Well, I'm not female and I'm not Kristen Bell.
Oh.. that would make sense.
Apparently didn't look very closely.. I just assumed it was yours because why else would you be excited about someone holding the book? But whichever way, that's still cool that she's getting the word out.
I very much agree with you.
*is guilty of not knowing about Suzanne Collins* What sort of fiction does she write?
Well, The Hunger Games are.. dystopian science fiction novels, I guess. But I'm terrible at fitting books into genres. They're set in a future North America, after all sorts of natural disasters and so on have taken place and there are very few people left. *is sure there is someone around here who can give a better explanation that this*
*waves to AC* First weeks back at school are [deceptively] fun and easy! Glad you're enjoying it. Do you attend a Japanese school and speak the language, or one of those international type schools? Or, a Japanese English speaking school?
I know. Then the work starts to come in.. *sigh*
But the beginning of last year was pretty terrible for me so I'm happy it's not happening again.
I attend an international school right now. But until 4 years ago I went to a Japanese public school, so yes, I speak Japanese, although my abilities have slowly been deteriorating..
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
comes in singing "Everything" by Pillar
Pogginfan: yeah, me too! I love that song!
Aslans Country: there are 5 books, each one better than the last! I promise you, you'll like them!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
StudyMate, I am also a bigger fan of Persuasion than P&P, though I love P&P too. I think that book just must be too introspective to make a decent film out of. As for the near Australian, that was serendipitous as I didn't notice your location until you mentioned it.
Isn't Mockingjay also a person? That runs the Hog's Head website or something?
I have recently discovered The Rabbit Room - which is an artists' site started by Andrew Peterson. I adore his album, The Far Country for all its Inklings references. Anyway, the site is jampacked with books and art and music that I can’t imagine a Lewis lover not enjoying. He seems to have great taste in books - and he even writes them! That, I didn’t know. Children’s books with dangerous toothy cows in them. I have to read them.
I discovered finally, through the site, that the artist who did the work for his album cover (for The Far Country) is Justin Gerard. And when I went to his site, I found a gallery of art he’s done for The Hobbit, and a children’s version of Beowulf - both gorgeous galleries. I guess he’s been pegged to do something with the Harry Potter stories next, but I don’t know what. Curiouser and Curiouser.
His painting of Smaug, puffing smoke on top of a big pile of gold is my favorite.
The Rabbit Room also has hand thrown pottery mugs with their names on them - I wish we could get some for Narniaweb!
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
*enters into the square quietly*
Hey Everyone!
Wow I have not been in here for a while! I have been quite busy! Work, Friends, Family, Hiking, Camping ect...
It would take far too long to tell you about my life for there has been quite a bit going on! So I will just have to skip that for now and maybe fill you in later on
Right now I need to catchup!
you are never hyper
Not never but rarely
yes- the cause to make Ali happy. Very noble cause indeed
Oh I nearly forgot about that! Good thing before I started answering b/c's
avoiding me?
hehe it was. I had some Japanese dried fish today. They were nasty. They were dried without taking out the eyeballs or guts or anything but that wasn't why I didn't like them. It was because they were sweet
*is very pleased to see because in there*
Oh yuck! My brother had something like that in India and he said it was soooooo grossss!
no, I mean can. You can't have two negatives in a sentence.
you know what I mean!
You are a very confusing person!
ah I'm being reminded of those movies everywhere I go! I really need to re-watch them!
They are good movies! Even though they may be thought to be "girl" movies
yeah I know that
I KNEW you were going to say that! Oh fine, I suppose I should trust you. But then you have to trust me!
Haha! Maybe if you prove yourself
OH FINE!!! I'll use because instead of b/c! It's sad and annoying to have you not reply!
Happy now?
;)) Very happy
*observes the hyperness of Ben, Liberty, and Glenstorm with great interest* It amuses me when you begin your posts with, "I am hyper!!!!!" or something similar, because I never imagine you any way else. (That is not an insult; it is simply something that makes me chuckle while reading your posts.
I am hardly hyper
Hee hee hee. Yes. I *NOW* know this from personal experience. I still have nightmares of my first try at football....
Haha! That is funny, in a nice way
Ah. Well, it's possible that they are among the few I've seen since I haven't the slightest idea where the one's I've seen come from. The first few I saw were black and white and had Lucy getting a new shower, and buying a bunch of beans on the thought that they couldn't possibly be better than her mothers... and then they were.
Yeah most all the ones I have watched were black and white.
