Hello hello. Hope you're all having a great day..
Apparently, there is talk that Collins' The Hunger Games may be made for the big screen. If so, that should be one intense (and excellent) film!
Ooh, I'm really excited about this. And the author is going to adapt it herself, so hopefully it'll be pretty good.
Speaking of which.. the third book in the trilogy came out.. today! Unfortunately my copy isn't arriving until September..
I knew I should have ordered the paperback instead.. but I do love hardbacks.
I have yet to read The Hunger Games! but I think I am going to make a bigger effort to read them now that you say that there's a movie coming!
Oh, you really should. And once you start you won't stop. By the way, what are the Overland books (I think that's the title?) by Suzanne Collins like/about?
Sure! It's one of my more popular names on the forum . And I shall address you as...? Edmund is definitely one of my favorite characters as well.
Yay. Oh sorry, forgot that part.
You can call me Kathy, if you wish. Or stick with AC if that's less confusing.
Thank you! I'll tell you the same thing I tell my little brother--practice. Practice practice practice.
*sigh* I know.. but I just don't seem to have the ability. But I prefer music anyway, so I suppose that's okay. *hopes not to offend*
Glad your first day went well, Cor. Although that's a shame about Vern not making it.
Um, a bear, Ali? I would be scaredd..
he's amaaazing
. Ooh nice! Except for the time
. I pray you can get it sooner!
Yeah.. *is listening now * Probably September, if I don't forget.
Thanks.. I think?
. Yeah it is. Well, I email, text, and chat some friends, and Kat and I are going to video chat soon since I got a webcam. But that's about it. But we still talk alot so I know most of them pretty well. I'll phone people sometime, but I hate talking on the phone
Ah okay, cool. Aww, why do you hate the phone?
his voice sounds best on the older videos b/c it's not autotuned and synthesized! I prefer to listen to whatever acoustic live performances I can find online
that would be awesome![]()
Still, I can't get over the high-ness.
Though from skimming through this thread I gathered that you are now somewhat huger of a fan than 2 weeks ago.. You were trying to find Justin Bieber in New York?
Now that is going a bit too far..
I don't know if I posted there
. I mostly talked about it on tradema-rk.
Well, thanks for doing it in a place that I can't find..
*nearly nearly lost her post... * *heart resumes beating*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Mel, I received word from a band of ravens that they're delivering a message I sent you today, although the chaps seemed frightfully confused ... something about time-travel and hoping you'd been born, &c. Sounds to me like a server issue.
(Huzzah for The Great Pebble Hunt!)
Sounds like you're doing very well when it comes to short stories.
And seeing you so happy about them, makes me happy. (what kind of friend would I be, if it didn't?)
You know, it's funny you mention happiness and writing in the same sentence, for I was just thinking about the subject this Saturday, while lifeguarding. (The things that come to you when you stare at the same patch of water for 20 minutes....) I realized that these past two years or so, I've been writing primarily for publication and secondarily for fun ... and then it came to me that it should be the opposite way. I mean, I like being published, and I'd love to start making money from my writing, but I can start thinking from that perspective in the editing stage. And really, I'm not dependent on my writing for an income right now - I'm a full time-student with a part-time job. So, the plan now is to write what I want in the manner I want, and worry about things being neat and tidy afterwards.
@ Lys. Soundtrack reference? Where?? I'm afraid I did not notice....
I came in singing a selection from the As You Like It soundtrack.
Which reminds me, we really need to introduce you to Patrick Doyle....
😐 are you trying to imply you don't belive me?
No such thing, my dear gehl; no such thing.
I'm thinking I'll probably try to borrow the new Hunger Games book from a friend when I go up to visit her in a couple of weeks (I'm giving her Wildwood Dancing, so hopefully the loan of Mockingjay won't be too much to ask for). I just hope it's better than the second book, which rawther annoyed me, I'm afraid.
Well, I'm back at school today and will get to sit through another two hours of syllabi being read, I'm afraid. Going to get off and try to get some reading/writing done, I think. I need to use this time in the mornings as much as I can, because I just learned that I'm going to be working all weekend! I can't wait until Labor Day, when the waterpark closes for good. That day can't come soon enough....
