Gaelic? Wow, I can imagine it'd be hard! But that's such a beautiful language, in my opinion. I'd love the opportunity to learn it!
Unfortunately, I'm not taking any foreign language classes this year because there isn't room in my schedule. I'm forced to take Physical Education instead because it's required. Bleh.
It is, the most beautiful language! I absolutely adore it! It's too bad that you don't have room in you schedule for a language And forced to take physical Education!? not to make it worse, but I hated that.
And, you're writing a book!!!? I am too!!!! isn't it fun to create something of your very own? and to know that one day it will be at the reading point!!!?
You play the violin and piano, JillPole? How neat! I play both. I quit my piano lessons several years back, but am still pushing on with violin. How long have you played? Which instrument do you like best? Are you taking lessons, or just learning on your own?
And hurray about the Harry Potter books! I read them all this summer and loved them. I am really anticipating Deathly Hallows coming out! (And wow about finishing the entire series in one week!) Snape and Luna are both favorites of mine as well, though Snape is ranked a tad higher. I love that guy.
You go by Fiona?
Yes, I play both. and how sad that you had to quit!!! (I have small hands too and thought that I was doomed, but yesterday I found that I can finally reach an octave!!! ) I have played for.... (counting years) 9 years. Well since you asked which instrument that I like best I will answer by that, my favorite instrument (that I play) is Piano, but as far as my music I like voice best. I teach myself Violin but I have a teacher for both Piano and Voice.
Hurrah! about your favorite characters being Snape and Luna!!!! I absolutely love the two of them!!!
Yes, I go by Fiona (or Fee).
It is humid! I can tolerate heat too but humidity is just insane! One day me and a few of my friends were out playing a little basketball game, and there were a ton of clouds you could not see the sun anywhere. But the humidity was almost more than I could handle! It's hard to breath when you exerted yourself too much!
Ack!!! humidity is the worst!!! I can barely handle heat as it is but... humid too? *starts freaking out and shaking controllably* I would be ever so happy if I could skip summer altogether and there were only Autumn, Winter, and Spring!
Hi Jillhope. Another HP fan? *high-fives* And I'm tolerating maths too, although my toleration is stretched to breaking point lately.
agreed, math is all good, and practical too, but it's abhorring to learn it!!!
Well, that's all that I really have for today!!!
Slan! (goodbye in Gaelic).
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
*saunters into the room* Wait that sounds a little too hmm girly for me...
*a knight enters into the square on his faithful steed*
Hello all my fair peasants! I hope that your lives in the square are fine and dandy. My life in the Royal Park in my humble abode is very good!
I am sad to say my fair peasants that because of my fame, (and shining armor I'm sure) that I will not be able to *shudders at the peasant-ish name* catchup this fine morning, for you all have given my Royal person quite the list!
But I wanted to visit you all, because I was sure that you could not wait for my return this evening for I will be out slaying giants (or you could call it painting ) all day. I do hope that one of them shall not terminate me today but I'm sure that nothing could go through this (wipes a fragment of dust off) most amazing armor.
Now I am off my fair peasants! Have a wonderful day! Though that is not likely since I shall be gone.
His Royal Person: --Benjamin
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes in singing "Places" by Falling Up
Silver: haha, that's a hard one.....I own all of Skillet's CDs and I love every song, but I have to say my favorite is "Monster!
Ben: I need to check if we have a lemon.....
Courage: haha, it was kind of meant to be funny!
*waves to Aslans Country* any luck on seeing if your parents will let you go to Skillet's show in Japan, or have you asked yet?
*waves to Jillhope* hi! welcome to the square!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*wanders in* Good mortereve! (I like using that word because I just found out what it means
Interesting ideas, Silver! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks! And you're welcome!
Haha! Oh, I don't know... how about the 'Wandering Square Onion'? My wandering twin.
Awesome! Haha!
Oh my, I save my letters too. Not all of them, but I still have the ones I got from pen pals... in the happy days before they switched to emailing.
I save all my emails too! But yeah, it's not the same. I have some from a long time ago with little doodles all over the can't do that with email. *nod*
Oh I was looking in the Indian Ocean on Google Earth and I found this picture of a tornado. It was so amazing!
Wow, that's pretty neat! I love playing around on Google Earth. Google Maps too. Did you know they have "street-view" pictures that you can click on? It's really neat to see other parts of the world...but sort of creepy that you can "click down" streets you're familiar with.
LOL! Well at least you finished your first draft! Awesome!!
Thanks! It took forever. *shrug* Well, I guess that's what happens when you're a "spare time" writer.
So I could use some prayer for tomorrow- I'm starting my writing class and I'm really nervous and have cried over it alot. I'm sure everything will go well, but I'm still worried. So prayers would be great
Praying! I'm sure it'll go just fine. What sort of writing class are you taking?
And I hope you feel better soon!
I'm ok at directions but when I'm on the phone I forget everything! They just make me nervous
This reminded me of a really funny story. Last summer, my mom and a couple of my friends were driving to the nearest IMAX theater to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince. We had never been to the IMAX before, but had Googled directions. We left early, so that we'd arrive at the theater with plenty of time to spare. But those directions happened to take us to some abandoned theater that didn't look like it'd been used for some time. So we had to call my dad and get him to look up the IMAX's phone number, which we called, trying to figure out how to get there. We also had my dad Mapquest the IMAX and give us directions as we went. Then my mom made me call the the IMAX again myself to make sure they had our internet-ordered tickets ready the minute we came in the door. When the receptionist picked up the phone, I had no idea what to say. I wanted to identify us as the people who were trying to find the IMAX, but it came out as "We are the people who are coming."
Long story short, we arrived at the movie five minutes late, and the theater was packed, so we all got separated. The moral? Never Google directions.
Randomly, I was just looking at this - here's a picture of Shell Cottage: click. Doesn't it look amazing?
Whoa...well, it's definitely made out of shells!
Your book sounds really cool, Silver.
I really want to get back to writing.. I just can't find the inspiration and the time these days.. my dream of being an author is slowly fading into nothingness.