Oh I think I remember that one It was also one of the first I watched.
Oh, football is my favorite sport because I love playing it with my friends and I love watching it. Basketball, on the other hand, I love watching, but I can't play very well. And soccer, I love playing, but it's rather boring to watch. Football, I love watching and playing.
Most of those I like playing quite a bit but as for watching, not so much
Audio books, you say? *loves audio books*
Oh I love Audio Books as well! Right now I am listening to the Tarzan Audio books...
Okay I am going to head off now
*leaves listening to "Let It Go" by Tenth Avenue North*
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
I prefer music anyway, so I suppose that's okay. *hopes not to offend*
Hey, the same thought applies to making music as well. And no, I'm not offended at all. Somebody has to write and play the music I listen to while I draw.
(Someday, I might even draw something that is as good as the music...)
(Huzzah for The Great Pebble Hunt!)
Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Queer about the ravens, though. I've only seen the odd blackbird today. (And a dead robin by the side of the road. )
My last well highlighted lengthy post in Town Square got munched, so now I'm nervous.
Do you use Firefox? If so, you need Lazarus!
I'm slightly afraid of BBC in the 80's after seeing clips of what they did to 'Northanger Abbey' in the 80's.
Maybe I have strange tastes, but I rather liked the 80's Northanger Abbey. After all, Catherine has a gorgeous white and blue ensemble for much of the movie ( Blue and white! My favourite combo!), and it's not really scary, something I suspect new Masterpiece version is. Also, I love that P&P muchmuch more than the much lauded '95 version, and S&S mini-series is quite nice too. I liked their Willoughby.
Is that a quote from a book or something?
It is! (I'm not funny enough to come up with that sort of thing on my own.) It's from Andrew Peterson's Wingfeather Saga, book two. (Which I see Cymru mentions briefly later!) They're nice YA fantasy books with that charming brand of humour and I absolutely love the pacing of the story so far. And the characters! Peet the Sockman!
Are you allowed to rename cats?
You are allowed to try. The cat will tell you if the name is appropriate or not.
I have to read them.
Yes. Yes you must.
Ben, maybe we have the same Lucy Show collection.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Thanks, Meli. I was. I will check into this mystery man, Lazarus. I agree with you about the 80's NA. I think that actress was the perfect Catherine. It was just the music, really, that put me off. Saxophone has no place in a Jane Austen film.
I missed a bit about ravens??? And it was something by Ly?? I have to go back and look.
The weather this morning feels like Sleepy Hollow. I love saying hello to fall, but I hate saying goodbye to everything green. I feel so torn every year at this time.
Thanks for the thumbs up on the Wingfeather Saga. I can't wait to have a look.
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
It's a beautiful, beautiful day!
I love that feeling of anticipation in the air as summer slowly gives way to autumn and the chill of the cold air creeps in. 'Tis wonderful!
Another thing I love is Andrew Peterson's new song "Dancing in the Minefields". So sweet.
And I feel extremely pathetic because I started this catch up post yesterday and didn't have time to finish it. So here I am to complete this post.
It's been a while since I was on Square Numero dos. Apparently several pages have escaped me. Again.
Since I have nothing more of substance to say (if you can call all of the above substantial) I will proceed with catching up with my good friends on here.
Ditto what Ly said about a high school/college job not having to sync up with what you want to do when you graduate college. I've worked as a lifeguard, swim lesson instructor, and swim team coach. None of which are things I'd expect to still do when I'm 50, but they are things that teach you basic job skills. Don't underestimate that a job won't help you, just because it's not what you want to do in ten years. (Though getting a music related job would be great, but try to be open to other things). Also, a lot of colleges do offer scholarships which can help with tuition and such.
Best of luck with the job hunting.
Thanks, Liln! My sisters have been giving me similar advice. A new experience is always helpful and I think sometimes I'm a little too intimidated with unfamiliar surroundings/atmospheres. And the more I think about it, the more I see that there are a lot of random things I like doing other than music. Like, working with little kids for instance. And I like cooking and cleaning (when I have the time). For now, I'm just going to keep on praying and thinking about it. When the time comes, hopefully I'll be prepared.
So I bought Tenth Avenue North's "Over and Underneath" just last night! I'm liking it! They are a great band!
*squees with delight* I'm so glad you like them!!
I had my Bible signed by that band. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find it in a couple of weeks. I'm thinking it's somewhere in my house or in my family's car.
I did write some but you got busy and weren't able to reply. It was pretty much what you said though- I completely agree. What do you think people should do when they're seeking to start a relationship though?
