Good mortereve to one and all! A little ketchup:
I finished Book 1 of Avatar last night! It was really good...
Glad you like it! It's one of my favorite shows. I think you'll enjoy the next 2 seasons as well.
I'm rewatching it right now, and am in the middle of season 3 ("The Day of Black Sun") - good stuff.
That is strange. Why would people be offended in Kansas City if they called it St. Louis Bread?
I didn't know it used to be called St Louis Bread until I went down there for the PC Lion Party.
It's possible they changed the name to avoid the possibility of offense in KC; I know the 2 cities have rival sports teams, for example.
A local example here was a restaurant chain called Minnesota Steakhouse (it was themed, something like Outback). They changed the name to Timberlodge Steakhouse when it expanded to Sioux Falls, South Dakota - probably to make the name more appealing to those outside its state of origin.
Enjoy your time at home (and break from studying), stardf!
a black bear. They're very common where I live so it's not something huge that we would see one. One of my mom's friends has one that visits her house every day to eat from her bird feeder- don't ask my why she keeps filling it
Black bears are rather common here too, though I've only seen them a few times while camping. Speaking of bird feeders, my brother had a bear rip through his fence to get to the bird feeders.
I love that feeling of anticipation in the air as summer slowly gives way to autumn and the chill of the cold air creeps in. 'Tis wonderful!
Ahhhh!! Sounds lovely! The days are rapidly getting shorter and it won't be long now before the leaves begin changing. I even saw a billboard last weekend telling us to "Think Snow!" (it was for a local ski area).
I am just about to go camping! Yes again I'm sure it will be a blast!... One day we went driving up to a pass called Boreas (or something like that ) Pass and we went hiking at the summit....Sleeping under the stars and then when we woke up we went cave exploring.
Someone after my own heart! It sounds like you had a great time. I bet the stars were awesome up there.
We're camping in northeast Minnesota for the long Labor Day weekend.
I;m really sorry to disrupt the flow... but I would like to know how to play a rollplaying game... could someone please tell me?
Welcome to Ditto Town! Thanks for asking. I'll send you a PM with more information; if you have questions please PM me or one of the other Ditto Town moderators.
*waves to Cymru, NN95, Mel, and all the other SquareOnions*
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
comes in singing "Further From Myself" by Pillar
Ruby: hi! I am doing good! you?
Ali: no! I couldn't get it to work! I sure hope they send an email apoligizing for not getting the rotten feed to work! ack!
*waves to Ben* hi!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good Mortereve, on this first day of September! A mere 21 days until the official beginning of fall (or Autumn, as I prefer)! School started back for me on Monday - a bit of a rough start, but that should be expected after not doing a bit of school work over the summer.
My parents and I talked it over last night, and I have decided to stop taking guitar. It was a rather sad moment, considering I' have been playing since 2006, when we told my teacher. I gave it a good try, but it never really caught on. Not to say that I cannot play the guitar very well, but I just don't have a passion for it. No guts, no glory. No passion, no pizazz ( ) . I have a passion for photography, videography, cinematography, and graphics design. I enjoy music - I like music, but I don't know if I'm cut out for it. I enjoy singing, and there is a chance I will start taking lessons. As I have been told that I have a voice like Andrea Bocelii or Josh Groban. Quite a complement! I have a passion for singing? Should a person that has such a voice be forced to sing, if he does not want to? Should he do it if he is not forced to, but doesn't particularly want to, but knows that his music could influence so many? Difficult. I will have to meditate on this.
Ed, I have to say that I prefer biking over running as well, though I doubt I could bike an entire eight miles! I usually bike our entire neighborhood, which is a little over two miles with a variety of hills and such.
Sad, though, because I don't have a proper bike anymore since I outgrew my old mountain bike and my family's only working road bike broke.
It's really about building up stamina. I prefer it, but it's worse on your knees to bike. My uncle could hardly walk by this time he was 60 because he biked so much. So much, as in his words, "120 or 130 miles a week." So, this Autumn I plan to heed that and just run. I'm going to start back this evening and do it every day until December 6th (leave for NYC two days later), then resume on December 12th.
