*waves at PA and lys, though I doubt they're still around*
I am, sorta. I'm lurking about the forum. *waves back* It's always a pleasure to see you!
Yep, Kk's in college now... and a mod too! <--- the face I made when I realised that he'd been promoted without me knowin'.
Erm, Doc Who is an alien?! There’s my ‘Oh!’ moment of the day, or at least, one of them.
Yep, a Time Lord, to be precise. I don't know how I know so much about it... when my experience with the show is considerably limited, compared to lots of Narniawebbers, but there ya go!
I would love to see a school or performing arts group perform Les Mis, but alas anything small scale is always something like Brechtian theatre or some other strange technique that sounds clever in theory, but is no musicale! /complaining
The local high school did it in March... I had friends in it (might I add, that one of them was the lead... Jean Valjean? Yeah, I'm not proud or anything... /end sarcasm), so I went. I have a copy of it on dvd... if you want, I could either 1) get you a copy or 2) make you one, using mine.
(though, it's weird in a scene or two... it goofed up when they were making it. so, if you wanted one... I'd have to make sure to get you a fixed copy)
Have a good rest of the afternoon! (that's what arvo means, correct?) I hope we can catch up soon! It's been simply ages, and I've missed you!
Hello PA! Lovely to see you too.
Oh cool, I wish a local high school would perform it here! And, congrats on your friend getting a lead part -that's always chest-swelling stuff. My little sister was in a school concert last night (in which, ladies and gentlemen, we learnt about the Human Body, and which bone is connected to what other bone) and I was waving frantically when she came on stage -yes, I'm a bit of a dork, but being proud is all good.
And thank you for the offer of a copy, but alas it is never the same as seeing the thing live! Appreciate it, though. (But don't feel too bad for me, Mary Poppins! just arrived in town, and I'll be seeing it before Christmas I think!)
catch you around! I'm off to do things! (and I hope this post works, my internet is playing up..)
Love is the answer
At least for most of the questions
In my heart. Like why are we here?
And where do we go? And how come it's so hard?
~Jack Johnson
thanks to Lys for my avvy
I'm really excited about the VDT clips we got today. The trailers were filled with tons of nonsense, but these clips are fairly accurate to the book. I thought Will Poulter was fantastic as Eustace. Maybe a tad bit meaner than in the book, but still very much in line with how I had pictured him.
Lys isn't the only one who needs to watch the LotR movies again. Maybe I will when I make a dent in my stack of DVDs to watch.
@Lys: You've obviously never read any of my RP posts. Some of them are two and three times the length of that post. My characters tend to get into lengthy conversations and forget to shut up.
*dittos Lys' wish for Silmarillion music*
Thanks for that link, Ruby. I downloaded the song and liked it quite a bit. You really need to see the Eleventh Doctor in action. I wouldn't go so far to say that he's better than Tennant's Tenth Doctor, but he's still pretty fantastic.
Welcome Cymru! I hardly ever see you anymore off of FB. Meeting Emma Thompson would be pretty cool. I'd love for her to be in a Narnia movie, but sadly there's not exactly a lot of middle-aged female roles in the remaining movies. Perhaps Aunt Letty?
I'm definitely not a candidate for the Spoiler Free Monastery. I'm actually a more eager seeker of spoilers than I was for PC. I was rather apathetic about PC spoilers and rarely even read the news stories.
]I don't remember ever cowering in your presence.
*pities the Head of DPMC's apparent lack of cowering fans*
I keep all the cowering people locked up in my Dark Lair. You must have just missed the times when I let them out for air.
And how do you know Anna is alive? She could be a vampire.
Not a big fan of football, Ben. I got excited when my home state's team won the Super Bowl last season, but that's about it.
*agrees with GtG about the third PotC soundtrack being the best*
Not sure whether or not you would like Doctor Who, but it can't hurt to give it a try.
*has no novels in progress*
I used to have a ton of story ideas, but my creativity has been focused into RPing for so long the font of ideas has dried up. Looking back, I realize none of my ideas were that creative or original and most were dreadful. I suppose there's something to be said for not having wasted time on something that wasn't any good.
Will the Spoiler-Free Monastery be kicking off soon, pray tell?
The last word from the Most Reverend Father and Holy Mother is that they don't know. My guess is that it'll be sometime in November.
This is Adam Klein's page for his opera. I dunno. The few times I've tried listening to it, it never really captured my imagination. The music style seems too modern for an opera.
It was swans because swans are random, and fairy tale. Who would pick a swan to be the bad guy unless they're really a conflicted good guy with lots of angst to work through? (I thought there were seven brothers (and the littlest retained a swan wing because the jacket was not complete at the time of his retransformation)? Or are we not thinking of the same story?)
If you ever think of a graphics idea you'd like done, let me know and I'll try it!