That's a hard question. Because, being single and only sixteen, I'm obviously not experienced in that area. But if some young man wanted to start a serious relationship with me, I would first pray about it and ask God if He wants me to pursue it, then go to my father and talk to him about it. If my father approves the man, then I would say it's an open door and that God is probably calling me to start a relationship with this young man.
Not all couples have Christian parents though. But God always gives us people who can help us make decisions like this, such as pastors, elders in the church, people who are older and more experienced than we are (preferably married people with families ). I guess what I'm trying to say is, before I started a relationship, I would seek and find out if this was my calling from God. It's easy to get caught on an emotional sky rocket.
Sometimes God wants couples to wait before getting really serious about their relationship. Like I said, I'm not experienced, but this is just what I've learned from my parents, pastors, etc... what to do next as a couple once you've decided to start a relationship is a little more difficult. My parents started by getting to know each other really well. They wrote each other real letters, talked on the phone a lot. They didn't spend all that much time actually together, but they still learned more and more about each other and grew closer in a healthy way.
My mom says that a lot of times couples can "feel" close when they actually don't know each other very well. It's probably better to sit and have a long conversation than to take a walk holding hands and not say a thing. I'm not sure if this answers your question, but it's my two bits. I hope it was helpful.
oh yes I have those both. They're very good. I also like When God Writes Your Love Story and When Dreams Come True by Eric and Leslie Ludy
I love how we read all the same books! I've read both books by the Ludys. They're very, very good.
sounds weird
. Do you think I'd like it?
I'm not sure. It's very hard to tell. I know people who love the show who I never thought would watch it. Oh, by the way, the Doctor is an alien called a Time Lord but he looks just like a human. The only major difference is that he has two hearts whereas humans have only one. Oh, and he has an awesome British accent.
And the show never ends, because whenever the Doctor's about to die he just regenerates into a new Doctor. Awesomeness.
*is delighted to meet StudyMate* Have you come into the Square just recently? It's very nice to have you.
Mel, it sounds like you and Valia had a splendid time together!! Fun, fun!!
Hmm...I've never been to Panera Bread before. Sad, I know. Everyone I know has been there so many times. I don't understand why I haven't ever gone.
*waves to narnianerd* I like your graphics set! They make me think of my younger sister. Bonanza is a family favorite around our house and my youngest sister happens to be Little Joe's biggest fan. I'm not kidding. She swoons every time he appears on the screen (not really). Anyway, how have you been lately?
I'm doing well, thanks! I think I might have the record for being away for too long. 10-11 months without posting a single thing
I make it a habit of posting an "I'm alive!" post at least once a month if nothing more. I would give you a long lecture about posting more on the Square, but I'm a bit too happy right now just to have you on here again!
Are you starting school soon? Or have you already started?
It does seem like forever! How've you been? My summer's gone fast!
I didn't really do much, though... How about yours?
Fast is a good word to use to describe my summer. It went very, very fast. Mine was busy, though. Our church had a youth mission team come and help us with the church plant we started in another city. I worked a lot with the team, helping out with childrens' Bible School, going door-to-door, and then we would have evangelizing training and devotions in the afternoons as well. And then I went to church camp for a week and got sick, which was rather unpleasant.
It's kind of a shock to be back home, doing school at home, and everything just quiet and slow again. Have you started school yet?
*waves to Libby* Hey, I'm doing pretty good! I haven't been sleeping too well lately, but my parents are helping me remedy that with giving me lots of time to "wind down" before I go to bed.
How are you doing? Starting school soon?
*wave back to daughter of the king* I can't remember being introduced to you, but I'm pretty sure we were introduced at one point. Ah, well. How have things been going for you?
I am so ready for fall, Ruby! I am always ready for fall, actually. The crisp, invigorating feel of the breeze, the cries of the geese, the crunch of leaves underfoot.... *happy sigh* Everything is so refreshing that time of year.
This made me smile. There is something about the cold autumn air that makes me feel very much alive. Though, I must say, I could do with a few less geese. They seem to be taking over our entire city.
As for Tenth Avenue North, I've only heard By Your Side. So, I can't really say whether or not I love the band, but I do love that one song. Beautiful lyrics.
If you ever get the time, you should look into some of their other music. All their lyrics are good.
Eh, I'm rather deprived in some areas and not in others. They balance each other out.
Well, at least you're not unbalanced. But seriously, Doctor Who is not all that fantastic. It's fun if you don't like to take your TV shows seriously.
