*hops into the square on one foot topples and falls, gets up with an embarrassed look and tries again succeeding* Why would I embarrass myself? Don't know
So How is everyone?!
So I forgot to say in my last post but I'm really excited about the new clips! They are pretty cool I think. Gives us a good look at Eustace...
Alright catchup....
wow sounds like fun! And you were hyper?
It t'was! And yes I was very!
good idea
Isn't it though! But as I see on the way down I will not be able to comment on some stuff but oh well it is for the better cause
that's saying something.
I did not say it I was just wording my thoughts And I was not talking to you
yeah there was, um, well, have you heard of the Naked Cowboy? He stands in Times Square in his underwear and cowboy boot and hat and plays a guitar. And the city pays him to do this
. So he kept on following me when we were in Times Square and my dad told the police if he kept on doing it he was going to punch and they said it was ok
. And then there was this guy who kept on trying to sell Malena and I tickets to a late night comedy show b/c he though we were older than we were. We told him we were under 21 but he didn't believe us and kept on telling us how awesome it was and following us but our parents stopped him
yes the lights are cool. You ever been there?
No I have never been in the northeast though I have been in pretty much every other part of the U.S.
good. 'Tis delicious
It had better be
you say that when you can think of nothing witty enough to compare to my last awesome words
Can't you mean?
Well actually I write that when you use that awful abbreviation
yes I love red hair! It's so awesome! Especially natural but unfortunately mine isn't, so I must dye it if I want it so. Still trying to convince my dad to let me though...You don't like red hair?
I do like it on certain people like Anne (WITH AN E! ).
I use it when I am speaking, just not always in writing!
well what reason do I have to trust you?
True. Trust me I make plenty of mistakes with proper English! I just like giving you are hard time
Well the first thing that came to my mind was I was right about it being Luke and not Lucas
did it again!
Aye! That I did!
good. B/c I am. Immensely smart.
what you don't believe me?! We do! Saw one in our neighbor's yard a few months ago, and we've had bear scat in our woods several times. And scratches on the trees.
Only reason I would do that is because you had that awful abbreviation in your quote
Not a big fan of football, Ben. I got excited when my home state's team won the Super Bowl last season, but that's about it.
That is pretty cool!
Oooh! *jumps up and down and raises hand* I'm a crazy football fan!
lol! I love playing it with friends, but I'm not a big fan of watching it
I've seen a few of those. That's fun to watch.
Which one(s) did you see?
Well I don't remember what they are called but they are from the first season.
I thought so too! I watched it twice. In my opinion, there are not enough historical films out there - and there really should be more.
Yeah there should be!
Actually, you'd be surprised at what they don't like...
Oh really? I just remembering my siblings (older) saying that when we had goats they ate everything! They even ate paper
You knit!? Woah, brave young man!
I salute you for your courage!
Yep I do Haha! Well thanks for the salute!
I think that is the first time that someone saluted me
*avoids the football discussions entirely* (Namely between Ben and Nick) That sport is absolutely impossible for me. *shudder* I have insanely small hands, meaning I can't even hold the ball--much less catch or throw. P.E. football is always a definite source of humiliation for me.![]()
Of course I can run, but running for a touch-down without the football isn't usually the best choice.
Even though I don't like watching it much I love to play it!
Haha! Yeah it would definitely be a good idea to have the ball to make a touchdown
Ok time to be off now!
See you all later!
Avvie By Flambeau Sig by Ithilwen
Team Hoodie!!
*Cor and Vern enter the Square with the Prince humming the Main theme to Legend*
*Well, at least it's better than "The Dark Knight"....*
What was that, Vern?
*Oh, nothing..... *
Mortereve all! This is a rather late catch-up post, but that's the beauty of Friday nights.... you can stay up late.
*The Prince and Dragon snatch a few pieces of chocolate from the chocolate tree and then take their seats at the fountain*
@ Dot. *waves to Dot as he was one of the ones not specifically mentioned in her post*
@ Rose. Many pardons, fair miss. I'm afraid I overstepped my bounds with the evil smilie..... *bows humbly as only a Prince can*
*Psst! I gave Cor a talking-to later. Hence his apology.
Actually, that made perfect sense and to an extent, I'm the same way. My overall favorite colors are green and earth tones. *realizes he sounds like a girl at the moment...*
*Is that a bad thing?*
Not really, I guess.
@ LL. *notices a small piece of chocolate cake and....* CAKE!!!!
*munch,munch* Ahh, that was quite good. Thanks, LL!
*Oh dear, your don't want that. He would start having soundtrack discussions with himself and then we would never hear the end of it. *
@ Lys. I'm quickly finding that out about Ebay. My CD collection I had up never sold. I did have a total of 11 views though. Up from 5 for my DS game.
@ NN. Heh, that's happened to me before, actually. Getting so caught up in RL that I forget about the Square for a few days.
Glad to hear school is going well!
@ Ruby. Eh, I'm rather deprived in some areas and not in others. They balance each other out.
*makes note to checkout Doctor Who sometime* Which version should I start with for a test episode?
@ Ali. And as long as we continue to converse in the Square, you will be continually quoted by me.
lol it's ok...I don't know why I don't like him really...never even seen any movies he's in .
I'll probably do that . I'm starting to be convinced myself that HP isn't that great. I think Merlin's still ok though...