Aww, I'm sorry to hear that. It's hard for me too to find time, and when I do have time, I'm easily distracted by other things.
But I think getting started is the hardest part. Once I start working on a project, it's really addicting!
Hopefully. Hey, inbetween we'll have VDT.
*waves to Dot* Hi!
It's too bad that you don't have room in you schedule for a language
And forced to take physical Education!? not to make it worse, but I hated that.
I can see why! It already don't like it. I'm the only girl in my class. I'm more the creative/academic type. I'm horrible at sports and gym and weight-lifting...
And, you're writing a book!!!? I am too!!!! isn't it fun to create something of your very own? and to know that one day it will be at the reading point!!!?
Yes, it's wonderful! What sort of book are you writing? (My my, I see I'm talking a lot about writing in this post!
Slan! (goodbye in Gaelic)
at His Royal Person, Benjamin. Surely your absence is to blame for my less-than-wonderful day. How fared your giant-slaying? Pray, do tell! Though we humble peasants are less than deserving to learn of your courageous deeds.
Libby: Hmmm, "Monster"? I've never heard that one. I'll have to look it up, then!
Well, I suppose that is all. Hi Ho Silver! *gallops off on pretty white horse*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
*enters into the square wiping the remainder of dirt off of his armor*
Greeting Fair Peasants! *gives a bow*
My giant slaying went as well as could be expected. I had slew five when a frightful blizzard (it rained ) started blowing in and I had to turn back to His Royal Highnesses city, and so here I am my most Fair Peasants *bows a another small bow*
And now I shall go around to each of you, who would like to have an audience with My Royal Person...
This is part 1 of a catchup post. The late hour is the reason for it's stopping short.
Oh dear! If that is part 1 then it would be crazy indeed to see part 1 and part 2 together!
lol! You're kidding, right? Oh well... I'm honored to be the first! I think...
Well I'm pretty sure
I think that is a honoring thing... or ...
*feels a wee bit short*
And how tall are you?
*can identify with Ruby's make-up thoughts* I only just started wearing it too, and it can be such a hassle... lol
I'm just glad I don't need/have to wear it!
Yes! I'm glad I liked them now! I missed out on so much when I was younger!
Yeah me too! I missed out a ton! And I have not been able to go on in a while
what a reaction
. Now I want to know why- why?
Oh nothin' I just never liked him myself
what, jealous of his awesomness?
That is certainly not why I rolled my eyes! But I would be nice to have some of his skills.
yes I was and you don't have to disagree
Yes I do have to, otherwise it would go against everything I am
We're just praying about it right now but we've been wanting to for a while, especially me. We just found a really good agency too that some friends used. I really want to adopt from South/Central America though. That's where my heart lies
My friends are adopting from China and so far it has been a pain, but they are willing to endure it.
not all women. Just me I think
Who was the one nagging me about it?!
But who was the one telling your family? Huh?
I suppose that's true but I really can't concentrate on things for super long. You'd be surprised how much my mind wanders and what random things I think up
YOU call it a good reason...all right I guess it is
What's that supposed to mean?
That is supposed to mean I listen to you all the time
Yes it is!
I love Romans! I'm reading Job, and Ecclesiastes with my family. Both are very meaty and encouraging!
Yes they are! I've been incredibly inspired by that woman's life- she and her husband became missionaries right after being married and were separated almost right away and she just laid her worries on God. Even when they both went to different prison camps she trusted Him and I really want to have that kind of trust in Him.
I don't think I have actually read through Job I just read random spots at different times.
Yeah my Dad like to read out of Ecclesiastes to us.
Wow! Sounds like a very interesting book! What is it called?
yes, when I'm trying to bother you
Sorry to disappoint you... not really
Ditto. Well I still need to save more but I'm not spending it on stupid stuff at least
At least you are not wasting it
I shall read it after reading LOTR for Ben
That's a good Gal
Mmm yes..
But look at Ben's reaction:
*rolls eyes*
Why not sad at all!
Not really. We used to camp by the dunes when I was little, but we haven't done any real camping for several years now. Instead, we rent cottages by the lake for a week, which is a lot more comfortable than tents and there's still plenty of sand to go 'round.
Cottages can be a ton of fun!
Ack!!! humidity is the worst!!! I can barely handle heat as it is but... humid too? *starts freaking out and shaking controllably* I would be ever so happy if I could skip summer altogether and there were only Autumn, Winter, and Spring!
*likes how she said "controllably"*
Yes that would be nice! Though out here in Colorado it is really nice in Summer! And we usually come up here every Summer. I like Colorado Summer's but not Florida's!
Wow, that's pretty neat! I love playing around on Google Earth. Google Maps too. Did you know they have "street-view" pictures that you can click on? It's really neat to see other parts of the world...but sort of creepy that you can "click down" streets you're familiar with.
It is really fun to look around in Google Earth!
Oh yeah! I figured that out earlier this year! It is pretty crazy going all over!
at His Royal Person, Benjamin. Surely your absence is to blame for my less-than-wonderful day. How fared your giant-slaying? Pray, do tell! Though we humble peasants are less than deserving to learn of your courageous deeds.
*assumes a state of Royalness*
My fair peasant may see the details of my slaying at the beginning of my speech (post )
Ben: I need to check if we have a lemon.....
I need to have my Mom pick one up next time she goes to the store! I am starting to crave it
Now my Royal Person needs to go fill my stomach at my humble abode...
His Royal Person: --Benjamin
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*The somewhat familiar figure of Cor enters the Square, grabs a few bars of chocolate off of the chocolate tree and the proceeds to the center of the Square...*
Mortereve all! Sorry for not stopping by much recently, college and Life have been taking priority lately. I do plan on making a catch-up post in here tomorrow since after classes in the morning I'm off till Monday.
Soo, hopefully tomorrow I can post in here. *skims over the last 5 pages* Ya'll sure do talk alot when I'm gone!!! Oh well, it will give me plenty of things to comment on and thus give me a longer post! Hahaha!!
*coughhack* I'm alright....
I hope everyone is doing well and I miss talking with all of you regularly!!
Until we meet again! Farewell!
*Cor exits the Square humming a melody from Legends of the Fall as a shadowy figure trails behind the Prince.....*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Good Morteveve, my fellow SquareOnions! How are you all on this dry, hot, and very summery day? I hope well !
Has anyone here seen the iPod Touch 4th generation? I'm very exited as I am hoping to purchase one in the next week or so! They're absolutely amazing - I can't wiat to get my hands on one
Did anyone here watch America's Got Talent last night? Wow, it was by far the best night of the season! And Jackie Evancho is absolutely sensational. I'm very anxious to see who makes it to the top four.
I picked up a copy of Victoria at the library yesterday as I need to read some biographies. So far it is wonderful!
Well, I believe I have officially completed my schedule for my NYC trip! I am very pleased with it - not too many activities in one day. They're all spread out and if need be, can be altered if anything comes up.
Enough, though. It's CATCHUP TIME!
*waves back to Ed P* Wow, that is a compliment! (told you have a voice like Josh Groban, etc.)
Thank you ! How have you been? We haven't spoken in months.
Edmund P: have I read it? definitly!!!!! I am obsessed with that series! I have read all the books.....well, all of them except for book 10! I read the first half of book 10 at Barnes & Noble a couple nights ago and I am dying to read the end!
Awesome! So am I! I finished up Book 10 a couple of days ago. I absolutely LOVED it! Now with the new series coming out as a continuation of The 39 Clues, I might have to read that one too. I just hope they don't draw it out for 10 books !
*Waves to Bella *
Wow, Edmund P! Deep thoughts re desires and what routes to take in regards to following one's talents. Good thoughts too! It would be cool if you could pursue singing! But what about other areas more passionate to you, such as photography? 'Tis a hard decision, to be sure.
Thanks, Jo ! This is a hard decision. I don't know if i want to rush into something new quite yet. I do amateur photography, yes, and I love it. But singing...well, I love singing too. Not in front of an audience, though. But, I don't have a voice that can be used in many areas, you know? Classical is about it, because I have a baritone voice. Thus, I am quite limited and I'm not so sure about Classical. . .
Sorry to hear about your rough start to school, but I'm glad things are settling out now. Are you homeschooled?
In reality, it wasn't too awful . I am indeed, Jo! But I'm 99% sure that I'll be going to 'real' school next year. Unfortunately
Isn't running hard on the knees also? I know my brother wears a knee brace sometimes when he runs...but that just might be his "bad knee" as he calls it.
Yes, do be careful and don't hurt's important to think about your "future health".
I've heard different things. Some people say that running is worse and biking is better. Some people say the opposite. That is very true, Ruby. Speaking of running, I need to go as soon as I finish this post!
For instance, I'm trying to get my brothers to stop cracking their knuckles! Most bad for you, gives you arthritis. My mother tells me never to do it (as a pianist, it's VERY, very bad for you).
You really think it causes arthritis? That's an old wives tale! But, whatever you want to think...
Those would be my sisters' favorite two as well!
I have a looong list of Lewis to read.
I'm just a poky reader. I can read fast when I sit down and do it, but I have to get around to it...
Really? Neat! I know exactly what you are saying! I usually don't read during the day - it's mostly at night before I go to bed.
James Patterson? I don't believe I've heard of him. What books are his?
Oh, he's brilliant! One of my favorite authors now! He's written The Lake House, Where the Wind Blows, and the Maximum Ride series to name a few. He has a HUGE section at my library (yay!).
Oh good. I thought I was the only one. His voice does sound weird. Maybe they were trying to have a contrast between Eustace the undragoned and Eustace before the dragoning?
No, he definitely talks strange in the first two clips. That's what I was thinking! It would certainly make sense!
I know, right? I can't wait for The Lost Hero. I've got my copy pre-ordered on They're selling exclusive signed editions there. I'm very excited!
Also in October, Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld comes out. Man, am I going to be busy reading in October!
I hope they have it on the iBooks Store! If not, I'll have to rush to town and get one! I just read the exert a couple of nights ago. It looks really good! I'm super excited as well. Hm, I might have to check that out. What is it about, exactly?
I'm hoping the 4th one is good! I will probably wait for the DVD release though...
It should be great!
By the way, if you have that good of a voice, you really should sing! It's something that can become a passion easily, even if you'd never expect it
I know, I know. I might wind up giving it a shot .
*Applauds Abraham's magnificent performance in the Town Square *
Ha, it's a good thing everyone's different.
Yeah, it's so exciting! I can't wait.
Indeed ! I'm ecstatic! I can't believe it's only 92 days away! Have you read/listened the Exclusive Interview with Tony Nixon? I thought that it was very encouraging
I don't mind too much about spoilers, considering that I've read the book.
But I wouldn't be able to deal with people being hyper/not hyper about it, or have my expectations go up, or down, or whatever. I might just stick to the Town Square and the Spare Oom, hoping people won't be too talkative.
(it's a long shot.. but
Ah, I see. I'll try to be quiet...okay, okay, I know that I'll probably say some really in depth thing about the movie and about how good/bad it was, etc, etc, etc. So...just skip my post!
That's awesome! Hope you can go.
(I read the last line as "I hope I can make it through the snow"
must be half asleep..
I wish I could! Unfortunately, I will not be able to make it that evening . But I'm sure they'll be here again soon
*Waves to Boy Scout* Welcome to the Town Square, Boy Scout! And Happy Birthday ! Actually, about two weeks ago I attended an Eagle Scout Ceremony. Hence two of my friends are now Eagle Scouts!
That's too bad about quitting guitar, Ed P. I was seriously thinking about quitting violin lessons (which would have been hard, after eight years of playing), but we decided to keep on going and see what happens. If I have absolutely no time to spare with music on top of school, well... then I'll know. But so far, so good.
Yes, but i really think it is for the best. Good! Glad to hear it. Wow, eight years?
Whoa. A voice like Josh Groban's? That is a compliment.
Do you enjoy singing? I think that's the key. If you absolutely despise it, definitely don't start lessons. If you don't mind it and think the Lord may be calling you to share your abilities, I'd say give it a shot. Sometimes something we think is bad turns out not-so-bad-after-all.
It most certainly is! Well, I enjoy singing - but it's a matter of whether of not I am willing to sing in public. That's right, Rose. I think I might give it a shot and I'll see how it goes. But not quite yet. I nee to get back into a schedule and then we'll see .
And YES! I'm excited for VotD.
I cannot wait either! And I saw that you love Harry Potter? I haven't read them yet, but hope to start soon. What are your views on the witchcraft in HP? No big deal, or approach it with caution?
*Waves to pogginfan!* It's been a while! How have you been?
Welcome to the Town Square, Riella! I hope you enjoy your time here - it's loads of fun getting to know people here! I guess you could also say that I am an author - not published either, but I hope one day to be. What sort of books do you most enjoy writing?
*Hopes he didn't miss anything, and excites the Square.*
Have a great Mortereve, all!
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
Good evening, everyone! Just popping in for a brief post and catchup.
Today we went to the beach, and afterwords we got ice cream. 'Twas a fun little outing. And I didn't get burnt!
Wow, while I agree with you in some points, I think most would say you're in the minority.
Probably. I'm pretty much in the middle. I don't love PC, and I don't hate it. The same with LWW.
Tomorrow, I'll be at the beach ALL day long
Haha, so was I! Only it wasn't for school.
Oh boy! Are wet camping trips no fun! EEKK! I hate those!
But when it does not rain, that is fun!
Yeah, we might go camping this winter, and hopefully we won't get rained out again. I hope we do get to go camping, I've been wanting to my whole life.
Nice motto for life, by the way.
All of them!
[....] yeah I know that was most of the CD
Wow... But you left out Pleading the Fifth! I love that one!
Anyways, you didn't answer my last two questions about Avatar. So I'll ask them again.
How many episodes have you seen? Do you have a favorite character?
Poggy it is.
You can call me Kathy if you so wish.
(There I go wording things strangely again
Cool! Nah, that wasn't worded strangely.
Well, I'm off to do homework. Have a good evening!
*Waves to pogginfan!* It's been a while! How have you been?
Hey, Ed! I'm doing great!
Just getting used to doing school again and stuff.
How are you?
*enters the square in a cheerful manner, singing Owl City songs and grinning*
hey ho! I had a good day! My class was surprisingly good ! At the beginning were introductions and we said our names and grades and something about ourselves. I said that I was Alissandra, in 11th grade, and that I was obsessed with music
. I was the only one that mentioned music in the about me, but when I said it the teacher mentioned that two other girls were singers and one guy played guitar. I'm the only one that writes music, but it's still nice not to be the only musician
. So I was happy from that
. And the writing curriculum seems pretty good, so I think I'll enjoy myself
Also, I'm done with my Lemonade Cleanse because my grandparents are coming next week. I want to be able to eat when they come so now I have to reintroduce food to my body by eating rice and lentils and vegetables for the rest of the week . I'm going to do the cleanse again after they leave though- the only reason I want to eat while they're here is because we are going to make some of our homeland food- meat pies and sausage rolls! And those are delicious and we only have them when the Scottish side of our family is here, therefore, I want to eat them
anyway, catchup!
Thanks much-ly.
(does anyone actually say that? Maybe it's just in my head - it looks weird written down
I do sometimes
;)) Might be a smart move.
hehe yeah. My friends think I'm creepy already because I wrote a song about Matty and Aaron's hair
Yeah. I know what you mean.
Me, on the other hand, I'm just naturally shy.
yeah...well I'm still really shy, trust me . I was crying because I had to meet new people today
Ok, please do.
*wonders if you have my email*
Mmm yes..
But look at Ben's reaction:
*rolls eyes*
you might have given it to me before, but I don't remember . So if you want them, please PM me
I know! Very sad
Praying.. I'm sure everything will go great.
thanks. Everything went pretty well actually *points to top of post*
;)) We were discussing relationships and whether or not the guy should always be the one to initiate it.
oh ok
. So what do you want to talk about now?
Praying! I'm sure it'll go just fine.
What sort of writing class are you taking?
And I hope you feel better soon!
thank you! I really don't know much about it even though I've already gone to class
. We're leaning about taking notes quickly and being able to rewrite essays from those notes. It's kinda fun actually
that story was hilarious!
My giant slaying went as well as could be expected. I had slew five when a frightful blizzard (it rained
) started blowing in and I had to turn back to His Royal Highnesses city, and so here I am my most Fair Peasants *bows a another small bow*
*curtsies to the gentleman* Must I address you as "your majesty", your highest highness, or are good friends allowed to call each other by name? Oh and to have survived a frightful blizzard while slaying giants?! How vary brave and noble!
I'm just glad I don't need/have to wear it!
yeah that would be weird . Although some guys look good in eyeliner...
Yeah me too! I missed out a ton! And I have not been able to go on in a while
Yeah I usually don't go to theme parks that often, but I was really happy we got to go twice this summer- we got a special deal
Oh nothin'
I just never liked him myself
I shall bother you about that later, but why do you think I didn't seem like a person who'd be a fan?
That is certainly not why I rolled my eyes! But I would be nice to have some of his skills.
why'd you roll your eyes then?
Yes he's really amazing at writing music- almost no music makes me happier
Yes I do have to, otherwise it would go against everything I am
oh fine then. You have to agree with me sometimes though
My friends are adopting from China and so far it has been a pain, but they are willing to endure it.
yes it's really hard to adopt from other countries- for most South/Central American countries the process takes as long as 7 years and if the child turns 16 while at the orphanage (even if they are in the middle of being adopted) they are kicked out. It's really sad- I want to go on a missions trip there. There's alot of poverty. I went to Nicaragua when I was younger and sometimes I'm still haunted by the trip. There were poor people everywhere and seeing children my age begging for food really made me sad .
But who was the one telling your family? Huh?
I'm just unique...and weird .
You already made that point
That is supposed to mean I listen to you all the time
finally what?
you do? Somehow I missed that.
I don't think I have actually read through Job I just read random spots at different times.
Yeah my Dad like to read out of Ecclesiastes to us.Wow! Sounds like a very interesting book! What is it called?
Really? I've read through the Bible a few times. I'm studying Job for school too actually .
It can be kinda depressing but it's still very good. You know, all the "life is meaningless" stuff .
Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose. Veeery good .
Sorry to disappoint you... not really
bad. You should always try to please me
At least you are not wasting it
exactly what I said
That's a good Gal
...oh fine I'm not really mad
Why not sad at all!
yes it is! Everyone should appreciate his awesomness!
Soo, hopefully tomorrow I can post in here. *skims over the last 5 pages* Ya'll sure do talk alot when I'm gone!!!
Oh well, it will give me plenty of things to comment on and thus give me a longer post! Hahaha!!
*coughhack* I'm alright....
I hope everyone is doing well and I miss talking with all of you regularly!!
can't wait for your post! We've missed you
Has anyone here seen the iPod Touch 4th generation? I'm very exited as I am hoping to purchase one in the next week or so! They're absolutely amazing - I can't wiat to get my hands on one
I don't look at anything that causes me to drool on my computer
. I soooo want one but I really need to save my money for more important things, like a nice keyboard, a drum kit, and a better guitar
It should be great!
Do you know what it's about?
I know, I know. I might wind up giving it a shot
yay! Josh Groban and Andre Bocelli are some of my faaaavorite singers so you must have a very good voice .
But you left out Pleading the Fifth! I love that one!
Anyways, you didn't answer my last two questions about Avatar.So I'll ask them again.
How many episodes have you seen? Do you have a favorite character?
I know, I do too but I can't figure it out so my friends say I can't name it as one of my favorites .
Oh sorry! I must have accidentally skipped them! I know I read them .
1. I am on episode 13 of Book 3
2. Zuko, Sokka, Suki, and Huru (minus the mustache )
The lady of the castle comes riding in from the direction of the rising sun her red brown hair pinned high on her head catches the first rays is it's locks and glows as if from a light of it's own. The lady's green (sometimes blue or grey) eyes survey the already busy and colourful square and her mouth curves in a pleasant smile as she catches bits of this or that conversation.
She rides closer to the fountain and dismounts her noble black steed to land gracefully upon the rim of the fountain her long violet gown's hem settling in pools around her feet, and then once she's sure she's perfectly steady she steps down to the cobbled ground, the tips of her glass catching a bit of the sunlight.
Maidin mhaith! (I realize of course that this is not the typical greeting here... but it just happens to be Gaelic for Good Morning)
What I fine misty morning it is too! I just love the cold weather that we've been having for the past few days!!! Simply lovely (wouldn't you agree?)
Well, school has been good to me and I definitely still enjoy it (even after a week ) So how as it been for all of you?
Last night I finished a book that I had started that morning and I have to say that the ending was sadly disappointing so I won't mention the name of the book lest one of you decides to read it and then is as disappointed at the end as I was. Don't you hate it when books don't have fulfilling endings?!!! .
well, before I run out of time... CATCH UP TIME!!!
*waves to Jillhope* hi! welcome to the square!
Thanks!!! *waves back.
Wow, that's pretty neat! I love playing around on Google Earth. Google Maps too. Did you know they have "street-view" pictures that you can click on? It's really neat to see other parts of the world...but sort of creepy that you can "click down" streets you're familiar with.
I know the feeling!!! I've done that sooo many times, it's a little frightening too, if you think about it...
I can see why! It already don't like it. I'm the only girl in my class. I'm more the creative/academic type. I'm horrible at sports and gym and weight-lifting...
Same, same... well, I'm afraid that you'll have to get used to it...
Yes, it's wonderful! What sort of book are you writing?
Fantasy! (of course ) my favorite kind!
*likes how she said "controllably"*
Yes that would be nice! Though out here in Colorado it is really nice in Summer! And we usually come up here every Summer. I like Colorado Summer's but not Florida's!
Well, it was supposed to say uncontrollably!!!
I'm glad that you at least enjoy summer.
Has anyone here seen the iPod Touch 4th generation? I'm very exited as I am hoping to purchase one in the next week or so! They're absolutely amazing - I can't wiat to get my hands on one
Yes, I have seen one!!! they are pretty amazing too!
*Cor exits the Square humming a melody from Legends of the Fall as a shadowy figure trails behind the Prince.....*
Let me guess, another sound track?
My class was surprisingly good ! At the beginning were introductions and we said our names and grades and something about ourselves. I said that I was Alissandra, in 11th grade, and that I was obsessed with music
I am ever so happy that you're enjoying your class! and yay!!! another musician!!!
It can be kinda depressing but it's still very good. You know, all the "life is meaningless" stuff .
The Lady Fiona (Now that she is done with her social calls) Leans back against a tree (perhaps the one that Cor plucked chocolate from) soaks in the ever increasing sunlight, and sighs with pleasure, it is sure to be another wonderful day!
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
*Cor and Vern enter the Square for an overdue catch-up post that the Prince promised to make yesterday*
Mortereve all! Well, college is going..... well. I have to write a paper on Jerry Goldsmith for Music plus study for a test next week in the same class, write a brief paper for History plus study for an exam, do some writing for English and finally do some Math homework. <----- I'm going to have a busy weekend.
Fortunately, the Goldsmith paper is due in October which gives me more time to work on it.
*Cor and Vern visit the chocolate tree before taking their designated spots at the fountain*
Alright, time to catch-up on 6 pages!!
@ Ben. *waves back* How have you been lately?
@ Ali. First off, nice pics you posted! (on page 15) I really like the lake/woods picture. Quite lovely.
Now it's starting to get a bit more heavy (school work). Still, gives me something to do.
*GASP* you don't like debates! I LOVE debating! One of my favorite pastimes . What exactly is that movie about? Is it a romance?
I really don't see the point in them. Both sides are already firmly set in their respective beliefs so why debate it and get bent out of shape about it? On the other hand, discussing and talking about things I'm fine with.