How have you been doing lately? Do you have any plans for this fall?
*waves back to Ruby* That's so cool about the TAN sheet music!
AC! Good to see you on the Square! Yes, I'm very happy to be able to play all the TAN songs now, at least all the ones from their first album. Though I must say that Kat's versions of Love is Here and By Your Side are a lot more interesting than the ones in my folio.
But I can play Hold My Heart all the way through and most of Lift Us Up To Fall and then I can sort of play all the other ones, but I haven't really worked on them.
On another subject, how are you doing?
RANDOM INTERJECTION: I just discovered that Audrey Assad is the one singing on the Jars of Clay and Tenth Avenue North collaboration! *dies from the sheer awesomeness*
Oh dear, I just remembered, I haven't finished this catch up post...
*revives herself*
You're not missing a lot with not reading/seeing Harry Potter. If you're curious about the stories, just go to Wikipedia and read the overviews of them. Save a lot of time instead of reading the books.
*hides and pretends she didn't see this*
How can you say that?
*scratches head in confusion* I don't recall saying this. Perhaps I posted it ages ago and simply forgot? Because, in truth, I really don't have anything against Harry Potter. I just haven't had the time to read it, but it sounds really good.
*avoids the football discussions entirely* (Namely between Ben and Nick) That sport is absolutely impossible for me. *shudder* I have insanely small hands, meaning I can't even hold the ball--much less catch or throw. P.E. football is always a definite source of humiliation for me.
Of course I can run, but running for a touch-down without the football isn't usually the best choice.
Well, I wouldn't blame a girl for not wanting to play football (it's not exactly a girl sport
), but what about watching it?
*is totally befuddled* Did I write this as well? I don't recall writing this! Perhaps I have a ghost on the forum?
My hands aren't insanely small. In fact, they're quite normal. My fingers are really skinny though, but I've never had trouble holding a football. I don't like to play it, because I've never been into sports. I tried to play it once and it resulted in me getting hit in the head with an oncoming football which I didn't see. Never played it since.
I don't really watch it either. I guess the games are exciting enough, but I've just never gotten into it. My family isn't really into sports and we don't have a television so we never watch them.
The only games I've ever been to were basketball games and that was because I got free tickets because I was dancing at the half times. Basketball games can be exciting, but in my personal opinion, the most exciting part was dancing on the gym floor.
I'm still extremely curious as to who seems to be haunting this forum with my name...
Ruby, how wonderful about your dance teaching job! How did your first night go? (I saw some dance photos on FB, and wow, your group looks fantastic! *would love to see a video sometime*
jooo!! My first night actually wasn't all that great. I had to hike two miles to get there (didn't think the walk would be that long!) with a heavy back pack of text books and I was about half an hour late. But fortunately my teacher didn't really need my help for the first part and I had a lot of fun dancing, despite the heat and the two mile hike.
Unlike most Irish Dance schools, we're a performance-oriented school instead of a competitive school. We do compete some, but my teacher loves to dance and loves to share her love for the dance more than she enjoys competitions. I'm sort of the same way. I love performing way more than I like competing. And everyone in my class is the same way, so it makes a really amazing team!! No bad attitudes.
The only video I have of us dancing is from 2007 and that is...um...really bad. I'll see about getting one maybe from one of our upcoming performances!
Quickly, though, I will say that Nanny McPhee was CRACKERS!! And I mean that in a good, hey-ho-Gromit, hey-ho-Wallace, kind of way.
I've been hearing the same thing from friends and such!! I shall have to see that movie sometime. I saw the first one a long time ago and don't remember it very well, but I remember that it was really funny.
Doesn't whats-his-face, the boy who plays Mordred in BBC Merlin, play in the 2nd Nanny McPhee as well? Or was that just a rumor?
Hey, Ruby!
I've been doing good, how are you? That's really cool Jars of Clay and Tenth Avenue North recorded a song together, I'm gonna have to check it out!
I'm glad your school schedule isn't so hectic this year, I remember how it was for you last year!
poggin!! Yes, you should definitely check out the song!
I've been doing so-so. School is kind of dragging on really slowly at the moment, but soon I'll be starting a college-level music theory class and joining a high school ensemble which should pick up the pace of things a bit more. I guess I should enjoy the fact that I have time to make long posts on NarniaWeb like this while I still can.
How are you doing? You starting school soon?
*leaves listening to "Let It Go" by Tenth Avenue North*
This is my all-time favorite Tenth Avenue North song!
Sorry, but I just had to interject some more of my Tenth-Avenue-North fangurliness into this post.
Feels like a I just finished running a merathon!!
It's time for me to be off now and go eat some lunch before "bottling off" to do some Algebra 2.
God bless, everyone! Have a lovely day!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Hey ho! It's Jo.
When the merged missive comes, it will be a total surprise. (And, I hope, a pleasant one.
And, was it? (Thanks for your quick response.)
lysander, is it the college pool at which you lifeguard? And how have the rest of your classes fared this week?
Re The Hunger Games, Liberty, the third in the series, Mockingjay is now out. I have yet to pick up my copy, and stopped by the bookstore this morning to do so, when I realized they don't even open until 9:30. Ridiculously late hour. (Being a solid morning person, myself—up at 6 during the school year; 6:30 or 7 in the summer, I wish all stores opened at 8. At least some do.)
Same here, Jo! I have never begun to doubt the franchise
I did ... when I saw Prince Caspian, but I'm thankful that that will hopefully change with Voyage. *crosses fingers and furry hobbit toes*
*sees Winnie-the-Pooh tales being discussed and raises her hand high for Pooh-love too*
No, I'm not aware of the Dale Warland singers, Mel, but am listening to a youtube clip of them now. Beautiful!
PrinceCor, so glad your first day of school went well. I'm hoping the rest of the week is too. How did you fare with dreaded Math?
*is mightily relieved you didn't attempt to bring Vern to school with you* I hope he is behaving himself whilst you're gone. Are you giving him any extra chores to do to keep him
out of trouble profitably busy. Maybe a motivational taco treat might help?
GtG, that's really something about the bear! I've seen a few wild bears in my day, but thankfully never too close. My sister, on the other hand, had a very scary experience with one whilst camping on the north shore of beautiful and wild Lake Superior a few years ago.
I knew I should have ordered the paperback instead.. but I do love hardbacks.
Totally. Hard covers are just beautiful and so ... solid. For any old book I don't mind paperbacks (a lot less expensive), but for special books, it's hard-cover all the way. Btw, the cover for Mockingjay is just so cool!
By the way, what are the Overland books (I think that's the title?) by Suzanne Collins like/about?
Maybe someone answered this later, but they're for a younger crowd. Really great reads, and very exciting. Collins creates a believable world far under New York City. I recommend them, but do know they are written more for children, unlike The Hunger Games trilogy, which is geared for young adults. (Ah yes, I see Liberty gave a good summary of the Underland Chronicles.) Just have to say I love Boots, and am quite fascinated by Ripred's character. And I did tear up when
Really, this is entirely too much, dear gehl.
No such thing, my dear gehl; no such thing.
*thinks this is the Epic One's new term* Somehow, it reminds me of ... Uncle Andrew. (Not you, lys ... just the word.
Hey there, NN/Aiden, pogginfan, and Ben! Queen Susan, I hope you can get to a Lion Party!!!
All of Chris Tomlin's music sounds the same though. Just not the style of music I like listening to.
Agreed. In fact, I find that most P&W songs sounds alike, with a few exceptions. Again, it's a personal taste. It's just not my style of music.
Hmm, I've been trying to figure out what LotRO means, and I'm just not getting it.
Lord of the Rings Online. Wup, yep, I see Booky told ya'. We have a great review of the game, along with some screen shots, in this issue of Silver Leaves written by John Adcox. /shameless plug
Ditto to Booky's post here: Collins deserves much more recognition than she has been receiving, beginning with the Underland books, 'though that appears to be changing now with the increasing popularity of The Hunger Games trilogy.
Do you attend a Japanese school and speak the language, or one of those international type schools? Or, a Japanese English speaking school?
Ditto the question. Aha, I see AC answered it shortly after. That's cool you know Japanese!
Were you born in Japan?
I adore his album, The Far Country for all its Inklings references. Anyway, the site is jampacked with books and art and music that I can’t imagine a Lewis lover not enjoying. He seems to have great taste in books - and he even writes them! That, I didn’t know. Children’s books with dangerous toothy cows in them. I have to read them.
I didn't know until Mel mentioned to me recently that Peterson wrote books. I'll have to check them out. I've always enjoyed his music, especially his album that you mentioned, "The Far Country", for the same reason = all the Inklings references. Also, the artwork on the front is fantastic, and I must check out Gerard's work further!