Yes please! I would like a PM with the links .
I knew you would rate them ! I haven't heard them all yet, but I agree with most of your ratings, except I think Pirates 1 deserves a 3. Pearl Harbor I like alot, but I'm not a very experienced soundtrack-listener so it could be horrible, I don't know . Still haven't listened to Black Hawk Down either...
I haven't seen anything he's in either. I can stand Pitt better than Tom Cruise, though.
Yep, just stick with Merlin. Much better, IMO.
And a PM has been sent to you! Was up late last night (Thursday) and went ahead and sent you the links.
I can't help it! It's in my blood... or something!! Eh, I would give Pirates 1 a 3, but the fact that the EQ is so off just annoys me. Everything is "in your face".
Hmm, I'll need to give those two Zimmer scores a listen then.
@ StudyMate. Well, I'm glad I was able to make you laugh. Unless that's a bad thing....
Going well, if busy. Getting ready for my first semester at the community college which starts on Monday as well as staying busy with family and Life.
*waves to Edmund P*
Well, that gets everything for this evening. Talk with all of you later and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!
*Cor and Vern exit the Square*
Avvie by the great Djaq!
^ Short tribute to James Horner (1953-2015)
*A calming silence blankets the Town Square, with only the chirping of crickets (led by none other than Abraham Lincoln) flowing through the darkness.
In the midst of this silence, a mysterious figure, wearing a green suit and a red tie, strolls into the Square. It is none other than stardf, but what could possibly have brought him here?
'Tis a strange feeling, he thought. How long has it been since he last dressed up and taken his position as one of the Madcap Madrigals? Certainly, his dance skills have been a bit rusty, so he owed it to himself to practice once more.
He spoke to Abraham Lincoln, who took his cue and started playing Strauss's "Voices of Spring", while stardf started dancing across the Square, practicing the intricate turns and movements of the Viennese Waltz.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
*comes in biting nails over who's going to be our new Prime Minister in the morning*
*nods politely to stardf and wonders how Viennese waltzing is different to other waltzing*
I've just been watching the election progress for the past three hours, and not only have I no nails left to bite (slight exaggeration) but we might well have a hung parliament on the morrow! And don't worry, I won't delve into actual political waters...but it's rather exciting history being made (in our rather insignificant island to the rest of the world, hehe...)
Ahem, Catchup:
That will probably fall very flat if you haven't seen the 2010 Alice in Wonderland.
Luckily for your witty self, I have seen that. I totally appreciated your comment (and now have images of the smiling cheshire cat from Alice in my mind, not an entirely comforting thought as I'm about to hit the hay!)
Yeah, sorry, I drop out about midnight my time.
How very unthoughtful of you. Sleep is for the weak!
...she occasionally will start singing the refrain to "Baby" as well. That's usually when I ask if she'd like to listen to some opera with me
I'm very interested to know if she actually agrees to listen to opera over pop music. ?? If so, you should give her some sort of medal.
And you're right, Persuasion is one of the loveliest books around -I get something new from it every time. Some really mature themes in there, particularly about honouring our elders even when they're *wrong*.
*waves to dotK* It's ok, I haven't seen Inception either. And I really want to.
Sorry to interrupt, but I offer my empathy -I really want to see it as well!
Well, I'm glad I was able to make you laugh. Unless that's a bad thing....
That's never a bad thing. Glad to hear you're doing well! You're all starting college now-ish, it's so weird because we're just over half way into the semester here. What courses will you be taking? Based on general NWeb data, I'm going to guess at least an English class, or...engineering?
Have we met? I'm not sure if we have or not.
I don't think so? Lovely to meet you, DotK! (do you have another nickname I should call you by?)
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
comes in dancing like a monkey and screaming for happiness and joy while humming "Sure Shot" by Run Kid Run
hi! I am so hyper! I watched those VotDT clips a million times each and I am SO hyper now! December 10, where art thou?
daughter of the king: well, I just finished knitting a scarf (though it's kinda pointless at the moment because it's summer and hot ) and I do all sorts of things! I love listening to audio books whilst I knit. do you?
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
*nods politely to stardf and wonders how Viennese waltzing is different to other waltzing*
Basic difference, according to the World Dance Council International Standard classifications of ballroom dances: the standard waltz goes at about 90 beats per minute; the Viennese waltz goes about twice as fast.
As an example, most (if not all) of Chopin's waltzes would be done as regular waltz's; most of Strauss's (such as The Blue Danube) would be Viennese.
"A Series of Miracles", a blog about faith and anime.
Avatar: Kojiro Sasahara of Nichijou.
Aw, sorry you were sick, Lady C.
Ack! The Asylum members have organized a mass breakout from their institution;
Oh dear! I should go over there and investigate.
Plus, there's the fact that there are no rain clouds in sight.
Well, to quote a friend of mine, "Being a weatherman is one job where you can be wrong half the time and still won't get fired."
The same way I am surviving now? Sitting in the Square typing at y'all?
Alternate answer: Very carefully.
True, true.
I have never had the privilege of meeting another Narniawebber though, so I guess in a way I might not know what I'm missing.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
Hey, guys!
A few random statements before the catching up part:
For the record, I like Jeremy Camp and Chris Tomlin's music. Sorry if that makes any of you upset. But I had to say it.
*saw that Alice movie with friends* Get this, we saw it on April 1st, no joke! And we had the most marvelous time! Loved that quote, and now I miss the movie... great!
Yay! Stardf brought back to mind, the Madcap Madrigals!!! Maybe the Sirens and Madrigals should have a get-together soon, hmm? It is a new Square, after all!
"Ketchup" time!
Oh cool, I wish a local high school would perform it here! And, congrats on your friend getting a lead part -that's always chest-swelling stuff. My little sister was in a school concert last night (in which, ladies and gentlemen, we learnt about the Human Body, and which bone is connected to what other bone) and I was waving frantically when she came on stage -yes, I'm a bit of a dork, but being proud is all good.
Yeah, I'm still not over it, and it's been months! Haha!
Awww, that's neat about your little sister! I'm guessing it went well, and that she did a fabulous job? (I don't think of you as a dork for that... lots of older siblings and parents... and friends! get that way when someone they love is on stage for something. )
And thank you for the offer of a copy, but alas it is never the same as seeing the thing live! Appreciate it, though. (But don't feel too bad for me, Mary Poppins! just arrived in town, and I'll be seeing it before Christmas I think!)
1) Yeah, it's not the same as seeing it live... but it sure is better than nothing! Let me know if you change your mind!
2) You might get to see Mary Poppins!? Lucky!! I want to see that, but I don't know if I'll get to. Let me know how it goes, if you do see it!!!
And how do you know Anna is alive? She could be a vampire.
Wow, thanks for that! I think. But don't worry, I'm not a vampire. And I assure you I AM alive. (otherwise, someone's been playing a very mean joke on me all these years, by not telling me )
It was a very original pizza break. Apparently, it isn't pizza unless there is pineapple on it, so I had some leftover chicken barbecue pineapple pizza.
It was pretty tasty, actually...
I know people put pineapple on pizza (though I question why), but on chicken barbecue? Wow... that's a new combination!! *loves chicken barbecue pizza* (here they call it "bbq chicken", but maybe I'm remembering wrong. all I know, is that it's good!)
Sounds like you and Valia (!!) had fun!!! and I still am not used to people calling ST. LOUIS BREAD COMPANY (aka "Bread Co", to my friends and I), "Panera Bread".
Your choir was directed by John Rutter? Way cool.
*hadn't heard the Rutter story before* Most impressive!
I know!! To us (most of whom had been in choir for years), getting to do that was like... epic! I mean, all choir kids know who he is! I still can't believe it.
(Our choir teacher had said, that having him conduct us singing his... would be like if Mozart was conducting us singing the Mozart one. That's how big a deal it was. And on the Carnegie Hall stage?! I thought I was dreaming! I mean, just think of how many great musicians and other performers have been on that stage! I'm surprised we didn't feeling more overwhelmed than we did!)
And what's more? He signed my copy of his Requiem, and a friend took our picture while he did!! Craziness... *suddenly misses choir. for like the millionth time since quitting school in 2007*
PA: It's actually quite lovely, isn't it, when the characters decide to rage ahead with their story? It can be a bit scary as well, but it's better than the alternative. To answer your question, I'm not sure how long I've been "working" on my novel, but really I haven't been paying much attention to it since I churned out that prologue a while back. Short stories take up most of my writing time these days.
"Lovely, but scary." "Better than the alternative." I'd have to agree with ya on that! I'd much rather have this flood of information, than silence. It's just hard to keep up sometimes, is all.
Well, maybe it's time to head back to your novel, then? How are the short stories coming? Are you having better luck with them?
I have more to say, but as I'll inevitably have to return here, there is no use saying it now. I've quite the long post already, anyhow. See ya in a bit!
*stumbles in to the square*
I am so insanely tired. We spent all day scraping our house but we had friends over so it was fun. I'm just tired from being in the sun. But I'm having growing pains too...yay, I'll be even taller ! Yeah I wish I was shorter....anyway. I got to climb on our roof today! Twas awesome
. I walked around on the top and my sister didn't believe that I went on so I did it again and walked the perimeter of the house. It's cool to be on the roof. I'm going to go and stargaze on it one night
And this is unusual how?
he-ey! I'm not always hyper! Ask Libby! I'm actually usually not, I just come off more hyper online .
Why would you go to the Town Square in New York? There's a much lovelier one in Ditto Town!
oh I agree, which is why I come here more often .
GtG- I went to New York City once... my college's choir went and sang the Rutter Requeim in Carnegie Hall (along with other choirs). And we were conducted by John Rutter himself! (has probably mentioned this on the forum before, and it was ages ago... like five or so years ago. So, I'll talk with you about it some other time through pm or something, when I remember more about it) We got to sight-see somewhat while there, but the majority of our time was probably spent in rehearsals getting ready for the performance.
wow that's really cool! Must have been a really special experience .
Oh gosh, don’t your feet get cold?? Melbourne is so not bare-foot weather-worthy anymore –I am considering living up north for the winter (the North has received my application, at least). It’s raining as we speak. As I babble and you read. Or sleep, more likely, considering the time diff!
hehe no. My feet never get cold. I actually even go barefoot outside during the winter, even if there's snow. That gets a little cold of course but I hate wearing shoes b/c they get all gross from the slush (made of snow, dirt, and salt) and feet are easier to wash off .
We live in northeastern US so it's fairly cold, but not rainy now. We've had a bit of a drought this summer...
I'm really excited about the VDT clips we got today. The trailers were filled with tons of nonsense, but these clips are fairly accurate to the book. I thought Will Poulter was fantastic as Eustace. Maybe a tad bit meaner than in the book, but still very much in line with how I had pictured him.
I defintely like the clips better than the trailers, but I'm still not perfectly happy with them. I wish Eustace had said his original limmerick. What is he talking about orphans? And I don't like Dragon Island. And I still have to get used to the fact that Caspian is going to the end of the world . Eustace is a bit meaner, but I don't mind it.
*agrees with GtG about the third PotC soundtrack being the best*
Not sure whether or not you would like Doctor Who, but it can't hurt to give it a try.
ok, I shall try to watch it after Avatar .
Awesome! We went bowling on Tuesday, the...17th. And they played "Flood" by Jars of Clay and "Gone" by Switchfoot while we were there. Along with a few other songs I don't know but I recognized from hearing them before or from the wedding we were at on Saturday.
oh that's cool! I love it when you hear songs that you know (and are good ) at public places and on the radio
It seems like I vaguely recall you being here when I was around. But only for a little while, because I stopped posting here sometime back in September/October.
yeah I think I was around then...anyway, how are you?
*missed this before*
So just got done watch The Young Victoria... A really good movie! I really really liked it!
♥ that movie. Beautiful beautiful. Although it does exagerate some circumstances...
Haha, well, I wouldn't refuse to watch a movie if I didn't know the ending. In fact, for just any old movie, I prefer not to know how it ends. But for stuff like Robin Hood or Narnia, that I really enjoy, I like knowing a bunch of spoilers.
Yeah, I don't blame you for crying. Even though I knew how it turned out, it was a very sad scene.
Hmm, interesting.Lol, well, that's more like it! You wouldn't be human if the trailers didn't make you excited.
But I understand having mixed emotions about them. Keep your hopes up!
yeah Narnia I like too, but not anything else. I think for Narnia I don't mind b/c I've read the books and I know they won't change the whole plot (at least they'd better not!) so I know most of the story already .
yeah it was, especially now that

. Yeah I am trying, the clips have made me a bit more hopeful, but I already know I won't love this movie, unless by some miracle, I like the changes
Yes I do! We used to have dairy goats and I milked them every morning and every night, unless I was sick.
We had mostly Nigerians and Mini-Manchas, both of those breeds being very little. The kids were so tiny at birth! And we all decided that goat kids are cuter then puppies. I know, sounds like treason.
But puppies take a couple weeks to do anything more than crawl slowly around and suck milk. Kids, on the other hand, are leaping around and bouncing by day 2, and already have pronounced personalities.
Here's a video of a Nigerian Dwarf kid-Ours looked just like that!
Now who wonders why I miss them?
aww . I agree! Puppies are cute but baby goats are cuter
. My family was thinking about getting goats but we decided not to b/c any pets tie you down...
*shriekgasp* What!?!?
OK, you're forgiven.
You should! It's good! Not the best I've read, but good enough to make it worth your time.
I will read it when I can. I'm extremely busy right now .
I'm sorry, but that made me LOL big time! Poor Ali... *hugs*
you're not supposed to laugh ! Haha it's ok, I pretty much have headaches all the time, it just made it worse. But that headache is gone now
What!? NOOOOOOO!!!! Not fair not fair not fair!!!
Well, I guess now I have to go to Egypt.
haha I know! Just another reason to go .
Btw, I LOVE maca powder! I don't usually put in milk (since I'm allergic to it ) but I put it in shakes that I make with yogurt and flaxseed and fruit. Veeery good
I am definitely with you, Glenstorm, as a fan of Josh Groban. His voice is incredible. And many of your favorite songs are mine.
yay! Yeah I am so excited for his new CD! I hope he does some more concerts soon...
Hehe, yes. Ben told me that over facebook.
Oh? I've heard the sequels weren't that great. (Not referring to the music---just the rest of it.) In my sister's words, "The first was awesome. The second was okay. The third was horrible. And the fourth one will probably be just as horrible." Hee.What did you think? Have you seen them all? If so, which did you like best?
I love soundtracks.
Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, LotR, Braveheart, Ever After, and... Idk. I like all of those. I like a lot more, too, but I can't remember any of them right now. (Don't you hate it when your mind goes blank? heh)
Oh, I like Eric & Leslie Ludy's books. They have some wonderful insight.
yeah I've seen them and I agree. The third one was horrendous. Almost unbearable. The second one was pretty good but definitely not as awesome as the first.
yeah I hate that . I LOVE Ever After too! So beautiful...the movie too
yes they do. I've learned alot from their books, though I don't always agree with everything...
It t'was! And yes I was very!
you are never hyper .
Isn't it though! But as I see on the way down I will not be able to comment on some stuff but oh well it is for the better cause
yes- the cause to make Ali happy. Very noble cause indeed .
I did not say it I was just wording my thoughts
And I was not talking to you
No I have never been in the northeast though I have been in pretty much every other part of the U.S.
avoiding me?
It had better be
hehe it was. I had some Japanese dried fish today. They were nasty. They were dried without taking out the eyeballs or guts or anything but that wasn't why I didn't like them. It was because they were sweet .