It's about 2 hours long. Old joke there, sorry.....
*ahem* Anyway, it's a historical romance/drama. The film follows the Ludlow family and all the hardships they go through in the pre and post WWI American midWest including the two older brothers (Alfred and Tristan) fighting over their younger brothers widow. Basically, it's a soap opera with AMAZING cinematography and an excellent score.
Anymore questions?
didn't dislike Stargate, it just wasn't as good as the others. I really liked the Legends one- the strings were so pretty .
Ah, alright. Glad you liked it even if it was not your favorite. I would have been a tad worried if you disliked it.... Woohoo! Yay!! Another convert!!
*calms down* It is a great score, not so much the movie. If you haven't already, be sure to check out the other tracks from Legends that are youtube. There is some great stuff in that album.
@ NN. Interesting how that happens, yes? Seeming to know a ton about a subject compared to your friends. I would recommend at least checking this out from Poltergeist ----->
^ None scary music, I assure you.
@ Jo. Do you really want to know what Vern does while I'm away? Well, I suppose I should let Vern answer this one....
*Sleep. No, I actually help Lady A around the castle, do a bit of hunting/fishing and mostly enjoy the peace and quite while Cor is away.*
Huh? You told me you couldn't wait for me to get home and here about my day and then go out fishing together.
* *
* *
We'll get back to you on this one.....
Oh my. Didn't realize that would cause a ruckus. I will be more careful from now on as to what treats I choose: either that or link to two pictures, so there won't be any more scuffles. Vern, be careful now: you do realize that you may not know your own strength. Btw, PC, is Vern full-grown now?
*slightly battered and bruised Prince hobbles over to a bench with one arm in a sling and a patch over his eye* Oh, that was nothing. Just a friendly scuffle. Though, linking to two pictures may increase the likelihood that I see my 19th birthday...
*Ah yes, thank you for reminding me of that, miss Jo.*
Almost. He'll pretty well finish growing next year when he turns 16. By then he will be 16 feet long and for the most part finish growing.
*That reminds me, we should probably start planning for my birthday next year. *
But it's several months away! What, are you planning a huge celebrations or some...... oh no.
@ Rose. Good, glad you're surviving school. Same here to an extent.
@ Mal. Well seeing as how by now I've finished my third week of classes.... I like them all about the same. My language class is an English class.
@ Mel. Henry V and Hamlet. Alright, I'll go check those out then.
*is skimming*
@ Dot. Thanks! (about school going well) The homework load is starting to get a bit heavier, so I'm not enjoying quite as much now.
*is amazed at how much stuff has happened since he was last here*
@ Silver. Welcome to the Square! My name is PrinceCor, though you can simply call me Cor. And this is Vern, my dragon.
*Greetings miss Silver! It's a pleasure to meet you! *
@ Ali, again. Aww, thanks! I hope this post lives up to your expectations...
@ Fiona. Why yes. How did you ever figure that out? Here are two tracks from Legends if you are interested: and
^ the first one is "The Ludlows" and the second is "Farewell/Descent into Madness".
Whew! That was a lot! It was worth it though. Ya'll gave me a lot to respond to even by simply skimming.
Well, I better get back to the castle. Farewell to all my fellow SquareOnions and I'll try and stop by again sooner next time!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
comes into the square singing "My Wish" by Rascal Flatts
Silver: here's the link to the Monster music video! it's my fav music video in the world!
Edmund P: you lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky duck! I only read half of book ten and have not been able to get back to Barnes & Noble to finish it! ack!
there's a second series for 39 clues coming out????? really?????? YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jillhope: so how are you doing? I hope your enjoying narniaweb!
Ali: yay, you finished the cleanse! are you starved yet? I can't believe you made it! bravo!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*wanders into the Square, yawning and stretching her tired legs* Good mortereve, all! The beach was lovely yesterday, though it would have been much more so if the weather had cooperated. We all got out of the buses, excited, and were met by a blast of FREEZING air. Literally. I mean, yes, it's always colder at the beach... but not THAT cold. It was windier than usual, and the temperature was around sixty degrees. The sun decided to take a vacation for the first couple hours of the morning, and - even when it did come out - it didn't seem able to make up its mind. It came out, went behind a cloud, came back out, and went behind the clouds again. Plus... as mid-seventy-degree weather had been forecasted... we were all in t-shirts and shorts. There were a few sweatshirts around (mostly among the guys), but of course no one wantedg to share. So, for the first hour or so, I sat in the sand, shivering, trying to keep my mind on happy things.
It got better, though. Around twelve, the wind died down enough for me to leave my perch in front of the bathroom building (which had been serving as a windbreak) and head over to watch the volleyball tournaments. The rest of the day was fairly normal, and I really did enjoy myself. I took a NICE, long, steamy bath upon coming home.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention my roasted face. My skin protested noticeably at the many hours of sun exposure, and I came home sporting a very new look. My nose peeled a lot during school today--nasty.
Boo for pale skin!
All right, enough of that--catch up time!
I like your motto, Ben. It sounds like you. --Especially the smiling part.
Wait... Glenstorm's a Michael Jackson fan? AND Justin Beiber? *gasp* What has the world come to?!
Rosario? Ahhh. That's right, I probably never said anything about that to you. It's a marine station on the Washington coast where my family and I sometimes go during the summer. It's actually a sort of biology summer school for college students (with a grueling schedule, I might add!), and my dad teaches there. I get the fun part - relaxing on the beach and hanging out with friends all day long! (They do have maintenance jobs for the faculty kids, with good pay, and so I worked part-time when we were there last.) So yes, hence the "Miss Rosario", "PrincessRosario", and "Dr. Rosario" usernames. BEST place on earth.
Wow, Lady Courage, a NarniaWeb anniversary and 500 posts in one day. How exciting! Conga-rats to you. (I know I already asked you this and you already answered this, but what nicknames do you go by again? I forget easily--my apologies!)
And if THAT was only part one of your catch-up post, I can only imagine what the entire thing would look like together.
Oh, you had fleas as well? For... a year? Eek! I certainly hope ours die before that long. And sure, I'd love to hear any flea-ridding tips you might have! The more the better.
Speaking of long hair on guys.... We have this, uh, certain individual in our class who, uh, finds his hair... most attractive, I guess. It's long, red, greasy, and... curly. *cries* I'm sure if he knew basically everyone other than himself doesn't like it, he'd cut it. But holy cow--how on earth are you supposed to tell someone something like that?
How did your writing class turn out, Glenstorm? Is it for homeschoolers, or at a local school? EDIT: Ahh, I see you seem to have enjoyed your first day. Yay! I'm sure you'll do great.'s a picture of Shell Cottage. Doesn't it look amazing?:D
Oh wow, it's perfect! Excitement, excitement...
Do you speak Gaelic fluently, Fiona?
Ooh, hurray for being able to reach an octave!! If that ever happened to me, there would be a loooong moment of disbelief and silence, immediately followed by a scream of excitement. And then I'd be dancing around for joy. I've wanted to play a certain piano piece for ages, but I can't because of my right hand. (I have a friend who can't reach an octave with her left hand, but she was able to rearrange the octaves and play the piece. Lucky for her!)
That's cool about you liking voice so much. I enjoy listening to vocal performances, as long as there isn't an overly amount of vibrato. Makes it sound warbly to me.
Oh boo, I was SO upset when Snape died (and even more so after I found out about his love for Lily). I suspected he was good, though Rowling certainly had me wondering on multiple occasions! Remember the part right before he [Snape] died, when he told Harry to look into his eyes? It didn't come to me until my second read of Deathly Hallows, and then I got it. Lily's eyes. Snape wanted to die looking into Lily's eyes. Oh, was it SAD! *wails* Snape was such a tragic character... but I love him.
Silver, I am so with you concerning P.E. I'm the creative/musical/smart type of person as well--NO good at sports. Period! I have to take it, though, and we're in the middle of fitness stuff at the moment. --Running the mile every Thursday, for one thing (a.k.a. today). At least I'm not the only girl, though. That would... not be fun.
Wow, Ben, you don't say. Seriously? You don't wear make-up?! Dude. You are strange.
*waves to Cor* Looking forward to your catch-up post, as well as a full report on you 'college life'! But yes, thank-you for dropping in. It's nice to see your familiar face... erm... avatar.
Vern? You there? I'm in need of a big, HUGE dragon hug -- if you don't mind. Today wasn't the best of days.
Oh! And you already did your catch-up post. Ah well, I'll imagine I'm having a dragon hug.
ROFL. I love Vern and Cor conversations. *goes off to a corner, chortling quietly to herself*
Ed P: Ahh. I dislike performing in public as well (though I'd say violin is much less-scary than singing!). I've gotten better at it, though, over the years.
And yes. Whatever works for you! I wish you luck in your decision.
Ahh. Harry Potter, eh? I know everyone has different feelings on this. I grew up thinking the series is evil (with the witchcraft and all), so I was very, very hesitant about reading it. I know everyone's views are different, but --for me, at least-- it was the opposite of everything I expected. From what I've heard, real witchcraft is mainly worshipping nature (with, of course, the summoning of demons and the like). Harry Potter is not like that. Yes, there is magic, but I always thought it more like Narnia than anything sinister. (What real witch rides a broom and turns rats into teacups?)
So, yes. I thought it all right. There were several areas with which I did NOT agree, having to do with death and other topics, but there was no communication with demons or anything like that. If you don't feel the same and, when beginning the series, feel it would be wrong to continue, then by all means follow your convictions! Every person is different.
Poggy-Hehe! How nice. Do you have sandy beaches where you live or rocky?
Oh? Lookat this! I'm DONE. And guess what? Tomorrow's FRIDAY!!!
Okay. I'm off now.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*comes limping into the Square with an anatomy textbook in one hand and a bag of gym clothes in the other*
Now this is just pathetic. I'm so out of shape, one day of weight-lifting has made me stiff and sore! Stupid phys ed class...
*assumes a state of Royalness*
My fair peasant may see the details of my slaying at the beginning of my speech (post)
Ah, 'tis too bad about the blizzard. I hope your Royal-ness receives fairer weather the next time around.
Has anyone here seen the iPod Touch 4th generation? I'm very exited as I am hoping to purchase one in the next week or so! They're absolutely amazing - I can't wiat to get my hands on one
Yes! I am getting one this weekend! I am very excited. Right now, I have an 4th generation nano, and it was working perfectly fine for me...until I forgot to take it out of my pocket, and it went through the washing machine.
Oh dear. Well, we stuck it in a bag of rice for a couple of days to clear all the water out, and after that it was fine for a while. But now the backlight has gone off, and it won't come back on. I can't watch any of my movies, so I've decided to upgrade to the iPod Touch. I've waited a month so I could get the new one.
I hope they have it on the iBooks Store! If not, I'll have to rush to town and get one! I just read the exert a couple of nights ago. It looks really good! I'm super excited as well. Hm, I might have to check that out. What is it about, exactly?
I've read the excerpt too, and it looks totally awesome! I'm confident in Rick Riordan's writing, so I'm sure The Lost Hero will be amazing!
Behemoth is the sequel to Leviathan, which is a steampunk genre twist on the history of WWI. It's so different from anything I've read before, and I enjoyed it very much. Just waiting on the sequel!
thank you! I really don't know much about it even though I've already gone to class
. We're leaning about taking notes quickly and being able to rewrite essays from those notes. It's kinda fun actually
That's good! That sounds a bit like my English we discussed four different approaching to writing. I was skimming through my textbook - we're studying British Literature this year - and it looks like the stories are a lot more interesting than last year's. (The first half of the book has lots of pictures of knights with swords - awesome! )
Last night I finished a book that I had started that morning and I have to say that the ending was sadly disappointing so I won't mention the name of the book lest one of you decides to read it and then is as disappointed at the end as I was. Don't you hate it when books don't have fulfilling endings?!!!
