Strikingly quiet here in Ditto Town Square.
Feeling nostalgic for those days over 10 years ago. Good times.
I remember those days - I miss narniaweb's days gone by when there was much to discuss and the forum was bouncing and hopping and alive!
I, for one, have not been on narniaweb for about 3 years - I logged back on yesterday because I missed it
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Strikingly quiet here in Ditto Town Square.
Feeling nostalgic for those days over 10 years ago. Good times.
Yeah. I remember sitting at my computer and chatting on here all day in between working on schoolwork. Ditto Town was free and wild and a kind of improv, which we could do because people were actually online and writing in almost real time.
I struggle with getting on a computer these days. My life has shifted to behind a camera or teaching riding lessons. I've got two small businesses starting and I've got to get them up and running. My writing is so out of practice it's rough. Though I've been seriously considering trying to put something together along the lines of "So you bought a horse... Now what?" lol.
I have been gone so long that I missed all the closures... I am actually trying not to cry, because I started writing in the Inn Between about 10 years ago. Even though it had trailed off it seems like a kind of loss that it is officially over. This forum was a huge instrumental part of me getting to know myself and breaking out of a toxic environment. I know we're all busy but I hope to get some writing don on the new projects.
How have y'all been? I've been getting by, though not as well as I'd like. I am hoping to go back to school but there is some fear in me that i think is blocking my progress. I have lots of supportive friends, however, so I'll draw on them for support!
It has been a long time since I've been on this forum too. I used to have another account, but lost the information to that as it has been many, many years since I logged in. Can't believe time goes so fast, and that it has been 8 years since the last Narnia movie was released. I have very good memories of anticipating the films with all of you. I hope we can do it again some time with Silver Chair.
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
How 'bout some new stuff? Huh, Mods? *Nudge, nudge.* Time to make some new memories don't you think?
I, for one, was always scared of Ditto Town, but I posted in the Christmas thread last year and was able to keep track of what was going on pretty well.
Movie Aristotle, AKA Risto
It has been a long time since I've been on this forum too. I used to have another account, but lost the information to that as it has been many, many years since I logged in.
Just out of curiosity, do you remember your former screen name? Not that I was around then, but many of the old names are familiar, from having read zillions of posts from the old days. Of course, if you'd rather not say, consider the question unasked
Now my days are swifter than a post: they flee away ... my days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle
It has been a long time since I've been on this forum too. I used to have another account, but lost the information to that as it has been many, many years since I logged in.
Just out of curiosity, do you remember your former screen name? Not that I was around then, but many of the old names are familiar, from having read zillions of posts from the old days. Of course, if you'd rather not say, consider the question unasked
Valiant As you can see from my current screen name, I liked it a lot
How did you find Narniaweb?
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
Aravanna, I was going to ask if you know how aloe vera does in desert/seasonal desert areas, however, I recently ran across two very impressive aloe vera plants when I had to go to a bridal shower. They were doing quite fine being planted in fairly direct sun, so I think I got my answer.
In general, I'm concerned for my herbs this year. Even my sage didn't survive, so I'm back to square one, and I haven't had the time to tend to anything.
I'm sorry, Sonny, that you didn't get a chance to slide a last post in before the official closure. I'm glad you're still around, hanging with us!
MA, everything is so busy right now, I'm surprised brain hasn't been dribbling out my ear. I would love to have at least one event this summer, however, provided people are up for the idea.
I've been wanting to do some writing, and it would be nice to do a group story again.
Welcome back, Valiant_Nymph. I think I remember your wanderings here in the past.
Avatar thanks to AITB
Thanks Lady Arwen! Nice to check back in here. I remember having a lot of fun back in the day. I hope things pick up once again when/if Silver Chair production starts up.
Avatar by Rose Tree Dryad
It's nice seeing some familiar faces returning to the Square!
Spring has finally arrived and with it, clouds of tree pollen that make it hard to breathe. Fortunately that is usually over in just a few weeks.
I also like the idea of a group story or other collaborative venture. It would be fun to do something like that this summer.
But all night, Aslan and the Moon gazed upon each other with joyful and unblinking eyes.
I'd love to get another Ditto Town story up and running soon. I've really missed having an active one around here, and having something that combines the best of the olden days with new activity would literally be a dream come true. (Sonny, I'm also so sorry that you didn't get a chance to post again in the Inn Between before it closed down.
I really miss it as well - lots of memories I'll never forget were made with all of you guys.)
Hello all! It's been too long since I've stopped in. Hello, Valiant_Nymph! I don't believe I met you the last time around, so it's nice to meet you and see you around the forum.
I hope you're enjoying your time back (and I echo your sentiments about it picking up when SC news starts picking up!)
Still working on my writing projects. I've been trying to focus on one particular novel until I finish a draft, but even though I've been doing at least a little bit every day all year, I keep changing my mind about the story and all-but starting over. I seem to only have two intriguing characters and a very basic concept, and everything else is subject to change based on how frustrated I get.
Not helping today is the fact that I just saw Infinity War last night, and... I'm going to avoid saying too much, but yeah, it's hard to focus on my own projects right now, my mind's still spinning from that. I've kind of let the MCU slide from my attention in recent years - I haven't really been excited with any of them since Civil War, and I think it peaked with Winter Soldier - but suffice it to say, I think it has my attention again.
Anyone have Mother's Day plans? I'm going to have lunch with my family tomorrow, and then we're very likely going to go for a drive. It's turned into an informal family tradition - a few years ago, we were going to go to the Zoo on Mother's Day because it was a gorgeous day, but we got there and realized that everyone else had the same idea. So, we just drove around to various stores we wouldn't normally visit, and found a place that sells ice cream, and all around just had a really good time. I'm hoping we have another nice day for it again, but it should be a fun time either way.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
I don't know if this is OK, but I want to just say that I'm in a rough place right now... My brother died on Sunday. I'm 31; he was 28. We used to be close when were were young but drifted far apart. I just can't believe it; and I have hurts.
Dear Sonny, I cannot imagine what you are going through now. Was this in any way expected or was it sudden? May you have family and friends surrounding you at this time.
And even through this great grief and sorrow, may you know the peace of God. I'm glad you felt free to share in NWeb's Square.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
He was sick for two weeks but hadn't gone to the doctor. When he finally went to the emergency room, he only lasted 4 hours Something about fluid in his lungs. I didn't even know any of this till later that morning.