Can't you mean?
Well actually I write that when you use that awful abbreviation![]()
no, I mean can. You can't have two negatives in a sentence.
you know what I mean!
I do like it on certain people like Anne (WITH AN E!
ah I'm being reminded of those movies everywhere I go! I really need to re-watch them!
True. Trust me I make plenty of mistakes with proper English! I just like giving you are hard time
Well the first thing that came to my mind was I was right about it being Luke and not Lucas
yeah I know that .
I KNEW you were going to say that! Oh fine, I suppose I should trust you. But then you have to trust me!
Aye! That I did!
OH FINE!!! I'll use because instead of b/c! It's sad and annoying to have you not reply!
Happy now?
Only reason I would do that is because you had that awful abbreviation in your quote
I won't use it anymore
@ Ali. And as long as we continue to converse in the Square, you will be continually quoted by me.
hehe yay!
I haven't seen anything he's in either. I can stand Pitt better than Tom Cruise, though.
haha! I don't know...I think they're equally evil .
Yep, just stick with Merlin. Much better, IMO.
ok then . I was told today that the HP soundtracks are good though. What do you think?
And a PM has been sent to you!
Was up late last night (Thursday) and went ahead and sent you the links.
yay thank you! I shall listen to them tonight .
I can't help it! It's in my blood... or something!!
Eh, I would give Pirates 1 a 3, but the fact that the EQ is so off just annoys me. Everything is "in your face".
Hmm, I'll need to give those two Zimmer scores a listen then.
. Pardon my ignorance, but what's EQ? Something to do with the audio quality I'm guessing...
*Wanders in in a back-to-school mood after 2 weeks..*
Hi everyone. I'm back, from the wonderful island off of Hong Kong where I spent every day at the beach with 2 extremely cute kids and had an overall great time.
How are you all doing? (she asks, not expecting any answers )
Oh dear, there are rather a lot of pages.. I don't suppose I shall read most of them. But here goes some attempt at catchup.
*returns to the former Town Square*
*locates her last post after around 5 minutes of searching * I'm sure there was an easier way to do that..
Hmmm, I haven't listened to an actual cd in probably years. I buy everything online. The only thing I miss is the little whatchamacallit insert thing with all the cool pictures of the artist, lyrics, etc. But, hey, small losses. And my older brothers have a huge collection of music, so I just steal theirs and sync it to my zune.
I used iTunes a lot, then started wanting the physical CDs again, and now I prefer the real ones. It makes me feel like I've actually bought something. And I love the insert things as well. *frowns at the fact that Sky Sailing didn't have one*
*waves back to Ruby* That's so cool about the TAN sheet music!
Nope, I don't mind being called Nut at all. In fact, Djaq calls me Nutty.
Wait, so do you live in Japan?
Well, it really isn't all that much... it only took up two weeks of my summer.
Oh good.
Yes, that would be a crucial point in understanding what I've been saying. I'm British, by nationality, and my parents have been working here for my whole life.
So did going to Hong Kong. Really, every year I have such a relaxed, nothing-to-do end of June and July, and then in August everything happens at once.
I'm pretty happy with this new trailer. I'm choosing not to worry about the Pevensies stuff yet, as it's just too weird to make any sense.
Yeah.. *agrees* And after coming back from holiday and finding those three clips.. I'm a very happy person.
Well, I don't recall if I completely caught it on my first listen through, but TheAlbumProject.net's review said it, and that's where it clicked as a not-just-me-imagining-things sound.
I just had deja vu and was convinced I had read this already.. then I remembered that I wasn't going crazy, and I had lurked on Narniaweb once after arriving at Hong Kong.
Okay, that was totally unrelated to what you said. Oops.
And, Veggie Tales are fun. Though, without any young enough siblings, it's not very easy to see them very often anymore.
Hey, yesterday night our teens group at church slept over at the church and we watched "Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed"
*mumbles that it wasn't planned or anything, they just happened to find the video*
yes I ordered it . I think I'm starting to like Owl City better again though . Adam Young is the best best best guy you can be a huge fan of though . Seriously, I love that dude . Get Ocean Eyes soon!
I'm sure I'll find your reaction later on in my skimming..
Ooh, and nice location.
Hehe, I love him too. I listened to OC loads in Hong Kong and I'm getting Ocean Eyes as soon as possible.. which is quite a bit later.
But still.
so you don't think you know me well ? Really, most of my good friends are on the internet.
lol.. I dunno. It's very different having friends online and in real life though, good and bad. Just out of curiosity, do you talk to some of them via phone, or is it always chat, forums, and so on?
I was gonna say... . I like the growls! Aslan is wild! Not completely tame and gentle! Lol, it's my second least favorite so you won't get anything thrown at you from me . I do love that part though...
Yeah, but the growls don't make him sound wild, they just make him sound angry all the time. *decides to drop it*
I like it when guys have high voices! They're seriously the best . Beiber's voice is pretty sweet. I just wish he sang in a band like Deas Vail or did something like Owl City. He has talent he just uses it in horrible ways .
I like high, but not extremely high. He sounds ok most of the times I've heard him, but I once watched some of his older videos on Youtube and that was too much for me.
Yeah.. well, maybe he will one day.
*says farewell to Town Square I*
*sees lots of colour on the first page* Aww, I've never had the privilege to do that.. on the other hand, it'd probably take forever, and I still have potential catchup. Just one then.
A bit pathetic, I know.
*waves to Lark* I haven't seen you in forever! You probably don't even know who I am.. But anyway. You have an awesome sig.
Hmm. AC, I am not a fan of Prince Caspian; I think it was a nice movie, but as for it following the book... well, I thought they did a brilliant job in slaughtering it.
Well.. maybe the reason I'm not so against it is that I didn't really rediscover my love for CoN until after PC came out. We'll see if I care more with VDT.
Wow, that outburst of tongues is quite epic, Ali If a little frightening at first.
"And now it's time for Silly Songs With Larry. The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings.......a silly song."
"Oh wheeeeere is my hairbrush? Oh wheeeeeere is my hairbrush? Oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh where oh wheeeeeeeeeeere- is my hairbrush?" *also loved/loves Veggietales*
We haven't met.. but I based on the above quote, I think we're going to get a long very nicely.
Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Pa Grape regains his composure and says: "I think I saw a hairbrush baaack theeeeere!" (sadly, that was slightly paraphrased. I used to be able to recite the entire song )
You guys are great. *humbly promises to quote no more veggietales in this post, no matter how many great songs may be hidden within the following pages*
*realizes that Ali finally mentions getting Sky Sailing but is annoyed at the lack of detail. * *head off to the music thread instead*
I hope you are completely recovered now? And how was your holiday? I hope it was lovely! I am very well myself, thank you! Somewhat tired- my family and I were out yesterday and got home very late (or, rather, early, as it was about midnight or shortly thereafter when we got home, and 1 am before I got to bed) so naturally I'm tired. But it was entirely worth it, staying out late and such.
Yes, thank you. I was perfectly fine the morning we left, excluding some remainder of a sore throat.
Yep, we had a really good time. It was a lot of fun.
Ugh, I can sympathize.. I probably only got 4 hours sleep last night. And I'm starting school tomorrow. But it was worth it in my case too, so all's good.
You're not missing a lot with not reading/seeing Harry Potter. If you're curious about the stories, just go to Wikipedia and read the overviews of them. Save a lot of time instead of reading the books.
*hides and pretends she didn't see this* How can you say that?
*decides this random skimming has gone on long enough and skips the last few pages*
Well.. this is probably the longest post I've ever made on Narniaweb.
Hope everyone is having a great mortereve, and it's nice to be back.
Avie by flambeau.
"I'm there through your heartache, I'm there in the storm.. I don’t care where you've fallen, where you have been, I'll never forsake you, my love never ends, it never ends."
-Times, Tenth Avenue North
Good mortereve, all! PR moves into the dorm today, school starts tomorrow, and I'm in the middle of a major room clean. Summer really is at an end.
*gazes down at Mel with what she hopes is a sympathetic expression* That was... quite the fall. "Are you, um, all right?"
And aw, you don't mean to say you don't like "Mel-y-poo"! Jo thought it up, yes? I think it's a brilliant name -- makes me laugh every time I see it. (Just don't start a Missy-y-poo or something awful like that. It's won't be brilliant like yours.)
*chuckles over the randomness of kids and the randomness of lifeguards like Ly*
As I am not a huge soda fan to begin with, I also prefer water during hot afternoons. And gatorade is nasty -- I will only drink it if I am about to pass out from the heat. It revives nicely.
*observes the hyperness of Ben, Liberty, and Glenstorm with great interest* It amuses me when you begin your posts with, "I am hyper!!!!!" or something similar, because I never imagine you any way else. (That is not an insult; it is simply something that makes me chuckle while reading your posts.
Haha! Yeah it would definitely be a good idea to have the ball to make a touchdown
Hee hee hee. Yes. I *NOW* know this from personal experience. I still have nightmares of my first try at football....
Cor: I don't think you really can overstep your bounds and actually make me upset in the process. (And thank you, Vern, for that nice help. You are such a thoughtful dragon.)
Earth tones? Yup. Me too. For clothes, at least, I like basically any dark color (ex: navy blue, forest green), white, brown, and practically any shade of gray. Basically... drab colors. But hey, in my defense, they go with anything!
Liberty: I watched those new VotD clips the other day. They are quite exciting! I'm thrilled with Eustace; I really think he'll pull off the part well.
Ahah, QS, 'tis true. I never thought of weathermen that way. Could be a handy job!
I have never had the privilege of meeting another Narniawebber though
Oh? You should go to one of the lion parties! I met a few NarniaWebbers during Prince Caspian, but that was before I joined the forum on my second account. Hopefully I'll meet a few more in December.
I like Chris Tomlin too, Anna, though not so much Jeremy Camp. And why would we be upset? Everyone has their unique tastes regarding music. There is no reason why we should be upset if someone else thinks differently.
You performed on Carnegie Hall?!?! *faints*
Yes, Glenstorm, I loved it as well. The ending was so cute! And the music.... *sighhh* I love soundtracks.
Good to see you back, AC! And my, what a wopper of a post.
Oh, and one last thing: happy birthday, Matette! I hope your day is fabulous.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Greetings, all! How goes it on this fine Sunday afternoon?
Well, I was looking through the old Town Square yesterday and it looks like one of the last times I posted was on page 96 (it was in the 90s, I know that)...
*waves back* How are you? Have we officially met?
I am doing very well, thank you . Haha, either you're joking or you suffer from long-term memory loss
. Let's see if I can scrounge up one of our old conversations...
I think that's the thing I'm going to have the most trouble getting used to.
Yes, it will be hard to get used to. Although, I didn't start using the WYSIWYG (that is the correct name for it, right?) Post Editor until a few weeks ago. It made it so easy! I'm going to miss it
There we are! On page 7 of the Town Square I.
*waves to Edmund P* I don't believe I've met you either.
No, we have not yet met, I'm afraid. *Extends his hand for greeting* Please, call me EP or Ed. And do you go by something shorter here in the Square?
Indeed. I don't post much besides in Ditto Town and the WC anymore (especially during the school year). Ah well, it's wonderful having you in the Square again! Ten months is a long time.
Btw, I like the maroon font.
For me, I used to only post in the Town Square and the WC, but now that we are a mere 110 days to the release, I've started posting in GMD more and following threads about the film. It's good to be back! I was looking through the old Town Square, glancing over my posts, and how I miss those old conversations here! Yes, it's far too long of a time. Thanks! I like it myself .
Yeah there should be!
I suppose that there are a fair number of historical films out there, but I'm not really interested in how many of them there are really, but rather the historical accuracy of the films.
*waves to Edmund P*
*waves back* How are you? I believe we are fellow Welcoming Committee members?
I am so hyper! I watched those VotDT clips a million times each and I am SO hyper now! December 10, where art thou?
DITTO! I'm so stoked
yeah I think I was around then...anyway, how are you?
I am doing great, thanks! How are you ?
*waves to Aslans Country* Hi! I don't believe we have met before.
Hopefully I'll meet a few more in December.
Are you going to the Lion Party in Ohio? I'd love to go, but it's a bit of drive for me .
So, I had been craving a frappuccino, all day yesterday and so I decided to go to Starbucks and fulfill my craving . I wanted something with expresso, cold, and delicious. My mom generally gets the white chocolate mocha coffee, which I really like, but I wanted something cold (not much on hot drinks). So...I got a white chocolate mocha frappuccino with a shot of expresso! Mmm, it was so good! I'm addicted now
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
lys, I Googled six ravens, and it came up with a tower of London story. I thought that's what you were referring to.
Well I don't remember what they are called but they are from the first season.
Ah. Well, it's possible that they are among the few I've seen since I haven't the slightest idea where the one's I've seen come from. The first few I saw were black and white and had Lucy getting a new shower, and buying a bunch of beans on the thought that they couldn't possibly be better than her mothers... and then they were.
I totally appreciated your comment (and now have images of the smiling cheshire cat from Alice in my mind, not an entirely comforting thought as I'm about to hit the hay!)
Well, unless you own a top hat like the Hatter, I suspect you're safe from all harm.
Many happy returns of the day to you!
I know people put pineapple on pizza (though I question why), but on chicken barbecue? Wow... that's a new combination!!
Well, we like the Hawaiian pizza so much that we have it almost every week, and we've been doing it for years, so Bossy Baby is growing up with the idea that it isn't pizza unless it has pineapple. Since it was homemade, I guess her whim was catered to.
Yeah, I have no idea why it's the St. Louis Bread Co. down there, and Panera Bread up here. Do you?
How are you all doing? (she asks, not expecting any answers
When you say things like that, you are usually deluged with a bunch of 'fine!' answers. For example, I myself am doing quite well. Yesterday I painted a wolf and I'm still rather pleased with how it came out. (Especially considering the fact that I didn't go looking for a reference picture until about halfway through! Silly me.)
"Are you, um, all right?"
"Um, I think so. Possibly."
No, I like Mel-y-poo. It makes me giggle. Wren (known to most folks as Lady Arwen) thought it up and she and Jo have adopted it as a favourite nick-name. I'm just not entirely sure that everyone needs to adopt it. 'Cause then it'll loose it's uniqueness, you know? But I think I'd be okay with most folks in the Square calling me that once in a while as a term of great affection.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
comes in singing "Shine" by Newsboys
Miss Rosario: yeah, well, I am always hyper, though GTG not so much in real life
*giggle* NARNIA!!!!!
Edmund P: yeah!!!!!! I can't wait! *insert joyful scream here*
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Mortereve, all!
I'm doing well; anticipating and dreading college tomorrow.
Happy Birthday to Matette!
Catching up. . .
*waves back to Ben and says she is not a NFL fan*
I hate it when people don't like Adam Young's music. It's perfect
I like folks to have various tastes—if they all liked my music, it'd be a very boring world. And, I do love Owl City and Sky Sailing, but Young's music does have its faults. (The autotuning, the chessiness of some of his OC songs. . . ) The pros outweigh the cons for me, put for others they don't. And that's okay.
All the Houses Look the Same is indeed pretty much awesome.
The Epic One did not wish you to cry, dear Lady; he merely wished to point out that the natural reaction to his dislike of a certain song would indeed be tears, for his opinion is so precious and valuable a thing that the loss of it must needs cause deep anguish. The Epic One is never intentionally rude, either, although his Epicness sometimes precludes him from having to follow social conventions. His is a high and lonely destiny.... (
Nice save. The Epic One might want to be careful about that destiny stuff though, it didn't work out to well for someone else who said that.
I start classes Monday too! But fool that I am, I am trying to accomplish things before then.
Tis a foolish thing to attempt indeed. *wonders how one can be a fool and The Epic One at the same time*
Ooh, Anna! You sang in Carnegie Hall? That's really cool! I don't know who John Rutter is, but I'm glad you got to meet him.
(Is it just me or does anyone else feel slightly mad when writing in third person like that?)
Yes, but we're all mad here.
*waves to Lady Liln* How are you? I really enjoy reading your posts, they're very colourful in every way.
I'm doing well. Bracing for the onslaught of college assignments again. Glad you enjoy my posts.
I keep all the cowering people locked up in my Dark Lair. You must have just missed the times when I let them out for air.
Oh. . . Right. . . Well, you're lucky they haven't escaped from the lair. That must be why we haven't heard of the lair.
And how do you know Anna is alive? She could be a vampire.
Ooh! Good point! *takes a few steps away from Anna*
~LL~, I really like the title "She Who is Spoiler Free of the Title Clips". It's so much more interesting than whatever I was before. Wayfaring Stranger of something, perhaps?
Well, I was just trying to think of something you could be spoiler free of and yet still be utterly spoiled. *wouldn't know what Mel's title was as LL only poked her head in there maybe twice during her lurkdom and it had gone into hiding by the time LL was a member*
(I'm very glad you didn't take the places, because then if I ever wanted to see them myself, I'd have to track you down to let me borrow them for a viewing).
Hey! That sounds like an evil plan! (But, at the same time, it sounds like a very excellent one.
You said it first!
Sounds like you and Valia had a lovely time. *loves all the pictures, especially the pretty bridge* Panera Bread?
QS, well, technically, we do still have a VHS player lying around, but it doesn't work, so I don't count it.
*waves to Aiden*
Dot, congrats on being through with your summer bio class! When do you start your fall semester? I hope you got at least a little break.
*had scarring childhood experiences with horrific petting zoo young goats that mobbed strollers in hopes of food* So, Lady C, that baby goat is cute, but kittens still win the cutest of all baby animals award.
I still like Veggie Tales, I just don't have any VT DVDs. So, no traitor here.
*comes in coughing and spluttering from the purple smoke-filled WC* Ack! The Asylum members have organized a mass breakout from their institution; hand grenades of purple smoke have been supplied, and I think some careless member let his/her go off---hence the purple haziness of the area right now. *collapses onto the nearest bench in a series of sneezes*
Shoosh! We don't want the Square Onions to think you came out of a purple smoke-filled restroom. ( ) Anyways, the BC might be using your removal from your post in the Fortress to attack the weak spot in our defenses! *runs back to the WC to help fortify the building*
*nabs a slice of ~LL~'s cake* Good heavens, that looks delicious! Virtual sweets are beyond wonderful; no matter how much I eat, I never gain a pound.
Lovely isn't it?
"HELLO! MY NAME IS INDIGO MON----Indigo? *ahem* HELLO! MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA. You killed my father. Prepare to DIE!!!"
Oops. Hope Chico isn't offended by being called Nameless Big Cat.
AND. I am officially done with this post. *sigh* It probably looks a lot shorter than the time it took to type up.
This is exactly the reason why I admire ~LL~'s super lengthy things.
Nah, that looks like a very time consuming post. Mine are only long cause I don't know when to stop babbling.
Mel, just curious, but how have you been able to be spoiler free and make costumes? Don't costumes require spoilers? (Or, maybe you haven't made Narnia costumes, I thought you had though).
*chuckles at Ly's story about the kid going down the water slide*
*always enjoyed the story of the Seven Swans and has enjoyed seeing Mel and Ly discuss the variations of it*
@ LL. *notices a small piece of chocolate cake and....* CAKE!!!!
*munch,munch* Ahh, that was quite good. Thanks, LL!
Glad your Highness enjoyed it.
*Oh dear, your don't want that. He would start having soundtrack discussions with himself and then we would never hear the end of it.
I don't know Vern, it sounds like it might be interesting. Though if he agreed with himself, I could see him getting Duffer-like.
*enjoys watching stardf's madrigal dancing*
Yeah.. *agrees*
And after coming back from holiday and finding those three clips.. I'm a very happy person.
Nice to see you about again. Mmmhmm, those clips are amazing.
I just had deja vu and was convinced I had read this already.. then I remembered that I wasn't going crazy, and I had lurked on Narniaweb once after arriving at Hong Kong.
Okay, that was totally unrelated to what you said.Oops.
It's okay. I've done the same thing.
Hey, yesterday night our teens group at church slept over at the church and we watched "Larry Boy and the Rumor Weed"
*mumbles that it wasn't planned or anything, they just happened to find the video*
I've seen teens be more enthralled with Veggie Tales then little kids. It's funny.
Rose, hehe, I did a major room cleaning, minor reorganizing yesterday. Great minds. . .
(Just don't start a Missy-y-poo or something awful like that. It's won't be brilliant like yours.)
Read my post carefully for your new nickname.
All righty, I do believe that's all for now.
I'll be trying to pop in here, but with college, I'm not sure how many more pretty catch-up posts you'll be getting.
Hope you all a lovely rest of the week. God bless!
Avatar and sig by hyaline12