I'll have to gander around "The Rabbit Room"! I mean, the name, alone, means a great deal, because of the image it conjures up of a smoke-filled room at the back of an English pub with brilliant minds laughing, debating, and reading their works to solid, constructive criticism. ....... Wow, in looking briefly through the site, I see (although I have guessed before) that Peterson has very similar literary tastes. And I would dearly like one of those mugs! *is so pleased Peterson's own books come with a high recommendation from Mel*
The weather this morning feels like Sleepy Hollow. I love saying hello to fall, but I hate saying goodbye to everything green. I feel so torn every year at this time.
I'm almost the opposite: ever year after spring has matured, I am counting the days until Autumn.
Well, my mouth is a tad frozen, still, from getting a small cavity filled early this morning, and I feel like my cheek is verrrry huge.
*Chipmunk Jo (although only on one side) signs off*
EDIT: Hello Ruby!!!
Unlike most Irish Dance schools, we're a performance-oriented school instead of a competitive school. We do compete some, but my teacher loves to dance and loves to share her love for the dance more than she enjoys competitions. I'm sort of the same way.
I am the same way. I did synchronized swimming for a few years (it's one tough and beautiful sport: great exercise, too), and they wanted our team to go competitive, but we all enjoyed just doing it for the challenge and fun. So, I know what you mean. That's great you have such a positive atmosphere to dance in.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Jo, if I could somehow manage to skip the heat of summer and the coldest cold of winter and still get the same glorious spring and autumn, I'd take it! Ditto on the warmth of The Rabbit Room site. I do believe that one of the website banners is a shot of the backroom of The Eagle and Child. I didn't realize you had a copy of The Far Country. Everyone on Narniaweb really should! And yes, don't those mugs look FANTASTIC? I keep imagining that warm glass under my hands and a fire roaring in the fireplace. He's named them all after different things that have inspired him - including a set of books about a place called Port William. I had never heard of them til visiting his site - or Walt Wangerin's The Book of the Dun Cow - but now, after reading reviews, etc., on Amazon.com and The Rabbit Room, they look like must reads.
Ruby, I love Dancing in the Minefields as well. I'm going to have to plunk my coins down for Counting the Stars very soon. Most of those songs sound beautiful.
As to the Panera vs. St. Louis Bread name question. They used to all be St. Louis Bread, but then they started opening them on a wider market and were afraid (in Kansas City especially) that having St. Louis in the name would somehow be offensive. Strange, but there it is.
So I did go back and find Lysander's ravens post, and I'm not a bit more enlightened, though I'm not sure that's such a bad thing. It sounds very mysterious. I like mysterious. Especially when there are ravens.
The mail man was just here looking as cheery as a bluejay in spring. We both talked about how weather this cool makes us think of candy corn and those little candy pumpkins. Still too early, but my brain is beginning to drift that direction.
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
Good Mortereve, all! I hope everyone is doing well on this fine Thursday! Ah, I was outdoors yesterday evening and I could vaguely, vaguely feel a hint of crispness in the air. Autumn approaches! One of my favorite seasons. In fact, it's probably my favorite season! Anywho, it's ...
@ Edmund P. Hmm, would be good to know what day you start...
I suppose so .
Ah, belated congrats then! NO! We're not good to eat at all!!
Thanks ! Haha, I'll take your word for it
Very good
. I'm tired, but that's it.
Good! being tired stinks. Especially when you know you have to do certain things whether you like it or not.
Oh sorry, forgot that part.
You can call me Kathy, if you wish. Or stick with AC if that's less confusing.
Oh, it's fine. Alright, Kathy it is! Now, I see that your location is Japan - when does VDT release over there ?
Ah, but you remembered that we had spoken before... I didn't remember.
Well, I'm an optimist, and certainly not a book purist, so I think it'll be great. And, of course, the trailers make it all the more exciting! The changes don't generally bother me (except for stuff like Caspian and Susan, which just go too far), so I don't foresee any major problems. It should be great! What do you think?
Well, I happen to be one these people that has a freakishly long and vivid memory, so recalling that we had a conversation once before isn't that difficult for my mind to recall.
I am very optimistic about Voyage. From the way things have been looking, it seems like they are sticking very closely to the book . I certainly am not foreseeing an major problems. And also, from what I can tell, they're trying to flesh our Lucy and the Beauty Spell scene. They're adding little snippets of Lucy looking into the mirror and looking sad. I like how they're doing that. It will definitely make the Beauty Spell scene more moving and emotional.
I make it a habit of posting an "I'm alive!" post at least once a month if nothing more.