Ick, I get really bad heat exhaustion in the summer too. That's really no fun. I'm looking forward to cooler weather.
Indeed! I cannot wait for cold weather!
You guessed correctly! I Irish Dance.
To be specific, Irish Step Dance. I have been for about six years now. Talk about muscle build up in the legs.
Yay ! Oh, wow! Haha, yeah, no kidding!
Edmund P: Yes, yes, yes---summer has been beastly! Michigan is always very humid as well, which certainly doesn't help a whole lot. Ah well. At least fall is almost here! I love that season.
I can imagine. Where I live, the relative humidity can reach 97-100% easily. This year it has been especially horrible. But, yes! Autumn is right around the corner!
The Hunger Games Trilogy is set in a dystopic future in which the North American continent is ruled by an evil government that forces a boy and a girl from each of the twelve districts to fight to the death in a giant arena every year.
Sounds interesting! I'll have to get a sample of it off of iBooks!
I knoww.. ugh.
But it's not half so bad now as it will be in December when everyone on Nweb will be hyper about it.
I think I'll have to stay away for a while or something.
That is very true. You'll have to block it on your browser - unless you want everything to be revealed.
I think you misunderstood me.
I'm 99% staying in Japan this Christmas, with my family. I wouldn't mind going back to the UK for Christmas (and watching VDT
) but it's not going to happen, what with money and all.. plus, we're returning there semi-permanently next summer, so not much cause for a visit.
Sorry if that confuses you even more.
......I'm just going to ignore that....
Well, I can understand why, because it didn't exactly follow the book very well.
(in terms of storyline, that is, not theme) But in my head the movie world and book world are so separated anyway, I can enjoy both without having too many problems about how they change things.
Agreed! A book and a film are two very different concepts. A movie is play recorded on film. A book is a story told in words. They should not be the exact same as each other.
In regards to Tenth Avenue North discussion between some folks: They're going to be here in 11 days! I hope to go! I haven't seen them since last September. I saw them for a few songs this past February, but I don't really count that as a concert. . .I hope I can make it to the show !
*comes into the square listening to "Healing Begins" by Tenth Avenue North*
One of my favorite songs! I like it more than any of their others.
@ Edmund P. Welcome! Thank you, we're much relieved that you have.
I'm sorry, what were we talking about ? Subs
well the first film we stayed up for was the first Pirates of the Carribeans movie. That was worth staying up for. And then we saw the next two which were not worth staying up for
. Have you seen those movies?
Ah, I see. I have! One of my favorite film trilogies (about not to be a trilogy). I plan on going to see the 4th one next summer
Gotcha. Obviously, that's not the case with me.
Yup, I agree with you! It should be good.
Well, everyone's different (thank God)! I think so too! I cannot believe that the release is only 99 days from now !
*waves to Cymru, Edmund P, Liberty and Mel*
*Waves back *
Glad your NYC plans are coming along, Edmund P.
As am I! I cannot really make a firm schedule until mid-October, as we will know the premiere dates by then (I have been told).
*Waves to malkah*
ack! I hate this! is having a live feed with the authors of the books and it isn't working! ugh! I can't see the feed! ahhhhhh!
Have you read that series? I'm picking up the 10th book tomorrow! I cannot wait to find out who finds all of the clues, what the treasure is, and everything else!!! I would have gotten yesterday, but it was unavailable and the iBooks Store doesn't have it yet! Aggghhhhh !
I'm reading Mere Christianity by Lewis. I know, it's lame, because I've never read the book before and it's like his most famous work. I've got a lot of Lewis on my reading list.
I read that awhile back - excellent book! Though, my favorite has to be either The Great Divorce or Till We Have Faces. I'm going to have to read some more after I finish my reading list of James Patterson !
*Waves to Queen Susan *
Well, I believe that does it! I cannot wait for October! Halt's Peril by Jon Flanagan releases in the US and The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. I've been anticipating these books for MONTHS!
