everything else I'm almost done with 10th grade. So I'm ahead and behind at the same time .
I did not see his last blog post or any ones prior
would you read them if I gave you a link?
It was pretty bad but still hilarious
Maybe because they wanted to uglify him so the Katara would not fall for him again
I suppose. But Katara didn't fall for him, she fell for Jet
Why are you mad at JB?
Because I heard two songs of his that I really did not like and made me lose loads of respect for him and I read an interview where he said that he wanted to respect girls but then later on in the interview he said that he doesn't have alot of time for relationships so he doesn't take anything seriously. And also he said that he's loved alot of girls but never been actually in love. So that's pretty much against everything I believe about love and relationships so I'm really not in to his music anymore. A few songs are cute, but I'm not going to support him now.
I never liked eye liner for gals really and NOT for guys!
yeah I would die without my eyeliner
. I don't wear too much, but it makes me look 10x better so yeah
. On guys I can maybe understand you not liking it, but girls too! wow
Ali: wait, are you saying that John Cooper and Jack Sparrow look alike.....?
lol, no I'm saying they both look good in eyeliner .
That's cool, Glenstorm. I used to go to co-op, a sort of three hour (once a week) "school" for homeschoolers. It was really nice.
Was that by any chance MAFA? I did that for a couple years. It was ok .
Well, long/red/curly hair might be all right, if it wasn't greasy. I very much dislike greasy hair.
just tell him to wash it .
Oh, you like being called Ali? All-right, switch time.
yes, because too many people online think I'm a guy and in real life hardly anyone says Alissandra right so Ali is good
*timidly pokes her head in* I've been told that I should come here sometime and that it is a nice place to visit. I'm not exactly sure what I should do now that I'm here ...
welcome to the square! It is a nice place here! I remember how nervous and confused I was when I first came but I love it here .
Well, there's always the weather of course.
Um...........hm........huh....I can't think of anything. I must be more tired than I thought.
the weather here has not been to my liking- too cold
we could talk about music!
Eh, they are a necessary evil I guess. Still think the higher maths are relatively useless unless you are going into a field that demands them.... Ah, that would be nice. Granted, Spain is alot home of a lot of strange traditions.
exactly. I actually want to go over some basic math again, once I graduate. But I wish I didn't have to do Pre-calc. Starting that soon .
our exchange student would have died if he saw that
. He was very convinced Spain was the best country in the world
True, though for me it just gets me angry at the other side. Not a good thing and something I try to avoid. Like football.
Wise move. Besides, you're getting what is arguably the best aspect of the film without having to see the film.
Very well.
Hmm I don't usually get mad. People get mad at me alot, but that's not my fault .
yeah I tend to avoid any sports. I'm no good at them, which is kinda funny, because I did alot when I was younger.
so do you have the actual soundtrack? I want to buy it
Really? Wow, I never realized that was such a huge honor. Perhaps I should be more careful from now on about saying that to people.
How could you tell?
Yes, it's my favorite score of Horner's and my top favorite score period right now. Until I find another score that can continually impress me like Legends has.
Good, good. Glad you enjoyed it. Those are also some of my favorites plus "Off to War" and "Alfred, Tristan, The Colonel, The Legend..." O.K, O.K, the whole album is my favorite (except for "Revenge").
Glad it lived up to your expectations, I think....
*gasp* now it's The Soundtrack Woman/Girl
. You know The Soundtrack Gal sounds kinda good
wow. I don't think anything will pass LWW for me, but I'm really biased on that . I do like it alot though. Do you know if there's a soundtrack for the tv show Avatar: The Last Airbender? The music is soooo beautiful.
Yeah those are all good too. Why don't you like Revenge? I thought it was kinda cool...
what's that supposed to mean?
Wow! That is pretty crazy! How are you doing now? Are you allowed to eat food?
Um, also, how is lemonade and cayenne pepper good for you? Just out of curiosity.
Yes I can eat now, but only a little. I have to get my system used to eating food again .
it cleanses and detoxes your body and gives it a rest from food
It's still nice to have a "real life" friend to talk to Narnia Web about. I find it frustrating sometimes around my friends who aren't on Narnia Web, which is why I like having Winty.
yeah Libby and I talk about you guys all the time .
That's very understandable. My oldest sister is the same way with pretty much all animals. I have a friend who is absolutely crazy about horses, but she's allergic to both horses and hay and so she gets horrible attacks. Oh, and she has asthma.
But she still rides horses all the time. Well, not all the time. But a lot.
wow I would definitely not ride if I had it that bad, but then imagine if I was allergic to a piano, I would still play .
I love the smell of lavender!
But that is very true. Recently I've started to appreciate all the healthy cooking my mom does for our family. I always found it obnoxious as a kid and didn't like a lot of the stuff she made, but my parents always made us eat what was at the table and, lo and behold, I grew to like a lot of it!
With eight kids, parents can't let them all have their own food for dinner.
yeah I used to hate how healthy our family ate and now I love it and would die if I had to eat any other way . I plan on raising my family very organic, natural, and healthy too
On days when I have to go to dance practice, I don't bother putting any make up on. I usually don't have time to put much on at all. I'm thinking that make up is going to be like my hair for me. Usually I don't do anything with my hair (I wash it of course), but I'm not a hair-doer person. And I just get fed up trying to make my own hair look nice. So, my policy is if it takes more than five minutes, I'm not going to do it. In the end, I just pull it back in a pony tail.
And my clothes that I like to wear are so casual that a lot of make up doesn't really look good with it.
yeah I mainly put my hair in a pony tail too, or I just straighten it, which will take me a half hour or so, and leave it like that for a few days.
my clothes are casual too, another reason I wear very little makeup
Funny - I really wish we did more writing in my Literature class.
Mostly, it's essays and research papers This weekend we were supposed to write about "what our convictions are and how we live by them". Now how do you get creative with that?
I could write several long essays on the subject .
*pounces eagerly on the new Relient K song video and saves it for later*
I'd watch in now, but I'm watching The Two Towers EE.
bah a new RK song is better . Tell me what you think of it!
Hello, Square One's! I hope everyone's doing well.
Friday my co-op started. I go there once a week on Friday's. It was really fun, and I saw quite a few old friends that I didn't know were going there, and I made a couple new ones, too. The English teacher is awesome. We all sit in a circle and talk about the book we're reading...with cappuccinos!
She has a cappuccino machine, so that's fun.
I know, I do too but I can't figure it out so my friends say I can't name it as one of my favorites
Oh, gotcha. I don't really get it either, but I love the vocals.
Speaking of which, I got to go to a Relient K concert the other day! It was a blast.
They played a bunch of their old songs, including Sadie Hawkins Dance.
Oh sorry! I must have accidentally skipped them! I know I read them
1. I am on episode 13 of Book 3
2. Zuko, Sokka, Suki, and Huru (minus the mustache)
Haha, that's okay. Wow, you've almost watched all of it! When did you start watching it?
I'm on like episode 15 (I think) or Book 1. My favorite characters so far are Zuko, Uncle Iroh ( ), and Katara. I sort of accidentally found out that

Oh good.
*attempts to begin conversation* What music do you like?
Sorry, that's like, my default question for every new person I meet.
And Nweb is one of the places I'm likely to find people that actually match my interests.
I have a couple default questions depending on who I'm talking to, but that's one of them.
Anyways, I pretty much only like Christian music. I also like classical music and soundtracks.
Some of my favorite bands are Relient K, Tenth Avenue North, Switchfoot, Deas Vail, Casting Crowns, Skillet, Anberlin, and Andrew Peterson. What kind of music do you like?
Hehe, I know, I rarely meet people in real life who are like me.
Where would you be going?
ThanksSo far I have remembered it in every part of my life and it makes a person happier
Oh, somewhere near here, in Florida. Which means it would definitely have to be in winter, because I'm not sleeping in the yucky humid FL weather in the summer. I really want to go camping in the mountains like you do.
(You do go camping in the mountains, right?
For some reason I've been getting that vibe.)
Well that's good. I usually have a bible verse that I remember for when I have a bad day/something bad happens/I'm irritated, etc. Right now my verse is Colossians 3:12 "Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience." It's really helped me lately.
...that was a long reply. Sorry.
Gotcha. Well, if you didn't love LWW, but didn't hate PC, VDT should definitely be an improvement.
I hope so. What are your hopes for it? Do you think it'll top LWW?
I always love seeing you on the Square. I love seeing everyone on the Square.
Likewise! That's a nice sized post you have there.
That would have taken me like 3 hours to do.
About the music theory class, it went really well! It's a small class, consisting of three people besides me. But it's still good. My mom is having a really fun time teaching. She's an amazing teacher. I forgot how good she was.
But already, I'm getting a clearer understanding of how music works.
Oh, good! Well, small classes can sometimes be better. It's easier to bond with your classmates that way, I think.
Oh, your mom is teaching? That's really cool!
I really want to take a music theory class sometime, it sounds so interesting. I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Oh that's so good to hear!
How's it going now that all the craziness has started?
Still going good. It's actually not as crazy as I expected, but sometimes teachers are easy on you in the first week.
But I really like all my teachers, and I think they are doing a great job with the classes.
*waves to Pal* Welcome! It's always so nice to have a new person drop in.
I hope you enjoy it here! And I do love your signature.
*watches her dog trying to decide where to sleep* Dogs are so indecisive.
Well, I have to go finish up some school that's due tomorrow.
Have lovely Sunday, everyone!
Hello to all! Dear I havn't posted anything for a while (That would be bad.) I hope you are all doing well.
I just got back from a reilgous boy scout camp out so I thought I'd drop in.
You know, the thing about the Square is right it is a little scary! I just look at how long the post are I think to myself, "I could never do that!"
memento mori
*enters the square*
ATTENTION! So I don't have time do a catchup but I wanted to pop in here to start a petition
So I convinced my sister Hannah to come in here to the Square and post a post if I could get at least 7 names signing a petition for her to come in here
So if you would like my sister to come in here and post then you can just give me your name (Narniaweb or real ).
Have a good day all!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!