Good Mortereve everyone!
School starts a week from Monday. Oh boy. I'm excited, and nervous, and looking forward to it, and wanting a longer vacation all at once!
Lady Courage, I really liked your fanfic! The story is unique, and it made me giggle (which is very hard to do). Sorry you've been sick.
And sorry about your Pippin. I hope you both get better!
You win. I can't remember enough of it to reply.
Sadly, I don't remember much more of it either. How about a new one? Let's see.....
"This is a song for your poor sick penguin. He's got a feveeer! And his toes are bluue. But if I siiiing to your poor sick penguin. He will feel beteeer in a day or two!"
One day, aliens are going to come to earth in disguise to learn how to conquer it. The data they send back to their superiors will prompt them to take away the world's internet and TV.
Then they will send broadcasts over and over on the TV and the internet (allowing nothing else to come through) telling earth that if they want their internet and TV back, they must surrender all freedoms and be willing to work as unconditional slaves to the aliens. And all of earth will weep, "We'll do anything, anything! Just give us our internet and TV back!"
Oh dear, sadly I can see this happening someday.
For the first time in my life I think I am tan. (Yes, this is big news. You should all fall over in shock, because Miss Rosario never ever tans.)
*dutifully falls over in shock but promptly gets up again as she sadly doesn't have much time to lie around* I never tan either.
You didn't get much of an actual summer, did you?
Sadly, no. I had about three weeks in between the end of the spring semester and the start of Summer I, but other than that and this week my summer is pretty much nonexistent.
So-so. There were bits that seemed more like the book. Still, a lot was cut for the sake of brevity and I admit to listening my 'Highlights of' soundtrack more often than I read the book. I think I listen to the Focus on the Family production of it more often than I read the book, so I can be a little fuzzy on details.
I have the read the book a shocking total times.
I still haven't heard the Focus on the Family one. I've been meaning to get my hands on a copy for some time. Thanks for reminding me! I'm going to see Alice eventually.....maybe....someday.....when the library gets a copy.
"This is THE END! I am going now! GOODBYE."
That reminds me, I haven't read LotR yet this year. Hm....should I read it before school starts or wait until October?
*waves back to the Prince and Dragon*
*watches stardf's dancing with interest and wonders who the Madcap Madrigals are*
Lovely to meet you, DotK! (do you have another nickname I should call you by?)
Lovely to meet you as well, StudyMate, and Happy Birthday! dotK is one of my more common nicknames, although I am also known as Dot, Dotty, and daughter. Call me by which ever one strikes your fancy! Is there a nickname you prefer?
I love listening to audio books whilst I knit. do you?
Yes, audio books are some of my favorite things to listen to when I have a project I'm working on. I also enjoy JungleJam and Adventures in Odyssey as we have quite a few episodes on CD. A scarf? Yes, it is a bit warm for that, but the weather will get cold eventually!
"Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed"
"I'm a rumor weed! I'm a rumor weed! A tiny little story is all I need to make a Big Mess! I'm a rumor weed." No, I'm not crazy; I just like VeggieTales. Anyhow......
You guys are great.
We aim to please!
*shakes ED's extended hand* You can call me Dot, dotK, Dotty, daughter, or something else entirely if it strikes your fancy.
When do you start your fall semester? I hope you got at least a little break.
*points to the opening of her post* No, I didn't get much of a break. *sigh* Ah well, I never have to take science again and that's 8 hours out of the required 42 for my associates out of the way. I think I have about.........10? hours left just counting the core curriculum.
*waves and exits*
*Cor and Vern enter the Square discussing the Cor's departure in the morning*
*You will remember to write, right?*
Vern, I'm only going to be gone for the morning. I'll be back at the castle by noon.
*Yes, well.... alot can happen in one morning.*
I'll be sure to tell you all about it when I get back.
*Very well. *
Mortereve all! Well, this will be my last catch-up post as a free man. My next post will be as a college Freshman. Wow, that sounds so weird.....
*the Prince and Dragon snag a few pieces of chocolate before taking their seats near the fountain*
@ Studymate. Ah, good. Thanks! Well, you're partly right. My class line-up is: Music Appreciation (yay!!), American History, Math 098 (
), Literature and Orientation (a needed class to graduate).
And...... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
@ Ali. Well, glad you like me quoting you.... I think.
haha! I don't know...I think they're equally evil .
Ahh, but not all evil is equal. Actually, I kindof agree with you.... though Pitt seems to be a better actor from what little bit of his stuff I've seen.
ok then . I was told today that the HP soundtracks are good though. What do you think?
Eh, I'm really not the person to ask about this. I'm not a big fan of any of the Potter scores, though Prisoner of Azkaban is the best from what I've heard. The first two are extremely repetitive.....
If you want a more seasoned opinion, ask Johobbit or Booky.
yay thank you! I shall listen to them tonight
Yay!! Got your PM and looking forward to hearing your opinion on the clips.
. Pardon my ignorance, but what's EQ? Something to do with the audio quality I'm guessing...
EQ has to do with how loud the music is mixed. If done well, the music should have soft spots and loud spots. Unfortunately, when the EQ is messed up, the whole album is LOUD even when it should be soft (for light strings, woodwinds etc.)
@ Rose. Umm, thanks... I think.
*You're quite welcome, miss Rose. To borrow miss Bella's line: D'awwww... *
All of those are good for me as well when it comes to clothes, except white. Seeing as how I'm already white, wearing a white shirt doesn't really improve things.
@ EdmundP. I'm doing quite well. Gearing up for starting classes in the morning.
Ah yes, that we are! I'm currently a sub along with Rose. Not the ship or sandwich, mind you.
@ LL. Aye, I greatly enjoyed the cake. The best cake I had all... day.
*I fear he would start agreeing with himself as well. Though, if it were only on a few scores that might not be so bad....*
Well, that gets everything for this evening. With school starting up I'll try and post at least on the weekends (which I have free). If possible I may stop by during the week, depending on how much homework I have. Alas, I think I will be finally tasting the world that Booky, LL and Lys live in now...
Eh, at least I'm in good company.
to all of my SquireOnion friends!!!
Goodnight, pleasant Monday to all and talk with everyone as soon as I can!! *waves*
*Cor and Vern exit the Square discussing whether or not the Prince should arrive to his first day of classes accompanied by a dragon....*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
Hello everyone. First day of school - over. This year is going to be.. interesting. I'm just glad the homework won't set in for a couple of days, so I still get my quality time on the internet.
*waves back to Edmund P* No, I don't think so. Can I call you Ed? I love Edmund. A lot.
When you say things like that, you are usually deluged with a bunch of 'fine!' answers.
I know. But it sort of felt like the right time to ask.
Wow, nice wolf! I really wish I was a good artist.. *sigh*
I've seen teens be more enthralled with Veggie Tales then little kids. It's funny.
I know.. it's even more impressive considering my brother and I were probably the only ones that understood it (it was in English) and everyone remained attentive.
"This is a song for your poor sick penguin. He's got a feveeer! And his toes are bluue. But if I siiiing to your poor sick penguin. He will feel beteeer in a day or two!"
*feels very guilty that she doesn't know this one and makes up her own melody to go along with it*
That reminds me, I haven't read LotR yet this year. Hm....should I read it before school starts or wait until October?
*randomly walks into the conversation and offers one-way advice*
Do it now. I read them in the two weeks in Hong Kong and am in an encouraging-others-to-read-them kind of mood.
No, I'm not crazy; I just like VeggieTales. Anyhow......
I would never call that crazy.
And now you've got the rumor weed song going through my head. D'you know, I used to be really scared of the rumor weed video?
So much so that in the end our family gave it away.
*Cor and Vern exit the Square discussing whether or not the Prince should arrive to his first day of classes accompanied by a dragon....*
Oh, definitely. That would be quite the entrance.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Mortereve all!
*avoids the football discussions entirely* (Namely between Ben and Nick) That sport is absolutely impossible for me. *shudder* I have insanely small hands, meaning I can't even hold the ball--much less catch or throw. P.E. football is always a definite source of humiliation for me.
Of course I can run, but running for a touch-down without the football isn't usually the best choice.
Well, I wouldn't blame a girl for not wanting to play football (it's not exactly a girl sport ), but what about watching it?
lol! I love playing it with friends, but I'm not a big fan of watching it
Oh, football is my favorite sport because I love playing it with my friends and I love watching it. Basketball, on the other hand, I love watching, but I can't play very well. And soccer, I love playing, but it's rather boring to watch. Football, I love watching and playing.