I would give you a long lecture about posting more on the Square, but I'm a bit too happy right now just to have you on here again!
Are you starting school soon? Or have you already started?
Yes, that's a good thing. Then people won't be wondering . Haha, yes please spare me of that lecture! Thanks, it's great to be back!
I start back on Monday. Have you started yet?
Feels like a I just finished running a merathon!!
My cousin is actually going to be running in one in October in Washington DC! I run into him occasionally while I'm running and I ask him how far he's going to run and he's like, "Oh, I'm just going to run a couple of miles before I go to the doctor," and I asked him how many is a couple..."Oh, I guess about 6 or 7," and I asked, "Um, when's your doctor's appointment?" and he replied, "In about 35 minutes! Gotta run!"
I did ... when I saw Prince Caspian, but I'm thankful that that will hopefully change with Voyage. *crosses fingers and furry hobbit toes*
Prince Caspian, as I always say, was not a bad film. It was a rather good film. The adaption was as good as they could get, and honestly it was a fairly good adaption! But when you have book as uncinematic as PC...it's just insanely difficult to keep the same spirit and feel as the book while maintaining a similar story on screen. Oh, I think Voyage is going to be amazing ! So excited!
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
comes in singing "Saturn" by Skillet
Ruby: I am so sorry to hear that you aren't sleeping well! I am praying for you!
I start school the day after labor day! when do you start?
johobbit: awesome! I have to read those!
yes! I love Boots! she's awesome!
I cried at that part too! and also when

I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good mortereve, all. I am now officially the most exhausted person ever. The first week of school is always a huge adjustment--especially the minor fact that one's sleep amount is decreased dramatically.
Anyhoo! School is going well, and I finally have a schedule again. Yay!
I was thinking of attending the LP in Ohio, Edmund P. I'm not entirely sure, though, as we may be gone that weekend (depending on the final date).
*sigh* A white chocolate mocha frappuccino sounds... heavenly. Mmm.
I want one now. Maybe I'll stop by and get an ice cream or something on the way home. Anything cold.
Mel: W.O.W. about the painting. That is... amazing. I have no skill in that area whatsoever, and I admire any person who can successfully paint a picture without blobs, runs, smears, and... whatever elses. (And besides, I love wolves.)
Ahh, yes. I completely understand about unique nicknames. I don't believe I have one. *thinks* At one time, I believe the other Rose [aka Ramandu_Daughter, who rarely comes on anymore] nicknamed me something along the lines of Her Highness Rose the Second, but much much longer and more sophisticated sounding.
Enjoy your return to college, ~LL~, if that is possible.
Oh no, Chico is a very mellow fellow. Very easy to please, very difficult to offend. He is also very willing to make friends; he met our rabbit, the neighbor dog, and any stray cat that crossed his path, and happily walked about the backyard with them---that is, until he got in some fight and didn't think quite the same anymore. Now he doesn't like any living thing except humans, Sofie, and his stray cat friend. (To this day, they are still best buddies; it is not uncommon to glimpse them walking across the driveway together, side by side, tails high in the air.)
Hah, no. You do not babble. Or if you think you do, take a look at my long rambling paragraph above.
...... Rose-y-poo......
Thank-you, DotK! I appreciate your dutiful fall of shock.
Heh. It seems like the majority of NarniaWebbers are fair-skinned. In my case, I'm not white (fortunately), but... I'm pretty close.
Cor: Ahh, so school started for you as well this week. Wow! I hope you're enjoying it. (Or managing, anyhow.)
White. Well, that does present a problem. I'm light, but not white. So I suppose I'm fine, as long as it's after summer and I have a somewhat normal tan.
And yay for being WC subs! I think I'll appreciate my position even more when VotD comes out. (Not that I'd mind greeting loads of people! I can just laugh at all those who do.) --Evil of me, I know.
Annnd, I'll finish catching up later. Good mortereve to all!
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
With all this talk of Andrew Peterson's music being more widely known than his books, I suspect I ought to check it out... *picks World Traveler, to be followed by Dancing in the Minefields* Hmmmm. I think I'd describe it as EmmyLou Harris singing something written by Randy Stonehill... a bit softer around the edges than either, though.
Ruby, I've only been to Panera Bread a couple of times, myself. But I think you ought to go. (Thanks for the explanation, Cymru. It doesn't make much sense, but as you say, there it is.