Ooooh! Really? *eyes quote file* I do have a couple...
It was a very original pizza break. Apparently, it isn't pizza unless there is pineapple on it, so I had some leftover chicken barbecue pineapple pizza. It was pretty tasty, actually...
Your choir was directed by John Rutter? Way cool.
now we are going to watch "The Lucy Show"!
I've seen a few of those. That's fun to watch. Which one(s) did you see?
(Is it just me or does anyone else feel slightly mad when writing in third person like that?)
"Oh, yes. Quite mad." *shakes head* "But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are, you know."
That will probably fall very flat if you haven't seen the 2010 Alice in Wonderland.
I don't know if we're more musical here or not. I've been told that I live near one of the centers of the arts (after all, our orchestra was the only American orchestra invited to the BBC Proms! (or so I've heard...)) but I never really noticed.
~LL~, I really like the title "She Who is Spoiler Free of the Title Clips". It's so much more interesting than whatever I was before. Wayfaring Stranger of something, perhaps?
(I'm very glad you didn't take the places, because then if I ever wanted to see them myself, I'd have to track you down to let me borrow them for a viewing).
Hey! That sounds like an evil plan! (But, at the same time, it sounds like a very excellent one. )
Okay. This will get a little long, but I've tried to describe the stuff there isn't really pictures of. We had no camera, so these are only random shots I've found on Flicker...
Valia and I walked around Minneapolis. We started off by going in on the sane lane, and we made my dad (our wonderful chauffeur) miss his turn so we had an impromptu view of places we would not otherwise have seen.
Our first planned stop was the Stone Arch bridge. We crossed the Mississippi River, and on the far side there was a stairway going down to the waters edge. We then walked under the bridge on a concrete bar thingy. (You can see it in front of the darker stones) I really wanted my camera then; the water was making these lovely reflections on the underside of the arch...
Then we entered the Mill City Museum by way of the plank walkway and ruined courtyard. (Flour dust is highly explosive!)
We saw a movie about the history and ethnicity of Minneapolis and looked at museum exhibits and then rode the elevator/moving picture show up to the observation deck. Then we looked at cookbooks in the baking lab and read about some of the strange uses of food and cooking oil. (For instance, a collage football team greased themselves with PAM cooking spray. Unfortunately for them, while it made them hard to catch it also made it hard to hold on to the ball. )
The cookbooks made us hungry, so we walked back to Nicollet Mall and stopped at the Minneapolis Central Library to drop off the books I'd been carrying around all morning and get some new ones.
We also learned about the very interesting machines found in libraries. This one has an automated check-in machine that will give you a receipt for your books. I can see this being handy when disputing about whether or not you have actually returned a book, but I really hope they can't loose it after you stick it in the machine... Then we used the self-checkout and argued with it. "Please. Follow. The. Instructions. On. The. Screen." "I have! Like ten times already!" Most trouble I've ever had with one of those.
We ate at Panera Bread, and had their strawberry poppyseed chicken salad. MMmmmmmmmmmmm. Delicious! (We ate inside, in the air conditioning.)
We walked back to my dad's work and then we took the car down to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. We only had about forty-five minutes there before they closed. But we saw a handful of the Egyptian and African artifacts, and more of the Japanese and Chinese pieces. This is one of my favourite pieces, so I made sure we went and looked at it.
We couldn't follow the directions back exactly, so we ended up driving around the Basilica of St. Mary in an effort to get back to where we went wrong. One-way streets are a little hard to navigate.
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
PA: It's actually quite lovely, isn't it, when the characters decide to rage ahead with their story? It can be a bit scary as well, but it's better than the alternative. To answer your question, I'm not sure how long I've been "working" on my novel, but really I haven't been paying much attention to it since I churned out that prologue a while back. Short stories take up most of my writing time these days.
*hadn't heard the Rutter story before* Most impressive!
*waves at PA and lys, though I doubt they're still around*
Yeah, sorry, I drop out about midnight my time. But I'm back now! It's lovely to see you here.
(Aside to Jo: to whom do you not owe a PM? )
I was out shopping a while ago in the city and walking along the street was what must have been only a four year old girl singing ‘Baby’ very cutely
My six-year-old sister saw him singing ONCE on American Idol (almost wrote "American Girl," lol) and she occasionally will start singing the refrain to "Baby" as well. That's usually when I ask if she'd like to listen to some opera with me
One never gets over Persuasion. And a very good thing that they don't, either, for it is simply lovely.
Booky, I'd love for Emma to be Aunt Letty. Or the grown-up Polly in LB. That would be fabulous. If the movies had been made 10-15 years ago, btw, I think she'd have made a fabulous Queen Helen.
No ideas? That's always the least of my problems. And I always found that working on the Ditto Story helped in terms of creativity - but then, maybe strict RPs are different. I wish you would try your hand at short stories at the least. I'm sure you could manage a nice mix of comedy and drama, which is always something I enjoy reading.