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
oh I hated headgear when I had it! I pray you get used to it and don't have to use it long- it was definitly the worst part of my orthodontic experience.
Oh, thank you!! I'm getting more used to it--last night I slept through the entire night. But it's starting to feel kind of raw where it rubs inside my mouth.
I was expecting it to be a lot better. *laugh* Oh well.
I'm not sure how long I'll have it... Hopefully not too long...
*waves back to Ed P* Wow, that is a compliment! (told you have a voice like Josh Groban, etc.)
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
"Steve, I will make you a vampire!" "what? I am not Steve!" "yes you are!" "no, I am Josh! get away from me!"
- Libby comes in the square, shaking and flipping out -
ack! I saw the most disturbing thing in my life yesterday! I was just searching for Bridge To Terabithia movie pictures on Google and then I see this creepy picture of some kid with spiky hair and dark eye liner. I nearly screamed. then I took another look. it was Josh Hutcherson! ew! so I clicked it to see what on earth it had come from! ah! Josh Hutcherson played a creepy dude in some vampire movie! gack! that picture scared the life out of me!
Edmund P: have I read it? definitly!!!!! I am obsessed with that series! I have read all the books.....well, all of them except for book 10! I read the first half of book 10 at Barnes & Noble a couple nights ago and I am dying to read the end!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*a familiar face strolls in*
Oh dear, how odd that sounds!
*a familiar person strolls in*
Hello, hello! Yes, it's Bella, that girl who comes in, promises that she's going to keep up with catchup, disappears, and then says that she's back and can't do catchup, but hopes to stay! And she's at it again! For the fourth time! (or so I assume)
I apologize. However, this fourth time has taught me that things have gotten too busy for me to frequent the Square daily or on a regular basis as I used to. *has a lachrymose moment as she calls a violin player of the square, presumably Miss R or Jojo, and dabs her eyes with a hanky*
But I was feeling sad and wanted to visit my ol' second home (or, third since Heaven is my first home, my home-home is my second home, and I guess Narniaweb fits as my third home. Or well, some of the people consisting Narniaweb/ make this my third home to say it more correctly. )
But so this is a room in my third home? Okay, that sounds right. The Spare Room! Narnia!
Uh-huh. Never mind.
*goes to the chocolate tree and plucks three ripe, delightful morsels*
RL Sibling: CSLewisNarnia
*a strange figure is in the shadows on the edge of the square. Slowly he steps out and becomes not so strange* It's me!
Yes I know random, stupid and all that
How are things in the square? Good? Ah that is good! I hope they stay that way!
I finished Book 1 of Avatar last night! It was really good- I like it even better than Robin Hood
. I cried alot in the last episode- so bittersweet *sniff*
. And I spent hours yesterday downloading screencaps for all the episodes- many graphics coming!
Sweet! Can't wait to see the graphics!
btw, that's really cool that you climbed the decks to get up to your brother's room! I can't imagine how funny his reaction was when you opened the door
It was pretty funny!
haha I wish- he's only 2 though and therefore about that many feet tall as well
haha well he and his brother are like the two most popular guys at our church because they're hilarious and, well, they dance!
So they're both usually taken within the first 10 seconds of a dance being announced
Well you can still tell him to hurry up Haha joke...
you should know I like to make up words by now
(oh and I'm pretty sure "heydy" isn't really a word either
) .
Yeah I knew it was not a word I just made it up
well I don't use w/ or w/o! Just b/c! Or I used to
I'm glad you only used to
*sigh* yes
. I am reading The Riddlemaster of Hed right now along with a couple other books. After I finish Riddlemaster I shall take another try at TTT and then read the Anne books
You should not read The Lord of The Rings if you are going to take that long! You can hardly enjoy them if you take such huge breaks in between reading times!
you are so difficult sometimes!
haha good- I do too
. It took my sisters and me a week to watch the whole first season
. We watched 9 episodes yesterday!
When I first watch them I watched them with my brother and his wife and another brother and his soon to be fiancee. And we watched them every week on mostly Fridays for my soon to be sister-in-law had school then, so we could only do it on certain days. But it was a tone of fun with them all!
