Hullo Ever-body! How is you all? And how do you like my "english"?
Ok time for catchup before a VERY LATE breakfast... again...
Well, it's sort of a complicated situation. I began writing my novel almost three years, ago, and I finished my rough draft almost one year ago. Ever since then, I'm been trying hard to make my manuscript presentable, but the going is slow. I'm waaay better at writing than I was when I began my novel, so I've had to rewrite almost everything in the first half. I also have to change some plot points, reorder events, take stuff out, add stuff in...yeah.
Oh I see
You should have seen mine! So I tried starting a book, but I knew hardly anything about Paragraphs, putting quotes where people are talking and lots of other things! Not that I know much about that now, but quite a bit more. But when I had learned about that stuff and went back and read what I had written, and I was so surprised/embarrassed
Oh yes, so do I! But then our yard gets swamped with a bagazillon leaves, and we spend all day raking them up...only to wake up the next morning and find just as many.
Yeah I know just how that is!
We always loved raking all the leaves into one huge pile and then jumping into them! I have not done that in a long time!
aww, how old is he now? I love little babies
I believe he is about two months old.
we'll just be rambling about random stuff, unless we come up with something else
. Do you have any ideas for a name?
Oh I see
I am no good at coming up with names! But if miraculously I do I will tell you
yeah, I still don't wish that
Well when you are working out in really hot weather and you are soaked from sweat, you do wish you were cold
um, yeah it is! I screencapped it from an episode!
That is weird. It does not look like her. Where did you get it from and what episode?
yes because I am not happy that you said that I shouldn't read LOTR and they are tired of hearing me talk about it. Therefore, it's not funny
I said you shouldn't if you go through them so slow and also if you are reading other books at the same time (Other than the Bible of course ).
Well then a great solution is that you stop talking about it
really? That's weird
Really really
yes, most.
I still think that you should read them and take so long of "breaks". Maybe not start it all over but at least from now on read them without taking "breaks"
mmhmm. And we just finished watching the first two episodes of Book 3
That is very naught The ONLY way you can get the best out of the show is to watch it and not to be doing something else that you have to think about
But then you never listen to me
We should have them more often
yeah that's how it goes usually I guess
. Whatever I say never seems to bother you
Sounds good to me
Haha that's true I never do get bothered, but you sure do!
Oh no! If I had an Owl City shirt I wouldn't paint in it! I'm getting it as a sort of payment
mmhmm. When I have money
Oh I see
Yeah that is a problem all to well known for people Though it can be a good thing sometimes not to have a lot of money to spare
what conversations? You trying to convert everyone into spelling full English words?
That would be the one
Thank you for this random piece of info..
*hopes she won't forget to check it out*
Eeep, there's still 2 more pages?? Although this is probably about where my name stops being mentioned..
Your welcome
Yeah that is how I figure it with me
Ben: hi! so you liked our video?
what do you think we should call our video series?
Yeah I did
As I said to Ali, I am no good at coming up with names, but if miraculously it happens I will tell you
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes into the square smiling and licking a lime wedge
Ben: yay!
ok, awesome!
did you see the creepy picture I posted on the last page?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*hops in*
comes into the square smiling and licking a lime wedge
Ben: yay!
ok, awesome!
did you see the creepy picture I posted on the last page?
A lime wedge? What is that?
Yes I did! That is pretty weird!
*hops out*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Ben: you don't know? it's like, when you take a lime and cut it in half and then cut a half in half. then it's a wedge of lime.....
it's really yummy!
I like nearly screamed when I saw that picture!!!!!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Yes, well, I have a bad tendency to ramble on and on about stuff that really isn't of much substance. But the way I see it, the more I talk, the more chance there is of me uttering something worth listening to.
And, yes, in real life I talk a lot too. Some people write a lot on the internet and seem talkative, but in real life don't enjoy talking very much. I'm what some might call "outgoing". Though sometimes I can be a regular introvert. It depends on what sort of crowd I'm in, I guess.
Well, I always love listening to (erm.... reading?) rambling. You always have something interesting to ramble on about; it's nowhere near dull.
Yep, I'm one of those somewhat-talkative-online people who's quiet in real life. I'm not horribly shy (though I used to be--I'm a lot better this year!), but I prefer staying in the background and letting others dominate the conversation. Around my close friends, though... uh... my true colors show themselves.
I think "Beloved" and "Let it Go" are my overall favorites (especially the former of the two--I love it!!), but "Healing Begins", "Strong Enough to Save", "You Are More", and "All the Pretty Things" are all really nice as well. And, of course "By Your Side". Actually, all of them are good. I just haven't listened to the rest as much. Tenth Avenue North just has amazing lyrics - they are so relevant and inspiring.
Also, your sister does an excellent Hermonine imitation for The Mysterious Ticking Noise.
I heard Stephen made a fantastic Snape. You were one of the watchers, yes? Or were you one of the puppets?
Headgear, QS? What's that? (I assume not a hat..)
you're not supposed to support him and tell him he's right! That's SO not fair! Grr. How could you applaud him?! And it's not a requirement! I chose to please him! I in no way obey him
Hmmm. But.... it's true. (RIGHT, Ben? Yes?) See, I told you! He agrees with me.
I might have to make that a requirement as well, though I'm not sure you'd obey it.
And no. B/c isn't evil. Or bad. It's just insanely annoying.
(Don't worry, I just love teasing you. It's true... though...)
All right, I didn't really expect to finish catching up tonight--I only got through one page, actually, but I should post it now. I'll keep putting it off otherwise. --Start on page 17 next time. *makes a mental note*
Have a wonderful night, all! Tchau!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Oh dear.
I didn't realize how long it's been since I've posted. I've been soooo busy lately. It's crazy. But hallelujah for long weekends! And football!!!!