*heard about The Book of the Dun Cow first in the Books! thread* It's... very different. Wisewoman liked it. I liked the characters, but not what happened to them.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*enters the Square, excited to see that so many people have posted since she was last on!*
I still have chemistry home work to finish up, but this post shouldn't take too long. And my brain's a bit too wibbly-wobbly right now for home work. I have to sit and wait at the church where we take home school classes for two hours, while my brother takes two of his classes. So I have two extra hours to do whatever I want (granted, I keep quiet).
I usually play piano. The church (though it isn't our church) has a beautiful piano in their auditorium and they let me use it!! They're very nice people, like people in churches usually are.
Anyway, I'm here to do a little bit of quick catch up and then I should probably go fix dinner. I think my parents are planning on going on a date tonight. Not sure. Either way, my mom looks tired and I think she could use some help. Shall make this as brief (as brief as brief goes for me
I am the same way. I did synchronized swimming for a few years (it's one tough and beautiful sport: great exercise, too), and they wanted our team to go competitive, but we all enjoyed just doing it for the challenge and fun. So, I know what you mean. That's great you have such a positive atmosphere to dance in.
Wow! Synchronized swimming! I've only ever seen that a few times, but it always looks so amazing! I enjoy swimming, though I only ever get to do it every now and then.
Yes, I love my dance class. My teacher's very good about commending good attitudes more than good dancing, because good dancing usually comes from a good attitude. Now and then we get some kids with really bad attitudes, but they don't last very long because people with bad attitudes have no sense of determination, self-will, or respect and so they don't enjoy it. I don't think I could find a better one anywhere. Everyone in my class has become like family and you don't find that in many people or places.
Ruby, I love Dancing in the Minefields as well. I'm going to have to plunk my coins down for Counting the Stars very soon. Most of those songs sound beautiful.
*smiles* It's not often I find someone who enjoys his music. I recently got his entire new album and it is very beautiful.
Have you ever heard any of his music from his other albums?
As to the Panera vs. St. Louis Bread name question. They used to all be St. Louis Bread, but then they started opening them on a wider market and were afraid (in Kansas City especially) that having St. Louis in the name would somehow be offensive.
Strange, but there it is.
That is strange. Why would people be offended in Kansas City if they called it St. Louis Bread?
*wanders off for a bit to go cut up a mango*
Mmm! Out of curiosity, is there a proper way to cut up a mango? They're such odd shaped fruit.
My cousin is actually going to be running in one in October in Washington DC! I run into him occasionally while I'm running and I ask him how far he's going to run and he's like, "Oh, I'm just going to run a couple of miles before I go to the doctor," and I asked him how many is a couple..."Oh, I guess about 6 or 7," and I asked, "Um, when's your doctor's appointment?" and he replied, "In about 35 minutes! Gotta run!"
Haha!! That is too funny!! I would die after about one mile. Sad, I know, but I don't run regularly. And I don't have the best of endurance when it comes to running. Funny, because I could dance hard four minutes straight without a problem.
I am so sorry to hear that you aren't sleeping well!
I am praying for you!
Thank you so much!
I start school the day after labor day! when do you start?
I started about a week ago. We start our school really early so that we can finish early.
With all this talk of Andrew Peterson's music being more widely known than his books, I suspect I ought to check it out... *picks World Traveler, to be followed by Dancing in the Minefields* Hmmmm. I think I'd describe it as EmmyLou Harris singing something written by Randy Stonehill... a bit softer around the edges than either, though.
His latest album is actually a lot more mellow than his other latest two, Resurrection Letters Vol. II and Far Country. You've read his books?
Do you mean the Wingfeather Saga? Those are the only writings works of his that I've read.
Ruby, I've only been to Panera Bread a couple of times, myself. But I think you ought to go.
(Thanks for the explanation, Cymru. It doesn't make much sense, but as you say, there it is.
You're right about it not making much sense. What's more, Panera means "bread" and so their brand name is "bread bread" which doesn't make any sense either. St. Louis Bread sounds a bit more...classier.
I'm going off for a bit now to finish up some chemistry home work and finish eating up this mango. I'll probably pop on here once or twice more before the evening's over.
God bless!
blog | graphics | youtube channel
member of the Tenth Ave. North club
Keeper of the Secret Magic
1 Peter 3:15
Ruby, yes, I mean the Wingfeather Saga. Valia and I were at the library and she's like, "Here! I haven't read these yet, but my sisters like them." I don't remember exactly, but someone else had recommended them to her sisters? And since you've read them, I infer it was you?
I think I pulled up some tracks from The Far Country while looking up his music. Now I think I need to find a hard copy for myself.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton