I watched it so many times that when I watched it in Spanish, I knew when they changed the words to preserve the meaning in Spanish!
So are you fluent in Spanish? If so I'm a bit jealous. Learning language has always been overwhelming for me, so I've ever tried very hard. Buenos dias is about as much as I can say.
I studied Spanish for 6 semesters in college. But that was 7 years ago, so I've forgotten much. I work in a hotel with some Hispanic folks, so I try to talk to them. Listening to LWW in Spanish is easier for a couple reasons: 1) I already know the dialogue, and 2) the Spanish spoken is slower and better enunciated than normal conversation Spanish.
Hidden Figures was excellent, Wren. In fact, I think another friend and I are going to take it in tomorrow again.
I've yet to see it, but I'm very excited about it. I'm considering working it in to one of the classes I'm teaching, so I'm glad that it seems to be getting such positive reviews from movie and history buffs like yourself. I'm also trying to mix in more female-centered stuff. It's a bit strange, actually, because I'm planning next year's course load, and I was looking at my book list and I went "wow, this is really female-heavy". Then I did a count and found that it was almost exactly a 50/50 split between female MCs and male MCs. It's surprising when balanced seems off-balance.
've been trying to avoid any debates though, it just doesn't seem to produce anything but more anger and polarization. Nobody actually changes their position, they just get mad.
Very true, which is why I generally try to avoid them in general. But every now and then someone says something that leaves that lasting bit of anger in the bottom of my stomach, and I just feel like I have to say something to take that weight away.
Hey Sonny! Good to see you. I did the same thing with LWW when it first came out (different language, though). Dubs are pretty much my favorite because they seem so much clearer than when they were originally recorded in that language. Hope you can pop in again!
Avatar thanks to AITB
It's a bit strange, actually, because I'm planning next year's course load, and I was looking at my book list and I went "wow, this is really female-heavy". Then I did a count and found that it was almost exactly a 50/50 split between female MCs and male MCs. It's surprising when balanced seems off-balance.
It's fascinating how in this male-centric society, even 50/50 splits feel "female-heavy" as you put it. I find that the same can be said about other minority people groups as well, whether because of religion, skin color, or other factors. Oh, for a time when all are treated with respect and even deference.
Hello, and a happy Saint George's Day! (23 April - for the patron saint of England, who according to a legend killed a dragon).
There, shining in the sunrise, larger than they had seen him before, shaking his mane (for it had apparently grown again) stood Aslan himself.
"...when a willing victim who had committed no treachery was killed in a traitor's stead, the Table would crack and Death itself would start working backwards."
*Ceppault sits on a bench in Ditto Town Square, as he looks at Gorse. Gorse looks back. Both are smiling. "Miss you lil buddy," said Ceppault. Gorse replied, "Good to see you, friend."*
Saw the news a director has been acquired for The Silver Chair. Interesting.
“Safe?” said Mr. Beaver; “don’t you hear what Mrs. Beaver tells you? Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Are they carrying on with the same series or doing it reboot-style?
That's kind of the question at the moment. There was a statement a while ago which implies that it's going to be independent of the Walden movies,
though exactly how far that extends is still up in the air. (I'm squeezing this during my break at work, so I'm afraid I don't have time to find the original article, sorry. )
I strongly suspect that they're going to make a pretty clean break of the Walden movies, given how long ago the last movie came out, the fact that Will Poulter is far too old to play Eustace anymore in live action, and given that it's a completely different company and they basically don't have any of the same relationships that Walden would have.
*Waves a brief hello from work* Ahhh, spring has truly sprung! We just got back from a weekend in my mom's hometown (which, in terms of actual locations and not just the company I meet there, is one of my favorite places in the world), spending the weekend with some of my relatives that I haven't seen in a while. The weather was just perfect for us, and thankfully it followed us home.
Fall may be my favorite season, but late spring, before it turns warm.... *Siiiiigh* If only this could last.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
I'm certainly okay with them starting fresh, if it means recentering on the source material. IMO, Dawn Treader strayed much too far from the book. The movies need to refocus.
I had, to be honest, expected Dawn Treader to not stick closely to the book: the book has no real villain or "goal" besides to keep sailing East, which means the story has to be driven by character evolution, which is not currently the most popular story style. Thus, doing the book as a movie would be a huge risk, which was apparently one certain parties were unwilling to take. Silver Chair, on the other hand, has both a clear villain and a clear goal, so it is much less of a risk to stick closely to the book.