I am soo excited to see how everything plays out this year. *refuses to talk about her favorite team's completely pathetic debut* We need Tebow!!!
I guess I should catch up from... about 10 pages ago.
I've been picking up little rumors for quite a while that Jars of Clay was recording with Tenth Avenue North. I don't know how much Jars of Clay is planning on featuring them on their new album, but they recently released their newest single "Out of My Hands" and let me tell you that it is amazing!! The combination of the two bands is just perfect!! I still haven't gotten over it.
That officially sounds AWESOME!! I'm actually listening to "Oh my Dear" by 10thAveN right now. It's officially my new favorite song. I'm a fairly recent fan of theirs. I've had them on my Zune for ages and never listened to them because I thought I wouldn't like them.
And now it's turned out that I really really like them. I love surprises like that.
Speaking of surprises, I had an awesome surprise this morning in church. So all summer I've been doing a lot of fundraising for my senior trip, and somehow I managed to be the top, um... salesperson, I guess. Not that I like selling candy bars, but I guess I was a lot more determined to not be stuck doing it till March. So, anyway, I made the goal, and this morning some anonymous person left a $50 Kohl's card on my seat in church as a reward. Which means I get to go fall shopping.
Anyway, I've only ever heard "Lead Me" and "Forgiven" from their new album, but I really, really, really want to buy the entire album!!! I still have music gift cards and stuff like that from last Christmas that I need to use, just haven't had the time.
You should make time. It is really an amazing album.
Oh noes! We're being invaded by Justin Bieber fangurls!
I really don't like his music, but it's the fact that he's everywhere that irritates me. Half the school supplies I'm selling at work have his face plastered on them somewhere. It's like the Hannah Montana craze, only worse.
At least Hannah Montana had better hair.
@Lady_Liln, I read all four books over again (Conspiracy of Kings finally came in!) and I decided I officially them. I think Gen one of my favorite characters ever. Somehow he makes the ancient world seem cool.
And when I first read Queen, the whole hand thing shocked me completely, but now I guess I've gotten used to the idea. By the time the book was over I didn't mind it. The scenes between Gen and Irene are some of my favorites.
I do have to admit that I think Conspiracy is my least favorite of the four. I still liked it, but... Sophos just isn't Gen.
Hmmm... and it's now eleven o'clock which means my catching up has to stop. I guess that's about as good as it going to get.
*waves to everyone*
Good night!
Signature by enigmaffliction
*a hobbit dances into the Square, her cheeks all aglow*
Today has certainly been a beautiful day! I wish every day was like this. I love Labor Day weekend. School sort of leaves you with this apprehensive feeling as Sunday comes to a close. It's nice to know that I have an extra day to do home work tomorrow and that I can rest tonight.
The drive to church this morning was breathtaking. It was nice to see the old familiar rustic country side. I even managed to spot the special place where my sister and I and one of our friends stopped one evening on our way home from church Bible Study to watch a storm come in as the sun set. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Half of the sky was one big black cloud with a brilliant rainbow in the middle it, surrounded by streaks of lightning and the western half of the sky was a glorious sunset...aaaah! We stopped and watched until it went all the way down. It was so much fun! We ran out into an empty cow pasture and just sat on the fence, looking like bums.
Well, today, my third eldest sister went to stay up with my second eldest sister over Labor Day. So...I'm here pretty much by myself. All my younger siblings are here, but it's weird not having my older sisters here. Very weird.
What's even weirder is the way everyone keeps looking at me nowadays. I'm abashed to admit, just because, well, it's a tad awkward. But I've started wearing make up. My parents don't let us girls wear make up until we're sixteen. And I happen to be sixteen. So my mother and I took a Saturday to go shopping and bought some make up on the way. Nice make up, the natural-looking stuff that matches my complexion. I'm glad my parents didn't let me wear it until I was sixteen, because, to be honest, I've wanted to wear it since I was 10. I was such a ridiculous little girl, I'm ashamed to admit.
By the time I reached the age of fifteen, I didn't care for the idea anymore. I guess I realized that "wearing make up" in my family was the same as saying I'm a grown up and I also realized that at age fifteen, I'm still very young, and should enjoy being young and not try and act older or more sophisticated than I am.
I'm not even sure how much I like wearing it. It's a hassle to try and put on in the morning and I can't sleep unless I've washed it all out. Very silly, all of it. Several of my friends have reassured me that I don't need it...and I've reassured myself aplenty that wearing make up really doesn't make you look any better than you do.
*waves to Ruby* I do hope you will be better and be able to get proper amounts of sleep!
I feel so bad for you!
Thanks so much, Libby! I'm pretty sure I solved the problem. Turns out that someone had our thermostat was set on 80 degrees--and my bedroom gets really stuffy, it's either hot or really cold. Well, I would wake up at 4 in the morning, all hot, and couldn't get back to sleep, even after I took all my blankets off! So eventually I went out to check the thermostat and it was on 80 degrees F. I turned it down to 75 and already our room feels MUCH better.
Me too! Colds are the worst sickness I think- I'd rather have the stomach flu
Stomach flu is NO fun, but I would have to agree with you...I hate colds because they never, ever seem to go away until after months! I had a cough for six months once. It wasn't bad, but every now and then I would get this coughing attack and no matter what, it wouldn't go away. Eventually it just left, I think with the coming of spring.
;)) it's really funny because sometimes I'll scare people and they're like "don't punch me don't punch me!"
. One of my dad's friends scared him when he was younger and he actually punched him and broke his nose! We know never to scare our dad
Oh, wow! I'll remember to never mess with your dad...not like I mess with many people larger than me.
My dad would always tease my brothers when they were little and "wrestling" with my dad. He would hold out his right fist and say, "See this? Six weeks in the hospital." And then he would hold out his other fist and say, "See this? Sudden death."
That would be one of the highest forms of awesomeness
! I'd really love to meet you someday
We should try someday to have a big "Narnia Web" meet and greet get together or something like that. It would be so much fun! I've never met anyone on NarniaWeb, except Valia and Winty, but I've known them practically all my life.
it was a lot of fun, even though I only did it for a couple months. Yes it is different but it would probably be alot easier for you. It's not very hard, at least at the level I did it.
Tap is probably one of those things I'll just have to do for a few months, somewhere in the future. Sort of like horse back riding. I've never ridden a horse, sad day. Everyone I know has or is taking horse riding lessons or owns horses...it's somewhat shameful to not know how to ride a horse where I come from. I have a lot of things like this on my list of things to do before I'm 21...or somewhere around there. Hopefully before I'm married or anything life-shattering like that.
sometimes the best things for you taste the worst
I made a remark like that to my younger brother after he sniffed a medicine bottle of "raspberry tablets" or something like that. They were supposed to be raspberry something, but smelled gross. Healthy stuff usually tastes bad. But sometimes it can taste very good, like beef is good for you, and green beans, and,...I'm going to make myself hungry again.
I'm very glad to hear you slept well last night!
My favorite seasons are Spring and Autumn.
I love when there are a ton of trees turning different colors! So beautiful!
And then the weather is so nice in Spring and everything is blooming!Oh and Florida Winters are great!
Yes! I can't wait for fall! It's especially nice to drive over hills and look down on all the colorful trees. I hope we get a lot of rain this season, because it seems the more rain we get, the more color we get from the trees in the fall.
I can understand why winter in Florida would be nice. I've never been to Florida, though my parents have. I hear it's quite...warm. And from what I've seen on the weather radar, it typically stays that way.
RANDOM INTERJECTION: Speaking of Florida, I couldn't help but notice that there was hurricane somewhere near there named after me. My friends kept sending me links with pictures of "Hurricane Danielle" asking me what I had been up to. I felt flattered that they would bother to name a hurricane after me...and then I couldn't help but start singing "Hello Hurricane" by Switchfoot.
Small bibles are very nice having for trips and what not
Oh, yes! I'm thinking the next small Bible I get, I'm going to carry around in it's little box-case thingy. That's what a lot of my friends do and I've noticed their Bibles stay in much better shape.
Oh I see. I have never read about how all the different translations were put together and all that, it might be fun to do some time!
I've never really done much research on it myself, but I have a lot of friends who are way into stuff like that, and some who work as missionaries and actually translate the Bible from its original text into different languages.
Ah, same here. Like, during the summer, when I don't have to do anything in particular at any particular time, I'll end up sitting around and doing nothing. And yet, I can't stand doing nothing. I often wish there were a middle-ground between the dreadfully boring summer days and the overwhelmingly busy schoolyear days.
Oh, that sounds sooo much like me!! During the summer, I tend to spend a lot more time at the library, checking out books and too much time at home reading. Perhaps you could start designing a whole new plan for the government that evens the events of the year out.
Well, August 26 was a Thursday, so, I'm assuming you started at the beginning of that week, August 22. I started a week before that on the 15[super]th[/super].
Yes, that sounds about right. Though I'd have to look at my school calender right now...and I'm feeling far too lazy to go and get it out of my back pack.
Let me think... Maybe 3 or 4 years. I know it's not long, but I'm not one of those kids that started when they were 2, have been playing for 15 years, and haven't gotten past Mary Had a Little Lamb.
(And I know people whom that's true of, though maybe not quite to that extent.
) I passed up my original teacher, our pastor's wife, who teaches most of the elementary-aged kids in our church, and now I'm taking lessons from the youth pastor's wife, who's our church pianist.
Oooo! What fun! So it sounds like you're excelling rather quickly? I certainly have not been playing since age five. Though I've been exposed to music since that age. My mother's a music teacher and taught me violin until I quit at age eleven. And then when I was about twelve, I started teaching myself piano and about last year, my mother has sort of mentored me along and pointed out pieces for me to play and such and helped me along in areas that I struggle.
This year she's teaching me music theory, which I'm very excited about! I'll be in a class with other home schoolers which will be fun.
One day, I hope to be a music teacher. Performing is really my thing, but I don't think I could ever get a performance major with my skill level (which is rather low). But I love to play and I love working with kids and there's really no point in knowing something if you're not going to teach someone else.
Neither have I!
Actually, I've never seen them in our yard at all until last year. Apparently, they used to be around a lot before our area got built up. They disappeared, but now they're back! (Until Thanksgiving, I suppose...) They visit quite often. I remember when the babies were really little earlier in the year. We used to get all sorts of wildlife in our yard, like raccoons and opossums, but they've been avoiding us since we got our dog. She's a really scary, seven-pound beastie.
Do you plan on catching any turkeys before thanksgiving? We get a lot of wildlife around here too, though mostly deer. The other night, my dad and I were outside when all of a sudden we heard something like caterwauling. It was a cat going 'meOW, meOW' as if it were about to die. We never saw it, because it was dark, and my dad insisted on shutting our garage before it got in.
Poor kitty...
I've always wanted a pet of some sort. But then, at the same time, I'm glad we don't keep cat food or dog food around our house, because that is what really attracts raccoons and opossums.
;)) I love the weather we get here, around May and October, where it's not too hot but not too cold, and you can sit outside in the sun without collapsing of dehydration.
I also like snow, but that's beside the point.
Mmm! That sounds like the weather we're having right now!!! I'll see if I can send some over there.
I'm not quite ready for snow yet...but I do love it.
Wow, I can't believe the bad luck you're having with this song.
Ooh, are all your computers Macs? I love Macs.
No, sadly not all our computers are Macs. Mine is an ancient Dell. I hate its guts. It's actually not that bad and runs rather quickly as long as you don't try and install any programs like iTunes or anything else that's ever so slightly newish.
Oh, I know I'd procrastinate if I was given the chance.
Wow, really? The impression I've gotten of homeschoolers (purely based on knowing people on the internet
) is that you're all really smart and well educated.
Ahh.. yeah, my parents probably wouldn't have time to homeschool, especially now that my mum is actually the one doing more work than my dad.
A lot of families I know are like that. You just have to pick what works best for you, find a school system that accommodates your own financial needs, etc...and go with it. If I'm ever a mom, I don't really know which one I would choose, home schooling or public school for my kids.
I'm not sure if I would be adequate to home school a family of children...
It does sound like fun.. if I ever had the patience to get any good at it.
It does take patience...to tell the truth, I used to hate dance because I was the slowest one in my class and all the girls were better and I would just get worn out and it felt like I was learning nothing. But my parents encouraged me to stick with it as did my sisters and I'm kind of glad I did, because it opened a lot of opportunities. But so far, it's been the only thing that I've really stuck with when it comes to extracurricular activities.
Well, I always love listening to (erm.... reading?) rambling. You always have something interesting to ramble on about; it's nowhere near dull.
Yep, I'm one of those somewhat-talkative-online people who's quiet in real life. I'm not horribly shy (though I used to be--I'm a lot better this year!), but I prefer staying in the background and letting others dominate the conversation. Around my close friends, though... uh... my true colors show themselves.
Haha! I'm usually the one dominating the conversation. I really do have to check myself and tell myself to shut up sometimes and listen. I think I'm getting better at listening, but it's hard to tell. It's not normal to ask people, "Am I a good listener?"
And everyone has a crazy side. You sound very much like a lot of my friends. It's kind of a "shock" for me when we're stuck in large crowds together because I'm not used to seeing them shy or quiet.
I think "Beloved" and "Let it Go" are my overall favorites (especially the former of the two--I love it!!), but "Healing Begins", "Strong Enough to Save", "You Are More", and "All the Pretty Things" are all really nice as well. And, of course "By Your Side". Actually, all of them are good. I just haven't listened to the rest as much. Tenth Avenue North just has amazing lyrics - they are so relevant and inspiring.
Those are definitely my favorites from Over and Underneath. I really, really want to learn to play "Beloved" on the piano. I haven't really decided which ones are my favoritists on The Light Meets The Dark. I really like them all.
That officially sounds AWESOME!! I'm actually listening to "Oh my Dear" by 10thAveN right now. It's officially my new favorite song.
I'm a fairly recent fan of theirs. I've had them on my Zune for ages and never listened to them because I thought I wouldn't like them.
And now it's turned out that I really really like them. I love surprises like that.
Oh, I totally know how that goes! I was that way with practically all Christian rock music...until I started listening to it. Bands like Switchfoot, Relient K, and Tenth Ave just grow on you! And you can't help but love them for their music, their lyrics, and for the band members themselves.
"Oh My Dear" is a beautiful song. You can tell that he's singing to someone else, but the song is so personal, it sounds like he's singing directly to you and it's the way so many of us feel a lot of the times, like we have to continue hiding what we've done from the people we live around and are friends with. And then we're surprised when we actually find love amongst the people of God!
Speaking of surprises, I had an awesome surprise this morning in church. So all summer I've been doing a lot of fundraising for my senior trip, and somehow I managed to be the top, um... salesperson, I guess. Not that I like selling candy bars, but I guess I was a lot more determined to not be stuck doing it till March.
So, anyway, I made the goal, and this morning some anonymous person left a $50 Kohl's card on my seat in church as a reward. Which means I get to go fall shopping.
Oh, fun, fun!!! Kohl's is an amazing place to shop. My grandmother always buys our "birthday clothes" from Kohl's.
Congrats on raising all that money! I bet that's a load off your back.
You should make time. It is really an amazing album.
I have this Hastings bookstore gift card that I've had for ages and haven't managed to use. And I know that Sanctus Real's latest will be in stores now...I just need to go there and buy it! Like tomorrow when I have nothing else to do!
Well, with all that said, I must be going to bed! I was planning on getting this all done with earlier, but my grandmother called and we had a lovely chat and then I got distracted by a book (House Of Many Ways by Diana Wynne Jones, the sequel to Howl's Moving Castle, both a very good read!) and I quite forgot that I had a post here to finish!
But I have finished it now! I hope you all had a blessed Sunday!
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*comes in whistling*
Good Mortereve! How are you all?
Wow today is so nice out! The wind is blowing pretty hard, the sky is blue, and it's not too cold. Lovely lovely
Ben: you don't know? it's like, when you take a lime and cut it in half and then cut a half in half. then it's a wedge of lime.....
it's really yummy!
I like nearly screamed when I saw that picture!!!!!
Oh. I just did not remember them called that.
Have you ever taken a lemon and cut it up then dipped it in a little sugar?
It is really good! Sweet n' Sour, yum yum!
Agreed Rose
I'm not even sure how much I like wearing it. It's a hassle to try and put on in the morning and I can't sleep unless I've washed it all out.
Very silly, all of it. Several of my friends have reassured me that I don't need it...and I've reassured myself aplenty that wearing make up really doesn't make you look any better than you do.
My sisters only just started wearing a little make up, my Mom never really use make up, she used some sometimes but not much and she is still just as beautiful if not more
Yes! I can't wait for fall! It's especially nice to drive over hills and look down on all the colorful trees. I hope we get a lot of rain this season, because it seems the more rain we get, the more color we get from the trees in the fall.
Yeah I bet rain would help with that.
I can understand why winter in Florida would be nice. I've never been to Florida, though my parents have. I hear it's quite...warm. And from what I've seen on the weather radar, it typically stays that way.
Yeah it is not too insanely cold, so the weather is usually nice. And in the summer! Yikes! It is really really hot!
RANDOM INTERJECTION: Speaking of Florida, I couldn't help but notice that there was hurricane somewhere near there named after me.
My friends kept sending me links with pictures of "Hurricane Danielle" asking me what I had been up to. I felt flattered that they would bother to name a hurricane after me...and then I couldn't help but start singing "Hello Hurricane" by Switchfoot.
Oh your name is Danielle? That is a really cool name! My sister-in-law has that name as well.
I first saw it when I was looking on Google Earth, and they show the weather, so that is when I heard about it.
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*wanders in, eating a carrot cupcake*
Well, it's been an exciting day in the mysterious world that is my backyard. Our wild turkeys made an appearance again - they're all busy scraping and pecking at the underbrush about twenty feet away from me as I'm typing this. Earlier, they were gobbling and freaking out because a random orange cat decided to meander by. Oh there, the dad just hopped up onto the fence. He's giving me the evil eye.
Today is my last day of summer vacation! School starts up again tomorrow, so I'm trying to get some work done on my book. I feel like I wasn't productive enough this summer.
Oh my! There's a beautiful hawk sitting in a tree about thirty feet away. I've never actually seen one in our yard before! Wow, isn't he pretty? I LOVE birds of prey! And just like that, he flew off. Zoom. Aww, come back, will you? *drools*
My backyard isn't always this interesting. I promise.
Well I didn't help with the chores at all because I'm allergic to almost everything animal and plant but my sisters did
I know what you mean. I'm allergic to way too many things. I don't think I could survive on a farm because hay affects me horribly. It gets into my chest, and then I'm coughing and wheezing for about a day afterwards. Most of my allergies are better than they were, though, because I've been getting shots and I'm almost done with them.
Deathly Hallows looks like they're going to be the best movies, I'm so excited. It's my favourite book, most of the time, plus I've just found out they've moved Japan's release date up by about 10 days.
November isn't that far off.
*waves back* I definitely agree there - DH is my favorite book too! I got it at midnight when it came out, and I had it read 36 hours later.
I can't wait for the movie!
Awww, I've been wanting pizza all day.. *is jealous, despite the fact that said pizza is probably long gone*
;)) *hides empty pizza box*
Silver: hi! how are you?
I'm good, thanks! How are you?
So I tried starting a book, but I knew hardly anything about Paragraphs, putting quotes where people are talking and lots of other things! Not that I know much about that now, but quite a bit more. But when I had learned about that stuff and went back and read what I had written, and I was so surprised/embarrassed![]()
That sounds a bit like the first novel I wrote. It had no paragraphs, and it was all handwritten in pen with lots of stuff crossed out. Every time I look at it, I'm like, "Wow, did I really write this?" But the story itself has potential...if given time and lots of fixing up.
I come back and look at it occasionally as a reminder of how far I've come since then.
We always loved raking all the leaves into one huge pile and then jumping into them! I have not done that in a long time!
I love that, especially when the pile is enormous. Oddly enough, I'm already finding the occasional red leaf in my yard, and lots of little yellow ones. Our trees are impatient.
I'm one of those somewhat-talkative-online people who's quiet in real life. I'm not horribly shy (though I used to be--I'm a lot better this year!), but I prefer staying in the background and letting others dominate the conversation. Around my close friends, though... uh... my true colors show themselves.
That's exactly how it is for me too! I also dislike talking on the phone...it's awkward for me. I'm so much better at writing to people.
I made the goal, and this morning some anonymous person left a $50 Kohl's card on my seat in church as a reward. Which means I get to go fall shopping.
Awesome! I love shopping at Kohls. They always have clothes that I like. I can't wait for the weather to get colors so I have an excuse to go fall shopping.
Half of the sky was one big black cloud with a brilliant rainbow in the middle it, surrounded by streaks of lightning and the western half of the sky was a glorious sunset...aaaah! We stopped and watched until it went all the way down. It was so much fun! We ran out into an empty cow pasture and just sat on the fence, looking like bums.
Oh wow, that sounds amazing! I love beautiful sunset and sunrises. They're always prettier when there's clouds in the sky, too.
I've never ridden a horse, sad day. Everyone I know has or is taking horse riding lessons or owns horses...it's somewhat shameful to not know how to ride a horse where I come from.
Me too! I'd love to learn to ride! But sadly horse riding lessons are so expensive...
Do you plan on catching any turkeys before thanksgiving?
We get a lot of wildlife around here too, though mostly deer. The other night, my dad and I were outside when all of a sudden we heard something like caterwauling. It was a cat going 'meOW, meOW' as if it were about to die. We never saw it, because it was dark, and my dad insisted on shutting our garage before it got in.
Poor kitty...
I've always wanted a pet of some sort. But then, at the same time, I'm glad we don't keep cat food or dog food around our house, because that is what really attracts raccoons and opossums.
Aww, poor kitty indeed! Ever since I was little, I've been a huge cat lover. Ironically, I'm allergic to them too. So's my dad. He's also allergic to dogs, but our dog has "hair" instead of "fur", so she doesn't shed and doesn't bother his allergies.
Well, I seriously need to work on my book some more. Happy Monday/Labor Day everyone!
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
In a way, I give myself a birthday present, My first post in ditto town! My faimly has just left Chiago. We where at the muesum of sci. And ind.!
Happy Labor day!
memento mori
That is so cool about the wildlife Silver!
That sounds a bit like the first novel I wrote. It had no paragraphs, and it was all handwritten in pen with lots of stuff crossed out. Every time I look at it, I'm like, "Wow, did I really write this?"
But the story itself has potential...if given time and lots of fixing up.
I come back and look at it occasionally as a reminder of how far I've come since then.
I keep on saying that I'm going to go back and work on it, but never do. And now that my screen on my laptop is broken I can't access it. But if I could I would do it right now because I am pretty bored
I love that, especially when the pile is enormous. Oddly enough, I'm already finding the occasional red leaf in my yard, and lots of little yellow ones. Our trees are impatient.
Yeah enormous ones are so much fun!
Out in Colorado where we are visiting right now, the aspens are just starting to turn yellow and a few orange ones...
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*wanders into the Square on a pleasant Monday evening* Good mortereve, all! I am fine and dandy, after an extra long weekend -- no school today! I assume many of you are beginning school this week? I wish you well with that.
I'm busy, busy, busy--ever so busy! I like the craziness, though. Summer is nice in its own relaxed way, but there's something nice about starting school again -- having a schedule, for one thing. And, of course, I definitely enjoy seeing all my friends again.
Well. It's been so cold lately! (Or seemingly so, after the summer.) It's been in the 60's during the day, and lower during the evenings. I was relaxing in the hammock earlier this afternoon, studying (for my math test tomorrow) in the breeze. I love autumn weather.
Annnd, our garden is just about finished. We had a wonderful produce this summer--tomatoes, peppers, beets, carrots, green beans, cucumbers, potatoes, chard, dill, onions, squash, lettuce... you name it! My dad got into a "garden mood", and was happy and enthusiastic about the whole thing--I didn't mind, seeing as I didn't have to weed as often.
That's too bad about quitting guitar, Ed P. I was seriously thinking about quitting violin lessons (which would have been hard, after eight years of playing), but we decided to keep on going and see what happens. If I have absolutely no time to spare with music on top of school, well... then I'll know. But so far, so good.
Whoa. A voice like Josh Groban's? That is a compliment.
Do you enjoy singing? I think that's the key. If you absolutely despise it, definitely don't start lessons. If you don't mind it and think the Lord may be calling you to share your abilities, I'd say give it a shot. Sometimes something we think is bad turns out not-so-bad-after-all.
And YES! I'm excited for VotD.
*would love to attend a Tenth Avenue North concert herself someday* Hope you can make it! That would be loads of fun.
Why hullo there, Bella! No worries, I know how that goes. I was at it all last school year. But you don't have to catch up, you know--we like it just as well whenever you drop by! *politely obliges and pulls out her violin to play for Bella*
Oh my.That's tough. When one has experience in music and is playing in an orchestra that, uh, doesn't, it's not pleasant.
Indeed. Ah well, the other orchestra will make up for it. Speaking of which, my audition is a week from today--eek! I'm nervous.
Also, my concerto is coming along quite well. I played it wonderfully at my lesson today -- it was so exciting! (Sorry, I always get overly adrenalized when I conquer a difficult part in my music... which, in this case, is the whole piece.) My recital will most likely be late-November/early-December (and yes, I will be performing! Yay!), so that's probably when I'll finally have the recording (aka Ben, ~LL~, and Malkah).
Hullo, Silver! Oh yes, please do join us. It's lovely to have you!
What's your novel about, if I may ask? I've seen you around the Writer's Thread quite a bit (I keep up with it, but just don't post. And Fencer has such good advice - it's truly amazing.)
My, my. Turkeys? We've seen quite a lot of them around here as well. Just the other day a group of about eight paraded through our backyard into the woods beyond. It was quite a sight! We've had possums, raccoons, ducks, deer, coyotes, and foxes, but never so many turkeys all at once. (Our cat was silly enough to chase one of the larger ones, and actually frightened it up the sycamore tree. My, was he ever proud of himself!)
And it's good to have another wanderer here in the Square. (In the WC, I'm the "wandering welcomer".)
*closes her eyes and listens in rapture to the final strains of Abe's violin dwindling away into the cool night air* Ahhhh. I love the sound of a violin -- it's so evocative, so haunting. It stirs one's very soul.
My hand can reach an octave plus two half-steps. I'm not sure if that's more than most people or not.
I can barely reach an octave with my left hand, and don't even come close with my right. (Yes. I have remarkably small hands. And yes. It can be extremely frustrating at times.) That was one reason I never enjoyed piano as much as I probably could have. My options of music to learn was limited, and I often was stuck with pieces too easy for me. (When she could, my teacher rearranged the right hand part so I could play it, but it was still very difficult.)
I sometimes have trouble with my small left hand in violin, but I can manage much better than I could with piano. ---A very good thing, I might add!
A fractured foot, Glenstorm? Ouch! Your poor sister. I have a friend at school who fractured his hand. Apparently it didn't hurt at all, and he didn't even realize it was hurt until I pointed out the purpleness. It looks awful.
CONGRATS, AC, on your first NarniaWeb anniversary! I've really enjoyed getting to "know" you in the Square. Be sure to stick around for many more years, yes? (And "only 400 posts"? Psh! Your posts have a lot more substance and meaningfulness to them than a lot of the other NWebbers who just post to boost their post count.
You have nothing whatsoever to be ashamed of.)
Yes, I have seen the Harry Potter movies. And... I love them. (I must say, I'm as equally excited for DH as I am for VotD---actually, even more.) I enjoyed looking through your favorite characters (where you were telling Jo earlier in your post). Mine are Harry, Neville, Sirius, Tonks, Mollie Weasley, Fred & George, and Snape. I also really like Ginny, Luna, and Dobby (I was absolutely devastated when Dobby died. I rarely cry when reading, but I did shed a few tears at that particular part.)
*makes a mental note to see the musical*
Ah, I dislike talking on the phone as well, Silver, unless it's with a very good friend. It can get... awkward, when you run out of things to say. Letters are so much more fun! Unfortunately, none of my friends agree.
They're into emails and the like, which are nice, but letter are ever so much nicer.
Greetings, Boy Scout! It's lovely to have you join us.
And, look at that? I'm done! I hope you all have a wonderful week; I certainly shall.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
*wanders into the Square on a pleasant Monday evening* Good mortereve, all! I am fine and dandy, after an extra long weekend -- no school today! I assume many of you are beginning school this week? I wish you well with that.
I'm busy, busy, busy--ever so busy! I like the craziness, though. Summer is nice in its own relaxed way, but there's something nice about starting school again -- having a schedule, for one thing.And, of course, I definitely enjoy seeing all my friends again.
A very pleasant evening indeed!
I was just thinking about schedules this evening, and how if I had like a piano teacher it would be really good for me in more in one way: I would get better at piano and it would keep me committed to keeping somewhat of a schedule
Well. It's been so cold lately! (Or seemingly so, after the summer.) It's been in the 60's during the day, and lower during the evenings. I was relaxing in the hammock earlier this afternoon, studying (for my math test tomorrow) in the breeze. I love autumn weather.
It's been around that here also, though in a day or two it is not supposed to get above 60 degrees, which = ,
I slept out on the porch last night and when I woke up this morning the wind was blowing and it was so beautiful!
Annnd, our garden is just about finished. We had a wonderful produce this summer--tomatoes, peppers, beets, carrots, green beans, cucumbers, potatoes, chard, dill, onions, squash, lettuce... you name it! My dad got into a "garden mood", and was happy and enthusiastic about the whole thing--I didn't mind, seeing as I didn't have to weed as often.
Oh I love gardens! Especially harvesting the food Yum yummy!
And now it is time for a cinnamon roll that my sister made... or two
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I hope you all have been having a pleasant Labor Day! Mine has been rather dull. I spent most of it reading the entire book House Of Many Ways by Dianna Wynne Jones. My brothers did a lot of lawn work, I did a bit of house work and some Algebra, but other than that...it was a pretty quiet holiday. And I'm looking forward to starting school tomorrow. For now, it seems I have a tad bit of catch up to do.
I wish all evenings were as quiet as this one, so that I wouldn't get so backed up in catch up...
My sisters only just started wearing a little make up, my Mom never really use make up, she used some sometimes but not much and she is still just as beautiful if not more
Aw, that's so sweet. And it's very true. Too many girls where way too much make up nowadays and many of them would probably look so much better without it! I don't understand it.
I think I'll save it for days like Sunday when we go to church or special occasions.
Yeah it is not too insanely cold, so the weather is usually nice. And in the summer! Yikes! It is really really hot!
I hear that it is humid as well! Ick! I hate humidity. Heat is something I can tolerate, but humidity always makes me feel sticky and disgusting, like I'm stifling in an oven. Bleck!
Oh your name is Danielle? That is a really cool name! My sister-in-law has that name as well.
I first saw it when I was looking on Google Earth, and they show the weather, so that is when I heard about it.
Yeah, well, I didn't even know about the hurricane until my friends sent me pictures of it! It was quite fantastic, storms are like that. I was amazed with how enormous it was!
Yes, my name's Danielle. Though I typically go by Dani.
Miss R, I hope you don't have to quit violin lessons! I used to play the violin and I quit when I was about 11, I think, because I didn't have the patience to keep it up and I regret doing that now. If you love to play the violin, you should definitely try and keep it up! Though I understand if you have to...my oldest sister used to play the violin, but when it was time to leave for college, the instrument had to be put in its case and it hasn't been played much since.
Oh wow, that sounds amazing! I love beautiful sunset and sunrises. They're always prettier when there's clouds in the sky, too.
Whenever I get the chance to go out and sit and watch the sunset, it is always the highlight of my day. I one time saw this sunset where the sun was shining through a rain storm, making the rain look gold from a distance...'twas beautiful.
I probably have a picture of it somewhere...
Me too! I'd love to learn to ride! But sadly horse riding lessons are so expensive...
That they are!! My parents only have so much in their budget to pay for extracurricular stuff. It's one of those things that's so much fun, but is most certainly a luxury...
Aww, poor kitty indeed! Ever since I was little, I've been a huge cat lover. Ironically, I'm allergic to them too.
So's my dad. He's also allergic to dogs, but our dog has "hair" instead of "fur", so she doesn't shed and doesn't bother his allergies.
I know! I felt so bad for it! My entire family is allergic to dogs and cats too! Except, I'm not allergic and my youngest brother who has an immune deficiency isn't allergic to anything, but we still have never had any pets. My parents have always liked outdoor pets (and I kind of prefer them too) but I would love, love to have a dog or a cat!
*waves to Boy Scout* First post in Ditto Town, eh? Welcome to the Square! We'd love for you to stick around. Oh, and is it your birthday? Happy birthday!! Erm, sadly, I don't have any presents for you...but there is a chocolate tree on that (points) side of the Square. Enjoy!
Well...that's all for tonight! *looks over post and scratches chin*
I believe there was something of substance in there. If not, I suppose the mods will report me and I'll just simply have to add something healthy like a granola bar. Speaking of which, my mom made home made granola bars the other day. They're quite tasty.
And now I really must be off to bed. Good night all you lovely folks!
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*Walks in with a cup of white tea in one hand and a pop tart in the other* This is how I strategically balance the healthy with the unhealthy.
So I just started getting into the 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' show. I really love it. I've only watched a couple episodes, but I'm already kind of addicted.
Anyways, catch up!
Hullo! Nice to meet you! Especially as you mentioned Austen, Beauty & the Beast, and random stupidity in the same post.
I think we'll get along fine.
And just curious, but how long have you been playing guitar for? I've been wanting to pick it up, but I don't know how easy that would be.
Yes, I think we shall.
Eh, I've been playing guitar for about a year and half, maybe 2 years, I think? I've kinda lost track, but it's somewhere around there. I'm completely self taught, so I'd have to say it's really easy if you practice every day.
With youtube and stuff, there's really no need to get lessons for guitar. Once you pick the basics up, I think you're good to go.
Do you play any other instruments?
*gasps* you think PC is decent? Let's be friends!
(I know.. I'm strange
Yep, I think it's quite decent. I didn't think that the first time I saw it, but I've come to like it much better now. Don't get me wrong, though, I still hold to my signature.
But I still think it's decent. Well, sure, I'd love to be friends!
I wasn't aware we were enemies before this.
It is! (I'm not funny enough to come up with that sort of thing on my own.) It's from Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga, book two. (Which I see Cymru mentions briefly later!) They're nice YA fantasy books with that charming brand of humour and I absolutely love the pacing of the story so far. And the characters! Peet the Sockman!
Oh, no way! My pastor just recommended that series to me, and I had never heard of it. I had actually never even heard of his music. I'll definitely have to start reading those, if I can squeeze them in between all my school work. Do you listen to him?
Maybe I have strange tastes, but I rather liked the 80's Northanger Abbey.
Well, I've never actually watched it. After seeing a few clips, I decided I didn't want to take the time to watch it. So perhaps I am unjustly condeming it, but the clips were weird (like that one where they're in the bath?
Or the ending scene?
Also, I love that P&P muchmuch more than the much lauded '95 version
I'm not sure if I like the 80's version better than the '95 version, but David Rintoul is my favorite Mr. Darcy. I have yet to see that S&S version, but it looks pretty good.
I've been doing so-so. School is kind of dragging on really slowly at the moment, but soon I'll be starting a college-level music theory class and joining a high school ensemble which should pick up the pace of things a bit more.
Ooh, a music theory class? I had a friend who did that, and if I remember correctly she really enjoyed it. You'll have to tell me how that goes.
How are you doing? You starting school soon?
I'm doing excellently! I started a couple of my classes, and the rest of them start Friday. So Friday is when the craziness all starts, I think.
I'm actually pretty excited, because this has been a downright boring summer.
I hope your sleeping trouble gets better!
Did I hear the words Beauty and the Beast? *starts humming snatches of the music* I like that movie.
To answer your questions, yes I am feeling much better, and yes I was sick for a ridiculously long time. I hope the rest of your summer school goes well!
Ooh, yes, the music's lovely, isn't it?
Aww, I'm glad you're back to normal, then! Thanks, I'm pretty much done with it now, so I'm happy about that!
I am most DEFINITELY not neglecting RK
. I'm kinda losing my fannism of JB though...I knew it was just a phase
Good. I recently bought 'Five Score and Seven Years Ago' and I love, love, love it.
Wow, already losing it? That was quick.
I love your avi/sig.
I feel like I comment on your graphics a lot...they're always so awesome.
It's going well, thanks!
(Don't ask me after this week, though. It might not be as nice
I'm glad the first week went well! Uh-oh, that always happens to me, too.
I say I love school the first week, then the second week I have a complete change of opinion. By the way, what's that quote in your sig from? I think I know it from something, but I can't remember what.
*Is somewhat jealous of all Ben's fun sounding camping adventures* I've only been camping once, but then it rained and our whole campsite flooded, so we had to go stay in a hotel. So since we didn't sleep there, I've technically never been camping.
I really want to go. I'm glad you had a great time, Ben.
I think LWW was more than decent as an adaption. And I think PC was much less than decent as an adaption, but more than decent as a movie. Anyway, I hope VDT will more excellent, as both!
Well I've come to look at it as LWW is a much more cinematic story than PC, so they kept a lot of the scenes from the book in it and stuff. But while they changed things with PC (many times because they had to), I think they held to the themes of the book pretty well. But, of course, I still hold to my signature and find many, many things annoying in PC. But I don't think I'd call it a bad adaption.
=)) This is awesome. I love that NWeb has become my culture gauge. Nothing is Truly Legit until it gets mentioned here now...
Haha, that is so true! This totally made me crack up.
It's good to see you too!
Glad you're nearly done with the summer classes! What year are you going into?
Thanks! I'm going into 10th grade, which I pretty excited about.
You're in a band? That's awesome!
What sort of music do you play?
Yeah, we're not very good, but it's a fun little hobby. It's contemporary Christian. It's mostly worship songs.
My summer has been busy!
I was finishing some school for awhile, and then I've been working and trying to figure out college plans. And my family's moving out-of-state in September, so that's consumed much of our summer.
But it's been fun (mostly).
That does sound like a busy summer! Moving out-of-state alone is a lot of work (I've never done it, but I've heard it's a lot of work )! Are you excited about moving, or not so much?
*waves to Bella* How are you doing?
Hello there, Silver! Welcome to the Square! I'm Poggy. I hope you stick around, and we don't scare you away!
here's a short video Libby and I made
Wow, that's so neat! I'll be looking forward to your future videos.
And in the summer! Yikes! [Florida] is really really hot!
Ack, tell me about it. I can't stand the heat, and FL is not only hot, it's humid! It's like unbreathable sometimes! (Slight exaggeration there
Well, that's it! I'm off to shower then hop in bed! Have a good mortereve, everyone.