Mel, opera really can be in a variety of styles, and from what I'm hearing of Klein's music, there are many "proper" recent operas that are a lot more modern in composition than his stuff. But I'm not a big fan of modern opera. Nor of what I've heard of Klein's stuff so far - seems an odd blend of "progressive" instrumental stuff, oratorio, and sub-par 1930s film scores. (Oh dear, that was quite a bit more negative than I meant it to be. Anyway, not as good as a Shore Silmarillion oratorio would be.)
Yes, we're thinking of the same story - "The Six Swans", I think. Or is it "The Seven Swans" and "The Six Ravens"? I can never remember.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."
Rides into Square on Sarge... I'm rather low imagination today
Well as some of you know I got promoted to Captain on my team, I’m so pumped up. Finds another football player and smashes helmets with him YEEHA!!! Um, so yeah our first game is this Sunday. I can’t wait!
Tonight I’m going to go to a sportsman’s dinner at my church, they will be serving awesome food and I am going to help serve, as long as I get to listen to the speaker while I’m serving I’ll be good, otherwise I’ll get mad.
Tomorrow I’ll be going to a skeet shoot with my church; we will be going out to a local hunting club and start tearing up some clay pigeons, I’ll be bringing my single trigger 20 Gauge over and under Condor, it’s a thing of beauty and you can take off two shots like nothing.
If you ain't first, you're last.
*waves back to Liberty* I'm doing well!
and I am suffering from a lack of real live NWebbers in the immediate vicinity
And how do you think I survive?
*waves to dotK* It's ok, I haven't seen Inception either. And I really want to.
and they played Skillet's "Hero" music video while we were there! Woot!
Awesome! We went bowling on Tuesday, the...17th. And they played "Flood" by Jars of Clay and "Gone" by Switchfoot while we were there. Along with a few other songs I don't know but I recognized from hearing them before or from the wedding we were at on Saturday.
Happy Friday the 13th to everyone!
And I completely missed it!!! Didn't even think about it. At all. How sad.
Yes, my main job is working in the kitchen at a local restaurant. I haven't quite gotten to cook yet (but I think that's a good thing!), although I'm the cook's assistant so I get to make salads, pizza, pies, butter tart squares, muffins, and I do a lot of other food preparation. It's fun.
Oh, how fun!! If I ever had a job, I think I'd choose one like that. For some reason that sort of thing has always appealed to me.
So this past week we had friends from Alabama over. That was pretty fun. We had a wedding of a mutual friend we went to, which was really enjoyable.
Anything new with you?
That sounds like a thunderstorm, QS. Five couples? Wow! I'm glad everything has been going well so far.
I've been all right. School starts in a week, so... I'm trying adjust my summer "schedule" to a more religious one.As in, getting more sleep mainly.
And yuck, has it ever been humid around here! My hair is indicating its disapproval very clearly.
Last week was SO hot here!! We got a cold front though, or at least a slight one, so now it's only in the 80's I think.
And make that 6 couples we know. My sister is now expecting again too!
Haha! Actually-- probably 7.
3 from church, 2 cousins, and 2 other friends.
Yep, 7.
Aw, how sad. I missed Bella's birthday.
Ah, well, Happy late Birthday!!!
*enters the Town Square while engaging in a great and terrible battle against the dark forces at work on his Pandora station who are busily trying to sneak Jeremy Camp and Chris Tomlin in amongst Lifehouse, Skillet, and Relient K*
I've been trying to banish Jeremy Camp since I created this station, but he just won't leave. Now Chris Tomlin is sneaking in.
Ugh, I know what you mean!!! Awful, isn't it?
QS! *waves* What have you been up to lately?
Hey! Well, had a family over to our house last week, for about a week. Went to a mutual friend's wedding, and that was really good.
Hopefully will get some reading and sewing done in the next few weeks.
*waves to Ruby*
QS, alas, all our VeggieTale movies have gone the way of the VHS player.
Hehe. We still have are VHS player actually.
Kind of handy once in a while yet.
Avatar by Wunderkind_Lucy!
*waves to Edmund P* I don't know if I was around when you were on here last, but hi!
It seems like I vaguely recall you being here when I was around. But only for a little while, because I stopped posting here sometime back in September/October.
So just got done watch The Young Victoria... A really good movie! I really really liked it!
I thought so too! I watched it twice. In my opinion, there are not enough historical films out there - and there really should be more.
Welcome back, Ed P! It's good to see you again!
Thank you! It's great to be back!
Do you know which Lion Party you're going to attend yet?
Do you know if there's going to be one in New York City?
Edmund P!!! Great to have you back in the Square! And I notice you like the maroon font too.
How was your sister's wedding?
