I'm very much enjoying reading the thoughts on courtship y'all are posting. So much so, that I'm going to jump in and point out that Ruth went to Boaz at Naomi's instruction! So it wasn't entirely her idea. I'm interpreting this as reinforcing the idea of having older and wiser heads advising you on the advisability of your relationship. After all, while other people can't be expected to be able to observe you and just know it'll work, they'll be able to observe you and see if the two of you work well together.
(I could also point out that Boaz went to Ruth first and said, "Stay here! Let me feed you! I'll protect you!" (Though, probably with less exclamation points and not necessarily with any romantic intentions. But since I'm speculating... ) )
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Part II of Catchup.
Am I a Harry Potter fan, AC? You bet!! A fanatic is more like it. I read the series for the first time this summer, and absolutely loved them. They were excellent!
And no, I have not seen the Harry Potter musical. *should google it* I did watch the youtube Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise, though. Hee hee hee! It was hilarious.
*absently watches a flea travel up her leg* Oi. Those little buggers are seriously annoying. Especially when your house is infested with them.
Hey, Ben, I like your "because, NOT b/c" requirement. I like it very much. *applauds* Now save me from the wrath of Glenstorm.
I'm playing my violin in the orchestra. The school one REALLY stinks (like, seriously. The music is pathetically easy.), but I have to be in it in order to be in the other orchestra (which I really want to participate in). The school one has a pitifully small number of kids, and they all play horribly anyway. So, yeah. It's... interesting.
You play the piano?
School has been okay, Cor -- or as okay as school can be. I'm surviving, though, and that's the important thing.
Hullo, Liberty! What type(s) of music do I like? Oi. You don't go for easy questions! I guess mostly Christian contemporary. (I like violin music, too--of course... hehe.) I've never heard any of Skillet's stuff. I do like some of Tenth Avenue North, Kutless, Switchfoot, Sanctus Real, Josh Groban, etc. as well. Oh, and I LOVE celtic music.
*reeeeaaallllyy hopes she can attend the Lima Lion Party as well* (!!)
Ahah, why thank you for the compliment (and the hug), dear Louise. *takes a bow*
Yes! I have read All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures Great and Small, All Things Wise and Wonderful, The Lord God Made Them All (I think those were the correct titles.) James Herriot is an excellent writer--very witty, and very descriptive. And yes, you were right indeed. I am an animal lover hands-down.
I hope I didn't miss anything! This was written in a rush. *skedaddles off to bed, tossing back
's for all*
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Hey, Ben, I like your "because, NOT b/c" requirement. I like it very much. *applauds* Now save me from the wrath of Glenstorm.![]()
Yeah isn't it great?! What do you think about "chat" language? Such as "u" "b4" "b/c" ect...
Glenstorm, you be nice to Rose! She is right you know!
I'm playing my violin in the orchestra. The school one REALLY stinks (like, seriously. The music is pathetically easy.), but I have to be in it in order to be in the other orchestra (which I really want to participate in). The school one has a pitifully small number of kids, and they all play horribly anyway. So, yeah. It's... interesting.
You play the piano?
Haha sounds like fun... .
What were the other instruments you play? I'm pretty sure it was Cello, right?
I am learning I like playing spontaneously!
It is so funny how I see sayings on here that I thought were only things my brothers say
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
Good mortereve! Hope you're all doing splendidly!
*settles onto a bench with her iced cinnamon-orange tea*
Is anyone else feeling ready for fall? We're still having hot summery weather here, but the sunlight has changed a wee bit and there's that hint of autumn in the air that makes me think of warm jackets and hot cider and piles of leaves.
Anyway, some ketchup! Which, despite ten pages, unfortunately will be much abbreviated and skimmy, in the interest of time.
*waves to StudyMate/Matette* Happy much belated birthday!
"Huh. I've never heard of him on NarniaWeb, so he can't be that famous."
This is awesome. I love that NWeb has become my culture gauge. Nothing is Truly Legit until it gets mentioned here now...
I really like how you bolded the middle letter of our nicknames. Sometimes it is a bit confusing.
And no, I haven't been drawing any more portraits since we last talked. It got really hot and I figured that sweating on my paper would not be conducive to prettiness. Also, I am lazy and it was a good excuse not to do anything.
Ah, yes. Well, I was mistaking your name for mine so often (writing posts after midnight might have contributed to this) that I thought I'd at least help my poor befuddled brain out a bit.
*hopes that no one shows up named Mil, Mol, or Mul because then we shall be rather in trouble*
Do you like drawing the surroundings and clothing, or the faces best?
I finally discovered that the library lost The Thief, thus explaining why I could never find it. Ah well, I suppose there's always next summer or Christmas break
Aww, I'm sorry you couldn't find it! Did you try ILLing? At least, you now have yet another reason to look forward to Christmas and summer.
Ehh. I'm not sure about the concerto. I actually may be having to quit lessons, due to school. (I dearly, DEARLY hope not though!) So we shall see. It all depends on when the recital is.
Oh dear! Is it a time issue, or have you moved too far away with school?
I hope that works out, and you don't have to quit!
*waves to Bella*
I know exactly what you mean by that!! I thought for sure my life would sort of settle down over the summer. Apparently I was wrong. It's nice though, because now getting back to school is really slow and relaxing compared to my summer.
I think it's because all year, I say "I'll do this in the summer" or "I'll catch up on this" or "I'll finally work on this". And then summer comes, and I've stuffed so much into it (plus summer activities) that it just goes crazy!
I'm glad it's slowing down for you! I'm enjoying it too--it's nice to get back into routine, however busy.
Along with dance, I'm going to be participating in a high school ensemble, if all the schedules and stuff work out for that. I'm not sure yet. If it falls through, big deal. I'm also working really hard on piano and I'll be starting a music theory class (college level). That about sums up my school life.
I'm guessing this is a musical ensemble? It sounds fun! Are you singing or playing piano?
*loves music theory* Such fun to see the math behind the music. It's like putting a puzzle together.
Vern, you use a computer? That must be quite a feat! Especially considering that Dragon-Eustace couldn't even pull off writing in the sand...I'm impressed.
Not yet, I start on Monday. I’ll be taking Math, American History, Language, Music Appreication and Orientation.
Ah, good! That sounds like a fairly manageable load. Are you excited especially about any of them? And is the Language a foreign language, or an English class?
Nope, never seen Doctor Who. I guess I'm deeply deprived....
Yes. You are. You really should try it; it's fun adventure/sci-fi with that same Britishy flavor of Merlin and Robin Hood. And it's rather interesting; Doctor Who has become almost as deeply entwined in British culture as Robin Hood and the Arthurian legends.