Yes! That happened to me too with this one book...I won't mention it by name either. But what made it worse was it was the last book in a trilogy! Books one and two were fantastic, and so was most of the last book...until the last fifteen pages or so. I was like, "That's how it ends?!?!"
I know the feeling!!!
I've done that sooo many times, it's a little frightening too, if you think about it...
There's this one street by my school where you can see students outside...I don't know who they are, but it sort of weirded me out.
Same, same... well, I'm afraid that you'll have to get used to it...
Yes, I suppose so. There's not much I can do about it, anyway.
Fantasy! (of course
) my favorite kind!
Mine too! I love writing fantasy. I feel like I'm free to use my creativity to its fullest extent and make up my own world without being bound the "rules" of our own.
(By the way, I'm enjoying your Gaelic! )
*waves to Cor* Hello there! And greetings to you too, Vern. My my, what pretty scales you have! I've always liked dragons, provided they're not trying to eat me.
Awesome song and video, Libby! Thanks so much for sharing!
Silver, I am so with you concerning P.E. I'm the creative/musical/smart type of person as well--NO good at sports. Period! I have to take it, though, and we're in the middle of fitness stuff at the moment. --Running the mile every Thursday, for one thing (a.k.a. today). At least I'm not the only girl, though. That would... not be fun.
We had to run a mile today too! I'm really slow...I won't even tell you my time. But I was still proud of myself because, despite my slow pace, I didn't stop once. And I didn't cheat by cutting across parking lots like some of the other people were doing.
Alright! Well, I'm off to do some writing. Good mortereve, everyone! *departs, grabbing chocolate off the chocolate tree on her way out*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
*enters into the square discarding his armor*
Time to become a peasant again
*starts munching on some Lasagna and green beans that my sister (Hannah) just brought to me* Oh this is so good!
I shall catchup while eating
Yeah, we might go camping this winter, and hopefully we won't get rained out again.
I hope we do get to go camping, I've been wanting to my whole life.
Nice motto for life, by the way.![]()
Where would you be going?
Thanks So far I have remembered it in every part of my life and it makes a person happier
I know! Very sad
*curtsies to the gentleman* Must I address you as "your majesty", your highest highness, or are good friends allowed to call each other by name?
Oh and to have survived a frightful blizzard while slaying giants?! How vary brave and noble!
Well not your majesty for sure! For that is for the Royal Family not a Royal knight
But as I have discarded my Knightlyness for the present you may address me as you please without risk of imprisonment
That I did madam
yeah that would be weird
. Although some guys look good in eyeliner...
It would!
Yuck, sick, disgusting!
Yeah I usually don't go to theme parks that often, but I was really happy we got to go twice this summer- we got a special deal
What name do you like best to be called?
When we lived in Florida for six year -about 4 years ago- we had a season pass to Sea World. And pretty much the only part I liked was the rides!
I went to disney when I was younger but I was afraid of roller coasters then .
I shall bother you about that later, but why do you think I didn't seem like a person who'd be a fan?
I don't know you just don't
why'd you roll your eyes then?
Yes he's really amazing at writing music- almost no music makes me happier
Because of women always going crazy over guys!
oh fine then. You have to agree with me sometimes though
Ok I guess I will, maybe...
yes it's really hard to adopt from other countries- for most South/Central American countries the process takes as long as 7 years and if the child turns 16 while at the orphanage (even if they are in the middle of being adopted) they are kicked out. It's really sad- I want to go on a missions trip there. There's alot of poverty. I went to Nicaragua when I was younger and sometimes I'm still haunted by the trip. There were poor people everywhere and seeing children my age begging for food really made me sad
Oh wow! That is a long time! So far it has been around 4 years for my friends, I think.
I have never been out of the country yet. Which is another reason I am excited about the cruise that is in like 9 days!
You already made that point
But you seemed to have discarded it
finally what?
you do? Somehow I missed that.
Finally you agreed with me on that
Yes everyday I read your posts and reply! That would be counted as listening
Really? I've read through the Bible a few times. I'm studying Job for school too actually
It can be kinda depressing but it's still very good. You know, all the "life is meaningless" stuff
Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Deibler Rose. Veeery good
Oh cool. So you just started school?
Haha, yeah.
Sweet! I will have to see if my Mom has ever heard of it.
bad. You should always try to please me
...oh fine I'm not really mad
yes it is! Everyone should appreciate his awesomness!
Pish posh!
1. I am on episode 13 of Book 3
2. Zuko, Sokka, Suki, and Huru (minus the mustache)
Isn't the mustache hilarious?!
*likes Jillhope's entry*
Well, it was supposed to say uncontrollably!!!
I'm glad that you at least enjoy summer.
I thought as much but still liked it
Well if you were where I was you would to I'm sure
@ Ben. *waves back* How have you been lately?
Excellent thanks! And yourself?
I like your motto, Ben. It sounds like you.--Especially the smiling part.
Wait... Glenstorm's a Michael Jackson fan? AND Justin Beiber? *gasp* What has the world come to?!![]()
Apparently, unless she is pulling our legs
Rosario? Ahhh. That's right, I probably never said anything about that to you. It's a marine station on the Washington coast where my family and I sometimes go during the summer. It's actually a sort of biology summer school for college students (with a grueling schedule, I might add!), and my dad teaches there. I get the fun part - relaxing on the beach and hanging out with friends all day long! (They do have maintenance jobs for the faculty kids, with good pay, and so I worked part-time when we were there last.) So yes, hence the "Miss Rosario", "PrincessRosario", and "Dr. Rosario" usernames. BEST place on earth.
Sounds fun! Do you guys fly out there?
I have not seen Dr. Rosario here yet, is he a brother or dad?
The Pacific coast is really pretty! Or at least the Oregon coast Is Washington the same?
Ah, 'tis too bad about the blizzard. I hope your Royal-ness receives fairer weather the next time around.
*re-asumes his royalness for this reply*
Why thank thee my Fair Peasant.
*re-discards his armor and becomes a peasant once more*
Alrighty then! Time to hop along to other parts
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!