Hello everyone! My name is Riella. Am I allowed to join in the conversation?
I don't really know what to talk about...
Lets see.
I'm an author. Not published yet, but I hope to be sometime.
I love Jane Austen, Bronte, Lewis, James, and Dickens for books.
My favorite show is NCIS. Has anyone here seen that?
*enters the square clutching her stomach*
I am SO hungry. I've eaten nothing since Saturday afternoon. I'm doing a cleanse and all you can have is lemonade with cayenne pepper and I'm STARVING. What I do for my health
But I had a really fun day today anyway! We went to Canobie Lake Park again and had a blast! I went on another roller coaster (that one I almost passed out on when I was younger) and I actually really loved it this time! I think it's kinda funny that the older I'm getting the more careless and reckless I am, at least in certain things. My sister's just the opposite- I had to drag her on to all these cool rides that she used to love and we've just kinda switched roles .
They had a really awesome Michael Jackson impersonator there who did a live performance! He was really good and really captured Michael. I have to admit, I teared up some, I'm still sad he's dead . Anyway,
Ooh, today is my 1 year anniversary of joining Narniaweb.
I've enjoyed being here a lot, the best part of which has probably been getting to know all of you in the Town Square.
Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome.
(I still feel like a newbie, what with less that 400 posts)
Oh dear, are you like my friend? She's really into hair, like, she always likes touching my brother's hair (it's really curly) and the hair of this guy in our class that has dreadlocks.. and once she even started touching our science teacher's hair.
(I know, our school is weird.. and so is she
) That probably sounds really creepy.. it really isn't, just kinda annoying.
I'd do that if I could but I don't want people to think I'm creepy...er .
Nope.. *looks it up* Oh, look!
"We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S."
I really do have bad luck, don't I?
I thought you said you were an extrovert.. or is that something different from being shy?
lol.. but sometimes it can come across as strange online.
it is different, but I'm not quite sure about the differences yet . I am an extrovert but I have been through stuff that makes me shy, even though I'm naturally not. Make sense?
Ohh. I should get what? The first two albums, or the really old song(s)? In either case I'll welcome the emails
, but if you're talking about the albums I'll feel better buying them.
Side note.. I read all (read:most) of Adam Young's blog posts recently.. he's even more awesome than I thought.![]()
I can send you the songs because you can't buy those, and I would feel better with you buying the albums too .
YAY!!! ISN'T HE?!?! I adore that guy- his blog is awesome and his personality is so lovely
Hullo Ever-body! How is you all? And how do you like my "english"?
it's worse than mine is normally
I believe he is about two months old.
cute! We have a new little baby at our church and I can't wait to meet her- she's only a few weeks old *squee* . I am really excited because my family is thinking about maybe adopting a baby!
Oh I see
I am no good at coming up with names!But if miraculously I do I will tell you
we're no good either which is why we're asking for help
. Ok thank you
Well when you are working out in really hot weather and you are soaked from sweat, you do wish you were cold
nope, I still don't, but I probably don't work outside as much as you .
That is weird. It does not look like her. Where did you get it from and what episode?
first episode, and I got it from here clicky!
I said you shouldn't if you go through them so slow and also if you are reading other books at the same time (Other than the Bible of course
Well then a great solution is that you stop talking about it![]()
they just get really drawn out and boring sometimes!!
or YOU could!
Really really
is that another correction?
I still think that you should read them and take so long of "breaks". Maybe not start it all over but at least from now on read them without taking "breaks"![]()
FINE. Give me a few weeks though .
That is very naught
The ONLY way you can get the best out of the show is to watch it and not to be doing something else that you have to think about
But then you never listen to me
not true if you have slight ADD and can't pay attention to things for very long. I do to listen to you! Only when you have a reason for me to though! If anything, YOU never listen to ME!
Sounds good to me
Haha that's true
I never do get bothered, but you sure do!
so have you read any good books lately? Good as in spiritually uplifting? My mom is reading my sisters and I a book right now about a missionary in some remote islands and her story is very inspiring- makes me want to give up everything and count earthly gain but dross for Christ
wish you did get bothered sometimes
Oh I see
Yeah that is a problem all to well known for people
Though it can be a good thing sometimes not to have a lot of money to spare
lol yes it can be. Because when I do I tend to waste it...well not recently, but I used to.
That would be the one
thought so
Hmmm. But.... it's true.
(RIGHT, Ben? Yes?) See, I told you! He agrees with me.
I might have to make that a requirement as well, though I'm not sure you'd obey it.
And no. B/c isn't evil. Or bad. It's just insanely annoying.
(Don't worry, I just love teasing you. It's true... though...)![]()
Well I use it everywhere now because it's a habit, thanks to Ben
I don't find it annoying, but whatever. No one ever agrees with me
. Oh and I know, for some reason everyone finds me teasable and loves to take advantage of that
A fractured foot, Glenstorm? Ouch! Your poor sister. I have a friend at school who fractured his hand. Apparently it didn't hurt at all, and he didn't even realize it was hurt until I pointed out the purpleness.
It looks awful.
she says the worst part is the crutches. But I don't really understand- I've used them more than her because I think they're fun . I got to push her around in a wheelchair today while at the park which really wasn't that bad except that I wanted to sit in it
At least Hannah Montana had better hair.
that is UTTER BLASPHEMY!!!! Justin Bieber has some REALLY sweet hair. And Hannah's is just a wig
Stomach flu is NO fun, but I would have to agree with you...I hate colds because they never, ever seem to go away until after months! I had a cough for six months once. It wasn't bad, but every now and then I would get this coughing attack and no matter what, it wouldn't go away. Eventually it just left, I think with the coming of spring.
yes that's exactly why! The stomach flu is awful but you're usually completely well in 3 days or so. Colds can last weeks!
Oh, wow! I'll remember to never mess with your dad...not like I mess with many people larger than me.
My dad would always tease my brothers when they were little and "wrestling" with my dad. He would hold out his right fist and say, "See this? Six weeks in the hospital." And then he would hold out his other fist and say, "See this? Sudden death."
yeah he's 6'2'', and I don't think you're that tall
that's so funny!
We should try someday to have a big "Narnia Web" meet and greet get together or something like that. It would be so much fun! I've never met anyone on NarniaWeb, except Valia and Winty, but I've known them practically all my life.
definitely! Somewhere near New England though . I've only met Libby but I've known her for 12 years so she doesn't really count
Tap is probably one of those things I'll just have to do for a few months, somewhere in the future. Sort of like horse back riding. I've never ridden a horse, sad day. Everyone I know has or is taking horse riding lessons or owns horses...it's somewhat shameful to not know how to ride a horse where I come from.
I have a lot of things like this on my list of things to do before I'm 21...or somewhere around there. Hopefully before I'm married or anything life-shattering like that.
I actually have taken horse back riding lessons, but I stopped because it really wasn't my thing and even though I'm slightly interested in it now I can't do it because of allergies.
I made a remark like that to my younger brother after he sniffed a medicine bottle of "raspberry tablets" or something like that. They were supposed to be raspberry something, but smelled gross. Healthy stuff usually tastes bad.
But sometimes it can taste very good, like beef is good for you, and green beans, and,...I'm going to make myself hungry again.
I like alot of healthy stuff, it's usually natural medicine
. Also, your body tends to dislike what is good for you. Like I hate the smell of lavender but it's one of the few oils that doesn't hurt my skin and helps me.
Oh and I know exactly what you mean about makeup. I started wearing it last summer when I turned 15 (in Hispanic culture 15 is the big number not 16). After a few weeks of hassle I decided I really didn't need to wear so much makeup and nixed the foundation and blush, and I only wear mascara and eyeliner now, which I usually don't even bother to wash off . I wear eyeshadow occasionally but only for special events really. I find that I get more compliments when I wear less makeup actually. Looks much more natural, even though I really never wore too much anyway.
I know what you mean. I'm allergic to way too many things. I don't think I could survive on a farm because hay affects me horribly. It gets into my chest, and then I'm coughing and wheezing for about a day afterwards. Most of my allergies are better than they were, though, because I've been getting shots and I'm almost done with them.
Yes! I'm glad you understand! It's kinda sad because I think I could live a farm life, but I really have too many allergies to even think about it. I'm even allergic to grass! It's ok though- I shall grow up to be the backup vocalist/keyboardist in a band and tour the country with my band and my family so I won't have time for a farm anyway .
I recently bought 'Five Score and Seven Years Ago' and I love, love, love it.
Wow, already losing it? That was quick.
I love your avi/sig.
I feel like I comment on your graphics a lot...they're always so awesome.
Yay yay yay! That is my favorite RK CD . Yes, well it was because I read some interviews and discovered he really isn't the kind of guy I want to be supporting, which is kinda sad, because I still love his voice and...hair
. Haha thank you so much! So you like Avatar too?
Wow, that's so neat! I'll be looking forward to your future videos.
*waves to Riella* welcome to the square!
Hello hello. I don't know how much of this post I'm going to get through before the computer gets taken away from me.. but here goes.
*is listening to Deas Vail and trying to like a high voice because the lyrics are brilliant*
No, sadly not all our computers are Macs. Mine is an ancient Dell. I hate its guts. It's actually not that bad and runs rather quickly as long as you don't try and install any programs like iTunes or anything else that's ever so slightly newish.
Aww.. Hehe.. I get very impatient with the school computers, which are all Dell. And those laptops are heavy, when you have to carry 4 in a bag up 3 flights of stairs.
A lot of families I know are like that. You just have to pick what works best for you, find a school system that accommodates your own financial needs, etc...and go with it. If I'm ever a mom, I don't really know which one I would choose, home schooling or public school for my kids.
I'm not sure if I would be adequate to home school a family of children...
*agrees* I know for a fact that if I was homeschooled now, in Japan, with no other homeschoolers around I would never get out and be pretty lonely.
It does take patience...to tell the truth, I used to hate dance because I was the slowest one in my class and all the girls were better and I would just get worn out and it felt like I was learning nothing. But my parents encouraged me to stick with it as did my sisters and I'm kind of glad I did, because it opened a lot of opportunities. But so far, it's been the only thing that I've really stuck with when it comes to extracurricular activities.
Well, good for you for sticking with it. For me, physical activity isn't a great joy.
Organized physical activity, that is. I have no problem with running around like crazy for fun.
But I'm tired of letting my team down in P.E. class with my terrible skills.
*waves back* I definitely agree there - DH is my favorite book too! I got it at midnight when it came out, and I had it read 36 hours later. I can't wait for the movie!
I probably did something like that too, although I didn't get it until 3 or so that afternoon.. and got extremely confused when, with a few chapters to go, I went to see OoTP in the cinema, getting transported back two years.
What's going to be horrible, though, is when part 1 ends and we know we have more than half a year for the conclusion of the story.
CONGRATS, AC, on your first NarniaWeb anniversary! I've really enjoyed getting to "know" you in the Square. Be sure to stick around for many more years, yes? (And "only 400 posts"? Psh! Your posts have a lot more substance and meaningfulness to them than a lot of the other NWebbers who just post to boost their post count. You have nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of.)
Aww, thank you.
Don't worry, I'm not planning on going anywhere.
Yes, I have seen the Harry Potter movies. And... I love them. (I must say, I'm as equally excited for DH as I am for VotD---actually, even more.) I enjoyed looking through your favorite characters (where you were telling Jo earlier in your post). Mine are Harry, Neville, Sirius, Tonks, Mollie Weasley, Fred & George, and Snape. I also really like Ginny, Luna, and Dobby (I was absolutely devastated when Dobby died. I rarely cry when reading, but I did shed a few tears at that particular part.)
Favourite movie? Mine is PoA, but I adore the first one for it's innocent-cheesy-happy-magic-feel
and I haven't seen HBP enough to figure out if I actually like it or not. Yes.. at the moment I'd have to say I'm a bit more excited for DH, because it's a few months closer for me and I'm more confident that the elements of the book will for the most part be there.
Still, they're two very different stories.
Oh, I think I left Harry out of my favourite characters.. he is one of mine but I find it hard to compare him with the others because we know so much more of him than any other character in the books, because it's from his point of view. But I like him a lot.
Yep, I think it's quite decent. I didn't think that the first time I saw it, but I've come to like it much better now. Don't get me wrong, though, I still hold to my signature. But I still think it's decent. Well, sure, I'd love to be friends! I wasn't aware we were enemies before this.
In no way was I saying that we were enemies. In my hyperness I word things strangely things. Take no notice.
By the way, is there any particular nickname you go by?
*waves to Riella* Welcome. Of course you're allowed to join in the conversation.
Feel free to call me Kathy if you wish to name me differently from my username.
Sorry Ali, but my dad has just informed me that 'the time has come' for me to give the computer up. Your catchup will have to wait.
*hurriedly posts*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Good mortereve, Square ones! I'm just taking a break from school, and thought I'd drop in.
I slept in until noon today. I hate it when I do that, then I feel like half my day is gone. Well, at least I feel well rested.
I love Jane Austen, Bronte, Lewis, James, and Dickens for books.
Hey, Riella, welcome to the Square! Those are some of my favorite authors, too!
I think we'll get along well.
I'm not too much a fan of Bronte, though. 'Wuthering Heights' is the only book I've read by the Bronte sisters, and I'm afraid I didn't like it much at all.
I will be reading 'Jane Eyre' soon, though, so maybe I'll like that one better.
I really love Dickens, and I'm currently reading 'Bleak House' by him for the first time. It's a bit hard for me, but I'm still enjoying it.
Do you have a favorite Dickens? A favorite Austen?
I am SO hungry. I've eaten nothing since Saturday afternoon. I'm doing a cleanse and all you can have is lemonade with cayenne pepper and I'm STARVING.
That would kill me! That sounds so torturous. How long do you have to do that? A week? I know some people who have done that, and I think they did it for a week.
Yay yay yay! That is my favorite RK CD
. Yes, well it was because I read some interviews and discovered he really isn't the kind of guy I want to be supporting, which is kinda sad, because I still love his voice and...hair
. Haha thank you so much! So you like Avatar too?
I know, I love it! What's your favorite song(s) on it?
Oh, I see. Haha, I always wonder how his hair stays so perfect, like he just combed it.
Yes, I love Avatar! I get them off Netflix, so I have to wait like a week between each 4 episodes, which is way to long for me to wait. And then we only get 2 DVDs a month which makes it even worse.
I've only seen 12 episodes, but I'm pretty addicted.
How many have you seen? Do you have a favorite character?
n no way was I saying that we were enemies.
In my hyperness I word things strangely things. Take no notice.
By the way, is there any particular nickname you go by?
Haha, I know, I say really strange things when I'm hyper (like whenever I drink coffee). Yep, I usually go by Poggy.
Do you have a nickname other than AC?
Well, that's it. My dog is begging for me to take him for a walk. Have a lovely day, Square ones!
Good mortereve, all!
You don't have a piano teacher, Ben? For some reason I thought you did. Is there a lack of music instructors in your area? I'm more than fortunate - I had a fantastic piano teacher, and there are loads of violin ones around (though they're not... uh... all fantastic). I have the best one I could ever hope for, however, and she isn't that expensive.
I love the sixty-degree weather. It was just... a shock after the 80's/90's. Oh, I wish I had a porch to sleep on! At Rosario I sleep on the front deck almost every evening--here in Michigan, however.... uh, it doesn't work out so well.
You used to play the violin, Ruby? How neat! I used to play the piano, but quit several years ago. I don't regret stopping, but I'm certainly glad I know how to play. It's such a useful instrument to learn.