@ NN. Heh, that's happened to me before, actually. Getting so caught up in RL that I forget about the Square for a few days.
Glad to hear school is going well!
Yeah, it's kinda easy to do when things get really busy!
So, for lack of any better conversation-starters... have you gotten any new soundtracks lately? (That's something I know you're always happy to talk about.
yeah Narnia I like too, but not anything else. I think for Narnia I don't mind b/c I've read the books and I know they won't change the whole plot (at least they'd better not!) so I know most of the story already
yeah it was, especially now that
Spoilershe is dead.
. Yeah I am trying, the clips have made me a bit more hopeful, but I already know I won't love this movie, unless by some miracle, I like the changes
That's true, you'd hope that there wouldn't be any spoilers for Narnia, because if there were, it would mean a change to the plot.
I know! I thought it was so weird that she

Yeah, the clips are great! Not being a purist, like I've said before, I don't think the changes will be enough bother me. But, we'll see!
I am doing very well, thank you
. Haha, either you're joking or you suffer from long-term memory loss
. Let's see if I can scrounge up one of our old conversations...
I think that's the thing I'm going to have the most trouble getting used to.
Yes, it will be hard to get used to. Although, I didn't start using the WYSIWYG (that is the correct name for it, right?) Post Editor until a few weeks ago. It made it so easy! I'm going to miss it
There we are! On page 7 of the Town Square I.
I guess I do have long-term memory loss! That's what I get for not having talked to you since the beginning of the last Town Square!
*waves back to LL* Back to college tomorrow, eh?
Mortereve all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
*is shocked that Cor did not comment on his soundtrack reference*
I'm very interested to know if she actually agrees to listen to opera over pop music. ?? If so, you should give her some sort of medal.
Oh yes, she most certainly does! She has a pretty wide taste in music; I think showtunes are her favorites, but she definitely likes opera as well. I'm sure she can even name favorite pieces and singers for you, if you ask her. She particularly likes two opera videos I own - an English-language Metropolitan Opera production of Hansel and Gretel, and a feature film adaptation of La cenerentola (aka Cinderella).
Believe it or not, I've only read Persuasion once. Def need to reread!
A belated birthday to you, btw!
How are the short stories coming? Are you having better luck with them?
Yes! I sent one in earlier this summer, and I'm halfway through another. AND I've begun outlining (yes, for a short story - this is unusual for me) a story to send in to Silver Leaves in October.
I'm actually usually not, I just come off more hyper online
And I usually come across as dull and charmless online. Imagine how I must be in real life.
lys, I Googled six ravens, and it came up with a tower of London story. I thought that's what you were referring to.
Whaaaa? I is confused.
Tis a foolish thing to attempt indeed.
*wonders how one can be a fool and The Epic One at the same time*
Don't think about it too hard. Your poor little un-epic mind might blow up.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Hey ho!
Whoa, that's something about the dust at Soulfest, Liberty!
the dust made the lead singer of Jars Of Clay lose his voice!
Dan Haseltine? I do so like his very unusual voice. Before I saw them live I thought they were pretty good, but after seeing them in concert, my opinion went up so much. Their heart for bringing God's love to a hurting world is really inspiring!
also watched Pirates of the Caribbean last night for the first time!
Ooh! Isn't it such a fun movie. And yes, the soundtrack is great, as are #2 & 3. Will you be watching the other two films any time soon?
My sister and I are going to see LotR as well sometime this weekend. *nudges Louise the Second* I'm super excited!
Woot! Did you watch all three ... extended editions? Do you have a favourite?
Glad the painting is finally finished ... and, more importantly, that your grandpa didn't break any bones. It's scary when an older person has a fall.
Ruby, how wonderful about your dance teaching job! How did your first night go? (I saw some dance photos on FB, and wow, your group looks fantastic! *would love to see a video sometime*
PrinceCor!!! Right about now, you're probably nearly finished your first day of classes. Thinking of you so much! Praying too. How were the profs, the kids, the courses?
Jo, I would definitely recommend you give the Eclipse score a try. It's a bit more modern in sound than the LotR scores, but still very good. I imagine you could probably find it on YouTube if you want to listen for free.
Will follow this up, for sure.
Y'all begin school so early! Our uni son doesn't start until the week of September 7th. Although I do know DiGs' classes don't begin until Sept. 22 or something.
Dot, how is the first speech coming? And when do you present it? Btw, are you feeling any better? Hope so!
2,000 page textbook to read, 100 page paper to write, and a nearly 5 hour clinical all for just ONE of my classes. Am I crazy (note, just plain crazy, not asylum crazy
) to be excited for this class?
Oh, and you and Rose both mentioned The Squiggles. Perhaps they need to send greetings over to the Square too?
Wowser!!! And yes, I totally understand about the different kinds of craziness. *would love the Squiggles to send a greeting over to the Square, as well*
(No pressure, though.
Sounds like a blast of an evening with your best friend, Ben! Short sleep, though.
Speaking of short sleeps, I don't think there was one night I went to bed before 1:30 at the Moot ... and one night was 3 a.m. I didn't want to waste the time by sleeping, for goodness' sake.
There is something just so fun and cozy about visiting until the wee hours of the morning. Any nights we could, we were outside for a time stargazing, or storm-watching. *contented sigh*
*misses Aunty Jo's famous maroon color* You do have to format every quote, just make the whole thing maroon, like I do with my blue.
Yeah, I could do that. Much more efficient, to be sure. We'll see ...
Glad you're enjoying your school year so much, it's fun, NN.
*really likes the new Voyage clips* My faith in the franchise might be beginning to be restored, but only December 10th will tell, for sure.
Is anyone else going to see the new Nanny McPhee this weekend?
I did. I did! Cute story: Emma Thompson is amazing, as always, but I did find some parts of the film way too silly for my tastes (particularly with the uncle, Topsy, and Turvey). The children's acting was great! I was interested to see Asa Butterfield again. The last film I saw him in was The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, which is a favourite—'though tough to take in—film of mine. What did you think of Nanny McPhee, Cymru?
We must really get up a petition for Mr. Shore to go through with this oratorio! I know Jo would sign, if no one else.
You betcha! And others better, too!
None of which are things I'd expect to still do when I'm 50, but they are things that teach you basic job skills. Don't underestimate that a job won't help you, just because it's not what you want to do in ten years.
Wise words, indeed. And, now that I am, uh, 50-ish, I can vouch for that. I worked as a receptionist for seven summers (from when I was 14 - 21), something that, while it was great fun and challenging then, isn't something I would have wanted to do for the rest of my life, but it taught me so many skills, which I'm sure have helped me throughout my life in a number of ways, not the least of which is confidence. (Eventually, after university, I became a music teacher—piano, specifically.)
L_L, that "Shoreline" by Deas Vail is so lovely! I love how the piano part sounds like waves rolling in.
*gawks in awe at GtG's monstrosity of a post* That may well be near a record, m'dear! .... but I see Dot's huge post later. You may well have a contender, GtG.
His is a high and lonely destiny....
Matette!!! A belated Happy Birthday to you! I think this calls for a Ditto Square celebration. Bring out the bonfire (*ahem* Vern?); bring out the S'mores; bring out the CHOCOLATE!!!
Your choir was directed by John Rutter? Way cool.
*loves John Rutter's stuff* I still can't get over the utter beauty of his arrangement of "For the Beauty of the Earth". PA, that is so cool you sang under Rutter, himself!!! Wow!
Mel and Valia, what a wonderful visit you two had, by the sound and description of it! I'm so glad for you both! Okay, next time Valia needs to consider flying up for the Ohio Moot!
[quote="lys, to whom I still owe a PM and and email, which I will combine, as discussed previously ":3dr0s6bq](Aside to Jo: to whom do you not owe a PM?
*sigh* Yeah, a few.
Glad the wedding was so special, Edmund P. As for a Lion Party in NYC, read through and keep abreast of any news on this thread. I thought someone mentioned about a possible NY LP ... If you're on Facebook, there is a page for Lion Parties, as well. Just type the movie title and "Lion Party" in the Search area.
*actually loves "Mel-y-poo" ... both the nickname and the gal, herself*
"This is THE END! I am going now! GOODBYE."
I guess Mel has gone off to see the Elves.
Good mortereve, all! PR moves into the dorm today, school starts tomorrow, and I'm in the middle of a major room clean. Summer really is at an end.
Wow, Louise! Big news, for you both.
*is getting Edmund P's posts confuzzled with her own* You're my font-colour-twin, EP.
comes in singing "Shine" by Newsboys
That is just such a classic, wonderful song!
Rose-y-poo wrote:
Oh my, this is catching!
I'll be trying to pop in here, but with college, I'm not sure how many more pretty catch-up posts you'll be getting.
Awww. Of course we understand, though. Yet, we will miss the regularity of you college folk this school year. Do pop on when you can!
*loves all the Veggies quotes*
*Cor and Vern exit the Square discussing whether or not the Prince should arrive to his first day of classes accompanied by a dragon....*
Wait! You informed me that "the campus has a "No Dragons" policy" after a certain, erm, incident. Good gracious, Vern better behave himself when you're out of the castle. Make sure those new tapestries are fire-proof, and all slippers are HIDDEN!
Believe it or not, I did just skim, so humble hobbit pardons if I've missed anything crucial.
*waves to all those whose names she didn't mention, specifically*
Blue tight and cozy slippers to all (even though it's only 1:40 p.m. here). Or, you could say "tue blights and sozy clippers" to all OR (to bring Kingskid back in here) ... "luebay ightstay andlay ozycay lipperssay". Take your pick!
*colours all with maroon font—yes, even the quotes—and slips away, nabbing a few treats from the chocolate tree on her journey out, leaving some for Lady Amalthea if she shows up from amongst her busy royal schedule*
AND I've begun outlining (yes, for a short story - this is unusual for me) a story to send in to Silver Leaves in October.
Don't think about it too hard. Your poor little un-epic mind might blow up.
Oh my, this is getting serious. Just think, folks: he really thinks he actually is epic!!! We'll keep placating him, all right, so it won't be quite as much of a shock when he finally realizes that we're actually all in the same Epic category as well.
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
comes in singing Skillet's song "Would It Matter"
daughter of the king: cool!
I have all of the Narnia Focus On The Family audio books and I listen to those often as well as:
"Travel Team" by Mike Lupica (read by Oliver Wyman)
"Inkspell" by Cornelia Funke (read by Brendan Fraser)
"Gregor The Overlander" by Suzanne Collins (read by.....ooops I forgot )
and many more!
johobbit: well, I do hope I don't upset you by saying this, but I honestly don't much like Jars Of Clay's music. but I do think very highly of their work with Blood:Water Mission and all the other stuff they stand for and support! *ducks to avoid the rotten fruit hailing down on my head*
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
In no way am I upset, dear Liberty. Each person has their own taste in music: mine is just verrrry eclectic. Yes, the JARS boys are doing a marvelous job in reaching into some of the most needy areas of the world.
Audio books, you say? *loves audio books*
Apparently, there is talk that Collins' The Hunger Games may be made for the big screen. If so, that should be one intense (and excellent) film!
Signature by Narnian_Badger, thanks! (2013)
7,237 posts from Forum 1.0
Jo: You live! Oh, this is glorious. By the bye, it's been so long since you first owed me a PM and an e-mail that I haven't the slightest notion what they are supposed to be about. When the merged missive comes, it will be a total surprise. (And, I hope, a pleasant one.
) I ditto your enthusiasm for the Shore petition, my story outline, but not for my need of a "come-down." Really, this is entirely too much, dear gehl. Quite presumptuous.
A quick update from me: like most of you, I had my first day of classes today. I'm actually back at my old community college, which is pretty odd ... all the librarians are the same (and recognize me, of course ) but the students are totally different. Ah well. I only take classes from 1-4 Monday through Thursday, but I'm carpooling with my dad so I get here early in the morning. This means I have hours on end to study, read, write, swim, &c. I had to run a few errands this morning (get my ID card made, find my classrooms, buy one of my books) but the rest of it I was able to spend typing up e-mails and working on the SL story. We'll see how my classes turn out - it's hard to tell from just the first day, when we're mostly going over syllabi. Unfortunately it looks like my English prof has a tendency to ramble (and not in a good way) and my Government professor is rather bland. But I knew going in that my Theater and History profs were supposed to be the best so we'll see....
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
johobbit: oh, whew! I am glad I didn't offend you!
yeah, I love audio books! I listen all the time when I do knitting and sewing and all that!
I have yet to read The Hunger Games! but I think I am going to make a bigger effort to read them now that you say that there's a movie coming!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*shakes ED's extended hand* You can call me Dot, dotK, Dotty, daughter, or something else entirely if it strikes your fancy.
Dotty, it is! What did you think of the new clips?
I'm doing quite well. Gearing up for starting classes in the morning.
Great! I start this week, not entirely sure which day, though .
Ah yes, that we are! I'm currently a sub along with Rose.
Not the ship or sandwich, mind you.
It used to be me and Rose, but I got promoted to full time. Really? I thought you guys were sandwiches for the WC in case we got hungry !
*waves back to Edmund P* No, I don't think so. Can I call you Ed?
I love Edmund. A lot.
Sure! It's one of my more popular names on the forum . And I shall address you as...? Edmund is definitely one of my favorite characters as well.
I guess I do have long-term memory loss! That's what I get for not having talked to you since the beginning of the last Town Square!
Haha, I suppose so! It's as much my fault as it is yours. How do you think the film is looking thus far? With the trailers and clips, I mean.
*really likes the new Voyage clips* My faith in the franchise might be beginning to be restored, but only December 10th will tell, for sure.
Same here, Jo! I have never begun to doubt the franchise, and these clips have certainly gotten my hopes up! But I do have some issues with some things - look for a new topic in GMD this week by me.
Glad the wedding was so special, Edmund P.
As for a Lion Party in NYC, read through and keep abreast of any news on this thread. I thought someone mentioned about a possible NY LP ... If you're on Facebook, there is a page for Lion Parties, as well. Just type the movie title and "Lion Party" in the Search area.
So am I! We put enough work into it ! Well, I hope so
. I'm planning on going to the NYC or LA Premiere (if they have them in either one of those locations). Yes, I'm on FB, and I've been watching the Lion Party Page.
*is getting Edmund P's posts confuzzled with her own*
You're my font-colour-twin, EP.
Whoops! Hehe, sorry .
Edmund P: yeah!!!!!! I can't wait! *insert joyful scream here*
I have my hopes set high!
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
Mel, just curious, but how have you been able to be spoiler free and make costumes? Don't costumes require spoilers? (Or, maybe you haven't made Narnia costumes, I thought you had though).
Oh, I make costumes. I have special dispensation for those and only look at the pictures that have good views of the costumes in question. I do most solemnly vow to not listen to any soundtrack clips beforehand, and avoid cereal boxes with great fervor and much shuddering and... something else. But I forget what it was.
I have the read the book a shocking total times.
*whispers* I've read it a grand total of once. "Is that all? Perhaps you missed some, Piglet." "Ooo----nnnnn---e. I counted as slowly as I could, Pooh!" (from The Great Pebble Hunt)
I too, vote for reading LotR as soon as possible. Of course, I've only just finally finished re-reading Two Towers after dragging it out for three months. Not sure why, it's my favourite volume, after all. Speaking of which, Ali, how far are you now?
Wow, nice wolf!
I really wish I was a good artist.. *sigh*
Thank you! I'll tell you the same thing I tell my little brother--practice. Practice practice practice.
Whaaaa? I is confused.
I see that. It is possible, though not entirely likely, that this will enlighten you.
And others better, too!
Fear the wrath of the hobbit!
So, given all the John Rutter love, is anyone here a fan of the Dale Warland singers?
*actually loves "Mel-y-poo" ... both the nickname and the gal, herself*
Awwwww... love you too, jo!
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
Don't have lots of time tonight, I don't feel that well. So I'm just going to respond to things said to me, and go to bed. Hope that's alright!
wow that's really cool! Must have been a really special experience
You performed on Carnegie Hall?!?! *faints*
*loves John Rutter's stuff* I still can't get over the utter beauty of his arrangement of "For the Beauty of the Earth". PA, that is so cool you sang under Rutter, himself!!! Wow!
Ooh, Anna! You sang in Carnegie Hall? That's really cool! I don't know who John Rutter is, but I'm glad you got to meet him.
Yep, I sure did guys! And as I said in my last few posts, it was indeed a memorable and special experience.
Jo- I'm not positive, but that song seems REALLY familiar. (as in, I might have sang that in choir. though what year, and which choir, I can't be sure) Thanks for the link!!
~LL~, you can find out about John Rutter, here. (FYI- As I said in my last post... don't worry, I'm not a vampire.
*wonders whatever happened to that part in the Town Hall records that told who the Madcap Madrigals and Sirens were* I would explain, Dot... but I'm afraid I'd mess up the explanation. *looks around for Frank or one of the Town Elders to explain*
Yes! I sent one in earlier this summer, and I'm halfway through another. AND I've begun outlining (yes, for a short story - this is unusual for me) a story to send in to Silver Leaves in October.
Sounds like you're doing very well when it comes to short stories. And seeing you so happy about them, makes me happy. (what kind of friend would I be, if it didn't?)
Oh, and sounds like school will be fun, and go well for you!
Yeah, I have no idea why it's the St. Louis Bread Co. down there, and Panera Bread up here. Do you?
Maybe because it was founded down here? I don't know.
Oh, you homemake your pizza? How fun! (and yes, that would make sense, then!)
So, given all the John Rutter love, is anyone here a fan of the Dale Warland singers?
Don't know if I've heard of them, sorry. As I've said, I only know of John Rutter and his music, because of all my years in choirs. (I don't think there was a year went by, that we didn't do at least ONE Rutter arrangement)
Ok, I think I got everything. I'll talk to you guys again soon! Have a wonderful mortereve!
*Cor and Vern stop by the Square as they head back for the castle to quickly chat with old friends....*
Mortereve all! I made it!! My first day of college went very well.
Hopefully tomorrow will go well also, I have math and history tomorrow. Looking forward to history, dreading math.
*Cor and Vern take their usual spots by the fountain*
Catch-up time!
@ AC. Well, unfortunately we were not able to do that. Oh well, probably for the best.
*For us or them?*
@ NN. Aye, that it is!
Heh, it is something I always talk about.... No recent purchases lately. I'm eagerly awaiting the 2-disc release of Jerry Goldsmith's Poltergeist, though. It should be coming out around the Fall....
@ Lys. Soundtrack reference? Where?? I'm afraid I did not notice....
@ Jo. You were correct. I had just finished my classes and was waiting for Dad to pick me up. Thank you!!
Profs: really good. Classes: Easy, since it was mostly just getting started. Kids/other students: Fine.
*laugh* We were only joking about Vern coming along. You can rest easy knowing we did not go through with it.
@ Edmund P. Hmm, would be good to know what day you start...
Ah, belated congrats then! NO! We're not good to eat at all!!
Well, that gets everything and now I must be off to bed. Goodnight to all!!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*tiptoes in to the square*
my sisters are watching a movie and keep telling me to stop typing and be quiet
. So, this morning, guess what we saw? A bear! We were doing our morning devotions and saw a car slow down, and we thought it might have been some of our friends, just coming earlier. But then we see the bear and it ran across the road and in to our yard and driveway and then jumped over our fence. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures. As soon as the bear jumped the fence I ran outside with the camera but my dad told me to come in
. It was young, but not a cub so we didn't know if the mom was hanging around
. We get bears quite a lot around here, but it's been a while since we've seen one ourselves...anway
I'm sure I'll find your reaction later on in my skimming..
Ooh, and nice location.
Hehe, I love him too.I listened to OC loads in Hong Kong and I'm getting Ocean Eyes as soon as possible.. which is quite a bit later.
But still.
yes I think I posted a bit
he's amaaazing . Ooh nice! Except for the time
. I pray you can get it sooner!
lol.. I dunno.
It's very different having friends online and in real life though, good and bad. Just out of curiosity, do you talk to some of them via phone, or is it always chat, forums, and so on?
. Yeah it is. Well, I email, text, and chat some friends, and Kat and I are going to video chat soon since I got a webcam. But that's about it. But we still talk alot so I know most of them pretty well. I'll phone people sometime, but I hate talking on the phone
Yeah, but the growls don't make him sound wild, they just make him sound angry all the time.
*decides to drop it*
not true. But whatever
I like high, but not extremely high. He sounds ok most of the times I've heard him, but I once watched some of his older videos on Youtube and that was too much for me.
Yeah.. well, maybe he will one day.![]()
his voice sounds best on the older videos b/c it's not autotuned and synthesized! I prefer to listen to whatever acoustic live performances I can find online .
that would be awesome
A bit pathetic, I know.
*realizes that Ali finally mentions getting Sky Sailing but is annoyed at the lack of detail.
* *head off to the music thread instead*
I don't know if I posted there
. I mostly talked about it on tradema-rk.
*observes the hyperness of Ben, Liberty, and Glenstorm with great interest* It amuses me when you begin your posts with, "I am hyper!!!!!" or something similar, because I never imagine you any way else. (That is not an insult; it is simply something that makes me chuckle while reading your posts.)
that made me laugh alot
Yes, Glenstorm, I loved it as well. The ending was so cute!
And the music.... *sighhh* I love soundtracks.
well, I would have preferred the ending a little different, but they were able to sort of pull it off. I love soundtracks too . Especially lately- my sisters find it annoying "why don't you listen to music with words?"
I am doing great, thanks! How are you
Very good . I'm tired, but that's it.
I like folks to have various tastes—if they all liked my music, it'd be a very boring world. And, I do love Owl City and Sky Sailing, but Young's music does have its faults. (The autotuning, the chessiness of some of his OC songs. . . ) The pros outweigh the cons for me, put for others they don't. And that's okay.
All the Houses Look the Same is indeed pretty much awesome.
that's true, but I still think Adam's music is some of the best in the world, therefore, when people don't like it, it makes me sad . Ah, cheesiness isn't a problem! The autotuning kinda is, but I still like his voice live so I don't mind. *hug back* It's ok, as much as I love Adam and his music, I can
understand live with the fact that others don't .
Do you have Birds and Cages?
@ Ali. Well, glad you like me quoting you.... I think.
hehe, why would it be bad?
Ahh, but not all evil is equal.
Actually, I kindof agree with you.... though Pitt seems to be a better actor from what little bit of his stuff I've seen.
now that is a point that could be debated for a while . Since I've seen nothing of either's work, I can't say
. I will watch some of their movies one day...
Eh, I'm really not the person to ask about this. I'm not a big fan of any of the Potter scores, though Prisoner of Azkaban is the best from what I've heard. The first two are extremely repetitive.....
If you want a more seasoned opinion, ask Johobbit or Booky.
ok I will ask them then.
Got your PM and looking forward to hearing your opinion on the clips.
they were pretty cool! My least favorite clip was Stargate but it was still great. My favorite was The Last Airbender- I really like the drums at the beginning (I am obsessed with drums
EQ has to do with how loud the music is mixed. If done well, the music should have soft spots and loud spots. Unfortunately, when the EQ is messed up, the whole album is LOUD even when it should be soft (for light strings, woodwinds etc.)
oh right. Oh, I'll have to re-listen to the album and see if I notice it. Is it like that on all the CDs? That's weird that they would mess that up...
That's true, you'd hope that there wouldn't be any spoilers for Narnia, because if there were, it would mean a change to the plot.
I know! I thought it was so weird that she
, and yetSpoileralmost died, but she revivedat the end of the second season instead.Spoilerthey're gonna kill her off![]()
Yeah, the clips are great! Not being a purist, like I've said before, I don't think the changes will be enough bother me. But, we'll see!
and that would be HORRIBLE!
yeah it's like

I think what mainly bothers me is Dragon Island being totally different than the book (looks like they combined that and Burnt Island) and Eustace not getting his limmerick and Caspian going to the end of the world.
And I usually come across as dull and charmless online. Imagine how I must be in real life.
are you trying to imply you don't belive me?
*gawks in awe at GtG's monstrosity of a post* That may well be near a record, m'dear!
.... but I see Dot's huge post later. You may well have a contender, GtG.
we shall have to see, I think I have bigger posts more often though- I'm dedicated to catchup!
Don't think about it too hard. Your poor little un-epic mind might blow up.
Oh my, this is getting serious. Just think, folks: he really thinks he actually is epic!!!
We'll keep placating him, all right, so it won't be quite as much of a shock when he finally realizes that we're actually all in the same Epic category as well.
sounds like a plan .