And it's great to be back! Yes, I started using black several months ago, but I decided to change it up
. Oh, it was absolutely gorgeous! Wonderful ceremony, wonderful reception, everything was great! (Despite the fact that the heat index was over 110 F
Good to see you again, Edmund P!
Good to see you as well! It seems like the only time we run into each other is occasionally on the Welcoming Committee.
How have you been? I'm asking everyone that right now, because I really don't know and have been away waaaay too long.
I'm doing well, thanks! I think I might have the record for being away for too long. 10-11 months without posting a single thing !
Welcome back, Edmund P.!
Thank you, Bookwyrm! Oh, and I don't have the . on the end of my username anymore. I had to change that when we switched forums.
*Waves to NarniaNut95*
Well, that does it! I'm debating whether I should go to NYC in September or December. December, for the possible Premiere for VDT there. September, warmer and sooner. If not December for Narnia, then I will definitely be attending a Lion Party somewhere. Thoughts?
I met Georgie and Skandar AND saw the film in one evening.
Mortereve all!
EDIT: *BIG WAVE TO AIDEN* It feels like it's been forever since I talked to you!! How has your summer gone?
It does seem like forever! How've you been? My summer's gone fast! I didn't really do much, though... How about yours?
*waves back to lys* How's life going?
Aiden, high school is fun? How shocking!
Are you taking any especially fun classes this year?
It is shocking! Well, I'm taking Spanish 3 this year, which I love! Everything else is kinda average.
So who is like crazy over the NFL?
Oooh! *jumps up and down and raises hand* I'm a crazy football fan!
you remind me of my grandmother. She refuses to watch a movie unless she is told how the whole thing goes
. I hate knowing ahead of time, but suprisingly I can never keep away from Narnia spoilers
. Probably b/c they never really spoil too much.
I cried even though I knew that
Spoilershe didn't die. Um, there's just some sexual references. They aren't too obvious but they are more frequent than in the first season.
I was extremely excited! I actually hurt my knee b/c I jumped so much- limped for a few days
. But they were still bad. The new clips too. They make me screech with expectation and delight and then cry b/c of the horrible adaption. I really hope the movie is good.
Haha, well, I wouldn't refuse to watch a movie if I didn't know the ending. In fact, for just any old movie, I prefer not to know how it ends. But for stuff like Robin Hood or Narnia, that I really enjoy, I like knowing a bunch of spoilers.
Yeah, I don't blame you for crying. Even though I knew how it turned out, it was a very sad scene.
Hmm, interesting.
Lol, well, that's more like it! You wouldn't be human if the trailers didn't make you excited. But I understand having mixed emotions about them. Keep your hopes up!
Maybe [Eustace was] a tad bit meaner than in the book
It'll just make his turnaround that much more drastic!
*Waves to NarniaNut95*
*waves back* How are you? Have we officially met?
Have a great mortereve, all!
AvSig by Beautiful_ltdwn
Team Hoodie!
Eschew sesquipedalianism.
NarniaWeb brother of Sonny
Once a SquareOnion, always a SquareOnion.
comes in singing "Dead Inside" by Skillet
Ruby: thanks! I actually didn't make it.....
how are you doing?
Lysander: thanks
I was on facebook yesterday and I suddenly get this link from Aslan's Country and it says that there's clips and I screamed so loud that my mom came running!
I must dash!
NW sister - wild rose ~ NW big sis - ramagut
Born in the water
Take quick to the trees
I want all that You are
Good Mortereve everyone!
The final for my summer class was yesterday. I'm soooo glad it's over. It was really hard, but now I never have to take science ever again (yay!). In other news, I bought my textbooks for the fall semester today. I already started skimming my photography book and I love it. As for my health, I am slowly but surely getting better. I'm not 100% yet, but I'm getting there.
Aww, thanks for the hugs and get-well wishes Miss Rosario. I am getting better.
Are you done with that class now? Or is this your finals week?
Well, when you asked that question I wasn't done, but I am now!
*waves to Benjamin and Bookwyrm*
Colm is a good actor, probably better than Randal, but his voice is so grainy and quivery, and wobbly, and he squeaks at the end of high notes, and makes this weird "falling" noise at the end of phrases ("hear my prayerrrrruuhhhh"). It just strikes me as very bad vocal technique.
Yes, the squeaks are rather odd, but a lot of singers make that "falling" sort of sound. Although I think it's more common in sopranos than tenors.
*waves to Princess Anna, NarniaNut, and Cymru and waits to hear if Nanny McPhee Returns is any good*
daughter of the king: well,I have been listening to lots of audiobooks while knitting a lot and reading! what have you been up to?
I haven't done any knitting in ages! What are you working on? I haven't been up too much, just school, although that's over now. I've just been goofing on since I took the final.
There is nothing like seeing Les Miserables in a live performance.
Ditto! The community theater here performed it last spring. I went twice. I haven't seen the stage version. Did it follow the book more closely than the musical?
*waves to RubyGamgee and waves back to GTG*
*waves to StudyMate* Have we met? I'm not sure if we have or not.
"Oh, yes. Quite mad." *shakes head* "But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are, you know."
I really need to see that movie.
*waves to narnianerd and waves back to Queen Susan*
*pauses to help put groceries away* Ooh, we're having lasagna tomorrow. Yummy!
*waves to Edmund P* I don't believe I've met you either.
Well, that appears to be it. Farewell!
*trots into square and stares at all the pages it's been since she posted*
Page 4 y'all! Page 4!! That was the last page I posted on!! And I was doing so good on keeping up...
What's that? Do I have an excuse? Why, yes I do. I've been rather ill with horridly stuffy sinuses, headache, and now two rather raw cold sores. But I'm better now, better enough to write.
I just published my first fan fic! I've told hundreds (and I don't think that's an exaggeration!), but never wrote one down. However, it's LOTR. lol
Poor Pippin the Italian Greyhound hurt his little leg. It's all swollen at the end of the metal plate on his right foreleg, and he limps around the house on three legs at times.
My poor baby. We've been giving him homeopathic remedies, and it seems to help temporarily, but Mom's trying to find a different remedy to see if it works better.
And soo....
The AC song cracked me up, Lady Courage!
lol Good! See, that's why I go ahead and type the random stupidity that pops into my head: You never know when it will actually make someone laugh.
*dittoes Lady C's dislike of IE*
EVUL browser program.
lol Ditto back at 'cha!
So do you think criminal justice fits me because you think I have criminal tendencies?
Um, no, not exactly. But, it just sounds like something you would be interested in. I'm not sure why, but I actually do have a feel for people and their characters. No joke.
Goats love everything! lol!
Actually, you'd be surprised at what they don't like...
*enjoys Lady Courage's Ode to the Air Conditioner*
lol Thank you!
Shocked and slightly embarrassed at the sight of Larry in a towel, Pa Grape regains his composure and says: "I think I saw a hairbrush baaack theeeeere!" (sadly, that was slightly paraphrased. I used to be able to recite the entire song
You win. I can't remember enough of it to reply.
I remember snatches of Junior singing, "Why do you need a hairbrush you don't have any hair!" and Larry's "Oh where no hair oh where no hair oh where oh where no hair no hair oh wheeeeeeere! is my hairbrush?" But that's all.
Not much but I did finally finish that green scarf right before I came up to Colorado, and now I'm working on a black one.
You knit!? Woah, brave young man!
I salute you for your courage!
exactly! Do you like goat's milk?
Yes I do! We used to have dairy goats and I milked them every morning and every night, unless I was sick.
We had mostly Nigerians and Mini-Manchas, both of those breeds being very little. The kids were so tiny at birth! And we all decided that goat kids are cuter then puppies. I know, sounds like treason.
But puppies take a couple weeks to do anything more than crawl slowly around and suck milk. Kids, on the other hand, are leaping around and bouncing by day 2, and already have pronounced personalities.
Here's a video of a Nigerian Dwarf kid-
Ours looked just like that! Now who wonders why I miss them?
I've got IE
*shriekgasp* What!?!?
Trust me, I hate it too but it's not my comptuer so I can't download any web browser I want on it
. Maybe my dad will let me get FF though...
Oh... OK, you're forgiven.
I actually have that book! I haven't read it yet, but I plan on trying to read it sometime
You should! It's good! Not the best I've read, but good enough to make it worth your time.
I need a Buffy Staked Edward t-shirt. I'd love to wear it to classes and annoy all the girls reading Twilight before class starts.
Less than 100 posts to 13000!
*chants* Go, Booky, go!
*enjoys Lady Courage's Ode to the Air Conditioner*
As did I. Our AC certainly has been earning its keep this week.
lol Don't encourage me. You really, really don't want to hear anything worse than that...
Unless you're like my siblings...
Happy Friday the 13th to everyone!
I had a pleasant chilling laugh out of that. I thought of Tom Sawyer and how totally freaked out he'd be.
Rides into Square before running strait into a low hanging branch of a certain Chocolate Tree, now everyone knows that going twenty miles an hour on a horse then smashing into a tree limb would at least qualify for some blood. Of course our favorite hero did it without a scratch. So I can do it as well
I suppose that means I can do that too?
wow! today was awesome! we were eating hot dogs outside with some of the people in my church. my dad had a hot dog and a bee landed on it. he didn't notice and took a bite. he ate the bee and the bee stung the inside of his mouth!
that was weird..... UNDERSTATEMENT!
*cringe* Ouch...
I like the Ode to the Air Conditioner! Hehe.
So true, so true.
lol Thank 'ee!
Mmhmm, though I prefer to think of it as a bage of honor. It shows I have posted a ton on NW and that I'm a loyal NWebber.
Or that I really need to get a Life....
... I think there's a lot of people around here that need to get a life.
It's so annoying going to concerts where you only like one of the artists. Especially when you're not sure exactly what time the one you like is going to play, so you have to sit in misery for hours.
Not fun.
*sigh* Quite true...
*enters the Town Square while engaging in a great and terrible battle against the dark forces at work on his Pandora station who are busily trying to sneak Jeremy Camp and Chris Tomlin in amongst Lifehouse, Skillet, and Relient K*
I've been trying to banish Jeremy Camp since I created this station, but he just won't leave. Now Chris Tomlin is sneaking in.
They're like musical Terminators or something. Or Borg drones. Maybe that's why their songs keep popping up, they infect nearby songs in the queue and convert them into their likeness.
*is rather proud of himself for remembering how to spell queue*
One thing though- Jeremy Camp I understand (who is not sick of his music now?), but Chris Tomlin? Really Booky...
Besides, PR would probably hurt me severely if I made her sister cry.
Curing stomachaches is only one aspect of my awesomeness.![]()
But, for those of you who haven't already seen her pictures, that's our little kitty.
AWWWWW!!!!! What a cutie!
oh I have such a bad headache! I kinda suffer from constant headaches but I'm used to them so it doesn't really hurt much anymore but my 3 year old sister came up to me and said "You rock, dude!" and banged her head against mine. Yeah she got that from Finding Nemo. I'm going to burn that movie!
I have a nice egg now
I'm sorry, but that made me LOL big time! Poor Ali... *hugs*
King Tutenkahmen's mummy was there on display and it's his final tour before going back to Egypt forever!
What!? NOOOOOOO!!!! Not fair not fair not fair!!! Well, I guess now I have to go to Egypt.
Maca milk?
I don't think I've ever heard of this--and it's making me think of alpaca. Which is probably not what you want to think of when it comes to milk.
I actually have no idea what alpaca milk tastes like... Now I'm curious.
But maca is actually a root that was used by the Incas for it's hormone balancing and energizing properties. It has a flavor very much like malt, and since I can't have real malt anymore, I really, really like it. It's a powder and I stir it into my milk and add chocolate, sugar, a touch of vanilla and a teeny pinch of salt. Ummmmm um! It's totally delish!
I would absolutely love to make a version, except that I don't know if I could design a bodice to match the gorgeousness of the skirt. And I don't think either me or my sewing machine could handle all those gathers.
But that's a great idea to make it an iPod wallpaper!
*must think of something similar*
Ooooh! I wish you could so I could see it. And thank you!
*pretends she did NOT just see the words "banish", "Jeremy Camp", and "Chris Tomlin" in one sentence*
*enjoys Lady Courage's Air Conditioner song*
lol This is seriously tickling my funny bone...
*nearly chokes over "Mel-y-poo"*
*chuckles at Vern's computer usage comment*
Doctor Who is about an incredibly old alien who time-travels in a machine called a TARDIS that is stuck looking like a police box on the outside. He's almost always accompanied on his adventures by a human or two.
O.o Sounds... Interesting... lol
Hello again, all! Our internet was fixed tonight, so I'm taking advantage of this novelty and am (gasp!) posting twice in the Square in one afternoon.
Yay!! It's amazing how awful it is without internet, isn't it?
One day, aliens are going to come to earth in disguise to learn how to conquer it. The data they send back to their superiors will prompt them to take away the world's internet and TV.
Then they will send broadcasts over and over on the TV and the internet (allowing nothing else to come through) telling earth that if they want their internet and TV back, they must surrender all freedoms and be willing to work as unconditional slaves to the aliens. And all of earth will weep, "We'll do anything, anything! Just give us our internet and TV back!"
No, I'm not trying to send you a message Missy. I'm sure you wouldn't be a part of that crowd.
I was just speculating...
alas, all our VeggieTale movies have gone the way of the VHS player.
*gasp* Traitor...
That's the problem with getting to know people, they stop cowering in your presence.
I don't remember ever cowering in your presence.
*pities the Head of DPMC's apparent lack of cowering fans*
I keep all the cowering people locked up in my Dark Lair. You must have just missed the times when I let them out for air.
We ate at Panera Bread...
*squeal* Lucky lucky ducky...
Well as some of you know I got promoted to Captain on my team, I’m so pumped up.
Well, as you know, I did. But, I send you conga-rats again!!
Holy moly... I think that's all... *sigh* Well, I'll be off now. lol G'bye everyone!
*takes mint-filled truffle from tree and savors it while looking over her post one more time, then hits "submit" and walks away*
EDIT: *comes running back and tosses this in her post*
I almost forgot! In honor of this whole Justin Beiber conversation, I hereby present his most vicious hater.
Sig by me | Av by Ithilwen
There is no such thing as a Painless Lesson
*comes in coughing and spluttering from the purple smoke-filled WC* Ack! The Asylum members have organized a mass breakout from their institution; hand grenades of purple smoke have been supplied, and I think some careless member let his/her go off---hence the purple haziness of the area right now. *collapses onto the nearest bench in a series of sneezes*
Cor? I believe it is time you and your dragon go sort things out in there. For some reason I don't think Vern would mind the confusion.
Anyhow, aside from the purple smoke, I'm doing quite well! A carnival (or, I suppose it's more like a fair) has been in town all week, and I decided to go for a couple hours this afternoon. It was hot. Very, very hot. I had fun, though, and actually didn't burn. For the first time in my life I think I am tan. (Yes, this is big news. You should all fall over in shock, because Miss Rosario never ever tans.)
All right, onto catch-up. I figured I best do it now before school takes over my life.
*nabs a slice of ~LL~'s cake* Good heavens, that looks delicious! Virtual sweets are beyond wonderful; no matter how much I eat, I never gain a pound.
"HELLO! MY NAME IS INDIGO MON----Indigo? *ahem* HELLO! MY NAME IS INIGO MONTOYA. You killed my father. Prepare to DIE!!!"
"Nameless Big Cat?" Tehe. Yes, he's a mellow guy; he watches over Sofie and loves the company!
Oh. And his name is Chico.
I'm glad you're not dead, Anna. That's always a nice thing to know.
I am so ready for fall, Ruby! I am always ready for fall, actually. The crisp, invigorating feel of the breeze, the cries of the geese, the crunch of leaves underfoot.... *happy sigh* Everything is so refreshing that time of year.
As for Tenth Avenue North, I've only heard By Your Side. So, I can't really say whether or not I love the band, but I do love that one song. Beautiful lyrics.
Eek. It sounds like life guarding can be quite grueling, Ly. I always used to think the guys just sat there, bored, all day long drinking soda in the sun. I never have seen them do any amazing rescues, after all.
Ooh! More VotD clips. Thanks Liberty! I will have to watch them as soon as I can get on campus. Heh, Mel, I am not a spoiler-free person in any way, shape, or form. I always pitied those who watched Prince Caspian without a hint of what was to come.
I am definitely with you, Glenstorm, as a fan of Josh Groban. His voice is incredible. And many of your favorite songs are mine!
we watched it that same night! For the second time though- it's awesome .
Yes the music is lovely, but the third movie soundtrack is better.
Hehe, yes. Ben told me that over facebook.
Oh? I've heard the sequels weren't that great. (Not referring to the music---just the rest of it.) In my sister's words, "The first was awesome. The second was okay. The third was horrible. And the fourth one will probably be just as horrible." Hee. What did you think? Have you seen them all? If so, which did you like best?
I love soundtracks. Pirates of the Caribbean, Harry Potter, LotR, Braveheart, Ever After, and... Idk. I like all of those. I like a lot more, too, but I can't remember any of them right now. (Don't you hate it when your mind goes blank? heh)
Oh, I like Eric & Leslie Ludy's books. They have some wonderful insight.
Phew! Matette has returned. You should appreciate that wave. It was very energy-consuming.
QS: 80's is still hot for me. It was nice and cool earlier this week, and then skyrocketed into the mid-nineties. Oh, the joys of weather. It's funny to listen to the weather man predicting "low 80's with a 50% chance of rain", and then having the thermometer approach the 90's around 11 o'clock, pass it by twelve, and climb steadily upwards all afternoon. Plus, there's the fact that there are no rain clouds in sight.
Six? Seven? Whew! I can't think of one couple I know who is currently expecting. The two I knew of already had their babies.
Good to see you as well! It seems like the only time we run into each other is occasionally on the Welcoming Committee.
Indeed. I don't post much besides in Ditto Town and the WC anymore (especially during the school year). Ah well, it's wonderful having you in the Square again! Ten months is a long time.
Btw, I like the maroon font.
*avoids the football discussions entirely* (Namely between Ben and Nick) That sport is absolutely impossible for me. *shudder* I have insanely small hands, meaning I can't even hold the ball--much less catch or throw. P.E. football is always a definite source of humiliation for me.
Of course I can run, but running for a touch-down without the football isn't usually the best choice.
Hurray for finishing your final, DotK! But aw, so close to school starting up again? Eek. You didn't get much of an actual summer, did you?
It's a bit sad, Lady Courage, how much we depend on our internet, and how much our life gets thrown off track without it. No wonder why the typical American is obese---staring at a computer screen for hours while eating nasty junk food is not terribly impressive. It's actually kind of disgusting.
Hehe (!) about the aliens.
AND. I am officially done with this post. *sigh* It probably looks a lot shorter than the time it took to type up. This is exactly the reason why I admire ~LL~'s super lengthy things.
Icon by fireworks123
NW little sister to Windsong
NW twin to Rosie
"I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead, I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet." -Nadia Comaneci
Anyway, not as good as a Shore Silmarillion oratorio would be.
Nice to know we agree. I thought perhaps I was showing my lack of class and taste.
I think the most 'modern' modern classical composer I like is Phillip Glass, and I can only take him in small doses. *ponders this for a moment* Unless what's his name, the fellow with the pseudonym P. D. Q. Bach, counts? *isn't sure*
I'm pretty sure it's Seven Swans. Though I don't put it outside the realm of possibility for there to be an incarnation with six or five. *turns to her trusty detective partner, Google* Hmmm. Google says they're the same story, and six is the number in Grimm's Fairy Tale 49 and also in The Yellow Fairy Book. I must not have read it there first, then...And it is six ravens, according to Google.
And how do you think I survive?
The same way I am surviving now? Sitting in the Square typing at y'all? Alternate answer: Very carefully.
I haven't seen the stage version. Did it follow the book more closely than the musical?
So-so. There were bits that seemed more like the book. Still, a lot was cut for the sake of brevity and I admit to listening my 'Highlights of' soundtrack more often than I read the book. I think I listen to the Focus on the Family production of it more often than I read the book, so I can be a little fuzzy on details.
Also, yes, you should see the new Alice in Wonderland. 'Tis hilariously funny, and one should watch it with friends.
*clicks on Lady Courage's story link* I am saddened by the fact that it says 'story not found'. However, I found your profile, and I see we share similar tastes. *is very fond of King Edmund's Crusade and Erestor's work in general* Perhaps we should chat about this sometime?
*nearly chokes over "Mel-y-poo"*
Oh, not you too.
Heh, Mel, I am not a spoiler-free person in any way, shape, or form.
*gasps* Help.... I think I'm being corrupted... I resisted for two movies... ahhhhh....
*rocks fall*
I see... I see... how far.... I have fallen...
*there is a VERY LONG SILENCE*
*This silence is eventually punctuated by a splooshy THUD* {Narrator voiceover} And has one of the Spoiler Free fallen into the SEA OF SPOILERS? It is too dark to tell. A pity.
(That was too much fun to resist. Pardon me while I cackle for awhile over the fact that it is a SEA of spoilers.
Funnily enough, I'm listening to the Ever After soundtrack right now.
*eyes the end of her post* That seems... most abrupt. Let me see.
"This is THE END! I am going now! GOODBYE."
We have hands that fashion and heads that know,
But our hearts we lost - how long ago! -- G. K. Chesterton
*comes in singing one of the vocal selections from the "As You Like It" soundtrack*
After lifeguarding for three summers (the summer season is officially over as of today - and we go into a sort of limbo until Labor Day), I have to say that kids are the most random creatures on the planet. One little boy ran up to me today while I was running the slide and exclaimed, "I play Mario Karts!" Since I didn't think it was a good time for me to stick up for the Nintendo 64 version and insist that it was the only real Mario Karts, I gestured to the slide and said, "You may go." And he did so, yelling as he went, "Leetttt's-uhhhh goooh!"
I admit it: that totally made my day.
Not that it wasn't boring in places too. I've noticed that I do odd things when I'm bored. And I mean really odd. Like singing show tunes into the "big" end of my megaphone in a Cockney accent. Yes. Yes indeed.
Now let's see what you folks have left me to comment on....
*agrees that The Young Victoria was a very good movie* I drove almost an hour to see it in a theater, and it was well worth it.
Yes, the squeaks are rather odd, but a lot of singers make that "falling" sort of sound. Although I think it's more common in sopranos than tenors.
Really? I'll have to pay more attention to that. Anyway, my point was that he is a very mannered singer. Most listeners seem to accept the mannerisms as part of the total package, almost an extension of his personality, but they annoy me to death. IMHO, there are many better singers out there, and many superior Valjeans, too.
I always used to think the guys just sat there, bored, all day long drinking soda in the sun.
It boggles my mind why anyone who is sitting out all day in the sun would drink soda, but some of my coworkers do too. Don't they realize all that caffeine and sugar is undoing the wonderful work the water they imbibed was doing? I stick to water while working. Sometimes a little Gatorade. If I want a soda, I wain tuntil the evening.
Really, Mel? Are you sure? I was certain the swans and the ravens were from different stories, or at least that the numbers of birds were different in each case. Haha! I was right! According to the entry on SurLaLune, the ravens are a variant but there are seven of them.
EDIT: And apparently the two stories/variants are different enough that the Grimms included both of them in their collection of fairytales. And Hans Christian Anderson wrote his own version too, "The Wild Swans." No wonder I always get all this stuff confused.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it."