Wow 9!
I usually can't either. My two favorites though would be Hold My Heart and Beloved- the Lord has given them very special meaning to me
mmhmm...when are you taking it to a store to get it looked at?
Those are good!
That is really cool!
I hope to soon, but who knows
you don't have a keyboard or anything?
PIANO! Definitely
. I've said this before- you keep forgetting
. I think I know maybe 3 or 4 chords on guitar
Not here with us. Our piano we have is a portable grand. Which is pretty much a keyboard but nicer than most.
I keep forgetting because when you first said something about it I thought you said that you were best a Guitar, so I just keep getting it mixed up
Your vanity annoys me. Only sometimes is it the best thing to do
Of fine I agree, minus the typing. It's easier and faster to write b/c.
I said "feels better" not "is faster"
Someone after my own heart! It sounds like you had a great time. I bet the stars were awesome up there.
We're camping in northeast Minnesota for the long Labor Day weekend.
They were great!
Oh cool
*waves back to Libby* Heydy Howdy!
One of my favorite songs! I like it more than any of
Tis a great one!
*waves to Bella* I'm glad to have you back in the Square! And lets hope it will be for a while at least
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
comes in smiling
only 97 days until Dawn Treader! yay!
Ben: howdy! how are you? any chance you can come to NH?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Hey ho!
Yes, Liberty, I did enjoy the Bridge to Terabithia film. I thought AnnaSophia Robb and Josh Hutcherson played the characters to a "T". As always, though, I enjoy the book even more.
Ben, your sister is 6'? Are you quite tall, yourself?
I'm playing my violin in the orchestra. The school one REALLY stinks (like, seriously. The music is pathetically easy.), but I have to be in it in order to be in the other orchestra (which I really want to participate in). The school one has a pitifully small number of kids, and they all play horribly anyway.
Oh my.That's tough. When one has experience in music and is playing in an orchestra that, uh, doesn't, it's not pleasant.
Oh good, you are familiar with Herriot's books, Louise.
Is anyone else feeling ready for fall? ... there's that hint of autumn in the air that makes me think of warm jackets and hot cider and piles of leaves.
YES!!! Even reading your description makes my heart beat faster for joy!
I do wonder how they would adapt it though; I think we don't realize how truly horrific parts of the story are, because they're only on the printed page."
Ditto! And I agree! Likewise! Really, I don't know how it would be able to get by without a PG-13, if they showed everything. More like even an R rating, which means that the age is was mainly meant for could not go and view it.
Jo, I'm happy to hear you're enjoying The Harry Potter series so much! How old is your daughter?
She's a young adult, actually, but we love reading aloud together. I hope that continues far into the future.
The Hallowe'en costume sounds wonderful, Cymru! What fun. How old is your daughter?
So happens I get to teach all of the advanced beginners with bad attitudes, who don't really want to learn. Sigh.
It's going to be a good lesson in patience, I guess.
Definitely. And hopefully you will see many of them mature in time. And your attitude—which I have no doubt will be excellent—as a teacher can help with that. Cool, eh?
but I just finished reading Bunyan's book The Acceptable Sacrifice. ... Another really good one by him is The Fear of God.
*makes a note of both of this* Thinking harder is a good thing, 'though it can be wearying after hours of it. (See Ecclesiastes 12:12)
*loves the subtleties in Mel's post*
Yesterday I got headgear. It's painful and grotesque and hard to sleep in. But maybe I'll get used to it.
*wishes the Queen well* How's it going, now that you've worn it for a couple of nights?
Though, my fingers are not especially long or skinny, but I do have a generally larger hand than most.
I think it was Liszt who had very large hands, and some of his pieces are nigh impossible to play because of it.
NN, it's great to hear that you're appreciating school and learning as you get older. A wise way of looking at it, for sure.
I even saw a billboard last weekend telling us to "Think Snow!" (it was for a local ski area). ... We're camping in northeast Minnesota for the long Labor Day weekend.
Speaking of which: do you have many good ski hills around your area? For some reason I have never thought of MN as overly hilly, especially the southern half. Enjoy your camping this weekend in the cooler temperatures.
May you have some clear night skies!
Wow, Edmund P! Deep thoughts re desires and what routes to take in regards to following one's talents. Good thoughts too! It would be cool if you could pursue singing! But what about other areas more passionate to you, such as photography? 'Tis a hard decision, to be sure.
Sorry to hear about your rough start to school, but I'm glad things are settling out now. Are you homeschooled?
Bella!! Good to see you in the Square again. Btw, folks, Bella has just joined the Welcoming Committee.
*chuckles heartily at her 'home' paragraph*
*waves cheerily to those SquareOnions she hasn't specifically mentioned*
Wishing a good long Labour Day weekend to all the North Americans!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
*a happy and excited hobbit runs into the Square, munching on a Three Musketeers mint candy bar*
Well, today hasn't exactly been the brightest of days. In fact, it started out really gloomy. For the past couple of nights I've been waking up at around 4 in the morning and having trouble falling back to sleep again. I don't know why, but I have. My parents have suggested some procedures and medications to help me sleep better, but I'm still having a lot of trouble even with these.
I thought perhaps getting more exercise would help, so I went for a walk Thursday morning and for the rest of the morning I was exhausted. It wasn't even a long walk! It was like fifteen minutes, and then I stretched for a few more. But for some reason I felt like a slug all day. Ergh.
One thing interesting about the walk though (this is random), I spotted two mother deer crossing the road and enjoying their breakfast of grass with their two baby fawns. And these were precious fawns, let me tell you!! They looked like regular bambies! The deer around here aren't skiddish around people, so I just sat there for a bit and watched them while they ate.
Well, come Thursday night, I'm still exhausted, I fall asleep fine, but wake up at 4 in the morning and can't fall back to sleep until 6. And then I'm a grouch for the entire half of the day, don't get any piano practice, and barely get my home work done and myself dressed before I have to walk out the door.
And then I step outside and the weather is amazing!!!! We had a good douse of rain yesterday, which is probably why the weather's so amazing today! And this morning it was warm enough, with a cool breeze, just enough to give you a little chill and make you run inside to grab your jacket and back out again to feel that delicious breeze pick up your hair and play with it around your face. I'm sounding very romantic, but it just absolutely made my day. I felt really pathetic for being a grump all morning.
And when I hopped inside of the car, the radio happened to be playing "Sunny With The High of 75" and I thought "Wow, God, nice timing!" And it made me laugh. I'm still feeling rather dreary (tired and sluggish) and not quite looking forward to a four hour dance practice. But all the same, there's always a bright side to every day and it's sad when we fail to see it.
Enough of my interesting experiences in the last two days...time for catch up!
Oh, good! I'll have to look up the release date then because it's always fun to be looking forward to a new book.
My sisters are especially good at keeping up with which books are coming out when (I am not very good at it, which is why I love them so much) and so we have fun anticipating such things together.
Speaking of books, our library just updated its collection of young adult books and they have a large selection of Diana Wynne Jones' books! *squees with glee*
I'm checking out one today, House of Many Ways, I believe it's called.
I'd have never said this when I was younger, but as I'm older, I'm getting to enjoy and appreciate school more. And, like I said, I prefer having a structured day, faster-paced day. Thanks, all is going well, thus far. Now, when do you start, again?
I often have to have a structured day...or I won't get anything done. And I sort of have to have it structured for me, because I'm terrible at making myself do things. But at the same time, I hate having life so monotonous. I'm learning to try and seek the qualities in every event in life, though. And I hope I'm getting better at it.
I started school about two and a half weeks ago, I think it was August 26? I'd have to check my calender...but the first Monday of that week.
Oh, I used to do it a lot when very few people wrote in color. It's easy to forget whose post you're reading partway through.
Anyway, the person I should really apologize to is whomever I misquoted, but I don't know who it was.
Haha!! Yes it is! I do that so much...I have to scroll up and see who it is I'm quoting. Sometimes it's easy though, especially when you're having a certain conversation or certain personalities really stand out. I think the more I'm on the Square, the more I'm getting to know everyone elses' personalities on here.
Ah, I knew it.
I love playing the piano, too.
*hugs* I love all who love to play piano. Yes, I know, I'm a sucker...
Out of curiosity, how long have you been playing?
Glad you found it! Yeah just keep it as a keep-sake
Oh wow! Yeah that is not good.
I'm very bad to my poor Bible. The next time my family visits a Christian bookstore, I'm going to buy a new Bible.
Speaking of which, I was wondering what y'all thought about different translations? I've used ESV for a long time and I know a lot of people like to use it, but I have friends who use NLT (New Living Translation) and say it's a lot better. And from what I've read of NLT, it often is worded much better than the ESV. I'm planning on buying a new Bible soon and was curious...
I love rain too! I actually find storms calming so I don't have a problem falling asleep when they're blowing
The sound of rain is always calming to me, but I always freak out when a thunder roll sounds all of a sudden. Not like I scream or anything, it's just a sort of instinctively wake up...
I'm a very jumpy person.
;)) what's Ceili dance?
Ceili dance is Irish dance, only it's the traditional style. So, it's basically like Square dancing, only sometimes a bit more complex and the music/style is different. It's really fun. We do Ceili dancing in Irish Step Dance too, only we do it "seriously" so we have to pay attention to how sharp our arm movements our and be in time with the music and everything.
It is definitly more manly to actually ask a girl! Takes courage I'm sure
. I know also some of my guy friends don't dance because they think it's awkward and that the girl will think that he likes her but that's usually not true- if more guys asked they wouldn't really have that problem
. Eh yeah, guys doing ballet is not very...attractive
That is so true! If anything guys usually don't like dancing with a girl they actually like, because that is awkward. But if the guy's not interested in the girl, then he should have no problem dancing with her.
I never liked the idea of ballet (nor did my parents) because it's just a bit...vain. I know this isn't the same for every body and I have nothing against ballet dancing (it's really cool!) but there's something about standing in front of a mirror for hours trying to make your body look absolutely perfect...
And guy ballet dancers wouldn't be half so bad if they didn't make them wear those horrible costumes!!
It's possible they changed the name to avoid the possibility of offense in KC; I know the 2 cities have rival sports teams, for example.
See, I didn't even think of that. Sports just don't register in my mind and I don't understand how people can be so zealous for an athletic team. But I guess that does make sense, seeing that entire cities take sports so seriously.
Ahhhh!! Sounds lovely! The days are rapidly getting shorter and it won't be long now before the leaves begin changing. I even saw a billboard last weekend telling us to "Think Snow!" (it was for a local ski area).
Oh, skiing sounds so exciting and makes me want snow even more! I've never been skiing, but I might have a chance this winter to go on a skiing trip with one of my friends. It's sort of "up in the air" right now and nothing is settled.
Today was definitely cooler than it has been all summer here! It probably won't stay this way very much longer, but usually by the end of September it actually starts getting colder!!
*waves back to Liberty*
Glad to hear that you're not sick or something. I've been doing pretty good, a tad tired these days...but hopefully I get to sleep a lot over the weekend.
Got any plans for this weekend?
Only 97 days until Dawn Treader???!! I had forgotten how soon it was coming out!!
It's really about building up stamina. I prefer it, but it's worse on your knees to bike. My uncle could hardly walk by this time he was 60 because he biked so much. So much, as in his words, "120 or 130 miles a week." So, this Autumn I plan to heed that and just run. I'm going to start back this evening and do it every day until December 6th (leave for NYC two days later), then resume on December 12th.
Isn't running hard on the knees also? I know my brother wears a knee brace sometimes when he runs...but that just might be his "bad knee" as he calls it. Yes, do be careful and don't hurt's important to think about your "future health".
For instance, I'm trying to get my brothers to stop cracking their knuckles! Most bad for you, gives you arthritis. My mother tells me never to do it (as a pianist, it's VERY, very bad for you).
My ankles crack (unintentionally) every now and then because I dance and have bad ankles.
I read that awhile back - excellent book! Though, my favorite has to be either The Great Divorce or Till We Have Faces. I'm going to have to read some more after I finish my reading list of James Patterson
Those would be my sisters' favorite two as well! I have a looong list of Lewis to read.
I'm just a poky reader. I can read fast when I sit down and do it, but I have to get around to it...
James Patterson? I don't believe I've heard of him. What books are his?
*gives a big HUG to Bella*
I know how that goes. I do that all the time, come in, promise to catch up, and fail to show up for the next three months! Anyway, will you be popping us any more delightful visits in the future? Or is this the end? (That sounds so horrible!)
And hopefully you will see many of them mature in time. And your attitude—which I have no doubt will be excellent—as a teacher can help with that. Cool, eh?
Yes, that's what I'm hoping happens. I realize it's not just my dancing, but my attitude that I'm going to have to keep in check while I'm a teacher.
Hopefully today will be a bit better.
Ah, and I see you quoted me in the Spare Ooom! *feels a bit flattered and humbled*
Well, well! It looks like that's all I've got for now, which is good, because it's time for me to be off to dance class.
Love you all and hope you have a great evening!
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
*enters listening to "Alive Again" by Matt Maher*
I just heard about him (Matt Maher), from iTunes when I bought "Over and Underneath" they said below "Listeners also bought" And they had him listed so I have been checking out his music on Grooveshark and am liking it pretty well.
Ben: howdy! how are you? any chance you can come to NH?
I'm quite well thanks You?
I don't foresee being able to in the near future
Ben, your sister is 6'? Are you quite tall, yourself?
She is somewhere right around there.
I am about 6' 2", I have not measured in a while and last time I checked I was 6' 1 and 1/2 inches so I'm guessing since it has been at least a half a year I am at least 6' 2"
*enjoys reading Ruby's entry*
I do hope you start feeling better soon!
Oh I just love those kind of days! So amazing!
I'm very bad to my poor Bible.
The next time my family visits a Christian bookstore, I'm going to buy a new Bible.
Speaking of which, I was wondering what y'all thought about different translations? I've used ESV for a long time and I know a lot of people like to use it, but I have friends who use NLT (New Living Translation) and say it's a lot better. And from what I've read of NLT, it often is worded much better than the ESV. I'm planning on buying a new Bible soon and was curious...
Oh cool
I have not read either, most of what I read it NKJV (New Kings James Version) and have been happy with that.
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Good Mortereve everyone!
Well, the first week of school has come to an end. I think it went pretty well overall. I do have some homework to do over the weekend but thankfully not too much. The SGA meeting went well; and five new people came! I didn't have to say much since the first meeting is always a little informal, but I probably will have to say a bit more next time. The only not-so-great thing that happened today was my gavel hasn't come yet. I was looking forward to using it.
Oh, to all-who-wished-me-luck-on-my-scholarship-letter I got it finished on time and my teacher liked it.
This summer, I did American History and am proud to say I finished the entire curriculum in two months! Whoot! The joys of home-school....
Congratulations! I wish I had been able to do that when I was still homeschooled. I tried to go faster, but I never seemed to be able to keep up the pace. Oh well, at least I graduated on time. Compare that to my little brother who can get through an entire year's worth of work in six months!
You don't want to be taken totally aback when the right person comes along, especially if you know that marriage and having a family is something you want to do. At the same time, I don't want to fall into the rut of sitting at home and just waiting for the right guy.
True, very true. I'm not sure how I would respond if a guy talked to me about dating/courtship/whatever-you-want-to-call-it if I hadn't known him for a long time already. On the other hand, I don't want to sit around waiting for him to show up. I know a lot of guys, but I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with any of them.
*pauses to help her mother make Chex Mix*
Eustace's voice sounds rather strange in the first two clips though.
Oh good. I thought I was the only one. His voice does sound weird. Maybe they were trying to have a contrast between Eustace the undragoned and Eustace before the dragoning?
Are you going for both a AS (or some other variety of Associates?) and a BS, or just the AS?
Both. And possibly a Masters if all goes well. We'll see what happens.
Sounds like your camping trip was fun, Benjamin! Is it just me, or do you go camping a lot?
I like all of my teachers (thankfully they are all nice
) and school load is decent.... so far.
I'm glad to hear it! Nice teachers are sometimes are hard to find. This is the end of your second week? I hope it went as well as the first!
that's because that's how it should be, at least in my opinion
Hm. I'm not sure if that's how it always should be, but in most cases I think that's how it works best. Lovely pics of the masquerade ball. It looks like it was a lot of fun!
dot, I love your signature quote, if I haven't told you before!
I think you have told me before, but I think it was the last time I had it in my sig, which was a few months ago. I love that book.
Ooh, that's a lovely song. Now I have to get my hands on a copy.
*reads through stardf's post with interest* Ah, yes, Ruth. Her story is fascinating. Maybe I should bring this topic up in the Twue Wuv thread so we can get more people in on the discussion.
I'm sorry if I missed this, but what are you giving speeches for?
I am President of the Student Government Association on campus. And so sometimes when there is a special event on campus I will be expected to give a speech since I represent the student body. I don't have any scheduled right now, but it's only a matter of time. Enjoy Wives and Daughters! I liked it a lot.
*starts skimming*
Aww, you have headgear Queen Susan? I'm sorry. It will get better eventually!
*waves and exits by way of the Submit button*
Sounds like your camping trip was fun, Benjamin! Is it just me, or do you go camping a lot?
It was
Well recently I have ben doing a ton of camping! Though that is not always what I'm doing
You do much camping yourself?
*believes this is the shortest post that he has made in a while!*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*wanders in*
Hello everyone! *looks around* Well now, this is a pleasant place to gather, isn't it? I've never been here before. Mind if I join you? Oh, and my name's Silver. *curtsies*
I really should be working on my novel right now, but I've got writer's block, and the gloomy weather isn't making me feel any more motivated. (It's rainy, cloudy, chilly, and windy.) I suppose I should at least try to get some more editing done before school starts on Tuesday.
Well, I believe that does it! I cannot wait for October! Halt's Peril by Jon Flanagan releases in the US and The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. I've been anticipating these books for MONTHS!
I know, right? I can't wait for The Lost Hero. I've got my copy pre-ordered on They're selling exclusive signed editions there. I'm very excited! Also in October, Behemoth by Scott Westerfeld comes out. Man, am I going to be busy reading in October!
I spotted two mother deer crossing the road and enjoying their breakfast of grass with their two baby fawns. And these were precious fawns, let me tell you!! They looked like regular bambies! The deer around here aren't skiddish around people, so I just sat there for a bit and watched them while they ate.
Awww! That's adorable! Yesterday, we had eleven wild turkeys wander through our neighborhood. Usually there's only eight - mom, dad, and six babies. The babies have gotten really huge! But anyway, I have no idea where the extra three came from. Mass turkey migration, I guess?
Well, pizza's here. Gotta go! *runs off*
Av and Sig by Aravis Autarkeia
*wanders in*
Hello everyone!
*looks around* Well now, this is a pleasant place to gather, isn't it? I've never been here before. Mind if I join you? Oh, and my name's Silver. *curtsies*
Well hello there Silver! I'm glad you decided to wander in here! As you can see I am one of the few Narniawebbers that has my name as my Username so you can all ready see my name
I'm sure so one here would object to you coming into the Square! We would all love to have you! And if someone is objecting then I would be most surprised and would have to have a talk with them!
I really should be working on my novel right now, but I've got writer's block, and the gloomy weather isn't making me feel any more motivated. (It's rainy, cloudy, chilly, and windy.) I suppose I should at least try to get some more editing done before school starts on Tuesday.
A novel? That's cool!
So have you finished most of the writing and are just editing or are you editing as you go along?
Well, pizza's here. Gotta go! *runs off*
Oh that sounds most delicious! *mouth waters* I will have to go get some food soon as well.
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!