I've watched most of the revised run of Doctor Who, missed a few of the Rose and Martha episodes, but all of series 4 & 5.
I've seen all of the reboot except for the last few eps of series 4. And I haven't been able to see much of series 5; what do you think of Matt Smith?
I liked the video in your sig, by the way! Two Steps From Hell = pure and utter WIN. I wish someone would make a movie good enough for their music.
*waves to lysander*
*waves to PA* How's you? And I don't think I've ever heard what your book's about?
Like our football conversation. Anyway, I suppose we should start fresh. Have you been watching the pre-season games?
We definitely should! Football conversations are too good to let die.
I have been watching a lot of the pre-season games--having fun seeing the quarterback battle and the rookies! The Broncos trounced the Steelers last night, which was immensely satisfying to watch. I only wish it had been the regular season. And I do think the Broncs are headed for a better year than last year!
Have you been watching the games? How do the Pats look?
Oh, and what's the latest on Torry Holt? Is he out for the season?
Speaking of working, that's something I've been considering as of late. I really want to go to college, but if I ever want to make it through college loan-free I'll have to get a job and soon. But what job? As a musician, there's not much work that I would be good at or that appeals to me.
*whispers* You could always work at Chick-fil-A. We do sing quite a lot, when no customers are around. And sometimes, when they are, and we don't realize it.
Seriously, though, best of luck with finding a job you like! I do think the music field is one of the hardest to find jobs in, although it's also most rewarding, once you do.
I actually have no idea what alpaca milk tastes like... Now I'm curious.
But maca is actually a root that was used by the Incas for it's hormone balancing and energizing properties. It has a flavor very much like malt, and since I can't have real malt anymore, I really, really like it. It's a powder and I stir it into my milk and add chocolate, sugar, a touch of vanilla and a teeny pinch of salt. Ummmmm um! It's totally delish!
Ooh, but Incas and alpacas both live in the Andes! I was close!
Hmm, I wonder. I'm thinking (for no apparent reason) that it would taste like goat's milk, but now I want to find out!
That sounds scrumptious! I'll have to find and try it. *wonders if maca shakes are a possibility*
So who is like crazy over the NFL?
*waves hand* Over here! Although I prefer to call myself, ahem, deeply and intensely devoted. I do love it though, and both my favorite teams are shaping up to have interesting seasons this year. Only a few more weeks!
Are you a fan, Ben?
Hurrah for Over and Underneath! I'm so glad you liked it! Did you have a favorite song? And if you liked that album, you should try and listen to The Light Meets the Dark. It's quite different from Over and Underneath, but excellent as well!
. Would it help if I gave a link to my last post? We were having a nice conversation...you had just asked me what bands I liked besides TRS
That's right! Sorry for dropping that. Would you mind just telling me over again, and we can pick up from there?
LOVE Josh Groban *melts*!
Same here! I'm excited for his new CD! Nearly everything on your list is a favorite, except for You Are Loved, which for some reason, I've never been able to warm to.
And I love Awake and You're The Only Place as well.
Oh, and he sings a gorgeous duet called La Tua Semplicita with Placido Domingo, which you should definitely try and listen to. Absolute perfection. It's one of the best "performances" I've heard of Josh's voice.
It's almost unfortunate. I like him against my will and better judgement.
*thinks we may need some counseling here*
Apparently, there is talk that Collins' The Hunger Games may be made for the big screen. If so, that should be one intense (and excellent) film!
Wow. What a rollercoaster ride that film would be! I do wonder how they would adapt it though; I think we don't realize how truly horrific parts of the story are, because they're only on the printed page.
It's great to see you around, Mal! How have you been?
It was just summer math and science, but you're right, it wasn't very fun. I'm very close to being finished with science, just in time for the new school year. Other than that I've been doing stuff for the band that I'm in (I play guitar) and I've been going to the beach/pool moderately often. It's been a pretty boring summer. How has your summer been?
It's good to see you too! Glad you're nearly done with the summer classes! What year are you going into?
You're in a band? That's awesome! What sort of music do you play?
My summer has been busy! I was finishing some school for awhile, and then I've been working and trying to figure out college plans. And my family's moving out-of-state in September, so that's consumed much of our summer.
But it's been fun (mostly).
*makes a note to try Andrew Peterson's music*
Wow, Ali, a bear? That is so neat (provided you were safe inside, of course ). I have never seen one, although I have eaten them...yum.
I have no idea when my first speech will be. I suppose I'll have to say something at the first meeting which is...oh my, a week from today!
I'm sorry if I missed this, but what are you giving speeches for? And good luck with them!
LL, you're doing your first nursing clinical this year, right? That's fantastic! (I'm especially excited because I'm pursuing nursing too, although I think that might have come up in the last Square.) Do you know what direction you'd like to go afterwards?
And by the way, I love your avvie! Such a delicious feeling, staggering out of the library with too many books.
*waves to AC* What have you been up to lately, other than school?
Ben, glad you had such a good week! It sounds like heaps of fun!
If I can add my two cents on the courtship discussion (which has been very enjoyable to read!):
I tend to believe that it's the guy's job to both initiate and lead a relationship (if he's not willing to lead by initiating, when exactly is he going to start leading?). If a girl has to "get" a guy to reciprocate, isn't that a pretty clear sign that either the guy doesn't share the feelings or he has a lack of initiative? Part of the current gender crisis in our culture is that so many guys have forgotten how to lead, how to stand up and fight for something. (And I'm speaking generally here; I know guys who are definite exceptions! )
I do have a problem with the idea that waiting on the girl's part equals passivity and "sitting around". I think it takes far greater courage and selflessness and plain guts to place a relationship in God's hands and let Him move in the guy's heart than to pursue it yourself.
And...I need to end here. My mom and I are going to watch the BBC adaptation of Wives and Daughters. It's her first time seeing it, and we're just where the story gets very interesting, so that should be fun!
Anyway, have a good night, everyone! L'hitraot!
the light after the storm
shows that hope was never gone
Snow After Fire graphics
*enters the square listening to "Dark Blue" by Jack's Mannequin*
this song is so lovely. I've been addicted to it for weeks and I was very happy yesterday because I was able to figure out the intro and all the chords for it on piano yesterday in less than 5 minutes
And that made me laugh even harder. You really do have something for long hair, don't you?
you are mean! I'm devestated!