I'm pretty sure I won't be quitting. The only reason would be because of the lack of time to practice, but I think my school load (this year, at least) will be manageable.
Hullo, Riella (what a pretty name)! Welcome to the Square. I'm Miss R, more commonly known as Rose or Rosa. It's lovely to have you!
I love many of those authors as well. What are you writing about, may I ask? Any novels? Or just short stories? I like to write a lot myself, so I'm always interested in stuff like that.
Heh, Glenstorm, it isn't all that bad. 'Because' is just so much nicer. *makes a mental note not to tease Glenstorm as much in the future*
Well, crutches can be a bother when you have to use them for a while. They make your arms awfully sore, and it's a pain having to hobble everywhere.
AC: My favorite movie is Prisoner of Azkaban as well. Deathly Hallows is my favorite book, but honestly---they're all good. I thought the movies (especially the casting!!) were fabulously done.
Exactly. I agree with you about Harry. I just can't help but like him.
All right, that's all for now. Mortereve, all!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
comes in singing "Locked In A Cage" by Skillet
alas, I started school today!
oh well.
Ben: lol it's ok, most people look at me weird when I say 'lime wedge'
no, I have not tried that! I will as soon as a get a lemon! sounds yummy!
Silver: I am doing good! what kind of music do you like? Skillet is my fav band in the whole world! do you like them?
Eustace+Jill: hello! welcome to the square! of course you can join! glad you came! how are you? what kind of music do you like?
I must dash!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Well, I can't say as I've really kept track of the topics, but I'll try to come up with my own.
Life is good (most of the time ) and I can't believe how fast it moves! School has already started in my neck of the woods and you wouldn't believe how much I'm enjoying it, as I like to say "Learning is my life, if you don't enjoy learning then there can can be very little we could relate to."
Lately my music (Piano, Voice, and Violin) has become far less of a chore and much more of an infatuation, which is always a pleasant thing . I could say much more than the same about my art (Which has always been one of the best things about my life). And I am Tolerating math, and as it is learning I can fully enjoy at least the thought of it! I can say truthfully that I am enjoying learning (Irish) Gaelic, it is however very hard work and should not by any means be under estimated! Language arts has always been one of my favorite subjects (that and reading) and this year it's going better than ever, especially since most of projects are self explanatory. Well, that's it for school and now I should move on to something else, eh?
I happen to have recently read all of the Harry Potter books (in only one week I may add). And I think that I can easily say that my favorite one is The Chamber Of Secrets. As for my favorite character, I think that my favorite is either Professor Snape, or Luna Lovegood... I can't really decide between the two, I also really like Ginny Weasly and Neville Longbottom.
well... that's about all I've got to say for now,
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air... ...your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?"
*wanders in, holding a huge anatomy textbook*
Well, today was only a half-day of school, and I've already got anatomy homework and a quiz tomorrow! Figures.
I keep on saying that I'm going to go back and work on it, but never do. And now that my screen on my laptop is broken I can't access it. But if I could I would do it right now because I am pretty bored
Oh no! I don't know what I'd do if my laptop was broken.
Out in Colorado where we are visiting right now, the aspens are just starting to turn yellow and a few orange ones...
Oooh! I bet that's pretty!
What's your novel about, if I may ask? I've seen you around the Writer's Thread quite a bit (I keep up with it, but just don't post. And Fencer has such good advice - it's truly amazing.)
I love the Writers' Thread! (And yes, Fencer does indeed have very good advice
Well, my work-in-progress is a fantasy novel, set in the world I created. I classify it as "Young Adult" only because my protagonist is fifteen, but I'm really writing it for ages ten and up. The story itself is sort of like HHB - a boy escapes slavery and has to journey to another country to find freedom, but he finds out said country is about to be invaded. (I didn't realize the similarities between it and HHB until I was pretty far along already...oops. ) But there's a lot more to the story - made-up creatures, characters, world-building, and sub-plots that make it unique. There's a lot of back-story and foreshadowing as well since it's the first of a planned trilogy.
(Our cat was silly enough to chase one of the larger ones, and actually frightened it up the sycamore tree. My, was he ever proud of himself!)
Silly! My doggie likes to look out the window and woof at them.
And it's good to have another wanderer here in the Square. (In the WC, I'm the "wandering welcomer".)
I saw that! Hmm. What does that make me? "The Wandering Wanderer?" Haha. Actually, the "Wanderer" part of my username came from my tendency to use "Silver" as a name on a bunch of websites. So I "wander" around the web. "Web Wanderer"!
Ah, I dislike talking on the phone as well, Silver, unless it's with a very good friend. It can get... awkward, when you run out of things to say.
Letters are so much more fun! Unfortunately, none of my friends agree.
They're into emails and the like, which are nice, but letter are ever so much nicer.
Agreed! I save all my mail. I have mail from...probably ten years ago, still sitting in a box in my closet. Even if it's just a birthday card, or a thank-you card, or an invitation.
Whenever I get the chance to go out and sit and watch the sunset, it is always the highlight of my day.
I one time saw this sunset where the sun was shining through a rain storm, making the rain look gold from a distance...'twas beautiful.
I probably have a picture of it somewhere...
That's really neat! I remember one sunset in particular, where over the course of a couple of minutes, the colors kept changing from gold to orange, to red, to purple and blue. They were really vibrant and amazing! It was like watching a show. I take sooo many pictures of sunrises, sunsets, and various cloud formations.
My entire family is allergic to dogs and cats too! Except, I'm not allergic and my youngest brother who has an immune deficiency isn't allergic to anything, but we still have never had any pets. My parents have always liked outdoor pets (and I kind of prefer them too) but I would love, love to have a dog or a cat!
We didn't get a dog for the longest time, until three years ago when we finally got tired of gerbils dying on us. Oh dear.
Hi Poggy! *waves* Thanks for the welcome!
And hello, Riella! I'm Silver. I've seen you around quite a lot. So you're an aspiring author too? Awesome!
that is UTTER BLASPHEMY!!!! Justin Bieber has some REALLY sweet hair. And Hannah's is just a wig
This made me laugh.
Yes! I'm glad you understand! It's kinda sad because I think I could live a farm life, but I really have too many allergies to even think about it. I'm even allergic to grass!
Me too! And mold. And pollen. Dust. Various trees. Ragweed. Hay. Cats. And guinea pigs too, apparently.
It's ok though- I shall grow up to be the backup vocalist/keyboardist in a band and tour the country with my band and my family so I won't have time for a farm anyway
But of course!
What's going to be horrible, though, is when part 1 ends and we know we have more than half a year for the conclusion of the story.
I know! But I guess, waiting so long for PC and now VDT is going to make it a little easier to be patient. Maybe. Hopefully.
Libby, I have only heard a couple of Skillet's songs, but I do like them! Do you have a favorite song?
I can say truthfully that I am enjoying learning (Irish) Gaelic, it is however very hard work and should not by any means be under estimated!
Gaelic? Wow, I can imagine it'd be hard! But that's such a beautiful language, in my opinion. I'd love the opportunity to learn it! Unfortunately, I'm not taking any foreign language classes this year because there isn't room in my schedule. I'm forced to take Physical Education instead because it's required. Bleh.
Well, I must be off. Good mortereve, everyone!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
Mortereve all!
Oh, that sounds sooo much like me!! During the summer, I tend to spend a lot more time at the library, checking out books and too much time at home reading.
Perhaps you could start designing a whole new plan for the government that evens the events of the year out.
I would read all day, too, except, for some reason, I can only concentrate when I'm reading at night. Odd, eh? I don't think anyone would fault you for reading too much! Unfortunately, I spend most of my summer days on the computer or listening to my mp3 player. Yes, a new plan that evens out the year sounds wonderful. Only, please! Not a government plan!
Yes, that sounds about right. Though I'd have to look at my school calender right now...and I'm feeling far too lazy to go and get it out of my back pack.
Alright, no problem.
Oooo! What fun! So it sounds like you're excelling rather quickly? I certainly have not been playing since age five. Though I've been exposed to music since that age. My mother's a music teacher and taught me violin until I quit at age eleven. And then when I was about twelve, I started teaching myself piano and about last year, my mother has sort of mentored me along and pointed out pieces for me to play and such and helped me along in areas that I struggle.
This year she's teaching me music theory, which I'm very excited about! I'll be in a class with other home schoolers which will be fun.
One day, I hope to be a music teacher. Performing is really my thing, but I don't think I could ever get a performance major with my skill level (which is rather low). But I love to play and I love working with kids and there's really no point in knowing something if you're not going to teach someone else.
Well, I suppose more than the average kid who's forced to take lessons by his parents. So, you're a DIYer, eh? I'd fail miserably if I tried to teach myself piano. I may have a knack for it, but I'm not one of those people who could sit down and play Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 by ear! Now, my teacher, on the other hand, could just about do that. She plays spectacularly by ear. Though, before she started taking lessons, she knew next to nothing about the notes or music theory.
Each year I've taken piano, I've worked my way through a music lesson book, and a theory book. Now that I've gone through all the levels and passed up my original teacher, I'm sorta branching out, and not sticking so closely to lesson books. This is when playing the piano gets fun! When the pieces you have to play aren't assignments, but things you love playing!
I doubt I could ever be a performer. I generally dislike playing front of other people. I do have a good feel for the piano though. I'm not sure if it'll ever come to anything, or if it's just one of those skills I can tuck under my belt for some unknown use in the future.
I can barely reach an octave with my left hand, and don't even come close with my right. (Yes. I have remarkably small hands. And yes. It can be extremely frustrating at times.)
That was one reason I never enjoyed piano as much as I probably could have. My options of music to learn was limited, and I often was stuck with pieces too easy for me. (When she could, my teacher rearranged the right hand part so I could play it, but it was still very difficult.)
I sometimes have trouble with my small left hand in violin, but I can manage much better than I could with piano.---A very good thing, I might add!
Wow, your left hand is bigger than your right? Are you left-handed? Anyway, I suppose playing octaves with your left hand is more important in piano anyway. It's not as common to do so with your right.
Wait a minute... were you the one that made the comment about hating football because your hands were small? (Did you hear that Dani, I think we found the missing quotee!)
Well I've come to look at it as LWW is a much more cinematic story than PC, so they kept a lot of the scenes from the book in it and stuff. But while they changed things with PC (many times because they had to), I think they held to the themes of the book pretty well. But, of course, I still hold to my signature and find many, many things annoying in PC.
But I don't think I'd call it a bad adaption.
Wow, while I agree with you in some points, I think most would say you're in the minority. While PC did stick to underlying themes, many would say that it's only saving quality. LWW, on the other hand, not only had the magical feel of the book, but also stuck true to the story. I don't know what your definition of cinematic is, but it seems to me that LWW was directed at the fans, while PC was directed at people unfamiliar with the story. Just my 2 cents!
Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful mortereve!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
Good mortereve, all! (<---my typical greeting, heh). Tomorrow, I'll be at the beach ALL day long (and yes, it's for school, too! Sort of a picnic to start off the new year.), so I figured I'd best help myself out and catch up now, rather than saving it all for tomorrow. Very smart of me, I know.
You play the violin and piano, JillPole? How neat! I play both. I quit my piano lessons several years back, but am still pushing on with violin. How long have you played? Which instrument do you like best? Are you taking lessons, or just learning on your own?
And hurray about the Harry Potter books! I read them all this summer and loved them. I am really anticipating Deathly Hallows coming out! (And wow about finishing the entire series in one week!) Snape and Luna are both favorites of mine as well, though Snape is ranked a tad higher. I love that guy.
You go by Fiona?
Interesting ideas, Silver! Thanks for sharing. I have several I've been working on as well, but it's nothing serious. I just like to play around.
Haha! Oh, I don't know... how about the 'Wandering Square Onion'? My wandering twin.
Oh my, I save my letters too. Not all of them, but I still have the ones I got from pen pals... in the happy days before they switched to emailing.
Actually, Nick, I'm not left-handed. Writing, *coughfootballcough*, and other such things are a problem--me having to do them with my right hand. But yes, you do have a point. Also, if my left hand was the smaller one, I'd have a much harder time with violin.
Wait a minute... were you the one that made the comment about hating football because your hands were small? (Did you hear that Dani, I think we found the missing quotee!)
Haha, yup! That was me.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*walks into the square*
Heydy Howdy!
So I decided to have a motto for my life It is: Take whatever life throws at you with a smile.
Hopefully I can remember this most of the time! And it will save a lot of problems!
Al-righty then catchup...
Aw, that's so sweet. And it's very true. Too many girls where way too much make up nowadays and many of them would probably look so much better without it! I don't understand it.
I think I'll save it for days like Sunday when we go to church or special occasions.
Don't they ever! Glad you are not one of them
Good idea
I hear that it is humid as well! Ick! I hate humidity. Heat is something I can tolerate, but humidity always makes me feel sticky and disgusting, like I'm stifling in an oven. Bleck!
It is humid! I can tolerate heat too but humidity is just insane! One day me and a few of my friends were out playing a little basketball game, and there were a ton of clouds you could not see the sun anywhere. But the humidity was almost more than I could handle! It's hard to breath when you exerted yourself too much!
Yeah, well, I didn't even know about the hurricane until my friends sent me pictures of it!
It was quite fantastic, storms are like that. I was amazed with how enormous it was!
Yes, my name's Danielle. Though I typically go by Dani.
Storms are great indeed!
Oh I was looking in the Indian Ocean on Google Earth and I found this picture of a tornado. It was so amazing! I shall have to try to find it again and show you.
Do you like the nick name Dani or do you like Danielle better?
*Is somewhat jealous of all Ben's fun sounding camping adventures*
I've only been camping once, but then it rained and our whole campsite flooded, so we had to go stay in a hotel. So since we didn't sleep there, I've technically never been camping.
I really want to go. I'm glad you had a great time, Ben.
Oh boy! Are wet camping trips no fun! EEKK! I hate those!
But when it does not rain, that is fun!
Ack, tell me about it. I can't stand the heat, and FL is not only hot, it's humid! It's like unbreathable sometimes! (Slight exaggeration there )
Yes the humidity is the annoying part!
Hello everyone! My name is Riella. Am I allowed to join in the conversation?
I don't really know what to talk about...
Nice to "see" you around these parts Riella! You are most welcome to join Town Square!
Here we just talk about life in general and pretty much anything Not really rules about Town Square other than the Forum Rules of course.
But I had a really fun day today anyway! We went to Canobie Lake Park again and had a blast! I went on another roller coaster (that one I almost passed out on when I was younger) and I actually really loved it this time! I think it's kinda funny that the older I'm getting the more careless and reckless I am, at least in certain things. My sister's just the opposite- I had to drag her on to all these cool rides that she used to love and we've just kinda switched roles
I do love roller coasters! They are so much fun!
They had a really awesome Michael Jackson impersonator there who did a live performance! He was really good and really captured Michael. I have to admit, I teared up some, I'm still sad he's dead
. Anyway,
*mouth drops*
You are a Michael Jackson fan? That is weird! You just don't seem like that type of person
YAY!!! ISN'T HE?!?! I adore that guy- his blog is awesome and his personality is so lovely
*rolls eyes*
it's worse than mine is normally
Ha! I must disagree If you are talking about abbreviations and all that
If you were not talking about that then I agree
cute! We have a new little baby at our church and I can't wait to meet her- she's only a few weeks old *squee*
. I am really excited because my family is thinking about maybe adopting a baby!