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Mortereve all!
Yeah, I could do that. Much more efficient, to be sure. We'll see ...
Glad you're enjoying your school year so much, it's fun, NN.
Yeah, it looks fine, and it's much easier.
Yeah, it's usually not until people are long out of school that they really appreciate it.
Haha, I suppose so! It's as much my fault as it is yours. How do you think the film is looking thus far? With the trailers and clips, I mean.
Ah, but you remembered that we had spoken before... I didn't remember.
Well, I'm an optimist, and certainly not a book purist, so I think it'll be great. And, of course, the trailers make it all the more exciting! The changes don't generally bother me (except for stuff like Caspian and Susan, which just go too far), so I don't foresee any major problems. It should be great! What do you think?
@ NN. Heh, it is something I always talk about....
No recent purchases lately. I'm eagerly awaiting the 2-disc release of Jerry Goldsmith's Poltergeist, though. It should be coming out around the Fall....
'Tis that! And though I'm not an expert on soundtracks, I do always enjoy talking about them. Poltergeist, eh? I've never heard it, before, but I can tell from the name what the style would be.
and that would be HORRIBLE!
yeah it's like
Spoilerwhy didn't they just kill her then and save everyone alot of hurt?Seriously though, the second season is so sad, and alot of it is b/c of her...
I think what mainly bothers me is Dragon Island being totally different than the book (looks like they combined that and Burnt Island) and Eustace not getting his limmerick and Caspian going to the end of the world.
Yeah, there were lots of spoilers for PC, because there were lots of changes...
I know, right? I'm not sure how they do her
Yeah, those are the main changes, and, to me, those are rather minor, and they wouldn't bother me too much.
Mor'treve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
My last well highlighted lengthy post in Town Square got munched, so now I'm nervous.
Quickly, though, I will say that Nanny McPhee was CRACKERS!! And I mean that in a good, hey-ho-Gromit, hey-ho-Wallace, kind of way. I cried a bit - smiled a lot. My daughter came home bragging that those kids were lucky because Obi-Wan-Kenobi was their father!! Rhys Ifans was in this, which I wasn't expecting, and so was Maggie Smith. Maggie Smith reminded me a lot of my alzheimers-ridden Granny right now. Maggie Gyllenhaal was the only person, I think, in the whole movie that was an American. In spite of that, they started the film's narration with her voice, and though you could tell - because you'd heard her before - that her accent was not "real," it wasn't distracting. She was pretty funny. I like her so it's hard for her to let me down anyway.
Ly - as for your old question regarding plodding vs. plotting. It's plotting. Why plod when one can plot?? I'm so glad you've read and enjoyed Gibbons! How I wish the subsequent Cold Comfort Farm books were still in print. There is a short story about Christmas at CCF in a book of Christmas Tales that I plan to pick up as my Christmas read for the year. I can only imagine decorating a Christmas tree with that bunch.
Studymate - cheers back!
Anna - I know what you mean about writing more than one book at once. I have a serious book and a not-serious-by-a-trip-around-the-world-and-back book that are perfect mates. When I feel too then I can just pick up the
one and take a break. I think it makes the light hearted novel that much more light-hearted - and consequently the serious novel that much more sincere.
Now to more serious matters. I only have two cups of decaf Earl Grey left in the whole world (meaning mine) and then I'll be forced to go Lipton. I really need to track more down!!
That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong. ~ F.Scott Fitzgerald
comes in singing "Abracadavers" by The Classic Crime" at the top of her lungs and dancing like a maniac
everyone has to see this!
http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=w ... YnSKWhD7eQ
Aslans Country: that sounds awesome!
The Underland Chronicles are about this kid named Gregor who, along with his little sister Boots, falls down through a grate in his basement and finds a place called the Underland. the people who live there are bonded with talking bats and are enemies with the talking Rats. Gregor finds out that he can't return to the Overland until he has fulfilled The Prophecy Of Gray: a prophecy that the Underlanders believe he has a part in.
each book has a new prophecy and these books are amazing! I highly recommend them!