Spring has definitely sprung in my area, and my allergies are definitely being thrown for a loop. I like the temperatures in spring and fall, but unfortunately that's about it. Sneezing prevents any real enjoyment of the weather. I'm looking forward to summer and lesser allergies, although not so much the heat. I guess allergies and heat all at once would be too much
Avatar thanks to AITB
I definitely agree, Shawna; I wouldn't be upset if they refer to the previous movies, so long as they stay loyal to the book, though I'd probably be happier if they do what they can to avoid it. Given that TSC takes place with only a couple of the original characters (and only one of them is the same age that he was), and largely takes place in a part of Narnia we've never seen before, I don't think that would be difficult to pull off.
I do see your point, Lady A, though I'm still disappointed they opted not to take that risk. I do think the fact that they'd already overemphasized the action in the previous two movies did kind of mean they shot themselves in the foot - their brand was built on a sort of "mini-LOTR" image, and a loyal adaptation of VDT wouldn't have fit in that mold. Still, disappointing.
By the way, Shawna, I keep meaning to ask. Who's that in your avatar? It kind of reminds me of Mira Furlan/her character from Lost whose name escapes me, but something keeps convincing me I'm wrong about that.
I've started getting springtime allergies and I dread the day when they get more than mildly annoying. But that's one of the reasons I like fall better than spring, in addition to the beautiful colors and the fact that it's getting colder instead of warmer.
We are having a terrific thunderstorm outside now. Makes me wish I was home to enjoy watching it from the window.
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
By the way, Shawna, I keep meaning to ask. Who's that in your avatar? It kind of reminds me of Mira Furlan/her character from Lost whose name escapes me, but something keeps convincing me I'm wrong about that.
Haha, that's me. I have a website now (for my writing) and an Amazon author page and everything, so I figured I may as well use my real photo here, since I've been around here for so long.
(The link to my website should be in my signature and my forum profile if you feel like checking it out.)
Aha! I didn't quite make the connection there.
(Admittedly, I think the last time I visited the website (or was it a different site?) was last year, and I don't think the picture was up yet.
Time is getting ridiculously far away from me.)
Speaking of time getting away... today is my 13th NarniaWeb anniversary. And I was 13 when I joined. I've been aware that this was coming up for a while (which is why I'm making absolutely sure to post this year, since I've missed most of my N-Web anniversaries
), but still... it's one thing to say it and another thing to realize it. So, so many good times over those 13 years.
This is a nice way to end a rather long week. I work in home mortgages (I don't explain it any further than that because it's rather a long and boring explanation
), but summer is the busiest time of year, so work has been really piling up for us. Which is so bizarre because we were actually running out of work just last week.
This is the first "normal" year that I've worked for this particular company (last year was strange for a variety of reasons I won't get into), so I've heard that things were expected to pick up in the summer, but... I was expecting something a bit more gradual.
^Last I'll talk about work, I promise.
Supposedly I was going to... not quite NaNo, but something fairly similar where I made sure to devote at least a couple hours a day to working on one of my stories. I'm in rare form with it right now, and I want to get some progress before I lose my momentum. But then my sister informed me that my 4-year-old nephew is currently watching the Justice League TV show... and now I'm watching my way through the DCAU again. I think it's been about 10 years since the last time I really watched through some of these shows, so it's kind of interesting to see how much my opinion has changed on some things. I'm also disturbed by how many things I liked (and still like) about these shows that I would not tolerate if I were watching a new show that I had no nostalgia value for.
That's almost worse than being blind to the rose-colored glasses.
Still... spring has a very inspirational effect on me, so I'm hoping to keep that up for as long as I can, even if it is basically summer now. I'm actually pretty proud of how much headway I've made so far this year. I'm still embarrassed by the fact that it's been a resolution of mine two years running to finish a draft of a book, and I still haven't managed it, but I think I've gotten more accomplished in the past 6 months than I did basically all of last year. Unfortunately, I've also switched focus 3 times. It's really hard to decide between having the discipline to see one project through to the end, and switching projects so that I at least have the motivation to work on something instead of burning out on my current project. I tried powering through on one of my books last year, and all it did was make me hate everything about it.
(Telling myself "it's just a first draft, fix it in editing" never seems to work....)
*Lays back on a bench in the Town Square, not far away from the Fountain, and lets out a long sigh as the cool breeze blows past*
N-Web sis of stardf, _Rillian_, & jerenda
Proud to be Sirya the Madcap Siren
I think I may have only launched my site in the beginning of this year. I'm not sure. It took me a while of fiddling before it was complete.
I work in home mortgages (I don't explain it any further than that because it's rather a long and boring explanation
Sounds like my job! "So what do you do?" "Ugh, it would bore me to tell you, so believe me, you don't want me to try." There are just some industries that it's a pain the butt to try to explain to anyone who doesn't work in them.
Happy N-Web anniversary.