Oh you guys are? That's cool! I have some friends are in the process right now.
we're no good either which is why we're asking for help
. Ok thank you
nope, I still don't, but I probably don't work outside as much as you
Probably now, but who knows?
first episode, and I got it from here clicky!
I see, it look different because of editing but still I should have recognized it.
they just get really drawn out and boring sometimes!!
or YOU could!
Ha! Women
Hold your horses! Who was the one talking to your family about it?
is that another correction?
FINE. Give me a few weeks though
Sounds good to me
not true if you have slight ADD and can't pay attention to things for very long. I do to listen to you! Only when you have a reason for me to though! If anything, YOU never listen to ME!
You still can't get the best out of it when you are thinking about something else!
And I have a good reason now!
I listen to you everyday Except for the days I do not get on here
so have you read any good books lately? Good as in spiritually uplifting? My mom is reading my sisters and I a book right now about a missionary in some remote islands and her story is very inspiring- makes me want to give up everything and count earthly gain but dross for Christ
Not recently other than the Bible and that is very uplifting!
I am going through Romans and am getting a lot out of it! And it is encouraging me so much!
That is really cool!
Those kind of books are so inspiring for sure!
wish you did get bothered sometimes
Why? You like to see me bothered?
lol yes it can be. Because when I do I tend to waste it...well not recently, but I used to.
Oh I used to a lot too! But now I don't as much I am more into saving now
Well I use it everywhere now because it's a habit, thanks to Ben
Your welcome
You don't have a piano teacher, Ben? For some reason I thought you did. Is there a lack of music instructors in your area? I'm more than fortunate - I had a fantastic piano teacher, and there are loads of violin ones around (though they're not... uh... all fantastic).I have the best one I could ever hope for, however, and she isn't that expensive.
No there is not a lack we just never got one. Well that is not entirely true because about 8 years ago we had one for a little while but I was pretty young then and never really played piano then.
We have mostly have taught ourselves or Dad will show us stuff about music.
I love the sixty-degree weather. It was just... a shock after the 80's/90's.
Oh, I wish I had a porch to sleep on! At Rosario I sleep on the front deck almost every evening--here in Michigan, however.... uh, it doesn't work out so well.
My favorite temperature it about 65-68 if it is sunny out! Ah that is beauty!
There is a spot you will have to fill me in on. What is Rosario?
Ben: lol it's ok, most people look at me weird when I say 'lime wedge'
no, I have not tried that! I will as soon as a get a lemon! sounds yummy!![]()
It is good! *wishes they had a lemon in the house right now*
Oh no! I don't know what I'd do if my laptop was broken.
It is too bad! But at least there is a family one to use.
Oooh! I bet that's pretty!
*wanders out of the square*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*bounces into square on a pogo stick*
He-llo every-one! *stops pogo stick and begins to talk normally, without the breath being joggled out of her*
Today and this post are rather special to me! Today is my 1st NW anniversary! And this post is my 500th post! Woot!
And have y'all noticed? My last post in here was at the current halfway point for the amount of pages the square now has. I need to get better at this...
This is part 1 of a catchup post. The late hour is the reason for it's stopping short.
It's a bit sad, Lady Courage, how much we depend on our internet, and how much our life gets thrown off track without it. No wonder why the typical American is obese---staring at a computer screen for hours while eating nasty junk food is not terribly impressive. It's actually kind of disgusting.
It is...
Hehe (!) about the aliens.
*clicks on Lady Courage's story link* I am saddened by the fact that it says 'story not found'.
Oh really? Hmm... Well, I'll post the link again and see if it works now.
Oh, not you too.
Oh yes, me too. But I'll stick to what you say in your later post about using it as "a term of great affection".
(That was too much fun to resist.
Pardon me while I cackle for awhile over the fact that it is a SEA of spoilers.
Don't worry, I cackled with you when I read that.
Not that it wasn't boring in places too. I've noticed that I do odd things when I'm bored. And I mean really odd. Like singing show tunes into the "big" end of my megaphone in a Cockney accent.
Yes. Yes indeed.
Oh wow... That is... Um, epic? Anyway, if we ever meet in person Your Epicness, I will demand a performance of that.
Yep I do
Haha! Well thanks for the salute!
I think that is the first time that someone saluted me
lol! You're kidding, right? Oh well... I'm honored to be the first! I think...
*enjoys stardf29's dance* Bravo! Very nice!
Aw, sorry you were sick, Lady C.
Thanks QS! *huggles*
. I agree! Puppies are cute but baby goats are cuter
. My family was thinking about getting goats but we decided not to b/c any pets tie you down...
*sigh* That's true... One thing I hated about milking was not being able to even take a day trip without getting to bed at 2AM after milking. But I still miss the goats.
;)) good
I will read it when I can. I'm extremely busy right now
you're not supposed to laugh
Haha it's ok, I pretty much have headaches all the time, it just made it worse. But that headache is gone now
Aww... I'm sorry you have headaches all the time... My Mom used to have headaches all the time too, but then we discovered she had Celiac. Not only that, but we all have it! It's hereditary. If one member of a family has it, all the rest of the family should be tested for it as well. But basically, it's a terrible allergy to gluten.
Now that we're off gluten, Mom doesn't get headaches anymore. Unless, that is, she gets gluten accidentally...
Btw, I LOVE maca powder! I don't usually put in milk (since I'm allergic to it
) but I put it in shakes that I make with yogurt and flaxseed and fruit. Veeery good
Yay! High five GtG! Another maca lover!
We haven't met.. but I based on the above quote, I think we're going to get a long very nicely.
Hail and well met Aslan's Country! Another Veggie Tales lover I presume? Or perhaps another fan of silliness? Or perhaps both?
You guys are great.
*humbly promises to quote no more veggietales in this post, no matter how many great songs may be hidden within the following pages*
Aww, come on! I'm sure you could remember enough to join!
Wren (known to most folks as Lady Arwen) thought it up...
WHY does that not surprise me!?
*had scarring childhood experiences with horrific petting zoo young goats that mobbed strollers in hopes of food* So, Lady C, that baby goat is cute, but kittens still win the cutest of all baby animals award.
That sounds like a goat all right... I bet it was scary to a child to have goats mobbing the stroller though.
But those were undisciplined goats! Our very best goat, in conformation, production and temperament was so annoying to her former owners they sold her to us gladly. She licked and nibbled your arms, legs and face if possible NONSTOP! A few pops on the cute little snout later, she was a changed goat.
The most well behaved goat I think we ever had.
Hmph... No they don't.
Just kidding... Everyone to their own opinion!
Lady Courage, I really liked your fanfic! The story is unique, and it made me giggle (which is very hard to do).
Aww, thanks! I'm glad you liked it!!
Sorry you've been sick.
And sorry about your Pippin. I hope you both get better!
Thank you! We are both feeling better now.
Still aren't sure what was wrong with little Pip, but he had a fever for one night.
Anyways, that's all over now.
Sadly, I don't remember much more of it either. How about a new one? Let's see.....
"This is a song for your poor sick penguin. He's got a feveeer! And his toes are bluue. But if I siiiing to your poor sick penguin. He will feel beteeer in a day or two!"
I don't remember that one hardly at all.
It's been I think, nearly 7 years since I saw that one...
(See AC? I at least stink at this.
Ummm... How about this one?
"Everybody's got a water buffalo! Yours is fast but mine is slow, where we get them I don't know, but everybody's got a water buffalo- OOOOOOOOOOH!"
=)) Oh dear, sadly I can see this happening someday.
Quickly, though, I will say that Nanny McPhee was CRACKERS!! And I mean that in a good, hey-ho-Gromit, hey-ho-Wallace, kind of way. I cried a bit - smiled a lot. My daughter came home bragging that those kids were lucky because Obi-Wan-Kenobi was their father!
Oooh!! I wanna see it! I wanna see it!
as for your old question regarding plodding vs. plotting. It's plotting. Why plod when one can plot??
Glad you're feeling better, Lady C! I've been having sinus trouble myself.
Thanks! And I'm sorry. But, I'm so late in replying I'm sure you're over that already.
All of Chris Tomlin's music sounds the same though. Just not the style of music I like listening to.
Hmm... Now that you put it that way... That's true... What do you listen to then? *is now curious*
Oh, it's well guarded. Crocodile infested moat, hovering death ray-wielding robots, reprogrammed Terminators patrolling the halls.
*shivers* That sounds wicked Booky...
I usually find random stupidity to be funny.
I do too, actually.
BTW, do you have any nicknames? I keep wanting to call you "pog".
I find the naming process highly amusing and if I were a psychologist I'd likely write a book on the Insights Cat Names Tell Us About Their Owners.
They're full grown cats. Sadly they came pre-named Brat and BJ. Are you allowed to rename cats?
Brat!? Holy cow... But the first horse I had lessons on was BJ! He was the biggest, sweetest horse...
*shakes self out of reverie* Um, yes, you are.
As long as the cat approves of the name...
Well, I'm not female and I'm not Kristen Bell.
No kidding?
Did you guys hear about that lady in the UK somewhere who dumped a neighbour's cat in a wheely bin?? It was on the news tonight. So terrible! Luckily, the cat was alright and rescued.
Yes I did... She must be somewhat... How do I say it politely? Or should I bother? I won't. She must be literally crazy.
it has to do with psychological problems
. I don't know...I think it's because...well idk I just get nervous and can't talk or think of anything to say, which is funny because I like to talk to people in person (as long as it's not too many people
) so I don't know what the real difference is between that and the phone...yeah...
LOL! Well, actually GtG, I have a similar issue. I can't STAND talking on the phone! It was AWFUL when we were working in the Tearoom and Dad would have me answer the phone. *shiver* I was 12 (I think), and people asked me for DIRECTIONS to the store!!
12 year old kid hurriedly jerks phone away from ear and covers mic. "DAAAD! How do you get here from Highway 6?" The kid is hyperventilating.
"Don't you know?"
Panicked look of incredulity, "Noooo."
Dad gives instructions, but it goes in one ear, passes through scattered brain and out the other ear.
"Ummm... How do you get here again?"
Yeah, not fun...
I don't know if I've heard any John Williams scores...
Surely you have... Have you seen Star Wars? Jaws? Indiana Jones?
I suppose I really can't say anything though because when I was little I was scared of the fib in Larryboy and the Fib from Outer Space.
He was scary.
That is my family's policy too. But then, I would be really freaked out if my dad came and told me that a random guy was interested me, a guy I sort of knew, but wasn't good friends with. You know what I mean? I would at least have to be very good friends with him or received some sort of indication from him recently that he was interested in me and planned on talking to my father very soon on the subject.
That is basically my family's policy as well. However, I don't think I would be all that freaked out... For one thing, in order for him to be interested, I would think I would have at least talked to him a few times, though never alone of course. And anyway, I think the time to freak out is when you get to know each other in courtship and you realize you could not stand to live the rest of your life with him.
However, the whole point of courtship (in my family's view), is to guard your heart as much as possible. So, it seems to me that having an indication from the man who wants to court you that he is interested would somewhat be defeating a portion of the purpose for courting, wouldn't it? I mean, then he's already toying with your heart before your father even knows! I personally am a terribly good secret finder-outer. Secrets are extremely difficult to keep from me in RL, so I will probably have an idea of when someone is interested.
But the respect I might have for a young man would diminish if he hinted to me he was asking my father to court me. I do not deny I might be swept nearly off my feet. XD But I pray that God keeps my head on my shoulders when that time comes.
Heh. There 'ya go. My unasked for $0.02.
Have you ever seen a 7-month old baby suck on a mango? It's quite entertaining! We baby sit a friend of our's baby at our house a couple times a week. And one day, we fed her a mango. She couldn't eat it, because she doesn't have any teeth yet, but she sucked on it furiously. It was very cute.
*takes a needle and pops The Epic One's ego* As a student nurse, I found that the swelling was beginning to affect your brain functioning and immediate surgery was necessary to prevent further damage from occurring.
I'm interpreting this as reinforcing the idea of having older and wiser heads advising you on the advisability of your relationship.
I totally agree! They also are not limited by youthful emotions.
*absently watches a flea travel up her leg* Oi. Those little buggers are seriously annoying.
Especially when your house is infested with them.
UGH! I hate them too. We rescued a kitten once who was a literal flea-bag, and our house was overrun with them for, I think it was at least a year afterwards, even after she was no longer a flea-bag. I could give you my few flea-ridding tricks if you want them.
James Herriot is an excellent writer--very witty, and very descriptive. And yes, you were right indeed. I am an animal lover hands-down.
*whispers* You could always work at Chick-fil-A.
You work at Chick-fil-A!? *shriek* Lucky duck! Oh, sorry, I mean lucky chicken. I LOVE Chick-fil-A!!! But I can't have their chicken anymore because I can't have gluten. *sniffle* But it sounds like a fun place to work!!
Ooh, but Incas and alpacas both live in the Andes!
I was close!
Hmm, I wonder. I'm thinking (for no apparent reason) that it would taste like goat's milk, but now I want to find out!
Tell you what: If I ever get a chance to try it, I'll let you know what it tastes like.
And if you ever get a chance to try it, let me know!
That sounds scrumptious!
I'll have to find and try it. *wonders if maca shakes are a possibility*
Yes, you really must! We had to order it online, but if I recall it wasn't outrageously expensive. Oooh... I dunno, but I'd sure like to find out...
I tend to believe that it's the guy's job to both initiate and lead a relationship (if he's not willing to lead by initiating, when exactly is he going to start leading?). If a girl has to "get" a guy to reciprocate, isn't that a pretty clear sign that either the guy doesn't share the feelings or he has a lack of initiative? Part of the current gender crisis in our culture is that so many guys have forgotten how to lead, how to stand up and fight for something. (And I'm speaking generally here; I know guys who are definite exceptions!
I do have a problem with the idea that waiting on the girl's part equals passivity and "sitting around". I think it takes far greater courage and selflessness and plain guts to place a relationship in God's hands and let Him move in the guy's heart than to pursue it yourself.
Well said malkah. Wonderfully well said.
I think you've figured me out.
This whole schpiel was really just one big tirade against Twilight and the legion of fans who think it represents the epitome of romance! And to those people... I hope you enjoy your stalkerish (but awfully handsome) bad-boy boyfriend you just met the other day.
I don't know if that was supposed to be funny or not, but it is. Sad and true, but still funny.
I have to say that doing searches for elfy ears on the internet makes me have a sudden desire for hobbit feet.
I strongly dislike long hair on guys.
A hearty Ditto...
Yesterday I got headgear. It's painful and grotesque and hard to sleep in. But maybe I'll get used to it.
Aww... I'm sorry. I hope you do get used to it quick!
As I have been told that I have a voice like Andrea Bocelii or Josh Groban. Quite a complement!
I'll say!! Wow! You know what that means, now that you've told us, right? You'll have to put a video of your singing on YouTube!
But...do I have a passion for singing? Should a person that has such a voice be forced to sing, if he does not want to? Should he do it if he is not forced to, but doesn't particularly want to, but knows that his music could influence so many? Difficult. I will have to meditate on this.
Hmmm... That is rather difficult... I wish you wisdom in your decision.
"Steve, I will make you a vampire!" "what? I am not Steve!" "yes you are!" "no, I am Josh! get away from me!"
- Libby comes in the square, shaking and flipping out -
And I admit... This made me laugh Libby.
Aww, Bella-not-from-Twlight... You sound stressed! *huggles* Is something wrong?
*a strange figure is in the shadows on the edge of the square. Slowly he steps out and becomes not so strange* It's me!
Yes I know random, stupid and all that![]()
Yes, so random I snickered.
I am about 6' 2", I have not measured in a while and last time I checked I was 6' 1 and 1/2 inches so I'm guessing since it has been at least a half a year I am at least 6' 2"
*feels a wee bit short*
*applauds Abe's violin playing, having greatly enjoyed it* Oh, and while you're around, I thought I'd mention that I also enjoyed your rendition of "The Bonnie Blue flag" very, very much!
There's one really funny girl in the newbie class, she's like a rubber band, and is everywhere at once. She can do all the dance moves, but she would rather do cartwheels across the dance floor or play dead on the ground.
I began writing my novel almost three years, ago, and I finished my rough draft almost one year ago. Ever since then, I'm been trying hard to make my manuscript presentable, but the going is slow. I'm waaay better at writing than I was when I began my novel, so I've had to rewrite almost everything in the first half. I also have to change some plot points, reorder events, take stuff out, add stuff in...yeah.
LOL! Well at least you finished your first draft! Awesome!!
Hullo Ever-body! How is you all? And how do you like my "english"?
*can identify with Ruby's make-up thoughts* I only just started wearing it too, and it can be such a hassle... lol
RANDOM INTERJECTION: Speaking of Florida, I couldn't help but notice that there was hurricane somewhere near there named after me.
My friends kept sending me links with pictures of "Hurricane Danielle" asking me what I had been up to. I felt flattered that they would bother to name a hurricane after me...and then I couldn't help but start singing "Hello Hurricane" by Switchfoot.
And I just realized that in my skimming I missed that AC just had a first anniversary! I don't know where you said that ( That's the trouble with skimming...) but CONGRATS!!!
*Walks in with a cup of white tea in one hand and a pop tart in the other* This is how I strategically balance the healthy with the unhealthy.
*waves enthusiastically to E+J*
I am SO hungry. I've eaten nothing since Saturday afternoon. I'm doing a cleanse and all you can have is lemonade with cayenne pepper and I'm STARVING. What I do for my health
Oh my word... WE DID THAT TOO!! I HATED it!!! I feel for you. But I hope you feel good after it.
Ok... It's past my bedtime, but my parents are graciously allowing me to proof read this before I go to bed. I'll be back later (whenever later is, hopefully soon
) to finish this catchup!
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
*enters the square sipping her lemonade out of a large vegenaise jar*
this really isn't so bad once you get used to feeling hungry. And the cayenne actually adds a nice flavor, now that my throat is pretty much healed up .
So I could use some prayer for tomorrow- I'm starting my writing class and I'm really nervous and have cried over it alot. I'm sure everything will go well, but I'm still worried. So prayers would be great .
That would kill me! That sounds so torturous.
How long do you have to do that? A week? I know some people who have done that, and I think they did it for a week.
It's not as bad as it sounds, at least after a couple days
. I don't know how long I'm going to do it. My friend's mom did it for 40 days! But I think I'll only do it for 10. It depends on how I feel. At least a week though.
I know, I love it!
What's your favorite song(s) on it?
Oh, I see. Haha, I always wonder how his hair stays so perfect, like he just combed it.
Yes, I love Avatar! I get them off Netflix, so I have to wait like a week between each 4 episodes, which is way to long for me to wait.And then we only get 2 DVDs a month which makes it even worse.
I've only seen 12 episodes, but I'm pretty addicted.
How many have you seen? Do you have a favorite character?
All of them!
Come Right Out and Say It
I Need You
The Best Thing
Must Have Done Something Right
Devastation and Reform
Taking You With Me
Bite My Toungue
Up and Up
yeah I know that was most of the CD .
Heh, Glenstorm, it isn't all that bad. 'Because' is just so much nicer.
*makes a mental note not to tease Glenstorm as much in the future*
bah fine . Oh it's ok, I like being teased, but I like being treated seriously too
Well, crutches can be a bother when you have to use them for a while. They make your arms awfully sore, and it's a pain having to hobble everywhere.
That's what I've figured out. And it hurts to keep your hurt foot up all the time.
This made me laugh.
Me too! And mold. And pollen. Dust. Various trees. Ragweed. Hay. Cats. And guinea pigs too, apparently.
Ditto everything, except mold. I'm allergic to every animal I think, with fur at least .
But of course!
I do love roller coasters! They are so much fun!
Yes! I'm glad I liked them now! I missed out on so much when I was younger!
*mouth drops*
You are a Michael Jackson fan? That is weird! You just don't seem like that type of person![]()
what a reaction
. Now I want to know why- why?
*rolls eyes*
what, jealous of his awesomness?
Ha! I must disagree
If you are talking about abbreviations and all that
If you were not talking about that then I agree![]()
yes I was and you don't have to disagree .
Oh you guys are? That's cool! I have some friends are in the process right now.
We're just praying about it right now but we've been wanting to for a while, especially me. We just found a really good agency too that some friends used. I really want to adopt from South/Central America though. That's where my heart lies .
Probably now, but who knows?
no it's probably true- with all my allergies I really don't work too much outside .
I see, it look different because of editing but still I should have recognized it.
yes you should have- I just coloured it a little
Ha! Women
Hold your horses! Who was the one talking to your family about it?
not all women. Just me I think .
Who was the one nagging me about it?!
Sounds good to me
ok then, I shall try
You still can't get the best out of it when you are thinking about something else!
And I have a good reason now!
I listen to you everydayExcept for the days I do not get on here
I suppose that's true but I really can't concentrate on things for super long. You'd be surprised how much my mind wanders and what random things I think up .
YOU call it a good reason...all right I guess it is .
What's that supposed to mean?
Not recently other than the Bible and that is very uplifting!
I am going through Romans and am getting a lot out of it! And it is encouraging me so much!
That is really cool!
Those kind of books are so inspiring for sure!
Yes it is!
I love Romans! I'm reading Job, and Ecclesiastes with my family. Both are very meaty and encouraging!
Yes they are! I've been incredibly inspired by that woman's life- she and her husband became missionaries right after being married and were separated almost right away and she just laid her worries on God. Even when they both went to different prison camps she trusted Him and I really want to have that kind of trust in Him.
Why? You like to see me bothered?
yes, when I'm trying to bother you .
Oh I used to a lot too! But now I don't as much I am more into saving now
Ditto. Well I still need to save more but I'm not spending it on stupid stuff at least .
Your welcome
*sigh* That's true... One thing I hated about milking was not being able to even take a day trip without getting to bed at 2AM after milking.
But I still miss the goats.
Exactly why we're not getting goats- they tie you down too much. Though I'm sure they're lovely to have anyway .
I shall read it after reading LOTR for Ben
I'm sorry you have headaches all the time... My Mom used to have headaches all the time too, but then we discovered she had Celiac. Not only that, but we all have it! It's hereditary. If one member of a family has it, all the rest of the family should be tested for it as well. But basically, it's a terrible allergy to gluten.
Now that we're off gluten, Mom doesn't get headaches anymore. Unless, that is, she gets gluten accidentally...
yeah I'm a little allergic to gluten but I don't have Celiac. I don't know what causes the headaches, but I do hope they go away because they cause my vision to blur sometimes and they've become more painful as of late.
Yay! High five GtG! Another maca lover!
*grin* I love talking healthy food!
LOL! Well, actually GtG, I have a similar issue. I can't STAND talking on the phone! It was AWFUL when we were working in the Tearoom and Dad would have me answer the phone. *shiver* I was 12 (I think), and people asked me for DIRECTIONS to the store!!
12 year old kid hurriedly jerks phone away from ear and covers mic. "DAAAD! How do you get here from Highway 6?" The kid is hyperventilating.
"Don't you know?"
Panicked look of incredulity, "Noooo."
Dad gives instructions, but it goes in one ear, passes through scattered brain and out the other ear.
"Ummm... How do you get here again?"
Yeah, not fun...
ugh that would be HORRIBLE!!! I'm ok at directions but when I'm on the phone I forget everything! They just make me nervous .
Surely you have... Have you seen Star Wars? Jaws? Indiana Jones?
Nope, nope, and nope
btw, interesting thoughts on courtship there. But I have to say, just because the young man is indicating he's talking to your father soon doesn't mean he's toying with your heart. It could be done in a very respectful manner .
Oh my word... WE DID THAT TOO!! I HATED it!!! I feel for you.
But I hope you feel good after it.
Yeah it's pretty bad but I feel good already because I can feel a change in my body! The last cleanse I did was about a year ago so I really need to do it again. I'm really hungry but I'm getting used to it. I actually cheated and had some hummus that I made for dinner and it gave me a HUGE stomach ache because I'm not used to eating, so I actually think I'm going to do another cleanse right after this one .
Well, I got the change in weather I wished for.. Japan is now heading into a typhoon. Admittedly not the change I was hoping for.. but if enough trains can stop due to wind/rain, I can't get to school.
Thanks much-ly. (does anyone actually say that? Maybe it's just in my head - it looks weird written down
I'd do that if I could but I don't want people to think I'm creepy...er .
Might be a smart move.
it is different, but I'm not quite sure about the differences yet . I am an extrovert but I have been through stuff that makes me shy, even though I'm naturally not. Make sense?
Yeah. I know what you mean. Me, on the other hand, I'm just naturally shy.
I can send you the songs because you can't buy those, and I would feel better with you buying the albums too .
YAY!!! ISN'T HE?!?! I adore that guy- his blog is awesome and his personality is so lovely .
Ok, please do. *wonders if you have my email*
Mmm yes.. But look at Ben's reaction:
*rolls eyes*
Haha, I know, I say really strange things when I'm hyper (like whenever I drink coffee). Yep, I usually go by Poggy. Do you have a nickname other than AC?
Poggy it is. You can call me Kathy if you so wish.
(There I go wording things strangely again
AC: My favorite movie is Prisoner of Azkaban as well. Deathly Hallows is my favorite book, but honestly---they're all good. I thought the movies (especially the casting!!) were fabulously done.
I'm hoping DH I & II will become my favourite HP movies. Randomly, I was just looking at this - here's a picture of Shell Cottage: click. Doesn't it look amazing?
Hi Jillhope. Another HP fan? *high-fives*
And I'm tolerating maths too, although my toleration is stretched to breaking point lately.
Your book sounds really cool, Silver. I really want to get back to writing.. I just can't find the inspiration and the time these days.. my dream of being an author is slowly fading into nothingness.
I know! But I guess, waiting so long for PC and now VDT is going to make it a little easier to be patient. Maybe. Hopefully.
Hopefully. Hey, inbetween we'll have VDT.
Hail and well met Aslan's Country! Another Veggie Tales lover I presume? Or perhaps another fan of silliness? Or perhaps both?
Well met indeed Lady Courage. Of course, both.
Aww, come on! I'm sure you could remember enough to join!
I'm just afraid of offending the general public by overload-of-veggie-tales-quotes in one post.
Ummm... How about this one?
"Everybody's got a water buffalo! Yours is fast but mine is slow, where we get them I don't know, but everybody's got a water buffalo- OOOOOOOOOOH!"
Ooh good, we're still playing this game?
"I took my buffalo to the store, got its head stuck in the door, spilled some lima beans on the floor oh everybody's got a water buffalooooo-"
"Stop, stop, stop right this instant!!" *dances around in circles* "What do you think you're doing? You can't say everybody's got a water buffalo when everybody does not have a water buffalo. We're going to get nasty letters saying 'where's MY water buffalo? Why don't I have a water buffalo?' And are you prepared to deal with that?! I. Don't. Think. So. So STOP BEING SO SILLY!"
The only thing I don't like about this one is that Larry's voice is different from the rest, I think, so it sounded really strange to me when I first heard it.
And I just realized that in my skimming I missed that AC just had a first anniversary! I don't know where you said that ( That's the trouble with skimming...) but CONGRATS!!!
Thank you! *notices that you just had your first anniversary too* Congrats back.
So I could use some prayer for tomorrow- I'm starting my writing class and I'm really nervous and have cried over it alot. I'm sure everything will go well, but I'm still worried. So prayers would be great .
Praying.. I'm sure everything will go great.
Well, if I want to be able to do my homework today, I'd better get started before my brother takes the computer away.. *oh, to have two fast, working computers in the house..*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Hello everyone!
Nothing much to say here. Club Fair is today and of course since I am in multiple clubs I'm going to be running around all over the place, but it's lots of fun! I think I have time before going to school to do some catchup.....
*searches for her last post* Last Post? Where aaaarrreee yoooouuu? Ah! There you are! Hiding way back on page 17.
You do much camping yourself?
Not really. We used to camp by the dunes when I was little, but we haven't done any real camping for several years now. Instead, we rent cottages by the lake for a week, which is a lot more comfortable than tents and there's still plenty of sand to go 'round.
*waves to Silver* Hullo! I'm Dot, or Dotty, or dotK, or daughter depending on who you ask.
could you refresh me on what we were talking about? I forget
We were discussing relationships and whether or not the guy should always be the one to initiate it.
*enjoys Abraham Lincoln's concert*
My feelings exactly. But I always tell my sister, "who knows who we'll be in four years?" I mean, I'm a completely different person from who I was when I was 13. Not completely different, but I have changed a lot. And so I always try and avoid the question "could I marry that guy?" Because right now I know that I'm not ready to marry anyone! And in three or four years, I could be a lot different than I am now!
Exactly, which is one of the reasons I'm not in a relationship right now. I'm still young and God only knows if I've met that special guy yet. It would be nice to know he's out there, but since I'm in school full time I wouldn't be able to give him the time and attention that sort of relationship needs.
I'm not even sure how much I like wearing it. It's a hassle to try and put on in the morning and I can't sleep unless I've washed it all out.
Very silly, all of it.
Indeed. I hardly ever wear makeup for that very reason. I just don't have time to put it on in the morning and take it off at night. On the flip side, when I don't wear makeup most people think I'm in highschool, but when I do wear makeup they think I'm in college. I am in college, so it is rather annoying when people keep asking me which highschool I go to. Most conversations run like this: *exchange names and random conversation* "So, what level are you? Freshman?" "I'm a Sophomore. In college." "Oh." *awkward pause*
*waves to Libby and NarniaNut*
Happy Anniversary Aslans Country!
*starts skimming with one eye on the clock*
*waves to Miss Rosario and AJoanna and BoyScout and pogginfan*
*waves to Riella* Of course you can join the conversation!
*waves to Jillhope*
I'm just afraid of offending the general public by overload-of-veggie-tales-quotes in one post.
There is no such thing as an overload of VeggieTales quotes!
Ummm... How about this one?
"Everybody's got a water buffalo! Yours is fast but mine is slow, where we get them I don't know, but everybody's got a water buffalo- OOOOOOOOOOH!"Ooh good, we're still playing this game?
"I took my buffalo to the store, got its head stuck in the door, spilled some lima beans on the floor oh everybody's got a water buffalooooo-"
"Stop, stop, stop right this instant!!" *dances around in circles* "What do you think you're doing? You can't say everybody's got a water buffalo when everybody does not have a water buffalo. We're going to get nasty letters saying 'where's MY water buffalo? Why don't I have a water buffalo?' And are you prepared to deal with that?! I. Don't. Think. So. So STOP BEING SO SILLY!"
This has been Silly Songs With Larry. Tune in next time to hear Larry sing: "Everybody's got a baby kangaroo. Yours is pink but mine is blue. Hers was small but--" *Archibald Asparagus comes running on and knocks Larry over* "AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!"
Okay, I have to go. So long!