Edmund P: me too!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Oh? You should go to one of the lion parties! I met a few NarniaWebbers during Prince Caspian, but that was before I joined the forum on my second account. Hopefully I'll meet a few more in December.
I know, I know. Sad thing is--there aren't any really nearby, and... yeah. I can't drive yet.
My brothers might be willing to take me-- but only if it's within an hour's distance probably.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
We now own some cats. They're hiding in the workshop, but they haven't run off or been eaten yet, so it's going good so far.
And I'm on my second day of classes. Nothing terribly interesting or horrible to report about school. Just normal school stuff. Already have homework though.
Mockinjay comes out today! I pre-ordered my copy so it should be here in a few days.
Now to catch up on what I missed over the last few days.
*applauds Mel's Alice quoting*
@Lys: Oh, I agree she would have made a great Helen.
It's not so much that I don't have any ideas, it's just that I end up using all my ideas in RPs and then I don't have anything left to write about. I'm taking a creative writing class this semester and the goal is to write a short story, so I'll have at least one done this fall hopefully.
Congrats, Joe! I have no idea what captain means, but it sounds like a good thing.
@daughter of the king: Aww, you don't like science?
Glad you're feeling better, Lady C! I've been having sinus trouble myself.
All of Chris Tomlin's music sounds the same though. Just not the style of music I like listening to.
@StudyMate: I'm always telling people sleep is for the weak in LotRO when they start complaining about being tired and not wanting to run another raid.
*is relieved to know Anna isn't a vampire*
I keep all the cowering people locked up in my Dark Lair. You must have just missed the times when I let them out for air.
Oh. . . Right. . . Well, you're lucky they haven't escaped from the lair. That must be why we haven't heard of the lair.
Oh, it's well guarded. Crocodile infested moat, hovering death ray-wielding robots, reprogrammed Terminators patrolling the halls.
Wow, what kind of bear was it, GtG? Supposedly there are still black bears left around where I live, but I've never heard of anyone seeing one.
I'm not exactly an expert on the HP scores, but I can tell you that the last two are my absolute favorites. Goblet of Fire had some absolutely lovely music mixed in with a ton of forgettable boring music. I've not heard Prisoner of Azkaban apart from the film. The first two are John Williams scores and sound like typical John Williams scores. There are a few really beautiful themes, but most of it is just generic John Williams. I used to like him a lot more, but I've grown bored with his music.
I do wonder how a Hunger Games movie would work. There's rather obviously a lot of death in the story and it's kids. The violence would have to be toned down some to get a PG-13 rating. No possible way they could get a PG.
Good evening, Square ones! Life has been pretty boring lately, but I'm about to start school. So it's the calm before the storm, I suppose.
they're still some of my favorite movies now
Oh, no doubt, 'Beauty and the Beast' still ranks in my top 10 favorite movies.
weird enough for me to request his [Justin Bieber's] actual CD from the library
. I know, I should be ashamed but he's my one indulgence in music- musical junk food
Oh no...you're brave to admit this. Justin Bieber is like the equal to a....a deep fried Twinkie. Completely unwholesome.
Just kidding, I think it's fine if you like Justin Bieber, as long as you don't neglect Relient K.
Oh, that is so wonderful!
I have struggled quite a bit with feelings like that myself, but just recently the Lord has showed me too a little of what He has in mind for me, and it is exciting!
I will definitely pray that you continue to rest in the Lord's peace about your future!
You too? How wonderful! Thank you very much, I'll be praying for you, too.
It, along with Persuasion, is my favourite Austen as well. Even over Pride & Prejudice. (Shocking, eh?
That is shocking. 'Persuasion' is really good, but I couldn't say I like it over P&P. What's your order (from favorite to least favorite) of Austen's books? (I'm assuming you've read them all
Hmmm. Well, I would probably suggest the latest adaptation- made in 2007. ... The 1983 mini-series was pretty good, but it's long and the old style filming might make it hard to sit through. It is, however, more accurate and faithful to the book. It's kind of up to you, I guess.
And my reply is so helpful.
I suppose this means I should avoid the 1999 version? Haha, I'll try both of the other versions, then, though I'm slightly afraid of BBC in the 80's after seeing clips of what they did to 'Northanger Abbey' in the 80's.
That's why I love pogginfan's sig.
Anyway, I still have high hopes for VDT, especially because of the new director and largely new crew.
Ooh, an unexpected comment, thank you!
I agree with you, though, I have hopes for VDT for the same reason.
I think LWW and PC were decent, both as movies and adaptions, but I'm hoping that VDT surpasses 'decent'.
Naw, not really. Just time consuming.
Well that's arguably just as bad. By the way, your signature made me laugh.
Is that a quote from a book or something?
Poggy, you've been doing summer school? Ouch. That's no fun. Are you almost done? And what else have you been up to lately?
It's great to see you around, Mal! How have you been?
It was just summer math and science, but you're right, it wasn't very fun. I'm very close to being finished with science, just in time for the new school year.
Other than that I've been doing stuff for the band that I'm in (I play guitar) and I've been going to the beach/pool moderately often. It's been a pretty boring summer.
How has your summer been?
*waves to StudyMate* I don't believe we've 'met' yet, have we?
Both the hard and the good times are all part of God's good plan for us, to conform us more and more to the image of Christ. Wow!
Amen and amen! It gives me chills every time I think about that.
And a big OUCH for sand in the eye! And, in the opposite vein, HURRAH for chocolate milk!
Thanks for sympathizing. It was quite excruciating, I assure you.
Yes, isn't chocolate milk delicious on a hot summer day?
Brilliant ending to your post. Gotta love Porky!
Is that pogginfan I see??
How are you doing??
Hey, Ruby! I've been doing good, how are you? That's really cool Jars of Clay and Tenth Avenue North recorded a song together, I'm gonna have to check it out!
I'm glad your school schedule isn't so hectic this year, I remember how it was for you last year!
pogginfan, I've had bronchitis for.....2 1/2 weeks now? Something like that. When will you finish math and science? Ooh, the beach! I haven't been to the beach in such a long time.
Oh no! That's a long time. Are you better yet? I'm hoping to get science finished up this week or early next week.
Not sure how long math's going to take, but I'm thinking not too much longer.
Poggy, it's been years since I've seen a beach sunrise, but they're so lovely. Almost makes me want to be a morning bird.
(Thankfully, the fact that we have no near oceans prevents this night owl from having to change).
I know, if I lived on the beach, I might consider being a morning bird. Even then, though, it would be hard to switch, because I'm a pretty hard core night owl.
Eek, getting ready for college, aye? I hope that goes well.
So I bought Tenth Avenue North's "Over and Underneath" just last night! I'm liking it! They are a great band!
Oh, yay! They're really good, and one of my favorite bands. What are your favorite songs?
*is forced to skim in order to make it in time for dinner*
lol Good! See, that's why I go ahead and type the random stupidity that pops into my head: You never know when it will actually make someone laugh.
Exactly! I usually find random stupidity to be funny.
comes in singing "Shine" by Newsboys
Oh, wow, that song is old! It was my favorite song once upon a time.
Well, I'm off to eat dinner. Have a good evening, everyone!
*wanders in listening to an iLecture on the pros and cons of being publicly humiliated*
I just wanted to say thanks folks for the birthday wishes! Apart from waking up with a cold, mycrazyInevergetcoldsself had a lovely day...during which there was actual sunshine!
Now I just have to get used to telling people I'm 21 when they ask me (and perhaps while I'm at it remember the right date when asked my birthday...I was only a day off, but still -I felt old and silly
Studymate - cheers back!
Hey, that was fairly Australian! Fair Dinkum.
(Also, Earl Grey is the fo shizzle!Or more appropriately, some first rate tea.) Funny Aussie Tea Advert if Anyone's Bored:
I'm always telling people sleep is for the weak in LotRO when they start complaining about being tired and not wanting to run another raid.