And yes, I LOVE long hair, but really hair in general
Yeah.. when someone first mentioned it here a couple of months ago I went and made an account, and then I found out that it was going to cost me $3 or something a month. Okay, it's not that much, but I wasn't interested.
too bad. Do you have Pandora?
I'm just very shy in real life.
I think our similarities are mostly music-related, no? That and an appreciation for the
mark. *tries to stop being so silly*
I'm really shy actually, though it might not seem like that online. I suppose so
. Silliness is one of my hobbies and it's fun, so don't try to stop being silly, around me at least
New RK songs? Whereee?! Actually, I could buy myself two whole albums worth of new RK songs.. but they wouldn't really be new.. they'd be super old. And it feels more and more like I'll never get around to those albums.
Haha, fun.I like randomness. But I like Narniaweb for it's organizationalness.
oh they're not new, I just got some REALLY old one . YOU SHOULD GET THEM! I'll email them to you if I have to!
yes randomness is awesome. I love NW's organizationalness too, but sometimes randomness can be organized .
Ah well, we'll see. I hate it when things start out great and then go downhill.
I guess that's the biggest change so far. Still not enough to bother me.
ditto. I really hope this movie will get things back on track. My hopes are slightly more raised after the clips. Well, alot more raised- they were about 200% better than that first trailer
yeah well it bothers me
Yep, wild animals are fascinating. Lately I've been more intrigued (than usual) with owls and wolves. And dolphins have been a favourite for many ages. ♥
I LOVE dolphins! They've been my favorite for aaaages too! I really like all sea animals, especially manatees (barbara manatee you are the on for me!!!! ). Owls are really awesome too, and wolves can be beautiful, but they're too similair to dogs for me too like them much (I'm not really a dog person
Oh nice! lol my sister (Hannah) always has to dance the mens parts too with her friends because she is always taller than them (she is 6 ft), so she always jumps at the opportunity to dance with one of her brothers!
I'm taller than most of my friends too, but I mostly dance the guy's part because I don't care as much as them . Yeah my brother needs to get taller before I can dance with him
. I dance with my "older brother" sometimes, but since he's one of the few guys that dances, he's snapped up pretty quickly
What is it with you and guys with long hair? Good Grief (as people in "Peanuts" say
) .
That looks like the lead singer of Leeland... Is it?
well it's not just long hair, it's just hair in general! It's just his hair was especially awesome with the redness and the...longness
nope it's not him. Lee's hair is shorter and redder. See his hair is awesome too, even though it's not that long .
Oh yes it is! What is better b4 or before? And u and you? And ur and your? b/c is just like all of those!
come on b/c isn't that bad! It's like using w/ or w/o.
You do need to re-read them! And at least read the first five
I will as soon as possible! I do want to read them but I'm SO busy! Notice I'm not posting half as much as usual .
You have to prove yourself without my help
Sweet! I am very happy about that news!
how am I supposed to know what I could do to make you trust me?
haha good- it's hard to make you happy . I really love the show so far- more than Robin Hood actually *wonders if that is blasphemy*
Right now I'm liking "The Light Meets the Dark" better but that might change as time goes on
Hmm that is weird...Well my computer does not care but I do
I hope to soon if it does not cost too much...
really? Well to each his own opinion I suppose . Which song is your favorite?
it's because those CDs were released before they were on a label.
yeah I hope it doesn't cost too much for you too
Now you do?
At least I can play around with the guitar a little, but I sure do want the piano!![]()
well I felt bad for you before, with your laptop and all, but it's hard to feel bad for you when you get to go camping so much
. But no piano is torture. Glad you have your guitar though! I really need to get some strings for mine...so I can play it
Lead the relationship, yes... but initiating them? Maybe I'm just not reading my Bible carefully enough, but where does it say that?
wouldn't you lead a relationship by starting it?
Well, that's good. I think one of the problems with the whole "wait for God to bring you the right man" line of thought is the tendency for some to construe that as "God will drop a handsome, Godly stranger on my front door one day"... and the next thing you know, they're dating Edward Cullen or something.
haha yeah . You do know I despise Twilight and everything about it, right?
Here, I'm somewhat presuming that a girl's attraction to a guy is based on his good inner qualities and not just because, well, he's a vampire that sparkles in sunlight.
That said, anyone you end up in a pre-marriage relationship with might not be the sort of person you actually could live with in marriage. Maybe I'm mistaken, though, but isn't the purpose of a pre-marriage relationship to find out whether that's the case or not?
Well yes that is the purpose, but what I mean is that it's easy for a girl to think she's in love with a guy just because he has some charming qualities she admires- like being funny and nice or listening to and paying attention to her. So if she initiated a relationship with him and then realized they're very different people with differing opinions and that she couldn't be married to him, she just caused probable heartache. She could have known before that they wouldn't have gone together well. Of course this could happen with guys too, I just think it's a little more possible with girls.
Hmm...that's interesting about Ruth. I'm going to talk to my parents and other mentors about it, and maybe I'll be more able to defend my viewpoint then. What you're saying makes sense but I almost don't want to accept it, just because I'm considered "out there" by my friends and family as it is. Anyway...
Hey, Ben, I like your "because, NOT b/c" requirement. I like it very much. *applauds* Now save me from the wrath of Glenstorm.
you're not supposed to support him and tell him he's right! That's SO not fair! Grr. How could you applaud him?! And it's not a requirement! I chose to please him! I in no way obey him
Yeah isn't it great?! What do you think about "chat" language? Such as "u" "b4" "b/c" ect...
Glenstorm, you be nice to Rose! She is right you know!![]()
I don't have to listen to you
. Gah you guys make me so mad! B/c is not evil! Or bad! Because is only slight better because it makes you seem more educated...or something
. Hmph.
That's right! Sorry for dropping that.
Would you mind just telling me over again, and we can pick up from there?
oh it's ok . Here is the list of my favorite bands from one of my online profiles
Relient K, The Rocket Summer, Deas Vail, Phil Wickham, Owl City, Sky Sailing, Swimming With Dolphins, Port Blue, The Almost, Falling Up, Tenth Avenue North, Leeland, Anberlin, Skillet, RED, Mae, Josh Groban, Third Day, Flyleaf, Switchfoot, The Classic Crime, LIGHTS, Acceptance, Brothers at Sea, House of Heroes, This Beautiful Republic, Sanctus Real, Jimmy Eat World, Fair, Evanescence, Michael Jackson, Paramore, eleventyseven, Philmont, Enya, Celtic Thunder, Underoath, Gypsy Parade, Ohio Avenue, Kill Paradise, Breathe Electric, Ace Enders and a Million Different People, Libera, The Postal Service, Fair, Jack’s Mannequin, A Rocket to the Moon, Paper Route, Boys like Girls, Esterlyn, The Letter Black, and Justin Bieber a little
yeah I know that's alot- you don't have to read it all .
Same here!
I'm excited for his new CD! Nearly everything on your list is a favorite, except for You Are Loved, which for some reason, I've never been able to warm to.
And I love Awake and You're The Only Place as well.
Oh, and he sings a gorgeous duet called La Tua Semplicita with Placido Domingo, which you should definitely try and listen to. Absolute perfection. It's one of the best "performances" I've heard of Josh's voice.
haha LOVE that nickname, "Glenstorm the Grobanite" haha . I am so excited too! Ah! I've been needing more of his music for a while so I'm so stoked he's finally recording again
. Wow you don't like You Are Loved? I would say it's in my top 3-5! I don't think I've heard those two...
Oooh I will definitely try to find that!
*thinks we may need some counseling here*
oh come on, JB isn't that bad...well maybe he is
Wow, Ali, a bear? That is so neat (provided you were safe inside, of course
). I have never seen one, although I have eaten them...yum.
Yeah! I can't remember if I've eaten bear...probably not. I have had elk quite a few times though- veeeery good .
and I completely agree with what you said about courtship .
Well, I'm not going to say much more on the courtship stuff for right now. I'm mostly trying to advocate balanced views that don't go to extremes, such as the whole "sit around and wait for a guy to be dropped at your door" view (which some people do have, so...). Exactly how much action can (and should) a girl take regarding relationships before she's actually undermined the guy's leadership role? Tough question; I don't really know the answer myself.
As a guy, though, I do know that I'm not to be waiting around for any girl to declare her interest in me first. That is the courage of men, to be willing to risk rejection in order to win the heart of the girl of his dreams... or start looking for someone else. Alas, some men might get off to some rocky starts in that way, either because he was a bit too hesitant and lacking in confidence... or the girl was perhaps a bit too pushy in getting the relationship started. But, what happens happens, there is room for improvement in the male-female leadership dynamic, and there is hope that things will settle down to something that works.
Anyways, that's not why I said all of this. It's really because, well...
You do know I despise Twilight and everything about it, right?
I think you've figured me out. This whole schpiel was really just one big tirade against Twilight and the legion of fans who think it represents the epitome of romance! And to those people... I hope you enjoy your stalkerish (but awfully handsome) bad-boy boyfriend you just met the other day.
But, uh, personally, I'd rather go for your maybe-not-quite-like-Jacob good guy friend who likes you. He's probably more likely to actually be a good husband to you.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
After finishing Mockingjay I'm really at a loss at how they could adapt it as anything less than an R-rated movie. It's definitely a war movie with some very disturbing bits.
Anyway, lab was canceled for the day, so I'm sitting in the computer lab, playing FB games to kill time. I'm kinda bored, honestly.
I thought Matt Smith made a fantastic Doctor, Malkah. He's a bit zanier than David Tennant was and I noticed the character is a bit more temperamental/impatient with his companions than either Nine or Ten was. Having a different produced was very nice though. Less cloying romance shoved in at every opportunity. There's a nice bit where Eleven protests that he's over 900 years old thus too old for romance with a human. I couldn't help but wonder if that was aimed at all the Rose/Doctor shipping that went on.
*goes on to sing Doris Day's "Tacos, Enchiladas, and Beans"*
The days are clearly starting to get shorter. But I don't mind.
Good mortereve, everyone! Such serious contemplation going on around here.
Jo, I'm happy to hear you're enjoying The Harry Potter series so much! How old is your daughter?
I just got an email back this morning from the knitter who is creating a copy of Lucy's sweater from LWW for my daughter's costume this Halloween. The dress is also partly done as well. Yay!! I have ordered Tumnus horns and found a long red scarf at Goodwill so either my husband or I (it will most likely be me) can walk along with her. I just need some elfy ears.
I have to say that doing searches for elfy ears on the internet makes me have a sudden desire for hobbit feet. Surely someone out there still makes them?
I'm so ready for the upcoming seasons of holidaying. Making things, baking things, singing things, eating things. Ha!! If only political elections didn't have to poke their ugly noses into the middle of one of the best times of year. Wouldn't it make more sentimental sense to have elections around the fourth of July? It will never happen, but I like that idea. Most Americans wouldn't have to worry about snow keeping them from the polls.
Oh well, I can console myself with watching You're Elected, Charlie Brown. Every time a candidate stands up and says something goofy I think of that little show and Linus's Great Pumpkin moment that lost him his election. Pretty funny.
Well, tah tee tah. For now.
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
comes in banging her head on a wall and hollering at the computer
ack! I hate this! www.the39clues.com is having a live feed with the authors of the books and it isn't working! ugh! I can't see the feed! ahhhhhh!
Miss Rosario: wow, cool! I LOVE Kutless! you need to hear this song then if you have not heard Skillet:
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*a young hobbit runs into the Square to make a post before two whole pages escape her*
I love sitting in the open Dining Room of my house. The room is full of light coming in through the windows. Right now I'm watching what looks like a storm blowing in. It would be nice to get some rain. I love rain. And storms are amazing, though I don't like it when they keep me awake at night.
Speaking of nights, I haven't been sleeping too well in the past couple of weeks. I slept pretty well last night, but slept in way too much this morning. I haven't been getting enough exercise. I'm thinking of making a routine every morning for me to go through before starting school. I'm turning into a regular couch potato.
To change subjects drastically, I've missed you all on the forum! It's so nice to see so many people posting, but it's not good when I have so much catching up to do and not enough time. Hopefully this evening I will have enough time. My goal is to get this post completed before my sister finishes making dinner. Which means that I should stop blabbing and get to catching up.
Thanks, Ruby, for the songs you listed! My dad and I are planning to go on campus tonight. I'll look up those pieces, and hopefully buy a few of them off iTunes.
You're welcome! Have fun listening to the music and let me know what you think.
*thinks that she should get an iTunes account sometime*
Unfortunately, my computer seems to be too outdated to be able to download iTunes. Sad. I'm thinking I'll just wait until I have my own laptop to get iTunes.
Oh, I think I meant your post from the previous page. Sorry, I wasn't quite clear. I thought it quite big, as mine are typically about a fourth that size.
Yes, well, I have a bad tendency to ramble on and on about stuff that really isn't of much substance. But the way I see it, the more I talk, the more chance there is of me uttering something worth listening to.
And, yes, in real life I talk a lot too. Some people write a lot on the internet and seem talkative, but in real life don't enjoy talking very much. I'm what some might call "outgoing". Though sometimes I can be a regular introvert. It depends on what sort of crowd I'm in, I guess.
*moves on to page fifteen*
I know what you mean about being intimitaded. Goodness, I still get that way walking into new classes each week college starts back up.
Speaking of which, how are classes going for you? Are you enrolled in college this semester?
My closest sister is having a regular culture shock now that she's concurrently enrolled in college. She tells me that most of her classmates swear every sentence. It's kind of nice to hear about her experiences, though, because I think I'm going to need all the advice I can get when comes my turn to go to college.
*waves to Bookwyrm*
I have to confess, at first glance, I thought you were a girl...I think a lot of girls have this vanity that whenever they see something clever they automatically assume that it was written/created by a girl. I know I do that a lot. I think it's just because I don't know many guys who are sincerely creative in many ways, or they're just creative in different ways. I don't know.
It's the same thing with Owl City. A lot of guys stereotype him as "girly" because he's creative and happy-sounding. And because they assume that since a lot of girls like his music, he must be girly.
We will, and then we'll be met by a bunch of typhoons. Yay. (sorry, I'm a bit of a pessimist )
Well, what kind of weather do you like so I can pray for it?
Oh, it wasn't on iTunes.. you just had to go to the link. But anyway.
Well, my computer doesn't take anything QuickTime/iTunes, because it's so outdated. And apparently you need QuickTime on your computer to listen to the song on the link. Sigh. My sister shared the same link with me yesterday and I'm getting so fed up...I want to hear it!
And it turns out my mom's computer won't play it either. What? *thinks she will have to steal her father's MacBook for a few minutes tonight*
Oh, lucky you. I wish I could say the same. The more I hear about homeschooling on Narniaweb and other friends on the internet I start wishing I could do it too. I like my school, but there's just some times where I can't understand how what I'm doing is anything more than a waste of time, and I wish I could go at my own pace more. But that's great for you.
Yes, that is one of the great pros of home schooling. But then again, home schooling can be a terrible temptation to be lazy. Fortunately for me, my parents never let us get away with that. My dad is big on getting up early, working hard all day, etc, etc...which is good. But home schoolers are stereotyped in colleges and universities as lazy stupid kids. When my oldest sister went to college, they couldn't believe that she was a national merit scholar and a home schooler! It was pretty funny.
Another thing about home schooling is that the parents are the ones doing most of the grind-work. And a lot of parents now a days just don't have the time to do that or don't feel sufficient enough to give their children a proper education. Sometimes public schools are just the best sollution.
Oh, wow. Four hours of dance would not be a cause of celebration for me, but I'm glad you'll enjoy it.
Haha, it wasn't always a cause of celebration for me either. I think my stamina has worked its way slowly up over the years in dance. And the more I've done it, the more I've grown to love it and my class is just full of great people, they make it fun to dance with them for four hours!
Random thought: The storm blowing over our house makes me think if Andrew Peterson's song "The Reckoning". I've been listening to his new album a lot lately, since my mother has fallen as much in love with it as I have recently.
Oh I hate when that happens! I could not find mine for like three years and I got a new one and then it finally turns up!
I actually found it on Saturday when cleaning my room. It was under my bed along with the notebook I take Sermon notes in at church and a Karen Hancock book. I felt really silly, but was happy to have it back. It's in poor condition and I'm thinking about getting a new one just for the sake of giving that battered little Bible a rest.
I unintentionally took it in the rain with me this summer. I was running from the pastor's office to my sister's car down the road, and it got wet. Since then, it hasn't been the same. The leather bonding is really stiff now and so are the pages and I'm afraid that it's been a bit too well-loved.
It is a really good song! I could not pick my favorite, but that one is really good!
Yes, all the songs are very good. They never grow old on me. I always think that I've listened to them too much, but then I turn on their music and it's just like listening to it for the first time.
*catches sight of Miss R's post* 😮
Well, Ruby, I went on the iTunes store last night. I checked out all the songs you suggested, intending to get two or three.... and ended up buying an entire album (The Light Meets the Dark), plus Let it Go and Beloved. I love them!
I am smiling right now! No, I am beaming! I'm so glad you like their music!
Christian music is always advertised as "music with a message" but I have to say that very few artists are as good as conveying that Message as well as Tenth Avenue North does.
My sister made a remark about their newest album (The Light Meets The Dark) when we first bought it. She said (and I would agree with her) that there are very few albums worth listening to all the way through, very few albums where every song is good. This album definitely qualifies (in my book) as one that's worth listening to from the first song to the last one.
I'll still give the show a chance at some point.
Life has been going well. Started college, so that's been different and then been busy with just normal Life stuff. I have zero plans for Fall. Except for enjoying the cooler weather.
Well, that's good to hear! It seems that a lot of my friends are starting college this semester, which is strange, because I'm only in my second year of high school. Your plans sound like the equivalent to mine. Get done with school and enjoy the weather.
I think the most exciting thing about life is the change in the seasons. I know that sounds lame, but that's only because not many people take the time to really observe the changes! Like tonight for instance, it's awesome sitting here, looking out my window, and watching the storm roll in!
I'm no tree-hugger, but I love nature. I think that I could be a botanist, if I didn't love music so much.
*waves to Liberty* How are you doing, girl?
I was dancing with one of my friends who hates being the guy. It's ok, because I know the guy parts better than the girl parts by now . We need more guys at out church...or more guys who will dance!
Ahahahah! I am rolling on the floor and laughing right now!! This whole paragraph was just hilarious and it seems to be the same predicament that our church is in. I LOVE dancing but none of the guys in my church like to dance, except for one, and he's in my dance class. But he's two years younger and like a foot shorter than me.
Doesn't make for a very good partner.
Anyway, I went to this "Ceili Dance" night at a church conference one summer. And none of the guys my age would dance, so I ended up dancing the men's part with my friend and my sister.
This summer at church camp, the square dance was better, because a lot of the guys actually danced. But you're right, there's something about guys and dancing. Like they don't think it's "manly" or something. I think it takes more guts for a guy to "man up" and join the dance, personally. But then, there is something very girly about guys dancing ballet...
Those pictures of you are adorable, by the way! You're so pretty.
😛 I don't think I'd want the guy to talk to me directly, but I'd probably want some kind of hints or something.
Same here.
I think everyone that's still in school has a fast summer. Sounds like a fun summer, though, except for getting sick! I guess my summer wasn't completely boring. We had VBS at church, as usual, plus I went to camp, as well. That's about it, though.
Yes, I would get sick the only week and first time I get to go to church camp! One evening, my eyebrow got bit by a mosquito and the next day my entire eye was completely swollen shut. That only lasted for about a day though and it got better really fast. But then for the last half of the week, I had a horrible sore throat and was stuck in the cabin. Sigh.
Yep, I started school two weeks ago. And, despite being more busy than ever, it's kind of relaxing to have a scheduled, organized day.
That's how I feel, at the moment. I get sick of school too fast, which is something that I'm working on getting over. But after the sluggishness of the last three weeks of summer, it's always nice to have a fast-paced jump-start into school! I hope everything is going well.
Ugh, did I do it again? I have a notorious habit of quoting the wrong people. Sorry! Now, I wonder who did write it...
Haha! That's okay, I forgive you.
It's quite amusing, actually. And I'm pretty sure I've done the same thing before.
Do you, by any chance, play the piano? Seems like skinny-fingered people are the best pianists.
Good guess! Yes, I do play the piano. In fact, I play it as much as I possibly can during the day. I love playing piano.
Ruby, it sounds like you have an exceptional dance class ... and teacher! Wow!
Well...teaching dance is an entirely different story. I now know what my teacher has to put up with all the time. So happens I get to teach all of the advanced beginners with bad attitudes, who don't really want to learn. Sigh.
It's going to be a good lesson in patience, I guess.
I do like your A. Peterson avatar. Very nice!
Thank you! It was a very nice picture of him, I thought. Conveys the personality of his music very nicely.
Sounds wonderful! (Which book by CSL? And Pilgrim's Progress by Bunyan?)
I'm reading Mere Christianity by Lewis. I know, it's lame, because I've never read the book before and it's like his most famous work. I've got a lot of Lewis on my reading list.
I have read Pilgrim's Progress, but I just finished reading Bunyan's book The Acceptable Sacrifice. It's a sermon that he wrote and was published in the papers and eventually into a book. He has a very concise and organized way of writing, it's most helpful. And since his style is a bit old, it makes me think harder when I read through it. Another really good one by him is The Fear of God.
I think it's because all year, I say "I'll do this in the summer" or "I'll catch up on this" or "I'll finally work on this". And then summer comes, and I've stuffed so much into it (plus summer activities) that it just goes crazy!
I'm glad it's slowing down for you! I'm enjoying it too--it's nice to get back into routine, however busy.
Oh, yes!! I think everyone does that to a certain extent. As a home schooler, I try not to get a lot of school work backed up into the summer. But it always seems that I have to do history over the summer.
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying getting back to routine. Sometimes it's a tad hard to adjust.
I'm guessing this is a musical ensemble? It sounds fun! Are you singing or playing piano?
It's a choir ensemble actually. It's a small group and the director says we're going to be working really hard on voice training. My mother will be accompanying us on the piano and helping with teaching, which will be fun.
*loves music theory* Such fun to see the math behind the music. It's like putting a puzzle together.
So happens my mother is teaching the music theory class as well. I love my mother. Math is one of those things I wish came more naturally for me. I have trouble working out puzzling rhythyms and music...probably because I've only had basic theory.
*waves to Cymru*
Well, I think it's time for me to be off. Seems I'm in line to clean up the kitchen tonight after dinner. Been lovely and I can't wait to get on here again!!
So, until we meet again...
Good bye and God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Hm, Mel, I was looking at your sig just now -- member of the James Herriot conspiracy? *ponders this with interest* Care to elaborate? I'm curious.
Well, let me tell you a story of a long time ago. There once was a forum called NarniaWeb and it had a few members that liked talking about books so they started a thread and it was called Books! The First Chapter. (Or something like that. Details aren't important. ) Lo and behold, there were certain members who would place subliminal messages in their posts. Some were subtle. Some were not. It was very fun and we talked about the work of James Herriot for several pages. And then Alyosha started posting about Sherlock Holmes in red... but the conspiracy lives on while it remains in my signature.
Also, your sister does an excellent Hermonine imitation for The Mysterious Ticking Noise.
I believe the third one is coming out in stores soon.
Oh, good! I'll have to look up the release date then because it's always fun to be looking forward to a new book.
Oooh. Um, yeah, the pictures aren't spoilery in the least, right?
*thinks of a certain... unfortunate... screen cap* Please repeat after me: Pictures can be misleading! (I'd link to an example, but I find it very painful) We of the Spoiler Free indulge our imaginations and live in happy anticipation for a movie that will fulfill our expectations. (Or we're all jaded cynics and prefer to know the worst all at once. Take your pick.) To tell the truth, I only watched the trailers for the first two films, and the costume that I only had two pictures for turned out to be the more accurate of the two I made for the last film, so...
Well, it makes for a rather silly ramble, anyway. I really like your new avatar! So much so, that I've considered using it myself. But I guess I can't at the moment. So I'll have to be content with the one I have.
*likes the travel posters Booky linked to*
*enjoys reading about the Masquarade Ali attended* It looks like a lot of fun--and I adore the masks y'all had. *is fond of extravagant, feathered masks*
I'm open to any recommendations for further exploring Doyles works.
Well, I like Henry V and Hamlet. Sense and Sensibility and A Little Princess have their good moments as well. (I also like Eragon for its sweeping generic fantasy moments.)
I love that NWeb has become my culture gauge. Nothing is Truly Legit until it gets mentioned here now...
This is awesome. (Oh, wait. You said that too.
) Very, very true.
*perversely hopes that a Mil Mol shows up* They sound like fun. We would be such a happy group, Mal, Mel and Mil Mol. We could sing and tell jokes... or something.
Hands down, the clothing is my favourite part. I never feel entirely happy with how the surroundings and faces turn out. But there's been a noticeable improvement lately, so it's all good.
Nearly everything on your list is a favorite, except for You Are Loved, which for some reason, I've never been able to warm to.
Hmmm. If it's the song I'm thinking of, something about how the lyrics and melody combine makes it too syrupy for my taste. I don't know about you, though.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
WHY IS IT NOT ON HIS HEAD!!! Ugh I can't believe he cut it!
Yay! Yay, yay, yay!
I couldn't resist. I strongly dislike long hair on guys.
Nice pics from the masquerade ball by the way!
And I really have nothing more to reply to. Not sure if there was anything I missed... I'm really too tired to go any further into depth about anything though. *yawn* Wow.
Yesterday I got headgear. It's painful and grotesque and hard to sleep in. But maybe I'll get used to it.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Mortereve all!
Yep, that and long-ish fingers, although I have neither (especially not the latter) and I've played most of my life. Maybe I'd be better if my fingers were more like this.
That's for sure. Though, my fingers are not especially long or skinny, but I do have a generally larger hand than most. And I've played the piano for several years.
I will occasionally get into a game, but in general I do not like TV (cable TV).
Yeah, we don't have any TV at home, so we go up to my grandparents to watch sports.
We definitely should! Football conversations are too good to let die.
I have been watching a lot of the pre-season games--having fun seeing the quarterback battle and the rookies!The Broncos trounced the Steelers last night, which was immensely satisfying to watch. I only wish it had been the regular season. And I do think the Broncs are headed for a better year than last year!
Have you been watching the games? How do the Pats look?
Oh, and what's the latest on Torry Holt? Is he out for the season?
Indeed they are!
Yeah, I've watched several pre-season games as well. I hear Tim Tebow is adjusting slowly to the NFL. I assume he's played quite a bit in the pre-season. How does he look?
Besides last week's loss to the Rams and their rookie QB (ouch!), the Pats have been looking very good! The offense is just as good as ever, and the rookie tight ends Aaron Hernandez and Rob Gronkowski seem to be a great addition. Plus Wes Welker's being back out there is huge. The defense still needs some work... it's because of them we lost to the Rams. They did do fairly well in the first two games, though. The last pre-season game is this Thursday against the Giants, so that'll be a good test.
Tory Holt got injured right before the first pre-season game and he's out for the season. So, the Pats released him. It's a shame... I had high hope for him.
I'm not sure if you heard, but earlier in the offseason, the Pats resigned David Patten (he was in the Pats three Superbowl wins, but he's been bouncing around the league since) and he seemed to be doing really well, but he's kinda old, and he decided to retire. That's a shame, too. Brady said he was still very good after all these years. Ah well!
Ah well, we'll see. I hate it when things start out great and then go downhill.
I guess that's the biggest change so far. Still not enough to bother me.
ditto. I really hope this movie will get things back on track. My hopes are slightly more raised after the clips. Well, alot more raised- they were about 200% better than that first trailer
yeah well it bothers me
Actually, that first part about things going downhill was directed more toward Robin Hood, but I supposed the same applies to Narnia, too.
I don't blame you.
That's how I feel, at the moment. I get sick of school too fast, which is something that I'm working on getting over. But after the sluggishness of the last three weeks of summer, it's always nice to have a fast-paced jump-start into school! I hope everything is going well.
I'd have never said this when I was younger, but as I'm older, I'm getting to enjoy and appreciate school more. And, like I said, I prefer having a structured day, faster-paced day. Thanks, all is going well, thus far. Now, when do you start, again?
Haha! That's okay, I forgive you.
It's quite amusing, actually. And I'm pretty sure I've done the same thing before.
Oh, I used to do it a lot when very few people wrote in color. It's easy to forget whose post you're reading partway through. Anyway, the person I should really apologize to is whomever I misquoted, but I don't know who it was.
Good guess! Yes, I do play the piano.
In fact, I play it as much as I possibly can during the day. I love playing piano.
Ah, I knew it. I love playing the piano, too.
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*enters the square listening one of Tenth Avenue North's older songs*
So if you go to grooveshark.com and set up a free account, they have a ton of Tenth Avenue's songs!
Haha, so last night I went over to my brothers condo to go hot tubing with him and they could not get into their room that is on the 5th floor. They have a code but the lady had set the code to expire a little to early, they were supposed to leave today but she set it to expire yesterday. Anyway so they were trying to break into the door, and so I ran outside and went to the end of the building and started climbing from one deck to the next all the way to the roof then I went over to their condo climbed around to their deck and went and opened the door. And you should have seen my brothers face! He did not know I was climbing the building so he was so surprised when the door started to open! It was so fun though! To have the feeling of being that high climbing up!
Ok anyway catchup
*waves hand* Over here! Although I prefer to call myself, ahem, deeply and intensely devoted.
I do love it though, and both my favorite teams are shaping up to have interesting seasons this year. Only a few more weeks!
Are you a fan, Ben?
Haha! And what would be your favorite teams?
Well I'm not really what you would call a fan, but most of my brothers are so I have fun watching it with them sometimes
Hurrah for Over and Underneath!
I'm so glad you liked it! Did you have a favorite song? And if you liked that album, you should try and listen to The Light Meets the Dark. It's quite different from Over and Underneath, but excellent as well!
It would be hardly possible to pick a favorite I am just that way, I can't pick favorites
Yeah after I got "Over and Underneath" I decided to buy "The Light Meets The Dark" as well and I love it!
Ben, glad you had such a good week! It sounds like heaps of fun!
I'm taller than most of my friends too, but I mostly dance the guy's part because I don't care as much as them
. Yeah my brother needs to get taller before I can dance with him
. I dance with my "older brother" sometimes, but since he's one of the few guys that dances, he's snapped up pretty quickly
Oh I see
Well tell him to hurry up and grow!
Haha! He is the hit there?
well it's not just long hair, it's just hair in general! It's just his hair was especially awesome with the redness and the...longness
nope it's not him. Lee's hair is shorter and redder. See his hair is awesome too, even though it's not that long
Ok yeah I was going to say that that was not his name But it did look like him in that picture.
come on b/c isn't that bad! It's like using w/ or w/o.
Ha! I know! w/ and w/o is just as bad! They are all so TERRIBLE! Good Grief!
I will as soon as possible! I do want to read them but I'm SO busy! Notice I'm not posting half as much as usual
Yeah, and you need to finish all your other books too
how am I supposed to know what I could do to make you trust me?
haha good- it's hard to make you happy
. I really love the show so far- more than Robin Hood actually *wonders if that is blasphemy*
Figure it out when the opportunity comes
With a series as good as Avatar that could not be blasphemy! I like it way better than Robin Hood
really? Well to each his own opinion I suppose
. Which song is your favorite?
it's because those CDs were released before they were on a label.
yeah I hope it doesn't cost too much for you too
True! We have already figured that out
Oh I don't have a favorite I can never pick favorites
Oh I see.
Yeah that would stink...
;)) well I felt bad for you before, with your laptop and all, but it's hard to feel bad for you when you get to go camping so much
. But no piano is torture. Glad you have your guitar though! I really need to get some strings for mine...so I can play it
Yes it is!
Which instrument are you better at?
I don't have to listen to you
. Gah you guys make me so mad! B/c is not evil! Or bad! Because is only slight better because it makes you seem more educated...or something
. Hmph.
Right you don't. But you know that it is the best thing to do
Oh it is VERY EVIL! And bad!
It is way better to read, it shows more emotion and character just everything about it is better! Even typing it feels better!
I actually found it on Saturday when cleaning my room. It was under my bed along with the notebook I take Sermon notes in at church and a Karen Hancock book.
I felt really silly, but was happy to have it back. It's in poor condition and I'm thinking about getting a new one just for the sake of giving that battered little Bible a rest.
I unintentionally took it in the rain with me this summer. I was running from the pastor's office to my sister's car down the road, and it got wet. Since then, it hasn't been the same. The leather bonding is really stiff now and so are the pages and I'm afraid that it's been a bit too well-loved.
Glad you found it! Yeah just keep it as a keep-sake
Oh wow! Yeah that is not good.
Yay! Yay, yay, yay!
I couldn't resist.I strongly dislike long hair on guys.
Nice pics from the masquerade ball by the way!
Way to go Susan!
Yeah, we don't have any TV at home, so we go up to my grandparents to watch sports.
Yeah that is what we did when we were living in Oregon.
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I finished Book 1 of Avatar last night! It was really good- I like it even better than Robin Hood . I cried alot in the last episode- so bittersweet *sniff*
. And I spent hours yesterday downloading screencaps for all the episodes- many graphics coming!
I think you've figured me out.
This whole schpiel was really just one big tirade against Twilight and the legion of fans who think it represents the epitome of romance! And to those people... I hope you enjoy your stalkerish (but awfully handsome) bad-boy boyfriend you just met the other day.
But, uh, personally, I'd rather go for your maybe-not-quite-like-Jacob good guy friend who likes you. He's probably more likely to actually be a good husband to you.
comes in banging her head on a wall and hollering at the computer
ack! I hate this! http://www.the39clues.com is having a live feed with the authors of the books and it isn't working! ugh! I can't see the feed! ahhhhhh!
I totally forgot about it- so I missed the whole thing! Did you watch any of it?
Right now I'm watching what looks like a storm blowing in. It would be nice to get some rain. I love rain. And storms are amazing, though I don't like it when they keep me awake at night.
I love rain too! I actually find storms calming so I don't have a problem falling asleep when they're blowing .
Ahahahah! I am rolling on the floor and laughing right now!! This whole paragraph was just hilarious and it seems to be the same predicament that our church is in. I LOVE dancing but none of the guys in my church like to dance, except for one, and he's in my dance class.
But he's two years younger and like a foot shorter than me.
Doesn't make for a very good partner.
Anyway, I went to this "Ceili Dance" night at a church conference one summer. And none of the guys my age would dance, so I ended up dancing the men's part with my friend and my sister.
This summer at church camp, the square dance was better, because a lot of the guys actually danced. But you're right, there's something about guys and dancing. Like they don't think it's "manly" or something. I think it takes more guts for a guy to "man up" and join the dance, personally.
But then, there is something very girly about guys dancing ballet...
Those pictures of you are adorable, by the way! You're so pretty.
I can imagine
what's Ceili dance?
It is definitly more manly to actually ask a girl! Takes courage I'm sure . I know also some of my guy friends don't dance because they think it's awkward and that the girl will think that he likes her but that's usually not true- if more guys asked they wouldn't really have that problem
. Eh yeah, guys doing ballet is not very...attractive
aww thank you
*enjoys reading about the Masquarade Ali attended* It looks like a lot of fun--and I adore the masks y'all had. *is fond of extravagant, feathered masks*
Thank you, and it was fun ! My own mask was very plain actually- just black
. I like feathers but I also don't like to stand out too much. Alot of people had feathered masks anyway
Yay! Yay, yay, yay!
I couldn't resist.I strongly dislike long hair on guys.
Nice pics from the masquerade ball by the way!
you are being very inconsiderate- rejoicing at something that has put me in a state of deep mourning
thank you .
Yesterday I got headgear. It's painful and grotesque and hard to sleep in. But maybe I'll get used to it.
oh I hated headgear when I had it! I pray you get used to it and don't have to use it long- it was definitly the worst part of my orthodontic experience.
Actually, that first part about things going downhill was directed more toward Robin Hood, but I supposed the same applies to Narnia, too.
I don't blame you.
oh ok, but yeah, it applies both ways
good .
*enters the square listening one of Tenth Avenue North's older songs*
So if you go to grooveshark.com and set up a free account, they have a ton of Tenth Avenue's songs!
oh really?! Thanks for the tip .
btw, that's really cool that you climbed the decks to get up to your brother's room! I can't imagine how funny his reaction was when you opened the door
Oh I see
Well tell him to hurry up and grow!
Haha! He is the hit there?![]()
haha I wish- he's only 2 though and therefore about that many feet tall as well
haha well he and his brother are like the two most popular guys at our church because they're hilarious and, well, they dance! So they're both usually taken within the first 10 seconds of a dance being announced
Ok yeah I was going to say that that was not his name
But it did look like him in that picture.
you should know I like to make up words by now (oh and I'm pretty sure "heydy" isn't really a word either
) .
Yeah they look kinda similair, especially since they both have red, long-ish hair .
Ha! I know! w/ and w/o is just as bad! They are all so TERRIBLE! Good Grief!
well I don't use w/ or w/o! Just b/c! Or I used to .
Yeah, and you need to finish all your other books too
*sigh* yes . I am reading The Riddlemaster of Hed right now along with a couple other books. After I finish Riddlemaster I shall take another try at TTT and then read the Anne books
Figure it out when the opportunity comes
With a series as good as Avatar that could not be blasphemy!
I like it way better than Robin Hood
you are so difficult sometimes!
haha good- I do too . It took my sisters and me a week to watch the whole first season
. We watched 9 episodes yesterday!
True! We have already figured that out
Oh I don't have a favoriteI can never pick favorites
Oh I see.
Yeah that would stink...
haha yeah, definitely .
I usually can't either. My two favorites though would be Hold My Heart and Beloved- the Lord has given them very special meaning to me .
mmhmm...when are you taking it to a store to get it looked at?
Yes it is!
Which instrument are you better at?
you don't have a keyboard or anything?
PIANO! Definitely . I've said this before- you keep forgetting
. I think I know maybe 3 or 4 chords on guitar
Right you don't. But you know that it is the best thing to do
Oh it is VERY EVIL! And bad!
It is way better to read, it shows more emotion and character just everything about it is better! Even typing it feels better!![]()
Your vanity annoys me. Only sometimes is it the best thing to do
Of fine I agree, minus the typing. It's easier and faster to write b/c.
Way to go Susan!
you guys are mean! His hair was awesome!