Hey ho!
I'm tired but catchup comes before sleep!
I am ever so happy that you're enjoying your class! and yay!!! another musician!!!
me too, thank you . Yes I was really happy
@ Ali. First off, nice pics you posted! (on page 15)
I really like the lake/woods picture. Quite lovely.
thank you
Now it's starting to get a bit more heavy (school work).
Still, gives me something to do.
mine is too . Yeah that's how I used to always look at school, but now most of it annoys me. Like math and science. In no way am I going to do something involved with them in the future so it annoys me a little that I have to do so much of it
. Do you know in Spain, you choose which branch you want to study in once you hit high school? So if you choose the arts, you don't have to take math or science classes! Lucky lucky Spanish kids
I really don't see the point in them. Both sides are already firmly set in their respective beliefs so why debate it and get bent out of shape about it?
On the other hand, discussing and talking about things I'm fine with.
It's about 2 hours long.
Old joke there, sorry.....
*ahem* Anyway, it's a historical romance/drama. The film follows the Ludlow family and all the hardships they go through in the pre and post WWI American midWest including the two older brothers (Alfred and Tristan) fighting over their younger brothers widow. Basically, it's a soap opera with AMAZING cinematography and an excellent score.
Anymore questions?![]()
Hmm well I didn't think about it that way, but it makes you think about things from the other side and I think it's fun (I did do speech and debate for a little so it comes naturally to me now ).
ok . Well it sounds a little weird, I think I'll stick to the soundtrack
Nope, no more .
Ah, alright. Glad you liked it even if it was not your favorite. I would have been a tad worried if you disliked it....
Woohoo! Yay!! Another convert!!
*calms down* It is a great score, not so much the movie. If you haven't already, be sure to check out the other tracks from Legends that are youtube. There is some great stuff in that album.
yay you called me your fellow soundtrack lover! Huge compliement coming from you, The Soundtrack Man .
I'm guessing you love it alot?
yes I really enjoy that soundtrack- I've listened to all of it. I really liked The Wedding, Samuel's Death, Goodbyes, and Farewell/Descent into Madness.
@ Ali, again. Aww, thanks!
I hope this post lives up to your expectations...
It did
Ali: yay, you finished the cleanse! are you starved yet? I can't believe you made it! bravo!
thanks. Well actually, by the third day I was used to my stomach being completely empty
. I'm have to slowly eat more, because yesterday I had two sausages and I almost got sick because it was too much food after not eating for a few days. I think I'm going to do the cleanse again though, I really liked how good I felt
Speaking of long hair on guys.... We have this, uh, certain individual in our class who, uh, finds his hair... most attractive, I guess. It's long, red, greasy, and... curly. *cries* I'm sure if he knew basically everyone other than himself doesn't like it, he'd cut it. But holy cow--how on earth are you supposed to tell someone something like that?
well who knows, I might like it, especially if it's long and red and curly!
How did your writing class turn out, Glenstorm?
Is it for homeschoolers, or at a local school? EDIT: Ahh, I see you seem to have enjoyed your first day. Yay! I'm sure you'll do great.
thank you . And yes it's for homschoolers.
That's good! That sounds a bit like my English class...today we discussed four different approaching to writing. I was skimming through my textbook - we're studying British Literature this year - and it looks like the stories are a lot more interesting than last year's. (The first half of the book has lots of pictures of knights with swords - awesome!
That sounds very interesting! I wish I was doing a literature class . Oh well, I'll just have to read lovely old books on my own
m-hmm! Everyone should appreciate his awesomeness, like I said before .
Well not your majesty for sure! For that is for the Royal Family not a Royal knight
But as I have discarded my Knightlyness for the present you may address me as you please without risk of imprisonment
That I did madam![]()
well isn't your highness the same as your majesty? Well similar at least .
Ah ok then, yay!
It would!
Yuck, sick, disgusting!![]()
it is NOT! John Cooper looks good in eyeliner and so does Jack Sparrow!
What name do you like best to be called?
When we lived in Florida for six year -about 4 years ago- we had a season pass to Sea World. And pretty much the only part I liked was the rides!
I went to disney when I was younger but I was afraid of roller coasters then.
Ali, I wish everyone called me that, in real life too.
I want to go to Sea World!! Never been . I loves! ocean creatures
Yeah we went to Disney a few times when we lived in FL. Fun stuff . I didn't go on the roller coasters either though
I don't know you just don't![]()
well I actually won't give you too hard a time. I'm not a HUGE fan myself. I just like people I feel bad for, if that makes sense
Because of women always going crazy over guys!
I'm not going crazy over him! He's just a pretty cool human being! And, so you know, I am definitely not a girl who crushes on celebrities and such. I just really admire Adam
Have you heard much of his music?
Ok I guess I will, maybe...
not maybe, yes!
Oh wow! That is a long time! So far it has been around 4 years for my friends, I think.
I have never been out of the country yet. Which is another reason I am excited about the cruise that is in like 9 days!
that's still very long...
Not even to Canada! Don't remind me
. How long is it again? I shall have to spend that whole time missing and being jealous of you
But you seemed to have discarded it
because it was already made!
Finally you agreed with me on that
Yes everyday I read your posts and reply! That would be counted as listening
Oh I always end up agreeing with you anyway
I suppose...
Oh cool. So you just started school?
Haha, yeah.
Sweet! I will have to see if my Mom has ever heard of it.
I kinda do it through the summer .
tis true! Trying to please a lady should be a noble cause for any knight (I think we've been through this before )
Pish posh!
how couldn't you!? I loved his last blog post so much that I cried and then printed it out and pasted it on my dresser .
Isn't the mustache hilarious?!
I hated it! Why did they ruin him! His hair made him so awesome and then they go and give him a mustache! *shudders*
Wait... Glenstorm's a Michael Jackson fan? AND Justin Beiber? *gasp* What has the world come to?!
Apparently, unless she is pulling our legs
I am not, but I don't like him too much. Either of them really, but MJ is better than JB. I'm actually mad at JB right now
. I really only like MJ because he was ridiculously talented and he had a horrible life and because I'm incredibly sympathetic I can't help but like him
Ahhhh... *sigh contentedly* For once I can sit here relaxed, with the whole weekend ahead of me, not rushing through this post.
This week involved a lot of work.
There is no such thing as an overload of VeggieTales quotes!
I'd agree.. but maybe we should ask the *general public* if they would.
This has been Silly Songs With Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing: "Everybody's got a baby kangaroo. Yours is pink but mine is blue. Hers was small but--" *Archibald Asparagus comes running on and knocks Larry over* "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"
*begins yet another*
"When I was just two years old, I left my lips out in the cold, and they turned blue, what could I do?" "They turned blue, what could you do?" "Oh they turned blue." "On the day I got my tooth, I had to kiss my Great Aunt Ruth. She had a beard, and it felt weird." "My my, she had a beard and it felt weird?" "She had a beard." *insert long rant from Larry about Oscar and Polish lips *
Jill, you're so luck to learn Gaelic! I kind of want to, and I'm sort of Irish.. We don't get any languages at our school, apart from English and Japanese which I already know, and so aren't any fun in the same way.
My my, Benjamin, his Royal Person? How kind of you to grace us with your presence.
*waves to Aslans Country* any luck on seeing if your parents will let you go to Skillet's show in Japan, or have you asked yet?
*Is guilty of having not asked* I'm sort of going off the idea though..
I looked it up a bit more and I don't think my parents would want me going to the show at night, based on where it is, and I wouldn't feel very comfortable going there myself.. and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want to come with me.
I'm not ruling it out entirely.. but at this point it doesn't seem very possible.
I wanted to identify us as the people who were trying to find the IMAX, but it came out as "We are the people who are coming."
lol. That's hilarious. My friends and I have navigated ourselves walking around Tokyo with Google on the iPhone fairly well though. Even if the time estimates aren't always accurate.
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. It's hard for me too to find time, and when I do have time, I'm easily distracted by other things. But I think getting started is the hardest part. Once I start working on a project, it's really addicting!
Yeah.. I'm really guilty of writing a prologue of sorts, and loving it, but then leaving it at that. I probably have a notebook full of prologues. Whenever I go back to any of them they all sound silly and uninteresting.
I haven't written anything reasonably long (as in, the makings of a novel) in a couple of years, actually, and my 12 year old attempts aren't very good, shall we say, although fond memories.
*The somewhat familiar figure of Cor enters the Square, grabs a few bars of chocolate off of the chocolate tree and the proceeds to the center of the Square...*
This made me remember that there is some really good chocolate in the fridge right now, that my grandma sent over from the UK... *goes to get some*
Mmm... this stuff is so good. The problem with chocolate is that I have just a piece, but then start craving more.
Ah, I see. I'll try to be quiet...okay, okay, I know that I'll probably say some really in depth thing about the movie and about how good/bad it was, etc, etc, etc. So...just skip my post!
Yeah, I won't stop you (or anyone else). I know I'd do the same thing, and probably will, months later.
I wish I could! Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it that evening . But I'm sure they'll be here again soon !
Aww. That's too bad. Next time.
Cool! Nah, that wasn't worded strangely.
Oh good. *attempts to begin conversation* What music do you like?
Sorry, that's like, my default question for every new person I meet.
And Nweb is one of the places I'm likely to find people that actually match my interests.
I do sometimes .
Wow, really? I had myself convinced it was just me.
hehe yeah. My friends think I'm creepy already because I wrote a song about Matty and Aaron's hair .
*laughs head off* I don't think that's creepy, just really funny.
Wait.. Aaron.. Aaron.. Aaron Gillespie? (the name just came to me, I have no idea who that is, though I've heard him mentioned a lot. By you.
yeah...well I'm still really shy, trust me . I was crying because I had to meet new people today .
Oh, I get so stressed out when I have to go through a new experience like getting to know a new group of people, alone. I try to get out of them as much as possible, which is probably a bad thing because the only way to get over it is to go through it.. I'm just hopeless that way.
Can you imagine me entering a public school in the UK with 1200 students next year? *runs away from the thought*
you might have given it to me before, but I don't remember . So if you want them, please PM me .
Ok. Wow, you sounded very businesslike there, for some reason.
thanks. Everything went pretty well actually *points to top of post* .
I saw. So glad. Enjoy your class.
How often are you going for it?
Last night I finished a book that I had started that morning and I have to say that the ending was sadly disappointing so I won't mention the name of the book lest one of you decides to read it and then is as disappointed at the end as I was. Don't you hate it when books don't have fulfilling endings?!!! .
*raises hand* I hate this... a lot. Ugh. It's even worse if it's the last book of a series.
..So yes, hence the "Miss Rosario", "PrincessRosario", and "Dr. Rosario" usernames. BEST place on earth.
Ahh.. thank you for solving the unvoiced mystery in my head too.
Ooh, hurray for being able to reach an octave!! If that ever happened to me, there would be a loooong moment of disbelief and silence, immediately followed by a scream of excitement. And then I'd be dancing around for joy. I've wanted to play a certain piano piece for ages, but I can't because of my right hand.
There are other people in the world who can't reach an octave properly?
I can sympathize.. a lot. I can actually reach an octave, but can't do anything with lots of notes inbetween the octave or anything fast. There is nothing sadder than having your teacher flip through pieces of music, sighing and shaking her head because she knows you can't play any of them.
My thing about Snape is.. he's an interesting character, but I have to wonder - would he have done all that he did if Voldemort hadn't targeted Lily? I think JK Rowling even said she didn't understand why people liked Snape so much, because if it hadn't been for Lily he would have stayed on Voldemort's side. At the same time, what he did was so brave, and I believe he did have a kind of change of heart.
Oh, and I'm so glad you ended up reading Harry Potter and realized that it's not actually evil. I know a couple of people who won't touch the books, or don't feel right about it because of what they've been told.
I'm not going crazy over him! He's just a pretty cool human being! And, so you know, I am definitely not a girl who crushes on celebrities and such. I just really admire Adam .
Me too.
how couldn't you!? I loved his last blog post so much that I cried and then printed it out and pasted it on my dresser .
Ooh new one. *goes off to find it*
WOWOW. I just discovered four awesome things all at once. Well.. interconnected.
1)There is a movie coming out called Legends of the Guardians
2)I have been seeing this ad on the train for days
3)It's based on the book I read a couple of years back
4)Adam Young wrote a SONG for it?!
How awesome is that coincidence? I hope it's a decent movie.. can't really remember the story.
*goes off to read the blog and listen to the song and read about the movie*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Hey ho, it's Friiiiiiiiiiday!
A brief skim ...
Haha, interesting, I didn't know that. My hand can reach an octave plus two half-steps. I'm not sure if that's more than most people or not.
My right hand can reach over 8 white keys; my left hand is more flexible, and can reach an over nine notes.
Welcome to the Town Square, Silver the Wanderer! Very lovely username, btw.
AC, whence did all the came from from?
I presume you meant pain?
"came from from"?
Oh, brother! Obviously, in my quick edit at the end, I totally missed that.
Let me rephrase: "AC, whence did all the pain come from?"
Glad it's better now.
And I totally agreed that Ginny's character in the 6th HP film sucked. So bland; so ... nothing. Very disappointing. I thought Draco Malfoy/Tom Felton (who is a fascinating character study) was brilliant in HHP!
Boy Scout! *shakes hands and welcomes him into the Square, as well*
Mmmm, Louise the First, your garden harvest/produce sounds so scrumptious. Often, the veggies we picked when we used to have a large garden never made it to the cooking pot: we loved eating them raw so very much.
(I was absolutely devastated when Dobby died. I rarely cry when reading, but I did shed a few tears at that particular part.)
Likewise! It was one of the saddest parts of the entire series. I found his death and Snape's the most moving of the entire series ... even more than Dumbledore's. I thought Harry's dad was simply nasty to him. Thankfully James matured in later years, but I've never liked him too much because of his almost cruelty to Snape, especially
Snape was such a tragic character... but I love him.
Exactly, Louise!
Favourite book: I've been thinking about that. Probably Azkaban: I just love the
Favourite movie: That is a difficult choice. Probably my least favourite is Goblet of Fire. I just found the majority of it drawn out and somehow not that interesting, except ... for the scene in the graveyard at the end. That was creepily fascinating (and

As for talking on the phone, I am not a phone person. Just don't care for it, and will avoid it at all costs.
Wow, another SquareOnion newbie! Eustace+Jill/Riella. Welcome here! As you've probably discovered, the vast majority of us here are book lovers. ♥ You're in like-minded company.
*gawks in awe at Lady Courage's post, and gives her a Super-Long award*
Benjamin, I love hearing about your camping trips. It's great you can go on so many! There's nothing quite like being out in the peace and beauty of God's creation. And you're going on a ... cruise?! Where, if I may ask?
Edmund P, how exciting about your NYC schedule being all arranged!
Ooh, PrinceCor, the homework is building up now, eh? and roots for the Prince every step of the way!
No, I actually help Lady A around the castle, do a bit of hunting/fishing and mostly enjoy the peace and quite while Cor is away.*
Yeah, right.
What about those recently missing tapestries ... and SLIPPERS?!!
Vern turns 16 next year?! We must have a coming-of-age party for that dear dragon.
Okay, if I think the treat will be enjoyed by you both, I will hunt down two tantalizing photos: one for our dragon; one for the Prince. Hopefully I'll get back to that later today yet. (Sorry about the injuries, there, PC).
Interesting weather tale, Louise the First. *loves hearing about weather, especially adventurous stuff* Finally we have reached consistently cool temperatures here. Hurrah! *does a exceptionally happy hobbit jig* (No, not the Springle-ring, but something similar.) Welcome, dear Autumn! I now look forward to months and months of cool and cold refreshing weather after a summer of humidity I never want to see repeated. Because of the freshness in the air, I can finally get out again for my jog and walk every evening under the night sky. *loves the smell of Autumn* And some of the trees are just beginning to blush at the tips with their gorgeous colours.
*waves with cheeriness to all who she didn't specifically mention, but still has great affection for*
Have a great weekend, everyone. (I do hope to be back on later today, however, to provide treats for some of the Royals. ) EDIT: Just found out I may be going to see Inception again tonight, so the treats may be withheld until the morrow.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
*enters bearing a Bible and steps up to an podium and reads a verse out of 1 Timothy 4:12 : "Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity." Steps off podium tucks the Bible in his shirt*
And Good Morning to you all! If indeed it is morning where you are at if not then... Good Mortereve to you!
So I tried so hard to get my sister Hannah to get on NW last night and post something here but she was not too corporative
When we were living in Oregon I tried to get her to make an account but she wouldn't so finally I made it for her and then I helped her set it up. And though she had promised to get on here, she has yet to!
I guess I will have to continue my efforts
Anyway catchup time...
well isn't your highness the same as your majesty? Well similar at least
Ah ok then, yay!
I suppose it is, but you will have to ask His Majesty before we decide...
it is NOT! John Cooper looks good in eyeliner and so does Jack Sparrow!
I do not like it on John Cooper and Jack Sparrow Captain Jack Sparrow ( ) is just hilarious! Though he is playing in a movie and is a pirate
Ali, I wish everyone called me that, in real life too.
I want to go to Sea World!! Never been
. I loves! ocean creatures
Yeah we went to Disney a few times when we lived in FL. Fun stuff
. I didn't go on the roller coasters either though
Alrighty then, Ali it shall be
It is pretty fun there!
I have been wanting to go back so that I can go on the roller coasters
well I actually won't give you too hard a time. I'm not a HUGE fan myself. I just like people I feel bad for, if that makes sense
Yes that makes sense
I'm not going crazy over him! He's just a pretty cool human being! And, so you know, I am definitely not a girl who crushes on celebrities and such. I just really admire Adam
*coughs a low cough: Ah-hum* Right of course!
Have you heard much of his music?
*tries to put a his name to a band* Lets see here... Owl City? I believe that is his band right? If so, not too many but he does have skilled music!
that's still very long...
Not even to Canada!
Don't remind me
. How long is it again? I shall have to spend that whole time missing and being jealous of you
Yes it is indeed!
Not even Canada
It is a six night cruise
because it was already made!
No no, you seem to have discarded the first time I made the point so I had to make it again
Oh I always end up agreeing with you anyway
I suppose...
I kinda do it through the summer
Oh I see, so your just finishing?
tis true! Trying to please a lady should be a noble cause for any knight (I think we've been through this before
how couldn't you!? I loved his last blog post so much that I cried and then printed it out and pasted it on my dresser
I did not see his last blog post or any ones prior
I hated it! Why did they ruin him! His hair made him so awesome and then they go and give him a mustache! *shudders*
It was pretty bad but still hilarious Maybe because they wanted to uglify him so the Katara would not fall for him again
I am not, but I don't like him too much. Either of them really, but MJ is better than JB. I'm actually mad at JB right now
. I really only like MJ because he was ridiculously talented and he had a horrible life and because I'm incredibly sympathetic I can't help but like him
Why are you mad at JB?
My my, Benjamin, his Royal Person?
How kind of you to grace us with your presence.
I realize what a pleasure it was for you, to have seen someone so knightly...
Benjamin, I love hearing about your camping trips. It's great you can go on so many! There's nothing quite like being out in the peace and beauty of God's creation. And you're going on a ... cruise?!Where, if I may ask?
It is great to be out in what God made in that way!
That I am! And am very excited about it!
Why you may of course!
Jamaica, Caiman (sp?) Islands and one more stop but I forgot where it was There may be more than three but I have not heard about them yet
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
The Lady has no time this morning for a proper post, but she promises one this evening instead... *sigh* I don't have long enough days... one can never have long enough days
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
comes in singing "Dead Inside by Skillet and wiping the sleep from her eyes
wow, I'm tired.....
Ben: WHAT????? how dare you say John Cooper doesn't look good in eyeliner! (jk!) He's like the only guy who does look good in it!
lol I think Jack Sparrow looks creepy
haha I'm not really mad.....
Silver: your welcome! anytime
Ali: wait, are you saying that John Cooper and Jack Sparrow look alike.....?
Aslans Country: oh dear! I do hope you can somehow be able to go!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Mortereve all!
Actually, Nick, I'm not left-handed. Writing, *coughfootballcough*, and other such things are a problem--me having to do them with my right hand.
But yes, you do have a point. Also, if my left hand was the smaller one, I'd have a much harder time with violin.
Interesting! Usually your dominant hand is slightly bigger. Anyway, I guess as a whole it helps to have a larger left hand for playing instruments.
Haha, yup! That was me.
Ah, that clears up a lot! I accidentally quoted Dani, instead of you. I've been wondering ever since who it was that really said it.
! I'm ecstatic! I can't believe it's only 92 days away! Have you read/listened the Exclusive Interview with Tony Nixon? I thought that it was very encouraging
No, I haven't heard the interview. I saw the story about it, but I didn't take time to listen to it. Guess I'll have to go back and do that! In addition to the movie, I'm also really looking forward to the soundtrack. I'm excited to see what David Arnold can do with it.
I'm pretty much in the middle. I don't love PC, and I don't hate it. The same with LWW.
Gotcha. Well, if you didn't love LWW, but didn't hate PC, VDT should definitely be an improvement.
@ NN. Interesting how that happens, yes? Seeming to know a ton about a subject compared to your friends.
I would recommend at least checking this out from Poltergeist ----->
^ None scary music, I assure you.
Haha, well the feeling is short-lived. Alright, I'll check it out.
My right hand can reach over 8 white keys; my left hand is more flexible, and can reach an over nine notes.
Ok, I imagine that's pretty normal for a pianist.
I'm off! Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
The Lady Fiona enters the square on foot today, she wore her horse out yesterday by riding it so long and so far, it's at home in it's stable eating lots of oats and sugar cubes to that is can regain it's energy. If you glance down then you shall notice that Lady Fiona is not wearing any shoes, that's because she decided that she hates them! they confine her feet too much and that's something that she cannot stand.
Dea- tráthnóna! My fellow squarions! what a lovely evening, don't you think?
Here are two tracks from Legends if you are interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_0PJRnJwDo and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zxsrhlX-Cg
These are great! I bored my cousin to death listening to thme
Jillhope: so how are you doing? I hope your enjoying narniaweb!
Oh, pretty well thanks, how about you?
The beach was lovely yesterday, though it would have been much more so if the weather had cooperated. We all got out of the buses, excited, and were met by a blast of FREEZING air. Literally. I mean, yes, it's always colder at the beach... but not THAT cold. It was windier than usual, and the temperature was around sixty degrees. The sun decided to take a vacation for the first couple hours of the morning, and - even when it did come out - it didn't seem able to make up its mind.
Hmm... That's no fun! However our beach is usually around 60 degrees so...
Ooh, hurray for being able to reach an octave!! If that ever happened to me, there would be a loooong moment of disbelief and silence, immediately followed by a scream of excitement. And then I'd be dancing around for joy. I've wanted to play a certain piano piece for ages, but I can't because of my right hand. (I have a friend who can't reach an octave with her left hand, but she was able to rearrange the octaves and play the piece. Lucky for her!)
One of these days maybe your fingers will finally be able to reach an octave too, I had given up all hope when I realized that I could actually do it . and I sooooooo know the feeling about the piano piece.
No, I don't speak Gaelic fluently (yet).
I don't particularly care for vibrato either... All things in moderation, correct?
I almost felt like crying when Snape died!!! which is saying allot becuase I'm a little bit of an ice queen...
*comes limping into the Square with an anatomy textbook in one hand and a bag of gym clothes in the other*
Now this is just pathetic. I'm so out of shape, one day of weight-lifting has made me stiff and sore! Stupid phys ed class...
You poor creature! I know how you feel, I'll be cheering from the sidelines for you!!!
There's this one street by my school where you can see students outside...I don't know who they are, but it sort of weirded me out.
That's the sort of thing that seriously creeps me out.
Mine too! I love writing fantasy. I feel like I'm free to use my creativity to its fullest extent and make up my own world without being bound the "rules" of our own.
Agreed. It's got a bit more room for breather than other kinds of books too
You enjoy me Gaelic? I'm ever so glad! (I would post something in it but... it would bit a little hard for you to read wouldn't it?)
*enters into the square discarding his armor*
Time to become a peasant again
Have you grown weary of being the one that gets attacked when the peasants are angry?
Well if you were where I was you would to I'm sure
Would that it were true, I haven't enjoyed a summer in ages.
Jill, you're so luck to learn Gaelic! I kind of want to, and I'm sort of Irish.. We don't get any languages at our school, apart from English and Japanese which I already know, and so aren't any fun in the same way.
You're Irish? really? I have some Celtic blood in my veins as well!
To bad about the schools not having many languages...
Mmm... this stuff is so good. The problem with chocolate is that I have just a piece, but then start craving more.
But that's half the fun! because then you can take more too! (depending on the size of your family and the size of the chocolate bar .
That took me an hour!!! (because I also had to read through all the posts first .
Slan!!! enjoy your evenings!
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
I won't tell you my mile run time either, Silver, though it would probably make you feel better about yours. I shaved off about forty seconds from last week's... but still. (Oh, and I jogged the whole way as well--didn't stop to walk once! I can usually do that, but I don't have a fast jogging pace.) People seem to think a seven minute run is slow.
And since I'm really thin, they seem to think I'm fast. *sigh* Ah well, you can only do your best.
Nah, Ben, we drive out there. It's a bit over 2,000 miles each way. (We usually take detours around to national parks and whatnot, though.) Speaking of which, have you ever been to a national park(s)? If so, which ones? We got this passport thing that you can stamp at every national park you visit--it's pretty neat. I'll have to count how many stamps I have.
Dr. Rosario's my dad. He didn't come over to the new website, and had.... like... two posts - both of which were made here in the Square, though in days gone by. He's not a regular member, as I'm sure you've gathered.
Yes, Washington is pretty much like Oregon. Mountains, trees, and the ocean. *happy sigh* I want to live there someday. In a little cottage in the mountains, where I can look out over the ocean at sunset.
That's cool, Glenstorm. I used to go to co-op, a sort of three hour (once a week) "school" for homeschoolers. It was really nice.
Well, long/red/curly hair might be all right, if it wasn't greasy. I very much dislike greasy hair.
Oh, you like being called Ali? All-right, switch time.
*assumes herself a part of the "general public"* Go on ahead with your Veggie Tale quotes, AC and Dot! I enjoy reading them.
Wait, AC, you can't reach an octave very easily, either? Wow. I'm beginning to think I'm not the only person with such a sad piano destiny after all.
Mm, that's a good point (about Snape). I don't even know why I liked him--he just really fascinated me. He wasn't a "black and white character", like so many are--you don't find out what his true loyalties are until the very, very end of the series, and Rowling keeps twisting your thoughts around and around along the way. (I really think she must have been having fun with that.) He obviously wasn't like Harry, who was so clearly good, but he wasn't Voldemort either. He was just a mysterious character who I couldn't help but like.
I actually liked Bellatrix as a bad character---she was just so awesome in an evil way!---until she killed Sirius. Then I hated her forever.
Indeed, Louise! I actually wasn't too horrified by Dumbledore's death. Yes, I liked him, but he was never a favorite. The deaths of Sirius, Dobby, Fred, and Snape were much more emotional for me. They were ALL so unexpected.
Prisoner of Azkaban is definitely my second favorite book after DH. I really loved the movie, as well! (Though that doesn't say much, seeing as I love them all...) The first two were really cute and magical in a non-dark way, and stuck very close to the books. I liked Order of the Phoenix, though Sirius's death perpetually spoiled the end for me.
I didn't like Goblet of Fire really well, movie or book---I'm not sure why. The story just never impacted me that much. As for Half-Blood Prince, I liked the movie, but the book was better.
*joins in with Louise's jig the best she can* Hurray for Autumn! I so heartily agree.
Ah, that clears up a lot! I accidentally quoted Dani, instead of you. I've been wondering ever since who it was that really said it.
Ah! Yes, I do remember that. I think I said something, but I don't believe either of you ever saw it. Glad it's all cleared up now, though!
All right, I'll finish catching up some other day. Good mortereve to you all, and ENJOY your weekend!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*timidly pokes her head in* I've been told that I should come here sometime and that it is a nice place to visit. I'm not exactly sure what I should do now that I'm here ...
I noticed a mention of National Parks. I suppose I could list the ones I've visited. I've been to Arches, Badlands, Glacier, Rocky Mountain, and Wind Cave.
NW sister to Movie Aristotle & daughter of the King
Hello everyone!
So, um..........I was going to say something very interesting and eloquent here but I'm too tired to remember it. Hm.........oh well. Oh! There were approximately 20 new people who came to the SGA meeting today! I'm excited. That wasn't very eloquent, but I hope it was at least somewhat interesting............
Why do random black bars keep appearing for no particular reason when I am reading through past pages?
You're learning Gaelic, Fiona? Wow. I am very impressed. Is it hard to learn? But every language is hard to learn I suppose.
*curtsies to Sir Benjamin* There are certainly a lot of royal personages who visit the Square.
Cottages can be a ton of fun!
Oh yes! Plus it's easier to wash the sand off your feet when you have indoor plumbing.
*waves a second time to Silver* I'm not very good at starting conversations in case you couldn't tell so I almost always just wave to people. *thinks she should put a smiley at the end of this sentence but can't figure out which one*
*waves to ED and pogginfan*
So what do you want to talk about now?
Well, there's always the weather of course. Um...........hm........huh....I can't think of anything. I must be more tired than I thought.
*waves to PrinceCor and Vern*
*waves to Libby and Miss Rosario*
"When I was just two years old, I left my lips out in the cold, and they turned blue, what could I do?" "They turned blue, what could you do?" "Oh they turned blue." "On the day I got my tooth, I had to kiss my Great Aunt Ruth. She had a beard, and it felt weird." "My my, she had a beard and it felt weird?" "She had a beard." *insert long rant from Larry about Oscar and Polish lips
*inserts rant* "Ten days after I turned eight I got my lips stuck in a gate! My friends all laughed. And I just stood-there-until-the-fire-department-came-and-broke-them-out-with-a-crowbar-and-I-had-to-spend-the-next-six-weeks-in-lip-rehab-with-this-kid-named-Oscar-who-got-stung-by-a-bee-right-on-lip-and-we-couldn't-even-talk-to-each-other-until-the-fifth-week-because-our-lips-were-so-swollen-and-when-he-did-start-speaking-he-only-spoke-Polish-and-I-knew-only-like-three-words-in-Polish-except-now-I-know-four-because-Oscar-taught-me-the-word-for-lips. Usta."
I have no idea if I spelled that last word right.
I'd agree.. but maybe we should ask the *general public* if they would.
Oh, I suppose so. After all, we can't expect everyone in the universe to be as utterly cool as we are.
I'm sure Lady Courage will back us up! Random fact:did you know that when VeggieTales was first made it was more popular among college students than little kids?
*waves back to jo-dear*
*assumes herself a part of the "general public"* Go on ahead with your Veggie Tale quotes, AC and Dot! I enjoy reading them.
Hooray! The general public does agree with us! (I'm so tired that I'm in a silly mood, can you tell? Or did I just blow my cover?)
Hullo Pattertwigs Pal! Welcome to the Square!
I think it's bedtime. Night all!
*enters into square while doing nothing in particular...*
And how is everyone this evening? ... Glad to hear it!
Ben: WHAT????? how dare you say John Cooper doesn't look good in eyeliner! (jk!)
He's like the only guy who does look good in it!
lol I think Jack Sparrow looks creepy
haha I'm not really mad.....![]()
*evil laugh* ... Sorry just had to
Oh but so hilarious!
Yeah I know
So when you going to go over to Ali's and make that video?
Have you grown weary of being the one that gets attacked when the peasants are angry?
Yeah you know rotten tomatoes are not that pleasant in the face
Would that it were true, I haven't enjoyed a summer in ages.
Well I hope that some time you get to enjoy it
Nah, Ben, we drive out there. It's a bit over 2,000 miles each way. (We usually take detours around to national parks and whatnot, though.) Speaking of which, have you ever been to a national park(s)? If so, which ones? We got this passport thing that you can stamp at every national park you visit--it's pretty neat. I'll have to count how many stamps I have.
Oh cool. Road trips can be a ton of fun! Though annoying at other times
Lets see here...
Capitol Reef
Grand Canyon
Joshua Tree
Carlsbad Caverns
Bryce Canyon
Crater Lake
Grand Teton
Great Basin
Great Smoky Mountains
I believe I went to Yosemite when I was really little, so I don't remember it...
I few of these I do not remember much...
Dr. Rosario's my dad. He didn't come over to the new website, and had.... like... two posts - both of which were made here in the Square, though in days gone by. He's not a regular member, as I'm sure you've gathered.
Oh ok cool
lol only two? Well he needs to come in here more often
Yes, Washington is pretty much like Oregon. Mountains, trees, and the ocean. *happy sigh* I want to live there someday. In a little cottage in the mountains, where I can look out over the ocean at sunset.
That would be really cool!
I want to go to a jungle in no mans land and live off the land for a while Yes very odd indeed I know
So, um..........I was going to say something very interesting and eloquent here but I'm too tired to remember it. Hm.........oh well.
Oh I hate when that happens! When I forget what I was going to tell you all
*curtsies to Sir Benjamin* There are certainly a lot of royal personages who visit the Square.
Quite a few indeed but there is one less for the moment
Oh yes! Plus it's easier to wash the sand off your feet when you have indoor plumbing.
Very true
*waves to Pattertwigs Pal* Hey there Pal! How are you doing? Have you done anything exciting lately?
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*Cor and Vern return to the Square for another catch-up post late on this Friday evening....*
Mortereve all! Well, seeing as how almost 2 entire pages have gone by since my post post yesterday, I thought it would be wise to go ahead and respond to everything now before the weekend (and 5 more pages) slip by.
*munching on some chocolate truffles, the Prince and Dragon wander over to the fountain*
@ Rose. As you already noted, I had made my catch-up post by the time you posted. Anyway, thanks! Tis always nice to see your face, er, avatar around as well.
*Tis a bit belated, but if you will still accept it..... dragon HUG!!! I hope you are doing better now, miss Rose.*
Heh, we like having them... sometimes.
*On occasion they get out of hand, but only rarely and Cor is usually the guilty party. *
*You'll understand when your older.*
@ Silver. *somewhat awkward pause after initial introductions....* Sooo, lovely avatar you have! If I may ask, where does your username come from?
*Why, thank you miss Silver! I do try to keep them clean, sometimes they get a bit dirty after hunting or the like.
No worries there, miss. I would never eat a human being or a talking beast.... I would even think twice about eating a dog, unless it was a poodle or one of those annoying furballs with faces. *
@ Ben. Doing well. Staying busy with college and Life, but overall doing well.
@ Ali. Welcome!
mine is too . Yeah that's how I used to always look at school, but now most of it annoys me. Like math and science. In no way am I going to do something involved with them in the future so it annoys me a little that I have to do so much of it . Do you know in Spain, you choose which branch you want to study in once you hit high school? So if you choose the arts, you don't have to take math or science classes! Lucky lucky Spanish kids .
Eh, they are a necessary evil I guess. Still think the higher maths are relatively useless unless you are going into a field that demands them.... Ah, that would be nice. Granted, Spain is alot home of a lot of strange traditions.
Hmm well I didn't think about it that way, but it makes you think about things from the other side and I think it's fun (I did do speech and debate for a little so it comes naturally to me now ).
ok . Well it sounds a little weird, I think I'll stick to the soundtrack .
Nope, no more .
True, though for me it just gets me angry at the other side. Not a good thing and something I try to avoid. Like football.
Wise move. Besides, you're getting what is arguably the best aspect of the film without having to see the film.
Very well.
yay you called me your fellow soundtrack lover! Huge compliement coming from you, The Soundtrack Man .
I'm guessing you love it alot?
yes I really enjoy that soundtrack- I've listened to all of it. I really liked The Wedding, Samuel's Death, Goodbyes, and Farewell/Descent into Madness.
Really? Wow, I never realized that was such a huge honor. Perhaps I should be more careful from now on about saying that to people.
How could you tell?
Yes, it's my favorite score of Horner's and my top favorite score period right now. Until I find another score that can continually impress me like Legends has.
Good, good. Glad you enjoyed it. Those are also some of my favorites plus "Off to War" and "Alfred, Tristan, The Colonel, The Legend..." O.K, O.K, the whole album is my favorite (except for "Revenge").
Glad it lived up to your expectations, I think....
@ Jo. Thank you greatly, Jo! I'm sure I'll do fine, but it's always great to know people are rooting for you.
*Oh dear, you've heard about those.... Well, I can truthfully say that the slippers are not my doing. The tapestries though..... Lets just say Lady A should think about not letting the royal cooks use so much pepper in the food.
Nothing too big, though. We don't want it to go to his head.
*Hmm? If I recall, your father held a huge celebration for your birthday. *
Eh, er, Hmm.....
@ NN. Heh, yeah I guess. Yay! Do let me know your thoughts on it.
@ Fiona. Great! Glad you liked them, though I'm quite sorry to hear of your cousins demise after being subject to the wonderful music. I believe that's a new reaction to the music, dying of boredom..... [joking]
*waves at Dot*
@ Pattertwigs Pal. Greetings and welcome to the Square! Pretty much just talk about anything (within forum rules). You could talk about your day or jump into one of the already going conversations.
Hmm, that was longer than I intended it to be.... Oh well. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop by again before next weekend, so...... Goodnight to all and I hope everyone has a pleasant and a good upcoming week!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Warning!: Sorry for any typos or misspelled words. It's midnight here in Archenland, so that's my excuse for any grammatical errors in this post.
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*a frazzled looking hobbit comes running into the Square, discombobulated by the fact that the 22nd page has almost gone completely by and she has not made a post since page 19*
Ack! I started a post the day before yesterday, but I never finished it and at this point I may as well start all over again since so many mores posts have been made. Ah, well. I have all day to do so.
Well, not really. I have to clean my room...and do home work. But other than that, I have pretty much all day!
Well, right now I am extremely happy, because dance class went very well last night. I learned about one and a half new steps. We had to dance in another room, because the dance room we usually rent out was being used by someone else. So we had to use a carpeted floor with no mirrors. It was actually easier to concentrate, I think, without the mirrors. Or maybe I was just a little less tired last night? Anyway, I actually learned a step! So proud of my self.
It's sad, but it takes me forever to learn a new step...like three weeks!
I'm also really happy because last night my family read a letter from a very good friend of ours! The guy is just a little older than me, I think, but he's an incredible thinker and his letters are so much fun to read! He's very entertaining and humorous, while at the same time extremely thoughtful and profound. Like I said, he thinks a ton. He was writing his thoughts on the definition of "love" from 1 Corinthians. And I don't believe I've heard one quite like his. I'll have to post some of it on my blog, maybe later.
Anyway, so I get to write a reply today! Yay! I love writing letters and I love getting them. I have about four pen-pals that write me, some more frequently than others.
AND I'm excited today, because I may be able to see Winty! Yay! I know, I just saw her like what? Last night? But still, it's fun to have get together girl times.
Now...it appears I have several pages of catch up to do. I suppose I should get to work.
Ooh, a music theory class? I had a friend who did that, and if I remember correctly she really enjoyed it. You'll have to tell me how that goes.
Poggin!! I always love seeing you on the Square. I love seeing everyone on the Square.
About the music theory class, it went really well! It's a small class, consisting of three people besides me. But it's still good. My mom is having a really fun time teaching. She's an amazing teacher. I forgot how good she was. But already, I'm getting a clearer understanding of how music works.
I'm doing excellently!
I started a couple of my classes, and the rest of them start Friday. So Friday is when the craziness all starts, I think.
I'm actually pretty excited, because this has been a downright boring summer.
I hope your sleeping trouble gets better!![]()
Oh that's so good to hear! How's it going now that all the craziness has started?
*spots Riella* Welcome to the Square!! You're welcome to join the conversation, any conversation! We talk about pretty much everything on here, whatever we feel like, as long as it's something "substantial".
It'd be great if you stuck around! We love new people.
I've eaten nothing since Saturday afternoon. I'm doing a cleanse and all you can have is lemonade with cayenne pepper and I'm STARVING. What I do for my health
Wow! That is pretty crazy! How are you doing now? Are you allowed to eat food?
Um, also, how is lemonade and cayenne pepper good for you? Just out of curiosity.
definitely! Somewhere near New England though
. I've only met Libby but I've known her for 12 years so she doesn't really count
It's still nice to have a "real life" friend to talk to Narnia Web about. I find it frustrating sometimes around my friends who aren't on Narnia Web, which is why I like having Winty.
;)) I actually have taken horse back riding lessons, but I stopped because it really wasn't my thing and even though I'm slightly interested in it now I can't do it because of allergies.
That's very understandable. My oldest sister is the same way with pretty much all animals. I have a friend who is absolutely crazy about horses, but she's allergic to both horses and hay and so she gets horrible attacks. Oh, and she has asthma. But she still rides horses all the time. Well, not all the time. But a lot.
;)) I like alot of healthy stuff, it's usually natural medicine
. Also, your body tends to dislike what is good for you. Like I hate the smell of lavender but it's one of the few oils that doesn't hurt my skin and helps me.
I love the smell of lavender! But that is very true. Recently I've started to appreciate all the healthy cooking my mom does for our family. I always found it obnoxious as a kid and didn't like a lot of the stuff she made, but my parents always made us eat what was at the table and, lo and behold, I grew to like a lot of it!
With eight kids, parents can't let them all have their own food for dinner.
Oh and I know exactly what you mean about makeup. I started wearing it last summer when I turned 15 (in Hispanic culture 15 is the big number not 16). After a few weeks of hassle I decided I really didn't need to wear so much makeup and nixed the foundation and blush, and I only wear mascara and eyeliner now, which I usually don't even bother to wash off
. I wear eyeshadow occasionally but only for special events really. I find that I get more compliments when I wear less makeup actually. Looks much more natural, even though I really never wore too much anyway.
On days when I have to go to dance practice, I don't bother putting any make up on. I usually don't have time to put much on at all. I'm thinking that make up is going to be like my hair for me. Usually I don't do anything with my hair (I wash it of course), but I'm not a hair-doer person. And I just get fed up trying to make my own hair look nice. So, my policy is if it takes more than five minutes, I'm not going to do it. In the end, I just pull it back in a pony tail.
And my clothes that I like to wear are so casual that a lot of make up doesn't really look good with it.
Hehe.. I get very impatient with the school computers, which are all Dell. And those laptops are heavy, when you have to carry 4 in a bag up 3 flights of stairs.
You have to carry your computers? I didn't think they let students carry the computers around at schools. That must get annoying, though.
I know for a fact that if I was homeschooled now, in Japan, with no other homeschoolers around I would never get out and be pretty lonely.
Wow, in Japan? I would be lonely too! As a home schooler, you definitely have to work harder at getting out. With our family, our community of friends is basically built on our church and other Christian home schoolers in the area. It's nice, a little small, but still very nice. It's better to have a few good friends than a whole lot of friends that you don't know very well.
Well, good for you for sticking with it.
For me, physical activity isn't a great joy.
Organized physical activity, that is. I have no problem with running around like crazy for fun.
But I'm tired of letting my team down in P.E. class with my terrible skills.
I actually have a couple friends who sound very much like you! I actually can relate somewhat. I'm not one who enjoys sports much. But I do like out door/athletic activities.
But sports...not my thing. I have no athletic skills in that area.
I went to basketball camp for a week one summer and at the end of the week, I had won the prize "second place most improved". It was like the lamest prize anybody could give any kid. And it didn't help that I didn't know anyone except my siblings at the camp and didn't have any friends and hated playing basketball all the same. Ah, well. That was a looong time ago.
I really loved gymnastics as a kid though. And I got pretty good at it. My abdomen was waaay too tight though and I couldn't get a proper back-arch or do a proper flip. But I loved the balance beam and the bars and the rope-climbing and the one-handed cartwheels.
*moves on to page 20* Hurrah! It looks as if I'm making a little head-way here.
You used to play the violin, Ruby? How neat! I used to play the piano, but quit several years ago. I don't regret stopping, but I'm certainly glad I know how to play. It's such a useful instrument to learn.
Yes, well, I quit because I had a bad attitude and wasn't as good as the other kids in my class. And so when my mother moved me up to the intermediate level of violin, I quit, because it was "too hard". Sigh. Now I really wish I could play. I'm hoping, hoping, hoping that I can pick up viola soon. I would looove to learn to play viola. My second oldest sister used to play the viola. It is such a beautiful instrument.
Piano is an instrument that's a little easier to remember how to play. I taught myself piano, for the most part. My mother helped me here and there. But when I tried to pick up violin on my own again, I was just too rusty to really try and work on it on my own. And I haven't developed my musical ear very much, thanks to my quitting violin, and so I couldn't tune the instrument myself or even really play it. Ah, well.
It is a beautiful instrument. It would love to hear you play it someday. I bet you're really good. And it's so cool that you won't have to quit!
That's really neat! I remember one sunset in particular, where over the course of a couple of minutes, the colors kept changing from gold to orange, to red, to purple and blue. They were really vibrant and amazing! It was like watching a show. I take sooo many pictures of sunrises, sunsets, and various cloud formations.
Really? Me too! Sunsets are my favoritist thing in the world to take pictures of!...Aside from adorable little babies. But they are really amazing to watch, sunsets, that is, not babies (though they're amazing too). It's sad when people don't have the time or don't take the opportunity to go and watch sunsets.
We didn't get a dog for the longest time, until three years ago when we finally got tired of gerbils dying on us.
Oh dear.
The only pets we have right now are fish. Two tetras (the third one died) and a cleaner fish (the second one died on us too). Our Tetras are Jack Kelly and Racetrack, I believe, from Newsies. And the cleaner fish were The "Dalancey brudders", Oscar and Morris, from Newsies as well. Though now there's only one brother.
They're very boring. And I wish we could get a dog. My brothers have tried to convince my parents to at least get them a hamster or something. But, for the very reason that gerbils die very quickly, my parents won't get anything like mice or bunnies or rats, etc...
I would read all day, too, except, for some reason, I can only concentrate when I'm reading at night. Odd, eh? I don't think anyone would fault you for reading too much!
Unfortunately, I spend most of my summer days on the computer or listening to my mp3 player. Yes, a new plan that evens out the year sounds wonderful. Only, please! Not a government plan!
Yes, yes, I know! I was only joshing you. Because I know how much you looove the government right now.
I have the same problem with reading and writing. I'm never in the "mood" to write until it's somewhere around midnight. They say, though, that your imagination works best right before you go to bed.
*turns her music on shuffle and is delighted to find Tenth Avenue North's song "All The Pretty Things" Playing* I haven't listened to this album enough.
That's my conclusion every time I listen to this band. I don't listen to them enough.
Well, I suppose more than the average kid who's forced to take lessons by his parents.
So, you're a DIYer, eh? I'd fail miserably if I tried to teach myself piano. I may have a knack for it, but I'm not one of those people who could sit down and play Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 by ear! Now, my teacher, on the other hand, could just about do that. She plays spectacularly by ear. Though, before she started taking lessons, she knew next to nothing about the notes or music theory.
Your teacher sounds a lot like me. I really didn't have a clue about music theory. I knew how to read the treble clef, from learning violin as a young kid. And I taught myself how to read bass clef from all our "beginner piano" books. But I don't have an amazing ear either. I just pick up really fast and sort of found ways to make up for my deficiencies in music theory.
I wish, I wish, that I inherited my mother's perfect pitch...but no. I have somewhat relative pitch and I can match my pitch (singing) if given a pitch. And I guess I have a very high rhythmical accuracy. I picked up stuff in hard shoe dance class really fast. But I'm no musical genius. I'm just randomly talented here and there and have a passion or music, but nothing spectacular.
Each year I've taken piano, I've worked my way through a music lesson book, and a theory book. Now that I've gone through all the levels and passed up my original teacher, I'm sorta branching out, and not sticking so closely to lesson books. This is when playing the piano gets fun! When the pieces you have to play aren't assignments, but things you love playing!
Oooo! That is fun! Fortunately, with teaching myself, I've always gotten to play things I love.
But now that my mom is taking my music "more seriously", she's assigning pieces. And I wish I was more used to taking assignments, because I get annoyed with the pieces she picks sometimes.
Sounds like you've worked pretty quickly through music. I haven't taken music theory since I was like...eleven. And that was like first grade theory. This year I'm taking college level music theory! Ack! My mom is starting back at the basics and we're waking our way up...but still.
I doubt I could ever be a performer. I generally dislike playing front of other people. I do have a good feel for the piano though. I'm not sure if it'll ever come to anything, or if it's just one of those skills I can tuck under my belt for some unknown use in the future.
If anything, you'll be able to play music for the simple purpose of enjoying playing it. That's sort of my theme. Even if I'm not amazingly talented, I still love to play and can keep on playing.
I like my music theory class, because I'm learning how to not just play music but how to create it. This, to me, is where us Christians really reflect God's image. When we start creating, just as He created all things. It's a picture of God's imagination and His love of beauty.
(Did you hear that Dani, I think we found the missing quotee!)
Aha!!! We have solved the case, Sherlock! So it was Rosa?
It is humid! I can tolerate heat too but humidity is just insane! One day me and a few of my friends were out playing a little basketball game, and there were a ton of clouds you could not see the sun anywhere. But the humidity was almost more than I could handle!
It's hard to breath when you exerted yourself too much!
Ugh. Yes, it's disgusting, is it not? The hottest day of the year here was 116 degrees Fahrenheit. It was humid too. I stayed inside most of the day.
Storms are great indeed!
Oh I was looking in the Indian Ocean on Google Earth and I found this picture of a tornado. It was so amazing! I shall have to try to find it again and show you.
My family used to live in a little farm house in Illinois. We would get a lot of tornadoes...but we didn't have a basement. It was infested with raccoons, leaking pipes, etc. So we just gathered in the center room of the bottom floor where there were no windows. I recall sitting on the porch one evening and watching the dark clouds circle overhead with my father. He pointed out to me several potential tornadoes forming. It's really big in my memory because I was so small, but I doubt the tornadoes were all that big.
Tornadoes are amazing.
Do you like the nick name Dani or do you like Danielle better?
Whichever you prefer, I don't mind either.
However, the whole point of courtship (in my family's view), is to guard your heart as much as possible. So, it seems to me that having an indication from the man who wants to court you that he is interested would somewhat be defeating a portion of the purpose for courting, wouldn't it? I mean, then he's already toying with your heart before your father even knows! I personally am a terribly good secret finder-outer.
Secrets are extremely difficult to keep from me in RL, so I will probably have an idea of when someone is interested.
But the respect I might have for a young man would diminish if he hinted to me he was asking my father to court me. I do not deny I might be swept nearly off my feet. XD But I pray that God keeps my head on my shoulders when that time comes.
That is a very good point. It would be immature for a guy to lead a girl on. I pray the same thing, that I know how to approach the matter when it finally comes to that...
Speaking of making decisions, I'm reading a book called Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung. It's a very, very good book, about making decisions in accordance with God's will.
Indeed. I hardly ever wear makeup for that very reason. I just don't have time to put it on in the morning and take it off at night. On the flip side, when I don't wear makeup most people think I'm in highschool, but when I do wear makeup they think I'm in college. I am in college, so it is rather annoying when people keep asking me which highschool I go to. Most conversations run like this: *exchange names and random conversation* "So, what level are you? Freshman?" "I'm a Sophomore. In college." "Oh." *awkward pause*
That's a little sad...and funny at the same time. Most people think I'm older than I really am. I don't know why, because I am somewhat tall, but I don't look that old. At least, not in my opinion.
*moves onto Page 21*
You really think it causes arthritis? That's an old wives tale! But, whatever you want to think...
But it DOES! I can't remember all the science behind it...but it's true!
I'm probably going to have horrible ankles when I get older, thanks to dance. They crack all the time and get really stiff after practice. Oh well.
Oh, he's brilliant! One of my favorite authors now! He's written The Lake House, Where the Wind Blows, and the Maximum Ride series to name a few. He has a HUGE section at my library (yay!).
Hey, I think we may have some of his books! I'm pretty sure I've heard of Where The Wind Blows. I'll look him up.
Somewhere, I believe you mentioned Tenth Avenue North's Light Meets The Dark tour! Are you going? I really, really want to go. My sister and I are planning on going together and perhaps taking a few friends or other members of our family.
*skims until she finds johobbit's post!!!*
Good to see you on the Square!! How has your weekend going?
*skims a little more into Page 22*
*spots Pattertwigs Pal* Another newbie to the Square! Yay!
We love all new people! You're welcome to start/join any conversation you want. Everyone (at least I do
just posts their random thoughts/aspirations on here. Only make sure that your posts have something of "substance" in them.
Whatever that means.
In short, we'd all love to see you around!! And I hope you enjoy the Square.
*squees when her computer starts playing "Love is Here"*
Well, with that, I believe I shall be off!!! Time to get my day officially started. I Hope you all have a wonderful day today and a beautiful Sabbath rest tomorrow!
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
comes in singing "Hero" by Skillet
Ben: yeah it was funny. but come on! you seriously don't like John Cooper's look?????
um, here's what's going on. every time I go to Alissandra's house, our parents make us watch some boring teaching movie (every time! ack!) and then when we try to make a video after, we either run out of time or Ali's little sis Emma ruins it.....the last time this past week, she really ruined it, and then my family had to leave and go home because it was late......we will try again next time!
Jillhope: I am doing well! what kind of music do you like? Skillet is my favorite band in the whole world!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are