Hmm, I've been trying to figure out what LotRO means, and I'm just not getting it. What is with you Narniawebbers and Your Acronymns? I'm going to guess Lord of the Rings...Overtime?? Leprechauns: Or the Rich Oddities? Also, pray tell what it is you are raiding? (I'm sure it's obvious and I'm rather thick today).
If we're talking about how we come across online v in real life; I have to say I'm a lot less sarcastic online then otherwise. A normal conversation in my day:
Me: If I leave, there will be a void of semi-intelligent conversation!
Sister: I can fill it!
Me: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
*waves to StudyMate* I don't believe we've 'met' yet, have we?
Hullo! Nice to meet you! Especially as you mentioned Austen, Beauty & the Beast, and random stupidity in the same post. I think we'll get along fine.
And just curious, but how long have you been playing guitar for? I've been wanting to pick it up, but I don't know how easy that would be.
[Also I like Persuasion better than P&P- and the BBC versions can be quite scary! ]
@lys and Cor and anyone else back to college: good luck with your new semester's classes! And try to enjoy math, PrinceCor, it's one of the rare treasures of this life, or so I'm told.
All right, I think I've done enough damage around here. I'd better get back to my studies. Cheers, friends!
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
LotRO is Lord of the Rings Online, a MMO. Raiding is running a large, difficult time-intensive instance quest.
Wow, this is all kinds of awesome. http://yfrog.com/mzpcaj
...erm, MMO? [According to google, this is Massively Multiplayer Online -to me, it's a shorter version of MEMO. You decide ]
Also, I meant to mention before but forgot: what sort of cats did you get? And are they cats or kittens? If the latter I'm tre jealous. I asked for a kitten for my birthday but got money instead. I can't decide if I should be happy or sad.
And more importantly, what have you named them? I find the naming process highly amusing and if I were a psychologist I'd likely write a book on the Insights Cat Names Tell Us About Their Owners.
Raiding is running a large, difficult time-intensive instance quest.
so, like, shopping?
*is off for realz* I'm picking up a Michiganite from the airport tomorrow, so I need to go look up directions. I will soon be in the presence of a real American accent (as fun as it is to imagine all your voices according to your various locations). This may explain my [relative] hyperness today.
take care!
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
LOL! Yes, raiding is a lot like shopping. Except the other shoppers want to kill you and so do the cashiers.
They're full grown cats. Sadly they came pre-named Brat and BJ. Are you allowed to rename cats?
*is enjoying school for the first time in... a very long time*
Libby, that sounds cool. I'll have to check them out - if it's Suzanne Collins I'm sure to like it, although they sound quite different from THG. How many are there? (I know, I'm being lazy.. I could just look this all up
I think LWW and PC were decent, both as movies and adaptions, but I'm hoping that VDT surpasses 'decent'.
*gasps* you think PC is decent? Let's be friends!
(I know.. I'm strange
Wow, this is all kinds of awesome. http://yfrog.com/mzpcaj
It certainly is.. wait, does this mean you have. the. book. in. your. hands?? I'm sooo jealous of you right now..
*goes off to read THG and make the waiting for Mockingjay easier*
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Well, I'm not female and I'm not Kristen Bell. No, my copy of Mockingjay has not arrived yet, but I found that in my Twitter feed. I thought it was cool that an actress I like would be that excited about a series I like and use her Twitter to promote it. Suzanne Collins doesn't get anywhere near the recognition for being a fantastic author that I think she should, so I think it's awesome that someone with a fairly sizable Twitter following is getting the word out.
*is guilty of not knowing about Suzanne Collins* What sort of fiction does she write?
Brat and BJ. Not much to psychoanalyse there, lol. Good on you for taking in pre-owned adult cats! There needs to be more people like that. Did you guys hear about that lady in the UK somewhere who dumped a neighbour's cat in a wheely bin?? It was on the news tonight. So terrible! Luckily, the cat was alright and rescued.
*waves to AC* First weeks back at school are [deceptively] fun and easy! Glad you're enjoying it. Do you attend a Japanese school and speak the language, or one of those international type schools? Or, a Japanese English speaking school?
Except the other shoppers want to kill you and so do the cashiers.
Bahaha. I suppose it depends who you shop with, ey?
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy